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Cryptococcus neoformans serotype A strains, the major cause of cryptococcosis, are distributed worldwide, while serotype D strains are more concentrated in Central Europe. We have previously shown that deletion of the global regulator TUP1 in serotype D isolates results in a novel peptide-mediated, density-dependent growth phenotype that mimics quorum sensing and is not known to exist in other fungi. Unlike for tup1Δ strains of serotype D, the density-dependent growth phenotype was found to be absent in tup1Δ strains of serotype A which had been derived from several different genetic clusters. The serotype A H99 tup1Δ strain showed less retardation in the growth rate than tup1Δ strains of serotype D, but the mating efficiency was found to be similar in both serotypes. Deletion of TUP1 in the H99 strain resulted in significantly enhanced capsule production and defective melanin formation and also revealed a unique regulatory role of the TUP1 gene in maintaining iron/copper homeostasis. Differential expression of various genes involved in capsule formation and iron/copper homeostasis was observed between the wild-type and tup1Δ H99 strains. Furthermore, the H99 tup1Δ strain displayed pleiotropic effects which included sensitivity to sodium dodecyl sulfate, susceptibility to fluconazole, and attenuated virulence. These results demonstrate that the global regulator TUP1 has pathobiological significance and plays both conserved and distinct roles in serotype A and D strains of C. neoformans.The fungal Tup1 proteins function as global repressors which regulate a large number of genes associated with growth, morphological differentiation, and sexual and asexual reproduction. As a consequence, tup1 mutants are known to display numerous phenotypes (9, 19, 42). The deletion of TUP1 in Candida albicans results in constitutive filamentous growth with no budding yeast cells and is accompanied by loss of virulence (2, 32). In Penicillium marneffei, the only dimorphic species known in the genus Penicillium, deletion of the TUP1 homolog, tupA, confers reduced filamentation and abnormality in yeast morphogenesis (38). In the filamentous fungi Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa, deletion of the TUP1 homologs, rcoA and rco-1, respectively, severely affects growth and sexual and asexual reproduction (12, 46).Cryptococcus neoformans is a bipolar heterothallic basidiomycetous yeast with two serotypes, A and D, and the function of Tup1 has been studied only for serotype D strains (26, 27). While disruption of TUP1 in strains of serotype D did not affect yeast or hyphal cell morphology, it resulted in mating-type-dependent differences, including temperature-dependent growth, sensitivity to 0.8 M KCl, and expression of genes in several other biological pathways (26). Most importantly, tup1Δ strains displayed a peptide-mediated quorum-sensing-like phenomenon in both mating types of serotype D strains which has not been reported for any other fungal species (27).According to genome sequence data, the serotype A reference strain H99 shares 95% sequence identity with the serotype D reference strain JEC21 (29). However, serotype-specific differences between the two strains have been demonstrated in two major signaling pathways, the pheromone-responsive Cpk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase and cyclic AMP (cAMP) (5, 13, 41, 47). In addition, the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway also showed regulatory disparity between the two serotypes (1, 8). Since the regulation of peptide-mediated quorum sensing by TUP1 is reported only for serotype D strains, we sought to determine whether the deletion of TUP1 in serotype A strains would have similar consequences. Surprisingly, we found striking differences in the phenotypes manifested by tup1Δ strains of the two serotypes. We report here the serotype-specific differences in TUP1 regulation between A and D strains and the novel regulatory role of TUP1 in maintaining iron/copper homeostasis in C. neoformans.  相似文献   

Human serum at 5 to 10% (v/v) in tissue culture medium RPMI-1640, inhibits the growth of Cryptococcus neoformans by 80 to 93%. Serum fractionated on molecular sieve columns (Sephadex G-200) yielded an active protein fraction. This fraction at 100 μg protein/ml inhibited the growth of C. neoformans by 54%. When an active G-200 fraction was applied to a dye affinity column (Affi-Gel Blue) the fraction with inhibitory activity was bound by the column and was eluted with 1.4 M NaCl in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The bound fraction at 62.5 μg protein/ml inhibited C. neoformans growth by 82%. On native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Nu-PAGE) the bound fraction migrated as a major and a minor band. Under the reducing conditions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-PAGE the bound fraction yielded 4 prominent bands with MW ranging from 175 kDa to 45 kDa. Purification of the active Sephadex G-200 peak was achieved using an anion exchange column (DEAE-Sephacel). Protein eluted with 0.1 M NaCl had strong anticryptococcal activity (12.5 μg/ml, 79% inhibition), which in SDS-PAGE migrated as a single band with an approximate MW of 85 kDA. This protein appears important in natural host resistance to C. neoformans and polymorphisms or deficiencies may have epidemiologic and diagnostic relevance. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Lin X  Heitman J 《Eukaryotic cell》2005,4(10):1746-1754
Cryptococcus neoformans, a basidiomycetous fungal pathogen, infects hosts through inhalation and can cause fatal meningoencephalitis in individuals if untreated. This fungus undergoes a dimorphic transition from yeast to filamentous growth during mating and monokaryotic fruiting, which leads to the production of hyphae and airborne infectious basidiospores. Here we characterized a novel morphological feature associated with the filamentous stages of the life cycle of C. neoformans which resembles resting or survival structures known as chlamydospores in other fungi. The C. neoformans chlamydospore-like structure is rich in glycogen, suggesting that it might have a role as an energy store. However, characterization of mutants with decreased or increased levels of glycogen production showed that glycogen levels have little effect on filamentous growth, sporulation, or chlamydospore formation. These results suggest that the formation of chlamydospores is independent of glycogen accumulation level. We also show that chlamydospore formation does not require successful sporulation and that the presence of chlamydospores is not sufficient for sporulation. Although the biological functions of chlamydospores remain to be established for this pathogenic fungus, their formation appears to be an integral part of the filamentation process, suggesting that they could be necessary to support sexual sporulation under adverse conditions and thereby facilitate the production of infectious basidiospores or long-term survival propagules in harsh environments.  相似文献   

Gene disruption by biolistic transformation in serotype D strains of Cryptococcus neoformans. Fungal Genetics and Biology 29, 38-48. Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen with a defined sexual cycle and well-developed genetic and molecular approaches. Two different transformation systems have been developed, and a number of genes have been disrupted by homologous recombination. However, the frequency of homologous recombination achieved by these approaches has differed dramatically between strains of the A and D serotypes. Transformation by electroporation in serotype D strains results in homologous recombination at frequencies of 1/1000 to 1/100,000, whereas transformation by the biolistic method has resulted in gene disruption at frequencies between 2 and 50% in serotype A strains. We find that gene disruption by homologous recombination can be achieved in the congenic serotype D strain series by biolistic transformation with frequencies of approximately 1 to 4%. By this approach, we have readily disrupted the genes encoding a MAPK homolog (CPK1), the calcineurin A catalytic subunit (CNA1), and a G protein alpha subunit (GPA1). By physical and genetic methods, we show that these mutations result from targeted recombination events without ectopic integrations. Because genetic approaches can be applied in the congenic serotype D strains, our observations represent a significant advance in molecular approaches to understand the physiology and virulence of this important human pathogen.  相似文献   

The gas carbon dioxide (CO2) plays a critical role in microbial and mammalian respiration, photosynthesis in algae and plants, chemoreception in insects, and even global warming . However, how CO2 is transported, sensed, and metabolized by microorganisms is largely not understood. For instance, CO2 is known to induce production of polysaccharide capsule virulence determinants in pathogenic bacteria and fungi via unknown mechanisms . Therefore, we studied CO2 actions in growth, differentiation, and virulence of the basidiomycetous human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. The CAN2 gene encoding beta-carbonic anhydrase in C. neoformans was found to be essential for growth in environmental ambient conditions but dispensable for in vivo proliferation and virulence at the high CO2 levels in the host. The can2Delta mutant in vitro growth defect is largely attributable to defective fatty acid synthesis. CO2 was found to inhibit cell-cell fusion but not filamentation during sexual reproduction. The can2 mutation restored early mating events in high CO2 but not later steps (fruiting body formation, sporulation), indicating a major role for carbonic anhydrase and CO2/HCO3- in this developmental cascade leading to the production of infectious spores. Our studies illustrate diverse roles of an ancient enzyme class in enabling environmental survival of a ubiquitous human pathogen.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is an environmental pathogen requiring atmospheric levels of oxygen for optimal growth. Upon inhalation, C. neoformans disseminates to the brain and causes meningoencephalitis, but the mechanisms by which the pathogen adapts to the low-oxygen environment in the brain have not been investigated. We found that SRE1, a homologue of the mammalian sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP), functions in an oxygen-sensing pathway. Low oxygen decreased sterol synthesis in C. neoformans and triggered activation of membrane-bound Sre1p by the cleavage-activating protein, Scp1p. Microarray and Northern blot analysis demonstrated that under low oxygen, Sre1p activates genes required for ergosterol biosynthesis and iron uptake. Consistent with these regulatory functions, sre1Delta cells were hypersensitive to azole drugs and failed to grow under iron-limiting conditions. Importantly, sre1Delta cells failed to produce fulminating brain infection in mice. Our in vitro data support a model in which Sre1p is activated under low oxygen leading to the upregulation of genes required for sterol biosynthesis and growth in a nutrient-limiting environment. Animal studies confirm the importance of SRE1 for C. neoformans to adapt to the host environment and to cause fatal meningoencephalitis, thereby identifying the SREBP pathway as a therapeutic target for cryptococcosis.  相似文献   

目的 研究miR-146a是否参与新生隐球菌感染免疫应答过程.方法 采用RT-PCR检测了6例新生隐球菌性脑膜炎患者和6名健康个体外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)中miR-146a的表达.以热灭活新生隐球菌刺激来自健康个体的PB-MC,并加入Dectin-1抑制剂昆布多糖,采用RT-PCR检测热灭活新生隐球菌和昆布多糖对PBMC中miR-146a表达的影响.结果 新生隐球菌性脑膜炎患者PBMC中miR-146a的表达较健康个体明显增高.热灭活新生隐球菌可以上调PBMC中miR-146a的表达,昆布多糖可以削弱其上调miR-146a表达的能力.结论 热灭活新生隐球菌可以通过Dectin-1受体上调miR-146a的表达.miR-146a参与了新生隐球菌感染免疫应答过程,值得进一步研究.  相似文献   

We present a Cryptococcus neoformans knee joint infection in a diabetic renal transplant patient treated with steroids, cyclosporin, and mycofenolate mofetil. We discuss reported cases of cryptococcal arthritis.  相似文献   

The growth of Cryptococcus neoformans in a minimal liquid synthetic medium with or without thiamine (10 g/ml) was investigated. In these media the presence or absence of thiamine had no effect on the development of C. neoformans. To check these results, we performed a series of experiments on a solid form of the minimal synthetic medium. In this study a series of six serial transfers were carried out to starve the cells of nutrients that may have been carried over from their growth on rich media. In each of the transfers on the solid synthetic medium, C. neoformans showed a similar and scarce growth. This finding indicates that C. neoformans could be autotrophic in respect to thiamine.  相似文献   

Cryptococcus neoformans is a basidiomycete yeast and opportunistic human pathogen of increasing clinical importance due to the increasing population of immunocompromised patients. To further investigate signal transduction cascades regulating fungal pathogenesis, we have identified the gene encoding a RAS homologue in this organism. The RAS1 gene was disrupted by transformation and homologous recombination. The resulting ras1 mutant strain was viable, but failed to grow at 37 degrees C, and exhibited significant defects in mating and agar adherence. The ras1 mutant strain was also avirulent in an animal model of cryptococcal meningitis. Reintroduction of the wild-type RAS1 gene complemented these ras1 mutant phenotypes and restored virulence in animals. A dominantly active RAS1 mutant allele, RAS1Q67L, induced a differentiation phenotype known as haploid fruiting, which involves filamentation, agar invasion and sporulation in response to nitrogen deprivation. The ras1 mutant mating defect was suppressed by overexpression of MAP kinase signalling elements and partially suppressed by exogenous cAMP. Additionally, cAMP also suppressed the agar adherence defect of the ras1 mutant. However, the ability of the ras1 mutant strain to grow at elevated temperature was not restored by cAMP or MAP kinase overexpression. Our findings support a model in which RAS1 signals in C. neoformans through cAMP-dependent, MAP kinase, and RAS-specific signalling cascades to regulate mating and filamentation, as well as growth at high temperature which is necessary for maintenance of infection.  相似文献   

The manifestation of virulence traits in Cryptococcus neoformans is thought to rely on intracellular transport, a process not fully explored in this pathogenic fungus. Through interaction cloning, we identified a multi‐modular protein, Cin1 (cryptococcal intersectin 1), whose domain structure is similar to that of the human endocytic protein ITSN1. Cin1 contains an N‐terminal EH domain, a central coiled‐coil region, a WH2 domain, two SH3 domains and a C‐terminal RhoGEF (DH)‐PH domain. Interestingly, alternative mRNA splicing resulted in two Cin1 isoforms, and Cin1 homologues are also restricted to basidiomycetous fungi. Disruption of the CIN1 gene had a pleiotropic effect on growth, normal cytokinesis, intracellular transports and the production of several virulence factors. Additionally, Cin1 interacts with cryptococcal Cdc42 and Wsp1 (a WASP homologue) proteins in vitro, suggesting a conserved role in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. However, deletion of RhoGEF or SH3 and RhoGEF domains did not result in any phenotypic changes, suggesting that functional redundancy exists in proteins containing similar domains or that the activities by other domains are necessary for Cin1 function. Our study presents the first evidence of a multi‐modular protein whose function in intracellular transport underlies the growth, differentiation and virulence of a pathogenic microorganism.  相似文献   

SsoPox, a bifunctional enzyme with organophosphate hydrolase and N-acyl homoserine lactonase activities from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, was overexpressed and purified from recombinant Pseudomonas putida KT2440 with a yield of 9.4 mg of protein per liter of culture. The enzyme has a preference for N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) with acyl chain lengths of at least 8 carbon atoms, mainly due to lower K(m) values for these substrates. The highest specificity constant obtained was for N-3-oxo-decanoyl homoserine lactone (k(cat)/K(m) = 5.5 × 10(3) M(-1)·s(-1)), but SsoPox can also degrade N-butyryl homoserine lactone (C(4)-HSL) and N-oxo-dodecanoyl homoserine lactone (oxo-C(12)-HSL), which are important for quorum sensing in our Pseudomonas aeruginosa model system. When P. aeruginosa PAO1 cultures were grown in the presence of SsoPox-immobilized membranes, the production of C(4)-HSL- and oxo-C(12)-HSL-regulated virulence factors, elastase, protease, and pyocyanin were significantly reduced. This is the first demonstration that immobilized quorum-quenching enzymes can be used to attenuate the production of virulence factors controlled by quorum-sensing signals.  相似文献   

The function of the peroxisomes was examined in the pathogenic basidiomycete Cryptococcus neoformans. Recent studies reveal the glyoxylate pathway is required for virulence of diverse microbial pathogens of plants and animals. One exception is C. neoformans, in which isocitrate lyase (encoded by ICL1) was previously shown not to be required for virulence, and here this was extended to exclude also a role for malate synthase (encoded by MLS1). The role of peroxisomes, in which the glyoxylate pathway enzymes are localized in many organisms, was examined by mutation of two genes (PEX1 and PEX6) encoding AAA (ATPases associated with various cellular activities)-type proteins required for peroxisome formation. The pex1 and pex6 deletion mutants were unable to localize the fluorescent DsRED-SKL protein to peroxisomal punctate structures, in contrast to wild-type cells. pex1 and pex6 single mutants and a pex1 pex6 double mutant exhibit identical phenotypes, including abolished growth on fatty acids but no growth difference on acetate. Because both icl1 and mls1 mutants are unable to grow on acetate as the sole carbon source, these findings demonstrate that the glyoxylate pathway can function efficiently outside the peroxisome in C. neoformans. The pex1 mutant exhibits wild-type virulence in a murine inhalation model and in an insect host, demonstrating that peroxisomes are not required for virulence under these conditions. An unusual phenotype of the pex1 and pex6 mutants was that they grew poorly with glucose as the carbon source, but nearly wild type with galactose, which suggested impaired hexokinase function and that C. neoformans peroxisomes might function analogously to the glycosomes of the trypanosomid parasites. Deletion of the hexokinase HXK2 gene reduced growth in the presence of glucose and suppressed the growth defect of the pex1 mutant on glucose. The hexokinase 2 protein of C. neoformans contains a predicted peroxisome targeting signal (type 2) motif; however, Hxk2 fused to fluorescent proteins was not localized to peroxisomes. Thus, we hypothesize that glucose or glycolytic metabolites are utilized in the peroxisome by an as yet unidentified enzyme or regulate a pathway required by the fungus in the absence of peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Summary Eight taxonomic tests were compared for their ability to distinguishCryptococcus neoformans from the non-pathogenic species ofCryptococcus. Eight isolates ofCryptococcus were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection and 43 isolates were obtained directly from human and natural sources. The tests which appeared to be most valuable to the routine diagnostic laboratory were growth at 37° C, characteristic growth on Guizotia seed agar and virulence for mice.  相似文献   

Nearly 10(6) cells of Cryptococcus neoformans were cultured per g of pigeon droppings in a vacant tower. The air in the tower contained an average of 45 viable cells of C. neoformans per 100 liters: 60% of the cells were less than 4.7 micron in diameter. It is estimated that a human exposed to this atmosphere for 1 h would have 41 cells of c. neoformans deposited in the lungs. Sweeping resulted in the aerosolization of large numbers of cells of C. neoformans from 4.7 to 11 micron in diameter, the number of cells less than 4.7 micron remained relatively constant. One minute after sweeping, 4.4% of viable airborne cells of C. neoformans were less than 1.1 micron in diameter. We believe that this is the first report of isolating such small cells of C. neoformans from a natural site.  相似文献   

Case of 59-year-old male with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and a number of comorbidities, who has developed meningoencephalitis caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii with polyarteritis nodosa diagnosed during hospitalization, was presented. Before evidence of meningoencephalitis, the patient was being treated with ketoconazole and low doses of fluconazole (200 mg/day) for alleged candidiasis. The dosage was increased (800 mg/day) following laboratory diagnosis of C. neoformans based on positive latex agglutination test and biochemical identification of encapsulated yeast isolated from the blood and CSF. Later, the yeast identification was confirmed by sequencing analysis. Owing to inadequate clinical response, fluconazole therapy was switched to voriconazole (400 mg/day) and later to intravenous amphotericin B (1.0 mg/kg per day). Despite of a temporary stabilization and improvement, which correlated with decline of cryptococcal antigen titers (from 1:1024 to 1:8), after 6 weeks, the patient’s underlying condition deteriorated due to severe pancolitis and serious nosocomial bacterial infections. The patient died of multiorgan failure several days later. Our case demonstrates a possible connection between the development of life-threatening cryptococcosis and an autoimmune vasculitis disease and emphasizes that the outcome of the management of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is highly dependent on early diagnosis, adequate treatment, including dosage, and last but not least control of underlying disease and risk factors.  相似文献   

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