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Summary PI phenotypes (including subtypes) were determined for 168 individuals with chromosomal abnormalities ascertained in Adelaide. These included patients with mosaicism, trisomy 21, trisomy 13, trisomy 18, and various sex chromosome aberrations (45,X, 47,XXX, 47,XXY, 47,XYY, and 48,XXXY). Data did not support an existing proposition that mildly deficient PI phenotypes predispose to abnormal chromosome segregation during mitosis or meiosis. Phenotypic distributions of each group were statistically similar to control populations of cord bloods and bloods donors.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 701 individuals from a village in The Gambia, West Africa were tested for serum 1 - antitrypsin phenotypes by isoelectric focusing in thinlayer polyacrylamide gels (pH 4-5). A new variant allele, Pi GAM , was discovered at a polymorphic frequency (0.0642), and the inheritance of the variant phenotype was confirmed by family studies. The variant was not found to be associated with any decrease in serum 1 - concentration. The only other allele found within this population was the common allele Pi M (0.9358).  相似文献   

Summary Pi phenotypes have been determined by isoelectrofocusing in a sample of 538 healthy individuals from Southern Germany. Further subdivision of the common PiM phenotype is described. A procedure for the delineation of six common subtypes is presented. It is assumed that the six subtypes are determined by three alleles which are provisionally called PiMa, PiMb, and PiMc. Their frequencies in this sample were 0.75, 0.06, and 0.15, respectively.Supported in part by INSERM, contract No. AT-FA-58  相似文献   

The role of exposed tyrosine side-chains in enzyme-catalysed reactions has been studied for porcine-pancreatic alpha-amylase, sweet-potato beta-amylase, and Aspergillus niger glucamylase using N-acetylimidazole as the specific protein reagent. The changes in activity binding affinity (Δk?1/k+1), and kinetic parameters (Km,k2) due to acetylation of the phenolic hydroxyl groups have been determined. Acetylation of each enzyme occurred by an “apparent” first-order reaction with a rate constant of 0.72–1.4 x 10?1min?1. Acetylation increased the apparent Km (soluble starch as the substrate) for each enzyme (appreciably for alpha-amylase and glucamylase), whereas k2 remained unchanged. Similarly, for each enzyme, the binding affinity for immobilised cyclohexa-amylose decreased appreciably, whereas the catalytic activity was reduced only to a small degree (and remained unchanged for beta-amylase). It is concluded that the tyrosine groups located in the active centre of each enzyme have a substrate-binding function.  相似文献   

The molecular conformation of (1→3)-α-D-glucan tribenzoate (TBG) was studied by X-ray diffraction measurements coupled with a conformational analysis. Although the fiber pattern obtained was of very low crystallinity, the presence of a meridional reflection at the 5th layer line indicated that the TBG molecule took a five-fold helical conformation with a 19.63 A fiber repeat. A conformational analysis on the five-fold helix, which was done by calculating van der Waals’ repulsion energy between non-bonded atoms comprising the TBG chain, suggested that the most preferable energy-based conformation was –5/1, a left-handed five-fold helix.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic typing of 1AT was performed in 3751 individuals from Italian towns. The following was observed: (a) The pathologic phenotypes (SZ, MZ, ZZ) appeared to decrease progressively from northern to southern Italy; (b) the distribution of the PiM suballeles showed considerable geographic variability, but the suballele, M 2 was more frequently encountered in southern Italy; and (c) in the large cities of southern Italy, the frequency of the deficiency more closely resembled that found in northern Italy than that of the remaining populations of the south.  相似文献   

Acyclic diastereoisomers, namely, 1-(N-acetyl-α-methylbenzylamino)-1-deoxyalditol acetates are readily obtained by reductive amination of aldoses with chiral α-methylbenzylamine (MBA) in the presence of sodium cyanoborohydride, and may be separated by reversed-phase 1.c. and, more effectively, by adsorption 1.c. According to this procedure, enantiomers of the common, neutral aldoses are resolved. In adsorption 1.c., l-l* [defined as an adduct of an l-aldose and l-(-)-MBA] is eluted before d-l* for erythrose, xylose, ribose, glucose, 4-O-methylglucose, galactose, and fucose, and the elution order is the reverse for arabinose, lyxose, mannose, rhamnose, and glyceraldehyde. This behavior is probably related to the configuration of C-2 of the aldoses.  相似文献   

A novel class of indole derivatives characterized by a (αE)-α-(1H-indol-3-ylmethylene)benzeneacetic acid or amide scaffold was synthesized. These derivatives, assayed for cell-growth inhibition activity against a panel of six different tumor cell lines, showed strong antiproliferative activity and selectivity mainly towards DU145 cell line. In particular, compounds 2dm and 5 stand out for their cell growth inhibitory activity and, among them, compound 2d emerged for its selectivity towards DU145 with respect to other tested tumor cell lines. DU145 treated with 1 μM of 2d for 72 h showed p21Cip1 induction and suppression of Akt signaling together with induction of Rb. From a computational point of view, two different approaches were used in order to study topology and electronic properties of the novel compounds and to shed light on their drug-likeness properties. Firstly, topological and electronic features of the compounds endowed with the most relevant biological activity were deepened; in parallel, some ADME properties like solubility and permeability were predicted.  相似文献   

Glycosylation of penta-O-acetyl heptopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate with the 3-OH acceptor, methyl 2-O-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-7,8-dideoxy-α-D-manno-oct-7-enopyranoside, gave the desired α1-3-linked disaccharide in a 94% yield. The oct-enopyranoside moiety of the disaccharide was converted to the heptoside by oxidative cleavage with osmium tetroxide/NaIO(4) and subsequent reduction with NaBH(4). The resulting α1-3-linked heptose disaccharide was converted to a tricholoroacetaimidate derivative containing a benzoyl group at C-2. This donor was glycosylated with 2-(carbobenzoxyamino)-1-ethanol to give an α spacer-linked disaccharide derivative in a 90% yield. Zemplén deacylation of the derivative and subsequent hydrogenolysis gave a 2-aminoethyl glycoside of heptopyranosyl(α1-3)heptopyranose.  相似文献   

Glycosylation of penta-O-acetyl heptopyranosyl trichloroacetimidate with the 3-OH acceptor, methyl 2-O-benzyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-7,8-dideoxy-α-D-manno-oct-7-enopyranoside, gave the desired α1-3-linked disaccharide in a 94% yield. The oct-enopyranoside moiety of the disaccharide was converted to the heptoside by oxidative cleavage with osmium tetroxide/NaIO4 and subsequent reduction with NaBH4. The resulting α1-3-linked heptose disaccharide was converted to a tricholoroacetaimidate derivative containing a benzoyl group at C-2. This donor was glycosylated with 2-(carbobenzoxyamino)-1-ethanol to give an α spacer-linked disaccharide derivative in a 90% yield. Zemplén deacylation of the derivative and subsequent hydrogenolysis gave a 2-aminoethyl glycoside of heptopyranosyl(α1-3)heptopyranose.  相似文献   

The title compound is a cyclic oligosaccharide having six glucopyranose residues linked alternatively by -(14) and -(16) glycosidic linkages. Like cyclodextrin analogues it is expected to exhibit an internal cavity and to form inclusion complexes with other species. In order to investigate its conformational preferences, an extensive conformational search was carried out using a combination of Metropolis Monte-Carlo (MMC) procedure in the glycosidic torsion angle space and molecular mechanics procedures. To this end a specific program (METROCYCLIX) was developed. To reduce the MMC search, conformational maps of parent disaccharides were considered as starting entries. Fully minimized conformations were gathered into families using a clustering technique based on RMS fitting over the glycosidic torsion angle values. A wide range of local energy minima were identified in spite of ring closure conditions that constrained the structure of the oligosaccharide. Low energy conformers were stabilized by intramolecular interactions between distant residues. From the Bolzmann population of the best structures derived from the clustering results, various average properties were calculated and compared with experimental data obtained by high resolution NMR. Interpretation of these experimental values (heteronuclear coupling constants, rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effects, relaxation times) relies on the use of Karplus like equations (coupling constants) and analysis of the full relaxation rate matrix treatment (ROE). The quality of the molecular modelling strategy used is assessed by the agreement obtained between calculated and measured observables.  相似文献   

The tetrasaccharide 2-(p-trifluoroacetamidophenyl)ethylO-α-l-fucopyranosyl-(1–3)-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranosyl)-(1–3)-O-β-d-galactopyranosyl-(1–4)-β-d-glucopyranoside was synthesized from thioglycoside intermediates. The key step was a methyl triflate promoted glycosidation of a lactose-derived 3′,4′-diol with a disaccharide thioglycoside to give a β(1–3)-linked tetrasaccharide derivative in 67% yield.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant strain of Rhodococcus australis CSIR-236.457 which accumulates 3a-H-4-(3-propionic acid)-5-hydroxy-7a-methylhexahydro-indan-1-one--lactone from cholesterol, stigmasterol and -sitosterol was studied. The product is produced in a 60% molar yield in a dilute black strap molasses medium containing 6–12g/l cholesterol after a 72 hour fermentation period.  相似文献   

Effects of the R- and S-isomers and racemate of 1-(alpha-methylbenzyl)-3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)urea (MBPU) were measured on phosphorylation and electron transport in mung bean (Phaseolus aureus L.) mitochondria and spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts.In chloroplasts, S-MBPU inhibited basal and methylamine-uncoupled electron transport with ferricyanide as the oxidant, both photoreduction and coupled photophosphorylation with water as the electron donor and with ferricyanide and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) as oxidants, and cyclic photophosphorylation with phenazine methosulfate as the electron mediator under an argon gas phase. With ascorbate 2,6-dichloro-phenolindophenol as the electron donor, phosphorylation coupled to NADP reduction was inhibited, but the reduction of NADP was not inhibited. The R-isomer of MBPU, like the S-isomer, inhibited all of the photophosphorylation reactions studied. However, unlike the S-isomer, the R-isomer either did not inhibit or was a very weak inhibitor of all photoreduction reactions. The effects of the MBPUs on the chloroplast reactions can be explained by action at two different sites: an optically specific site near photosystem II and the oxygen evolution pathway, and a second optically nonspecific site associated with the generation of ATP.In mitochondria, both the R- and S-isomers stimulated state 4 respiration, inhibited state 3 respiration, and released oligomycin-inhibited respiration with malate, succinate, and NADH as substrates. Both enantiomers were equally active in all studies with malate and succinate as substrates. However, with NADH as substrate, R-MBPU was a stronger inhibitor of state 3 respiration and a weaker stimulator of state 4 respiration than S-MBPU.  相似文献   

Terpene derivatives converted by microbial biotransformation constitute an important resource for natural pharmaceutical, fragrance, and aroma substances. In the present study, the monoterpene α-phellandrene was biotransformed by 16 different strains of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and yeasts). The transformation metabolites were initially screened by TLC and GC/MS, and then further characterized by NMR spectroscopic techniques. Among the six metabolites characterized, 6-hydroxypiperitone, α-phellandrene epoxide, cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol, and carvotanacetone, which originated from (-)-(R)-α-phellandrene, are reported for the first time in this study. Additionally, the substrate and the metabolite 5-p-menthene-1,2-diol were subjected to in vitro antibacterial and anticandidal tests. The metabolite showed moderate-to-good inhibitory activities (MICs=0.125 to >4?mg/ml) against various bacteria and especially against Candida species in comparison with its substrate (-)-(R)-α-phellandrene and standard antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) A9, A15, A19, A20, A29, A35, A44, A50 and A61 were identified by capillary gas chromatography/selected ion monitoring (GC/SIM) in immature seeds of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl). Furthermore, five unknown GA-like compounds with apparent parent ions of m/z 418, 504 or 506 (as methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether derivatives) were found by GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) in the biologically active fractions. The m/z 418 and 504 compounds may have been C-11β hydroxylated GA9 and dehydro-GA35, respectively. The bioassay and GC/MS results suggest that the major GAs were GA50 and the five unknown GA-like compounds. In the immature seeds, at least two GA metabolic pathways may thus exist, one being the non-hydroxylation pathway of GA15→GA24→GA9, and the other, the early C-13 hydroxylation pathway of GA44→GA19→GA20→GA29. A late C-11β hydroxylation pathway is also possible.  相似文献   

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