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STP and Tip Are Essential for Herpesvirus Saimiri Oncogenicity   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mutant forms of herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) subgroup C strain 488 with deletions in either STP-C488 or Tip were constructed. The transforming potentials of the HVS mutants were tested in cell culture and in common marmosets. Parental HVS subgroup C strain 488 immortalized common marmoset T lymphocytes in vitro to interleukin-2-independent growth, but neither of the deletion mutants produced such growth transformation. Wild-type HVS produced fatal lymphoma within 19 to 20 days of experimental infection of common marmosets, while HVS ΔSTP-C488 and HVS ΔTip were nononcogenic. Virus was repeatedly isolated from the peripheral blood of marmosets infected with mutant virus for more than 5 months. These results demonstrate that STP-C488 and Tip are not required for replication or persistence, but each is essential for transformation in cell culture and for lymphoma induction in common marmosets.  相似文献   

The product of open reading frame 14 (orf14) of herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) exhibits significant homology with mouse mammary tumor virus superantigen. orf14 encodes a 50-kDa secreted glycoprotein, as shown previously (Z. Yao, E. Maraskovsky, M. K. Spriggs, J. I. Cohen, R. J. Armitage, and M. R. Alderson, J. Immunol. 156:3260–3266, 1996). orf14 expressed from recombinant baculovirus powerfully induces proliferation of CD4-positive cells originating from several different species. To study the role of orf14 in transformation, a mutant form of HVS (HVS Δorf14) was constructed with a deletion in the orf14 gene. The transforming potential of HVS Δorf14 was tested in cell culture and in common marmosets. Parental HVS subgroup C strain 488 immortalized common marmoset T lymphocytes in vitro to interleukin-2-independent growth, while the HVS Δorf14 mutant did not produce such a growth transformation. In addition, HVS Δorf14 was nononcogenic in common marmosets. In contrast to other nononcogenic HVS mutant viruses which were repeatedly isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of infected marmosets for more than 5 months, HVS Δorf14 did not persist at a high level in vivo. These results demonstrate that orf14 of HVS is not required for replication but is required for transformation and for high-level persistence in vivo.  相似文献   

The Interleukin-17 Gene of Herpesvirus Saimiri   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In comparison to wild-type herpesvirus saimiri, viral interleukin-17 gene knockout mutants have unaltered behavior regarding viral replication, T-cell transformation in vitro, and pathogenicity in cottontop tamarins. Thus, this gene is not required for T-cell lymphoma induction but may contribute to apathogenic viral persistence in the natural host, the squirrel monkey.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri is known to encode a homolog of human complement regulators named complement control protein homolog (CCPH). We have previously reported that this virally encoded inhibitor effectively inactivates complement by supporting factor I-mediated inactivation of complement proteins C3b and C4b (termed cofactor activity), as well as by accelerating the irreversible decay of the classical/lectin and alternative pathway C3 convertases (termed decay-accelerating activity). To fine map its functional sites, in the present study, we have generated a homology model of CCPH and performed substitution mutagenesis of its conserved residues. Functional analyses of 24 substitution mutants of CCPH indicated that (i) amino acids R118 and F144 play a critical role in imparting C3b and C4b cofactor activities, (ii) amino acids R35, K142, and K191 are required for efficient decay of the C3 convertases, (iii) positively charged amino acids of the linker regions, which are dubbed to be critical for functioning in other complement regulators, are not crucial for its function, and (iv) S100K and G110D mutations substantially enhance its decay-accelerating activities without affecting the cofactor activities. Overall, our data point out that ionic interactions form a major component of the binding interface between CCPH and its interacting partners.  相似文献   

All herpesviruses have a layer of protein called the tegument that lies between the virion membrane and the capsid. The tegument consists of multiple, virus-encoded protein species that together can account for nearly half the total virus protein. To clarify the structure of the tegument and its attachment to the capsid, we used electron microscopy and protein analysis to examine the tegument of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Electron microscopic examination of intact virions revealed that whereas the tegument was asymmetrically distributed around the capsid in extracellular virions, it was symmetrically arranged in cell-associated virus. Examination of virions after treatment with nonionic detergent demonstrated that: (i) in extracellular virus the tegument was resistant to removal with Triton X-100 (TX-100), whereas it was lost nearly completely when cell-associated virus was treated in the same way; (ii) the tegument in TX-100-treated extracellular virions was asymmetrically distributed around the capsid as it is in unextracted virus; and (iii) in some images, tegument was seen to be linked to the capsid by short, regularly spaced connectors. Further analysis was carried out with extracellular virus harvested from cells at different times after infection. It was observed that while the amount of tegument present in virions was not affected by time of harvest, the amount remaining after TX-100 treatment increased markedly as the time of harvest was increased from 24 h to 64 h postinfection. The results support the view that HSV-1 virions undergo a time-dependent change in which the tegument is transformed from a state in which it is symmetrically organized around the capsid and extractable with TX-100 to a state where it is asymmetrically arranged and resistant to extraction.All herpesviruses have a tegument, a layer of protein located between the virus membrane and the capsid. Depending on the virus species, the tegument can be 20 to 40 nm in thickness, and it may be uniformly or asymmetrically distributed about the capsid (7, 17, 24, 33). The tegument is composed predominantly of virus-encoded proteins that together can account for up to half or more of the total virion protein mass. Tegument proteins are thought to be those involved in the early stages of infection before progeny virus proteins are synthesized.The tegument has been most thoroughly studied in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Examination of virions by electron microscopy has demonstrated that the tegument is not highly structured. Its morphology is described as predominantly granular with fibrous elements also present (7, 19). Analysis by cryo-electron microscopy, followed by icosahedral reconstruction has shown that the tegument is not icosahedrally ordered, although a small amount of tegument density is observed close to the capsid surface at the pentons (3, 47).The HSV-1 tegument is composed of approximately 20 distinct, virus-encoded protein species whose amounts vary considerably. The predominant components are UL47, UL48, and UL49, each of which occurs in more than 800 copies per virion (8, 46). In contrast, others, such as RL2 (ICP0), RS1 (ICP4), UL36, and UL37, occur in ∼100 copies or less. Trace amounts of host cell-encoded proteins are also present (15). Many of the tegument proteins are required for virus replication (34), and functions have been defined for most (9, 12, 31, 40).Biochemical studies have demonstrated that the tegument makes noncovalent contacts with both the virus capsid and the membrane. Studies of capsid-tegument contacts have emphasized binding of UL36, a tegument protein, to UL25, a capsid protein located near the vertices and involved in DNA encapsidation (5, 20, 29). Other tegument proteins such as UL48 (VP16), UL37, and UL49 (VP22) are found to associate with UL36 and may be bound to the capsid indirectly by way of UL36 (13, 44). UL16 binds reversibly to the capsid while UL46 (VP11/12) has been shown to bind to both the membrane and the capsid (21, 22, 26). Binding of tegument proteins to the membrane has been shown to occur by way of attachment to UL11 (45) and also to the internal domains of membrane glycoproteins, including glycoprotein D (gD), gH, and gE (4, 6, 11).We describe here the results of a study in which electron microscopy and protein analysis were used to clarify the structure of the HSV-1 tegument and its attachment to the capsid. The study was designed to extend the observation that most of the HSV-1 tegument remains attached to the capsid when the membrane is removed from the virus by treatment with nonionic detergent (19). Cell-associated and extracellular virions were compared after treatment with Triton X-100 (TX-100).  相似文献   

The proline-rich SH3-binding (SH3B) motif of the tyrosine kinase-interacting protein (Tip) of herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) is required for binding to the cellular Src family kinase Lck. We constructed a mutant form of HVS in which prolines in the SH3B motif of Tip were altered to alanines. This mutant form of Tip was incapable of binding to Lck. The mutant virus, HVS/Tip mSH3B, retained its ability to immortalize common marmoset lymphocytes in culture. In fact, common marmoset lymphocytes immortalized by the HVS/Tip mSH3B mutant displayed increased expression of HLA-DR lymphocyte activation marker, an altered pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation, increased expression of the tyrosine kinase Lyn, and a shift in electrophoretic mobility of Lck compared to cells immortalized by wild-type HVS. Experimental infection of common marmosets resulted in fulminant lymphoma with both HVS/Tip mSH3B and wild-type HVS. However, HVS/Tip mSH3B produced greater infiltration of affected organs by proliferating lymphoid cells compared to wild-type HVS. These results demonstrate that Tip binding to Lck is not necessary for transformation and that abrogation of Tip binding to Lck alters the characteristics of transformed cells and the severity of the pathologic lesions.  相似文献   

目的以人单纯疱疹病毒(HSV-1)做为抗原,利用空斑法和IFA法比较猴BV和人HSV-1阳性血清两种不同血清的中和能力的差异,建立一种实用、准确、可靠的病毒毒力的检测方法。方法首先,将HSV-1病毒悬液作连续的10倍稀释,取1 mL接种于已经长成单层的Vero-E6细胞上,用1%甲基纤维素覆盖,待其出现蚀斑后计数,算出病毒悬液中每毫升所含蚀斑单位,即滴定出HSV-1的TC ID50。同时,用免疫荧光方法(IFA)对猴和人疱疹阳性血清进行滴定,得到其血清的效价。其次,用滴定出的病毒液分别与两种阳性血清体外中和后,接种到单层的Vero-E6细胞上,用1%甲基纤维素覆盖,待其出现蚀斑后计数。最后,计算出其蚀斑减少率。结果用1%甲基纤维素作覆盖层的蚀斑数量平均为10-5PFU,能形成115-116个/mL蚀斑,形状呈黍米大小的规则圆形,其蚀斑边缘清晰。IFA滴定的人HSV-1阳性血清与猴BV阳性血清的中和抗体均为1∶80。人HSV-1和猴BV两种阳性血清的空斑减少率均为100%。结论确定了利用1%甲基纤维素做为覆盖层可得到清晰可靠的蚀斑,由此方法检测到用人HSV-1可以代替猴B病毒,筛查猴B病毒抗体。且为将来进行药物筛选和中和实验中利用病毒空斑法建立方便、可靠的方法。  相似文献   

Lymphocytes in cultures of peripheral blood cells from patients with multiple sclerosis showed significant blastogenic transformation in the presence of human brain extract, encephalitogenic myelin basic protein, or human cerebrospinal fluid, but not in the presence of kidney extract. There was no correlation between the degree of activity of the patients'' disease and the percentage transformation of their lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Lee H  Choi JK  Li M  Kaye K  Kieff E  Jung JU 《Journal of virology》1999,73(5):3913-3919
The STP oncoproteins of the herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) subgroup A strain 11 and subgroup C strain 488 are now found to be stably associated with tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF) 1, 2, or 3. Mutational analyses identified residues of PXQXT/S in STP-A11 as critical for TRAF association. In addition, a somewhat divergent region of STP-C488 is critical for TRAF association. Mutational analysis also revealed that STP-C488 induced NF-kappaB activation that was correlated with its ability to associate with TRAFs. The HVS STP-C488 P10-->R mutant was deficient in human T-lymphocyte transformation to interleukin-2-independent growth but showed wild-type phenotype for marmoset T-lymphocyte transformation in vitro and in vivo. The STP-C488 P10-->R mutant was also defective in Rat-1 fibroblast transformation, and fibroblast cell transformation was blocked by a TRAF2 dominant-negative mutant. These data implicate TRAFs in STP-C488-mediated transformation of human lymphocytes and rodent fibroblasts. Other factors are implicated in immortalization of common marmoset T lymphocytes and may also be critical in the transformation of human lymphocytes and rodent fibroblasts.  相似文献   

胃癌和非癌病变ras P21表达的定量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用流式细胞术对胃癌和胃粘膜的非癌病变组织细胞ras癌基因蛋白产物P21表达进行了定量研究,并探讨了ras P21表达与DNA倍体与增殖指数的关系.结果表明,胃癌P21表达量明显高于非癌病变组织的表达量.胃粘膜非癌病变组织中,胃癌前病变组织P21表达量明显高于慢性萎缩性胃炎组织的表达量,并发现P21蛋白的表达量与胃癌和癌前病变组织学分级、DNA倍体、增殖指数密切相关.  相似文献   

Early Events in Lymphocyte Transformation by Phytohaemagglutinin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synthesis and phosphorylation of three main nuclear protein fractions were studied in human lymphocytes stimulated by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). The first fraction to be synthesized and phosphorylated after induction was that of the acidic proteins, followed by that containing the soluble proteins. Synthesis of histories commenced 24 h after exposure to PHA. Distinctive patterns of both synthesis and phosphorylation of the acidic proteins were recorded at different times in the cell cycle, which may reflect activation or suppression of specific cellular functions. Phosphorylation of the histones also occurred, as an early event during lymphocyte transformation and also much later, at the time of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The response of lymphocytes to phytohaemagglutinin was tested as an index of lymphocyte function in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in remission. No significant differences were found in the results of tests on lymphocytes from patients treated with B.C.G. and those from patients given methotrexate, nor was any difference detected between patients and controls.  相似文献   

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