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Summary In many vertebrates, seasonal activation of sexual and territorial behaviors coincides with seasonal gonadal activation and is caused by the increase in sex steroid hormones. Both male and femaleSceloporus jarrovi are territorial, but in this species territorial behavior is seasonally activated in late April, months before seasonal gonadal maturation, which occurs in August prior to the fall mating season. Measurements of seasonal changes in circulating levels of the sex steroid hormones testosterone, progesterone, and estradiol indicated that testosterone levels in both sexes are elevated when territorial behavior is expressed, even during the period of nonbreeding-season territoriality during the summer. This suggests that a nonbreeding season behavior is activated by a sex steroid hormone in this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between aggressive behavior and circulating androgens in the context of agonistic social interaction and examined the effect of this interaction on the androgen-aggression relationship in response to a subsequent social challenge in male Anolis carolinensis lizards. Individuals comprising an aggressive encounter group were exposed to an aggressive conspecific male for 10 min per day during a 5-day encounter period, while controls were exposed to a neutral stimulus for the same period. On the sixth day, their responses to an intruder test were observed. At intervals, individuals were sacrificed to monitor plasma androgen levels. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test three a priori interaction models of the relationship between social stimulus, aggressive behavior, and androgen. Model 1 posits that exposure to a social stimulus influences androgen and aggressive behavior independently. In Model 2, a social stimulus triggers aggressive behavior, which in turn increases circulating levels of androgen. In Model 3, exposure to a social stimulus influences circulating androgen levels, which in turn triggers aggressive behavior. During the 5 days of the encounter period, circulating testosterone (T) levels of the aggressive encounter group followed the same pattern as their aggressive behavioral responses, while the control group did not show significant changes in their aggressive behavior or T level. Our SEM results supported Model 2. A means analysis showed that during the intruder test, animals with 5 days of aggressive encounters showed more aggressive responses than did control animals, while their circulating androgen levels did not differ. This further supports Model 2, suggesting that an animal's own aggressive behavior may trigger increases in levels of plasma androgen.  相似文献   

This study is the first investigation of reproductive endocrinology in a simultaneously hermaphroditic teleost, the belted sandfish (Serranus subligarius). We address two questions: (1) Do steroid hormone levels vary during the spawning season or during the daily spawning cycle of sandfish? (2) Do hormone levels vary relative to an individual's phenotype-size, frequency of spawning and aggressive behaviors, and proportion of testis in the gonad? We analyzed circulating estradiol-17beta (E2), testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), 17alpha,20beta,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (20betaS), and 17alpha,20beta-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) concentrations in a field population. Only E2 levels were significantly higher at the new and full moon, suggesting peak periods of vitellogenesis at these times. Naturally spawning sandfish were sampled every 2 h during the photophase of a 25-h period (12 pm to 1 pm the following day) and gonadosomatic index, degree of oocyte hydration and ovulation, and plasma levels of E2, T, DHP, and 20betaS were analyzed. E2 and T levels did not vary during photophase, suggesting continuous recruitment of oocytes into vitellogenesis. The 20betaS levels peaked around the time of final oocyte maturation. Since frequency of spawning behaviors changes with body size, we captured individuals of various sizes throughout the spawning season and analyzed circulating levels of hormones. 11KT and 20betaS levels increased significantly with body size. In 1992, we quantified frequency of spawning and aggressive behaviors, circulating T and 11KT levels and testicular mass relative to ovotestis mass in focal animals. 11KT levels tended to be positively correlated with frequency of courting male behavior, but were unrelated to the frequency of aggressive behavior or testis mass. Because hormone levels increased with size and frequency of each spawning behavior changes with size, we propose that sex steroids influence growth-related changes in spawning tactics of individuals.  相似文献   

There is much discrepancy about the relationship between testosterone (T) and male aggressive behavior. For example, in birds, males of many species significantly elevate T levels during inter-male conflict. However, this is not universal, and in species where males typically do not elevate T during aggressive interactions, concentrations of the hormone are often assumed to be circulating at maximum levels. We examined if male northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) significantly elevated T during simulated territorial intrusions (STIs). We also examined if individuals had the capacity to further elevate T levels in response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) injections immediately after an aggressive encounter. Our results indicate that male cardinals do not significantly elevate T levels in response to STIs, but have the physiological capacity to significantly elevate T in response to GnRH injections following aggressive interactions. This implies that T levels of individuals captured during STIs were not at maximum concentrations. However, additional findings in this study also suggest the possibility that prolonged social instability could elicit significant elevations in T in males of this species, warranting further investigation.  相似文献   

It is well known that plasma androgens are rapidly released in response to aggressive or sexual stimuli in a broad array of vertebrates. However, experimental work on behavioral functions of rapid androgen elevation is rare. A combination of field-based behavioral experiments and lab-based neuroendocrinological approaches is beginning to show how steroid hormones rapidly regulate the expression of vocal communication signals in Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Male toadfish emit multiharmonic "boatwhistles" and shorter-duration, broadband "grunts" during intraspecific communication. Neurophysiology experiments demonstrate that androgens and glucocorticoids rapidly modify vocal motor patterning in male toadfish. In this study, we simulated territorial intrusions (vocal "challenges") with acoustic playbacks to toadfish in the field, and observed simultaneous, rapid (within 5-20 min) changes in vocalizations and steroid hormones. Both plasma androgens and vocal activity increased following the presentation of pure tones that mimic the duration of natural boatwhistles (275 ms), while they remained unchanged following playbacks of tone stimuli that mimic the duration of grunts (75 ms) or the upper-range of boatwhistles (475 ms). Circulating glucocorticoids were elevated in calling vs. non-calling males but were unaffected by playback stimuli, suggesting a role in the energetics of vocalization. These results strongly suggest that one function of rapid androgen elevation in response to social challenge is to mediate similarly rapid changes in territorial vocal signaling. Given the conserved organization of neuroendocrine and vocal motor systems, rapid steroid action on vocalization mechanisms may be true of other vocal vertebrates as well, including birds and mammals.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence that the rapid but transient increase in male androgens, particularly testosterone (T), following a single social encounter such as a territorial intrusion occurs in a wide array of vertebrate taxa. Yet, this phenomenon, often called the Challenge Hypothesis, has rarely been investigated in females. Moreover, when studying male challenge effects, researchers have rarely investigated other hormones that can be important to the expression of aggression, such as progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2). We conducted 10-min aggression trials using the resident-intruder paradigm in cycling female California mice, Peromyscus californicus, a species in which both sexes show territorial behavior. By comparing the hormone levels of test females to control females, we found a decrease in P(4) and the P4/T ratio, but no change in T, E2, corticosterone, E2/P4, or E2/T. Interestingly, these hormone changes were observed even when the resident was not aggressive toward the intruder, suggesting that the stimulus cueing the hormone changes was the mere presence of the intruder and not the amount of aggression displayed by the resident. Generally, T has a positive relationship with aggression, whereas P4 inhibits male and nonmaternal female aggression. Thus, decreasing the P4/T ratio following an encounter may serve to increase future aggression in females. These results suggest that females may use different hormonal mechanisms than do males to mediate aggression in a challenge situation.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Steroid hormones act on neuronal communication through different mechanisms, ranging from transynaptic modulation of neurotransmitter synthesis and release to development and remodeling of synaptic circuitry. Due the wide distribution of putative brain targets for steroid hormones, acute or sustained elevations of their circulating levels may affect, simultaneously, a variety of neuronal elements. In an elementary mode of interaction, steroids are able to modulate both the synthesis and release of a neurotransmitter at a particular synapse, and the response of its target postsynaptic cells. Using two neuroendocrine transducing systems—the rat pineal gland and the GT1–7 cell line—we have examined these interactions and the following findings are discussed in this article.2. In the rat, pineal melatonin production is partially controlled by gonadal hormones. In females, melatonin synthesis and secretion is reduced during the night of proestrus, apparently as a consequence of elevated estradiol and progesterone levels. In males, circulating testosterone seems to be necessary to maintain the amplitude of the nocturnal melatonin peak.3. Some gonadal effects on pineal activity are exerted on its noradrenergic input, since changes in circulating steroid hormone levels are able to induce acute modifications of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in pineal sympathetic nerve terminals.4. Gonadal steroids are also able to regulate the response of pineal cells to adrenergic stimulation, since in vivo treatment of both male and female rats with steroid hormone blockers induces profound modifications in adrenergically-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in dispersed pinealocytes.5. Direct exposure of pineal cells from gonadectomized female and male rats to estradiol (E2) or testosterone (T), respectively, potentiates pinealocyte response to adrenergic activation. In addition, short-term (15 min) exposure to either progesterone (Pg) or progesterone coupled to bovine serum albumin (P-3-BSA) suppresses the E2-dependent potentiation of adrenergic response in female rat pinealocytes.6. Exposure of GT1–7 cells to E2 completely blocked the norepinephrine (NE)-induced elevation of cAMP content. In E2-treated GT1–7 cells, additional exposure (15 min) to either Pg or P-3-BSA abolished E2-dependent inhibition of NE responsiveness. In addition, P-3-BSA alone increased basal cAMP levels in GT1–7 cells, regardless previous exposure to E2.7. In conclusion, there are evidences, both from the current literature and from the present results, supporting the view that in some neuroendocrine systems gonadal hormones modulate neurotransmission by acting, simultaneously, at pre- and postsynaptic sites. The models presented here constitute appropriate examples of this transynaptic mode of steroid action and, therefore, may offer a useful approach to investigate steroid hormone actions on the brain.  相似文献   

Avoiding predators may conflict with territorial defence because a hiding territorial resident is unable to monitor its territory or defend it from conspecific intrusions. With persistent intruders, the presence of an intruder in the near past can indicate an increased probability of future intrusions. Therefore, following a conspecific-intrusion, territorial residents should minimize costs from future intrusions at the cost of higher predation risks. I conducted experiments with males of the territorial lizard Tropidurus hispidus recording approach distance (distance between predator and prey when the prey escapes) and time to re-emergence from a refuge after hiding. Past aggressive interactions affected anti-predator behaviour: lizards re-emerged sooner (compared to a control) when the predator attacked 5 min after an aggressive encounter. If the predator attacked while an aggressive encounter was ongoing, there was also a reduction in approach distance. The results are consistent with an economic hypothesis which predicts that T. hispidus incur greater predation risks to minimize future territorial intrusion; additionally they show that the effects of past and ongoing aggressive interactions are different, consistent with the minimization of present intrusion costs. These results are relevant for studies of the changes in aggressive behaviour due to changes in the social environment and for studies of the costs and (co) evolution of aggressive and anti-predator strategies.  相似文献   

In many bird species, the female participates in defending a pair's breeding territory, however, the endocrine control mechanism of female aggressive behavior is largely unknown. The general statement that androgens are involved in the regulation of aggressive behavior is based on studies conducted only in males. Here, we tested whether paired female stonechats show a hormonal response to a simulated male territorial intruder. Since in males of territorial bird species androgen levels usually increase following a male-male encounter, we measured androgen-levels before and after a simulated male intrusion. In addition, we measured estradiol, the main gonadal hormone in females, and corticosterone, a stress hormone. The results show that a male intruder does not affect any of the measured hormones in females. In a second experiment, we also tested whether the endocrine state of the male partner affects the hormonal response of females to a male intruder by comparing the hormonal response of females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males. Females paired with pharmacologically castrated males had lower corticosterone levels both before and after the intrusion than females paired with control males. Additionally, in both groups, female corticosterone levels were increased following a male intrusion. We suggest that the differences found between females paired with pharmacologically castrated males and females paired with control males are due to differences in intra-pair interactions.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms by which steroid hormones regulate aggression are unclear. Although testosterone and its metabolites are involved in both the regulation of aggression and the maintenance of neural morphology, it is unknown whether these changes are functionally related. We addressed the hypothesis that parallel changes in steroid levels and brain volumes are involved in the regulation of adult aggression. We examined the relationships between seasonal hormone changes, aggressive behavior, and the volumes of limbic brain regions in free-living male and female tree lizards (Urosaurus ornatus). The brain nuclei that we examined included the lateral septum (LS), preoptic area (POA), amygdala (AMY), and ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH). We showed that the volumes of the POA and AMY in males and the POA in females vary with season. However, reproductive state (and thus hormonal state) was incompletely predictive of these seasonal changes in males and completely unrelated to changes in females. We also detected male-biased dimorphisms in volume of the POA, AMY, and a dorsolateral subnucleus of the VMH but did not detect a dimorphism between alternate male morphological phenotypes. Finally, we showed that circulating testosterone levels were higher in males exhibiting higher frequency and intensity of aggressive display to a conspecific, though brain nucleus volumes were unrelated to behavior. Our findings fail to support our hypothesis and suggest instead that plasma testosterone level covaries with aggression level and in a limited capacity with brain nucleus volumes but that these are largely unrelated relationships.  相似文献   

Male aggressive behavior is generally regulated by testosterone (T). In most temperate breeding males, aggressive behavior is only expressed during the reproductive period. At this time circulating T concentrations, brain steroid receptors, and steroid metabolic enzymes are elevated in many species relative to the nonreproductive period. Many tropical birds, however, display aggressive behavior both during the breeding and the nonbreeding season, but plasma levels of T can remain low throughout the year and show little seasonal fluctuation. Studies on the year-round territorial spotted antbird (Hylophylax n. naevioides) suggest that T nevertheless regulates aggressive behavior in both the breeding and nonbreeding season. We hypothesize that to regulate aggressive behaviors during the nonbreeding season, when T is at its minimum, male spotted antbirds increase brain sensitivity to steroids. This can be achieved by locally up-regulating androgen receptors (ARs), estrogen receptors (ERs), or the enzyme aromatase (AROM) that converts T into estradiol. We therefore compared mRNA expression of AR, ERalpha, and AROM in free- living male spotted antbirds across reproductive and nonreproductive seasons in two brain regions known to regulate both reproductive and aggressive behaviors. mRNA expression of ERalpha in the preoptic area and AR in the nucleus taeniae were elevated in male spotted antbirds during the nonbreeding season when circulating T concentrations were low. This unusual seasonal receptor regulation may represent a means for the year-round regulation of vertebrate aggressive behavior via steroids by increasing the brain's sensitivity to sex steroids during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

Across vertebrates, androgens are rapidly elevated within minutes in response to aggressive or reproductive stimuli, yet it is unclear what the causal relationship is between fast androgen elevation and the ongoing (minute-by-minute) expression of behavior. This study tested the hypothesis that rapid increases in plasma steroid levels induce similarly rapid increases in both vocal behavior and the neurophysiological output of a central pattern generator that governs vocal behavior. In Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta), males call to attract females to their nesting sites, and both males and females vocalize in aggressive interactions. Previous field experiments with males showed that simulated territorial challenges produce rapid and concurrent elevations in ongoing calling behavior and circulating levels of the teleost-specific androgen 11-ketotestosterone (11kT), but not the glucocorticoid cortisol. The current field experiments showed that non-invasive (food) delivery of 11kT, but not cortisol, induced an elevation within 10 min in the ongoing calling behavior of males. Electrophysiological experiments revealed that intramuscular injections of either 11kT or cortisol, but neither testosterone nor 17-beta-estradiol, induced increases within 5 min in the output of the vocal pattern generator in males, whereas only cortisol had similarly fast effects in females. The field behavioral results support predictions generated by the challenge hypothesis and also parallel the 11kT-dependent modulation of the vocal pattern generator in males. The cortisol effect on the vocal pattern generator in both sexes predicts that glucocorticoids regulate vocalizations in non-advertisement contexts. Together, these experiments provide strong support for the hypothesis that surges in circulating steroid levels play a causal role in shaping rapid changes in social behavior (vocalizations) through non-genomic-like actions on neural (vocal motor) circuits that directly encode behavioral patterning.  相似文献   

Extensive research has focused on territorial aggression during the breeding season and the roles of circulating testosterone (T) and its conversion to 17beta-oestradiol (E2) in the brain. However, many species also defend territories in the non-breeding season, when circulating T-levels are low. The endocrine control of non-breeding territoriality is poorly understood. The male song sparrow of Washington State is highly territorial year-round, but plasma T is basal in the non-breeding season (autumn and winter). Castration has no effect on aggression in autumn, suggesting that autumnal territoriality is independent of gonadal hormones. However, non-gonadal sex steroids may regulate winter territoriality (e.g. oestrogen synthesis by brain aromatase). In this field experiment, we treated wild non-breeding male song sparrows with a specific aromatase inhibitor (fadrozole, FAD) using micro-osmotic pumps. FAD greatly reduced several aggressive behaviours. The effects of FAD were reversed by E2 replacement. Treatment did not affect body condition or plasma corticosterone, suggesting that all subjects were healthy These data indicate that E2 regulates male aggression in the non-breeding season and challenge the common belief that aggression in the non-breeding season is independent of sex steroids. More generally, these results raise fundamental questions about how sexual and/or aggressive behaviours are maintained in a variety of model vertebrate species despite low circulating levels of sex steroids or despite castration. Such non-classical endocrine mechanisms may be common among vertebrates and play an important role in the regulation of behaviour.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):565-571
In many vertebrates testosterone increases during aggressive interactions and the surges in this hormone may be responsible for the winner effect. So far studies on this relationship have been done in captivity only, because simulating a winning situation for a territory owner in the field is difficult. However, an increasing number of studies show that territorial aggression is not necessarily accompanied by elevated testosterone after a single simulated territorial intrusion (STI) and therefore it has been proposed that STIs may even create a losing experience. We examined whether free-living male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) show changes in androgens, corticosterone and behavior following repeated STIs of high or low intensity and in contrast to being challenged only once. Repeated intrusions had no influence on androgen and corticosterone levels regardless of intrusion intensity. In contrast, the behavioral response changed over days depending on the intensity of the intrusion. Only birds challenged with high-level intruders approached the decoy significantly faster during the third intrusion than during the first one, stayed closer to the decoy, and sang more songs than males challenged with low-level intruders. Thus, although black redstarts reacted differently to STIs varying in frequency and intensity, these behavioral differences were not reflected in androgen or corticosterone levels. Our data show that it is unlikely that STIs induce a losing experience. Furthermore, they indicate that a hormonal effect of winning an encounter may not be universal in vertebrates and may depend on the ecological or life-history context.  相似文献   

In many vertebrates testosterone increases during aggressive interactions and the surges in this hormone may be responsible for the winner effect. So far studies on this relationship have been done in captivity only, because simulating a winning situation for a territory owner in the field is difficult. However, an increasing number of studies show that territorial aggression is not necessarily accompanied by elevated testosterone after a single simulated territorial intrusion (STI) and therefore it has been proposed that STIs may even create a losing experience. We examined whether free-living male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) show changes in androgens, corticosterone and behavior following repeated STIs of high or low intensity and in contrast to being challenged only once. Repeated intrusions had no influence on androgen and corticosterone levels regardless of intrusion intensity. In contrast, the behavioral response changed over days depending on the intensity of the intrusion. Only birds challenged with high-level intruders approached the decoy significantly faster during the third intrusion than during the first one, stayed closer to the decoy, and sang more songs than males challenged with low-level intruders. Thus, although black redstarts reacted differently to STIs varying in frequency and intensity, these behavioral differences were not reflected in androgen or corticosterone levels. Our data show that it is unlikely that STIs induce a losing experience. Furthermore, they indicate that a hormonal effect of winning an encounter may not be universal in vertebrates and may depend on the ecological or life-history context.  相似文献   

Previous work with male Quelea showed that agonistic behaviour in relation to individual distance is controlled by luteinizing hormone (LH), rather than by testosterone, and that males are more aggressive than females. Experiments with female groups are reported which show that: (a) LH injections increase aggressive encounter frequency; (b) ovariectomy in the breeding season (but not outside it) also increases encounter frequency; and (c) oestrogen injections decrease encounter frequency. The effects of LH were shown to be specific to agonistic responses rather than mediated through changes in activity. Correlations between changes in natural hormone levels and encounter frequency support the injection findings. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that LH controls aggressive encounters over individual distance in the female as in the male and that oestrogenic inhibition of this LH-mediated aggressiveness is a cause of female subordination and the lower encounter frequency found in female groups. The annual cycle of encounter frequency is described and the significance of different systems of hormonal control is discussed.  相似文献   

Androgen hormones have been shown to facilitate competitive ability in courtship and territorial behavior, while suppressing paternal behavior. The rock-pool blenny, Parablennius parvicornis, provides an excellent model to study the proximate regulation of such a trade-off between territorial and parental behavior, because nest-holder males of this species display these behaviors simultaneously. A field study was carried out in which territorial nest holder males were either treated with long-lasting implants filled with 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) or with control implants. Males treated with 11-KT showed a higher frequency of aggressive behavior, were more responsive to aggressive challenges, and were more persistent in aggressive behavior than control males. In addition, territories were larger in males treated with 11-KT than in controls. We found evidence for incompatibility between defense of a large territory and high levels of parental behavior. However, contrary to expectation, 11-KT did not suppress parental behavior. We suggest that trade-offs between territorial and parental behavior may not be regulated by androgen hormones but may result from a time constraint in the individual's activity budget.  相似文献   

In many vertebrates, reproduction is regulated by social interactions in which dominant males control access to females and food. Subordinate males that displace dominant individuals must rapidly adopt behavioral and physiological traits of the higher rank to gain reproductive success. To understand the process of phenotypic plasticity during social ascent, we analyzed the temporal expression pattern of dominance behaviors and circulating androgen levels when socially-suppressed males of an African cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni ascended in status. These experiments tested a prediction of the ‘challenge hypothesis’ that, during periods of social instability, male androgen levels are higher than during socially stable times. We found that socially and reproductively suppressed males perform territorial and reproductive behaviors within minutes of an opportunity to ascend in status, and that animals switch from initial expression of territorial behaviors to more reproductive behaviors during territory establishment. Following this rapid response, social stability may be achieved within 1-3 days of social ascent. Consistent with predictions of the ‘challenge hypothesis’, circulating 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) levels were elevated within 30 min following social opportunity, coincident with increased aggressive behavior. However, territorial behaviors and serum 11-KT levels were then dissociated by 72 h after social ascent, suggesting either rapid social stability and/or increased physiological potential for androgen production. This behavioral and physiological plasticity in male A. burtoni suggests that perception of social opportunity triggers a suite of quick changes to facilitate rapid transition towards reproductive success, and reveals important features of social ascent not previously recognized.  相似文献   

In many birds and mammals, male territorial aggression is modulated by elevated circulating concentrations of the steroid hormone testosterone (T) during the breeding season. However, many species are territorial also during the non-breeding season, when plasma T levels are basal. The endocrine control of non-breeding territorial aggression differs considerably between species, and previous studies on wintering birds suggest differences between migratory and resident species. We investigated the endocrine modulation of territorial aggression during the breeding and non-breeding season in a resident population of European stonechats (Saxicola torquata rubicola). We recorded the aggressive response to a simulated territorial intrusion in spring and winter. Then, we compared the territorial aggression between seasons and in an experiment in which we blocked the androgenic and estrogenic action of T. We found no difference in the aggressive response between the breeding and the non-breeding season. However, similarly to what is found in migratory stonechats, the hormonal treatment decreased aggressive behaviors in resident males in the breeding season, whereas no effects were recorded in the non-breeding season. When we compared the aggressive responses of untreated birds with those obtained from migratory populations in a previous study, we found that territorial aggression of resident males was lower than that of migratory males during the breeding season. Our results show that in a resident population of stonechats T and/or its metabolites control territorial aggression in the breeding but not in the non-breeding season. In addition, our study supports the hypothesis that migratory status does modulate the intensity of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

While aggression is often conceptualized as a highly stereotyped, innate behavior, individuals within a species exhibit a surprising amount of variability in the frequency, intensity, and targets of their aggression. While differences in genetics are a source of some of this variation across individuals (estimates place the heritability of behavior at around 25–30%), a critical driver of variability is previous life experience. A wide variety of social experiences, including sexual, parental, and housing experiences can facilitate “persistent” aggressive states, suggesting that these experiences engage a common set of synaptic and molecular mechanisms that act on dedicated neural circuits for aggression. It has long been known that sex steroid hormones are powerful modulators of behavior, and also, that levels of these hormones are themselves modulated by experience. Several recent studies have started to unravel how experience-dependent hormonal changes during adulthood can create a cascade of molecular, synaptic, and circuit changes that enable behavioral persistence through circuit level remodeling. Here, we propose that sex steroid hormones facilitate persistent aggressive states by changing the relationship between neural activity and an aggression “threshold”.  相似文献   

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