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The efficiency of an immunoenzymatic technique (ELISA) for the systematic research of Chagas' disease in blood donors was compared with one of 2 well-known methods, indirect haemagglutination (IHA) and indirect fluoro immuno assay (IFA). For the ELISA technique two different antigenic extracts from epimastigote culture forms of T. cruzi, were used for sensitizing the polystyrene plates: a crude extract (Ag R) and a delipidized one (Ag B). Firstly the authors tested these 3 techniques in 5 control groups: sera from Chagas' disease, negative control sera, sera from visceral leishmaniasis, african trypanosomiasis and finally monoclonal gammapathies, the high levels of blood proteins being a possible cause of false positives. Secondly the screening of Chagas' disease was performed in the same way in 976 blood donors from Recife, Brazil. In the case of the Ag-R extract used in the ELISA technique a high cross-reactivity was found with visceral leishmaniasis sera, along a risk of false positives with gammapathic ones. The sensitivity of this technique was found to be high (3,3 +/- 1 p. cent of positive blood donors) and a very good correlation was found with the reference techniques, IFA and IHA, the sensitivity of which is lower (2,3 +/- 1 and 1,7 +/- p. cent). The use of a delipidized antigenic extract (Ag B) for the ELISA technique is not suitable, in spite of an apparent higher specificity: indeed, the positives rate is high (11,5 +/- 0,2 p. cent), but the correlation is very weak or non existent in the case of IHA or IFA. In conclusion, the ELISA technique using a crude extract of T. cruzi appears to be a very convenient method for screening blood donors with Chagas' disease, the lack of specificity due to leishmaniasis or monoclonal blood proteins not posing any real problem to blood banking.  相似文献   

The screening programs for the Chagas disease agent, Trypanosoma cruzi, were examined in Colombian blood banks and, as a consequence, several procedural improvements in the blood bank network were recommended. Screening strategies and techniques were examined, as well as the action taken when seropositive donors were discovered. From a total of 180 blood banks in 33 departments, 103 banks in 20 departments answered the survey. The 103 banks collected 291, 105 units of blood, corresponding to 66.6% of all units collected in the country in 1997. Of these blood units, 99.6% were screened for Chagas trypanosomes; 3,321 (1.2%) of 287,048 were found positive for anti-T. cruzi. The data were grouped by department; geographical differences for seroprevalence rates varied markedly between 0% and 12.6%. The most commonly used serological technique was ELISA, but only 33.2% of the positive samples for anti-T. cruzi underwent further confirmatory testing, mainly through indirect immunofluorescent test. Most (95.1%) of the blood banks used basic, internal quality control procedures, and 73.8% sent positive samples to other laboratories for external quality control.  相似文献   

6,744 persons were examined for the presence of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) before blood donation (4,219 persons in Moscow and 2,525 persons in St. Petersburg). The serum samples found to contain antibodies to HCV were additionally studied by the immunoblot techniques. The positive results of antibody screening were registered in 78 persons: 26 persons in Moscow (0.62%) and 52 in St. Petersburg (2.05%). In both cities the positive results of screening were confirmed in 62% of cases. Different occurrence of the profile with the presence of antibodies to all fragments of the virus: 52% in Moscow, 12% in St. Petersburg (chi2 = 12.11; p < 0.001). Considerable differences were also registered in the spread of individual antibodies.  相似文献   

BackgroundChagas disease (CD) is a chronic parasitic disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and is endemic to continental Latin America. In Spain, the main transmission route is congenital. We aimed to assess adherence to regional recommendations of universal screening for CD during pregnancy in Latin American women in the province of Alicante from 2014 to 2018.Methodology/Principal findingsRetrospective quality study using two data sources: 1) delivery records of Latin American women that gave birth in the 10 public hospitals of Alicante between January 2014 and December 2018; and 2) records of Chagas serologies carried out in those centers between May 2013 and December 2018. There were 3026 deliveries in Latin American women during the study period; 1178 (38.9%) underwent CD serology. Screening adherence ranged from 17.2% to 59.3% in the different health departments and was higher in Bolivian women (48.3%). Twenty-six deliveries (2.2%) had a positive screening; CD was confirmed in 23 (2%) deliveries of 21 women. Bolivians had the highest seroprevalence (21/112; 18.7%), followed by Colombians (1/333; 0.3%) and Ecuadorians (1/348; 0.3%). Of 21 CD-positive women (19 Bolivians, 1 Colombian, 1 Ecuadorian), infection was already known in 12 (57.1%), and 9 (42.9%) had already been treated. Only 1 of the 12 untreated women (8.3%) was treated postpartum. Follow-up started in 20 of the 23 (87.0%) neonates but was completed only in 11 (47.8%); no cases of congenital transmission were detected. Among the 1848 unscreened deliveries, we estimate 43 undiagnosed cases of CD and 1 to 2 undetected cases of congenital transmission.Conclusions/SignificanceAdherence to recommendations of systematic screening for CD in Latin American pregnant women in Alicante can be improved. Strategies to strengthen treatment of postpartum women and monitoring of exposed newborns are needed. Currently, there may be undetected cases of congenital transmission in our province.  相似文献   



Chagas disease is endemic in the rural areas of southern Peru and a growing urban problem in the regional capital of Arequipa, population ∼860,000. It is unclear how to implement cost-effective screening programs across a large urban and periurban environment.


We compared four alternative screening strategies in 18 periurban communities, testing individuals in houses with 1) infected vectors; 2) high vector densities; 3) low vector densities; and 4) no vectors. Vector data were obtained from routine Ministry of Health insecticide application campaigns. We performed ring case detection (radius of 15 m) around seropositive individuals, and collected data on costs of implementation for each strategy.


Infection was detected in 21 of 923 (2.28%) participants. Cases had lived more time on average in rural places than non-cases (7.20 years versus 3.31 years, respectively). Significant risk factors on univariate logistic regression for infection were age (OR 1.02; p = 0.041), time lived in a rural location (OR 1.04; p = 0.022), and time lived in an infested area (OR 1.04; p = 0.008). No multivariate model with these variables fit the data better than a simple model including only the time lived in an area with triatomine bugs. There was no significant difference in prevalence across the screening strategies; however a self-assessment of disease risk may have biased participation, inflating prevalence among residents of houses where no infestation was detected. Testing houses with infected-vectors was least expensive. Ring case detection yielded four secondary cases in only one community, possibly due to vector-borne transmission in this community, apparently absent in the others.


Targeted screening for urban Chagas disease is promising in areas with ongoing vector-borne transmission; however, these pockets of epidemic transmission remain difficult to detect a priori. The flexibility to adapt to the epidemiology that emerges during screening is key to an efficient case detection intervention. In heterogeneous urban environments, self-assessments of risk and simple residence history questionnaires may be useful to identify those at highest risk for Chagas disease to guide diagnostic efforts.  相似文献   

Whilst some of the assays used for serological screening of post-mortem blood samples from deceased tissue donors in some countries have been specifically validated by the manufacturer for this purpose, a significant number of those currently in use globally have not. Although specificity has previously been considered a problem in the screening of such samples, we believe that ensuring sensitivity is more important. The aim of this study was to validate a broader range of assays for the screening of post-mortem blood samples from deceased tissue donors. Six microplate immunoassays currently in use within National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) for the screening of blood, tissue and stem cell donations were included. Representative samples from confirmed positive donors were titrated in screen negative post-mortem samples in parallel with normal pooled negative serum to determine if there was any inhibition with the post-mortem samples. There were no significant differences seen (P < 0.005) between the dilution curves obtained for the positive samples diluted in post-mortem samples and normal pooled sera. Although small numbers of samples were studied, it can be surmised that the post-mortem blood samples from deceased tissue donors, collected according to United Kingdom guidelines, are a suitable substrate for the assays evaluated. No diminution of reactivity was seen when dilution with sera from deceased donors was compared to dilution using pooled serum from live donors. In the absence of genuine low titre positive post-mortem samples, the use of samples spiked with various levels of target material provides a means of qualifying serological screening assays used by NHSBT for the screening of post-mortem blood samples from deceased tissue donors.  相似文献   



A century after its discovery, Chagas disease still represents a major neglected tropical threat. Accurate diagnostics tools as well as surrogate markers of parasitological response to treatment are research priorities in the field. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of PCR methods in detection of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA by an external quality evaluation.


An international collaborative study was launched by expert PCR laboratories from 16 countries. Currently used strategies were challenged against serial dilutions of purified DNA from stocks representing T. cruzi discrete typing units (DTU) I, IV and VI (set A), human blood spiked with parasite cells (set B) and Guanidine Hidrochloride-EDTA blood samples from 32 seropositive and 10 seronegative patients from Southern Cone countries (set C). Forty eight PCR tests were reported for set A and 44 for sets B and C; 28 targeted minicircle DNA (kDNA), 13 satellite DNA (Sat-DNA) and the remainder low copy number sequences. In set A, commercial master mixes and Sat-DNA Real Time PCR showed better specificity, but kDNA-PCR was more sensitive to detect DTU I DNA. In set B, commercial DNA extraction kits presented better specificity than solvent extraction protocols. Sat-DNA PCR tests had higher specificity, with sensitivities of 0.05–0.5 parasites/mL whereas specific kDNA tests detected 5.10−3 par/mL. Sixteen specific and coherent methods had a Good Performance in both sets A and B (10 fg/µl of DNA from all stocks, 5 par/mL spiked blood). The median values of sensitivities, specificities and accuracies obtained in testing the Set C samples with the 16 tests determined to be good performing by analyzing Sets A and B samples varied considerably. Out of them, four methods depicted the best performing parameters in all three sets of samples, detecting at least 10 fg/µl for each DNA stock, 0.5 par/mL and a sensitivity between 83.3–94.4%, specificity of 85–95%, accuracy of 86.8–89.5% and kappa index of 0.7–0.8 compared to consensus PCR reports of the 16 good performing tests and 63–69%, 100%, 71.4–76.2% and 0.4–0.5, respectively compared to serodiagnosis. Method LbD2 used solvent extraction followed by Sybr-Green based Real time PCR targeted to Sat-DNA; method LbD3 used solvent DNA extraction followed by conventional PCR targeted to Sat-DNA. The third method (LbF1) used glass fiber column based DNA extraction followed by TaqMan Real Time PCR targeted to Sat-DNA (cruzi 1/cruzi 2 and cruzi 3 TaqMan probe) and the fourth method (LbQ) used solvent DNA extraction followed by conventional hot-start PCR targeted to kDNA (primer pairs 121/122). These four methods were further evaluated at the coordinating laboratory in a subset of human blood samples, confirming the performance obtained by the participating laboratories.


This study represents a first crucial step towards international validation of PCR procedures for detection of T. cruzi in human blood samples.  相似文献   

Initially, the notion that the pathogenesis of Chagas disease has an autoimmune component was based on the finding that sera from Trypanosoma cruzi-infected patients or laboratory animals contain antibodies that recognize both parasite and host tissue antigens. Subsequent work suggested that T lymphocytes from chagasic patients and animals also displayed such cross-reactivity. However, the autoimmunity hypothesis has remained controversial because of experimental pitfalls, incomplete or inadequate controls, difficulties in reproducing some key results, and a lack of persuasive evidence that the cross-reactive antibodies or lymphocytes can truly effect the multifaceted pathological features of Chagas disease. Whether the immunologic autoreactivities described to date cause chagasic pathology or result from it is another unresolved question. Discussed herein are the most recent contributions to this topic and the reservations they have raised.  相似文献   

Chagas' disease or American trypanosomiasis is a parasitic zoonosis which constitutes and important public health problem in most of the Latin American countries. According to the development of socio-political events in the world, it is possible at present to speak of rural-periurban Chagas' disease and urban Chagas' disease. Rural-periurban Chagas' disease. In its endemo-enzootic condition it is distributed in vast areas from Mexico in the north and Argentina and Chile in the south. It is calculated that the population at risk is about 90 million persons, not less than 16-18 million are Trypanosoma cruzi infected and approximately 38% of these present or have presented pathology caused by the parasite. Organs most frequently affected: heart, esophagus and colon. The corresponding biological vectors are hematophagus triatomid bugs, with greater than 100 species synantropic (st) or sylvatic (sv), existing between parallels 41 N. and 46 S., but only about 36, which have been found infected, have some relationship with man because their adaptation to human dwelling. The human parasitose is less extended due to the fact that the vectors of the region are predominantly sv. The known reservoirs are more than 180 species of terrestrial mammals: domestic, st and sv. Man is possibly the most important. Some available relevant epidemiological information is summarized as follows: Additionally, some autochthonous cases of T. cruzi human infection have been registered in the United States, Trinidad-Tobago, Guyana and Belize. Moreover, infected vectors and/or sv reservoirs have been observed in almost a dozen of Caribbean countries. Urban Chagas' disease. As a consequence of possible better salaries and many other motivations, in the last decades there have been significant and constant migrations from rural to urban areas in many Latin American countries. This situation has facilitated the dissemination of T. cruzi infection through infected reservoirs--mostly humans--and/or passively transported infected vectors. In most of the cases these rural-urban migrations occur in chagasic endemic areas within a same country or in neighbouring ones; in others, the migration can involve countries where Chagas' disease does not exist, transmission being via blood transfusion or placental. According to some estimates, with a mean rate of 1.5% chagasic infected blood donors the minimum risk of T. cruzi transmission is nearly 12.5-25.0% when the volumen of transfused blood is 500 ml.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The home is an important protective element for the health of its inhabitants - but these inhabitants often include not only the householders but also domestic pests and vectors of disease. This is particularly so in Latin America where domestic triatomine bugs thrive in many of the poorer quality rural houses, emerging from their crevices at night to feed and transmit Trypanosoma cruzi in their faeces. At the public health level, there is neither drug nor vaccine suitable for controlling T. cruzi - causative agent of Chagas disease - but transmission can be interrupted by control of the domestic vectors. Traditionally, vector control has involved spraying houses with residual insecticides, but a more long-term solution, with many colateral benefits, is to improve rural housing in such a way that colonization by triatomine bugs is inhibited. Such an approach involves development of low-cost techniques for house construction, and mobilization of rural communities to make use of them. In this, Venezuela has played a leading role, as Roberto Briceno-Leon reports.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is an important neglected disease that affects 6–7 million people worldwide. The disease has two phases: acute and chronic, in which there are different clinical symptoms. Controlling the infection depends on innate and acquired immune responses, which are activated during the initial infection and are critical for host survival. Furthermore, the immune system plays an important role in the therapeutic success. Here we summarize the importance of the immune system cytokines in the pathology outcome, as well as in the treatment.  相似文献   

There are few natural animal model systems to study autoimmune disease caused by infectious agents; however, Trypanosoma cruzi infection of the mouse offers an excellent model for the induction of autoimmunity and its consequences. In this article Klaus Petty and Harvey Eisen explain that it is probably during the acute phase of the infection that the stage is set for the long-term pathology.  相似文献   

In spite of the growing knowledge obtained about immune control of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, the mechanisms responsible for the variable clinico-pathological expression of Chagas disease remain unknown. In a twist from previous concepts, recent studies indicated that tissue parasitism is a pre-requisite for the development of chronic myocarditis. This fundamental concept, together with the realization that T. cruzi organisms consist of genetically heterogeneous clones, offers a new framework for studies of molecular pathogenesis. In the present article, we will discuss in general terms the possible implications of genetic variability of T. cruzi antigens and proteases to immunopathology. Peptide epitopes from a highly polymorphic subfamily of trans-sialidase (TS) antigens were recently identified as targets of killer T cell (CTL) responses, both in mice and humans. While some class I MHC restricted CTL recognize epitopes derived from amastigote-specific TS-related antigens (TSRA), others are targeted to peptide epitopes originating from trypomastigote-specific TSRA. A mechanistic hypothesis is proposed to explain how the functional activity and specificity of class I MHC restricted killer T cells may control the extent to which tissue are exposed to prematurely released amastigotes. Chronic immunopathology may be exacerbated due the progressive accumulation of amastigote-derived antigens and pro-inflammatory molecules (eg. GPI-mucins and kinin-releasing proteases) in dead macrophage bodies.  相似文献   

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