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On incubation of HeLa cells in chilled isotonic medium, intracellular Na+ (Nac+) increased and K+ (Kc+) decreased with time, reaching steady levels after 3 h. The steady levels varied in parallel with the extracellular cation concentrations ([Na+]e, [K+]e). The cell volumes and the protein and water contents, respectively, of cells kept for 3 h in chilled media of various [Na+]e and [K+]e were not significantly different. Ouabain-sensitive Rb+ influx took place at the initial rate for a certain period which depended on [Na+]c at the beginning of the assays. The existence of two external K+ loading sites per Na+/K+-pump was demonstrated. The affinities of the sites for Rb+ as a congener of K+ were almost the same. Na+e inhibited ouabain-sensitive Rb+ influx competitively, whereas K+ was not inhibitory. Kinetic parameters were determined: the K 1/2 for Rbe+ in the absence of Na+e was 0.16 mM and th Ki for Na+e was 36.8 mM; the K 1/2 for Na+c was 19.5 mM and the Ki for K+c seemed to be extremely large. The rate equation of the ouabain-sensitive Rb+ influx suggests that Na+ and K+ are exchanged alternately through the pump by a binary mechanism.  相似文献   

The concentration dependence of both Rb+ uptake and Na+ uptake by yeast can be described by a quadratic rate equation. This equation is derived for translocation of cations via a two-site translocation system. In accordance with predictions made for such a two-site translocation system the shape of the uptake isotherm depends both upon the substrate cation species and upon the concentration of other added competing cations. On plotting the rate of Rb+ uptake against the quotient of that rate and the Rb+ concentration concave, convex and also linear curves are found depending upon the type and the concentration of added monovalent cations. The Na+ uptake isotherm plotted in a similar way shows a shift from a concave curve to a straight line on adding increasing amounts of Rb+ to the yeast suspension.Decreasing the pH of the medium leads to a more pronounced convex  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent d-glucose transport reaction in rabbit jejunal brush-border vesicles was studied. Initial rate data were obtained by fitting a polynomial equation to progress curves at different d-glucose concentrations and extracting the slope of the tangent at zero-time. Kinetic replots of the initial rate values produced biphasic Hofstee patterns indicative of two pathways for transport distinguished by their Km values for glucose. Neither was dependent on the presence of a membrane potential. Both were dependent on Na+ and both were inhibited by phlorizin. Increasing external sodium was found to elevate the apparent Vmax for both pathways. Internal sodium was inhibitory. Pulsed progress curve analysis indicated that the effect of internal sodium was best characterized as carrier sequestration by a sodium-carrier binary complex. Inhibition by internal sodium was completely reversed by the presence, internally, of d-glucose. The presence of two pathways and the kinetic constants for these pathways do not agree with the conclusions of Hopfer and Groseclose (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 4453–4462). Experiments are presented which bear on the reason for the disagreement.  相似文献   

The influence of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ on the transport of 2-deoxy-[3H]glucose into human polymorphonuclear neutrophils was studied. Omission of these cations from the cell suspensions had little effect on resting hexose uptake. Furthermore, the addition of the bivalent cation chelator, EDTA, depressed uptake only slightly. Similarly, neither cation was essential for the enhanced 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake stimulated by two chemotactic factors (C5a and N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine) and arachidonic acid: enhanced uptake was only partially depressed by the omission of Ca2+ and Mg2+ from the suspensions and was still prominent in the presence of EDTA. Two other neutrophil stimulants, the ionophores, A23187 and ionomycin, also enhanced hexose uptake but their actions were heavily dependent upon extracellular bivalent cations and were totally abrogated by EDTA. In all instances, extracellular Ca2+, but not Mg2+, supported optimal enhanced hexose transport induced by stimuli.Activation of 2-deoxy-D-[3H]glucose uptake by each of the five stimuli was totally blocked by cytochalasin B (a blocker of carrier-mediated hexose transport) and D-glucose but not by L-glucose. The data indicate, therefore, that a variety of neutrophil stimulants activate carrier-mediated hexose transport. Although this transport can be triggered by the movement of extracellular Ca2+ into the cell (as exemplified by the action of the two ionophores), such Ca2+ movement is not required for the actions of chemotactic factors or arachidonic acid. Other mechanisms, such as a rearrangement of intracellular Ca2+, may be involved in mediating the activation of hexose transport induced by the latter stimuli.  相似文献   

Arrhenius diagrams of K+ pump fluxes measured between 15°C and 41°C were discontinuous in high K+ but not in low K+ sheep red cells. Exposure of low K+ cells to anti-L caused a bimodal temperature response of K+ pump flux with a transition temperature, Tc, similar to that found in high K+ cells but with comparatively higher activation energies above Tc.  相似文献   

The 25 000-Da tryptic fragment from rabbit muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase was subjected to cyanogen bromide digestion, and the four fragments isolated. Only the 13 000-Da fragment induced ionophorous activity in planar thin lipid membranes made with 5:1 (w/w) phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol in decane. The membranes became cation selective, with a selectivity sequence among divalent of Mn2+ > Ca2+ > Ba2+ > Sr2+ > Mg2+. This is different from that of the 25 000-Da fragment (A.E. Shamoo, 1978, J. Memb. Biol. 43, 227–242), it's ‘parent’ 55 000-Da fragment, and the intact enzyme, all of which have the same selectivity sequence. The inhibitory effects of Hg2+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ were also examined. All were inhibitory, with Zn2+ being the most effective of these. The heavy-metal-induced inhibition of Ca2+ conductance could be reversed by selective chelation of the heavy metals by EDTA. From changes in the selectivity as well as changes in heavy-metal-induced inhibition behavior, we conclude that the ion transport site of the 13 000-Da fragment may not be the same site as that of the parent fragment. It is either a different site altogether or has been physically modified by peptide cleavage.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on the Na+-dependent ADP-ATP exchange and the p-nitrophenylphosphatase reactions catalysed by (Na+, K+)-ATPase were examined. Apparent Mg2+ affinity decreased with decreasing temperature. Arrhenius plots of p-nitrophenylphosphatase in the presence of Na+ and ATP had discontinuities similar to those previously reported for (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, while those of p-nitrophenylphosphatase measured without Na+ or ATP did not. The apparent activation energy for p-nitrophenylphosphatase was a function of the physical characteristics of the cation acting at the K+ site.  相似文献   

Kinetic Characterization of Ca2+ Transport in Synaptic Membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lysed synaptosomal membranes were prepared from brain cortices of HA/ICR Swiss mice, and the ATP-stimulated Ca2+ uptake, Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity, and the Ca2+-stimulated acyl phosphorylation of these membranes were studied. The Km values for free calcium concentrations ([Ca2+]f) for these processes were 0.50 microM, 0.40 microM, and 0.31 microM, respectively. Two kinetically distinct binding sites for ATP were observed for the ATP-stimulated Ca2+ uptake and the Ca2+-stimulated Mg2+-ATPase activity. The high-affinity Km values for ATP for these two processes were 16.3 microM and 28 microM, respectively. These results indicate that the processes studied operate in similar physiological concentration ranges for the substrates [Ca2+]f and ATP under identical assay conditions and, further, that these processes may be functionally coupled in the membrane.  相似文献   

Na+-ATPase activity of a dog kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase enzyme preparation was inhibited by a high concentration of NaCl (100 mM) in the presence of 30 μM ATP and 50 μM MgCl2, but stimulated by 100 mM NaCl in the presence of 30 μM ATP and 3 mM MgCl2. The K0.5 for the effect of MgCl2 was near 0.5 mM. Treatment of the enzyme with the organic mercurial thimerosal had little effect on Na+-ATPase activity with 10 mM NaCl but lessened inhibition by 100 mM NaCl in the presence of 50 μM MgCl2. Similar thimerosal treatment reduced (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity by half but did not appreciably affect the K0.5 for activation by either Na+ or K+, although it reduced inhibition by high Na+ concentrations. These data are interpreted in terms of two classes of extracellularly-available low-affinity sites for Na+: Na+-discharge sites at which Na+-binding can drive E2-P back to E1-P, thereby inhibiting Na+-ATPase activity, and sites activating E2-P hydrolysis and thereby stimulating Na+-ATPase activity, corresponding to the K+-acceptance sites. Since these two classes of sites cannot be identical, the data favor co-existing Na+-discharge and K+-acceptance sites. Mg2+ may stimulate Na+-ATPase activity by favoring E2-P over E1-P, through occupying intracellular sites distinct from the phosphorylation site or Na+-acceptance sites, perhaps at a coexisting low-affinity substrate site. Among other effects, thimerosal treatment appears to stimulate the Na+-ATPase reaction and lessen Na+-inhibition of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase reaction by increasing the efficacy of Na+ in activating E2-P hydrolysis.  相似文献   

86Rb+ uptake by yeast was not only stimulated by Rb+ or K+ but also by Na+. The uptake of 22Na+ was enhanced by both Rb+ and K+, but not by Na+, which was inhibitory at all concentrations applied. Inhibition of 22Na+ uptake by inactive Na+ occurred in two phases: one phase refers to inhibition at low Na+ concentrations and the other to inhibition at high Na+ concentrations. Our results can be qualitatively described by a two-site transport mechanism, having two cation binding sites, which must be occupied with monovalent cations before transport can occur.  相似文献   

Although the enzyme (Na+ + K+)-ATPase has been extensively characterized, few studies of its major role, ATP-dependent Na+ pumping, have been reported in vesicular preparations. This is because it is extremely difficult to determine fluxes of isotopic Na+ accurately in most isolated membrane systems. Using highly purified cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles, we have developed a new technique to detect relative rates of ATP-dependent Na+ transport sensitively. This technique relies on the presence of Na+-Ca2+ exchange and ATP-driven Na+ pump activities on the same inside-out sarcolemmal vesicles. ATP-dependent Na+ uptake is monitored by a subsequent Nai+-dependent Ca2+ uptake reaction (Na+-Ca2+ exchange) using 45Ca2+. We present evidence that the Na+-Ca2+ exchange will be linearly related to the prior active Na+ uptake. Although this method is indirect, it is much more sensitive than a direct approach using Na+ isotopes. Applying this method, we measure cardiac ATP-dependent Na+ transport and (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activities in identical ionic media. We find that the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and the Na+ pump have identical dependencies on both Na+ and ATP. The dependence on [Na+] is sigmoidal, with a Hill coefficient of 2.8. Na+ pumping is half-maximal at [Na+] = 9 mM. The Km for ATP is 0.21 mM. ADP competitively inhibits ATP-dependent Na+ pumping. This approach should allow other new investigations on on ATP-dependent Na+ transport across cardiac sarcolemma.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli accumulates K+ by means of multiple uptake systems of which Kup is the major transport system at acidic pH. In cells grown under fermentative conditions at pH 5.5, K+ influx by a wild-type strain upon hyper-osmotic stress at pH 5.5 was accompanied by a marked decrease in H+ efflux, with a 1:1 ratio of K+ to H+ fluxes. This was observed with cells treated with N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Similar results with a mutant defective in Kdp and TrkA but with a functional Kup system but not in a mutant defective in Kdp and Kup but having an active TrkA system suggest that Kup operates as a H+ -K+ -symporter.  相似文献   

Passive efflux of42K or86Rb from differentiated mouse neuroblastoma cells in culture was stimulated up to 8-fold by 10?4 M veratridine. The increased efflux could be blockedby low concentrations of tetrodotoxin (Ki = 4×10?9 g/ml), and did not occur with other cell types lacking an excitable membrane. The temperature sensitivity of the activated component was much higher than that of the normal passive outflow. It is suggested that the veratridine-dependent, tetrodotoxin-sensitive efflux represents passage of ions through the excitable Na+ channel. Replacement of extracellular Na+ by Tris+ abolished the activation by veratridine. Titration of the Na+ requirement resulted in a hyperbolic relationship between external Na+ concentration and efflux rate, with an apparent Km of 66.7 mM for Na+. This phenomenon may reflect an interaction between extracellular ions and a regulatory site on the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

The proton ejection coupled to electron flow from succinate and/or endogenous substrate(s) to cytochrome c using the impermeable electron acceptor ferricyanide is studied in tightly coupled mitochondria isolated from two strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (1) The observed H+ ejection/2e? ratio approaches an average value of 3 when K+ (in the presence of valinomycin) is used as charge-compensating cation. (2) In the presence of the proton-conducting agent carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an H+ ejection/2e? ratio of 2 is observed. (3) The low stoichiometry of 3H+ ejected (instead of 4) per 2e? and the high rate of H+ back-decay (0.1615 lnδ-(ngatom)H+s and a half-time of 4.6 s for 10 mg protein) into the mitochondrial matrix are related to the presence of an electroneutral K+/H+ antiporter which is demonstrated by passive swelling experiments in isotonic potassium acetate medium.  相似文献   

(1) Vanadate (pentavalent vanadium) inhibits with high affinity (K0.5 = 3 μM) the ATP-dependent Ca2+ efflux in reconstituted ghosts from human red cells. (2) To inhibit Ca2+ efflux vanadate has to have access to the inner surface of the cell membrane. (3) The inhibitory effect of vanadate is potentiated by intracellular Mg2+ and by intracellular K+. (4) Ca2+ in the external medium antagonizes the inhibitory effect of vanadate.  相似文献   

Potassium influx, intracellular potassium and sodium content and cellular volume were determined in vitro in Ehrlich ascites cells in the presence of up to 0.8 mM bilirubin in the incubation medium. Bilirubin uptake into cells as a function of bilirubin concentration in the incubation medium increased linearly with a molar bilirubin/albumin ratio of 20 : 1. Potassium influx and intracellular content decreased while cellular volume increased after 180 min of incubation of cells in bilirubin at a molar bilirubin/albumin ratio of 20 : 1. At a bilirubin/albumin ratio 2 : 1, potassium influx decreased, cellular volume remained unchanged, and bilirubin uptake into cells became saturated at bilirubin concentrations greater than 0.3 mM. It is suggested that bilirubin-induced alterations in potassium gradients across cell membranes may play a role in toxic effects of bilirubin on cells.  相似文献   

The influx of Rb+ into the roots of two barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve and cv. Ingrid) from a K+-free 86Rb-labelled nutrient solution with 2.0 mM Rb+, was checked at intervals from day 6 to day 18. The control plants were continuously grown in complete nutrient solution containing 5.0 mM K+, while two other groups of plants were grown in K+-free nutrient solution starting on day 6 and between day 6 and day 9, respectively. The pattern of Rb+ influx was similar for both varieties, although their efficiencies in absorbing Rb+ were different. The relationship between Rb+ influx and K+ concentration of the root could be interpreted in terms of negative feedback through allosteric control of uptake across the plasmalemma of the root cells. Hill plots were bimodal, but in the opposite direction. The Hill coefficients, reflecting the minimum number of interacting allosteric binding sites for K+ (Rb+), were low (≤–3.0). It is discussed whether the threshold value, that is the breaking point in the Hill plot, is indicative of a changed efficiency of transporting units for K+ (Rb+) transport to the xylem. Moreover, feedback regulation might be involved in transport of K+ between root and shoot. The variation in K+ concentrations in the roots and shoots of control plants were cyclic but in phase opposition despite an exponential growth. The average K+ concentration varied only slightly with age.  相似文献   

Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart have been used to study the relationship between myocardial glucose transport and the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells was found to be linear up to 2 min with a steady-state reached by 40–60 min, and was used to monitor the activity of the Na+/K+ pump. Ouabain (10?3 mol/I) inhibited the steady-state uptake of 86Rb+ by more than 90%. Both, the ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+-uptake by cardiac cells were found to be unaffected by insulin treatment under conditions where a significant stimulation of 3-O-methylglucose transport occurred. 86Rb+-uptake was markedly reduced by the presence of calcium and/or magnesium, but remained unresponsive towards insulin treatment. Inhibition of the Na+/K+ pump activity by ouabain and a concomitant shift in the intracellular Na+:K+ ratio did not affect basal or insulin stimulated rates of 3-O-methylglucose transport in cardiac myocytes. The data argue against a functional relationship between the myocardial Na+/K+ pump and the glucose transport system.  相似文献   

Abstract: With a partially purified, membrane-bound (Ca + Mg)-activated ATPase preparation from rat brain, the K0.5 for activation by Ca2+ was 0.8 p μm in the presence of 3 mm -ATP, 6 mm -MgCl2, 100 mM-KCI, and a calcium EGTA buffer system. Optimal ATPase activity under these circumstances was with 6-100 μm -Ca2+, but marked inhibition occurred at higher concentrations. Free Mg2+ increased ATPase activity, with an estimated K0.5, in the presence of 100 μm -CaCl2, of 2.5 mm ; raising the MgCl2 concentration diminished the inhibition due to millimolar concentrations of CaCl2, but antagonized activation by submicromolar concentrations of Ca2+. Dimethylsulfoxide (10%, v/v) had no effect on the K0.5 for activation by Ca2+, but decreased activation by free Mg2+ and increased the inhibition by millimolar CaCl2. The monovalent cations K+, Na+, and TI+ stimulated ATPase activity; for K+ the K0.5 was 8 mm , which was increased to 15 mm in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide. KCI did not affect the apparent affinity for Ca2+ as either activator or inhibitor. The preparation can be phosphorylated at 0°C by [γ-32P]-ATP; on subsequent addition of a large excess of unlabeled ATP the calcium dependent level of phosphorylation declined, with a first-order rate constant of 0.12 s?1. Adding 10 mm -KCI with the unlabeled ATP increased the rate constant to 0.20 s?1, whereas adding 10 mm -NaCl did not affect it measurably. On the other hand, adding dimethyl-sulfoxide slowed the rate of loss, the constant decreasing to 0.06 s?1. Orthovanadate was a potent inhibitor of this enzyme, and inhibition with 1 μm -vanadate was increased by both KCI and dimethylsulfoxide. Properties of the enzyme are thus reminiscent of the plasma membrane (Na + K)-ATPase and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca + Mg)-ATPase, most notably in the K+ stimulation of both dephosphorylation and inhibition by vanadate.  相似文献   

Na+-ATPase of high-K+ and low-K+ sheep red cells was examined with respect to the sidedness of Na+ and K+ effects, using inside-out membrane vesicles and very low ATP concentrations (?2 μM). With varying amounts of Na+ in the medium, i.e., at the cytoplasmic surface, Nacyt+, the activation curves show that high-K+ Na+-ATPase has a higher affinity for Nacyt+ compared to low-K+. The apparent affinity for Nacyt+ is also increased by increasing the ATP concentrations in high-K+ but not low-K+. With Nacyt+ present, Na+-ATPase is stimulated by intravesicular Na+, i.e., Na+ at the originally external surface, Naext+, to a greater extent in low-K+ than high-K+. Intravesicular K+ (Kext+) activates Na+-ATPase in high-K+ but not in low-K+ vesicles and extravesicular K+ (Kcyt+) inhibits low-K+ but not high-K+ Na+-ATPase. Thus, the genetic difference between high-K+ and low-K+ is expressed as differences in apparent affinities for both Na+ and K+ and these differences are evident at both cytoplasmic and external membrane surfaces.  相似文献   

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