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RNA silencing occurs in a broad range of organisms. Although its ancestral function is probably related to the genome defense mechanism against repetitive selfish elements, it has been found that RNA silencing regulates different cellular processes such as gene expression and chromosomal segregation. In Neurospora crassa, a RNA silencing mechanism, called quelling, acts to repress the expression of transgenes and transposons, but until now no other cellular functions have been shown to be regulated by this mechanism.  相似文献   

Although nascent noncoding RNAs can undergo maturation to functional RNAs or degradation by quality control pathways, the events that influence the choice of pathway are not understood. We report that the targeting of pre-tRNAs and certain other noncoding RNAs for decay by the TRAMP pathway is strongly influenced by competition between the La protein and the Rex1 exonuclease for access to their 3' ends. The La protein binds the 3' ends of many nascent noncoding RNAs, protecting them from exonucleases. We demonstrate that unspliced, end-matured, partially aminoacylated pre-tRNAs accumulate in yeast lacking the TRAMP subunit Trf4p, indicating that these pre-tRNAs normally undergo decay. By comparing RNA extracted from wild-type and mutant yeast strains, we show that Rex1p is the major exonuclease involved in pre-tRNA trailer trimming and may also function in nuclear CCA turnover. As the accumulation of end-matured pre-tRNAs in trf4Delta cells requires Rex1p, these pre-tRNAs are formed by exonucleolytic trimming. Accumulation of truncated forms of 5S rRNA and SRP RNA in trf4Delta cells also requires Rex1p. Overexpression of the La protein Lhp1p reduces both exonucleolytic pre-tRNA trimming in wild-type cells and the accumulation of defective RNAs in trf4Delta cells. Our experiments reveal that one consequence of Rex1p-dependent 3' trimming is the generation of aberrant RNAs that are targeted for decay by TRAMP.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is a common microsporidian pathogen, one of two Nosema species that cause "nosema disease" in honeybees, Apis cerana and Apis mellifera. Samples of N. ceranae rDNA from isolates collected in different locations were sequenced and one 5S rRNA was found to be upstream of SSUrRNA. The rDNA arrangement, 5'-5S rRNA-IGS-SSUrRNA-ITS-LSUrRNA-3', was found in all isolates. In order to better understand the distribution relationship between N. ceranae isolates from A. cerana and A. mellifera, their rRNA spacer regions were also sequenced for analysis. Results showed that there are no significant differences between the IGS sequences of the isolates and no difference in the ITS sequence with the exception of one transition found in an isolate from Martinique. These isolates showed consistency in the IGS phylogenic analysis suggesting that no transmission barrier exists between A. mellifera and A. cerana and there is no difference between isolates from geography separated areas.  相似文献   

Summary Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats of the plant-parasitic nematode Meloidogyne arenaria are heterogeneous in size and appear to contain 5S rRNA gene sequences. Moreover, in a recA + bacterial host, plasmid clones of a 9 kb rDNA repeat show deletion events within a 2 kb intergenic spacer (IGS), between 28S and 5S DNA sequences. These deletions appear to result from a reduction in the number of tandem 129 by repeats in the IGS. The loss of such repeats might explain how rDNA length heterogeneity, observed in the Meloidogyne genome, could have arisen. Each 129 by repeat also contains three copies of an 8 by subrepeat, which has sequence similarity to an element found in the IGS repeats of some plant rDNAs.  相似文献   

Umbelopsis ramanniana is a well-known species in this genus. A characteristic morphological feature of this fungus is the remarkable variation in the sporangiospore shape, which implies the genetic variations occur in the nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) in the U. ramanniana isolates. The relationship between the variations of the sequences of the nrDNA ITS regions and those of the sporangiospore morphology was investigated for 12 isolates of U. ramanniana collected in Europe. Neighbor-joining and parsimony analyses on the sequences suggested that these isolates split into three groups. Precise examination of the morphology showed that the isolates of those respective groups were different from each other in their sporangiospore shape. The present study implies at least three intraspecific groups exist in U. ramanniana and that the variations in the nucleotide sequences of the nrDNA ITS regions correlate well with those in the sporangiospore shape in these intraspecific groups.  相似文献   

Ii M  Ii T  Brill SJ 《Mutation research》2007,625(1-2):1-19
Previous studies in yeast have suggested that the SGS1 DNA helicase or the Mus81-Mms4 structure-specific endonuclease is required to suppress the accumulation of lethal recombination intermediates during DNA replication. However, the structure of these intermediates and their mechanism of the suppression are unknown. To examine this reaction, we have isolated and characterized a temperature-sensitive (ts) allele of MUS81. At the non-permissive temperature, sgs1Δ mus81ts cells arrest at G2/M phase after going through S-phase. Bulk DNA replication appears complete but is defective since the Rad53 checkpoint kinase is strongly phosphorylated under these conditions. In addition, the induction of Rad53 hyper-phosphorylation by MMS was deficient at permissive temperature. Analysis of rDNA replication intermediates at the non-permissive temperature revealed elevated pausing of replication forks at the RFB in the sgs1Δ mus81ts mutant and a novel linear structure that was dependent on RAD52. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of the mus81Δ mutant revealed an expansion of the rDNA locus depending on RAD52, in addition to fragmentation of Chr XII in the sgs1Δ mus81ts mutant at permissive temperature. This is the first evidence that Mus81 functions in quality control of replication forks and that it is involved in the maintenance of rDNA repeats in vivo.  相似文献   

AtTRB1, 2 and 3 are members of the SMH (single Myb histone) protein family, which comprises double‐stranded DNA‐binding proteins that are specific to higher plants. They are structurally conserved, containing a Myb domain at the N‐terminus, a central H1/H5‐like domain and a C‐terminally located coiled‐coil domain. AtTRB1, 2 and 3 interact through their Myb domain specifically with telomeric double‐stranded DNA in vitro, while the central H1/H5‐like domain interacts non‐specifically with DNA sequences and mediates protein–protein interactions. Here we show that AtTRB1, 2 and 3 preferentially localize to the nucleus and nucleolus during interphase. Both the central H1/H5‐like domain and the Myb domain from AtTRB1 can direct a GFP fusion protein to the nucleus and nucleolus. AtTRB1–GFP localization is cell cycle‐regulated, as the level of nuclear‐associated GFP diminishes during mitotic entry and GFP progressively re‐associates with chromatin during anaphase/telophase. Using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and fluorescence loss in photobleaching, we determined the dynamics of AtTRB1 interactions in vivo. The results reveal that AtTRB1 interaction with chromatin is regulated at two levels at least, one of which is coupled with cell‐cycle progression, with the other involving rapid exchange.  相似文献   

刘静  王亚楠  孙亚奇  王洪洋  汪超  彭中镇  刘榜 《遗传》2014,36(4):354-359
拷贝数变异(Copy number variation, CNV)是染色体上发生的一种微结构变异, 已引起越来越多研究者的关注。本课题组前期已获得猪13号染色体上的32个CNV区域(CNV region, CNVR), 为了发掘CNVR内的基因信息, 文章在线检索了上述CNVR内的基因并进行基因本体(Gene Ontology)分析。结果共发现236个基因, 其中有注释基因169个, 主要参与蛋白质水解、细胞粘附、大分子降解等生物过程。为了探索这些基因拷贝数变异的遗传规律, 文章选择RCAN1(Regulators of calcineurin 1)基因为候选基因, 利用QPCR方法在莱芜猪群中检测了该基因的拷贝数, 并分析了CNV在莱芜猪3个家系中的遗传规律。结果表明, RCAN1基因在莱芜猪群体中存在拷贝数的缺失、重复现象, 其拷贝数变异的遗传规律符合孟德尔遗传方式。  相似文献   

Chai Y  Norman T  Kolter R  Losick R 《The EMBO journal》2011,30(7):1402-1413
Bacillus subtilis chooses between matrix production and spore formation, which are both controlled by the regulator Spo0A~P. We report that metabolism and chromosome copy number dictate which fate is adopted. Conditions that favour low Spo0A~P levels promote matrix production, whereas conditions favouring high levels trigger sporulation. Spo0A~P directs the synthesis of SinI, an antirepressor for the SinR repressor of matrix genes. The regulatory region of sinI contains an activator site that Spo0A~P binds strongly and operators that bind Spo0A~P weakly. Evidence shows that low Spo0A~P levels turn sinI ON and high levels turn sinI OFF and instead switch sporulation ON. Cells in which sinI and sinR were transplanted from their normal position near the chromosome replication terminus to positions near the origin and cells that harboured an extra copy of the genes were blocked in matrix production. Thus, matrix gene expression is sensitive to the number of copies of sinI and sinR. Because cells at the start of sporulation have two chromosomes and matrix-producing cells one, chromosome copy number could contribute to cell-fate determination.  相似文献   

To determine the variability of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer region (ISR) of the newly described Acinetobacter baylyi, 88 clones containing ISR amplicons were screened and 14 chosen for further analysis. Two different sized 16S-23S rRNA ISRs were distinguished comprising five variable and four conserved nucleotide blocks. The major regions of heterogeneity between the different sized ISRs were due to blocks of substitutions with unique secondary structures interspersed with nucleotide substitutions, rather than differences caused by presence or absence of tRNA genes, which is often the case. Recombination events causing shuffling of nucleotide blocks are considered the most likely explanation for the mosaic structure observed between the different copies of the ISR. Single base differences present in the long ISR (LISR) were then exploited in attempts to detect possible heterogeneity between rrn copies in Acinetobacter baylyi but variability was not detected by RFLP analysis of LISR-specific PCR products. These primers were shown to be highly specific for 3 Acinetobacter baylyi strains based on LISR sequence homogeneity.  相似文献   

The structural variation in 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS) among Bacteroides species was assessed by PCR amplification and sequencing analysis, and its possible use for molecular diagnosis of these species was evaluated. Ninety strains of the genus Bacteroides, including the species B. distasonis, B. eggerthii, B. fragilis, B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, B. uniformis and B. vulgatus, produced one to three ITS amplification products with sizes ranging from 615 to 810 bp. Some Bacteroides strains could be differentiated at species level on the basis of ITS amplification patterns and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis using a four-nucleotide-recognizing enzyme, Msp I. The results of sequence analysis of ITS amplification products revealed genes for Ile-tRNA and Ala-tRNA in all strains tested. The nucleotide sequence, except for that in tRNA-coding regions, was highly variable and characteristic for each species, but a common sequence among B. fragilis, B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus was observed. A digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probe (named FOT1), which was designed from this conserved sequence, specifically hybridized to the ITS amplification products from B. fragilis, B. thetaiotaomicron and B. ovatus. These results suggest that the ITS region is a useful target for the development of rapid and accurate techniques for identification of Bacteroides species.  相似文献   



Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic disorder that involves inflammatory and fibrotic changes in the bile ducts. Up to 80% of patients have concomitant inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with colitis. PSC patients are predisposed to develop hepatobiliary, colonic and other extrahepatic malignancies, probably related to inflammatory processes that might promote carcinogenesis. Telomerase is an enzyme complex that lengthens telomeres and has enhanced expression in numerous malignancies. In this study, we evaluated the TERC gene copy number, the proportion of cells in senescence and the amount of fragmentation in the senescent state.


Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for the TERC gene was applied to lymphocytes retrieved from PSC (N = 19), colitis (N = 20) and healthy control patients (N = 20) to determine the TERC copy number. On the same FISH slides, cells stained with DAPI were also analyzed for senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHF) status, including the number of cells with fragments and the number of SAHF fragments in each cell.


A higher TERC gene copy number was observed in cells from PSC patients compared to colitis and control group patients. It was also higher in the colitis than in the control group. Significantly more cells in the senescent state and more fragmentation in each cell were observed in the PSC group compared to colitis and control groups.


The TERC gene copy number and the number of cells in the senescent state were increased in PSC patients compared to the colitis and control groups. These findings are probably related to the genetic instability parameters that reflect the higher tendency of this patient group to develop malignancies.  相似文献   

The karyotype of the big-headed Amazon River turtle, Peltocephalus dumerilianus, is characterized based on a sample of seven juveniles from Reserva Biológica do Rio Trombetas, Pará State, Brazil (1°30′ S, 56°34′ W). Here we present the first results on GTG and CBG-banding patterns, Ag-NOR staining and FISH, with telomeric and 45S rDNA sequences as probes. A cytogenetic comparison with related Podocnemidae is also provided.  相似文献   

Murata H  Babasaki K 《Mycorrhiza》2005,15(5):381-386
To explore intra- and inter-specific variations of the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Tricholoma matsutake that produces the fruit body matsutake, we carried out real-time PCR analysis based on two types of retrotransposons, one designated marY1, which resembles a retrovirus carrying the long terminal repeat (LTR) and the other marY2N, which resembles mRNA carrying the polyadenylated tail. Calculation based on the average genome size of homobasidiomycetes (34 Mbp) shows that ca. 5.5% of the total genome of T. matsutake isolated from Asia is made up of these retrotransposons, whereas they occupy ca. 1.4% in the isolates from Morocco, ca. 0.8% in isolates from Mexico, and ca. 0.5% in Tricholoma magnivelare, the species which produces American matsutake. Other Tricholoma spp. that produce fruit bodies similar to those of T. matsutake, such as T. bakamatsutake, T. fulvocastaneum, and T. robustum, carry them in the region less than 0.05% of their total genome. Copy number of LTR of marY1 is consistently and markedly higher than that of the coding regions of marY1 and marY2N. Data suggest that retrotransposons are deeply involved in evolution of the ectomycorrhizal symbiont.  相似文献   

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