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When chopped porcine pulmonary arteries were incubated with calcium ionophore A23187 (1) in the presence of indomethacin there was a time dependent generation of a substance which produced contractions of superfused strips of guinea-pig ileum smooth muscle (GPISM) which were indistinguishable from those induced by LTD4. This material however had a different retention time from LTD4 when subjected to HPLC and co-chromatographed with synthetic LTE4. In addition to LTE4 a substance which had properties indistinguishable from those of LTB4 when assayed on a combination of guinea-pig lung parenchymal strips (GPP) and GPISM (2) was generated from the pulmonary artery. This substance co-chromatographed with synthetic LTB4. The adventitia and intima were the richest source of LTE4, the adventitia releasing slightly more than the intima. The output of LTB4 and LTE4 was inhibited by 6,9-deepoxy-6,9-(phenylimino)-delta 6,8 prostaglandin I (U-60,257). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) inhibited the generation of LTE4.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that leukotriene B4 (LTB4) might be produced during endotoxemia in pigs and, if so, might play a role in the pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure. Escherichia coli endotoxin (055-B5) was infused intravenously into anesthetized pigs at 5 micrograms/kg the 1st h, followed by 2 micrograms.kg-1.h-1 for 3 h. Endotoxemic pigs were treated with dexamethasone (DEX, iv) 18 h (5 mg/kg) and 1 h (5 mg/kg) before onset of endotoxemia. During phases I (i.e., 0-2 h) and II (i.e., 2-4 h), endotoxin decreased cardiac index, caused granulocytopenia, and increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, alveolar-arterial O2 gradient, and hematocrit. During phase II, plasma LTB4 levels were increased (as determined by radioimmunoassay, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and ultraviolet spectroscopy). Endotoxin increased the levels of LTB4 and albumin in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). DEX blocked or greatly attenuated the endotoxin-induced hemodynamic abnormalities and blocked the increases in plasma and BALF LTB4 levels. We conclude that LTB4 is produced during porcine endotoxemia and could possibly play a role in the pathophysiology of endotoxin-induced lung injury in anesthetized pigs.  相似文献   

B Votta  J Keefer    S Mong 《The Biochemical journal》1990,270(1):213-218
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is an arachidonate metabolite which elicits a variety of pro-inflammatory responses by activation of a guanine-nucleotide-binding protein-coupled membrane receptor. As a prelude to receptor isolation and purification, we have established assay methods for LTB4 receptor solubilization and characterization from sheep lung membranes. [3H]LTB4 binding to the soluble receptor was saturable, specific, protein-concentration- and time-dependent and reversible. Binding of [3H]LTB4 was enhanced by divalent cations and inhibited by sodium ions in a manner analogous to its binding to the human leukocyte membrane receptor. Saturation binding yielded a dissociation constant (Kd) of 0.50 +/- 0.05 nM and a receptor density (Bmax) of 330 +/- 90 fmol/mg of protein for [3H]LTB4 binding to detergent-solubilized receptor. In competition experiments, the rank order of binding affinity was LTB4 greater than 20-OH-LTB4 greater than trans-homo-LTB4 greater than 6-trans-LTB4 greater than U-75302. Gel-filtration chromatography showed that the LTB4 receptor protein in the detergent micellar state has a molecular mass in the range 800-1000 kDa. These results demonstrate that the physiologically and pharmacologically important LTB4 receptor may be readily solubilized from sheep lung membranes without alteration in binding specificity and characteristics, suggesting that sheep lung membranes represent a rich source with which to pursue receptor isolation and purification.  相似文献   

Administration of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) to anesthetized spontaneously breathing guinea pigs either by the intravenous or aerosol route produced pronounced changes in pulmonary resistance and dynamic compliance. The effects were short lived and were completely abolished by pretreatment of animals with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Histological examination of lungs following aerosol administration of LTB4 showed a pronounced neutrophil infiltration. These results confirm previous in vitro studies in which LTB4 was shown to produce contractions on guinea pig parenchymal strips indirectly by releasing thromboxane A2.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a pro-inflammatory arachidonate metabolite. We have characterized the LTB4 receptors in sheep lung membranes and have assessed the contribution of the guanine-nucleotide-binding (G) protein in the regulation of receptor affinity states. Saturation isotherms have demonstrated a single class of LTB4 receptor with a Kd of 0.18 +/- 0.03 nM and a density (Bmax.) of 410 +/- 84 fmol/mg of protein in sheep lung membranes. The effect of the G-protein on receptor affinity was assessed in the presence of non-hydrolysable GTP analogues (e.g. GTP[S]) and in membranes following alkali treatment (pH 12.1) to remove the G-protein. Saturation isotherms produced either in the presence of GTP[S] (Kd.GTP[S] = 0.51 +/- 0.02 nM) or with alkali-treated membranes (Kd.alk. = 0.52 +/- 0.02 nM) demonstrated a 3-fold shift in receptor affinity for [3H]LTB4 binding. In competition experiments, the rank order of affinity of LTB4 analogues was LTB4 greater than 20-OH-LTB4 greater than trans-homo-LTB4 greater than 6-trans-LTB4 greater than 20-COOH-LTB4, using either untreated or alkali-treated membranes, both in the presence and absence of GTP[S]. These findings demonstrate that, in sheep lung membranes, there is only one class of LTB4 receptor. Removal of the G-protein or uncoupling of the receptor from the G-protein shifted the agonist-binding affinity of the receptor by 3-4-fold, without affecting the specificity of the LTB4 receptor in either the high- or the low-affinity state.  相似文献   

Some allergic sheep respond to inhalation of Ascaris suum antigen with both immediate and late increases in airflow resistance (late response). The mechanism of the late response is unknown but recent evidence suggests that the initial generation of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) immediately after antigen challenge is a necessary pre-requisite for the physiologic expression of this late response. Based on this evidence we hypothesized that airway challenge with leukotriene D4 (LTD4), an active component of SRS-A would produce acute and late airway responses in allergic sheep similar to those observed with antigen. In five allergic sheep with documented early and late pulmonary responses to Ascaris suum antigen, inhalation of leukotriene D4 aerosol (delivered dose (mean +/- SE) 0.55 +/- 0.08 ug) resulted in significant early and late increases in specific lung resistance (SRL). In three allergic sheep which only demonstrated acute responses to antigen, LTD4 aerosol (delivered dose 0.59 +/- 0.09 ug) only produced an acute increase in SRL. In the late responders pretreatment with aerosol cromolyn sodium (1 mg/kg) did not affect the acute response but blunted the late increase in SRL. Pretreatment with aerosol FPL-57231 (1% w/v solution) completely blocked both the acute and late responses. These data support the hypothesis that initial release of LTD4 in the airways of sensitive animals is important for the physiologic expression of the late response.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) is a potent mediator of pro-inflammatory responses including neutrophil degranulation. Leukotriene B4 dimethylamide has been synthesized and shown to inhibit neutrophil degranulation induced by LTB4. The inhibition required time to develop (~60 secs), and had a KD of circa 2 × 10?7M, and occurred at concentrations where LTB4 dimethylamide had negligible agonist activity.  相似文献   

Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) is an inhibitor of lipoxygenase, with protective effects in several experimental models of anaphylaxis and lung dysfunction. The hypothesis of this study was that DEC would alter the pulmonary response to endotoxin infusion, especially the prolonged pulmonary hypertension, leukopenia, hypoxemia, and high flow of protein-rich lung lymph. We prepared sheep for chronic measurements of hemodynamics and collection of lung lymph. In paired studies we gave six sheep endotoxin (0.5 micrograms/kg iv) either with or without DEC. DEC was given (80-100 mg/kg iv) over 30 min followed by a continuous infusion at 1 mg X kg-1 X min-1. Endotoxin was given after the loading infusion of DEC, and variables were monitored for 4 h. The response to endotoxin was characterized by pulmonary hypertension, leukopenia, hypoxemia, and elevations of thromboxane B2 and 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha (6-keto-PGF1 alpha). Lymph flow and protein content reflected hemodynamic and permeability changes in the pulmonary circulation. DEC did not significantly modify the response to endotoxin by any measured variable, including pulmonary arterial and left atrial pressures, cardiac output, lymph flow and protein content, alveolar-to-arterial PO2 difference, blood leukocyte count, and lymph thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF1 alpha. We could not find evidence of release of leukotriene C4/D4 by radioimmunoassay in lung lymph after endotoxin infusion with or without DEC treatment. We conclude that lipoxygenase products of arachidonic acid may not be a major component of the pulmonary vascular response to endotoxin.  相似文献   

The syntheses and agonist and binding activities of 5(S)-hydroxy- 6(Z), 8(E), 10(E), 14(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-deoxy LTB4), 5(S), 12(S)-dihydroxy-6(Z), 8(E), 10(E), 14(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid (12-epi LTB4), 12(R)-hydroxy-6(Z), 8(E), 10(E), 14(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-deoxy LTB4), 5(R), 12(S)-dihydroxy-6(Z), 8(E), 10(E), 14(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-epi LTB4), 6(Z), 8(E), 10(E), 14(Z)-eicosatetraenoic acid (5, 12-deoxy LTB4) are described. These leukotriene B4 analogs were all able to aggregate rat leukocytes and compete with [3H]-leukotriene B4 for binding to rat and human leukocyte leukotriene B4 receptors with varying efficacy. The analog in which the 12-hydroxyl group was removed was severely reduced both in agonist action (aggregation) and binding. The epimeric 12-hydroxyl analog demonstrated better agonist and binding properties than the analog without a hydroxyl at this position. In contrast, in the case of the 5-hydroxyl the epimeric hydroxyl analog had greatly reduced agonist and binding activities while the 5-deoxy analog demonstrated potency only several fold less than leukotriene B4 itself. The dideoxy leukotriene B4 analog was more than a thousand fold less active than leukotriene B4 as an agonist and in binding to the leukotriene B4 receptor. These results show that binding to the leukocyte leukotriene B4 receptor requires a hydroxyl group at the 12 position in either stereochemical orientation but that the presence of a hydroxyl at the 5 position is less important. However, the epimeric C5 leukotriene B4 analog clearly interacts unfavourably with the binding site of the leukotriene B4 receptor.  相似文献   

Mesenteric lymph is the mechanistic link between splanchnic hypoperfusion and acute lung injury (ALI), but the culprit mediator(s) remains elusive. Previous work has shown that administration of a phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) inhibitor attenuated postshock ALI and also identified a non-ionic lipid within the postshock mesenteric lymph (PSML) responsible for polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) priming. Consequently, we hypothesized that gut-derived leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is a key mediator in the pathogenesis of ALI. Trauma/hemorrhagic shock (T/HS) was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats and the mesenteric duct cannulated for lymph collection/diversion. PSML, arachidonic acid (AA), and a LTB(4) receptor antagonist were added to PMNs in vitro. LC/MS/MS was employed to identify bioactive lipids in PSML and the lungs. T/HS increased AA in PSML and increased LTB(4) and PMNs in the lung. Lymph diversion decreased lung LTB(4) by 75% and PMNs by 40%. PSML stimulated PMN priming (11.56 +/- 1.25 vs. 3.95 +/- 0.29 nmol O(2)(-)/min; 3.75 x 10(5) cells/ml; P < 0.01) that was attenuated by LTB(4) receptor blockade (2.64 +/- 0.58; P < 0.01). AA stimulated PMNs to produce LTB(4), and AA-induced PMN priming was attenuated by LTB(4) receptor antagonism. Collectively, these data indicate that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion activates gut PLA(2)-mediated release of AA into the lymph where it is delivered to the lungs, provoking LTB(4) production and subsequent PMN-mediated lung injury.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of infusion of prostacyclin (PGI2) and 6-alpha-carba-PGI2 (6-cPGI2), a stable PGI2 analogue, on pulmonary transvascular fluid and protein fluxes after intravascular coagulation induced by thrombin. Studies were made in control awake sheep prepared with lung lymph fistulas (n = 6) and in similarly prepared awake sheep pretreated with either 6-cPGI2 (n = 5) or PGI2 (n = 5). Both prostacyclin compounds (500 ng X kg-1 X min-1) were infused intravenously. All groups were challenged with 80 U/kg thrombin. Pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), pulmonary lymph flow (Qlym), lymph protein clearance (Qlym X lymph/plasma protein concentration ratio), and neutrophil and platelet counts were determined. In vitro tests assessed sheep neutrophil chemotaxis and chemiluminescence and platelet aggregation. In both 6-cPGI2 and PGI2 groups, the increases in Qlym after thrombin were less than those in the control group. The increase in lymph protein clearance in the 6-cPGI2 group was the same as that in control, whereas the increase in clearance in the PGI2 group was reduced. PVR and Ppa increased to a greater extent in the 6-cPGI2 group than in the control group, whereas the increases in PVR and Ppa were inhibited in the PGI2 group. Neutrophil and platelet counts decreased after thrombin in PGI2 and 6-cPGI2 groups, as they did in the control group. Neither 6-cPGI2 altered neutrophil chemotaxis induced by thrombin and chemiluminescence induced by opsonized zymosan. Both prostacyclin compounds inhibited platelet aggregation induced by ADP or thrombin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of leukotriene B4   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) (I) has been converted to its N-(3-amino-propyl)amide derivative (III) and to its hydrazide derivative (VII) via LTB4 delta-lactone. The amide (III) was coupled with Bovine Serum Albumin using 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as coupling agent. The hydrazide (VII), was coupled with Hemocyanin (Keyhole Limpet) (KLH) using 6-N-maleimidohexanoic acid chloride as coupling agent.  相似文献   

A leukotriene B4 (LTB4) analog, 20-trifluoromethyl LTB4 (20CF3-LTB4), has been synthesized and evaluated with human neutrophils for effects on chemotaxis and degranulation. 20CF3-LTB4 was equipotent to LTB4 as a chemoattractant (EC50, 3 nM), produced 50% of maximal activity of LTB4, and competed with [H] LTB4 for binding to intact human neutrophil LTB4 receptors. In contrast to chemotactic activity, 20CF3-LTB4 in nanomolar concentrations exhibited antagonist activity without agonist activity up to 10 microM on LTB4-induced degranulation. The analog had no significant effect on degranulation induced by the chemoattractant peptide, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP). Like LTB4, 20CF3-LTB4 induced neutrophil desensitization to degranulation by LTB4. The results indicate that hydrogen atoms at C-20 of LTB4 are critical for its intrinsic chemotactic and degranulation activities. The fact that 20CF3-LTB4 is a partial agonist for chemotaxis and an antagonist for degranulation suggests that different LTB4 receptor subtypes are coupled to these neutrophil functions. Desensitization of the neutrophil degranulation response to LTB4 can result from receptor occupancy by an antagonist, and therefore, the desensitization is not specific for an agonist.  相似文献   

The effects of a single intravascular bolus injection of platelet-activating factor (PAF) on pulmonary hemodynamics, lung mechanics, and lung fluid and solute exchange were studied in 13 chronically instrumented unanesthetized sheep. Since PAF has profound effects on both platelets and granulocytes, we investigated the effects of platelet and granulocyte depletion on the sheep's response to exogenous PAF. Sheep received PAF when granulocyte and platelets counts were normal and after platelet depletion with rabbit antisheep platelet antibodies (n = 5) or granulocyte depletion with hydroxyurea (n = 5). Sheep served as their own controls, and the order of experimentation was varied. Bolus injections of PAF had reproducible effects on pulmonary hemodynamics (pulmonary arterial pressure increased acutely to 85 +/- 3.7 cmH2O) and lung mechanics (dynamic compliance of the lungs decreased to 24.5 +/- 3.8% of base line and resistance to airflow across the lungs increased greater than 10-fold) and caused marked increases in lung lymph concentrations of thromboxane B2 and 6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha. The single bolus injection of PAF also caused marked prolonged elevations in lung lymph flow and increases in the lymph-to-plasma protein concentration ratio for 3 h after PAF. PAF had profound effects despite platelet and granulocyte depletion. Platelet depletion slightly attenuated the pulmonary hypertension observed after PAF injection. Platelet depletion also attenuated the increases in thromboxane B2 concentrations in lung lymph, and lung mechanics normalized more rapidly in platelet-depleted sheep. There were no statistically significant effects of granulocyte depletion to less than 200 granulocytes/mm3 on any of the measured variables.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sheep were injected on Day 10 of the estrous cycle with a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha or injection vehicle. Corpora lutea were recovered at laparatomy 2, 4, 8, and 16 h following treatment. Portions of tissue were processed for light microscopy and analyzed for concentrations of leukotriene (LT) B4 and progesterone. There was a significant increase in LTB4 in tissues collected before evidence of either functional or structural regression (2 h); such levels were sustained. Tissues isolated 2 h after administration of PGF2 alpha and placed in short-term incubation produced considerable quantities of LTB4. Although no direct in vitro effect of PGF2 alpha on luteal production of LTB4 was demonstrated, it seems possible that lipoxygenase products of arachidonate metabolism, such as LTB4, could act as intermediates in the luteolytic mechanism of action of PGF2 alpha in vivo.  相似文献   

Some allergic sheep respond to inhalation of antigen with both immediate and late increases in airflow resistance (late response). The mechanism of the late response is unknown but recent evidence suggests that the initial generation of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) immediately after antigen challenge is a necessary pre-requisite for the physiologic expression of this late response. Based on this evidence we hypothesized that airway challenge with leukotriene D4 (LTD4), an active component of SRS-A would produce acute and late airway responses in allergenic sheep similar to those observed with antigen. In five allergic sheep with documented early and late pulmonary responses to antigen, inhalation of leukotriene D4 aerosol (delivered dose {mean ±SE} 0.55±0.08 ug) resulted in significant early and late increases in specific lung resistance (SRL). In three allergic sheep which only demonstrated acute responses to antigen, LTD4 aerosol (delivered dose 0.59±0.09ug) only produced an acute increase in SRL. In the late responders pretreatment with aerosol cromolyn sodium (1 mg/kg) did not affect the acute response but blunted the late increase in SRL. Pretreatment with aerosol FPL-57231 (1% w/v solution) completely blocked both the acute and late responses. These data support the hypothesis that initial release of LTD4 in the airways of sensitive animals is important for the physiologic expression of the late response.  相似文献   

Involvement of leukotriene B4 in arthritis models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the role of leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in murine arthritis models using a leukotriene A4 (LTA4) hydrolase inhibitor, SA6541. SA6541 inhibited the severity of collagen-induced arthritis and muramyl dipeptide (MDP)-induced hyperproliferation of synovial cells in vivo. SA6541 also inhibited LTA4-induced hyperproliferation of synovial stromal cells in vitro. These results suggest that LTB4 may play an important role in arthritis models.  相似文献   

Metabolism of leukotriene B4 in hepatic microsomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Leukotriene B4 was metabolized in rat hepatic microsomes to two products. Mass spectral analysis of these two metabolites indicated that the major metabolite was the 20-hydroxy metabolite while the minor metabolite was the 19-hydroxy metabolite. The formation of these metabolites required NADPH and was linear with time (20 min) and protein (1.6 mg/ml). The Km apparent and Vmax for omega hydroxylation of LTB4 was 14 uM and 0.138 nmol/min/mg protein. In contrast, the km and Vmax for omega minus one hydroxylation was 54 uM and 0.093 nmol/min/mg protein. These results suggest that omega and omega minus one hydroxylations of LTB4 may be mediated by different isozymes of hepatic P-450.  相似文献   

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