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Salicylic acid (SA) is an important regulator of plant defense responses, and a variety of Arabidopsis mutants impaired in resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens show defects in SA accumulation, perception, or signal transduction. Nevertheless, the role of SA-dependent defense responses against necrotrophic fungi is currently unclear. We determined the susceptibility of a set of previously identified Arabidopsis mutants impaired in defense responses to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The rate of development of B. cinerea disease symptoms on primary infected leaves was affected by responses mediated by the genes EIN2, JAR1, EDS4, PAD2, and PAD3, but was largely independent of EDS5, SID2/ICS1, and PAD4. Furthermore, plants expressing a nahG transgene or treated with a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) inhibitor showed enhanced symptoms, suggesting that SA synthesized via PAL, and not via isochorismate synthase (ICS), mediates lesion development. In addition, the degree of lesion development did not correlate with defensin or PR1 expression, although it was partially dependent upon camalexin accumulation. Although npr1 mutant leaves were normally susceptible to B. cinerea infection, a double ein2 npr1 mutant was significantly more susceptible than ein2 plants, and exogenous application of SA decreased B. cinerea lesion size through an NPR1-dependent mechanism that could be mimicked by the cpr1 mutation. These data indicate that local resistance to B. cinerea requires ethylene-, jasmonate-, and SA-mediated signaling, that the SA affecting this resistance does not require ICS1 and is likely synthesized via PAL, and that camalexin limits lesion development.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Arabidopsis thaliana,as a model plant,is the most well-studied plant species.One of the advantages of using Arabidopsis is that obtaining stably transformed plants using flower-dipping method is easy.However,generating transgenic plants is still time-consuming.Therefore,transient expression is frequently used to characterize protein functions.Several transient expression assays have been developed,including protoplast transfection,biolistic bombardment,and Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression.Among these assays,the Agrobacterium-mediated  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 can protect plants from heat stress (HS); however, the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we used a set of Arabidopsis mutants such as salicylic acid (SA) signaling mutants nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (npr1-1 and npr1-5) and heat-shock proteins (HSPs) mutants (hsp21 and hsp70-1) to understand the requirement of SA signaling and HSPs in elevated CO2-induced HS tolerance. Under ambient CO2 (380 µmol mol−1) conditions, HS (42°C, 24 h) drastically decreased maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) in all studied plant groups. Enrichment of CO2 (800 µmol mol−1) with HS remarkably increased the Fv/Fm value in all plant groups except hsp70-1, indicating that NPR1-dependent SA signaling is not involved in the elevated CO2-induced HS tolerance. These results also suggest an essentiality of HSP70-1, but not HSP21 in elevated CO2-induced HS mitigation.  相似文献   

拟南芥NPR1基因的克隆与表达载体的构建   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
NPR1基因为植物抗病基因表达和系统获得性抗性中的一个关键基因。该文以DNA PCR扩增的方法,从拟南芥基因组DNA中克隆出NPR1基因,通过序列分析,所克隆的 NPR1 基因与报道的基因序列完全一致。将其构建成植物表达载体,为今后植物抗病基因工程的开展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A role for salicylic acid and NPR1 in regulating cell growth in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salicylic acid (SA) plays a key role in activating defenses and cell death during plant-pathogen interactions. In response to some pathogens, SA also limits the extent of cell death, indicating that it acts positively or negatively depending on the host-pathogen interaction. In addition, we previously showed that SA affects cell growth in the Arabidopsis defense-related mutants accelerated cell death 6-1 (acd6-1) and aberrant growth and death 2 (agd2). Using acd6-1, agd2 and two other defense-related mutants, lesion simulating disease 6 (lsd6), suppressor of SA-insensitivity (ssi1), we show here in detail that SA regulates cell growth by specifically affecting cell enlargement, endoreduplication and/or cell division. We find that SA can act either positively or negatively to regulate cell growth depending on the context in which signaling occurs. Additionally, Nonexpressor of PR 1 (NPR1), a key SA signaling protein important for regulating defenses and cell death, also acts to promote cell division and/or suppress endoreduplication during leaf development. We propose that SA interacts with multiple receptors or signaling pathways to control cellular alterations during normal development, pathogen attack and/or stress situations. We suggest that SA and NPR1 play broader roles in cell fate control than has previously been understood.  相似文献   

Highlights? NPR1 is a salicylic acid (SA) receptor, binding specifically to SA via Cys521/529 ? NPR1 binds copper in vivo via Cys521/529, and metals are required for SA binding ? SA directly regulates the conformation of NPR1 by deoligomerizing NPR1 into a dimer ? The NPR1 BTB/POZ domain autoinhibits the function of the NPR1 transactivation domain  相似文献   

An activation-tagged allele of activated disease resistance 1 (ADR1) has previously been shown to convey broad spectrum disease resistance. ADR1 was found to encode a coiled-coil (CC)-nucleotide-binding site (NBS)-leucine-rich repeat (LRR) protein, which possessed domains of homology with serine/threonine protein kinases. Here, we show that either constitutive or conditional enhanced expression of ADR1 conferred significant drought tolerance. This was not a general feature of defence-related mutants because cir (constitutive induced resistance)1, cir2 and cpr (constitutive expressor of PR genes)1, which constitutively express systemic acquired resistance (SAR), failed to exhibit this phenotype. Cross-tolerance was not a characteristic of adr1 plants, rather they showed increased sensitivity to thermal and salinity stress. Hence, adr1-activated signalling may antagonise some stress responses. Northern analysis of abiotic marker genes revealed that dehydration-responsive element (DRE)B2A but not DREB1A, RD (response to dehydration)29A or RD22 was expressed in adr1 plant lines. Furthermore, DREB2A expression was salicylic acid (SA) dependent but NPR (non-expressor of PR genes)1 independent. In adr1/ADR1 nahG (naphthalene hydroxylase G), adr1/ADR1 eds (enhanced disease susceptibility)1 and adr1/ADR1 abi1 double mutants, drought tolerance was significantly reduced. Microarray analyses of plants containing a conditional adr1 allele demonstrated that a significant number of the upregulated genes had been previously implicated in responses to dehydration. Therefore, biotic and abiotic signalling pathways may share multiple nodes and their outputs may have significant functional overlap.  相似文献   

Inoculation of turnip crinkle virus (TCV) on the resistant Arabidopsis ecotype Dijon (Di-17) results in the development of a hypersensitive response (HR) on the inoculated leaves. To assess the role of the recently cloned HRT gene in conferring resistance, we monitored both HR and resistance (lack of viral spread to systemic tissues) in the progeny of a cross between resistant Di-17 and susceptible Columbia plants. As expected, HR development segregated as a dominant trait that corresponded with the presence of HRT. However, all of the F(1) plants and three-fourths of HR(+) F(2) plants were susceptible to the virus. These results suggest the presence of a second gene, termed RRT, that regulates resistance to TCV. The allele present in Di-17 appears to be recessive to the allele or alleles present in TCV-susceptible ecotypes. We also demonstrate that HR formation and TCV resistance are dependent on salicylic acid but not on ethylene or jasmonic acid. Furthermore, these phenomena are unaffected by mutations in NPR1. Thus, TCV resistance requires a yet undefined salicylic acid-dependent, NPR1-independent signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in influencing plant resistance to ozone (O3). To further define the role of SA in O3-induced responses, we compared the responses of two Arabidopsis genotypes that accumulate different amounts of SA in response to O3 and a SA-deficient transgenic Col-0 line expressing salicylate hydroxylase (NahG). The differences observed in O3-induced changes in SA levels, the accumulation of active oxygen species, defense gene expression, and the kinetics and severity of lesion formation indicate that SA influences O3 tolerance via two distinct mechanisms. Detailed analyses indicated that features associated with a hypersensitive response (HR) were significantly greater in O3-exposed Cvi-0 than in Col-0, and that NahG plants failed to exhibit these HR-like responses. Furthermore, O3-induced antioxidant defenses, including the redox state of glutathione, were greatly reduced in NahG plants compared to Col-0 and Cvi-0. This suggests that O3-induced cell death in NahG plants is due to the loss of SA-mediated potentiation of antioxidant defenses, while O3-induced cell death in Cvi-0 is due to activation of a HR. This hypothesis is supported by the observation that inhibition of NADPH-oxidases reduced O3-induced H2O2 levels and the O3-induced cell death in Cvi-0, while no major changes were observed in NahG plants. We conclude that although SA is required to maintain the cellular redox state and potentiate defense responses in O3 exposed plants, high levels of SA also potentiate activation of an oxidative burst and a cell death pathway that results in apparent O3 sensitivity.  相似文献   

J Shah  P Kachroo    D F Klessig 《The Plant cell》1999,11(2):191-206
The Arabidopsis NPR1 gene was previously shown to be required for the salicylic acid (SA)- and benzothiadiazole (BTH)-induced expression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and systemic acquired resistance. The dominant ssi1 (for suppressor of SA insensitivity) mutation characterized in this study defines a new component of the SA signal transduction pathway that bypasses the requirement of NPR1 for expression of the PR genes and disease resistance. The ssi1 mutation caused PR (PR-1, BGL2 [PR-2], and PR-5) genes to be constitutively expressed and restored resistance to an avirulent strain of Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato in npr1-5 (previously called sai1) mutant plants. In addition, ssi1 plants were small, spontaneously developed hypersensitive response-like lesions, accumulated elevated levels of SA, and constitutively expressed the antimicrobial defensin gene PDF1.2. The phenotypes of the ssi1 mutant are SA dependent. When SA accumulation was prevented in ssi1 npr1-5 plants by expressing the SA-degrading salicylate hydroxylase (nahG) gene, all of the phenotypes associated with the ssi1 mutation were suppressed. However, lesion formation and expression of the PR genes were restored in these plants by the application of BTH. Interestingly, expression of PDF1.2, which previously has been shown to be SA independent but jasmonic acid and ethylene dependent, was also suppressed in ssi1 npr1-5 plants by the nahG gene. Furthermore, exogenous application of BTH restored PDF1.2 expression in these plants. Our results suggest that SSI1 may function as a switch modulating cross-talk between the SA- and jasmonic acid/ethylene-mediated defense signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Membrane polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and particularly linolenic acid (18:3, LA) are known to be implicated in plant tolerance to low temperature. Their role in resistance to drought is much less investigated. In this work, three full-length cDNAs corresponding to omega-3 fatty acid desaturases: fad3 (endoplasmic reticulum), fad7 and fad8 (chloroplastic) were isolated from Vigna unguiculata leaves. Two cowpea cultivars, one drought-tolerant, EPACE-1, and one drought-susceptible, 1183, were compared in terms of fad isoform gene expression and leaf LA contents in plants submitted to water stress followed by rehydration. In EPACE-1, LA content in the main leaf polar lipids increased in response to mild water deficit. Severe water deficits induced a decrease in MGDG LA content while those of PC and DGDG continued to increase. Variations in FAD gene expression, matched those in LA contents. In 1183, LA contents decreased in all lipid classes in response to water stress, as did FAD3 and FAD8 gene expression levels. Rehydration after a moderate water stress induced stimulation mostly in FAD3 gene expression in both cvs. LA contents were equivalent to control levels in EPACE-1. In 1183, they were back to control levels in PC shortly after rehydration but remained low in galactolipids. These results suggested that omega-3 FAD activities were involved in the increase in leaf membrane unsaturation, in the drought tolerant plants whereas the sensitive plants lost PUFAs in response to the treatment. The significance of this discrepancy between the two cvs. in terms of adaptation to drought is discussed.  相似文献   

Sulfate substituents naturally occurring in biomolecules, such as oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, can play a critical role in major physiological functions in plants and animals. We show that laminarin, a beta-1,3 glucan with elicitor activity in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), becomes, after chemical sulfation, an inducer of the salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway in tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana. In tobacco cell suspensions, the oxidative burst induced by the laminarin sulfate PS3 was Ca2+ dependent but partially kinase independent, whereas laminarin triggered a strickly kinase-dependent oxidative burst. Cells treated with PS3 or laminarin remained fully responsive to a second application of laminarin or PS3, respectively, suggesting two distinct perception systems. In tobacco leaves, PS3, but not laminarin, caused electrolyte leakage and triggered scopoletin and SA accumulation. Expression of different families of Pathogenesis-Related (PR) proteins was analyzed in wild-type and mutant tobacco as well as in Arabidopsis. Laminarin induced expression of ethylene-dependent PR proteins, whereas PS3 triggered expression of ethylene- and SA-dependent PR proteins. In Arabidopsis, PS3-induced PR1 expression was also NPR1 (for nonexpressor of PR genes1) dependent. Structure-activity analysis revealed that (1) a minimum chain length is essential for biological activity of unsulfated as well as sulfated laminarin, (2) the sulfate residues are essential and cannot be replaced by other anionic groups, and (3) moderately sulfated beta-1,3 glucans are active. In tobacco, PS3 and curdlan sulfate induced immunity against Tobacco mosaic virus infection, whereas laminarin induced only a weak resistance. The results open new routes to work out new molecules suitable for crop protection.  相似文献   

Plants can defend themselves indirectly against herbivores by emitting a volatile blend upon herbivory that attracts the natural enemies of these herbivores, either predators or parasitoids. Although signal transduction in plants from herbivory to induced volatile production depends on jasmonic acid (JA) and salicylic acid (SA), the pathways downstream of JA and SA are unknown. Use of Arabidopsis provides a unique possibility to study signal transduction by use of signalling mutants, which so far has not been exploited in studies on indirect plant defence. In the present study it was demonstrated that jar1‐1 and npr1‐1 mutants are not affected in caterpillar (Pieris rapae)‐induced attraction of the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula. Both JAR1 and NPR1 (also known as NIM1) are involved in signalling downstream of JA in induced defence against pathogens such as induced systemic resistance (ISR). NPR1 is also involved in signalling downstream of SA in defence against pathogens such as systemic acquired resistance (SAR). These results demonstrate that signalling downstream of JA and SA differs between induced indirect defence against herbivores and defence against pathogens such as SAR and ISR. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that herbivore‐derived elicitors are involved in induced attraction of the parasitoid Cotesia rubecula  相似文献   

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