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The precursor of nerve growth factor (proNGF) has been described as a biologically active polypeptide able to induce apoptosis in neuronal cells, via the neurotrophin receptor p75(NTR) and the sortilin receptor. Herein, it is shown that proNGF is produced and secreted by breast cancer cells, stimulating their invasion. Using Western blotting and mass spectrometry, proNGF was detected in a panel of breast cancer cells as well as in their conditioned media. Immunohistochemical analysis indicated an overproduction of proNGF in breast tumors, when compared with benign and normal breast biopsies, and a relationship to lymph node invasion in ductal carcinomas. Interestingly, siRNA against proNGF induced a decrease of breast cancer cell invasion that was restored by the addition of non-cleavable proNGF. The activation of TrkA, Akt, and Src, but not the MAP kinases, was observed. In addition, the proNGF invasive effect was inhibited by the Trk pharmacological inhibitor K252a, a kinase-dead TrkA, and siRNA against TrkA sortilin, neurotensin, whereas siRNA against p75(NTR) and the MAP kinase inhibitor PD98059 had no impact. These data reveal the existence of an autocrine loop stimulated by proNGF and mediated by TrkA and sortilin, with the activation of Akt and Src, for the stimulation of breast cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

7,8-dihydroxyflavone (7,8-DHF) is a recently identified potent agonist of tropomyosin-related kinase B that can cross the blood–brain barrier after oral or intraperitoneal administration. The aim of the present study was to determine whether 7,8-DHF has neuroprotective effects against cerebral ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) injury and, if so, to investigate the possible underlying mechanisms. Cerebral I/R injury rats were induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion for 90 min followed by reperfusion for 24 h. 7,8-DHF was administered intraperitoneally at a dose of 5 mg/kg immediately after ischemia. Our results showed that 7,8-DHF significantly reduced neurological deficit scores, infarct volumes, and neuronal apoptosis in brains of I/R rats. Meanwhile, 7,8-DHF also increased Bcl-2 expression, decreased expression of cleaved caspase-3, Bax and inducible nitric oxide synthase, and inhibited nuclear factor-κB activation in ischemic cortex. Finally, malondialdehyde and nitric oxide contents were reduced, but activities of glutathione, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase were restored in ischemic cortex treated with 7,8-DHF. Taken together, our findings demonstrated that 7,8-DHF is able to protect against cerebral I/R injury, which may be, at least in part, attributable to its anti-apoptotic, anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory actions.  相似文献   

The A kinase anchor protein AKAP150 recruits the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) to dendritic spines. Here we show that in AKAP150 (AKAP5) knock-out (KO) mice frequency of miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (mEPSC) and inhibitory post-synaptic currents (mIPSC) are elevated at 2 weeks and, more modestly, 4 weeks of age in the hippocampal CA1 area versus litter mate WT mice. Linear spine density and ratio of AMPAR to NMDAR EPSC amplitudes were also increased. Amplitude and decay time of mEPSCs, decay time of mIPSCs, and spine size were unaltered. Mice in which the PKA anchoring C-terminal 36 residues of AKAP150 are deleted (D36) showed similar changes. Furthermore, whereas acute stimulation of PKA (2-4 h) increases spine density, prolonged PKA stimulation (48 h) reduces spine density in apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons in organotypic slice cultures. The data from the AKAP150 mutant mice show that AKAP150-anchored PKA chronically limits the number of spines with functional AMPARs at 2-4 weeks of age. However, synaptic transmission and spine density was normal at 8 weeks in KO and D36 mice. Thus AKAP150-independent mechanisms correct the aberrantly high number of active spines in juvenile AKAP150 KO and D36 mice during development.  相似文献   

Microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 1B is a high-molecular-weight cytoskeletal protein that is abundant in developing neuronal processes and appears to be necessary for axonal growth. Various biochemical and immunocytochemical results are reported, indicating that a significant fraction of MAP1B is expressed as an integral membrane glycoprotein in vesicles and the plasma membrane of neurons. MAP1B is present in microsomal fractions isolated from developing rat brain and fractionates across a sucrose gradient in a manner similar to synaptophysin, a well-known vesicular and plasma membrane protein. MAP1B is also in axolemma-enriched fractions (AEFs) isolated from myelinated axons of rat brain. MAP1B in AEFs and membrane fractions from cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons (DRGNs) remains membrane-associated following high-salt washes and contains sialic acid. Furthermore, MAP1B in intact DRGNs is readily degraded by extracellular trypsin and is labeled by the cell surface probe sulfosuccinimidobiotin. Immunocytochemical examination of DRGNs shows that MAP1B is concentrated in vesicle-rich varicosities along the length of axons. Myelinated peripheral nerves immunostained for MAP1B show an enrichment at the axonal plasma membrane. These observations demonstrate that some of the MAP1B in developing neurons is an integral plasma membrane glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a collagen-binding protein that is abundantly distributed in various tissues, including the eye. It exhibits various biological functions, such as anti-angiogenic, neurotrophic, and neuroprotective activities. PEDF also interacts with extracellular matrix components such as collagen, heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), and hyaluronan. The collagen-binding property has been elucidated to be important for the anti-angiogenic activity in vivo (Hosomichi, J., Yasui, N., Koide, T., Soma, K., and Morita, I. (2005) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 335, 756-761). Here, we investigated the collagen recognition mechanism by PEDF. We first narrowed down candidate PEDF-binding sequences by taking advantage of previously reported structural requirements in collagen. Subsequent searches for PEDF-binding sequences employing synthetic collagen-like peptides resulted in the identification of one of the critical binding sites for PEDF, human α1(I)(929-938) (IKGHRGFSGL). Further analysis revealed that the collagen recognition by PEDF is sequence- and conformation-specific, and the high affinity binding motif is KGXRGFXGL in the triple helix. The PEDF-binding motif significantly overlapped with the heparin/HSPG-binding motif, KGHRG(F/Y). The interaction of PEDF with collagen I was specifically competed with by heparin but not by chondroitin sulfate-C or hyaluronan. The binding sequences for PEDF and heparin/HSPG also overlapped with the covalent cross-linking sites between collagen molecules. These findings imply a functional relationship between PEDF and HSPGs during angiogenesis, and the interaction of these molecules is regulated by collagen modifications.  相似文献   

We previously proposed a model that DALLY, a Drosophila glypican, acts as a trans co-receptor to regulate BMP signaling in the germ line stem cell niche. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of contact-dependent BMP signaling, we developed novel in vitro assay systems to monitor trans signaling using Drosophila S2 cells. Using immunoblot-based as well as single-cell assay systems, we present evidence that Drosophila glypicans indeed enhance BMP signaling in trans in a contact-dependent manner in vitro. Our analysis showed that heparan sulfate modification is required for the trans co-receptor activity of DALLY. Two BMP-like molecules, Decapentaplegic (DPP) and Glass bottom boat, can mediate trans signaling through a heparan sulfate proteoglycan co-receptor in S2 cells. The in vitro systems reflect the molecular characteristics of heparan sulfate proteoglycan functions observed previously in vivo, such as ligand specificity and biphasic activity dependent on the ligand dosage. In addition, experiments using a DALLY-coated surface suggested that DALLY regulates DPP signaling in trans by its effect on the stability of DPP protein on the surface of the contacting cells. Our findings provide the molecular foundation for novel contact-dependent signaling, which defines the physical space of the stem cell niche in vivo.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines of medium spiny neurons represent an essential site of information processing between NMDA and dopamine receptors in striatum. Even if activation of NMDA receptors in the striatum has important implications for synaptic plasticity and disease states, the contribution of specific NMDA receptor subunits still remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that treatment of corticostriatal slices with NR2A antagonist NVP-AAM077 or with NR2A blocking peptide induces a significant increase of spine head width. Sustained treatment with D1 receptor agonist (SKF38393) leads to a significant decrease of NR2A-containing NMDA receptors and to a concomitant increase of spine head width. Interestingly, co-treatment of corticostriatal slices with NR2A antagonist (NVP-AAM077) and D1 receptor agonist augmented the increase of dendritic spine head width as obtained with SKF38393. Conversely, NR2B antagonist (ifenprodil) blocked any morphological effect induced by D1 activation. These results indicate that alteration of NMDA receptor composition at the corticostriatal synapse contributes not only to the clinical features of disease states such as experimental parkinsonism but leads also to a functional and morphological outcome in dendritic spines of medium spiny neurons.  相似文献   

Regulation of neuronal NMDA receptor (NMDAR) is critical in synaptic transmission and plasticity. Protein kinase C (PKC) promotes NMDAR trafficking to the cell surface via interaction with NMDAR-associated proteins (NAPs). Little is known, however, about the NAPs that are critical to PKC-induced NMDAR trafficking. Here, we showed that calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) could be a NAP that mediates the potentiation of NMDAR trafficking by PKC. PKC activation promoted the level of autophosphorylated CaMKII and increased association with NMDARs, accompanied by functional NMDAR insertion, at postsynaptic sites. This potentiation, along with PKC-induced long term potentiation of the AMPA receptor-mediated response, was abolished by CaMKII antagonist or by disturbing the interaction between CaMKII and NR2A or NR2B. Further mutual occlusion experiments demonstrated that PKC and CaMKII share a common signaling pathway in the potentiation of NMDAR trafficking and long-term potentiation (LTP) induction. Our results revealed that PKC promotes NMDA receptor trafficking and induces synaptic plasticity through indirectly triggering CaMKII autophosphorylation and subsequent increased association with NMDARs.  相似文献   

The polyisoprenoid alcohols (dolichols and polyprenols) are found in all living organism, from bacteria to mammals. In animal and yeast cells polyisoprenoids are derived from the cytoplasmic mevalonate (MVA) pathway while in plants two biosynthetic pathways, the MVA and the plastidial methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway provide precursors for polyisoprenoid biosynthesis. The key enzymes of polyisoprenoid synthesis are cis-prenyltransferases (CTPs), responsible for construction of the long hydrocarbon skeleton. CPTs elongate a short all-trans precursor, oligoprenyl diphosphate, by sequential addition of the desired number of isopentenyl diphosphate molecules which results in formation of a stretch of cis units. Several genes encoding CPT have been cloned from bacteria, plants and mammals. Interestingly, in Arabidopsis, the tissue-specific expression of ten putative cis-prenyltransferases was observed. In contrast to polyisoprenoid phosphates serving as cofactors in the biosynthesis of glycoproteins, glucosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI) anchor or bacterial peptidoglycan, the biological importance of polyprenols and dolichols still remains a question of debate besides their function of reservoir of substrates for kinase. These extremely hydrophobic superlipids are postulated to be involved in intracellular traffic of proteins and in cellular defense against adverse environmental conditions. Recent publications show a direct link between the dolichol biosynthetic pathway and congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG). These discoveries highlighting the cellular significance of polyisoprenoids simultaneously establish the background for future pharmacological interventions. Our mini-review summarizes the results of recent studies on polyisoprenoids.  相似文献   

Trans-synaptic interaction of postsynaptic glutamate receptor δ2 and presynaptic neurexins (NRXNs) through cerebellin precursor protein (Cbln) 1 mediates synapse formation in the cerebellum [T. Uemura, S.J. Lee, M. Yasumura, T. Takeuchi, T. Yoshida, M. Ra, R. Taguchi, K. Sakimura, M. Mishina, Cell 141 (2010) 1068–1079]. This finding raises a question whether other Cbln family members interact with NRXNs to regulate synapse formation in the forebrain. Here, we showed that Cbln1 and Cbln2 induced presynaptic differentiation of cultured cortical neurons, while Cbln4 exhibited little activity. When compared with neuroligin 1, Cbln1 and Cbln2 induced preferentially inhibitory presynaptic differentiation rather than excitatory one in cortical cultures. The synaptogenic activities of Cbln1 and Cbln2 were suppressed by the addition of the extracellular domain of NRXN1β to the cortical neuron cultures. Consistently, Cbln1 and Cbln2 showed robust binding activities to NRXN1α and three β-NRXNs, while only weak interactions were observed between Cbln4 and NRXNs. The interactions of Cbln1, Cbln2 and Cbln4 were selective for NRXN variants containing splice segment (S) 4. Affinities for NRXNs estimated by surface plasmon resonance analysis were variable among Cbln subtypes. Cbln1 showed higher affinities to NRXNs than Cbln2, while the binding ability of Cbln4 was much lower than those of Cbln1 and Cbln2. The affinities of Cbln1 and Cbln2 were comparable between NRXN1α and NRXN1β, but those for NRXN2β and NRXN3β were lower. These results suggest that Cbln subtypes exert synaptogenic activities in cortical neurons by differentially interacting with NRXN variants containing S4.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) in the central nervous system are involved in learning and memory, epileptic seizures, and processing the amyloid precursor protein. The M(1) receptor is the predominant mAChR subtype in the cortex and hippocampus. Although the five mAChR fall into two broad functional groups, all five subtypes, when expressed in recombinant systems, can activate the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. The MAPK pathway has been implicated in learning and memory, amyloid protein processing, and neuronal plasticity. We used M(1) knock-out mice to determine the role of this receptor subtype in signal transduction in the mouse forebrain. In primary cortical cultures from mice lacking the M(1) mAChR, agonist-stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis was reduced by more than 60% compared with cultures from wild type mice. Although muscarinic agonists induced robust activation of MAPK in cortical cultures from wild type mice, mAChR-mediated activation of MAPK was virtually absent in cultures from M(1)-deficient mice. These results indicate that the M(1) mAChR is the major subtype that mediates activation of phospholipase C and MAPK in mouse forebrain.  相似文献   

Jolly-Tornetta C  Wolf BA 《Biochemistry》2000,39(25):7428-7435
Cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta-secretase generates beta-amyloid (Abeta), the major component of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease. Cleavage of APP by alpha-secretase prevents Abeta formation, producing nonamyloidogenic APP products. Protein kinase C (PKC) has been shown to regulate APPs secretion, and PKCalpha and PKCepsilon have been implicated in APPs secretion in fibroblasts. This study examined the PKC isoform involved in regulated APPs secretion in human NT2N neurons and in CHO cells stably expressing APP(695). Inhibition of PMA-induced APPs secretion with the PKC inhibitors Calphostin C and GF109203X demonstrated that PKC is involved in PMA-regulated APPs secretion in NT2N cells. The specific PKC isoforms present in NT2N and CHO695 cells were identified, and PKCalpha and PKCepsilon were found to translocate from cytosol to membranes in NT2N and CHO695 cells. Translocation of PKC to the membrane allows for activation of the enzyme, as well as for positioning of the enzyme close to its substrate. Long-term PMA treatment led to complete downregulation of PKCalpha in NT2N cells and to downregulation of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon in CHO695 cells. PKCalpha downregulation in the NT2N cells resulted in loss of PMA-regulated APPs secretion and a substantial reduction in constitutive APPs secretion. Downregulation of PKCalpha and PKCepsilon in CHO695 cells resulted in loss of PMA-regulated APPs secretion; however, constitutive APPs secretion was unaffected. These findings suggest that PKCalpha is involved in PMA-regulated APPs secretion in NT2N cells and PKCalpha and/or PKCepsilon is involved in PMA-regulated APPs secretion in CHO695 cells.  相似文献   

Mutation of the coiled-coil and C2 domain-containing 1A (CC2D1A) gene, which encodes a C2 domain and DM14 domain-containing protein, has been linked to severe autosomal recessive nonsyndromic mental retardation. Using a mouse model that produces a truncated form of CC2D1A that lacks the C2 domain and three of the four DM14 domains, we show that CC2D1A is important for neuronal differentiation and brain development. CC2D1A mutant neurons are hypersensitive to stress and have a reduced capacity to form dendrites and synapses in culture. At the biochemical level, CC2D1A transduces signals to the cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP)-protein kinase A (PKA) pathway during neuronal cell differentiation. PKA activity is compromised, and the translocation of its catalytic subunit to the nucleus is also defective in CC2D1A mutant cells. Consistently, phosphorylation of the PKA target cAMP-responsive element-binding protein, at serine 133, is nearly abolished in CC2D1A mutant cells. The defects in cAMP/PKA signaling were observed in fibroblast, macrophage, and neuronal primary cells derived from the CC2D1A KO mice. CC2D1A associates with the cAMP-PKA complex following forskolin treatment and accumulates in vesicles or on the plasma membrane in wild-type cells, suggesting that CC2D1A may recruit the PKA complex to the membrane to facilitate signal transduction. Together, our data show that CC2D1A is an important regulator of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway, which may be the underlying cause for impaired mental function in nonsyndromic mental retardation patients with CC2D1A mutation.  相似文献   

Neuronal preconditioning is a phenomenon where a previous exposure to a sub‐lethal stress stimulus increases the resistance of neurons towards a second, normally lethal stress stimulus. Activation of the energy stress sensor, AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been shown to contribute to the protective effects of ischaemic and mitochondrial uncoupling‐induced preconditioning in neurons, however, the molecular basis of AMPK‐mediated preconditioning has been less well characterized. We investigated the effect of AMPK preconditioning using 5‐aminoimidazole‐4‐carboxamide riboside (AICAR) in a model of NMDA‐mediated excitotoxic injury in primary mouse cortical neurons. Activation of AMPK with low concentrations of AICAR (0.1 mM for 2 h) induced a transient increase in AMPK phosphorylation, protecting neurons against NMDA‐induced excitotoxicity. Analysing potential targets of AMPK activation, demonstrated a marked increase in mRNA expression and protein levels of the anti‐apoptotic BCL‐2 family protein myeloid cell leukaemia sequence 1 (MCL‐1) in AICAR‐preconditioned neurons. Interestingly, over‐expression of MCL‐1 protected neurons against NMDA‐induced excitotoxicity while MCL‐1 gene silencing abolished the effect of AICAR preconditioning. Monitored intracellular Ca2+ levels during NMDA excitation revealed that MCL‐1 over‐expressing neurons exhibited improved bioenergetics and markedly reduced Ca2+ elevations, suggesting a potential mechanism through which MCL‐1 confers neuroprotection. This study identifies MCL‐1 as a key effector of AMPK‐induced preconditioning in neurons.  相似文献   

Protein kinase B (PKB, also named as Akt or RAC-protein kinase), that is activated by cellular stress such as heat shock and hyperosmotic treatment, was revealed to be activated by oxidative stress and by chemical stressors of CdCl2 and NaAsO2 by measuring the activity of the enzyme immunoprecipitated from the transfected COS-7 cells. Upon stress treatment, a 30-kDa phosphoprotein was co-immunoprecipitated with PKB from the cells metabolic labeled with [32P]orthophosphate. The phosphoprotein was identified as Hsp27, a small heat shock protein, by immunoblot analysis and co-immunoprecipitation. The association of Hsp27 was specific to PKB as the heat shock protein was not co-immunoprecipitated with other protein kinases such as protein kinase C and PKN. When the cells were treated with H2O2, PKB was activated gradually and the association of Hsp27 with PKB increased concurrently with the enhancement of PKB activity. In heat-shocked cells, activation of PKB and the association of Hsp27 were detected immediately after the treatment, and the association of the heat shock protein decreased while PKB kept stimulated activity when the cells were further incubated at 37°C. These results suggest that Hsp27 is involved in the activation process of PKB in the signal transduction pathway of various forms of stress.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate lyase (S1P lyase) irreversibly cleaves sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) in the final step of sphingolipid catabolism. As sphingoid bases and their 1-phosphate are not only metabolic intermediates but also highly bioactive lipids that modulate a wide range of physiological processes, it would be predicted that their elevation might induce adjustments in other facets of sphingolipid metabolism and/or alter cell behavior. Indeed, we have previously reported that S1P lyase deficiency causes neurodegeneration and other adverse symptoms. We next asked the question whether and how S1P lyase deficiency affects the metabolism of (glyco)sphingolipids and cholesterol, two lipid classes that might be involved in the neurodegenerative processes observed in S1P lyase-deficient mice. As predicted, there was a considerable increase in free and phosphorylated sphingoid bases upon elimination of S1P lyase, but to our surprise, rather than increasing, the mass of (glyco)sphingolipids persisted at wild type levels. This was discovered to be due to reduced de novo sphingoid base biosynthesis and a corresponding increase in the recycling of the backbones via the salvage pathway. There was also a considerable increase in cholesterol esters, although free cholesterol persisted at wild type levels, which might be secondary to the shifts in sphingolipid metabolism. All in all, these findings show that accumulation of free and phosphorylated sphingoid bases by loss of S1P lyase causes an interesting readjustment of the balance between de novo biosynthesis and recycling to maintain (glyco)sphingolipid homeostasis. These changes, and their impact on the metabolism of other cellular lipids, should be explored as possible contributors to the neurodegeneration in S1P lyase deficiency.  相似文献   

Integrity of the blood-brain barrier is essential for the normal functioning of CNS. Its disruption contributes to the pathobiology of various inflammatory neurodegenerative disorders. We have shown that the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor (lovastatin) attenuated experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE, an inflammatory disease of CNS) in rodents by inhibiting the infiltration of mononuclear cells into the CNS. Here, using an in vitro system, we report that lovastatin inhibits endothelial-monocyte cell interaction by down-regulating the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin by inhibiting the phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3-kinase)/protein kinase B (Akt)/nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) pathway in endothelial cells. It inhibits tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha)-induced PI3-kinase, Akt and NF-kappaB activation in these cells. Co-transfection of constitutively active forms of PI3-kinase and Akt reversed the lovastatin-mediated inhibition of TNFalpha-induced adhesion, as well as activation of NF-kappaB, indicating the involvement of the PI3-kinase/Akt pathway in the interaction of adhesion molecules and the process of adhesion. This study reports that lovastatin down-regulates the pathway affecting the expression and interaction of adhesion molecules on endothelial cells, which in turn restricts the migration and infiltration of mononuclear cells thereby attenuating the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

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