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A G Logan 《CMAJ》1984,131(9):1053-1057
Since the publication in 1977 of joint recommendations by the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, the Canadian Heart Foundation and the Ontario Council of Health on the detection and management of hypertension in Canada, several clinical trials on the efficacy of antihypertensive drug treatment in patients with mild hypertension have been undertaken. The Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS) felt that the results of these trials should be reviewed to determine whether existing recommendations on treatment should be changed. Three expert panels appointed by the CHS reviewed evidence on the clinical efficacy of antihypertensive therapy, the diagnosis of hypertension and the treatment of mild hypertension, and formulated recommendations on the care of mildly hypertensive patients in Canada. A consensus conference of biomedical scientists, practising physicians and government representatives reviewed and reached agreement on the panels'' recommendations. The final recommendations of the conference are presented in this report.  相似文献   

Several important new issues have arisen in the management of patients with hypertension. A working party of the British Hypertension Society has therefore reviewed available intervention studies on anti-hypertensive treatment and made recommendations on blood pressure thresholds for intervention, on non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments, and on treatment goals. This report also provides guidelines on blood pressure measurement, essential investigations, referrals for specialist advice, follow up, and stopping treatment.  相似文献   

WHO guidelines for assuring the quality of DNA vaccines.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1977,1(6074):1437-1440
A multicentre pilot trial to assess the feasibility of undertaking a full-scale national trial of treatment for mild to moderate hypertension has been performed and is being continued. By February 1977 over 1800 patients had entered the trial and some have been under observation for three years. The results so far show that the definitive trial is administratively and scientifically feasible and ethically justified.  相似文献   

Our objective was to perform a retrospective analysis of breeding soundness evaluations (BSEs) as classified by the 1993 Society for Theriogenology (SFT) guidelines [Chenoweth et al., Guidelines for using the bull breeding soundness evaluation form, in: Theriogenology Handbook, 1993, pp. B-10]. Data included BSE information obtained from five performance-testing stations in South Carolina (SC1, SC2, SC3) and Tennessee (TN1, TN2) from 1986 through 1999 on 3648 Angus, Brangus, Charolais, Chianina, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Polled Hereford, Santa Gertrudis, Simbrah, and Simmental bulls. Analyses were simplified by classifying all bulls as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory potential breeders. Of the 3648 bulls evaluated, 76.2% were classified as satisfactory potential breeders. Of all bulls evaluated, 4.0% were unsatisfactory due to inadequate spermatozoal motility, 7.0% due to inadequate spermatozoal morphology and 2.6% due to a combination of inadequate motility and morphology. Unsatisfactory classifications due to non-spermatozoal parameters out of all bulls were 10.2%, with 7.1% for inadequate scrotal circumference and 3.1% for physical abnormalities. For satisfactory and unsatisfactory bulls, respectively, means and standard deviations were 35.8 +/- 2.7 and 33.0 +/- 4.1 cm (P < 0.001) for scrotal circumference, 63 +/- 18 and 35 +/- 24% (P < 0.001) for percent motility, and 86 +/- 7 and 63 +/- 21% (P < 0.001) for percent normal morphology.  相似文献   



Several guidelines to reduce cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients exist in North America, Europe, and Australia. Their ability to achieve this goal efficiently is unclear.

Methods and Findings

Decision analysis was used to compare the efficiency and effectiveness of international contemporary guidelines for the management of hypertension and hyperlipidemia for patients aged 40–80 with type 2 diabetes. Measures of comparative effectiveness included the expected probability of a coronary or stroke event, incremental medication costs per event, and number-needed-to-treat (NNT) to prevent an event. All guidelines are equally effective, but they differ significantly in their medication costs. The range of NNT to prevent an event was small across guidelines (6.5–7.6 for males and 6.5–7.5 for females); a larger range of differences were observed for expected cost per event avoided (ranges, $117,269–$157,186 for males and $115,999–$163,775 for females). Australian and U.S. guidelines result in the highest and lowest expected costs, respectively.


International guidelines based on the same evidence and seeking the same goal are similar in their effectiveness; however, there are large differences in expected medication costs.  相似文献   

W Szybalski 《Gene》1979,5(3):179-196
New NIH Guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA (R-DNA) molecules were issued on December 15, 1978. These are composed of four main parts, the first defining R-DNA and specifying prohibitions and exemptions, the second describing physical and biological containment, the third assigning the containment levels for many R-DNA experiments, and the fourth detailing the roles and responsibilities of the investigator, research institutions and NIH. Although the new Guidelines reduce restrictions, principally on those R-DNA experiments that use Escherichia coli K-12 host-vector systems, and exempt from the Guidelines several classes of experiments on prokaryotes that naturally exchange their DNA, most of their provisions are unjustified by the present assessment of the absence of any practical risks; many totally innocuous experiments are unnecessarily restricted and even virtually prohibited mainly because no host-vector systems were officially certified. The term Guidelines is a misnomer since they are mandatory regulations, even without any statutory basis. They impose large but unnecessary bureaucratic burdens on scientists, research institutions, research committees and NIH, and represent unwarranted censorship of basic research, which is antithetical to the creativity of human thought, thus posing serious dangers to the traditional freedom of inquiry.  相似文献   


Because the occurrence of infective endocarditis (IE) continues to be associated with high mortality, a working group was created by the Dutch Society of Cardiology to examine how the most recent European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines for IE management could be implemented most effectively in the Netherlands. In order to investigate current Dutch IE practices, the working group conducted a country-wide survey. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that most ESC recommendations could be endorsed, albeit with some adjustments. For instance, the suggested pre-operative screening and treatment of nasal carriers of Staphylococcus aureus as formulated in the ESC guideline was found to be dissimilar to current Dutch practice, and was therefore made less restrictive. The recently adapted ESC diagnostic criteria for IE were endorsed, while the practical employment of the relevant diagnostic techniques was simplified in an adapted flowchart. In addition, the presence of a multidisciplinary, so-called ‘endocarditis team’ in tertiary centres was proposed as a quality indicator. An adapted flowchart specifically tailored to Dutch practice for microbiological diagnostic purposes was constructed. Lastly, the working group recommended the Stichting Werkgroep Antibioticabeleid (SWAB; Dutch Working Party on Antibiotic Policy) guidelines for IE treatment instead of the antibiotic regimens proposed by the ESC.


Ninety four patients with mild hypertension (average supine diastolic blood pressure (phase V) 95-110 mm Hg) were allocated at random to receive restriction of dietary sodium (maximum allowed 70 mmol(mEq)/24 h) or a normal diet. In addition, they received in random order 25 mg chlorthalidone, 200 mg metoprolol (slow release), and a fixed combination of these two drugs. Each drug treatment was given for four weeks and alternated with four weeks of placebo. Forty four patients were allocated to sodium restriction (group 1) and 50 to normal diet (group 2). The mean 24 hour urinary sodium excretion in group 1 was 74 (SD 31) mmol(mEq)/24 h, and in group 2 132 (51) mmol/24 h. Compared with the screening blood pressure the average decrement of the supine blood pressure in group 1 was 16.0/8.6 mm Hg with placebo, 21.7/11.5 mm Hg with the diuretic, 28.5/17.8 mm Hg with the beta blocker, and 28.9/18.4 mm Hg with the combined agent; in group 2 these values were 13.3/6.1, 20.3/9.7, 21.3/12.9, and 29.4/16.8 mm Hg, respectively. There was a sharp decrease of the average potassium concentration during chlorthalidone and combination treatment periods (average value 3.3 mmol(mEq)/1). These results suggest that moderate salt restriction used as sole treatment has a limited though demonstrable blood pressure lowering effect but that when it is used as an adjuvant to beta blocker treatment its value is greatly enhanced.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To provide Canadian physicians with comprehensive, evidence-based guidelines for the nonpharmacologic management and prevention of gestational hypertension and pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy. OPTIONS: Lifestyle modifications, dietary or nutrient interventions, plasma volume expansion and use of prostaglandin precursors or inhibitors. OUTCOMES: In gestational hypertension, prevention of complications and death related to either its occurrence (primary or secondary prevention) or its severity (tertiary prevention). In pre-existing hypertension, prevention of superimposed gestational hypertension and intrauterine growth retardation. EVIDENCE: Articles retrieved from the pregnancy and childbirth module of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; pertinent articles published from 1966 to 1996, retrieved through a MEDLINE search; and review of original randomized trials from 1942 to 1996. If evidence was unavailable, consensus was reached by the members of the consensus panel set up by the Canadian Hypertension Society. VALUES: High priority was given to prevention of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with established hypertension and in those at high risk of gestational hypertension through the provision of effective nonpharmacologic management. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS: Reduction in rate of long-term hospital admissions among women with gestational hypertension, with establishment of safe home-care blood pressure monitoring and appropriate rest. Targeting prophylactic interventions in selected high-risk groups may avoid ineffective use in the general population. Cost was not considered. RECOMMENDATION: Nonpharmacologic management should be considered for pregnant women with a systolic blood pressure of 140-150 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure of 90-99 mm Hg, or both, measured in a clinical setting. A short-term hospital stay may be required for diagnosis and for ruling out severe gestational hypertension (preeclampsia). In the latter case, the only effective treatment is delivery. Palliative management, dependent on blood pressure, gestational age and presence of associated maternal and fetal risk factors, includes close supervision, limitation of activities and some bed rest. A normal diet without salt restriction is advised. Promising preventive interventions that may reduce the incidence of gestational hypertension, especially with proteinuria, include calcium supplementation (2 g/d), fish oil supplementation and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid therapy, particularly in women at high risk for early-onset gestational hypertension. Pre-existing hypertension should be managed the same way as before pregnancy. However, additional concerns are the effects on fetal well-being and the worsening of hypertension during the second half of pregnancy. There is, as yet, no treatment that will prevent exacerbation of the condition. VALIDATION: The guidelines share the principles in consensus reports from the US and Australia on the nonpharmacologic management of hypertension in pregnancy.  相似文献   


Reinhold Kreutz and colleagues in a recent editorial claim the Hygia Chronotherapy Trial lacks credibility because of deficient methods, thereby dismissing both the plausibility and clinical significance of its reported findings. They misstate and misrepresent crucial information, findings and conclusions unambiguously detailed in the published report of the Hygia Chronotherapy Trial. The purpose of this communication is to provide a complete rebuttal to each and every one of the misleading and scientifically unsupported claims by Kreutz et al. that calls into question their expertise to decry the merits, advantages, limitations and validity of correctly designed and conducted ambulatory blood pressure monitoring-based chronotherapy trials.  相似文献   

《World psychiatry》2022,21(2):272
Patient‐reported helpfulness of treatment is an important indicator of quality in patient‐centered care. We examined its pathways and predictors among respondents to household surveys who reported ever receiving treatment for major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, post‐traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, or alcohol use disorder. Data came from 30 community epidemiological surveys – 17 in high‐income countries (HICs) and 13 in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs) – carried out as part of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys. Respondents were asked whether treatment of each disorder was ever helpful and, if so, the number of professionals seen before receiving helpful treatment. Across all surveys and diagnostic categories, 26.1% of patients (N=10,035) reported being helped by the very first professional they saw. Persisting to a second professional after a first unhelpful treatment brought the cumulative probability of receiving helpful treatment to 51.2%. If patients persisted with up through eight professionals, the cumulative probability rose to 90.6%. However, only an estimated 22.8% of patients would have persisted in seeing these many professionals after repeatedly receiving treatments they considered not helpful. Although the proportion of individuals with disorders who sought treatment was higher and they were more persistent in HICs than LMICs, proportional helpfulness among treated cases was no different between HICs and LMICs. A wide range of predictors of perceived treatment helpfulness were found, some of them consistent across diagnostic categories and others unique to specific disorders. These results provide novel information about patient evaluations of treatment across diagnoses and countries varying in income level, and suggest that a critical issue in improving the quality of care for mental disorders should be fostering persistence in professional help‐seeking if earlier treatments are not helpful.  相似文献   

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