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Epifluorescence microscopy is now being widely used to characterize planktonic procaryote populations. The tedium and subjectivity of visual enumeration and sizing have been largely alleviated by our use of an image analysis system consisting of a modified Artek 810 image analyzer and an Olympus BHT-F epifluorescence microscope. This system digitizes the video image of autofluorescing or fluorochrome-stained cells in a microscope field. The digitized image can then be stored, edited, and analyzed for total count or individual cell size and shape parameters. Results can be printed as raw data, statistical summaries, or histograms. By using a stain concentration of 5 micrograms of 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole per ml of sample and the optimal sensitivity level and mode, counts by image analysis of natural bacterial populations from a variety of habitats were found to be statistically equal to standard visual counts. Although the time required to prepare slides, focus, and change fields is the same for visual and image analysis methods, the time and effort required for counting is eliminated since image analysis is instantaneous. The system has been satisfactorily tested at sea. Histograms of cell silhouette areas indicate that rapid and accurate estimates of bacterial biovolume and biomass will be possible with this system.  相似文献   

Epifluorescence microscopy is now being widely used to characterize planktonic procaryote populations. The tedium and subjectivity of visual enumeration and sizing have been largely alleviated by our use of an image analysis system consisting of a modified Artek 810 image analyzer and an Olympus BHT-F epifluorescence microscope. This system digitizes the video image of autofluorescing or fluorochrome-stained cells in a microscope field. The digitized image can then be stored, edited, and analyzed for total count or individual cell size and shape parameters. Results can be printed as raw data, statistical summaries, or histograms. By using a stain concentration of 5 micrograms of 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole per ml of sample and the optimal sensitivity level and mode, counts by image analysis of natural bacterial populations from a variety of habitats were found to be statistically equal to standard visual counts. Although the time required to prepare slides, focus, and change fields is the same for visual and image analysis methods, the time and effort required for counting is eliminated since image analysis is instantaneous. The system has been satisfactorily tested at sea. Histograms of cell silhouette areas indicate that rapid and accurate estimates of bacterial biovolume and biomass will be possible with this system.  相似文献   

We present a new procedure for effectively detaching particle-associated bacteria by 10% (v/v) methanol and sonication which is particularly suitable for samples with a high particle load and sediments. We also optimized the sample preparation by applying the highly dsDNA-specific fluorescent stain SybrGreen I together with an optically brilliant mounting medium (polyvinylalcohol 4-88, 'moviol') in one step. The new protocol allows a much faster, easy and less toxic handling of samples as compared to other methods. Cells are stained directly on a black Nuclepore filter and show an intensive fluorescence signal with low background. The detachment procedure was optimized with respect to the temperature of the 10% methanol solution (35 degrees C), ultrasonication and centrifugation. The application of the new method in comparison with detachment procedures with pyrophosphate and Tween-80 with various types of marine samples including sediments always yielded higher numbers and/or higher fractions of particle-associated cells. Staining and mounting the samples with the moviol-SybrGreen I solution allowed an accurate and highly reproduceable enumeration of bacteria also in samples with high concentrations of SPM. Fixation of bacteria by glutardialdehyde resulted in a brighter fluorescence as compared to fixation by formalin. Because of the high specificity to dsDNA and bright fluorescence of SybrGreen I, the fast and easy handling and the possibility to store stained samples for at least several months at -20 degrees C without any loss in fluorescence intensity, the newly developed method is also an attractive alternative to DAPI staining of aquatic bacteria.  相似文献   

A rapid (less than 6 h) method for selectively enumerating coliforms, pseudomonads, and staphylococci has been developed which involves counting microcolonies grown on the surface of polycarbonate membranes under selective conditions. The method was not directly applicable to foods containing injured bacteria due to the poor formation of or an inability to form microcolonies under selective conditions. However, the introduction of a 3- to 5-h resuscitation step in tryptone soya broth allowed the method to give reliable estimates of these organisms in a variety of frozen and heat-processed foods. Under nonselective conditions, i.e., for total counts, the microcolony method enabled a rapid count to be made of viable bacteria in heat-treated foods, but these results were also made more consistent by the introduction of a resuscitation step. This method makes results from these foods available far faster than conventional enumeration methods.  相似文献   

A rapid (less than 6 h) method for selectively enumerating coliforms, pseudomonads, and staphylococci has been developed which involves counting microcolonies grown on the surface of polycarbonate membranes under selective conditions. The method was not directly applicable to foods containing injured bacteria due to the poor formation of or an inability to form microcolonies under selective conditions. However, the introduction of a 3- to 5-h resuscitation step in tryptone soya broth allowed the method to give reliable estimates of these organisms in a variety of frozen and heat-processed foods. Under nonselective conditions, i.e., for total counts, the microcolony method enabled a rapid count to be made of viable bacteria in heat-treated foods, but these results were also made more consistent by the introduction of a resuscitation step. This method makes results from these foods available far faster than conventional enumeration methods.  相似文献   

P Monfort  B Baleux 《Cytometry》1992,13(2):188-192
Flow cytometry was used to count bacterial cells from diverse origins: one strain of E. coli, one sample of lake water, and 18 samples of estuary water. To verify the accuracy and the precision of this technique, total bacteria counts made by flow cytometry were compared with counts by direct observation using epifluorescence microscopy. The results of this study showed that flow cytometry was a reliable technique for counting a mixture of bacteria in samples from aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

目的建立SYBR Green I荧光染料实时定量RT-PCR方法,测定猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)RNA拷贝数。方法巢式RT-PCR扩增SIV病毒RNAgag基因上1360-1837之间的长度为477 bp的片段,将该片段克隆到pGEMT载体上,构建pGEM-SIVgag477质粒。该质粒经限制性内切酶NotⅠ酶切后,进行体外转录,转录出的RNA产物(RS)纯化后10倍系列稀释,作出标准曲线,作为SIV病毒RNA荧光定量检测的外标准品。结果应用Qiagen公司QuantiTect SYBR GREEN RT-PCR Kit,该标准品可精确定量到100 copies/μL。结论制备的RS外标准品纯度高,SYBR Green I荧光染料实时定量RT-PCR法特异性、敏感性高,稳定性好,可用于定量测定猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)RNA拷贝数。  相似文献   

Two fluorescent dyes, TO-PRO-1 iodide and 5-CFDA-AM, were evaluated for LIVE/DEAD assessment of unicellular marine algae Brachiomonas submarina and Tetraselmis suecica. Epifluorescence microscopy was used to estimate cell viability in predetermined mixtures of viable and non-viable algal cells and validated using microplate growth assay as reference measurements. On average, 5-CFDA-AM underestimated live cell abundance by ~25% compared with viability estimated by the growth assay, whereas TO-PRO-1 iodide provided accurate viability estimates. Furthermore, viability estimates based on staining with TO-PRO-1 iodide were not affected by a storage period of up to one month in -80°C, making the assay a good candidate for routine assessment of phytoplankton populations in field and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Barmah Forest virus (BFV) is a mosquito borne (+) ssRNA alphavirus found only in Australia. It causes rash, myalgia and arthralgia in humans and is usually diagnosed serologically. We developed a real-time PCR assay to detect BFV in an effort to improve diagnosis early in the course of infection. The limit of detection was 16 genome equivalents with a specificity of 100%. Fifty five serum samples from BFV-infected patients were tested by the PCR. 52 of 53 antibody-positive samples were PCR negative. Two culture-positive (neutralizing antibody negative) samples were positive on first round PCR, while one sample (IgM and neutralizing antibody strongly positive, IgG negative) was positive on second round PCR, suggesting that viral RNA is detectable and transiently present in early infection. PCR can provide results faster than culture, is capable of high throughput and by sequencing the PCR product strain variants can be characterized.  相似文献   

DNA quantification of soils and sediments is useful for the investigation of microbial communities and for the acquisition of their genomes that are exploited for the production of natural products. However, in such samples DNA quantification is impaired by humic acids (HA). Due to its lack of specificity and sensitivity, UV spectrophotometry cannot be applied. Consequently, fluorimetric assays applying Hoechst (H) 33258 or PicoGreen (PG) are used. Here, we investigated the SYBR Green I (SG) assay, which was also affected by HA, but was found to be 25- and 1.7-fold more sensitive compared to the H 33258 and PG assays, respectively. Spectrophotometric, fluorimetric and quenching studies as well as gel mobility shift assays suggested that the effect of HA on the SG assay was based on an inner filter effect, collisional quenching and binding of SG to HA. As to the latter finding, the standard 6250-fold dilution of the SG reagent was optimised to a 2000-fold dilution. Although the sensitivity of the optimised SG assay was reduced by a factor of 1.3, the interfering effect of HA could be reduced up to 22-fold. A significant reduction of HA interferences by lowering the pH of the assay was not observed. Finally, the performance of the modified SG assay and the corresponding evaluation methods were verified by the determination of DNA recoveries and concentrations of standards and environmental samples in comparison to the PG assay.  相似文献   

The utility of single molecule fluorescence (SMF) for understanding biological reactions has been amply demonstrated by a diverse series of studies over the last decade. In large part, the molecules of interest have been limited to those within a small focal volume or near a surface to achieve the high sensitivity required for detecting the inherently weak signals arising from individual molecules. Consequently, the investigation of molecular behavior with high time and spatial resolution deep within cells using SMF has remained challenging. Recently, we demonstrated that narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy allows visualization of nucleocytoplasmic transport at the single cargo level. We describe here the methodological approach that yields 2 ms and approximately 15 nm resolution for a stationary particle. The spatial resolution for a mobile particle is inherently worse, and depends on how fast the particle is moving. The signal-to-noise ratio is sufficiently high to directly measure the time a single cargo molecule spends interacting with the nuclear pore complex. Particle tracking analysis revealed that cargo molecules randomly diffuse within the nuclear pore complex, exiting as a result of a single rate-limiting step. We expect that narrow-field epifluorescence microscopy will be useful for elucidating other binding and trafficking events within cells.  相似文献   

Epifluorescence microscopy was used to investigate the effect of cholesterol on monolayers of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and 1 -palmitoyl-2-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC) at 21 +/- 2 degrees C using 1 mol% 1-palmitoyl-2-[12-[(7-nitro-2-1, 3-benzoxadizole-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]phosphatidylcholine (NBD-PC) as a fluorophore. Up to 30 mol% cholesterol in DPPC monolayers decreased the amounts of probe-excluded liquid-condensed (LC) phase at all surface pressures (pi), but did not effect the monolayers of POPC, which remained in the liquid-expanded (LE) phase at all pi. At low pi (2-5 mN/m), 10 mol% or more cholesterol in DPPC induced a lateral phase separation into dark probe-excluded and light probe-rich regions. In POPC monolayers, phase separation was observed at low pi when > or =40 mol% or more cholesterol was present. The lateral phase separation observed with increased cholesterol concentrations in these lipid monolayers may be a result of the segregation of cholesterol-rich domains in ordered fluid phases that preferentially exclude the fluorescent probe. With increasing pi, monolayers could be transformed from a heterogeneous dark and light appearance into a homogeneous fluorescent phase, in a manner that was dependent on pi and cholesterol content. The packing density of the acyl chains may be a determinant in the interaction of cholesterol with phosphatidylcholine (PC), because the transformations in monolayer surface texture were observed in phospholipid (PL)/sterol mixtures having similar molecular areas. At high pi (41 mN/m), elongated crystal-like structures were observed in monolayers containing 80-100 mol% cholesterol, and these structures grew in size when the monolayers were compressed after collapse. This observation could be associated with the segregation and crystallization of cholesterol after monolayer collapse.  相似文献   

A SYBR Green real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for rapid detection of Proteus species was developed and evaluated. Of 322 clinical and food samples tested, 75 samples were positive for Proteus species by using conventional PCR and real-time PCR assays. The results were consistent with standard culture methods and the Vitek auto-microbe system, indicating a 100 % specificity obtained by both PCR assays. For the real-time PCR method, the minimum detectable level was 10 colony forming units (CFU) /ml, which was a 103 multiple higher than the conventional PCR method. Correlation coefficients of standard curves which were constructed using the threshold cycle (Ct) versus copy numbers of Proteus showed good linearity (R 2?=?0.997). In conclusion, several significant advantages such as higher sensitivity and rapidness were observed by using the SYBR Green real-time PCR method for identifying Proteus species.  相似文献   

根据GenBank发表的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的F基因序列,经过分析在F片段的保守区域内设计引物,建立了SYBR GreenⅠ荧光RT-PCR检测CDV的方法,并通过对厦门市宠物医院收集的临床发病和疑似发病的犬病料(包括眼分泌物、鼻拭子、唾液、血液、尿液等)的检测,结果表明,本研究建立的快速检测CDV的SYBR GreenⅠ荧光RT-PCR方法具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便等优点,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

根据GenBank发表的犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的F基因序列,经过分析在F片段的保守区域内设计引物,建立了SYBR Green I荧光RT-PCR检测CDV的方法,并通过对厦门市宠物医院收集的临床发病和疑似发病的犬病料(包括眼分泌物、鼻拭子、唾液、血液、尿液等)的检测,结果表明,本研究建立的快速检测CDV的SYBR Green I荧光RT-PCR方法具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便等优点,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Severn  S. R. T.  Munawar  M.  Mayfield  C. I. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):525-530
Sediment toxicity from Toronto (Ontario) and Toledo (Ohio) harbours to autotrophic and heterotrophic picoplankton was evaluated simultaneously using epifluorescent microscopy. The approach is a simple, fast and effective combination of autofluorescence and fluorescence probes - 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonic acid. The procedure is ideally suited for use with sediment slurries since it can differentiate fluorescent biotic material against a background of abiotic sediment particles and detritus.  相似文献   

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