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During affinity chromatographic purification of bovine heart 14 kDa galactose-binding lectin (galectin 1) on lactose-Sepharose, several high molecular weight non-lectin glycoproteins were co-purified with the lectin. Glycoprotein binding to the affinity matrix was neither hydrophobic nor ionic, but galactose-dependent since lactose abolished binding. Purification of galectin from the co-purified glycoproteins by affinity electrophoresis in presence of the specific sugar lactose increased agglutination activity about 65-fold, indicating that a complex containing galectin molecules bound sugar specifically to endogenous glycoproteins with sugar binding sites still available had been retained on lactose-Sepharose.  相似文献   

Essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from different organs (flowers, leaves, stems and roots) of Tunisian coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) was analyzed. GC and GC-MS analysis enabled us to identify 64 compounds and revealed great qualitative and quantitative differences between the analyzed parts. In all organs, the main compound was (E)-2-dodecenal, followed by (E)-2-tridecenal, gamma-cadinene, (Z)-myroxide, neryl acetate and eugenol. Multivariate analysis (PCA) revealed a high similarity in the essential oils composition between upper leaves and flowers in one hand and basal leaves, roots and stems on the other hand. Further, it has been reported an organ-dependant distribution of essential oil compounds.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelins were isolated from mucosal layers of bovine rennet stomach, duodenum, jejunoileum, and colon ascendens. The ceramides obtained after phospholipase degradation were characterized by thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, and gas-liquid chromatography. The main ceramide group from all regions consisted of dihydroxy long-chain bases and normal fatty acids. Sphingosine was the predominant base in all these fractions, and only in rennet stomach were smaller amounts of the C17 and C20 homologs present. Normal saturated C16, C18, C22, and C24 fatty acids were most abundant. In rennet stomach there was in addition a ceramide group having dihydroxy long-chain bases in combination with hydroxy fatty acids. Sphingosine was the predominant long-chain base and the fatty acids were 2-hydroxy C16, C22, C23, and C24. From jejunoileum three minor ceramide fractions were isolated; these consisted of phytosphingosine and normal fatty acids C22-C24), sphingosine and 2-hydroxy fatty acids (C16-C24), and phytosphingosine and 2-hydroxy fatty acids (C22-C24), respectively. No branched paraffin chains were found in significant amounts. Sphingomyelins with trihydroxy long-chain bases and 2-hydroxy fatty acids found in jejunoileum were also detected in bovine kidney and have not been demonstrated before. These sphingomyelins from both kidney and jejunoileum showed a preferential combination of trihydroxy bases and fatty acids with very long chains (C22-C24).  相似文献   

A variety of animal tissues contain beta-galactoside-binding lectins with molecular masses in the range 13-17 kDa. There is evidence that these lectins may constitute a new protein family although their function in vivo is not yet clear. In this work the major part of the amino acid sequence of the 13 kDa lectin from bovine heart muscle has been determined. Comparison of this sequence with the cDNA-deduced sequence published for the chick embryo skin lectin showed 58% homology. Comparison of the bovine lectin sequence with partial sequences from two cDNA clones from a human hepatoma library and partial amino acid sequences of human lung lectin showed 70, 40 and 85% homology, respectively. The sequences of these vertebrate lectins are thus clearly related, supporting earlier results of immunological cross-reactivity within this group of proteins. Computer searching of protein sequence databases did not detect significant homologies between the bovine lectin sequence and other known proteins.  相似文献   

Al jamal JA 《Biological chemistry》2002,383(12):1967-1970
Incubation of mitochondrial outer membrane porin with citraconic anhydride prior to treatment with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) resulted in the labeling of a set of lysines located at a boundary between the water phase and lipid phase. The elution pattern of porin from the cation exchanger has been considered as indicative for the location of lysines. Electrical measurements after reconstitution of the modified protein in lipid bilayer membranes revealed that certain specific lysine residues are more susceptible to alterations. The innermost positive residues were only slightly influenced, while the outermost lysines exhibited a substantial change in channel properties. These results suggest the presence of critical charged residues in mitochondrial outer membrane porin that may be responsible for both the channel's selectivity and its voltage dependence.  相似文献   

1. After differential pelleting of bovine thyroid tissue the highest relative specific activities for plasma membrane markers are found in the L fraction whereas those for peroxidase activities (p-phenylenediamine, guaiacol and 3,3'-diaminobenizidine tetrachloride peroxidases) are found in the M fraction. 2. When M + L fractions were subjected to buoyant-density equilibration in a HS zonal rotor all peroxidases show different profiles. The guaiacol peroxidase activity always follows the distribution of glucose 6-phosphatase. 3. When a Sb fraction is subjected to Sepharose 2B chromatography three major peaks are obtained. The first, eluted at the void volume, consists of membranous material and contains most of the guaiacol peroxidase activity. Most of the protein (probably thyroglobulin) is eluted with the second peak. Solubilized enzymes are recovered in the third peak. 4. p-Phenylenediamine peroxidase activity penetrates into the gel on polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis, whereas guaiacol peroxidase activity remains at the sample zone. 5. DEAE-Sephadex A-50 chromatography resolves the peroxidase activities into two peaks, displaying different relative amounts of the different enzymic activities in each peak. 6. The peroxidase activities may be due to the presence of different proteins. A localization of guaiacol peroxidase in rough-endoplasmic-reticulum membranes (or in membranes related to them) seems very likely.  相似文献   

Myoglobin (Mb) content and citrate synthase (CS) activity were determined in myocardial samples from nine human brain-dead organ donors with normal hearts. Six regions of each heart were analyzed: right and left atria, right ventricle, left ventricular subepicardium, subendocardium, and anterior papillary muscle. The Mb content was similar, whereas the CS activity was higher in the left than in the right heart at both atrial and ventricular levels. Mb content and CS activity were higher in ventricles than in atria. The subendocardial layer and papillary muscle of the left ventricle had a higher Mb content than the subepicardial layer, whereas CS activity was similar in these three locations. The results suggested a closer relationship between CS activity (oxidative potential) and work load than between Mb content and work load. Mb content may, instead, be related to intramuscular oxygen tension (PO2) on the basis of a comparison between our Mb data and those of others on regional variations in myocardial PO2.  相似文献   

Antiserum was prepared to the proteins (amelogenins) isolated from fetal bovine enamel matrix. This antiserum was used to localize the amelogenins in the developing bovine molar by immunofluorescent microscopy. Amelogenins could be identified in the preameloblasts before enamel matrix deposition had begun as well as in the secretory ameloblasts. The closely adherent layer of stratum intermedium cells also contained some immunoreactive material, suggesting that they may contribute protein to the enamel matrix. The newly deposited enamel matrix consisted of brightly fluorescent particles. Mature enamel matrix did not contain the immunoreactive protein except in a thin layer along the dentino-enamel junction and adjacent to the ameloblasts. No other portion of the tooth bud or other tissues reacted with the specific antiserum.  相似文献   

This immunohistochemical study describes the localization of progesterone receptors (PR) in the bovine ovary of 23 cows at different stages of the oestrous cycle. In primordial, primary and secondary follicles the score for PR in the follicle cells increased progressively with the maturation of the follicle. In vital tertiary follicles and cystic atretic follicles a moderate score for PR was found, while in obliterative atretic follicles the score was much lower. Scores were high in corpora hemorrhagica, low in corpora lutea and still lower in corpora albicantia. Low PR scores were also found in the tunica albuginea and surface epithelium. Cyclic variations of PR immunoreactivity were manifest in most ovarian tissues. Follicular scores for PR were high in oestrus and decreased during the following stages, whereas scores in corpora lutea cells varied according to a characteristic pattern with high levels during oestrus and metoestrus. The variations in the scores for PR in the different ovarian cell types suggest a cell-specific and cycle-dependent influence of progesterone. A negative correlation was found between the PR scores and the plasma progesterone concentration.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effects of different inotropic factors on mechanical tension in the left ventricular wall and in the apex of the heart and of the participation of these regions in the formation of hemodynamic characteristics. Adrenaline caused similar effects whereas CaCl2 exerted different inotropic effects on the left ventricular wall and the apex of the heart. Changes in mechanical tension of the wall correlated with variations in the pressure inside the left ventricle. Tension in the apex of the heart produced alterations in the stroke volume.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharide recognition by the 13 kDa soluble lectin from bovine heart muscle has been investigated by inhibition of binding of the 125I-labelled lectin to trypsin-treated rabbit erythrocytes. The results indicate that the Type 1 (Gal beta 1-3GlcNAc) and the Type 2 (Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) backbone structures are the basic recognition units, and that the blood-group-H structure, the blood-group-B structure, the 'B-like' structure [afucosyl-(blood group B)] and the alpha 2-3 sialylated analogues of the backbone structures can also be accommodated and hence are candidate receptor structures for the lectin. A comparison of available inhibition data on six other soluble beta-galactoside-binding lectins (three from human lung and three from rat lung) has shown some common features among these and the bovine lectin, e.g. in general a stronger reaction with N-acetyl-lactosamine than with lactose, and a lack of reaction with 3-fucosyl-lactose and 6-sialyl-lactose. However, there are distinctive features among the lectins, e.g. differences in relative reactions with the blood-group-A structure, and no two of the lectins appear to be identical in their fine specificities.  相似文献   

We found an endogenous growth factor, referred to here as heart-derived growth factor (HDGF), that stimulates the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells. HDGF was purified from bovine myocardium using a procedure that involves denaturation of undesired proteins with methanol and chloroform. Soluble HDGF was purified essentially to homogeneity in a single step by heparin affinity chromatography. The purified HDGF was identified to be acidic fibroblast growth factor based on the following properties: molecular weight of 18,000, isoelectric point of 5.2, amino acid composition and sequence, its dissociation from a heparin affinity column at 0.9 M NaCl, potentiation of activity in the presence of heparin, and antigenicity. Our yield of HDGF was 500 micrograms/kg of tissue. Antiserum raised to HDGF localized HDGF in the cardiac myocytes in culture. These data indicate that a large amount of acidic fibroblast growth factor is present in the heart, and the cardiac myocytes are likely to be a major source of it.  相似文献   

An immunogold staining method was used in combination with epipolarization microscopic detection to demonstrate the presence of bovine placental retinol-binding protein in bovine extraembryonic membranes. Amnion, chorion and allantois were fixed in Bouin fixation fluid and embedded in polyethylene glycol 1500. Sections (5 mm) were cut and transferred onto Digene silanated slides and immunostained using rabbit antiserum raised against bovine placental retinol-binding protein followed by goat anti-rabbit IgG labeled with 1 nm gold. Gold particles after silver enhancement were viewed and photographed under epipolarization microscopy. Epithelial cells of all three membranes (i.e. amniotic ectoderm, chorionic trophectoderm, and allantoic endoderm) were immunoreactive, while mesodermal cells, collagen, and blood cells were not. These data, together with our previous observation that these three placental membranes synthesize and secrete retinol-binding protein, indicate that epithelial cells lining the amnion, chorion and allantois are the major sources of this protein. The presence of retinol-binding protein in placental membranes and their fluids may be indicative of an important role for retinol in placental differentiation and development.  相似文献   

An SL2 lectin was isolated from human serum and characterized previously; cellular localization of the lectin was studied using polyclonal rabbit antibodies. According to cytofluorimetry, anti-SL2 antibodies bound only to lymphocytes and monocytes but not to other blood cells. Antibodies bound to Jurkat T cell lymphoma but did not interact with IM-9 cells of B cell origin. Moreover, the Jurkat cells bound oligosaccharides having the highest affinity to SL2 (GalNAcalpha_and Fucalpha1-2Gal), and this interaction was inhibited by anti-SL2 antibodies. Lysis of the Jurkat cells with subsequent electrophoresis and Western blotting indicates that anti-SL2 antibodies recognized a 14-kD protein.  相似文献   

Adrenal ferredoxin, the iron-sulfur protein associated with cytochrome P-450 in adrenocortical mitochondria, has been localized at the light microscopic level in bovine adrenal cortex. Localization was achieved through the use of rabbit antiserum to bovine adrenal ferrodoxin in an unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. When sections of bovine adrenal glands were exposed to the adrenal ferredoxin antiserum, intense staining was observed in parenchymal cells of the three cortical zones. Staining for adrenal ferredoxin was not detected in the medullary chromaffin cells. The presence of adrenal ferredoxin in the three cortical zones was verified by electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry. These determinations also revealed that while the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis contained approximately equal concentrations of adrenal ferredoxin, the concentration of the iron-sulfur protein in the zona glomerulosa was considerably lower. Similar results were obtained when the levels of cytochrome P-450 were determined in the three cortical zones. These results represent the first immunohistochemical localization within an intact tissue or cell of any component of an NADPH-dependent electron transport sequence which is responsible for the reduction of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

Summarize the value of the change of different parts in treadmill exercise test (TET) ECG to coronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosis. Four hundred and forty-five cases have been included in this investigation, which stayed in our hospital from January of 2006 to March of 2011 and underwent TET and coronary arteriography (CAG). The change of different parts in TET ECG in these patients had been retrospective summarized to determine its diagnosis value to CHD. (1) In the 445 cases of TET testers, 200 cases showed positive in TET with 150 cases of positive CAG, and 50 cases of negative CAG; 245 cases showed negative in TET with 206 cases of negative CAG, and 39 cases of positive CAG. The diagnosis sensitivity of CHD was 79.36 % (150/189), the specificity was 80.47 % (206/256), positive prediction value was 75.00 % (150/200), negative prediction value was 84.08 % (206/245), and false-positive rate was 25.00 % (50/200) with prediction accuracy of 80.00 % (356/445). (2) In the 200 cases with positive TET: 51 cases were in the limb lead group; 73 cases were in the chest lead group; and 76 cases were in the limb lead + chest lead group. There were 150 cases showing positive in CAG: 22 cases were in the limb lead group; 58 cases were in the chest lead group; and 70 cases were in the limb lead + chest lead group. The positive diagnosis rate of ST change in the chest lead was obviously higher than that of simple limb lead group (P < 0.05). (3) People with healthy coronary artery will have decreased amplitude of R wave while patients with coronary stenosis have elevated amplitude of R wave. (4) As for the T wave, the positive CAG had no statistical significance between normal T wave group and TET positive group (P > 0.05); CAG results had statistical significance between normal T wave group and TET negative group (P < 0.05). (5) Positive CAG results had no statistical significance between U-wave inversion group and TET positive group (P > 0.05); positive CAG results has statistical significance when TET negative group compared with U-wave inversion group or TET positive group (P < 0.05). TET is a relatively idea invasive diagnosis method for coronary disease, which can be utilized to evaluate the stage of CHD when integrating with the change of TET ECG.  相似文献   

The fate of lectin labeled internalized plasma membrane in the ascites tumor form of the Chang rat hepatoma growing under in vivo and in vitro conditions was investigated cytochemically. Ascites cells were incubated in Convanavalin A (Con A) and horseradish peroxidase (PO), either with or without prior glutaraldehyde fixation and subsequently treated with 3',3-diaminobenzidine. In cells fixed before Con-A-PO labeling the reaction product was localized as a continuous and even layer upon the external surface of the plasma membrane. If unfixed cells were treated with Con A, coupled with PO at 4 degrees C and reincubated in phosphate buffered saline at 37 degrees C for varying periods of time, the Con-A-PO layer was of irregular thickness. In as little as 15 min of reincubation endocytotic vesicles containing PO positive material were closely associated with GERL components of the Golgi Apparatus. Localization of acid phosphatase (ACPase) within GERL vesicles, similar in size and location to those containing Con-A-PO reaction product, indicates that the Con-A-PO labeled vesicles may be a component of the Golgi apparatus in hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to correlate the supramolecular organization of conglutinin (BK) with its primary and tertiary structure and to gain more knowledge of functionally important regions of the molecule. BK analyzed by SDS-PAGE under standard reducing conditions (40 mM DTT) showed a major band at 43 kDa and weaker bands at 86 and 180 kDa. In contrast, reduction with 6-50 mM L-cysteine resulted in 37-kDa subunits indicating the presence of intrachain disulfide bonds within this subunit. Hydroxylamine treatment indicated presence of ester bonds in the 86- and 180-kDa subunits. Collagenase digestion and SDS-PAGE under reducing and nonreducing conditions resulted in bands of 20 and 15 kDa, respectively, indicating the presence of intrachain, rather than interchain, disulfide bonds in the carboxy terminus. Deglycosylation and glycan differentiation analysis of BK revealed the presence of O-linked glycans of GalNAc and alpha (2-3) linked sialic acid type, whereas no N-linked glycans were demonstrated. Binding experiments with GlcNAc-gold suggested that multivalency is required for carbohydrate binding to BK. Electron microscopy showed mostly tetramers, 96 nm in diameter, but also mono-, di-, and trimers were seen. The tetramers consisted of 40-nm strands, each with a peripheral globular head composed of subunits and connected to a common central lobe built from four ring-formed structures. The strands occasionally showed two bends, one close to the central lobe and another 25 nm from the lobe. These bends most likely correspond to the interrupted Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeats at residues 38 and 123.  相似文献   

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