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Dorsoventral patterning of the embryonic axis relies upon the mutual antagonism of competing signaling pathways to establish a balance between ventralizing BMP signaling and dorsal cell fate specification mediated by the organizer. In zebrafish, the initial embryo-wide domain of BMP signaling is refined into a morphogenetic gradient following activation dorsally of a maternal Wnt pathway. The accumulation of β-catenin in nuclei on the dorsal side of the embryo then leads to repression of BMP signaling dorsally and the induction of dorsal cell fates mediated by Nodal and FGF signaling. A separate Wnt pathway operates zygotically via Wnt8a to limit dorsal cell fate specification and maintain the expression of ventralizing genes in ventrolateral domains. We have isolated a recessive dorsalizing maternal-effect mutation disrupting the gene encoding Integrator Complex Subunit 6 (Ints6). Due to widespread de-repression of dorsal organizer genes, embryos from mutant mothers fail to maintain expression of BMP ligands, fail to fully express vox and ved, two mediators of Wnt8a, display delayed cell movements during gastrulation, and severe dorsalization. Consistent with radial dorsalization, affected embryos display multiple independent axial domains along with ectopic dorsal forerunner cells. Limiting Nodal signaling or restoring BMP signaling restores wild-type patterning to affected embryos. Our results are consistent with a novel role for Ints6 in restricting the vertebrate organizer to a dorsal domain in embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

Nodal and Nodal-related factors play fundamental roles in a number of developmental processes, including mesoderm and endoderm formation, patterning of the anterior neural plate, and determination of bilateral asymmetry in vertebrates. pitx2, a paired-like homeobox gene, has been proposed to act downstream of Nodal in the gene cascade providing left-right cues to the developing organs. Here, we report that pitx2 is required early in the Nodal signaling pathway for specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers. We found that pitx2 is expressed very early during Xenopus and zebrafish development and in many regions where Nodal signaling is required, including the presumptive mesoderm and endoderm at the blastula and gastrula stages and the prechordal mesoderm at later stages. In Xenopus embryos, overexpression of pitx2 caused ectopic expression of goosecoid and sox-17 and interfered with mesoderm formation. Overexpression of pitx2 in Xenopus animal cap explants partially mimics the effects of Nodal overexpression, suggesting that pitx2 is a mediator of Nodal signaling during specification of the endoderm and prechordal plate, but not during mesoderm induction. We further demonstrate that pitx2 is induced by Nodal signaling in Xenopus animal caps and that the early expression of zebrafish pitx2 is absent when the Nodal signaling pathway is inactive. Inhibition of pitx2 function using a chimeric EnR-pitx2 blocked specification of the mesoderm and endoderm and caused severe embryonic defects resembling those seen when Nodal signaling is inhibited. Following inhibition of pitx2 function, the fate of ventral vegetal blastomeres was shifted from an endodermal to a more mesodermal fate, an effect that was reversed by wild-type pitx2. Finally, we show that inhibition of pitx2 function interferes with the response of cells to Nodal signaling. Our results provide direct evidence that pitx2 function is required for normal specification of the endodermal and mesodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

Interactions between Nodal/Activin and Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) signalling pathways have long been thought to play an important role in mesoderm formation. However, the molecular and cellular processes underlying these interactions have remained elusive. Here, we address the epistatic relationships between Nodal and Fgf pathways during early embryogenesis in zebrafish. First, we find that Fgf signalling is required downstream of Nodal signals for inducing the Nodal co-factor One-eyed-pinhead (Oep). Thus, Fgf is likely to be involved in the amplification and propagation of Nodal signalling during early embryonic stages. This could account for the previously described ability of Fgf to render cells competent to respond to Nodal/Activin signals. In addition, overexpression data shows that Fgf8 and Fgf3 can take part in this process. Second, combining zygotic mutations in ace/fgf8 and oep disrupts mesoderm formation, a phenotype that is not produced by either mutation alone and is consistent with our model of an interdependence of Fgf8 and Nodal pathways through the genetic regulation of the Nodal co-factor Oep and the cell propagation of Nodal signalling. Moreover, mesodermal cell populations are affected differentially by double loss-of-function of Zoep;ace. Most of the dorsal mesoderm undergoes massive cell death by the end of gastrulation, in contrast to either single-mutant phenotype. However, some mesoderm cells are still able to undergo myogenic differentiation in the anterior trunk of Zoep;ace embryos, revealing a morphological transition at the level of somites 6-8. Further decreasing Oep levels by removing maternal oep products aggravates the mesodermal defects in double mutants by disrupting the fate of the entire mesoderm. Together, these results demonstrate synergy between oep and fgf8 that operates with regional differences and is involved in the induction, maintenance, movement and survival of mesodermal cell populations.  相似文献   



The vertebrate body plan is generated during gastrulation with the formation of the three germ layers. Members of the Nodal-related subclass of the TGF-β superfamily induce and pattern the mesoderm and endoderm in all vertebrates. In zebrafish, two nodal-related genes, called squint and cyclops, are required in a dosage-dependent manner for the formation of all derivatives of the mesoderm and endoderm. These genes are expressed dynamically during the blastula stages and may have different roles at different times. This question has been difficult to address because conditions that alter the timing of nodal-related gene expression also change Nodal levels. We utilized a pharmacological approach to conditionally inactivate the ALK 4, 5 and 7 receptors during the blastula stages without disturbing earlier signaling activity. This permitted us to directly examine when Nodal signals specify cell types independently of dosage effects.  相似文献   

Nodal‐signaling is required for specification of mesoderm, endoderm, establishing left–right asymmetry, and craniofacial development. Wdr68 is a WD40‐repeat domain‐containing protein recently shown to be required for endothelin‐1 (edn1) expression and subsequent lower jaw development. Previous reports detected the Wdr68 protein in multiprotein complexes containing mammalian members of the dual‐specificity tyrosine‐regulated kinase (dyrk) family. Here we describe the characterization of the zebrafish dyrk1b homolog. We report the detection of a physical interaction between Dyrk1b and Wdr68. We also found perturbations of nodal signaling in dyrk1b antisense morpholino knockdown (dyrk1b‐MO) animals. Specifically, we found reduced expression of lft1 and lft2 (lft1/2) during gastrulation and a near complete loss of the later asymmetric lft1/2 expression domains. Although wdr68‐MO animals did not display lft1/2 expression defects during gastrulation, they displayed a near complete loss of the later asymmetric lft1/2 expression domains. While expression of ndr1 was not substantially effected during gastrulation, ndr2 expression was moderately reduced in dyrk1b‐MO animals. Analysis of additional downstream components of the nodal signaling pathway in dyrk1b‐MO animals revealed modestly expanded expression of the dorsal axial mesoderm marker gsc while the pan‐mesodermal marker bik was largely unaffected. The endodermal markers cas and sox17 were also moderately reduced in dyrk1b‐MO animals. Notably, and similar to defects previously reported for wdr68 mutant animals, we also found reduced expression of the pharyngeal pouch marker edn1 in dyrk1b‐MO animals. Taken together, these data reveal a role for dyrk1b in endoderm formation and craniofacial patterning in the zebrafish. genesis 48:20–30, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dorsal-ventral patterning is specified by signaling centers secreting antagonizing morphogens that form a signaling gradient. Yet, how morphogen gradient is translated intracellularly into fate decisions remains largely unknown. Here, we report that p38 MAPK and CREB function along the dorsal-ventral axis in mesoderm patterning. We find that the phosphorylated form of CREB (S133) is distributed in a gradient along the dorsal-ventral mesoderm axis and that the p38 MAPK pathway mediates the phosphorylation of CREB. Knockdown of CREB prevents chordin expression and mesoderm dorsalization by the Spemann organizer, whereas ectopic expression of activated CREB-VP16 chimera induces chordin expression and dorsalizes mesoderm. Expression of high levels of p38 activator, MKK6E or CREB-VP16 in embryos converts ventral mesoderm into a dorsal organizing center. p38 MAPK and CREB function downstream of maternal Wnt/β-catenin and the organizer-specific genes siamois and goosecoid. At low expression levels, MKK6E induces expression of lateral genes without inducing the expression of dorsal genes. Loss of CREB or p38 MAPK activity enables the expansion of the ventral homeobox gene vent1 into the dorsal marginal region, preventing the lateral expression of Xmyf5. Overall, these data indicate that dorsal-ventral mesoderm patterning is regulated by differential p38/CREB activities along the axis.  相似文献   

Coordinated Nodal-related signals and Bozozok (Boz) activity are critical for the initial specification of dorsal mesoderm and anterior neuroectoderm during zebrafish embryogenesis. Overexpression of Boz expands gsc expression into the ventro-lateral marginal blastomeres where Nodal signaling is active, but is insufficient to induce ectopic gsc expression in the animal region. We found that overexpression of Boz together with depletion of Lnx-2b (previously named Lnx-like, Lnx-l), but not each manipulation alone, causes robust gsc expression in all blastomeres. Furthermore, nodal-related signals are required for gsc expression in embryos with elevated Boz activity. Through targeted injection into single cells at the 128-cell stage we illustrate the role of maternally deposited Lnx-2b to restrict the expansion of gsc expression into the presumptive ectodermal region. This report provides a novel mechanism for limiting dorsal organizer specification to a defined region of the early zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

Progenitors of the zebrafish pronephros, red blood and trunk endothelium all originate from the ventral mesoderm and often share lineage with one another, suggesting that their initial patterning is linked. Previous studies have shown that spadetail (spt) mutant embryos, defective in tbx16 gene function, fail to produce red blood cells, but retain the normal number of endothelial and pronephric cells. We report here that spt mutants are deficient in all the types of early blood, have fewer endothelial cells as well as far more pronephric cells compared to wildtype. In vivo cell tracing experiments reveal that blood and endothelium originate in spt mutants almost exclusive from the dorsal mesoderm whereas, pronephros and tail originate from both dorsal and ventral mesoderm. Together these findings suggest possible defects in posterior patterning. In accord with this, gene expression analysis shows that mesodermal derivatives within the trunk and tail of spt mutants have acquired more posterior identity. Secreted signaling molecules belonging to the Fgf, Wnt and Bmp families have been implicated as patterning factors of the posterior mesoderm. Further investigation demonstrates that Fgf and Wnt signaling are elevated throughout the nonaxial region of the spt gastrula. By manipulating Fgf signaling we show that Fgfs both promote pronephric fate and repress blood and endothelial fate. We conclude that Tbx16 plays an important role in regulating the balance of intermediate mesoderm fates by attenuating Fgf activity.  相似文献   

Zebrafish with defective Nodal signaling have a phenotype analogous to the fatal human birth defect anencephaly, which is caused by an open anterior neural tube. Previous work in our laboratory found that anterior open neural tube phenotypes in Nodal signaling mutants were caused by lack of mesendodermal/mesodermal tissues. Defects in these mutants are already apparent at neural plate stage, before the neuroepithelium starts to fold into a tube. Consistent with this, we found that the requirement for Nodal signaling maps to mid‐late blastula stages. This timing correlates with the timing of prechordal plate mesendoderm and anterior mesoderm induction, suggesting these tissues act to promote neurulation. To further identify tissues important for neurulation, we took advantage of the variable phenotypes in Nodal signaling‐deficient sqt mutant and Lefty1overexpressing embryos. Statistical analysis indicated a strong, positive correlation between a closed neural tube and presence of several mesendoderm/mesoderm‐derived tissues (hatching glands, cephalic paraxial mesoderm, notochord, and head muscles). However, the neural tube was closed in a subset of embryos that lacked any one of these tissues. This suggests that several types of Nodal‐induced mesendodermal/mesodermal precursors are competent to promote neurulation. genesis 54:3–18, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiple factors, including members of the FGF, TGF beta, and Wnt family of proteins, are important mediators in the regulation of dorsal-ventral pattern formation during vertebrate development. By using an expression cloning approach to identify novel factors that could regulate dorsal-ventral patterning in the Xenopus embryo, we isolated the Xenopus homologue of the human Os4 gene by virtue of its ability to induce a secondary dorsal axis. While Os4 homologues have been identified in a variety of species, and human Os4 is overexpressed in human tumors, the biological function of Os4 is unknown. To explore the mechanism by which Xenopus Os4 (XOs4) induces a secondary dorsal axis, we used Xenopus explant and whole-embryo assays. The secondary axis induced by XOs4 is distinct from that induced by activation of Wnt or FGF pathways but similar to that induced by inhibition of BMP signaling or activation of an Activin pathway. However, XOs4 did not inhibit BMP signaling in dissociated animal cap explants, indicating that XOs4 does not inhibit BMP signaling. Similar to activation of an Activin-like pathway, expression of XOs4 induces molecular markers for mesoderm in animal cap explants, although expression of gastrula-stage mesodermal markers was very weak and substantially delayed. Yet, XOs4 does not require activity of the Activin signal-transduction pathway for mesoderm induction as dominant-negative components of the Activin/Nodal/Vg1 pathway did not prevent XOs4-mediated induction of mesodermal derivatives. Finally, like Activin/Nodal/Vg1 pathways, XOs4 requires FGF signaling for expression of mesoderm markers. Results presented in this study demonstrate that XOs4 can induce mesoderm and dorsalize ventral mesoderm resulting in ectopic dorsal axis formation, suggesting a role for this large evolutionarily conserved gene family in early development.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, diffusible "organizer" signals, including members of the TGFbeta Nodal subfamily, pattern dorsal mesoderm and the embryonic axes. Simultaneously, negative regulators of these signals, including the Nodal inhibitor Lefty, an atypical TGFbeta factor, are induced by Nodal. This suggests that Lefty-dependent modulation of organizer signaling might regulate dorsal mesoderm patterning and axial morphogenesis. Here, Xenopus Lefty (Xlefty) function was blocked by injection of anti-Xlefty morpholino oligonucleotides (MO). Xlefty-deficient embryos underwent exogastrulation, an aberrant morphogenetic process not predicted from deregulation of the Nodal pathway alone. In the absence of Xlefty, both Nodal- (Xnr2, gsc, cer, Xbra) and Wnt-responsive (gsc, Xnr3) organizer gene expression expanded away from the dorsal blastopore lip. Conversely, coexpression of Xlefty with Nodal or Wnt reduced the ectopic expression of Nodal- (Xbra) and Wnt-responsive (Xnr3) genes in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, Xlefty expression in the ectodermal animal pole inhibited endogenous Nodal- and Wnt-responsive gene expression in distant mesoderm cells, indicating that Xlefty inhibition can spread from its source. We hypothesize that Xlefty negatively regulates the spatial extent of Nodal- and Wnt-responsive gene expression in the organizer and that this Xlefty-dependent inhibition is essential for normal organizer patterning and gastrulation.  相似文献   

In vertebrates and invertebrates, the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway patterns cell fates along the dorsoventral (DV) axis. In vertebrates, BMP signaling specifies ventral cell fates, whereas restriction of BMP signaling by extracellular antagonists allows specification of dorsal fates. In misexpression assays, the conserved extracellular factor Twisted gastrulation (Tsg) is reported to both promote and antagonize BMP signaling in DV patterning. To investigate the role of endogenous Tsg in early DV patterning, we performed morpholino (MO)-based knockdown studies of Tsg1 in zebrafish. We found that loss of tsg1 results in a moderately strong dorsalization of the embryonic axis, suggesting that Tsg1 promotes ventral fates. Knockdown of tsg1 combined with loss of function of the BMP agonist tolloid (mini fin) or heterozygosity for the ligand bmp2b (swirl) enhanced dorsalization, supporting a role for Tsg1 in specifying ventral cell fates as a BMP signaling agonist. Moreover, loss of tsg1 partially suppressed the ventralized phenotypes of mutants of the BMP antagonists Chordin or Sizzled (Ogon). Our results support a model in which zebrafish Tsg1 promotes BMP signaling, and thus ventral cell fates, during DV axial patterning.  相似文献   

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