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Gonadally intact pseudohermaphroditic female and normal female and neonatally castrated male rhesus monkeys were given estrogen treatment as adults and evaluated for attractivity, proceptivity, and receptivity during tests with a tethered stud male. Pseudohermaphrodites were produced by injecting their mothers during pregnancy with either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP). Castrated males had reliably lower attractivity than normal females on all indicator responses shown by the tethered males. Additionally, castrated males showed reliably fewer proceptive responses on 4 of 5 measures than normal females. Receptivity could not be assessed in this situation for castrated males, because tethered males never contacted them unless the castrated males were displaying presentation. No reliable differences were observed between pseudohermaphrodites produced by prenatal treatments with TP or DHTP. Pseudohermaphrodites generally showed reliably less attractivity and proceptivity than normal females and reliably more of these traits than castrated males. Attractivity scores for pseudohermaphrodites were not different from those for normal females until proximity to the tethered male was established. Receptivity was not different in pseudohermaphrodites compared with normal females. Results indicate prenatal androgenization and its developmental sequelae lead to a defeminization in adulthood which, in this testing situation, was principally manifested by a deficiency in the performance of proceptive behaviors. Additionally, defeminization in rhesus monkeys, unlike that demonstrated in rodents, does not depend upon actions of an aromatizable androgen.  相似文献   

Two types of pseudohermaphroditic female rhesus produced by exposure to either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP) prior to birth were ovariectomized postpuberally and evaluated for the display of male-typical sexual behavior in response to exogenous TP in adulthood (2 mg/kg/day for 12 weeks). Their performance in standardized tests with estrogenized female partners was compared to that of neonatally gonadectomized males and females identically tested and treated with exogenous TP as adults. In addition intact adult males not given exogenous TP were tested with the same estrogenized female partners. There were no reliable differences between the two types of pseudohermaphrodites on any measure of behavior shown during the tests. Accordingly results were combined. Reliable behavioral changes induced by the TP given in adulthood were limited to increases in purse-lip responses, the induced increases were similar in pseudohermaphrodites and castrated males, and increases were reliably greater in these two groups of subjects than in females. Pseudohermaphrodites and castrated males did not differ reliably from intact males in performance of purse-lip gestures during TP treatment. In the performance of mounting, however, pseudohermaphrodites and castrated males remained consistently below the standard of the intact males. The estrogenized female partners displayed proceptive responses most frequently to the intact males and least frequently to the females. Their proceptive responses with castrated males resembled their performance with intact males, but with pseudohermaphrodites their proceptive responses more closely resembled their performance with females. Receptive behavior of the female partners was displayed most frequently to intact males, at intermediate levels to castrated males, and least often to pseudohermaphrodites. Results are completely consistent with the notion that androgens in high concentrations before birth alter mechanisms related to the later display of masculine behavior. These alterations in behavioral mechanisms are of such a nature that the display of male-typical behavior induced by androgens in adulthood is more pronounced and more frequent than it would have been otherwise. The alterations in masculine behavior observed in pseudohermaphroditic rhesus are not different in kind or scope than those reported extensively for lower mammals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The behavioral responses of sexually experienced male hamsters toward a pair of anesthetized conspecifics were investigated. Males spent significantly more time licking, sniffing, and mounting neonatally and adult castrated males than intact males. Adult castrated males receiving oil injections were preferred over castrates receiving exogenous testosterone propionate (TP). Ovariectomized females were preferred over intact males, adult castrated males, or spayed females receiving exogenous TP. It was concluded that the absence of an androgen-dependent factor(s) renders an animal more sexually attractive.  相似文献   

Intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was performed to determine neuroanatomical loci at which steroids activate sexual behavior in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In this species, systemic treatment of castrated males with either testosterone propionate (TP) or estradiol benzoate (EB) restores male-typical copulatory behavior (head grabbing, mounting, and cloacal contact movements). In addition, EB activates female-typical receptive behavior (crouching). Adult male castrated quail were implanted intracranially with 300-micrograms pellets containing TP, EB, or cholesterol (CHOL) and behavior was tested with intact males and females. Either TP or EB pellets in the preoptic area (POA) activated male-typical copulatory behavior. Mounting was specifically activated without concomitant activation of other steroid-sensitive sexual and courtship behaviors. TP and EB implants in adjacent nuclei containing receptors for these steroids and CHOL implants in POA had no effect on male-typical copulatory behavior. Eighteen percent of all males tested for female-typical receptivity crouched, but no specific effect of EB was seen at any site. The similarity of the POA sites for activation of mounting by TP and EB is consistent with the hypothesis that cells within the POA aromatize testosterone to estrogens, which directly stimulate the cellular processes leading to behavioral activation.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine (1) whether estrogen by itself can defeminize the behavior of pigs during the late juvenile-early pubertal period, and (2) whether the progressive late defeminization reported for pigs is a true organizational effect, as opposed to an artifact of the time between castration and testing. Male pigs were castrated at 19-22 days or left intact and females were ovariectomized at 3 months. Additional males castrated at 19-22 days and females ovariectomized at 3 months were implanted with estradiol benzoate (EB) from 3 to 5.5 months. After castration of the previously intact males at the age of 5.5 months, all subjects were tested beginning at 6.5 months for proceptivity (choice of a male versus a female in a T-maze) and receptivity (immobilization to a mounting male) following an injection of EB. EB administered during development significantly defeminized proceptivity and receptivity in both sexes. The decrease in proceptivity was more pronounced in males than in females and was more pronounced than the decrease in receptivity, as if differentiation ends earlier for proceptivity than for receptivity; the decrease in receptivity was more pronounced in females. To see whether the capacity to display female-typical behavior is a function of time since castration, we castrated additional males at 4 months and tested for receptivity 9 days later following an injection of EB, then tested again with the other subjects at 6.5 months. The proceptivity and receptivity scores for males castrated at 4 months fell between those for intact males and males castrated at 3 weeks, and thus these animals were not completely defeminized. They were more receptive at 6.5 months than at 4 months, but the difference was not significant. These results indicate that in pigs estradiol defeminizes both receptive and proceptive behavior and that this defeminization can occur relatively late in development.  相似文献   

Male rats castrated at 30 days of age were treated with estradiol benzoate (dose range: 0.05–50 μg EB for 26 days) and dihydrotestosterone (1 mg DHT for 36 days) as adults. The combined EB and DHT treatments resulted in display of male sexual behavior which did not differ from the behavior shown by intact untreated males or castrated, testosterone propionate (1 mg TP for 26 days) treated males. EB alone or DHT alone were relatively ineffective in activating male behavior in castrated males.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviors of old, intact (N = 5) and old, castrated (N = 6) rhesus macaque males were compared in six series of pair tests with receptive females. The castrated monkeys were tested when untreated and when given five doses of testosterone propionate (TP; 0.004, 0.016, 0.064, 0.256, and 1.024 mg/kg of body weight) in consecutive months. The serum testosterone (T) level was determined for each male before and after each series of tests. When untreated, none of the castrated males ejaculated, and yawning was significantly less in these monkeys than in intact males-no other behavioral measures differed significantly. Within 2 weeks of daily injections of 0.004 mg of TP/kg, two males ejaculated, and all differences in measures of ejaculation were eliminated. A third male ejaculated after 1 week of treatment with 0.016 mg of TP/kg. Yawning values did not differ during and after treatment with 0.064 mg of TP/kg. Although final mean serum T levels were six times higher in castrated (24.3 ng/ml) than in intact males (4.2 ng/ml), sexual performance levels did not exceed those of intact males.  相似文献   

Sexually experienced male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi) were castrated and tested for male sexual behavior. In the weeks following castration male sexual behavior decreased. Ejaculation disappeared first, followed by intromission and, finally, mounting. Castrated males failing to copulate were assigned to one of four treatment groups: 200 μg testosterone propionate (TP); 200 μg dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP); 2 μg estradiol benzoate (EB); or sesame oil (OIL). TP and DHTP were equally effective in restoring the complete male sexual behavior pattern. In contrast, EB was effective in stimulating mounting and minimally effective in stimulating intromissions (vaginal penetration), but did not stimulate ejaculatory responses. These data indicate that in deer mice testosterone may mediate male sexual behavior through reduction to dihydrotestosterone rather than through aromatization to estradiol.  相似文献   

The developmental and concurrent effects of androgens on aggression-eliciting qualities of male opponent mice were investigated during paired contests with trained fighters. Groups of male mice were castrated at either 1, 20, or 110 days of age. Half of each group were injected from 110 days of age with a maintenance dose of 100 αg testosterone propionate (TP), while the rest received injections of the arachis oil vehicle. The level of aggression received from fighter mice was monitored after 20 injection days, and compared to that received by intact male, and spayed TP-injected female opponents. The age at castration did not affect the responsiveness of opponents to androgens, and all TP-injected males suffered more severe defeat than oil-injected controls. TP-injected castrate males did not differ from intact males as opponents eliciting aggression, though TP-treated females received significantly more bites than any of the male opponent groups. A concurrent stimulation by androgens of the adult males' aggression-eliciting cues was, therefore, demonstrated. It is suggested that females derive different metabolic end-products from testosterone propionate, which can apparently provide more effective aggression-eliciting cues than are produced by the male mouse.  相似文献   

Intracranial implantation of minute pellets of gonadal steroids was combined with aromatase inhibitor treatment to determine if aromatization within the preoptic area (POA) is necessary for androgens to activate sexual behavior in the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). In this species, implantation of pellets of testosterone propionate (TP) or estradiol benzoate (EB) in the POA of castrated males restores male-typical copulatory behavior. In Experiment 1, adult male castrated quail were implanted intracranially with 200-micrograms pellets of equimolar mixtures of crystalline TP + cholesterol (CHOL), TP + 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD, an aromatase inhibitor), EB + ATD, or CHOL and behavior-tested with intact males and females. Copulation was stimulated by POA implants containing TP or EB (three of six CHOL + TP males and two of seven ATD + EB males copulated vs zero of four CHOL males), but copulation was not inhibited by combining ATD with TP (three of four ATD + TP males copulated). In Experiment 2, adult male castrated quail were injected systemically with ATD or oil for 6 days prior to and 14 days after intracranial implantation of 200-micrograms pellets containing the same amounts of TP or EB as in Experiment 1. The ATD injections completely blocked copulatory behavior in males with TP implants in the POA such that ATD/TP and Oil/TP mount frequencies differed significantly, but failed to block copulation in males with EB implants in the POA (proportions of males copulating were ATD/EB, 6/8; ATD/TP, 0/6; Oil/TP, 4/7). The cloacal foam gland, an androgen-sensitive secondary sex character, was unaffected by the dose of ATD used. We conclude that activation of copulatory behavior by TP implants in the POA is not due to nonspecific effects of high local testosterone concentrations but rather to aromatization. These results support the hypothesis that cells within the POA aromatize testosterone to estrogens, which directly stimulate the cellular processes leading to activation of male-typical copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Effects of sex steroids on urine-marking activity were studied in male, female, and neonatally androgenized female mice. Urine marking was estimated by suspending ceramic tubes that were connected in a horizontal row with a steel rod into the home cage of an isolated mouse. Intact males showed high marking activity, which was diminished after castration. Both testosterone propionate (TP) and estradiol benzoate (EB) were effective in restoring the marking activity of castrated males, while 5-alpha-dihydrotesterone (DHT) did not have any stimulative effects. Intact normal females showed quite low marking activity and ovariectomy further depressed it. TP and DHT enhanced the marking of ovariectomized females, but EB restored the activity only to the preovariectomy level. In intact females which were neonatally androgenized, the marking activity was much higher than that of normal females. The pattern of the change induced by gonadectomy and hormone treatment in these females resembled that in males. Thus, ovariectomy reduced the activity and both TP and EB restored the level. These results indicate that the sexual dimorphism in the urine marking in mice is primarily determined by hormonal environment during early postnatal age. Hormonal control of scent marking is discussed in relation to the studies in other rodents.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of ovarian hormones on the behavior of female Macaca fascicularis and their male partners, daily 1-hr behavior tests were conducted while ovariectomized females were (1) untreated, (2) given estradiol benzoate (EB) (5 μg subcutaneously [s.c.]/day), (3) given estradiol benzoate together with increasing doses of progesterone (P) (5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. s.c./day), and (4) given testosterone propionate (TP) (0.25 mg s.c./day) (six pairs, 540 tests). Weekly blood samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for plasma hormone levels (81 samples). Estrogen treatment produced plasma estradiol levels similar to those of intact females during the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Additional progesterone at the lowest dose produced plasma progesterone levels similar to or somewhat higher than those during the midluteal phase, while higher doses produced supraphysiological levels. Androgen treatment resulted in plasma levels well above the physiological range. Hormone treatments produced highly significant effects on the sexual, social, and aggressive interactions of the pairs. As in rhesus monkeys, estrogen increased male and female sexual activity, and increasing doses of additional progesterone reversed these effects. Unlike in rhesus monkeys, testosterone propionate increased both female sexual motivation (invitations) and also male sexual activity and ejaculatory performance. The direction of the hormone-dependent changes in grooming and aggressive interactions confirmed earlier results with intact females and indicated that aggressive interactions and male grooming times were highest, and female grooming times were lowest, when copulatory activity was at its height.  相似文献   

Four experiments were performed in order to evaluate further the hypothesis that androgen must be aromatized to estrogen for the activation of masculine sexual behavior in the male rat. In Experiment 1 it was found that the anti-estrogen MER-25 failed to disrupt mounting behavior in castrated males which simultaneously received testosterone propionate (TP). However, in Experiment 2 it was found that MER-25 as weil as 3β-androstanediol effectively activated masculine behavior in castrated males treated simultaneously with dihydrotestosterone propionate. Both MER-25 and 3β-androstanediol had previously been shown to display an affinity for cytoplasmic estradiol-17β receptors present in male rat anterior hypothalamus. In Experiments 3 and 4, performed with ovariectomized females, it was found that whereas MER-25 antagonized the stimulatory effect of estradiol benzoate (EB) on lordosis behavior, 3β-androstanediol did not. In addition, 5α-dihydrotestosterone and 3α-androstanediol, two compounds which had previously been shown to have almost no affinity for estradiol-17β receptors in the hypothalamus, both inhibited the stimulatory effect of EB on lordosis. It is concluded that the fact that anti-estrogens suppress lordosis induced in females with either EB or TP, but fail to disrupt TP-induced mounting behavior in male rats does not argue against the aromatization hypothesis for masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

The sociosexual behaviors of six stable male-female pairs of stumptailed monkeys were studied in half-hour pair tests. Their performance before and after castration of the males was compared. The effects of replacement therapy with sex steroids on male-female interaction were studied. Also the effects of new females as sexual partners were investigated. Castration caused a significant decrease in sexual behavior. Individual males could display ejaculatory behavior up to about 1 year postcastration. Dihydrotestosterone propionate (75 mg/week/male) alone or in combination with estradiol benzoate (0.9 or 3 mg/week/male) was not effective in restoring sexual behavior to precastration levels in the three castrated males tested. Replacement therapy with testosterone propionate (75 or 10 mg/week/male) was effective in restoring copulatory behavior in half of the castrated males. In some males the introduction of a new female caused an increase in sexual activity, usually when sexual activity with their familiar partner was low. This occurred both in the castration condition and in the steroid treatment period, suggesting, that low activity was caused by low "motivation" and not by the inability to perform.  相似文献   

Four behavioral experiments involving a total of 19 adult male and 27 adult spayed female rhesus monkeys failed to reveal significant sexual stimulatory properties of vaginal lavages obtained from estrogen-treated donor females when the material was applied to spayed nonestrogenized recipient females. However, all but one of the males copulated to ejaculation when paired with estrogenized females. Two of three males showed moderate increases in sexual behavior with recipients when the vaginal lavage tested was contaminated with 24-hr-old ejaculate. When purified aliphatic acids were applied to spayed nonestrogenized recepients, one of two males showed increased frequencies of mounting behavior, but intromissions and ejaculations were not displayed.Quantitative analyses of short chain aliphatic acids in vaginal lavages, the hypothesized active component, revealed that (a) spayed females had nondetectable levels of aliphatic acids; (b) daily estradiol benzoate treatment for 6–10 days (25 μg/day i.m.) induced detectable levels of acetic, propionic, and butyric acids; (c) exposure to estradiol for six months resulted in a fairly constant plateau of aliphatic acid concentrations; and (d) ejaculate from the male caused up to fivefold elevations in the aliphatic acid concentrations.Three intact females were studied throughout a menstrual cycle, and the peak values of aliphatic acids occurred in the luteal phase, several days after presumed ovulation. Three spayed females treated chronically with estradiol were given four daily injections of 5 mg progesterone, and the mean concentrations of aliphatic acids increased from 199.7 to 801.0 μg/ml. However, the endocrine conditions associated with maximum concentrations of aliphatic acids in either intact or spayed females are known from other studies to be associated with decreased likelihood of copulation.We conclude that for the majority of males studied, the application of vaginal lavages obtained from estrogenized donors did not significantly increase copulatory behavior with spayed, nonestrogenized recipient females. Moreover, the data from aliphatic acid determinations suggest that increases in concentrations of these substances are not always associated with facilitation of copulation, since the largest increases were found either (1) following copulation to ejaculation, (2) during the luteal phase in cycles free of copulation, or (3) following progesterone treatment of spayed, estrogenized females. Finally, comparison of our results with those from other laboratories suggests that the mechanism involved in positive effects may depend upon associative learning or upon extinction and disinhibition of sexual interest.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits lordosis behavior when infused into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN) of female rats and has no effect when infused into the VMN of male rats. To test whether this sex difference develops under the control of perinatal steroids, male rats were castrated or given sham surgeries within 3 h of birth and female rats were injected with either 0 or 100 micrograms testosterone propionate on postnatal day 5. As adults, these rats were castrated as necessary, implanted with unilateral cannulae directed at the VMN, and tested for their ability to display female sexual behavior and to respond to CCK. Neonatal castration of males prevented defeminization of this response. When treated with 5 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB), neonatally castrated males showed both lordosis behavior and a profound inhibition of that behavior after infusions of CCK. Neonatally castrated males did not display lordosis behavior when treated with 2 micrograms EB. Control males showed no lordosis behavior and, therefore, no response to CCK. Both doses of EB induced lordosis behavior in neonatally androgenized females. Significantly, these neonatally androgenized females were less responsive to CCK's inhibition of lordosis and were also anovulatory. These results imply that androgens alter the development of CCK responsive circuits as well as defeminize cyclic gonadotropin release. Levels of 125I-sCCK-8 binding in the VMN were correlated closely with an individual's ability to respond to sCCK-8. In summary, the inhibition of female sexual behavior caused by exogenously administered CCK in normal adult female rats appears to be controlled at least partially by levels of CCK receptors in the VMN and to differentiate under the control of perinatally present testosterone.  相似文献   

Mating behavior in both intact and gonadectomized garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) was measured following hormone administration. Male courtship was androgen-dependent; subcutaneous implants of crystalline testosterone propionate (TP) pellets induced mating behavior within 2 days in both intact, reproductively inactive males and castrated males. Female attractivity, as measured by male courtship of the female, was stimulated by exogenous estrogen; 20 μg/day of estradiol benzoate (EB) was the minimum effective dose for stimulating female attractivity in both intact, reproductively inactive females and ovariectomized females. TP-implanted males selectively courted EB-primed females in both sequential and simultaneous (choice) mating tests. It is probable that males use estrogen-dependent olfactory cues produced by the females to discriminate between hormone- and vehicle-injected females.  相似文献   

Chinning consists of rubbing the chin against an object, thereby depositing secretions from the submandibular glands. As mating, chinning is stimulated in male and female rabbits by testosterone and estradiol, respectively. To investigate the brain sites where steroids act to stimulate chinning and mating we implanted into the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) or the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of gonadectomized male and female rabbits testosterone propionate (TP; males) or estradiol benzoate (EB; females) and quantified chinning and sexual behavior. EB implants into the VMH or MPOA reliably stimulated chinning in females. Most of those implanted into the VMH and around half of the ones receiving EB into MPOA or diagonal band of Broca (DBB) showed lordosis. Chinning, but not sexual behavior, was stimulated in males by TP implants into the MPOA or DBB. Neither chinning nor mounting were reliably displayed by males following TP implants into the VMH. Results indicate that, in females, the VMH is an estrogen-sensitive brain area that stimulates both chinning and lordosis while the MPOA seems to contain subpopulations of neurons involved in either behavior. In males, androgen-sensitive neurons of the MPOA, but not the VMH, are involved in chinning stimulation but it is unclear if these areas also participate in the regulation of copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2009,55(5):676-683
Chinning consists of rubbing the chin against an object, thereby depositing secretions from the submandibular glands. As mating, chinning is stimulated in male and female rabbits by testosterone and estradiol, respectively. To investigate the brain sites where steroids act to stimulate chinning and mating we implanted into the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) or the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of gonadectomized male and female rabbits testosterone propionate (TP; males) or estradiol benzoate (EB; females) and quantified chinning and sexual behavior. EB implants into the VMH or MPOA reliably stimulated chinning in females. Most of those implanted into the VMH and around half of the ones receiving EB into MPOA or diagonal band of Broca (DBB) showed lordosis. Chinning, but not sexual behavior, was stimulated in males by TP implants into the MPOA or DBB. Neither chinning nor mounting were reliably displayed by males following TP implants into the VMH. Results indicate that, in females, the VMH is an estrogen-sensitive brain area that stimulates both chinning and lordosis while the MPOA seems to contain subpopulations of neurons involved in either behavior. In males, androgen-sensitive neurons of the MPOA, but not the VMH, are involved in chinning stimulation but it is unclear if these areas also participate in the regulation of copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Little is known about the hormonal regulation of sexual behavior and about the pattern of expression in the brain of sex-steroid receptors in the BALB/c AnN strain of mice (Mus musculus). In this study, 8-week old male BALB/c AnN mice were castrated and the temporal course of decline of sexual behavior was studied, as well as the effects of daily treatment with either testosterone propionate (TP), estradiol benzoate (EB), or dihydrotestosterone propionate (PDHT). Castration resulted in rapid decline of sexual behavior, in both control or vehicle-treated mice. TP maintained full sexual behavior of castrated mice, while PDHT or EB did not have this effect. The expression of ER-alpha dropped nearly 50% after castration, and this pattern remained in TP or PDHT-treated mice, while EB increased the ER-alpha mRNA levels to almost the same values as in intact control mice. The same pattern was found when ER-beta mRNA levels were analyzed. The expression of the PR-A/B gene in the different brain regions in intact mice and after castration, or among the differently treated mice, showed significant differences between normal and castrated mice at all times in all brain regions studied, with the exception of the frontal cortex. Castration reduced the expression of AR by 10-fold, as compared to intact control mice, while TP or PDHT treatment returned its expression to the same levels as in intact control mice, in all brain areas studied. The changes are more prominent in POA-HIP than in HYP and CF. These results demonstrated a rapid decline of sexual behavior in this strain of mice after castration, and show that only TP was able to maintain male sexual behavior, with no correlation with the pattern of expression of sex hormone receptors in specific areas of the mouse brain.  相似文献   

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