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The DNA barcoding concept (Woese et al. 1990 ; Hebert et al. 2003 ) has considerably boosted taxonomy research by facilitating the identification of specimens and discovery of new species. Used alone or in combination with DNA metabarcoding on environmental samples (Taberlet et al. 2012 ), the approach is becoming a standard for basic and applied research in ecology, evolution and conservation across taxa, communities and ecosystems (Scheffers et al. 2012 ; Kress et al. 2015 ). However, DNA barcoding suffers from several shortcomings that still remain overlooked, especially when it comes to species delineation (Collins & Cruickshank 2012 ). In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Barley & Thomson ( 2016 ) demonstrate that the choice of models of sequence evolution has substantial impacts on inferred genetic distances, with a propensity of the widely used Kimura 2‐parameter model to lead to underestimated species richness. While DNA barcoding has been and will continue to be a powerful tool for specimen identification and preliminary taxonomic sorting, this work calls for a systematic assessment of substitution models fit on barcoding data used for species delineation and reopens the debate on the limitation of this approach.  相似文献   

Studies on the biogeography of host-parasitoid interactions are scarce, mainly because of technical difficulties associated with rearing and species identification. DNA barcoding is increasingly recognized as a valuable tool for taxon identification, allowing to link different life history stages of a species. We evaluate the usefulness of a protocol based on cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequencing for the study of geographical variation of host-parasitoid interactions. Larvae of Acroclita subsequana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were collected in Macaronesia and dissected to search for parasitoid larvae. Both hosts and parasitoids were sequenced and assigned to molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) based on pairwise genetic distances, tree-based and similarity-based methods. Hosts were grouped into six MOTUs, usually with an allopatric distribution, while parasitoids clustered into 12 MOTUs, each of which was mostly found attacking a single host MOTU. Available COI sequence databases failed to provide identification to species level for these MOTUs. Three challenges related to the applicability of DNA barcoding in this type of studies are identified and discussed: (i) more suitable primers need to be developed for both parasitoids and hosts; (ii) the most commonly used approaches for inferring MOTUs have different limitations (e.g. arbitrary nature of defining a threshold to separate MOTUs) and need to be improved or replaced by other techniques; and (iii) for the identification of MOTUs, it is imperative to increase the range of sequenced taxa in the currently available reference databases. Finally, in spite of these difficulties, we discuss how DNA barcoding will help ecological and biogeographical studies of host-parasitoid interactions.  相似文献   

DNA 'barcoding' relies on a short fragment of mitochondrial DNA to infer identification of specimens. The method depends on genetic diversity being markedly lower within than between species. Closely related species are most likely to share genetic variation in communities where speciation rates are rapid and effective population sizes are large, such that coalescence times are long. We assessed the applicability of DNA barcoding (here the 5' half of the cytochrome c oxidase I) to a diverse community of butterflies from the upper Amazon, using a group with a well-established morphological taxonomy to serve as a reference. Only 77% of species could be accurately identified using the barcode data, a figure that dropped to 68% in species represented in the analyses by more than one geographical race and at least one congener. The use of additional mitochondrial sequence data hardly improved species identification, while a fragment of a nuclear gene resolved issues in some of the problematic species. We acknowledge the utility of barcodes when morphological characters are ambiguous or unknown, but we also recommend the addition of nuclear sequence data, and caution that species-level identification rates might be lower in the most diverse habitats of our planet.  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术在北京百花山地区夜蛾科物种鉴定中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨DNA条形码技术在夜蛾物种鉴定中的可行性, 本研究利用条形码通用引物扩增了北京百花山地区43种夜蛾75个样本的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, COI)基因序列, 以Kimura双参数模型进行种内种间遗传距离分析、 使用邻接法(neighbor-joining, NJ)和最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)分别构建系统发育树, 并利用分子序列差异阈值对样本进行分子可操作分类单元(molecular defined operational taxonomic units, MOTU)划分。结果表明: 所有夜蛾种类通过系统发育树可以成功区分; 种内平均遗传距离(0.03%)远远小于种间平均遗传距离(11.29%); 采用较为保守的1%的序列差异阈值将75个夜蛾样本分为42个MOTU, 正确率为95%, 除了MOTU04包含2个物种外, 剩余41个MOTU与形态种呈现一一对应的关系。结果显示, 基于COI基因的DNA条形码对于本研究中所涉及的夜蛾具有较好的区分, 可以作为一种有效的工具在夜蛾科昆虫物种鉴定中进行应用。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the utility of DNA barcoding to traditional morphology‐based species identifications for the fish fauna of the north‐eastern Congo basin. We compared DNA sequences (COI) of 821 samples from 206 morphologically identified species. Best match, best close match and all species barcoding analyses resulted in a rather low identification success of 87.5%, 84.5% and 64.1%, respectively. The ratio ‘nearest‐neighbour distance/maximum intraspecific divergence’ was lower than 1 for 26.1% of the samples, indicating possible taxonomic problems. In ten genera, belonging to six families, the number of species inferred from mtDNA data exceeded the number of species identified using morphological features; and in four cases indications of possible synonymy were detected. Finally, the DNA barcodes confirmed previously known identification problems within certain genera of the Clariidae, Cyprinidae and Mormyridae. Our results underscore the large number of taxonomic problems lingering in the taxonomy of the fish fauna of the Congo basin and illustrate why DNA barcodes will contribute to future efforts to compile a reliable taxonomic inventory of the Congo basin fish fauna. Therefore, the obtained barcodes were deposited in the reference barcode library of the Barcode of Life Initiative.  相似文献   

The study of biodiversity is a priority task of biological science. The structural unit of biodiversity is a species that has a clear identification in a taxonomic system. Morphological features are traditionally the main criteria for species discrimination in zoological studies. However, the presence of inter- and intraspecific polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity makes it difficult to identify species in many groups of invertebrates. To solve this problem, in this research, we analyzed morphological and genetic data in combination to delimit species among the Eastern Siberia Glossiphonia leeches using different approaches. Morphology analysis revealed phenetically distinct groups, suggesting the existence of at least two species in the region, G. verrucata, a rare Palaearctic species, and a potentially new species Glossiphonia sp. Moreover, sequence-based species delimitation methods congruently supported eight distinct species groups (including two Siberian species) within the available molecular dataset of the Glossiphonia world fauna, using phylogenetic (ML and BI), coalescent (ABGD and GMYC) methods, and pairwise analysis of sequences. The detected p-distances (modal value of 0.11) between these 8 groups and the level of genetic polymorphism (max. 0.0041) within groups indicate that the groups are 8 independent species according to the DNA barcoding. Our results once again proved the usefulness of molecular systematics. At the same time, we detected several inaccuracies in the leech species identification, as well as many ambiguous sites in sequences uploaded on GenBank, which affects the analysis and impedes progress of DNA barcoding technology.  相似文献   

The Upper Rhine Valley, a “hotspot of biodiversity” in Germany, has been treated with the biocide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) for mosquito control for decades. Previous studies discovered Bti nontarget effects in terms of severe chironomid abundance reductions. In this study, we investigated the impact of Bti on species level and addressed the community composition of the nontarget family Chironomidae by use of community metabarcoding. Chironomid emergence data were collected in three mosquito‐control relevant wetland types in the Upper Rhine Valley. For all three sites the chironomid species composition, based on operational taxonomic units (OTUs), was different to varying degrees in the Bti‐treated samples versus control samples, ranging from a significant 63% OTU reduction to an OTU replacement. We assumed that predatory chironomids are less prone to Bti than filter feeders, as the latter feed on floating particles leading to direct ingestion of Bti. However, a comparable percentage of predators and filter feeders (63% and 65%, respectively) was reduced in the Bti samples, suggesting that the feeding strategy is not the main driver for Bti sensitivity in chironomids. Finally, our data was compared to a three‐year‐old data set, indicating possible chironomid community recovery due to species recolonization a few years after the last Bti application. Considering the currently discussed worldwide insect decline we recommend a rethinking of the usage of the biocide Bti, and to prevent its ongoing application especially in nature protection reserves to enhance ecological resilience and to prevent boosting the current biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Accurate specimen identification is challenging in groups with subtle or scarce taxonomically diagnostic characters, and the use of DNA barcodes can provide an effective means for consistent identification. Here, we investigate the utility of DNA barcode identification of species in a cosmopolitan genus of lichen‐forming fungi, Parmelia (Parmeliaceae). Two hundred and two internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences generated from specimens collected from all continents, including Antarctica, were analysed, and DNA barcodes of 14 species of Parmelia s.s. are reported. Almost all species show a barcode gap. Overall, intraspecific divergence values were lower than the threshold previously established for Parmeliaceae. However, the mean and range were elevated by deep barcode divergences in three species, indicating the likely occurrence of overlooked species‐level lineages. Here, we provide a DNA barcode reference library with well‐identified specimens sampled worldwide and sequences from most of the type material to enable easy and fast accurate sample identification and to assist in uncovering overlooked species in Parmelia s.s. Further, our results confirm the efficiency of the ITS region in the identification of species of Parmelia s.s. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 180 , 21–29.  相似文献   

Martin Ryberg 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(23):5770-5777
During the last couple of decades, an increasing number of studies use sequence clusters as units for taxonomic diversity. It is well known that such molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) do not necessarily correspond to species, but they are treated as such when measuring diversity and testing theories. Here, I show that data from studies of molecular evolution and species diversification of fungi indicate that commonly used cut‐offs are likely to lump species in many cases. At the same time, empirical studies show that the mean within‐species variation is close to these cut‐offs. That the within‐species variation estimates are plausible is supported by coalescence modelling under a range of parameter settings. In addition, studies using crossing tests to delimit species show that there often is an overlap in within‐ and between‐species distances. The available data therefore indicate that sequence clusters are likely to misrepresent species. However, to keep a biological relevance, MOTUs should be kept in close agreement with species. Studies using them should therefore asses how sensitive the results are to differences between MOTUs and species – something that is rarely done. An even better solution is to directly include the uncertainty in species delimitation in the analyses, but in many cases, we need to increase our knowledge of taxonomy and evolution to do this accurately. Even if the empirical data referred to here pertain to the “barcoding” region of rDNA in fungi, there is nothing indicating that the situation is substantially better for other taxa or genes.  相似文献   

We used the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) gene DNA to barcode 117 endemic Gulf and cosmopolitan Indo–West Pacific fish species belonging to 54 families and 13 orders. Novel DNA barcodes were provided for 18 fish species (Trachinocephalus sp., Nematalosa sp., Herklotsichthys lossei, Upeneus doriae, Trachurus indicus, Apogonichthyoides taeniatus, Verulux cypselurus, Favonigobius sp., Suezichthus gracilis, Sillago sp., Brachirus orientalis, Pegusa sp., Lepidotrigla bispinosa, Lepidotrigla sp., Grammoplites suppositus, Hippichthys sp., Paramonacanthus sp. and Triacanthus sp.). The species delimitation analysis, conducted with Poisson tree processes– Bayesian PTP (PTP–bPTP) and nucleotide-divergence-threshold (NDT) models), found 137 and 119 entities respectively. Overall, NDT method, neighbour-joining species tree and the prior taxonomic assessment provided similar results. Among the 54 families considered, only 10 (Ariommatidae, Ephippidae, Leiognathidae, Nemipteridae, Plotosidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Priacanthidae and Rachycentridae) showed the occurrence of molecular diagnostic pure characters. The DNA barcoding database developed during this study will help ichthyologists to identify and resolve the taxonomic ambiguities they may encounter with the fishes occurring in The Gulf and throughout the region.  相似文献   

Two different studies based on isozymes that include genetic structure analysis have arrived at contrasting conclusions regarding the minimum number of seed transfer zones for Patagonian cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis) in Argentina that are required in order to avoid genetic contamination in restoration programs. Unfortunately, the more recent article lacks discussion on these controversial results, which is, therefore, the purpose of this article. The reliability of the markers used and the sampling performed in these studies are evaluated comparatively. The later study found higher levels of diversity and differentiation but paradoxically suggested that only two seed transfer zones would be enough to preserve the genetic identity of the natural populations of the species, whereas the earlier study concluded that at least five are necessary. Arguments are presented here for the case that definition of fewer than five genetically homogeneous groups is absolutely inappropriate and implies a probable risk of genetic contamination and maladaptation.  相似文献   

The nuclear 18S‐rRNA gene has been used as a metabarcoding marker in massively parallel sequencing (MPS)‐based environmental surveys for plankton biodiversity research. However, different hypervariable regions have been used in different studies, and their utility has been debated among researchers. In this study, detailed investigations into 18S‐rRNA were carried out; we investigated the effective number of sequences deposited in international nucleotide sequence databases (INSDs), the amplification bias, and the amplicon sequence variability among the three variable regions, V1–3, V4–5 and V7–9, using in silico polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification based on INSDs. We also examined the primer universality and the taxonomic identification power, using MPS‐based environmental surveys in the Sea of Okhotsk, to determine which region is more useful for MPS‐based monitoring. The primer universality was not significantly different among the three regions, but the number of sequences deposited in INSDs was markedly larger for the V4–5 region than for the other two regions. The sequence variability was significantly different, with the highest variability in the V1–3 region, followed by the V7–9 region, and the lowest variability in the V4–5 region. The results of the MPS‐based environmental surveys showed significantly higher identification power in the V1–3 and V7–9 regions than in the V4–5 region, but no significant difference was detected between the V1–3 and V7–9 regions. We therefore conclude that the V1–3 region will be the most suitable for future MPS‐based monitoring of natural eukaryote communities, as the number of sequences deposited in INSDs increases.  相似文献   

The Microgastrinae are a hugely diverse subfamily of endoparasitoid wasps of lepidopteran caterpillars. They are important in agriculture as biological control agents and play a significant ecological role in the regulation of caterpillar populations. Whilst the group has been the focus of intensive rearing and DNA barcoding studies in the Northern Hemisphere, the Australian fauna has received little attention. In total, 99 species have been described from or have been introduced into Australia, but the real species diversity for the region is clearly much larger than this. In this study, museum ethanol samples and recent field collections were mined for hundreds of specimens of microgastrine wasps, which were then barcoded for the COI region, ITS2 ribosomal spacer and the wingless nuclear genes, using a pooled sequencing approach on an Illumina Miseq system. Full COI sequences were obtained for 525 individuals which, when combined with 162 publicly available sequences, represented 417 haplotypes, and a total of 236 species were delimited using a consensus approach. By more than doubling the number of known microgastrine wasp species in Australia, our study highlights the value of DNA barcoding in the context of employing high‐throughput sequencing methods of bulk ethanol museum collections for biodiversity assessment.  相似文献   

Aim The proportion of sampled sites where a species is present is known as prevalence. Empirical studies have shown that prevalence can affect the predictive performance of species distribution models. This paper uses simulated species data to examine how prevalence and the form of species environmental dependence affect the assessment of the predictive performance of models. Methods Simulated species data were based on various functions of simulated environmental data with differing degrees of spatial correlation. Seven model performance measures – sensitivity, specificity, class‐average (CA), overall prediction success, kappa (κ), normalized mutual information (NMI) and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) – were applied to species models fitted by three regression methods. The response of the performance measures to prevalence was then assessed. Three probability threshold selection methods used to convert fitted logistic model values to presence or absence were also assessed. Results The study shows that the extent to which prevalence affects model performance depends on the modelling technique and its degree of success in capturing dominant environmental determinants. It also depends on the statistic used to measure model performance and the probability threshold method. The response based on κ generally preferred models with medium prevalence. All performance measures were least affected by prevalence when the probability threshold was chosen to maximize predictive performance or was based directly on prevalence. In these cases, the responses based on AUC, CA and NMI generally preferred models with small or large prevalence. Main conclusions The effect of prevalence on the predictive performance of species distribution models has a methodological basis. Relevant factors include the success of the fitted distribution model in capturing the dominant environmental determinant, the model performance measure and the probability threshold selection method. The fixed probability threshold method yields a marked response of model performance to prevalence and is therefore not recommended. The study explains previous empirical results obtained with real data.  相似文献   

Non‐biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) adapt to species‐specific environmental conditions and hence are promising bioindicators for aquatic and ecotoxicological monitoring. Although their utility for these purposes was historically limited by difficulties in their morphological identification, DNA barcoding offers a possible solution. Here, eight Japanese species of the genus Chironomus, which is characterized by its worldwide distribution and abundance among Chironomidae, were subjected to DNA barcoding using cytochromec oxidase subunit I (COI). To examine whether this DNA barcode is a useful indicator for Japanese species of Chironomus, we calculated genetic distances within and between the COI sequences of Chironomus species both from this study and worldwide and constructed phylogenetic trees. Based on 415 bp COI sequences and the Kimura two‐parameter model, the average genetic distances within 37 species and between 72 species were 2.6% and 17.2%, respectively. Although the ranges of genetic distances within and between species overlapped from 0.8% to 17.3%, 99.7% of average genetic distances between species were >3.0%. Some of this overlap is attributable to distances within species that were “too large” as well as those between species that were “too small”. Of eight Japanese species examined, two showed genetic distances between species that were below a 3.0% threshold, and four had distances within species that were greater than 3.0%. These results suggest a possible reclassification of these species and the need for further sampling to unveil biogeographic variations among different countries and regions.  相似文献   

What factors determine biome richness: genetic or environmental? Sex, phylogeny, and tolerance indicated by other symbionts (e.g., endosymbionts) or simply is it related to local habitat, especially if the gut biome is considered? To answer these questions, we investigated the gut microbial profile of both sexes of three Unio crassus populations, species with unique system of mitochondrial DNA inheritance called doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), living in different ecological conditions. High-throughput sequencing of the V3–V4 hypervariable regions in the bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was performed, which resulted in a total of 1,051,647 reads, with 58,424 reads/65 OTUs (operational taxonomic units) per sample on average. We identified a core microbiome, with all individual mussels sharing 69 OTUs (representing 23% of the total number of OTUs). Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in all samples, followed by Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. There were no significant differences in gut microbiome compositions between the two sexes of this species; however, we observed different phyla in geographically isolated populations. A non-metric multidimensional scaling plot and dendrogram showed that the bacterial profile complies with the genetic structure of populations. Although we found differences in microbiomes between populations, their genetic structure suggests that the microbiome is weakly related to habitat, and more strongly to phylogeography (on both F and M mitotypes). We found no significant differences in beta diversity between the individuals of the bacterial communities measured using the Bray–Curtis index. Finally, we also examined whether OTUs were represented by symbiotic bacteria that enable cellulose digestion and by endosymbiotic bacteria that play important functions in the biology of their hosts and also affect microevolutionary processes and population phenomena. With regard to the endosymbionts, however, there was no relation to sex of the studied individuals, which suggests that there are no straightforward relations between DUI and microbiome.  相似文献   

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