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We recently identified neuromedin S (NMS) from the rat hypothalamus as an endogenous ligand for the FM-4/TGR-1 receptor distinct from neuromedin U. In the present study, we examined the role of NMS in the oxytocin release response to suckling stimulation by rat pups. Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of NMS induced cFos expression in the paraventricular nucleus and supraoptic nucleus. Double immunohistochemical analysis revealed induction of cFos expression in a proportion of oxytocinergic neurons in both nuclei. In addition, icv injection of NMS stimulated oxytocin release dose-dependently in intact rats, and increased milk secretion in lactating rats. On the other hand, icv injection of anti-NMS antiserum into lactating rats significantly suppressed suckling-induced milk ejection. These results suggest that, in the rat, endogenous NMS plays an important role in the oxytocin release response to the suckling stimulus.  相似文献   

Fourteen animals of second and third lactation of Thai Friesian crossbred cows (87.5% Friesian × 12.5% Bos indicus) located at Sakol Nakhon Research and Breeding Centre, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, were divided randomly into two groups of seven each to evaluate the effects of evaporative cooling on reproductive and physiological traits under hot, humid conditions. Results indicated that installation of evaporating cooling in the open shed gave a further improvement in ameliorating heat stress in dairy cows in hot-wet environments by utilising the low humidity conditions that naturally occur during the day. The cows housed in an evaporatively cooled environment had both a rectal temperature and respiration rate (39.09°C, 61.39 breaths/min, respectively) significantly lower than that of the non-cooled cows (41.21°C; 86.87 breaths/min). The former group also had higher milk yield and more efficient reproductive performance (pregnancy rate and reduced days open) than the latter group. It is suggested that the non-evaporatively cooled cows did not gain benefit from the naturally lower heat stress during night time.  相似文献   

Economic consequences of reproductive performance in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The net economic value of reproductive efficiency in dairy cattle was estimated using a stochastic dynamic simulation model. The objective was to compare the economic consequences of reproductive performance scenarios (“average” and “poor”) of a cow having a good reproductive performance and to explore which reproductive factors have an important impact on economic efficiency. A “good” reproductive performance scenario was defined with 1 ovulation rate (POVUi), 0.7 estrus detection rate (PEst), 0.7 conception rate (PCon), 0.03 incidence rate of postpartum disorders prolonging the ovarian cyclicity (CO), 0.2 incidence rate of postpartum disorders reducing conception (ME), 0.05 embryonic death rate (ED), and voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 9 wks pp (post partum). In the current situation of dairy cows in the Netherlands, an “average” reproductive scenario (0.95 POVUi, 0.5 PEst, 0.5 Pcon, 0.07 CO, 0.27 ME, 0.07 ED and VWP of 12 wks pp) and a “poor” reproductive scenario (0.90 POVUi, 0.3 PEst, 0.3 Pcon, 0.11 CO, 0.33 ME, 0.09 ED and VWP of 15 wks pp) were identified. A sensitivity analysis was performed by comparing changes of single effect of factors in a good and poor scenario with the average scenario. The mean net economic loss (NELi) compared with the good scenario was €34 and €231 per cow per year for the average and poor reproductive performance scenario, respectively. Increasing the calving interval resulted in greater economic loss. The important factors on the cost of reproductive efficiency were the involuntary culling cost and the return of milk production. Variation in PCon, PEst, ME, ED, and VWP had large impacts on economic benefits.  相似文献   

Bovine necrotic vulvovaginitis (BNVV) is a syndrome unique to Israel characterized by necrotic lesion in the caudal vagina mainly in first calf heifers after calving, associated with Porphyromonas levii. The objectives of this study were to analyze the impact of BNVV on reproductive performance, milk production and survival in the heard of first calf dairy heifers in affected farms, and to verify if the effects of BNVV are severity-dependent. For assessment of the severity level a scale of 4 degrees was formed, and cows were scored 4 to 6 d after calving. Data were obtained from two dairy farms during 2006-07, consisting of 603 lactations. The incidence and the severity of BNVV declined between 2006 and 2007, and severe BNVV tended to be more prevalent in the summer. The odds to conceive in the first artificial insemination of BNVV cow tended to be lower than healthy cows (OR = 0.676, P = 0.052). Cows with BNVV had longer empty period (145.8 d vs. 135.1 d of healthy cows, P = 0.031), but only severe BNVV had a negative effect on the odds of the cow to be empty at 150 d in milk (DIM) (OR = 2.05, P = 0.052). Severe BNVV also affected the mean survival time to conception (155.9 d vs. 142.3 d, P = 0.042). All BNVV severity degrees had a negative effect on milk production. The effect on milk production was not limited only to the beginning of the lactation, cows with BNVV produced 338.1 kg milk less than healthy cows (P = 0.016) in 305 d corrected lactation. The effect on milk production was not severity depended. No effect on survival time in the herd was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous Holstein cows averaging 538 kg of body weight and 62 days in milk were used in a double 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21-d experimental periods to determine the effects of feeding extruded versus non-extruded canola seed treated with, or without, 50 g/kg lignosulfonate on apparent whole tract digestibility, feed intake, milk production, milk composition, and milk fatty acid profile. Intake of dry matter (DM) and its components was similar among treatments. Extrusion had no effect on digestibility but decreased milk fat concentration. Lignosulfonate treatment of canola seeds decreased digestibility of DM and crude protein (CP). Milk production, milk concentrations of CP, lactose and total solids, and milk yields of CP and fat were similar among treatments. In general, there was no interaction between extrusion and lignosulfonate for milk fatty acid profile. Feeding extruded canola seeds increased milk fat concentration of trans11 18:1 to a greater extent without, than with, lignosulfonate treatment (150% versus 113%). Overall, it is clear that extrusion had more effects than lignosulfonate treatment on milk fatty acid profile, but changes were small and likely of little biological importance for human health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of crossbreeding Awassi and Morkaraman ewes with Romanov sires on litter size and total productivity as reflected by reproductive performance and milk production in the ewes. Twenty-three Romanov × Awassi (RA) and 19 Romanov × Morkaraman (RM) ewes were used. All of the ewes were pregnant at the start of the study, and litter size at birth and at weaning (60 days) were recorded. Milk production was recorded weekly and milk composition was estimated as dry matter and fat percentage. Litter size at birth (RM: 1.89 ± 0.18; RA: 1.62 ± 0.15) and weaning (RM: 1.67 ± 0.20; RA: 1.46 ± 0.17), dam weight at lambing (RM: 50.2 ± 2.37; RA: 44.2 ± 1.98) and total productivity (RM: 29.9 ± 3.05; RA: 24.4 ± 2.54) were not influenced by breed-type. Lactation length and milk yield was relatively but not significantly higher in RA than RM ewes. Dry matter and fat percentage of milk were found to be similar for both breed-types. Results of the present study indicate that crossbreeding of Awassi and Morkaraman ewes with Romanov rams yielded similar performance in F1 ewes. When F1 ewe performance is compared with their pure breed maternal ancestor, it is concluded that reproductive performance is improved by crossbreeding with Romanov.  相似文献   

Supplementary fat positively influences reproductive performance in dairy cattle, although the mechanisms involved are not clearly defined. Our objective was to determine the effects of four different fat supplements on follicle development, plasma steroid hormone concentrations and prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in lactating dairy cattle. Forty-eight early lactation Holstein-Friesian cows (21 primiparous, 27 multiparous) were used in a completely randomized block design. Cows were fed the same basal TMR diet and received one of four fat supplements: (i) palmitic acid (18:0 fatty acid; Control), (ii) flaxseed (rich in 18:3 n-3 fatty acid; Flax), (iii) conjugated linoleic acid (a mixture of cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 isomers; CLA), and (iv) fish oil (rich in 20:5 and 22:6 n-3 fatty acids; FO). All lipid supplements were formulated to be isolipidic; palmitic acid was added as necessary to provide a total lipid supplement intake of 500 g/day. Cows were synchronized to be in estrus on Day 15 of dietary treatment. All antral follicles were counted, and dominant follicles, subordinate follicles and corpora lutea were measured daily via transrectal ovarian ultrasonography for one complete estrous cycle. Blood samples were collected daily, and selected samples were analyzed for progesterone, estradiol, insulin-like growth factor-1, insulin, cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids. Estrus was synchronized a second time, and liver and endometrial biopsies were collected on Day 7 of the estrous cycle. Gene expression was evaluated for a number of genes involved in prostaglandin synthesis (endometrium) and fatty acid uptake and utilization (liver). Fat supplementation had little effect on follicle development. Cows receiving supplementary n-3 fatty acids had lesser plasma progesterone (P4) and smaller corpora lutea than cows receiving the CLA or Control supplements. Effects of fat supplementation on the endometrial expression of genes involved in PG synthesis were minor. Hepatic expression of SREBF1, ASCL1 and FABP1 was reduced by FO supplementation. Reduced plasma P4 in n-3 supplemented cows may lead to a suboptimal uterine environment for embryo development and hence reduced fertility compared to cows receiving the control or CLA supplements.  相似文献   

The objectives of the current study were to determine the incidence of silent ovulation (based on walking activity and milk progesterone profiles), identify risk factors for silent ovulation, and investigate its impact on reproductive performance in high-yielding dairy cows in free-stall housing. Overall, 277 lactations in 161 Holstein Friesian cows from a commercial dairy herd in northern Japan were studied. Walking activity (measured with pedometers) >80% above the mean for the preceding 2 d was defined as estrus, whereas day of ovulation was estimated using milk progesterone concentrations. Ovulation not preceded by increased walking activity was considered silent ovulation; the incidence was 55.2%, 23.8%, 21.3%, and 10.5% at the first, second, third, and fourth ovulations postpartum, respectively. Moderate and high milk yield significantly increased the risk of silent ovulation at second (odds ratio [OR] = 2.7 and 1.2; P = 0.04) and third and/or fourth ovulations (OR = 6.7 and 12.9; P = 0.03). Based on survival analysis, silent ovulations at the first, second, third, and/or fourth ovulations were associated with 28% (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.72), 55% (HR = 0.45), and 47% (HR = 0.53) reductions in pregnancy rate, respectively, and 41% (HR = 0.59), 66% (HR = 0.34), and 65% (HR = 0.35) reductions in artificial insemination (AI) submission rate. Cows with at least one silent ovulation (with the exception of the first ovulation) had a longer interval from calving to first AI (72 vs. 54 d, P < 0.001) and to achievement of pregnancy (133 vs. 80 d, P < 0.001). In conclusion, approximately one third of the ovulations (based on milk progesterone concentrations) in Holstein cows within 90 d postpartum were silent. Silent ovulations at the second to fourth ovulations were associated with high milk yields and at all ovulations were associated with impaired reproductive performance.  相似文献   

During early neonatal development, oxytocin (OT) may influence the expression of adult behavior and physiology. Here we test the prediction that early postnatal exposure to OT or an oxytocin antagonist (OTA) can affect the subsequent expression of sexual receptivity and reproductive success of females. To test this hypothesis, female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) received one of four treatments within 24 h of birth. Three groups received an intraperitoneal injection of OT, OTA, or isotonic saline. A fourth group was handled, but not injected. Around 75 days of age, females were paired with sexually experienced males for 72 h and sexual activity was recorded. Treatment had no effect on the probability of mating. Injection, regardless of treatment, reduced latency to mate compared with handled controls. OT and OTA treatment decreased mating bout frequency compared to saline and handled controls, while OTA treatment increased reproductive success, probability of successfully producing a litter. The results suggest that neonatally OT, both endogenous and exogenous, can affect the expression of adult female reproductive activity and that blocking the effects of endogenous OT during neonatal development can affect female reproductive success. Finally, the results suggest that a number of aspects of reproduction are regulated by OT during the postnatal period, but that the mechanism of action may differ depending upon the reproductive activity.  相似文献   

It is not clear if B vitamins supplied to the small intestine of dairy cows from dietary and rumen microbial sources are provided in sufficient quantity to maximize animal performance. Our objective was to determine effects of adding a ruminally protected B vitamin blend supplement, containing biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine, to the diet of high producing dairy cows on their productivity. Two dairy facilities located in California (USA) were used, one with mid lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 1) and the other with early lactation Holstein cows (Experiment 2). In each Experiment, cows were randomly assigned to treatment in a 2 × 2 crossover design with 28 d (Experiment 1) or 35 d (Experiment 2) experimental periods. In Experiment 1, milk and milk fat yield were unaffected by treatment, although milk fat proportion was lower (37.1 versus 36.3 g/kg; P<0.01), but milk protein yield was higher (1.21 versus 1.24 kg/d; P=0.02) in cows fed B vitamins. In Experiment 2, milk (39.60 versus 40.46 kg/d; P=0.02), milk fat (1.40 versus 1.47 kg/d; P<0.01) and milk protein yield (1.10 versus 1.16 kg/d; P<0.01), as well as milk energy output (113.2 versus 117.8 MJ/d; P<0.01) were all higher with B vitamin feeding. Body condition score (BCS) increased more with B vitamin feeding in Experiment 2, but was unaffected in Experiment 1. Body locomotion score (BLS) increased with B vitamin feeding in both experiments (P=0.01 and < 0.01, respectively), possibly an indication of reduced locomotory ability. Overall, productivity of high producing lactating dairy cows responded positively to feeding a mixture of ruminally protected B vitamins, although differences in the extent of the positive responses between experiments perhaps suggests that early lactation cows, with lower DM intake to milk yield ratios, may be more responsive to ruminally protected B vitamins than mid lactation cows, with higher DM intake to milk yield ratios.  相似文献   

Stochastic modeling of dairy cattle populations using multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) was used to compare 15-year genetic responses with an artificial insemination (AI) program. MOET and AI techniques were simulated in four populations, two with 100 breeding females each and two with 400 breeding females. The selection goal was to maximize genetic progress in milk yield. The reduction in genetic variation due to inbreeding and linkage disequilibrium was accounted for in the simulation process. All four MOET breeding schemes studied achieved larger genetic responses than the realized and theoretical genetic gains from the current AI progeny testing populations. Strict restriction against inbred matings slowed genetic progress significantly in the small population but would not be consequential in the larger population. However, allowing inbred matings in the smaller population caused a rapid accumulation of inbreeding. Linkage disequilibrium was as important as inbreeding in reducing genetic variation. Genetic drift variance was much smaller in the larger population.  相似文献   

Milk cell counts are good indicators of a mammary infection and milk quality. The present study was done to record diurnal rhythmicity in the milk somatic and differential cell counts during different seasons, milk strips and parity in Murrah buffaloes. Milk somatic cell counts (SCC) were measured by SCC counter and milk differential cell counts were measured microscopically after making a milk smear and staining it to identify neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages. Maximum milk SCC was observed in the summer season. Milk neutrophils were lowest during thermoneutral (TN), intermediate during the winter season and highest during the summer season. Milk lymphocytes were highest during the winter season, intermediate in the TN and lowest in the summer season. Diurnal rhythm in the milk SCC and neutrophil percentage is noticed in the summer season only. Maximum milk SCC values were observed in the late strip but neutrophils were highest in the early strip. Diurnal rhythm was observed in the late strip for neutrophils and in mid strip for the lymphocytes. Milk SCC and milk neutrophils were found to be the highest in the multiparous buffaloes and diurnal rhythm was observed only in the lymphocytes of primiparous buffaloes. Milk macrophages were higher in the morning samples of primiparous as compared to the multiparous buffaloes. In this pioneer study, diurnal rhythms in the milk cell counts of buffaloes have been studied extensively. This will help in maintaining low milk cell counts in buffalo and thus help in getting more milk per buffalo during stress periods.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare three diagnostic approaches for intrauterine infection and inflammation: scoring of vaginal contents; quantification of percentage of nucleated cells that were polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) following endometrial cytology; and intra-uterine bacteriology. Dairy cows (n = 303) were examined twice, Days 28 (D28) and 42 (D42), where Day 0 = day of calving. Associations between gross vaginal inflammation scores, uterine cytology, and bacteriology, and subsequent reproductive performance were examined using multivariable models. There was fair agreement at D28 (Kappa = 0.29), but only slight agreement at D42 (Kappa < 0.15), between PMN% and gross vaginal inflammation score. Cows were categorized as having PMN% in the highest quartile (H), or not (L), at both D28 and D42; therefore, cows were categorized as PMNLL, PMNLH, PMNHL, or PMNHH. Cows in the highest PMN% quartile at both time periods were slower to conceive (P < 0.001) than those in all other quartiles (mean ± SEM 32.2 ± 2.3, 37.0 ± 5.3, 40.8 ± 4.1, and 55.3 ± 7.3 d from start of breeding to conception for PMNLL, PMNLH, PMNHL, and PMNHH PMN% cows, respectively). Milk yield was greater (P = 0.001) in cows in the lower quartiles for PMN% at D28 and D42 (i.e., PMNLL) than those in the PMNHH and PMNHL categories, with PMNLH intermediate (P = 0.001). We concluded that PMN% was a better predictor of reproductive performance than either intra-uterine bacteriology or gross vaginal inflammation score. Cows in the highest quartile for PMN% at both D28 and D42 had lower pregnancy rates, took longer to conceive, and had a lower milk yield than those in the lower PMN% categories.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effect of different milking managements on oxytocin, prolactin and growth hormone release in Gir x Holstein cows. Six cows were suckled by their calves, before and after milking (SM group); another six cows were submitted to exclusive milking (M group). High OT levels were observed during suckling of the SM group, however both groups had similar levels of OT during milking. The SM group presented PRL levels significantly higher than the M group, however only during suckling. For GH levels, the SM group showed higher levels than the M group, however this difference was significant only during the first suckling, cleaning of the teats and at the beginning of machine milking. Despite these results, SM cows produced more milk (milking plus suckling) than M cows, however milk obtained by milking was similar for both groups.  相似文献   

Fungal infection of reproduction system of dairy cattle have not been received much more attention. The aim of this study was to determine the fungal infection of Holstein dairy cows with reproductive disorders or healthy. Fungal isolates of cervicovaginal fluids of 176 Holstein dairy cows were collected by using the double rod swabs for cervix and the sterilized cotton swabs for discharges of vagina. They were evaluated for fungal infections. The treatment group included 70 dairy cows with reproductive diseases, such as abortion, repeat breeder, endometritis, metritis, retention of fetal membrane, dystocia, cervicitis, and vaginitis. The control groups were included 42 healthy non-pregnant cows and 64 pregnant cows. Isolates of fungi were obtained from cervix and vagina of 27.1% and 28.6% of treatment group, 26.7% and 31.2% of pregnant cows, and 33.3% and 21.4% of healthy non-pregnant cows, respectively, indicating no significant differences. It is showed that the cervix and vagina of the treatment group have been infected by six different mycotic isolates. However, the cervix and vagina of pregnant and non-pregnant healthy cows in control group were infected with 5, 6 and 5, 4 different fungal agents, respectively. Penicillium and yeast were the most common isolated agents. Regarding to the result of this study, it is concluded that fungal infections can occur in cervicovaginal cavity of Holstein dairy cows with or without reproductive diseases.  相似文献   

The objective of the present research was to eliminate seasonal fluctuations in year-round reproductive performance of sows and to improve litter parameters by administration of oxytocin into liquid semen insemination doses. A 2-year experiment was performed on crossbreed sows, Polish Large White × Polish Landrace, which were partitioned into two groups: control, insemination without any modification with 100 mL semen doses and oxytocin, insemination with 100 mL semen doses to which 5 IU of oxytocin was added just before insemination. A total of 10,486 inseminations were made. The farrowing rate and obtained litter parameters, including the effect of season, were analyzed. For each litter, the following factors were defined: average litter size, percentage of fetal death and mummified piglets, average piglet birth weight, percentage of piglet mortality, fecundity index, average number of piglets weaned, weaned piglet weight, and daily gain. Sows presented a positive reaction to the experimental factor. A statistically higher farrowing rate for oxytocin group in summer and autumn seasons was confirmed (P ≤ 0.01). Regardless of the season, a higher average litter size was observed in the oxytocin group with the most evident differences for winter, spring (P ≤ 0.01), and summer (P ≤ 0.05). The effect of oxytocin on the percentage of fetal death and mummified piglets born was not confirmed statistically except for winter. Analyzing the fecundity index, higher values were obtained for the oxytocin group in all seasons (P ≤ 0.01), including the lowest difference between groups for winter (51.43) and the highest for summer (100.61). A higher average birth piglet weight and weaned piglet weight were recorded for the oxytocin group in all seasons. The highest differences in birth piglet weight between groups were noted for spring (0.22 kg; P ≤ 0.01) and winter (0.17 kg; P ≤ 0.05) and in weaned piglet weight for winter and spring (0.58 kg and 0.52 kg; for both, P ≤ 0.01). The greatest daily gains were observed in the winter season (P ≤ 0.05) in favor of oxytocin. On the basis of the presented results, it should be noted that the use of oxytocin into insemination doses improves the farrowing rate and other parameters of the reproductive performance of sows. In the absence of negative effects, year-round insemination with oxytocin addition into seminal doses is recommended, which effectively improves the production performance and reduces the problem of seasonality in reproduction.  相似文献   

Twenty-six Alpine and Saanen goats, 12 fitted with a rumen cannula and a T-type cannula in the duodenum, were used in a 6-week experiment on the effect of a monoterpene blend on rumen fermentation, duodenal terpene and nutrient flows, milk yield and composition. The monoterpene blend consisted of 45.2, 36.7, 16.0 and 2.2 mol/100 mol terpene for linalool, p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, respectively. The four compounds were considered as good models of northwest Mediterranean sward terpenes and were supplied in the same proportions as in the spring diet of dairy goats in the Basilicata (Southern Apennine range, Italy). The goats were assigned to three experimental groups fed a total mixed ration with no terpene or with the monoterpene blend at two levels, 0.043 and 0.43 g/kg dry matter intake. Ruminal fermentation characteristics remained unchanged among groups. In average, the total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration was 89.0 mM and the proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate were 66.4, 21.1 and 10.1 mol/100 mol VFA, with an acetate:propionate ratio of 3.19. In average, 0.0, 2.7, 3.5 and 23.5 mol/100 mol of the ingested amounts of linalool, α-pinene, p-cymene and β-pinene were recovered in the duodenum. The mean terpene composition of duodenal digesta was 11.7, 9.2 and 79.1 mol/100 mol terpene for p-cymene, α-pinene and β-pinene, differing markedly from the dietary blend in both supplemented groups. Apparent rumen digestibility of dry matter (0.40), of neutral detergent fibre (0.54), and of acid detergent fibre (0.45) was not affected by either level of terpene supplementation. Dry matter intake and milk production, milk fat content or milk fatty acid profile were not affected by terpenes. It is concluded that, because of extensive ruminal degradation of each terpene, the monoterpene blend had no effect on ruminal digestion of dietary constituents or on milk performance whatever the supplementation level.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to derive a useful case definition of delayed resumption of ovarian activity, based on factors associated with reduced fertility, and to assess its impact on subsequent reproductive performance in Holstein cows (Bos taurus). Milk samples were collected twice weekly from 219 cows from four commercial herds, and whole-milk progesterone concentrations were determined with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Ovulation was considered to have occurred 5 d before the first rise of milk progesterone concentration above the basal level. Survival analysis was used to derive a case definition of delayed resumption of ovarian activity postpartum based on factors that were predictive of reduced pregnancy rate. First postpartum ovulation occurring beyond 35 d postpartum was associated with a reduced pregnancy rate (hazard ratio [HR] = 0.50; P < 0.001) and was defined as delayed resumption of ovarian activity; overall, 75 (34.9%) cows were in this category. These cows were more likely not to conceive on first artificial insemination (odds ratio [OR] = 2.85; P = 0.01) and more likely not to become pregnant within 100 d (OR = 3.30; P = 0.001) and 210 d (OR = 3.20; P < 0.001) postpartum compared with cows with normal resumption of ovarian activity. Furthermore, 13 (6%) cows that ovulated within 35 d postpartum had a prolonged (≥14 d) interval between either first and second or second and third luteal phases postpartum. A prolonged interluteal interval was also associated with a reduced pregnancy rate (HR = 0.35; P = 0.02). Days open (mean ± SEM) were greater (P = 0.0002) in cows with delayed resumption of ovarian activity (213 ± 13 d) and in cows with prolonged interluteal interval (220 ± 37 d) than in cows with normal resumption of ovarian activity (152 ± 9 d). In conclusion, first ovulation occurring beyond 35 d postpartum was defined as delayed resumption of ovarian activity, and the first ovulation occurring within 35 d postpartum but the absence of luteal activity ≥14 d between two consecutive luteal phases was defined as a prolonged interluteal interval; both abnormalities adversely affected the subsequent reproductive performance of Holstein cows.  相似文献   

The objectives were to evaluate the effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) supplementation (with or without eCG) and type of ovulatory stimulus (GnRH or ECP) on ovarian follicular dynamics, luteal function, and pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in Holstein cows receiving timed artificial insemination (TAI). On Day 0, 742 cows in a total of 782 breedings, received 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (EB) and one intravaginal progesterone (P4) insert (CIDR). On Day 8, the CIDR was removed, and all cows were given PGF2α and assigned to one of four treatments in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement: (1) CG: GnRH 48 h later; (2) CE: ECP; (3) EG: eCG + GnRH 48 h later; (4) EE: eCG + ECP. There were significant interactions for eCG × ovulatory stimulus and eCG × BCS. Cows in the CG group were less likely (28.9% vs. 33.8%; P < 0.05) to become pregnant compared with those in the EG group (odds ratio [OR] = 0.28). There were no differences in P/AI between CE and EE cows (30.9% vs. 29.1%; OR = 0.85; P = 0.56), respectively. Thinner cows not receiving eCG had lower P/AI than thinner cows receiving eCG (15.2% vs. 38.0%; OR = 0.20; P < 0.01). Treatment with eCG tended to increase serum progestesterone concentrations during the diestrus following synchronized ovulation (P < 0.10). However, the treatment used to induce ovulation did not affect CL volume or serum progesterone concentrations. In conclusion, both ECP and GnRH yielded comparable P/AI. However, eCG treatment at CIDR removal increased pregnancy rate in cows induced to ovulate with GnRH and in cows with lower BCS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of adding fish oil (FO) and sunflower oil (SFO) to grazing dairy cows’ diets on the temporal changes in milk conjugated linoleic acid (cis-9, trans-11 CLA). Sixteen Holstein cows were divided into two diet regimen groups. One group (CONT) was fed a basal diet (7.6 kg DM basis) plus 400 g animal fat. The other group (FOSFO) were fed a basal diet plus 100 g of FO and 300 g of SFO (FOSFO). The cows were milked twice a day and milk samples were collected every 3-day for a period of 21 days. Both groups grazed together on pasture ad libitum and fed treatment diets after the morning and afternoon milking. Milk production, milk fat percentages, milk fat yield, milk protein percentages, and milk protein yield were not affected (P>0.05) by treatment diets. The concentrations of cis-9 trans-11 CLA and vaccenic acid (VA) in milk fat were higher (P<0.05) for cows fed the FOSFO over 3 week of lipid supplementation. The concentration of cis-9 trans-11 CLA in milk fat reached maximum on day 3 with both diets and remained relatively constant thereafter. The concentration of VA in milk fat followed the same pattern of temporal changes as cis-9 trans-11 CLA. In conclusion, milk cis-9, trans-11 CLA and VA concentrations increased with FO and SFO supplementation compared with the CONT diet and the increase reached a plateau on day 3 of supplementation and remained relatively constant throughout the remainder of the study.  相似文献   

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