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Mutator Gene Studies in Escherichia coli   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
An Escherichia coli mutator gene, mutT, has been shown by P1-mediated crosses to map between the leucine and azide loci. The mutT1 and azi-r alleles cotransduce with a frequency of >92%. In mutT1/mutT+ merodiploids, the mutT1 phenotype is recessive; in mutT1/F′trp or mutT1/F′lac merodiploids, the mutT1 allele has a trans effect. The gene can mutate λ and T7 phage but not T1, T3, T4, T5, and S13.  相似文献   

Mutability as a function of growth rate was examined in bacterial strains containing mutator gene mutH1. The rate of mutation to bacteriophage T5 resistance was found to be proportional to rate of growth in glucose-limited chemostat cultures. This finding supports the hypothesis that the mutator mutH1 gene product increases the error frequency during deoxyribonucleic acid replication.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-Sensitive Mutator Strain of Escherichia coli K-12   总被引:30,自引:20,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
An ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive mutator gene, mutU, was identified in Escherichia coli K-12. The mutation mutU4 is very close to uvrD, between metE and ilv, on the E. coli chromosome. It was recessive as a mutator and as a UV-sensitive mutation. The frequency of reversion of trpA46 on an F episome was increased by mutU4 on the chromosome. The mutator gene did not increase mutation frequencies in virulent phages or in lytically grown phage lambda. The mutU4 mutation predominantly induced transitional base changes. Mutator strains were normal for recombination and host-cell reactivation of UV-irradiated phage T1. They were normally resistant to methyl methanesulfonate and were slightly more sensitive to gamma irradiation than Mut(+) strains. UV irradiation induced mutations in a mutU4 strain, and phage lambda was UV-inducible. Double mutants containing mutU4 and recA, B, or C were extremely sensitive to UV irradiation; a mutU4 uvrA6 double mutant was only slightly more sensitive than a uvrA6 strain. The mutU4 uvrA6 and mutU4 recA, B, or C double mutants had mutation rates similar to that of a mutU4 strain. Two UV-sensitive mutators, mut-9 and mut-10, isolated by Liberfarb and Bryson in E. coli B/UV, were found to be co-transducible with ilv in the same general region as mutU4.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli AlkB protein encoded by alkB gene was recently found to repair cytotoxic DNA lesions 1-methyladenine (1-meA) and 3-methylcytosine (3-meC) by using a novel iron-catalysed oxidative demethylation mechanism that protects the cell from the toxic effects of methylating agents. Mutation in alkB results in increased sensitivity to MMS and elevated level of MMS-induced mutations. The aim of this study was to analyse the mutational specificity of alkB117 in a system developed by J.H. Miller involving two sets of E. coli lacZ mutants, CC101-106 allowing the identification of base pair substitutions, and CC107-CC111 indicating frameshift mutations. Of the six possible base substitutions, the presence of alkB117 allele led to an increased level of GC-->AT transitions and GC-->TA and AT-->TA transversions. After MMS treatment the level of GC-->AT transitions increased the most, 22-fold. Among frameshift mutations, the most numerous were -2CG, -1G, and -1A deletions and +1G insertion. MMS treatment appreciably increased all of the above types of frameshifts, with additional appearance of the +1A insertion.  相似文献   

A mutator gene, mutD5, whose phenotype is conditional, has been identified in Escherichia coli. By P1 transduction it has been shown to lie at about 5.7 min on the chromosome, being co-transduced with proA and argF. In rich medium, streptomycin- and nalidixic acid-resistant mutation frequencies are 50 to 100 times higher than those in minimal medium. In minimal medium, the mutD5-induced mutation frequencies are still 50 to 100 times above co-isogenic wild-type (mut(+)) levels. Similar results were obtained with all markers tested. Mutant frequencies can be raised by thymidine in the medium at concentrations as low as 0.04 muM, or by the endogenous generation of thymidine from thymine plus a deoxyribosyl donor. Deoxyadenosine, various ribonucleosides, thymine, and 2-deoxyribose do not stimulate mutation. None of these effects are related to growth rate, since growth rate and mutation rate can be decoupled completely.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet Sensitivity Gene of Escherichia coli B   总被引:3,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The ultraviolet sensitivity gene of Escherichia coli B was introduced into a K-12 recipient by transduction with phage P1. The uvs gene of E. coli B is cotransducible with the proC locus of K-12, is closely linked to tsx, is not linked to lacZ, and only rarely to purE. The transductants are mucoid, filamentous on irradiation, and show plating-medium response. The order of markers is lacZ proC tsx uvs purE.  相似文献   

Reversion of Frameshift Mutations by Mutator Genes in Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
The Escherichia coli mutator genes mutU4, mutS3, and mut-25 (a possible allele of mutL), previously known to induce transitional base changes, increased significantly the frequencies of reversion of lacZ frameshift mutations. mutT1, previously shown to induce only the transversion of adenine-thymine to cytosine-guanine, had no effect on the reversion of lacZ frameshift mutations. With mutator genes other than mutT1, small increases were found in the frequencies of reversion of trpA frameshift mutations.  相似文献   

Attempts to transduce the ultraviolet-sensitive mutator lesion mutU4 into strains deficient in deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase I (polA) were unsuccessful. Mutator recombinants were found when the polA recipient had first been reverted to Pol(+) by selection for resistance to methyl methanesulfonate. The inviability of the mutU4 polA double mutant was demonstrated by a reduction in the absolute number of transductants when the recipient was polA as compared with Pol(+), and selection was made for markers very close to mutU4. Double mutants containing mutU4 and polA4, which determines a cold-sensitive polymerase, were unable to grow at 24 C, the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

Mistranslation mediated by the mutA and mutC tRNA alleles elicits a strong mutator phenotype (H. S. Murphy and M. Z. Humayun, J. Bacteriol. 179:7507–7514, 1997; M. M. Slupska, C. Baikalov, R. Lloyd, and J. H. Miller, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:4380–4385, 1996). Here, we show that exposure to streptomycin, an antibiotic known to promote mistranslation, induces a recA- and umuDC-independent mutator phenotype detected as enhanced mutagenesis at a 3,N4-ethenocytosine lesion borne on transfected M13 single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

By using a panel of 603 commensal and pathogenic Escherichia coli and Shigella isolates, we showed that mutation rates of strains vary considerably among different ecotypes. Uropathogenic strains had the highest frequency of mutators, while strains from patients with bacteremia had the lowest mutation rates. No correlation between the mutation rates and antibiotic resistance was observed among the studied strains.  相似文献   

Twenty-one Mut mutants were obtained from Escherichia coli B (B/UV) and K-12 (JC355) after treatment with mutagens. These Mut strains are characterized by rates of mutation to streptomycin resistance and T-phase resistance which are significantly higher than the parental (Mut(+)) rates. Mutator genes in 12 strains have been mapped at three locations on the E. coli chromosome: one close to the leu locus; five close to the purA locus; and six close to cysC. In addition, eight mutator strains derived from E. coli B/UV are still unmapped. Some effort was made to deduce the mode of action of the mutator genes. These isolates have been examined for possible defects in deoxyribonucleic acid repair mechanisms (dark repair of ultraviolet damage, host-cell reactivation, recombination ability, repair of mitomycin C damage). By using transductional analysis, it was found that the ultraviolet sensitivity of NTG119 and its mutator property results from two separate but closely linked mutations. PurA(+) transductants that receive mut from NTG119 or NTG35 are all more sensitive to mitomycin C than is the PurA recipient. Unless transduction selects for sensitivity, a probable interpretation is that defective repair of mitomycin C-induced damage is related to the mode of action of mut in these transductants and the donor. Abnormal purine synthesis may be involved in the mutability of some strains with cotransduction of the mutator properly and purA (100% cotransduction for NTG119). Three mutators are recombination-deficient and may have a defective step in recombination repair. One maps near three rec genes close to cysC.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli (sof) which was previously shown to have increased recombination frequency, to produce abnormally short "Okazaki fragments," and to be deficient in deoxyuridine triphosphatase has now been found also to possess mutator activity for several genes; point mutation rates and deletion rates are affected. The mutational stimulation effects are consistent with the hypothesis that incorporation of uracil into DNA is directly or indirectly responsible for the observed mutator activity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that mutator phenotype could be associated with an increase in virulence, but to date experimental evidences are lacking. Epidemiological studies have revealed that urinary tract infection isolates encompass the highest proportion of mutator strains within the Escherichia coli species. Using the uropathogenic strain CFT073 and its mutS- mutator mutant, we show that the mutator strain is selected in vitro in urine and in the late stages of infection in a mouse model having urinary tract infection. Thus, we report that, under specific conditions, i.e., urinary tract infection, the mutator phenotype may confer an advantage in pathogenesis.  相似文献   

An ade-mutation of strain WP2 trp-6 of E. coli B that lowers the spontaneous mutation rate is described. Both the forward and back mutation rates are effected. Adenine added to the medium, however, is not able to abolish or reduce the antimutator effect. The mutagenicity of UV and several chemical mutagens is suppressed by the ade-mutation. The involvement of the mutation at different level of transfer of genetic information in the bacteria is examined and proposals are made regarding its mode of action.  相似文献   

The high fidelity of DNA replication in Escherichia coli is ensured by the alpha (DnaE) and epsilon (DnaQ) subunits of DNA polymerase providing insertion fidelity, 3'-->5' exonuclease proofreading activity, and by the dam-directed mismatch repair system. dnaQ49 is a recessive allele that confers a temperature-sensitive proofreading phenotype resulting in a high rate of spontaneous mutations and chronic induction of the SOS response. The aim of this study was to analyse the mutational specificity of dnaQ49 in umuDC and DeltaumuDC backgrounds at 28 and 37 degrees C in a system developed by J.H. Miller. We confirmed that the mutator activity of dnaQ49 was negligible at 28 degrees C and fully expressed at 37 degrees C. Of the six possible base pair substitutions, only GC-->AT transitions and GC-->TA and AT-->TA transversions were appreciably increased. However, the most numerous mutations were frameshifts, -1G deletions and +1A insertions. All mutations which increased in response to dnaQ49 damage were to a various extent umuDC-dependent, especially -1G deletions. This type of mutations decreased in CC108dnaQ49DeltaumuDC to 10% of the value found in CC108dnaQ49umuDC+ and increased in the presence of plasmids producing UmuD'C or UmuDC proteins. In the recovery of dnaQ49 mutator activity the plasmid harbouring umuD'C genes was more effective than the one harbouring umuDC. Analysis of mutational specificity of pol III with defective epsilon subunit indicates that continuation of DNA replication is allowed past G:T, C:T, T:T (or C:A, G:A, A:A) mismatches but does not allow for acceptance of T:C, C:C, A:C (or A:G, G:G, T:G) (the underlined base is in the template strand).  相似文献   

Certain genes from Lactococcus lactis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, including the nfxB gene, generate a mutator phenotype in Escherichia coli. The results of this study, together with those of a previous study, support conservation of regulatory sequences in E. coli and P. aeruginosa and suggest that some efflux pumps prevent mutagenicity by exporting mutagenic products of metabolism.  相似文献   

用PCR法获得了HBsAgpreS1(1-65)肽段基因,将该基因融合在肿瘤坏死因子(hTNFα)之后,插入表达载体PSB-92中,使融合基因的5′端直接置于大肠肝菌PL启动子下游,采用30℃培养,42℃诱导,获得了TNF与preS1(1-65)融合蛋白的表达产物。SDS-PAGE电泳显示表达产物为25kD,约占细菌总蛋白的35%。表达产物经Westernblot验证,能分别特异地与hTNFα抗体与preS1抗体结合,稀释复性后,该融合蛋白还具有TNF的生理功能(对L929细胞的细胞毒活性)。经DNA序列测定,preS1(1-65)肽基因正确地融合在hTNFα基因之后。该结果提供了一种制备preS1的新方法,为进一步开展治疗肝癌和乙肝的导向药物打下基础。  相似文献   

Catabolite Repression Gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A catabolite repression gene (cat) which alters the sensitivity of Escherichia coli to catabolite repression has been mapped by transduction and shown to be located between the pyrC and purB genes. When the cat-1 mutation was studied in a number of genetic backgrounds, the results showed that this mutation affects the synthesis of more than one catabolic enzyme but does not completely eliminate catabolic repression under all conditions. It is suggested that this mutation may cause a block in the accumulation of the catabolite effector. Our experiments show that this effector is not glucose-6-phosphate.  相似文献   

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