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Two distinct pathways have recently been proposed for the import of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs): a Pex19p- and Pex3p-dependent class I pathway and a Pex19p- and Pex3p-independent class II pathway. We show here that Pex19p plays an essential role as the chaperone for full-length Pex3p in the cytosol. Pex19p forms a soluble complex with newly synthesized Pex3p in the cytosol and directly translocates it to peroxisomes. Knockdown of Pex19p inhibits peroxisomal targeting of newly synthesized full-length Pex3p and results in failure of the peroxisomal localization of Pex3p. Moreover, we demonstrate that Pex16p functions as the Pex3p-docking site and serves as the peroxisomal membrane receptor that is specific to the Pex3p–Pex19p complexes. Based on these novel findings, we suggest a model for the import of PMPs that provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of peroxisomes and its regulation involving Pex3p, Pex19p, and Pex16p.  相似文献   

The peroxin Pex19p comprising 299 amino acids functions in peroxisomal membrane assembly. We here developed a cell-free system for transport of membrane proteins to peroxisomes. Pex19p interacts with multiple membrane peroxins, including other membrane biogenesis peroxins, Pex16p and Pex26p, involved in matrix protein import. Cell-free synthesized, 35S-labeled Pex19p was targeted to subcellular fractions containing peroxisomes from Chinese hamster ovary-K1 cells as well as peroxisomes isolated from rat liver in an ATP-dependent manner. Such translocation was also reproduced with in vitro synthesized 35S-Pex16p with two transmembrane segments and C-tail anchor-type 35S-Pex26p, upon incubation with 35S-Pex19p in the reaction mixtures containing isolated peroxisomes. The transported 35S-Pex16p and 35S-Pex26p were integrated into membranes as assessed by the sodium carbonate extraction method. Peroxisome-associated and partly Na2CO3-resistant 35S-Pex19p was released to the cytosolic fraction upon incubation in the absence of ATP, whereas 35S-Pex16p and 35S-Pex26p remained in the membranes. Furthermore, not only 35S-Pex19p but also 35S-Pex19p complexes each with 35S-Pex16p and 35S-Pex26p were bound to 35S-Pex3p in vitro. Together, these results strongly suggested that Pex19p translocates the membrane peroxins from the cytosol to peroxisomes in an ATP- and Pex3p-dependent manner and then shuttles back to the cytosol.  相似文献   

During budding of yeast cells peroxisomes are distributed over mother cell and bud, a process that involves the myosin motor protein Myo2p and the peroxisomal membrane protein Inp2p. Here, we show that Pex19p, a peroxin implicated in targeting and complex formation of peroxisomal membrane proteins, also plays a role in peroxisome partitioning. Binding studies revealed that Pex19p interacts with the cargo-binding domain of Myo2p. We identified mutations in Myo2p that specifically reduced binding to Pex19p, but not to Inp2p. The interaction between Myo2p and Pex19p was also reduced by a mutation that blocked Pex19p farnesylation. Microscopy revealed that the Pex19p-Myo2p interaction is important for peroxisome inheritance, because mutations that affect this interaction hamper peroxisome inheritance in vivo. Together these data suggest that both Inp2p and Pex19p are required for proper association of peroxisomes to Myo2p.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are ubiquitous organelles with a single membrane that contain over 50 different enzymes that catalyse various metabolic pathways, including beta-oxidation and lipid synthesis. Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), such as Zellweger syndrome and neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, are fatal genetic diseases that are autosomal recessive. Among the PBDs of the 12 complementation groups (CGs), 11 associated PEX genes have been isolated. Accordingly, only the PBD pathogenic gene for CG8 (also called CG-A) remains unidentified. Here we have isolated human PEX26 encoding a type II peroxisomal membrane protein of relative molecular mass 34,000 (M(r) 34K) by using ZP167 cells, a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) mutant cell line. Expression of PEX26 restores peroxisomal protein import in the fibroblasts of an individual with PBD of CG8. This individual possesses a homozygous, inactivating pathogenic point mutation, Arg98Trp, in Pex26. Pex6 and Pex1 of the AAA ATPase family co-immunoprecipitate with Pex26. Epitope-tagged Pex6 and Pex1 are discernible as puncta in normal CHO-K1 cells, but not in PEX26-defective cells. PEX26 expression in ZP167 cells re-establishes colocalization of Pex6 and Pex1 with Pex26, in a Pex6-dependent manner. Thus, Pex26 recruits Pex6-Pex1 complexes to peroxisomes.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the targeting signal ofpumpkin catalase, Cat1, is an internal PTS1 (peroxisomal targetingsignal 1)-like sequence, QKL, located at –13 to –11from the C-terminus, which is different from the typical PTS1SKL motif located in the C-terminus. Here we show that Cat1import into peroxisome is dependent on the cytosolic PTS receptor,Pex5p, in Arabidopsis, similar to typical PTS1 import, and thatother components for transport of peroxisomal matrix proteinssuch as Pex14p, Pex13p, Pex12p and Pex10p also contribute tothe import of Cat1. Interestingly, however, we found that Cat1interacts with the N-terminal domain of Pex5p, but not the C-terminaldomain for interaction with the typical PTS1, revealing thatPex5p recognizes Cat1 in a manner distinct from typical PTS1.  相似文献   

The targeting of castor bean isocitrate lyase to peroxisomes was studied by expression in the heterologous host Saccharomyces cerevisae from which the endogenous ICL1 gene had been removed by gene disruption. Peroxisomal import of ICL was dependent upon the PTS1 receptor Pex5p and was lost by deletion of the last three amino acids, Ala-Arg-Met. However, removal of an additional 16 amino acids restored the ability of this truncated ICL to be targeted to peroxisomes and this import activity, like that of the full-length protein, was dependent upon Pex5p. The ability of peptides corresponding to the carboxyl terminal ends of wild-type and Delta 3 and Delta 19 mutants of ICL to interact with the PTS1-binding portion of Pex5p from humans, plants and yeast was determined using the yeast two-hybrid system. The peptide corresponding to wild-type ICL interacted with all three Pex5p proteins to differing extents, but neither mutant could interact with Pex5p from any species. Thus, ICL can be targeted to peroxisomes in a Pex5p-dependent but PTS1-independent fashion. These results help to clarify the contradictory published data about the requirement of the PTS1 signal for ICL targeting.  相似文献   

The targeting of castor bean isocitrate lyase to peroxisomes was studied by expression in the heterologous host Saccharomyces cerevisae from which the endogenous ICL1 gene had been removed by gene disruption. Peroxisomal import of ICL was dependent upon the PTS1 receptor Pex5p and was lost by deletion of the last three amino acids, Ala-Arg-Met. However, removal of an additional 16 amino acids restored the ability of this truncated ICL to be targeted to peroxisomes and this import activity, like that of the full-length protein, was dependent upon Pex5p. The ability of peptides corresponding to the carboxyl terminal ends of wild-type and Δ3 and Δ19 mutants of ICL to interact with the PTS1-binding portion of Pex5p from humans, plants and yeast was determined using the yeast two-hybrid system. The peptide corresponding to wild-type ICL interacted with all three Pex5p proteins to differing extents, but neither mutant could interact with Pex5p from any species. Thus, ICL can be targeted to peroxisomes in a Pex5p-dependent but PTS1-independent fashion. These results help to clarify the contradictory published data about the requirement of the PTS1 signal for ICL targeting.  相似文献   

Dynamins and dynamin-like proteins play important roles in organelle division. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the dynamin-like protein Vps1p (vacuolar protein sorting protein 1) is involved in peroxisome fission, as cells deleted for the VPS1 gene contain reduced numbers of enlarged peroxisomes. What relationship Vps1p has with peroxisomes remains unclear. Here we show that Vps1p interacts with Pex19p, a peroxin that acts as a shuttling receptor for peroxisomal membrane proteins or as a chaperone assisting the assembly/stabilization of proteins at the peroxisome membrane. Vps1p contains two putative Pex19p recognition sequences at amino acids 509-523 and 633-647. Deletion of the first (but not the second) sequence results in reduced numbers of enlarged peroxisomes in cells, as in vps1delta cells. Deletion of either sequence has no effect on vacuolar morphology or vacuolar protein sorting, suggesting that the peroxisome and vacuole biogenic functions of Vps1p are separate and separable. Substitution of proline for valine at position 516 of Vps1p abrogates Pex19p binding and gives the peroxisome phenotype of vps1delta cells. Microscopic analysis showed that overexpression of Pex19p or redirection of Pex19p to the nucleus does not affect the normal cellular distribution of Vps1p in the cytosol and in punctate structures that are not peroxisomes, suggesting that Pex19p does not function in targeting Vps1p to peroxisomes. Subcellular fractionation showed that a fraction of Vps1p is associated with peroxisomes and that deletion or mutation of the first Pex19p recognition sequence abrogates this association. Our results are consistent with Pex19p acting as a chaperone to stabilize the association of Vps1p with peroxisomes and not as a receptor involved in targeting Vps1p to peroxisomes.  相似文献   

As a step toward understanding the homeostasis of peroxisomes in mammalian cells, we investigated a degradation system of peroxisomes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells in response to the nutrient-starvation. Peroxisomal proteins were degraded apparently in a preferential manner as compared to cytosolic proteins, when CHO-K1 cells were starved in Hank's solution and then re-cultured in a normal medium. We verified whether microtubule-associated protein I light chain 3 (LC3), an essential factor for autophagy, was involved in the degradation of peroxisomal proteins. In the LC3-knocked-down CHO-K1 cells, the specific degradation of peroxisomal proteins was no longer observed and proteins including peroxisomal and cytosolic proteins were rather non-selectively degraded under the starvation condition. The starvation-dependent non-selective protein degradation was inhibited with proteasome inhibitors, MG132 and Epoxomicin. The integral membrane peroxin, Pex14p interacted with membrane-bound LC3-II, the modified form of LC3, via microtubules under the starvation condition. Taken together, these results suggest that peroxisomal proteins are degraded by two degradation systems involving autophagy and proteasomes depending on various cell-culture conditions, and that Pex14p plays a pivotal role as a prerequisite factor for the degradation of peroxisomal proteins by autophagy with the aid of microtubules.  相似文献   

Tail‐anchored (TA) proteins are embedded into their corresponding membrane via a single transmembrane segment at their C‐terminus whereas the majority of the protein is facing the cytosol. So far, cellular factors that mediate the integration of such proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane were not found. Using budding yeast as a model system, we identified the cytosolic Hsp70 chaperone Ssa1 and the peroxisome import factor Pex19 as import mediators for a subset of mitochondrial TA proteins. Accordingly, deletion of PEX19 results in: (1) growth defect under respiration conditions, (2) alteration in mitochondrial morphology, (3) reduced steady‐state levels of the mitochondrial TA proteins Fis1 and Gem1, and (4) hampered in organello import of the TA proteins Fis1 and Gem1. Furthermore, recombinant Pex19 can bind directly the TA proteins Fis1 and Gem1. Collectively, this work identified the first factors that are involved in the biogenesis of mitochondrial TA proteins and uncovered an unexpected function of Pex19.   相似文献   

Recruiting matrix proteins with a peroxisomal targeting signal type 2 (PTS2) to the peroxisomal membrane requires species-specific factors. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the PTS2 receptor Pex7p acts in concert with the redundant Pex18p/Pex21p, whereas in Yarrowia lipolytica, Pex20p might unite the function of both S. cerevisiae peroxins. Herein, the genome of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa was analyzed for peroxin-encoding genes. We identified a set of 18 peroxins that resembles that of Y. lipolytica rather than that of S. cerevisiae. Interestingly, proteins homologous to both S. cerevisiae Pex7p and Y. lipolytica Pex20p exist in N. crassa. We report on the isolation of these PTS2-specific peroxins and demonstrate that NcPex20p can substitute for S. cerevisiae Pex18p/Pex21p, but not for ScPex7p. Like Pex18p, NcPex20p did not bind PTS2 protein or the docking proteins in the absence of ScPex7p. Rather, NcPex20p was required before docking to form an import-competent complex of cargo-loaded PTS2 receptors. NcPex7p did not functionally replace yeast Pex7p, probably because the N. crassa PTS2 receptor failed to associate with Pex18p/Pex21p. However, once NcPex7p and NcPex20p had been coexpressed, it proved possible to replace yeast Pex7p. Pex20p and Pex18p/Pex21p are therefore true orthologues, both of which are in need of Pex7p for PTS2 protein import.  相似文献   

Pex13p is the putative docking protein for peroxisomal targeting signal 1 (PTS1)-dependent protein import into peroxisomes. Pex14p interacts with both the PTS1- and PTS2-receptor and may represent the point of convergence of the PTS1- and PTS2-dependent protein import pathways. We report the involvement of Pex13p in peroxisomal import of PTS2-containing proteins. Like Pex14p, Pex13p not only interacts with the PTS1-receptor Pex5p, but also with the PTS2-receptor Pex7p; however, this association may be direct or indirect. In support of distinct peroxisomal binding sites for Pex7p, the Pex7p/Pex13p and Pex7p/ Pex14p complexes can form independently. Genetic evidence for the interaction of Pex7p and Pex13p is provided by the observation that overexpression of Pex13p suppresses a loss of function mutant of Pex7p. Accordingly, we conclude that Pex7p and Pex13p functionally interact during PTS2-dependent protein import into peroxisomes. NH2-terminal regions of Pex13p are required for its interaction with the PTS2-receptor while the COOH-terminal SH3 domain alone is sufficient to mediate its interaction with the PTS1-receptor. Reinvestigation of the topology revealed both termini of Pex13p to be oriented towards the cytosol. We also found Pex13p to be required for peroxisomal association of Pex14p, yet the SH3 domain of Pex13p may not provide the only binding site for Pex14p at the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

We report the cloning and characterization of Pichia pastoris PEX19 by complementation of a peroxisome-deficient mutant strain. Import of peroxisomal targeting signal 1- and 2-containing peroxisomal matrix proteins is defective in pex19 mutants. PEX19 encodes a hydrophilic 299-amino acid protein with sequence similarity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pex19p and human and Chinese hamster PxF, all farnesylated proteins, as well as hypothetical proteins from Caenorhabditis elegans and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The farnesylation consensus is conserved in PpPex19p but dispensable for function and appears unmodified under the conditions tested. Pex19p localizes predominantly to the cytosolic fraction. Biochemical and two-hybrid analyses confirmed that Pex19p interacts with Pex3p, as seen in S. cerevisiae, but unexpectedly also with Pex10p. Two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that the amino-terminal 42 amino acids of Pex19p interact with the carboxyl-terminal 335 amino acids of Pex3p. In addition, the extreme carboxyl terminus of Pex19p (67 amino acids) is required for interaction with the amino-terminal 380 amino acids of Pex10p. Biochemical and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of pex19Delta cells identified the membrane protein Pex3p in peroxisome remnants that were not previously observed in S. cerevisiae. These small vesicular and tubular (early) remnants are morphologically distinct from other Pppex mutant (late) remnants, suggesting that Pex19p functions at an early stage of peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

Pex7p translocates in and out of peroxisomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pex7p is the soluble receptor responsible for importing into peroxisomes newly synthesized proteins bearing a type 2 peroxisomal targeting sequence. We observe that appending GFP to Pex7p's COOH terminus shifts Pex7p's intracellular distribution from predominantly cytosolic to predominantly peroxisomal in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cleavage of the link between Pex7p and GFP within peroxisomes liberates GFP, which remains inside the organelle, and Pex7p, which exits to the cytosol. The reexported Pex7p is functional, resulting in import of thiolase into peroxisomes and improved growth of the yeast on oleic acid. These results support the "extended shuttle" model of peroxisome import receptor function and open the way to future studies of receptor export.  相似文献   

We isolated a 33-kDa protein, Pex19p/HK33/HsPXF, as a p19ARF-binding protein in a yeast two-hybrid screen. We demonstrate here that Pex19p interacts with p19ARF in the cell cytoplasm and excludes p19ARF from the nucleus, leading to a concurrent inactivation of p53 function. Down-regulation of Pex19p by its antisense expression resulted in increased levels of p19ARF, increased p53 function, and a p53/p21WAF1-mediated senescence-like cell cycle arrest. The data demonstrated a novel mechanism of down-regulation of the p19ARF-p53 pathway.  相似文献   

A peroxisomal C-tail-anchored type-II membrane protein, Pex26p, recruits AAA ATPase Pex1p-Pex6p complexes to peroxisomes. We herein attempted to gain mechanistic insight into Pex26p function. Pex26pΔ33-40 truncated in amino-acid residues at 33-40 abolishes the recruiting of Pex1p-Pex6p complex to peroxisomes and fails to complement the impaired phenotype of pex26 CHO cell mutant ZP167, thereby suggesting that peroxisomal localization of Pex1p and Pex6p is indispensable for the transport of matrix proteins. In in vitro transport assay using semipermeabilized CHO cells, Pex1p is targeted to peroxisomes in a manner dependent on ATP hydrolysis, while Pex6p targeting requires ATP but not its hydrolysis. This finding is confirmed by the assay using Walker-motif mutants. Transport of Pex1p and Pex6p is temperature-dependent. In vitro binding assays with glutathione-S-transferase-fused Pex26p, Pex1p and Pex6p bind to Pex26p in a manner dependent on ATP binding but not ATP hydrolysis. These results suggest that ATP hydrolysis is required for stable localization of Pex1p to peroxisomes, but not for binding to Pex26p. Moreover, Pex1p and Pex6p are altered to a more compact conformation upon binding to ATP, as verified by limited proteolysis. Taken together, Pex1p and Pex6p are most likely regulated in their peroxisomal localization onto Pex26p via conformational changes by the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and peroxisomes share a number of common biochemical processes, including the beta oxidation of fatty acids and the scavenging of peroxides. Here, we identify a new outer-membrane mitochondria-anchored protein ligase (MAPL) containing a really interesting new gene (RING)-finger domain. Overexpression of MAPL leads to mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating a regulatory function controlling mitochondrial morphology. In addition, confocal- and electron-microscopy studies of MAPL-YFP led to the observation that MAPL is also incorporated within unique, DRP1-independent, 70-100 nm diameter mitochondria-derived vesicles (MDVs). Importantly, vesicles containing MAPL exclude another outer-membrane marker, TOM20, and vesicles containing TOM20 exclude MAPL, indicating that MDVs selectively incorporate their cargo. We further demonstrate that MAPL-containing vesicles fuse with a subset of peroxisomes, marking the first evidence for a direct relationship between these two functionally related organelles. In contrast, a distinct vesicle population labeled with TOM20 does not fuse with peroxisomes, indicating that the incorporation of specific cargo is a primary determinant of MDV fate. These data are the first to identify MAPL, describe and characterize MDVs, and define a new intracellular transport route between mitochondria and peroxisomes.  相似文献   

We have identified ScPex18p and ScPex21p, two novel S. cerevisiae peroxins required for protein targeting via the PTS2 branch of peroxisomal biogenesis. Targeting by this pathway is known to involve the interaction of oligopeptide PTS2 signals with Pex7p, the PTS2 receptor. Pex7p function is conserved between yeasts and humans, with defects in the human protein causing rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP), a severe, lethal peroxisome biogenesis disorder characterized by aberrant targeting of several PTS2 peroxisomal proteins, but uncertainty remains about the subcellular localization of this receptor. Previously, we have reported that ScPex7p resides predominantly in the peroxisomal matrix, suggesting that it may function as a highly unusual intraorganellar import receptor, and the data presented in this paper identify Pex18p and Pex21p as key components in the targeting of Pex7p to peroxisomes. They each interact specifically with Pex7p both in two-hybrid analyses and in vitro. In cells lacking both Pex18p and Pex21p, Pex7p remains cytosolic and PTS2 targeting is completely abolished. Pex18p and Pex21p are weakly homologous to each other and display partial functional redundancy, indicating that they constitute a two-member peroxin family specifically required for Pex7p and PTS2 targeting.  相似文献   

The peroxisomal protein acyl-CoA oxidase (Pox1p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks either of the two well characterized peroxisomal targeting sequences known as PTS1 and PTS2. Here we demonstrate that peroxisomal import of Pox1p is nevertheless dependent on binding to Pex5p, the PTS1 import receptor. The interaction between Pex5p and Pox1p, however, involves novel contact sites in both proteins. The interaction region in Pex5p is located in a defined area of the amino-terminal part of the protein outside of the tetratricopeptide repeat domain involved in PTS1 recognition; the interaction site in Pox1p is located internally and not at the carboxyl terminus where a PTS1 is normally found. By making use of pex5 mutants that are either specifically disturbed in binding of PTS1 proteins or in binding of Pox1p, we demonstrate the existence of two independent, Pex5p-mediated import pathways into peroxisomes in yeast as follows: a classical PTS1 pathway and a novel, non-PTS1 pathway for Pox1p.  相似文献   

Cysteine ubiquitination of PTS1 receptor Pex5p regulates Pex5p recycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pex5p is the cytosolic receptor for peroxisome matrix proteins with peroxisome-targeting signal (PTS) type 1 and shuttles between the cytosol and peroxisomes. Here, we show that Pex5p is ubiquitinated at the conserved cysteine(11) in a manner sensitive to dithiothreitol, in a form associated with peroxisomes. Pex5p with a mutation of the cysteine(11) to alanine, termed Pex5p-C11A, abrogates peroxisomal import of PTS1 and PTS2 proteins in wild-type cells. Pex5p-C11A is imported into peroxisomes but not exported, resulting in its accumulation in peroxisomes. These results suggest an essential role of the cysteine residue in the export of Pex5p. Furthermore, domain mapping indicates that N-terminal 158-amino-acid region of Pex5p-C11A, termed 158-CA, is sufficient for such dominant-negative activity by binding to membrane peroxin Pex14p via its two pentapeptide WXXXF/Y motifs. Stable expression of either Pex5p-C11A or 158-CA likewise inhibits the wild-type Pex5p import into peroxisomes, strongly suggesting that Pex5p-C11A exerts the dominant-negative effect at the translocation step via Pex14p. Taken together, these findings show that the cysteine(11) of Pex5p is indispensable for two distinct steps, its import and export. The Pex5p-C11A would be a useful tool for gaining a mechanistic insight into the matrix protein import into peroxisomes.  相似文献   

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