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The number of neurons in the geniculate ganglion that are available to innervate taste buds is regulated by neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Our goal for the current study was to examine the timing and mechanism of NT-4-mediated regulation of geniculate neuron number during development. We discovered that NT-4 mutant mice lose 33% of their geniculate neuronal cells between E10.5 and E11.5. By E11.5, geniculate axons have just reached the tongue and do not yet innervate their gustatory targets; thus, NT-4 does not function as a target-derived growth factor. At E11.5, no difference was observed in proliferating cells or the rate at which cells exit the cell cycle between NT-4 mutant and wild type ganglia. Instead, there was an increase in TUNEL-labeling, indicating an increase in cell death in Ntf4(-/-) mice compared with wild types. However, activated caspase-3, which is up-regulated in the absence of BDNF, was not increased. This finding indicates that cell death initiated by NT-4-removal occurs through a different cell death pathway than BDNF-removal. We observed no additional postnatal loss of taste buds or neurons in Ntf4(-/-) mice. Thus, during early embryonic development, NT-4 produced in the ganglion and along the projection pathway inhibits cell death through an activated caspase-3 independent mechanism. Therefore, compared to BDNF, NT-4 plays distinct roles in gustatory development; differences include timing, source of neurotrophin, and mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) are two neurotrophins that play distinct roles in geniculate (taste) neuron survival, target innervation, and taste bud formation. These two neurotrophins both activate the tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) receptor and the pan-neurotrophin receptor p75. Although the roles of these neurotrophins have been well studied, the degree to which BDNF and NT-4 act via TrkB to regulate taste development in vivo remains unclear. In this study, we compared taste development in TrkB−/− and Bdnf−/−/Ntf4−/− mice to determine if these deficits were similar. If so, this would indicate that the functions of both BDNF and NT-4 can be accounted for by TrkB-signaling. We found that TrkB−/− and Bdnf−/−/Ntf4−/− mice lose a similar number of geniculate neurons by E13.5, which indicates that both BDNF and NT-4 act primarily via TrkB to regulate geniculate neuron survival. Surprisingly, the few geniculate neurons that remain in TrkB−/− mice are more successful at innervating the tongue and taste buds compared with those neurons that remain in Bdnf−/−/Ntf4−/− mice. The remaining neurons in TrkB−/− mice support a significant number of taste buds. In addition, these remaining neurons do not express the TrkB receptor, which indicates that either BDNF or NT-4 must act via additional receptors to influence tongue innervation and/or targeting.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4 (NT4) are essential for the survival of geniculate ganglion neurons, which provide the sensory afferents for taste buds of the anterior tongue and palate. To determine how these target-derived growth factors regulate gustatory development, the taste system was examined in transgenic mice that overexpress BDNF (BDNF-OE) or NT4 (NT4-OE) in basal epithelial cells of the tongue. Overexpression of BDNF or NT4 caused a 93 and 140% increase, respectively, in the number of geniculate ganglion neurons. Surprisingly, both transgenic lines had severe reduction in fungiform papillae and taste bud number, primarily in the dorsal midregion and ventral tip of the tongue. No alterations were observed in taste buds of circumvallate or incisal papillae. Fungiform papillae were initially present on tongues of newborn BDNF-OE animals, but many were small, poorly innervated, and lost postnatally. To explain the loss of nerve innervation to fungiform papillae, the facial nerve of developing animals was labeled with the lipophilic tracer DiI. In contrast to control mice, in which taste neurons innervated only fungiform papillae, taste neurons in BDNF-OE and NT4-OE mice innervated few fungiform papillae. Instead, some fibers approached but did not penetrate the epithelium and aberrant innervation to filiform papillae was observed. In addition, some papillae that formed in transgenic mice had two taste buds (instead of one) and were frequently arranged in clusters of two or three papillae. These results indicate that target-derived BDNF and NT4 are not only survival factors for geniculate ganglion neurons, but also have important roles in regulating the development and spatial patterning of fungiform papilla and targeting of taste neurons to these sensory structures.  相似文献   

Chick taste bud (gemmal) primordia normally appear on embryonic day (E) 16 and incipient immature, spherical-shaped buds at E17. In ovo injection of β-bungarotoxin at E12 resulted in a complete absence of taste buds in lower beak and palatal epithelium at developmental ages E17 and E21. However, putative gemmal primordia (solitary clear cells; small, cell groupings) remained, lying adjacent to salivary gland duct openings as seen in normal chick gemmal development. Oral epithelium was immunonegative to neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) suggesting gemmal primordia are nerve-independent. Some NCAM immunoreactivity was evident in autonomic ganglion-like cells and nerve fibers in connective tissue. After unilateral geniculate ganglion/otocyst excision on E2.5, at developmental ages E18 and posthatching day 1, ∼12% of surviving ipsilateral geniculate ganglion cells sustained ∼54% of the unoperated gemmal counts. After E18, proportional stages of differentiation in surviving developing buds probably reflect their degree of innervation, as well as rate of differentiation. Irrespective of the degree of geniculate ganglion damage, the proportion of surviving buds can be sustained at the same differentiated bud stage as on the unoperated side, or may differentiate to a later bud stage, consistent with the thesis that bud maturation, maintenance, and survival are nerve-dependent.  相似文献   

Growth factors regulate cell growth and differentiation in many tissues. In the taste system, as yet unknown growth factors are produced by neurons to maintain taste buds. A number of growth factor receptors are expressed at greater levels in taste buds than in the surrounding epithelium and may be receptors for candidate factors involved in taste bud maintenance. We determined that the ligands of eight of these receptors were expressed in the E14.5 geniculate ganglion and that four of these ligands were expressed in the adult geniculate ganglion. Of these, the insulin-like growth factors (IGF1, IGF2) were expressed in the ganglion and their receptor, insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R), were expressed at the highest levels in taste buds. To determine whether IGF1R regulates taste bud number or structure, we conditionally eliminated IGF1R from the lingual epithelium of mice using the keratin 14 (K14) promoter (K14-Cre::Igf1rlox/lox). While K14-Cre::Igf1rlox/lox mice had significantly fewer taste buds at P30 compared with control mice (Igf1rlox/lox), this difference was not observed by P80. IGF1R removal did not affect taste bud size or cell number, and the number of phospholipase C β2- (PLCβ2) and carbonic anhydrase 4- (Car4) positive taste receptor cells did not differ between genotypes. Taste buds at the back of the tongue fungiform taste field were larger and contained more cells than those at the tongue tip, and these differences were diminished in K14-Cre::Igf1rlox/lox mice. The epithelium was thicker at the back versus the tip of the tongue, and this difference was also attenuated in K14-Cre::Igf1rlox/lox mice. We conclude that, although IGFs are expressed at high levels in the taste system, they likely play little or no role in maintaining adult taste bud structure. IGFs have a potential role in establishing the initial number of taste buds, and there may be limits on epithelial thickness in the absence of IGF1R signaling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The neurotrophins, which include nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), NT-4/5 and NT-6, are a family of proteins that play fundamental roles in the differentiation, survival and maintenance of peripheral and central neurons. Much research has focused on the role of neurotrophins as target-derived, retrogradely transported trophic molecules. Although there is recent evidence that BDNF and NT-3 can be transported in an anterograde direction along peripheral and central axons, there is as yet no conclusive evidence that these anterograde factors have direct post-synaptic actions. RESULTS: We report that BDNF travels in an anterograde direction along the optic nerve. The anterogradely transported BDNF had rapid effects on retinal target neurons in the superior colliculus and lateral geniculate nucleus of the brain. When endogenous BDNF within the developing superior colliculus was neutralised, the rate of programmed neuronal death increased. Conversely, provision of an afferent supply of BDNF prevented the degeneration of geniculate neurons after removal of their cortical target. CONCLUSIONS: BDNF released from retinal ganglion cells acts as a survival factor for post-synaptic neurons in retinal target fields.  相似文献   

NeuroD is required for the survival of many subtypes of developing neurons in the vertebrate central nervous system. Because NeuroD-deficient neurons in the hippocampus, cerebellum, and inner ear die prematurely in the early stage of neurogenesis, the role of NeuroD during the later stages of neurogenesis of these cell subtypes is not well understood. In addition, the mechanism of NeuroD-deficient neuronal death has not been investigated. It was hypothesized that NeuroD-dependent neuronal death occurs through a Bax-dependent apoptotic pathway. Based on this hypothesis, this study attempted to rescue neuronal cell death by deleting the Bax gene in NeuroD null mice to investigate the role of NeuroD in surviving neurons. The NeuroD and Bax double null mice displayed a decrease in the number of apoptotic cells in the hippocampus and the cerebellum and the rescue of vestibulocochlear ganglion (VCG) neurons that failed to migrate and innervate. In addition, at E13.5, the NeuroD−/−Bax−/− VCG neurons failed to express TrkB and TrkC, which are known to be essential for the survival of those neurons. These data suggest that neuronal death in NeuroD null mice is mediated by Bax-dependent apoptosis and that NeuroD is required for the migration of VCG neurons. Finally, these data show that TrkB and TrkC expression in E13.5 VCG neurons requires NeuroD and that TrkB and TrkC expression may be necessary for the normal migration and innervations of those neurons.  相似文献   

Recent evidence showing a distinctive cell loss in vestibular and cochlear ganglia of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) versus neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) null mutant mice demonstrates that these neurotrophins play a critical role in inner ear development. In this study, biological functions of BDNF and NT-3 in the chick vestibular and cochlear ganglion development was assessed in vitro and compared to those of other neurotrophic factors. The embryonic day (E)8-12 vestibular ganglion neurons showed an extensive outgrowth in response to BDNF with less outgrowth to NT-3. In contrast, NT-3 had stronger neurotrophic effects on the E12 cochlear ganglion neurons compared to BDNF. These results support previous evidence that neurotrophins play important roles in the vestibular and cochlear ganglion neuron development. However, the responsiveness to the neurotrophins declined and became undetectable by E16. Unexpectedly, glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) promoted neurite outgrowth from vestibular ganglia at E12-16, later than the stages at which BDNF had neurotrophic effects. The time of switching sensitivity of the vestibular ganglion neurons from BDNF to GDNF correlated with the time of completion of synaptogenesis on their peripheral and central targets. Furthermore, a factor released from E12 inner ears exerted neurotrophic effects on late-stage vestibular ganglion neurons that were not responsive to the E4 otocyst-derived factor. These results raise the possibility that the vestibular ganglion neurons become responsive to GDNF upon target innervation and that the changes in sensitivity are regulated by changes in available factors released from their peripheral targets, the inner ear epithelia.  相似文献   

Netrin-1 and DCC are well known for their roles in neurite growth, axonal guidance, and neuronal migration. Recently, a number of studies showed that DCC is involved in the induction of apoptosis, and this proapoptotic activity can be blocked in the presence of Netrin-1. However, here, we found that DCC is required for the survival of two types of neurons selectively in the developing mouse retina where DCC is abundantly expressed. Our results showed that the DCC−/− retina displayed a reduced ganglion cell layer with relatively normal neuroblastic layer. Immunostaining assays revealed that in DCC−/− mice, initial neurogenesis within retina was unchanged while the numbers of differentiated retinal ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells in ganglion cell layer were greatly reduced due to increased apoptosis. By contrast, other neuronal types including horizontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, photoreceptors, and Müller cells appeared normal in DCC mutant retinas. Moreover, DCCkanga mice that lack the intracellular P3 domain of DCC receptor displayed the same defects as DCC−/− mice. Thus, our findings suggest that DCC is a key regulator for the survival of specific types of neurons during retinal development and that DCC-P3 domain is essential for this developing event.  相似文献   

Large numbers of neurons are eliminated by apoptosis during nervous system development. For instance, in the mouse dorsal root ganglion (DRG), the highest incidence of cell death occurs between embryonic days 12 and 14 (E12-E14). While the cause of cell death and its biological significance in the nervous system is not entirely understood, it is generally believed that limiting quantities of neurotrophins are responsible for neuronal death. Between E12 and E14, developing DRG neurons pass through tissues expressing high levels of axonal guidance molecules such as Semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) while navigating to their targets. Here, we demonstrate that Sema3A acts as a death-inducing molecule in neurotrophin-3 (NT-3)-, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)- and nerve growth factor (NGF)-dependent E12 and E13 cultured DRG neurons. We show that Sema3A most probably induces cell death through activation of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)/c-Jun signaling pathway, and that this cell death is blocked by a moderate increase in NGF concentration. Interestingly, increasing concentrations of other neurotrophic factors, such as NT-3 or BDNF, do not elicit similar effects. Our data suggest that the number of DRG neurons is determined by a fine balance between neurotrophins and Semaphorin 3A, and not only by neurotrophin levels.  相似文献   

Taste buds and the peripheral nerves innervating them are two important components of the peripheral gustatory system. They require appropriate connections for the taste system to function. Neurotrophic factors play crucial roles in the innervation of peripheral sensory organs and tissues. Both brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) null-mutated and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4) null-mutated mice exhibit peripheral gustatory deficits. BDNF and NT-4 bind to a common high affinity tyrosine kinase receptor, TrkB (NTRK-2), and a common p75 neurotrophin receptor (NGFR). We are currently using a transgenic mouse model to study peripheral taste system development and innervation in the absence of both TrkB ligands. We show that taste cell progenitors express taste cell markers during early stages of taste bud development in both BDNF−/−xNT-4−/− and wild-type mice. At early embryonic stages, taste bud progenitors express Troma-1, Shh, and Sox2 in all mice. At later stages, lack of innervation becomes a prominent feature in BDNF−/−xNT-4−/− mice leading to a decreasing number of fungiform papillae and morphologically degenerating taste cells. A total loss of vallate taste cells also occurs in postnatal transgenic mice. Our data indicate an initial independence but a later permissive and essential role for innervation in taste bud development and maintenance. This work was supported by NIH-NIDCD R01-RDC007628.  相似文献   

The response of embryonic chick nodose ganglion (neural placode-derived) and dorsal root ganglion (neural crest-derived) sensory neurons to the survival and neurite-promoting activity of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was studied in culture. In dissociated, neuron-enriched cultures established from chick embryos between Day 6 (E6) and Day 12 (E12) of development, both nodose ganglion (NG) and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were responsive on laminin-coated culture dishes to BDNF. In the case of NG, BDNF elicited neurite outgrowth from 40 to 50% of the neurons plated at three embryonic ages; E6, E9, and E12. At the same ages, nerve growth factor (NGF) alone or in combination with BDNF, had little or no effect upon neurite outgrowth from NG neurons. The response of NG neurons to BDNF was dose dependent and was sustainable for at least 7 days in culture. Surprisingly, in view of a previous study carried out using polyornithine as a substrate for neuronal cell attachment, on laminin-coated dishes BDNF also sustained survival and neurite outgrowth from a high percentage (60-70%) of DRG neurons taken from E6 embryos. In marked contrast to NG neurons, the combined effect of saturating levels of BDNF and NGF activity on DRG neurons was greater than the effect of either agent alone at all embryonic ages studied. Under similar culture conditions, BDNF did not elicit survival and neurite outgrowth from paravertebral chain sympathetic neurons or parasympathetic ciliary ganglion neurons. We propose that primary sensory neurons, regardless of their embryological origin, are responsive to a "central-target" (CNS) derived neurotrophic factor--BDNF, while they are differentially responsive to "peripheral-target"-derived growth factors, such as NGF, depending on whether the neurons are of neural crest or placodal origin.  相似文献   

The survival effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on the ganglion cells of the chick retina were studied in vitro at different embryonic ages. We found these effects to be strongly age-dependent: at E5, when the first ganglion cell axons have crossed the optic chiasm, but not yet reached the tectum, ganglion cells survived on a laminin substrate irrespective of the presence or absence of BDNF. At E6, when the axons of the first-generated ganglion cells reached the rostral pole of the tectum, the ganglion cells began to show a dependency on BDNF for survival, but the majority of them were alive after 2 days in vitro in the absence of BDNF. With increasing age, the BDNF dependency for survival increased, and at E11, the majority of the ganglion cells plated were dependent on BDNF for survival. It is at this age that the maximal number of axons can be found in vivo in the optic nerve, the subsequent elimination of ganglion cells and their axons resulting in the loss of hundreds of thousands of them over the next few days. Taken together, these data indicate that retinal ganglion cells depend on BDNF for survival only when their axons have reached their target in vivo. This situation is reminiscent of that described in the peripheral nervous system for the nerve growth factor responsiveness of mouse trigeminal sensory neurons during the period of innervation of their target.  相似文献   

Animals lacking neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) are born with deficits in almost all sensory ganglia. Among these, the trigeminal ganglion is missing 70% of the normal number of neurons, a deficit which develops during the major period of neurogenesis between embryonic stages (E) 10.5 and E13.5. In order to identify the mechanisms for this deficit, we used antisera specific for TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC to characterize and compare the expression patterns of each Trk receptor in trigeminal ganglia of wild type and NT-3 mutants between E10.5 and E15.5. Strikingly, TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC proteins appear to be exclusively associated with neurons, not precursors. While some neurons show limited co-expression of Trk receptors at E11.5, by E13. 5 each neuron expresses only one Trk receptor. Neuronal birth dating and cell counts show that in wild-type animals all TrkB- and TrkC-expressing neurons are generated before E11.5, while the majority of TrkA-expressing neurons are generated between E11.5 and E13.5. In mice lacking NT-3, the initial formation of the ganglion, as assessed at E10.5, is similar to that in wild-type animals. At E11.5, however, the number of TrkC-expressing neurons is dramatically reduced and the number of TrkC-immunopositive apoptotic profiles is markedly elevated. By E13.5, TrkC-expressing neurons are virtually eliminated. At E11.5, compared to wild type, the number of TrkB-expressing neurons is also reduced and the number of TrkB immunoreactive apoptotic profiles is increased. TrkA neurons are also reduced in the NT-3 mutants, but the major deficit develops between E12.5 and E13.5 when elevated numbers of TrkA-immunoreactive apoptotic profiles are detected. Normal numbers of TrkA- and TrkB-expressing neurons are seen in a TrkC-deficient mutant. Therefore, our data provide evidence that NT-3 supports the survival of TrkA-, TrkB- and TrkC-expressing neurons in the trigeminal ganglion by activating directly each of these receptors in vivo.  相似文献   

Interactions between neurons and their targets of innervation influence many aspects of neural development. To examine how synaptic activity interacts with neurotrophic signaling, we determined the effects of blocking neuromuscular transmission on survival and axonal outgrowth of ciliary neurons from the embryonic chicken ciliary ganglion. Ciliary neurons undergo a period of cell loss due to programmed cell death between embryonic Days (E) 8 and 14 and they innervate the striated muscle of the iris. The nicotinic antagonist d‐tubocurarine (dTC) induces an increase in branching measured by counting neurofilament‐positive voxels (NF‐VU) in the iris between E14‐17 while reducing ciliary neuron survival. Blocking ganglionic transmission with dihyro‐β‐erythroidin and α‐methyllycacontine does not mimic dTC. At E8, many trophic factors stimulate neurite outgrowth and branching of neurons placed in cell culture; however, at E13, only GDNF stimulates branching selectively in cultured ciliary neurons. The GDNF‐induced branching at E13 could be inhibited by BDNF. Blocking ret signaling in vivo with a dominant negative (dn)ret decreases survival of ciliary and choroid neurons at E14 and prevents dTC induced increases in NF‐VU in the iris at E17. Blocking TRKB signaling with dn TRKB increases NF‐VU in the iris at E17 and decreases neuronal survival at E17, but not at E14. Thus, RET promotes survival during programmed cell death in the ciliary ganglion and contributes to promoting branching when synaptic transmission is blocked while TRKB inhibits branching and promotes maintenance of neuronal survival. These studies highlight the multifunctional nature of trophic molecule function during neuronal development. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013  相似文献   

We characterized the gustatory phenotypes of neonatal mice having null mutations for epidermal growth factor receptor (egfr(-/-)), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (bdnf(-/-)), or both. We counted the number and diameter of fungiform taste buds, the prevalence of poorly differentiated or missing taste cells, and the incidence of ectopic filiform-like spines, each as a function of postnatal age and anterior/posterior location. Egfr(-/-) mice and bdnf(-/-) mice had similar reductions in the total number of taste buds on the anterior portions of the tongue and palate. Nonetheless, there were significant differences in their gustatory phenotypes. EGFR deficiency selectively impaired the development of anterior gustatory epithelia in the mouth. Only bdnf(-/-) mice had numerous taste buds missing from the foliate, vallate, and posterior fungiform papillae. Only egfr(-/-) fungiform taste papillae had robust gustatory innervation, markedly reduced cytokeratin 8 expression in taste cells, and a high incidence of a filiform-like spine. Egfr/bdnf double-null mutant mice had a higher frequency of failed fungiform taste bud differentiation. In bdnf(-/-) mice taste cell development failed because of sparse gustatory innervation. In contrast, in young egfr(-/-) mice the abundance of axons innervating fungiform papillae and the normal numbers of geniculate ganglion neurons implicate gustatory epithelial defects rather than neural defects.  相似文献   

Taste buds are multicellular receptor organs innervated by the VIIth, IXth, and Xth cranial nerves. In most vertebrates, taste buds differentiate after nerve fibers have reached the lingual epithelium, suggesting that nerves induce taste buds. However, under experimental conditions, taste buds of amphibians develop independently of innervation. Thus, rather than being induced by nerves, the developing taste periphery likely regulates ingrowing nerve fibers. To test this idea, we devised a culture approach using axolotl embryos. Gustatory neurons were generated from cultured epibranchial placodes, and when cultured alone, axon outgrowth was random over 4 days, a time period coincident with axon growth to the periphery in vivo. In contrast, cocultures of placodal neurons with oropharyngeal endoderm (OPE), the normal taste bud-containing target for these neurons, resulted in neurite growth toward the target tissue. Unexpectedly, placodal neurons also grew toward flank ectoderm (FE), which these neurons do not encounter in vivo. To compare further the impact of OPE and FE explants on gustatory neurons, cocultures were extended and examined at 6, 8, and 10 days, when, in vivo, placodal fibers have innervated the epithelium but prior to taste bud formation, when taste buds have differentiated and are innervated, and when the mouth has opened and larvae have begun to feed, respectively. The behavior of placodal axons with respect to target type did not differ between OPE and FE cocultures at 6 days. However, by 8 days, differences in axonal outgrowth were observed with respect to target type, and these differences were enhanced by 10 days in vitro. Most clearly, exuberant placodal fibers grew in 10-day OPE cocultures, and numerous neurites had invaded OPE explants by this time, whereas gustatory neurites were sparse in FE cocultures, and rarely approached and almost never contacted FE explants. Thus, embryonic endoderm destined to give rise to taste buds specifically attracts its innervation early in development, as placodal neurons send out axons. Later, when gustatory axons synapse with differentiated taste buds in vivo, the OPE provides trophic support for cultured gustatory neurons.  相似文献   

Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin‐4/5 (NT‐4/5) protein and mRNA are found in the neonatal rat retina and also in target sites such as the superficial layers of the superior colliculus. Both neurotrophins support neonatal retinal ganglion cell survival in vitro. In vivo, injections of recombinant BDNF and NT‐4/5 reduce naturally occurring cell death as well as death induced by removal of the contralateral superior colliculus. In the latter case, the peak of retinal ganglion cell death occurs about 24 h postlesion. We wished to determine: whether a similar time‐course of degeneration occurs after selective removal of target cells or depletion of target‐derived trophic factors, and whether ganglion cell viability also depends on intraretinally derived neurotrophins. Retinal ganglion cell death was measured 24 and 48 h following injections of kainic acid or a mixture of BDNF and NT‐4/5 blocking antibodies into the superior colliculus and 24 h after intraocular injection of the same antibodies. Retinotectally projecting ganglion cells were identified by retrograde labeling with the nucleophilic dye diamidino yellow. We show that collicular injections of either kainic acid or BDNF and NT‐4/5 blocking antibodies significantly increased retinal ganglion cell death in the neonatal rat 24 h postinjection, death rates returning to normal by 48 h. This increase in death was greatest following collicular injections; however, death was also significantly increased 24 h following intravitreal antibody injection. Thus retinal ganglion cell survival during postnatal development is not only dependent upon trophic factors produced by central targets but may also be influenced by local intraretinal neurotrophin release. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 60: 319–327, 2004  相似文献   

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