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Snails were collected from seven chalk grassland sites, in orderto assess variation in snail faunas with respect to location,vegetation, and management practices. Four of the sites weregrazed, intermittently to continuously, and three had been irregularlyburned and mown. Snails that are characteristic of the dry,open conditions of chalk grasslands made up 28% to 94% of allindividuals, and 33% to 75% of all species at the differentsites. Open-country snails tended to be relatively more commonat sites that had been consistently grazed than at sites thatwere mown or burned, although some heavily grazed sites showedlow overall snail abundance. Sites varied with respect to turfheight, the size of gaps in the turf, soil moisture, and higherplant species richness, but none of these site characteristicswere good predictors of the proportion of open-country snails.Comparisons of fresh and old shells at any given site can indicatewhether particular species have changed in relative abundanceover time. No changes were evident at two sites, Wylye Downand Galley Hill, but three of nine species changed at AstonRowant South, and four of ten species at Castle Hill. As a group,open-country snails declined relative to other snails at justone site, Castle Hill, which had been consistently grazed. Thisstudy confirms site-to-site variability in chalk grassland snailfaunas, while finding faunal composition to be generally constantthrough time within each site. Thus, mechanical cutting andburning, as well as grazing, may be able to maintain habitatfor some open-country British snail species. (Received 24 January 1994; accepted 21 April 1994)  相似文献   

The frequency and proliferative activity of granulocytic and macrophage progenitor cells were determined in the spleens of C57BL, BALD/c, NZB and CBA mice. These cells were detected by their capacity to form granulocytic and/or macrophage colonies ( in vitro colony-forming cells, CFC) in agar culture. In vitro CFCs were low in frequency in the adult spleen (4–28/105 cells) compared with the bone marrow (180–280/105 cells). However, the neonatal spleen, both in germfree and conventional mice, contained high levels of in vitro CFCs. From the low suiciding index with tritiated thymidine and the small numbers of cluster-forming cells in relation to colony numbers, many in vitro CFCs in the adult C57BL spleen appear to be in a non-cycling state. The level and activity of in vitro CFCs were extremely low in the spleen of adult germfree CBA mice but were greatly increased in conventional mice following the injection of a bacterial antigen.  相似文献   

本文对两种高分化人大肠癌细胞的体外侵袭力及相关生物学特性进行了比较研究。利用人羊膜基底膜模型分析结果显示:CCL229细胞对人羊膜基膜的侵袭力及粘附能力均明显高于CX-1细胞。常规扫描电镜观察到CCL 229细胞具有铺展能力强、细胞间相互粘着性差、细胞表面有许多长短不一、形态各异的指状伪足和针状突起等特征。琼脂糖滴分析结果表明,CCL 229细胞体外移动性亦明显高于CX-1细胞。两者的增殖情况未见有显著性差异。  相似文献   

用透射电镜观察到MGC-803细胞的核仁是网织型的,在网眼内分布有电子密度低的纤维中心。MGC-803细胞经丁酸钠作用后,其核仁的类型发生了改变,多呈环型的,核仁的中央有一个大的纤维中心;纤维中心和银染颗粒的大小和数目明显减低;用图像分析仪测得核仁银染蛋白所占面积与核总面积的比值也明显降低。结果提示:丁酸钠可能通过抑制rRNA合成和rDNA转录活性调控MGC-803细胞的增殖。  相似文献   

Objective:  The introduction of Liquid Based Technology (LBC) offers numerous advantages for cervical screening including the facility to make additional preparations after the sample has been reported. Could this additional preparation be used effectively for immunocytochemical (ICC) staining for p16? The aim of this study was to establish working techniques, a scoring system and assess the suitability of p16 for use in diagnostically difficult cases.
Study design:  A working technique for two commercially available antibodies, DakoCytomation Cintec p16INK4a and Vision Biosystems Novocastra p16 was established and applied to three groups of control samples, consisting of negative, borderline and dyskaryotic cases. All dyskaryotic cases were biopsy confirmed. The results obtained were used to formulate a scoring system (0–9), based on the percentage of positive cells and intensity of stain, which could then be applied to test cases. This group of test cases consisted of diagnostically difficult samples, which had been discussed or reviewed in the laboratory.
Results:  The results showed that p16 could aid in the diagnosis of difficult cases and should be assessed together with the original Papanicalaou stained slide to identify the cells in question. The scoring system with a cut off score of 4 for a positive result proved significant.
Conclusion:  Use of p16 in a routine laboratory could help further reduce false positive or negative results thus improving the service offered.  相似文献   

了解不同种类和大小的鱼类对各种捕捞方式的脆弱性, 对于制定最佳的捕捞策略和合理开发鱼类资源至关重要。研究从渔获物组成、捕捞效率和个体大小等方面, 对长江中游典型湖泊牛山湖的四种渔具(网簖、刺网、电捕和鸬鹚)的捕捞选择性进行了比较分析。使用相对重要性指数(IRI)评价渔具捕捞对鱼类物种的选择性, 同时通过计算渔获物的平均营养水平(MTL)和饵料鱼与凶猛性鱼类的重量比, 分析捕捞对鱼类群落营养结构的潜在影响。结果表明, 网簖和电捕捕获的鱼类种数多、体长范围广, 对鱼类资源的破坏性最大, 应当加以限制或废除; 鸬鹚是捕获鳜(尤其是高龄鳜)的一种有效方式, 但对幼鳜和其他幼鱼也有较大损害, 应控制其捕捞强度; 刺网主要捕获几种经济鱼类, 并可平衡捕食者和饵料鱼之间数量关系, 是利用鱼类资源的一种较好方式, 关键在于对刺网网目大小和捕捞强度的限制。建议湖泊捕捞应从单一物种转向多物种综合管理, 并考虑物种之间的营养生态关系, 以更好地保护和可持续利用渔业资源。  相似文献   

探讨了integrin β1在不同细胞周期人肝癌细胞(SMMC-7721)上的表达和在肝癌细胞与人脐静脉内皮细胞粘附过程中的作用.未同步处理的肝癌细胞(对照组)各细胞周期时相百分比为G0/G1期53.51%、G2/M期11.01%、S期35.48%,采用胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷、秋水仙碱顺序阻断和胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷双阻断后释放培养的方法获得G1期和S期的肝癌细胞,其同步率分别为74.09%和98.29%.G1期肝癌细胞integrin β1表达的荧光强度较S期和对照组相应值明显降低.利用微管吸吮技术定量研究了肝癌细胞与内皮细胞之间的粘附力学特性,发现G1期肝癌细胞的粘附力值比S期相应值明显降低(P<0.01),而S期的粘附力值与对照组比较无明显差别,integrin β1在肝癌细胞与内皮细胞粘附过程中的贡献约50%.结果提示胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷和秋水仙碱能较好地将肝癌细胞同步于G1期和S期,integrin β1在SMMC-7721肝癌细胞上的表达水平呈现周期差异,在肝癌细胞与内皮细胞粘附过程中,S期细胞可能起的作用更大,integrin β1在这一粘附过程中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

Pacific walruses ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ) are harvested by subsistence hunters in Alaska as they migrate north through the Bering Strait in the spring. Harvest records and biological specimens have been collected from the Bering Strait communities of Little Diomede, Gambell, and Savoonga since the 1950s. Harvest levels in the Bering Strait region peaked in the late 1980s and declined thereafter; however, there was considerable variation in the size and composition of the harvests among communities and over time. The relationships among characteristics of the community harvests and the presence of temporal trends were investigated using generalized linear models. The proportion of females in the catch increased over time in all three communities, while the proportion pregnant among harvested females declined over the range of sample years. The ages of harvested walruses increased over time in all three communities through the 1980s, after which trends in age stabilized or began to decline. The age of first reproduction was significantly older for females sampled in 1975–1985 than for females sampled between 1952 and 1962 or 1992 and 1998. Factors thought to have influenced the size and composition of the catch over the past 50 yr include hunter preferences, harvest management regimes, environmental conditions, and changes in the population itself.  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" and "etiolated" cells of Chlorella protothecoideshaving plastids of different degrees of degeneration were preparedby the methods previously reported, and the effects of actinomycin(C complex) upon the processes of greening of these cells wereinvestigated under various experimental conditions. As has beenshown previously, these cells formed normal chloroplasts onbeing incubated in the light with provision of nitrogen source(urea), but without glucose. The greening process of the glucose-bleachedcells has been found to differ from that of the etiolated cellsin the point that it involves a light-independent phase precedinga light-requiring phase. It was revealed that the greening ofglucose-bleached cells is inhibited by actinomycin much morestrongly than that of etiolated cells. On applying the antibioticat different times during the chloroplast development in glucose-bleachedcells, it was found that the inhibitory effect was remarkablyreduced with the progress of the developmental process. Thisindicated that the antibiotic attacked more strongly the light-independentphase than the light-requiring phase in question. Based on theseobservations it was inferred that, in the process of chloroplastdevelopment in glucose-bleached cells, DNA and RNA are playingimportant roles, especially during the early light-independentphase of chloroplast development. (Received September 18, 1964; )  相似文献   

Aerial surveys ( n = 88) were used to document locations and count sightings of manatees ( Trichechus manatus latirostris ) in the inshore waters of Tampa Bay, Florida, between November 1987 and May 1994. We made 5,358 sightings of manatees in 1,958 groups. Calves represented 8% of the manatees sighted. Counts were significantly higher in winter ( = 79, n = 29 flights) than in non-winter ( = 46, n = 47) months. Counts of manatees in winter increased significantly during the study, but warm-season counts did not. Regression models demonstrated a relationship between counts and environmental factors. Year-round counts were related to air temperatures and seasons, with highest counts in winter. However, in the winter season, counts were significantly correlated only with wind speed, not air temperature. Yearround counts were predicted to be curvilinear with highest counts at 15°C average air temperature. Areas used differed with season: in cold weather, 76% of all sightings occurred in zones with warm-water sources. High-use areas were identified for summer months. Spatial filter analysis was used to compare manatee density in high-use areas between two two-year time periods. The data indicate that (1) manatee use of Tampa Bay was high and increasing in winter, (2) there are particular zones of the bay where conservation of manatees and habitat should be a priority, and (3) sufficient information has been collected for management agencies to develop and implement manatee protection plans.  相似文献   

The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whoseplastids were profoundly degenerated containing no trace ofchlorophyll, were obtained by the method previously reported.Transferring the cells to the condition of re-generation ofchloroplasts (greening)—incubation in the light in a glucose-lessand nitrogen-rich medium—the effect of mitomycin C onthe recovery process was investigated. It was found that theantibiotic suppressed completely the cell division without affectingthe re-generation of chloroplasts. De novo formation of RNAand protein which has been observed to occur during the recoveryprocess was not affected by the antibiotic to any significantextent. It thus became clear that the re-generation of chloroplasts,accompanied by the formation of chlorophyll, RNA and protein,occurring under the said condition is not a phenomenon causedby the formation of new "normal" cells from previously degeneratedcells. As was expected, the antibiotic suppressed strongly theDNA synthesis, indicating that the new formation of DNA is nota necessary condition for the re-generation of chloroplastsin "glucose-bleached" algal cells. (Received March 1, 1965; )  相似文献   

An experiment was made on the fourth, fifth and sixth successive crops of winter wheat to determine the effects of various treatments on the troubles which result from close cereal cropping. Eyespot and lodging were prevalent in the first year (1946); weeds in the second; eyespot, lodging, take-all and weeds in the third.
Spraying with H2SO4 reduced the incidence of eyespot, lodging and weeds, and increased yield of grain on plots which received sulphate of ammonia (by 2.7, 2.2 and 10.0 cwt./acre in successive years).
Sulphate of ammonia increased the incidence at harvest of eyespot and lodging, reduced take-all and consistently increased yield of straw. Eyespot and lodging reduced the effect of the fertilizer on yield of grain, take-all increased it.
Increase in seed rate increased the incidence of severe eyespot and of take-all; it increased lodging except when plants were dwarfed by take-all.
Weight of straw and percentage straws with severe eyespot lesions independently affected lodging, together accounting for 51% of the variance in percentage area lodged at harvest and 64 % of that lodged 33 days earlier.
Mean yields of grain on untreated plots sown with 3.3 1/2 bushels seed/acre fell from 26.0 to 22.5 to 11.7 cwt./acre in successive years, whereas yields of 28.4, 29.9 and 29.1 cwt./acre were obtained on sprayed plots sown with 1 1/2.2 bushels seed/acre which received 4 cwt./acre sulphate of ammonia, showing that high yields were maintained when eyespot, lodging, take-all and weeds were controlled.
By 1948 yields of grain on unsprayed plots had fallen to the level of those on similarly manured plots on the continuous wheat experiment on Broadbalk field. Spraying increased grain by amounts similar to those resulting from one year's fallow on Broadbalk; but fallow had its greatest effects on plots with low nitrogen, spraying on those with high nitrogen.  相似文献   

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations for Protection of Prisoners Involved in Research published its report in 2006. It was charged with developing an ethical framework for the conduct of research with prisoners and identifying the safeguards and conditions necessary to ensure that research with prisoners is conducted ethically. The recommendations contained in the IOM report differ from current European regulations in several ways, some being more restrictive and some less so. For example, the IOM report suggests limiting the percentage of prisoners that should be involved in a biomedical study to 50%, a limit that does not exist in Europe. However, the report does not specifically advise against research without a direct benefit to an individual prisoner: the European regulations are more restrictive than the IOM committee recommendations in this respect. The definition of minimal risk varies, as well as the proposed role of the minimal risk requirement and of the principle of subsidiarity (research that can only be done effectively in prisons). The IOM report proposes a number of thoughtful suggestions, which it would be beneficial to implement everywhere, such as registers of research on prisoners. The European regulations offer pragmatic solutions to several thorny issues. In summary, the IOM committee report represents an admirable effort to tackle the present inconsistencies and deficiencies of federal regulations in the US on research on prisoners (45 CFR 46 Subpart C). Nonetheless, before acting on the recommendations, US regulators might consider revisiting international guidelines such as those published by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Science (CIOMS) and the Declaration of Helsinki.  相似文献   

  1. The "glucose-bleached" cells of Chlorella protothecoides, whichwere obtained by the method described previously, were transferredto a glucose-free medium containing basal mineral nutrientsalone in the dark, and after a certain period of time, the cellsuspension was supplied with urea and light to induce the greeningof cells. At different times before and after the provisionof urea and light, the inhibitors were applied to the cultureto test their effects upon the process of greening.
  2. Markedgreening of the glucose-bleached cells occurred aftera lagperiod in the control culture. 5-Fluorouracil inhibitedthecell greening strongly when it was applied at differenttimesbefore the provision of urea and light. When applied aftertheprovision of urea and light, the suppressive effect of 5-fluorouracilgradually decreased with the delay of its application. No inhibitiveeffect was observed when the uracil analogue was added laterthan the 12th hr after the provision of urea and light, thetime around which the chlorophyll formation started in the controlculture. On the other hand, the cell division was much morestrongly affected by 5-fluorouracil. Even when it was appliedat the 18th hr after the provision of urea and light, the celldivision was completely halted, indicating that the greeningand division of the glucose-bleached cells are separate processes.Different mechanisms of action of the uracil analogue towardsthese two processes were suggested.
  3. Dihydrostreptomycin showedits strongest suppressive effectwhen added at the beginningof the dark incubation of algalcells in the glucose-free medium,and with the delay of application,its effect was progressivelyreduced, even during the periodof the dark incubation. Thesuppression, however, was stillmarked when it was applied atthe 15th hr.
  4. Chloramphenicol was found to inhibit stronglythe chlorophyllformation and protein synthesis, but, to a muchlesser extent,RNA synthesis. Acridine orange suppressed thecell greeningand division at such a low concentration as 1.5µg/ml.
  5. Based on these observations it was concludedthat synthesesof nucleic acid and protein are essential processesfor thegreening of the glucose-bleached algal cells. Successiveeventsoccurring in the greening process were discussed.
(Received March 9, 1965; )  相似文献   

A neuronal morphological phenotype can be induced in cultured Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells (Sf21) by supplementing serum‐containing media with 20‐hydroxyecdysone (20‐HE) and/or insulin. In this study, the primary objectives were to determine any role of ion channels in mediating the morphological change in cells treated with 20‐HE and insulin, and whether serum was required to observe this effect. Results showed serum‐free media also induced growth of processes in Sf21 cells, but at a lower percentage than that found previously in cells bathed in serum‐containing media. Veratridine, a sodium channel activator, increased cell survival when applied in combination with 20‐HE to Sf21 cells, and the effect was blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 μM) a known sodium channel blocker. Cobalt, a calcium channel blocker, showed significant inhibition of cell process growth when applied in combination with both 20‐HE and 20‐HE plus veratridine. Cobalt also showed significant inhibition of cell process growth when applied in combination with insulin. Thus, some type of sodium channel, as well as a mechanism for transmembrane calcium ion movement, are apparently expressed in Sf21 cells and are involved in the differentiation process. These cell lines may be used in a wide variety of endeavors, including the screening of insecticides, as well as foster basic studies of neurodevelopment and ecdysone action.  相似文献   

Perusal of Brisson's 'Ornithologie', Pierre Poivre's autobiography and this traveller's publications induced the writer to concern himself with the type localities of Brisson's new Oriental birds. Those accepted by previous authors proved to be wrong in a number of cases. On the strength of the actual type localities the current names of some well-known birds will have to be changed. The following names are affected: —
Eurystomus orientalis (L.), Eclectus pectoralis (St. Müller), Saxicola borbonensis W. Sclater, Lalage nigra (Forster), Ducula aenea (L.), Cinnyris asiatica (Latham), Pelargopsis capemis (L.) and Psittacula krameri echo (Newton).  相似文献   

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