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Temporal and amplitude characteristics of evoked potentials of the sensomotor cortex in waking cats were studied during variation in the intensity of electrodermal stimulation. The results obtained in experiments on intact animals and on the same animals for several months after division of the spinocervical tracts at the cervical level were compared. After blocking of the inflow of afferent impulses along these tracts of the spinal cord, statistically significant changes in evoked potentials were observed, mainly in response to medium and strong stimulation. These changes were more clear in the motor and second somatosensory areas of the cortex. A decrease in sensitivity to pain also was found. During recovery of the motor functions, cutaneous sensation remained impaired and the amplitude characteristics of the evoked somatosensory activity were not restored. The results suggest that thinner fibers predominate among the primary afferent fibers of the spinocervical tract, and their projections are more widely represented in the second somatosensory and motor areas of the cortex.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 516–523, September–October, 1972.  相似文献   

Unit responses of the first (SI) somatosensory area of the cortex to stimulation of the second somatosensory area (SII), the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, and the contralateral forelimb, and also unit responses in SII evoked by stimulation of SI, the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus, and the contralateral forelimb were investigated in experiments on cats immobilized with D-tubocurarine or Myo-Relaxin (succinylcholine). The results showed a substantially higher percentage of neurons in SII than in SI which responded to an afferent stimulus by excitation brought about through two or more synaptic relays in the cortex. In response to cortical stimulation antidromic and orthodromic responses appeared in SI and SII neurons, confirming the presence of two-way cortico-cortical connections. In both SI and SII intracellular recording revealed in most cases PSPs of similar character and intensity, evoked by stimulation of the cortex and nucleus in the same neuron. Latent periods of orthodromic spike responses to stimulation of nucleus and cortex in 50.5% of SI neurons and 37.1% of SII neurons differed by less than 1.0 msec. In 19.6% of SI and 41.4% of SII neurons the latent period of response to cortical stimulation was 1.6–4.7 msec shorter than the latent period of the response evoked in the same neuron by stimulation of the nucleus. It is concluded from these results that impulses from SI play an important role in the afferent activation of SII neurons.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 351–357, July–August, 1976.  相似文献   

The cochleotopic organization of the primary auditory cortex was studied by the evoked potentials method in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. Two foci of maximal activity (dorsal and ventral) were found in the primary auditory cortex of 85% of animals during local electrical stimulation of different areas of the cochlea. Analysis of projection maps of the primary auditory cortex of the cats showed that different areas of the cochlea are presented in this region disproportionately. The basal portion projects to a larger cortical surface than the middle and apical portions together, evidence of inequality of representation of different parts of the receptor apparatus of the cochlea in the primary auditory area. Considerable differences were observed in the arrangement of projections of the cochlea in the primary auditory cortex of different animals.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 117–124, March–April, 1979.  相似文献   

Unit responses in the anterior sigmoid gyrus of cats anesthetized with chloralose (70 mg/kg) to vestibular nerve stimulation and their interaction with responses to acoustic and facial nerve stimulation were investigated. The focus of maximal activity of the vestibular projection was shown to lie a little rostrally to the anterior suprasylvian sulcus. The modality specificity of this part of the cortex to vestibular impulses is reflected in the shortest values of latent periods and the distinct phasic character of the responses, and also in the numerical preponderance of neurons with short-latency responses. Although considerable topographic overlapping of the vestibular projection by acoustic and somatosensory (facial zone) projections is found, the vestibular afferent input predominates over the other afferent inputs.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 353–358, July–August, 1981.  相似文献   

In unrestrained adult rats evoked potentials were recorded by implanted electrodes in the somatosensory cortex in response to electrical stimulation of the pulp of an upper incisor. The spontaneous EEG, motor activity of the animal, and its respiratory movements were recorded simultaneously. Significant differences were observed in the configuration of the potentials and mean amplitude of the primary complex (P1+N1) during states of slow sleep, drowsiness, relaxed wakefulness, grooming, and investigative behavior; the amplitude of the primary complex during marked motor activity was reduced by more than an order of magnitude compared with that observed in a state of motor rest.In a state of relaxed wakefulness negative correlation was recorded between the amplitude of evoked potentials and momentary values of the respiration rate, weaker during periods of intensive motor activity. Meanwhile no direct parallel was observed between changes in potentials and respiration rate over the whole range of behavioral states studied: Depression of potentials was maximal during grooming whereas the respiration rate was maximal during investigative behavior.Paul Flechsig Institute for Brain Research, Karl Marx University, Leipzig, East Germany. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 27–35, January–February, 1985.  相似文献   

In cats, we studied the influences of stimulation of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and locus coeruleus (LC) on postsynaptic processes evoked in neurons of the somatosensory cortex by stimulation of nociceptive (intensive stimulation of the tooth pulp) and non-nociceptive (moderate stimulations of the infraorbital nerve and ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus) afferent inputs. Twelve cells activated exclusively by nociceptors and 16 cells activated by both nociceptive and non-nociceptive influences (hereafter, nociceptive and convergent neurons, respectively) were recorded intracellularly. In neurons of both groups, responses to nociceptive stimulation (of sufficient intensity) looked like an EPSP-spike-IPSP (the latter, of significant duration, up to 200 msec) complex. Electrical stimulation of the PAG (which could itself evoke activation of the cortical neurons under study) resulted in long-term suppression of synaptic responses evoked by excitation of nociceptors (inhibition reached its maximum at a test interval of 600 to 800 msec). We observed a certain parallelism between conditioning influences of PAG activation and effects of systemic injections of morphine. Isolated stimulation of LC by a short high-frequency train of stimuli evoked primary excitatory responses (complex EPSPs) in a part of the examined cortical neurons, while in other cells high-amplitude and long-lasting IPSP (up to 120 msec) were observed. Independently of the type of the primary response to PAG stimulation, the latter resulted in long-term (several seconds) suppression of the responses evoked in cortical cells by stimulation of the nociceptive inputs. The mechanisms of modulatory influences coming from opioidergic and noradrenergic brain systems to somatosensory cortex neurons activated due to excitation of high-threshold (nociceptive) afferent inputs are discussed.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 61–73, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

Responses of 375 primary somatosensory cortical neurons located in the projection area of the vibrissae to electrical stimulation of the infraorbital nerve and also to adequate stimulation of the vibrissae were investigated in unanesthetized cats immobilized with tubocurarine. Stimulation of the nerve and vibrissae most frequently evoked synaptic responses in the neurons, in the form of a short EPSP followed by an IPSP or, less frequently, as a primary IPSP; during extracellular recordings corresponding changes were observed in spike activity. In response to stimulation of the vibrissae, initial inhibition was found more often than to stimulation of the nerve (in 45 and 16% of neurons respectively). The difference between the minimal values of latent periods of IPSP and EPSP evoked by stimulation of the infraorbital nerve was 0.8 msec in different neurons, and the difference between the mean values 1.4 msec. Directional sensitivity of the cortical neurons was demonstrated (to a change in the direction of deflection of the vibrissae). Neurons located close together could differ in the character of their directional sensitivity during stimulation of the same vibrissae. It is concluded that short-latency inhibition arising in the primary projection area of the cat somatosensory cortex is predominantly afferent and not recurrent. The probable mechanisms of directional sensitivity of the neurons studied are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologia, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 550–559, November, 1979.  相似文献   

Activity of 112 neurons of the precruciate motor cortex in cats was studied during a forelimb placing reaction to tactile stimulation of its distal parts. The latent period of response of the limb to tactile stimulation was: for flexors of the elbow (biceps brachii) 30–40 msec, for the earliest reponses of cortical motor neurons about 20 msec. The biceps response was observed 5–10 msec after the end of stimulation of the cortex with a series of pulses lasting 25 msec. Two types of excitatory responses of the neurons were identified: responses of sensory type observed to each tactile stimulation of the limb and independent of the presence or absence of motion, and responses of motor type, which developed parallel with the motor response of the limb and were not observed in the absence of motion. The minimal latent period of the responses of motor type was equal to the latent period of the sensory responses to tactile stimulation (20±10 msec). Stimulation of the cortex through the recording microelectrode at the site of derivation of unit activity, which increased during active flexion of the forelimb at the elbow (11 stimuli at intervals of 2.5 msec, current not exceeding 25 µA), in 70% of cases evoked an electrical response in the flexor muscle of the elbow.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 115–123, March–April, 1977.  相似文献   

Analysis of afferent activity in unmyelinated fibers of a cutaneous nerve was carried out by the colliding impulses method in cats. The effect of antidromic excitation of the nerve and mechanical stimulation of the receptors on subsequent orthodromic activity during stretching of the skin was investigated. Both these factors were shown to reduce subsequent orthodromic activity evoked by testing stimulation. The reduction in activity was greatest 10–15 sec after stimulation. The duration of the inhibitory effect was greater after mechanical than after antidromic stimulation. Combined mechanical stimulation and antidromic excitation resulted in a greater decrease of afferent activity and an increase in the time of its recovery. An increase in the frequency of antidromic excitation potentiated the inhibitory effect of preliminary stimulation on orthodromic activity in C fibers.Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, N. I. Lobachevskii Gor'kii State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 307–312, May–June, 1977.  相似文献   

Of 103 neurons in the rostral part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus of the cat cortex 30 responded to stimulation of the ventro-posterolateral and ventrolateral nuclei of the thalamus (VPL and VL), 42 responded to stimulation of VL only, and 31 to stimulation of VPL only. It was shown by intracellular recording that stimulation of VPL induces a spike response with or without subsequent IPSPs in some neurons and an initial IPSP in others. The spike frequency of single neurons reached 60/sec, but the IPSP frequency never exceeded 10–20/sec. Stimulation of VL was accompanied by: a) antidromic spike responses; b) short-latency monosynaptic EPSPs and spikes capable of following a stimulation frequency of 100/sec; c) long-latency polysynaptic EPSPs and spikes appearing in response to stimulation at 4–8/sec; d) short-latency IPSPs; e) long-latency IPSPs increasing in intensity on repetition of infrequent stimuli. It is concluded that the afferent inputs from the relay nuclei to neurons of the somatosensory cortex are heterogeneous. An important role is postulated for recurrent inhibition in the genesis of the long-latency IPSPs arising in response to stimulation of VL, and for direct afferent inhibition during IPSPs evoked by stimulation of VPL. It is shown that the rostral part of the posterior sigmoid gyrus performs the role of somatic projection and motor cortex simultaneously.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 245–255, May–June, 1972.  相似文献   

The dorsal cord and dorsal root potentials were recorded in immobilized thalamic cats during fictitious scratching evoked by mechanical stimulation of the ear. Depolarization of primary afferents was shown to be simulated by the central scratching generator. Antidromic spike discharges appeared at the peak of the primary afferent depolarization waves in certain afferent fibers. Similar discharges arise in the resting state in response to stimulation of limb mechanoreceptors. It is suggested that during real scratching primary afferent depolarization and antidromic spikes evoked by it may effectively modulate the level of the afferent flow to spinal neurons.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 173–176, March–April, 1978.  相似文献   

Experiments on unanesthetized rats immobilized with D-tubocurarine showed that electrical stimulation (100/sec) of the central gray matter and the mesencephalic and medullary reticular formation considerably depressed potentials in the somatic thalamic relay nucleus and somatosensory cortex evoked by stimulation of the forelimb or medial lemniscus. The mean threshold values of the current used for electrical stimulation of these structures did not differ significantly and were 70 (20–100), 100 (20–120), and 120 (50–200) µA, respectively. On comparison of the amplitude-temporal characteristics of inhibition of evoked potentials during electrical stimulation of the above-mentioned structures by a current of twice the threshold strength, no significant differences were found. Immediately after the end of electrical stimulation the amplitude of the cortical evolved potential and the post-synaptic components of the thalamic evoked potential was 50–60% (P<0.01) below the control values. The duration of this depression varied from 0.5 to 1 sec. An increase in the intensity of electrical stimulation of brain-stem structures to between three and five times the threshold led to depression of the presynaptic component of the thalamic evoked potential also. Depression of the evoked potential as described above was found with various ratios between the intensities of conditioning and testing stimuli.M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 467–475, September–October, 1976.  相似文献   

Evoked potentials to tones and clicks were recorded simultaneously from seven points of the auditory cortex and one or two points of the somatosensory cortex in unanesthetized cats. Comparison of evoked potentials to tones of equal loudness in the 250–7000 Hz band showed no common pattern of cortical tonotopic distribution. However, an individual dependence of the components of the evoked potential on pitch and on localization of the recording point exists for each animal. With a change in stimulus intensity the absolute and relative values of these components of the evoked potential vary. The initial positive waves are the most variable; besides the two waves already known a third, intermediate wave, particulary sensitive to loudness, was discovered. The negative wave of the primary response increases proportionally to loudness. Evoked potentials to clicks are more uniform over the auditory cortex and more stable than those to tones. Responses appeared in the somatosensory cortex to loud stimuli, more regularly to clicks than to tones. It is concluded that the parameter of pitch is reflected in the cat cortex as a complex spatially-individual distribution of the amplitude and time parameters of the evoked potentials.I. P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 115–125, March–April, 1975.  相似文献   

Here we investigate the functional organization of structures involved in sensory analysis in a restricted region of a cortical projection area. We have shown that stimulation of somatosensory areas I and II (SI and SII) may block an afferent volley at the level of the thalamic relay nucleus, and that SII may be selectively blocked by stimulation of SI. Also definite somatosensory connections have been demonstrated between SII, SI, and the motor cortex. We suggest that common mechanisms underlie the generation of focal reactions in projection areas of the cortex induced by stimulation of various structures. The properties of two groups of neurones from area SII are described: those having a short latency and receiving direct projections from the thalamic relay nucleus, and those of long latent period with a well-marked convergence, and reacting to stimulation of various afferent pathways. It is suggested that each path to a local point of a cortical projection areas terminates with its relay element. The signal is then directed to a common intracortical system of neurones where signals from various sources occurs (afferent, interhemispherical, subcortico-cortical, and intracortical) converge and interact. All groups of neurones are involved in the formation of the common components of evoked potentials.Presented to the All-Union Symposium: "Electrical responses of the cerebral cortex to afferent stimuli," Kiev, October, 1969.Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 155–165, March–April, 1970.  相似文献   

Potentials evoked in nuclei of the reticular formation by electrodermal stimulation of the limbs were investigated in acute experiments on unanesthetized, immobilized rats during cooling of the somatosensory cortex in the area of representation of one forelimb. Evoked potentials in the reticular formation were found to depend on the degree of cold inhibition of the cortical primary response to the same stimulation. The peak time of the main negative wave increased from 40–50 to 60–80 msec with a simultaneous decrease in its amplitude or its total disappearance in the case of deep cooling of the cortex. Cooling of the cortex had a similar although weaker effect on the earlier wave of the evoked potential with a peak time of 14 msec, recorded in the ventral reticular nucleus. In parallel recordings of potentials evoked by stimulation of other limbs they remained unchanged at these same points of the reticular formation or were reduced in amplitude while preserving the same temporal parameters. Cooling of the cortex thus selectively delays the development and reduces the amplitude of the response to stimulation of the limb in whose area of representation transformation of the afferent signal into a corticofugal volley is blocked. Consequently the normal development of both late and early components of the potential evoked in the reticular formation by somatic stimulation requires an additional volley, descending from the cortex, and formed as a result of transformation of the same afferent signal in the corresponding point of the somatosensory cortex.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 32–38, January–February, 1981.  相似文献   

Temporal characteristics of motor responses evoked in unanesthetized cats by stimulation of the motor cortex through bipolar needle electrodes were investigated in chronic experiments. Isometric and isotonic contractions of the flexor muscles of the hip and knee joints of the limb contralateral to the point of stimulation were recorded. The latent period of response varied from 100 msec or more in the case of low-frequency (100–150 Hz) and low-threshold (1.1–1.2 thresholds) stimulation of the motor cortex to 30–35 msec in the case of "optimal" parameters of stimulation (300–400 Hz, 1.5–1.6 thresholds). If the intensity of stimulation was high enough the rising time constant of evoked contraction was 50–80 msec; values of the falling time constant of muscular contraction after cessation of stimulation were much greater, namely 150–300 msec. The rising time constant of contraction decreased with an increase in both the frequency and strength of motor cortical stimulation. The results are examined and discussed from the standpoint of methods of automatic control theory.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 451–458, September–October, 1980.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on cats we investigated evoked potentials from the cingulate gyrus developed in response to stimulation of somatic and visceral nerves; also potentials from various parts of the hypothalamus, and midbrain reticular formation. We showed that the nonspecific afferent system influences electrical activity in the limbic cortex through hypothalamic pathways. We consider the limbic cortex to be part of the association area of the neocortex and that the associative responses of the cortex are more complex in nature than is usually thought to be the case, and that they are formed under the influence of impulses arriving at the cortex along many specific and nonspecific pathways. The hypothalamo—cingulate system is one of the main systems of cortico—subcortical integration. It plays an important part in regulation of autonomic, somatic, and emotional responses.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 451–459, September–October, 1970.  相似文献   

Investigation of unit activity of the cat somatosensory cortex has shown that the principal role in the genesis of the primary response, the response to stimulation of the thalamic relay nucleus, the callosal response, and certain other forms of evoked potentials (EPs) of the somatosensory cortex is played by neurons not usually responding by spike generation during EP development. The EPs reflect what the cortical neurons received from the afferent volley, and the level of their polarization, but they are not a reliable indicator of fast nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. The EPs reflect postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) of neurons not directly participating actively in the analysis of information reaching the cortex.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 2, No, 4, pp. 360–367, July–August, 1970.  相似文献   

Rapid-rate paired associative stimulation (rPAS) involves repeat pairing of peripheral nerve stimulation and Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) pulses at a 5 Hz frequency. RPAS over primary motor cortex (M1) operates with spike-timing dependent plasticity such that increases in corticospinal excitability occur when the nerve and TMS pulse temporally coincide in cortex. The present study investigates the effects of rPAS over primary somatosensory cortex (SI) which has not been performed to date. In a series of experiments, rPAS was delivered over SI and M1 at varying timing intervals between the nerve and TMS pulse based on the latency of the N20 somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) component within each participant (intervals for SI-rPAS: N20, N20-2.5 ms, N20 + 2.5 ms, intervals for M1-rPAS: N20, N20+5 ms). Changes in SI physiology were measured via SEPs (N20, P25, N20-P25) and SEP paired-pulse inhibition, and changes in M1 physiology were measured with motor evoked potentials and short-latency afferent inhibition. Measures were obtained before rPAS and at 5, 25 and 45 minutes following stimulation. Results indicate that paired-pulse inhibition and short-latency afferent inhibition were reduced only when the SI-rPAS nerve-TMS timing interval was set to N20-2.5 ms. SI-rPAS over SI also led to remote effects on motor physiology over a wider range of nerve-TMS intervals (N20-2.5 ms – N20+2.5 ms) during which motor evoked potentials were increased. M1-rPAS increased motor evoked potentials and reduced short-latency afferent inhibition as previously reported. These data provide evidence that, similar to M1, rPAS over SI is spike-timing dependent and is capable of exerting changes in SI and M1 physiology.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic potentials of motoneurons in the facial nerve nucleus, evoked by stimulation of the cranial nerves (trigeminal, hypoglossal, facial) and of the sensomotor cortex were investigated in cats anesthetized with chloralose and pentobarbital. Two functionally opposite groups of motoneurons were found to exist in the facial nucleus. Stimulation of the afferent nerves and cortex evoked the appearance of EPSPs in the first of these groups and IPSPs in the second. The latency and duration of the PSPs indicate that afferent and corticofugal impulses reach the facial motoneurons along polysynaptic pathways. Interneurons on which wide convergence of influences travelling along afferent fibers and of the cortex, were found in the region of the facial nucleus. The possible neuronal pathways concerned with the transmission of afferent and corticofugal impulses to the facial motoneurons are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 391–400, July–August, 1972.  相似文献   

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