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Data are reported on ages of menarche, first marriage and first childbirth, migration, venereal disease, birth control, birth spacing and on completed fertility rate in populations of Central Nepal living at low (8,500 feet) and high altitude (12,400 feet). The high‐altitude population reported a significantly lower completed fertility rate which could be partly accounted for by later age at marriage and first childbirth and increased birth spacing. Longer post‐partum ammenorhea and breast feeding did not account for the increased average pregnancy gap.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, a number of different studies have tended to show that fertility is lower at high altitude. The present investigation attempts to provide some answers to this question by examining completed fertility rate (CFR) in Highland and Lowland villages in Central Nepal and relating rate differences to age at menarche, age at 1st childbirth, age at 1st marriage, incidence of venereal disease, birth control (vasectomy or hysterectomy), length of postpartum amenorrhea, and breastfeeding. Data was obtained by direct questioning, and under-reporting of births thus cannot be excluded. Fertility histories were taken from post-menopausal women over the age of 45 years. Results indicate no significant difference in reported menarcheal ages between highlanders and lowlanders. Age at 1st marriage and 1st childbirth were both significantly later in highlanders. CFR was significantly lower in highlanders. It would appear that the reduced fertility rate at high altitude can be partly attributable to later age at marriage and later 1st childbirth. Other factors, e.g., husband absenteeism and remarriage have also been suggested as possible contributors to the observed difference. This paper presents the results of a multiple regression analysis using 9 dependent variables: ages of marriage, 1st childbirth and menarch, the average gap between pregnancies, the average amount of time the husband was away, the number of marriages, presence or absence of venereal disease at some time, whether birth control was practiced and altitude status. Average pregnancy gap, age at 1st childbirth and presence or absence of venereal disease were the only variables that independently made a significcant contribution to CFR variance. The increase in pregnancy gap may be related to longer periods of breastfeeding in high altitude women and there would be a concomitant delay in recommencement of menstruation. In testing the hypothesis, no difference is found in reported duration of breastfeeding or in postpartum amenorrhea. The age at marriage and age at 1st childbirth accounted for over 16% of the explained variance in CFR. Some of the observed difference in CFR can be explained by the difference in marital age but not by the interval between marriage and 1st childbirth, as it was very similar in both groups. The lower CFR among the high altitude population could be due to lowering of biological fecundity at high altitude, or simply a matter of choice. The difference might reflect human reproductive hormone differences between high and low altitude populations. Further research will be needed to determine whether or not differences in CFR can be explained by variation in these factors.  相似文献   

Newcomers acclimatizing to high altitude and adult male Tibetan high altitude natives have increased ventilation relative to sea level natives at sea level. However, Andean and Rocky Mountain high altitude natives have an intermediate level of ventilation lower than that of newcomers and Tibetan high altitude natives although generally higher than that of sea level natives at sea level. Because the reason for the relative hypoventilation of some high altitude native populations was unknown, a study was designed to describe ventilation from adolescence through old age in samples of Tibetan and Andean high altitude natives and to estimate the relative genetic and environmental influences. This paper compares resting ventilation and hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) of 320 Tibetans 9–82 years of age and 542 Bolivian Aymara 13–94 years of age, native residents at 3,800–4,065 m. Tibetan resting ventilation was roughly 1.5 times higher and Tibetan HVR was roughly double that of Aymara. Greater duration of hypoxia (older age) was not an important source of variation in resting ventilation or HVR in either sample. That is, contrary to previous studies, neither sample acquired hypoventilation in the age ranges under study. Within populations, greater severity of hypoxia (lower percent of oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin) was associated with slightly higher resting ventilation among Tibetans and lower resting ventilation and HVR among Aymara women, although the associations accounted for just 2–7% of the variation. Between populations, the Tibetan sample was more hypoxic and had higher resting ventilation and HVR. Other systematic environmental contrasts did not appear to elevate Tibetan or depress Aymara ventilation. There was more intrapopulation genetic variation in these traits in the Tibetan than the Aymara sample. Thirty-five percent of the Tibetan, but none of the Aymara, resting ventilation variance was due to genetic differences among individuals. Thirty-one percent of the Tibetan HVR, but just 21% of the Aymara, HVR variance was due to genetic differences among individuals. Thus there is greater potential for evolutionary change in these traits in the Tibetans. Presently, there are two different ventilation phenotypes among high altitude natives as compared with sea level populations at sea level: lifelong sustained high resting ventilation and a moderate HVR among Tibetans in contrast with a slightly elevated resting ventilation and a low HVR among Aymara. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:427–447, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


This paper studies the relationship between three aspects of female status (education, work experience, and age at marriage) and the use of contraception and fertility in Bangladesh. Education is found to be the variable most strongly correlated with use of contraception and is also one of the significant variables explaining fertility behavior. The most important factor explaining fertility behavior is age at marriage. The higher the age at marriage, the lower the fertility, when all other factors are held constant. Work experience has very little or no effect on current use of contraception and fertility.  相似文献   

Morocco’s fertility pattern evolved in the 20th century from a traditional model close to ‘natural fertility’ to a modern pattern incorporating contraception. The very high fertility rate of nearly 7 offspring per woman observed in the 1960s was still at a level of 5.5 offspring per woman in the early 1980s. The total fertility rate subsequently declined to 2.5 by 2003. This decline was apparently, principally, the result of two factors in the urban context: the relative increase in women’s age at marriage and the use of contraception to regulate and to close reproduction. This research studied a group of Berber agriculturists in the region of Marrakech to better understand the extension and modalities of fertility changes in a rural environment. Though delayed, the changes observed in rural Berbers paralleled the general trends seen at the national level. As in the urban environment, the changes affecting reproductive patterns resulted from an increase in the age at marriage of women and the introduction of contraception. However, these changes were apparently minor adaptations to the traditional pattern, in that the progressive increase in mean age at marriage was obtained by the decrease in the frequency of pre-nubile unions (<15 years old) and not from the upward shift of the modal age. On the other hand, contraception apparently was employed to stop childbearing after the expected family size was already attained.  相似文献   

Both systolic and diastolic blood pressures are generally believed to vary in relation to various factors like sex, age, body build, altitude, socio-economic condition, chronic diseases, etc. but the evidences are not always unequivocal. This paper aims to study the effect of intergenerational change, age, sex, and body mass index on blood pressures and to see the effects of migration on blood pressures among the two generations of the Tibetan immigrants in Northern India. Findings from research on 1st and 2nd generation adult Tibetans indicate that there are no significant differences in blood pressures between two generations in both the sexes which may have contributed to their food habits.  相似文献   


This study concerns the fertility of Sherpa and Tibetan women living at altitudes over 3,400 meters in Nepal. The average completed fertility (4.77 live births) and estimated crude birth rate (31 to 33 per 1,000) are low relative to low altitude peasant populations as well as to high altitude Andean peasants. Environmental phenomena (hypoxia, iodine deficiency) may be associated with retarded menarchial age and high infant mortality; but the major factors causing the low fertility appear to be cultural rather than environmental. Traditional ceremonial requirements delay the age at marriage until the mid or late twenties. Religious practices promote male and female celibacy. Migrant females and women married to migrant males report reduced fertility, probably because of poor nutrition and health care. Nonmigrant women living in villages that participate extensively in the cash economy have greater access to the growing market economy, health care, and education and report higher numbers of live births and fewer child deaths.  相似文献   

The reproductive history of 182 women in postreproductive life or near menopause from the Chilean part of Tierra del Fuego was traced back by means of familial interviews. These postmenopausal women represent the population since almost the beginning of the settlement, and their reproductive years were spent on the island. Path analysis was applied to analyze fertility determinants of these women and to propose a complex model of interconnections among factors. The reproductive history of these women is characterized by a long fertile span, a short childbearing period, and low fertility. Age at menarche is relatively late, and the age of the women at first birth is mainly determined by their late age at marriage. The use of contraception is related to both spacing and stopping behaviors. The late age of women at marriage, the rhythm of conception, and practices of contraception are proposed as the main determinants of fertility in Tierra del Fuego.  相似文献   

对年龄、身高和体重相同的拉萨男性世居藏族39人和男性移居汉族43人的肺容量进行了测定。结果显示:藏族组的肺活量(VC)、肺总容量、胸围均大于汉族组,残气量有大于汉族组之趋势(P=0.06)。胸围的大小与VC呈正相关。5岁前和18岁后移居高原者之肺容量无差别。结果提示,拉萨世居藏族具有较大的肺容量,这对提高肺弥散功能和维持运动时的血氧饱和度有重要意义。  相似文献   

Fertility in Peninsular Malaysia has declined continuously from the late 1950s, reaching a total fertility rate of 3735 in 1983. All ethnic groups in Malaysia have contributed to this modern demographic transition but the rate of change has been most rapid for Chinese and Indians, Malay fertility having reached a plateau in the early 1980s. The effect of age structure, marital patterns and marital fertility (by parity) on the fertility declines for each ethnic community are analyzed. There has been a tendency, in each ethnic group, for the age distribution within the group of reproductive-age women to grow younger, reflecting the entry into the younger reproductive ages of the large birth cohorts of the 1950s and early 1960s. The effect of this on crude birth rates is hard to determine, because rising age at marriage and increasing use of contraception meant that fertility was increasingly concentrated in the more central reproductive ages. By the 1990s, the earlier declines in fertility will bring about a decline in the proportion of the total population made up of females in the main reproductive ages. After that point, further declines in fertility will be reflected in a sharper decline in the crude birth rate and hence the rate of population increase. Between 1947 and 1980, the age at marriage changed dramatically for females of all ethnic groups. The transition to higher age at marriage for Chinese was completed earlier, and since 1970 has risen by only a year. For Malays and Indians, the rise began later, proceeded faster and continued right up to 1980 when the medium ages at 1st marriage were Malays 22, Indians 23, Chinese 24 years. In 1980, Malay women on average were marrying 5 years later, and Indian women 6 years later than had their mothers' generation in 1947. The proportion never-married among Malay and Indian women aged 20-24 rose from 1/10 to 1/2 over this period; relatively greater changes are evident at ages 25-29. Other factors are the almost complete shift from parent-arranged to self-arranged marriages. Family size desired has decreased for all groups and the decline in breastfeeding has been offset by the sharp increase in the practice of contraception. Continuation of these trends would lead to replacement-level fertility for Malaysian Chinese and Indians by the year 2000. Malay fertility is likely to continue to decline but at a more moderate pace.  相似文献   

The effects of marriage, contraception, and post-partum lactational infecundability on fertility in Bangladesh are assessed by applying Bongaarts' formula to survey data for the period 1975-1985. Marriage is universal and age at marriage is low. Breastfeeding is prolonged and has a pronounced effect on fertility. The fertility-reducing effect of contraception increased over the period through increased use of modern methods. The total fertility rate (TFR) declined by 24% from 1975 to 1985. This study shows that the 3 major proximate determinants cannot account completely for variation in national fertility levels.  相似文献   

Premarital fertility, defined as fertility before first marriage, was found to be highly prevalent in Namibia. According to data from the 1992 and 2000 DHS surveys, the proportion of premarital births was 43% for all births, and 60% for the first birth. This seemed to be primarily due to a late mean age at first marriage (26.4 years) and low levels of contraception before first marriage. Data were analysed using a variety of demographic methods, including multiple decrement life table and multivariate logistic models. Major variations were found by ethno-linguistic groups: Herero and Nama/Damara had the highest levels of premarital fertility (above 60%); Ovambo and Lozi had intermediate levels of premarital fertility (around 40%); Kavongo and San appeared to have kept a more traditional behaviour of early marriage and low levels of premarital fertility (around 20%). The largest ethno-linguistic group, the Ovambo, were in a special situation, with fast increasing age at marriage and average level of premarital fertility. Whites and mixed races also differed, with Afrikaans-speaking groups having a behaviour closer to the average, whereas other Europeans had less premarital fertility despite an average age at marriage. Ethnic differences remained stable after controlling for various socioeconomic factors, such as urbanization, level of education, wealth, access to mass media, and religion. Results are discussed in light of the population dynamics and political history of Namibia in the 20th century.  相似文献   

This paper presents new demographic findings for a high altitude Himalayan population residing in Ladakh, India, and reviews problematic issues regarding the hypothesized relationship between fertility/fecundity and altitude in the Himalayas in light of these findings. It concludes that the low completed fertility ratio reported for the Sherpas of Khumbu, Nepal, is not caused by hypoxia-induced low fecundity, but is the product of cultural factors affecting the exposure of females to the risk of intercourse, a critical confounding factor that has not received adequate consideration in previous studies. Contrary to earlier reports, the present study demonstrates that all high altitude Himalayan populations for which published data exist exhibit moderately high fertility and fecundity, and do not differ significantly in their fertility levels. Furthermore, it argues that the claims for a statistically significant difference in fertility between high, moderate, and low altitude Himalayan populations are groundless, and suggests that a parallel reevaluation of Andean findings is required. [fertility, fecundity, hypoxia, Himalayas, Andes]  相似文献   

Data used in this study come from the published reports of the censuses and vital registration systems. The crude birth rate in Kuwait is very high, although an apparent decline seems to have started in the period 1975-80. There are considerable differences between the Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti populations. The former had a relatively stable high rate around 50 until 1975 and then fell to 47 in 1980. The total fertility rate was 6.8 per woman. The rate for the non-Kuwaitis rose in 1965-70 and then fell sharply throughout 1970-1980, from 44 to 30. Non-Kuwaiti fertility is consistently lower than Kuwaiti fertility at all ages, the differences being relatively greater after age 35. The peak ages of fertility are 25-29 years for Kuwaitis and 20-29 years for non-Kuwaitis. For Kuwaitis, there is clear evidence of declining fertility in the younger age groups but not in the older, largely reflecting the trend towards later marriage among the younger Kuwaitis. As expected, there is a diminishing trend in completed family size from the least to the most educated women in both Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti women in all age groups. The illiterate women at marriage are younger than the university educated women by about 5 years. Results further show that women who are economically active have lower fertility than those who are not, both in Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti groups. The differences in each group are significant, as are differences in the fertility level by husband's occupation. High fertility in Kuwait, as well as in other oil-exporting Arab countries, is a result of a variety of factors including the generally pronatalist sentiment of the Arab population, improved health facilities, rising wealth, the youthful age structure, the young age at marriage and the substantial incentives in the different governmental schemes to promote native high fertility and keep a balance between the native and immigrant populations.  相似文献   

To understand the morphological and physiological variations among the temporary and permanent residents of high altitude, this study was undertaken at Leh, Ladakh. It is situated at 3500 m (11500 feet) above sea level, the mean barometric pressure was 500 tors and air temperature varied from 2 degrees C to 20 degrees C. The highland Tibetans showed broadest chest and most developed musculature closely followed by Ladakhi Bods. These high altude natives also displayed significantly higher value of vital capacity, forced vital capacity, and inspiratory capacity. The better respiratory efficiency observed among high altitude residents indicates higher degree of adaptation to high altitude hypoxia. Temporary residents were observed to be tallest and fattest with lower trunk fat predominance of all the four groups and showed narrowest chest and lower respiratory efficiency as compared to high altitude natives. The duration of stay at high altitude has clearly brought about a perceptible difference in body dimensions and respiratory functions of various groups of adult males studied at same altitude.  相似文献   

Social-demographic influence on first birth interval in China, 1980-1992   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the delay between first marriage and first live birth in China among a sample of women who married between 1980 and 1992. Most couples in China only use contraception after the first child is born. Most sample women had their first child within 2 years of marriage. However, there are significant rural-urban differences in the first birth interval, indicating that there was most probably deliberate fertility regulation after marriage among many urban couples. Survival analysis shows that place of residence, level of education, age at first marriage and marriage cohort affect the first birth interval.  相似文献   

Across the developing world labor-saving technologies introduce considerable savings in the time and energy that women allocate to work. Hormonal studies on natural fertility populations indicate that such a reduction in energetic expenditure (rather than improved nutritional status alone) can lead to increased ovarian function. Other qualitative studies have highlighted a link between labor-saving technology and behavioral changes affecting subsequent age at marriage, which may affect fertility. This biodemographic study was designed to investigate whether these physiological and behavioral changes affect fertility at a population level by focusing on a recent water development scheme in Southern Ethiopia. The demographic consequences of a reduction in women's workload following the installation of water points, specifically the variation in length of first birth interval (time lapsed between marriage and first birth), are investigated. First birth interval length is closely associated with lifetime fertility in populations that do not practice contraception, longer intervals being associated with lower fertility. Using life tables and multivariate hazard modeling techniques a number of significant predictors of first birth interval length are identified. Covariates such as age at marriage, season of marriage, village ecology, and access to improved water supply have significant effects on variation in first birth intervals. When entered into models as a time-varying covariate, access to a water tap stand is associated with an immediate reduction in length of first birth intervals.  相似文献   

The population of Sudan (North) is at a very early stage of fertility transition and experiences high, stable fertility at a close to natural level. The high observed fertility is found to be a function of the high proportion of married women and ineffective contraceptive procedures. The data used in this study were drawn from the 1979 Sudan Fertility Survey (SUDFS), in which 3115 ever-married women 50 years old from 12,028 households were interviewed. 90% of Sudanese women breast fed for at least 6 months and 80% for at least 12. The main inhibitor of fertility is perceived to be lactational amenorrhea averaging about 11.8 months, which is reported to be high, although among younger women the duration of amenorrhea is shorter due to earlier introduction of supplementary foods. An average of 5.2 months of postpartum sexual abstinence is evidenced, but this is shorter than the period of amennorhea, and therefore has no effect on the birth interval. Neither does marital instability or mean length of separation, which are both close to nonexistent. Sudanese women are comparatively very infecund. 22% gave birth within the 1st year of marriage, 62% within the 2nd, and 83% the 3rd. The proportion of ever-users of contraception is high (e.g. 15.4% among the 25-34 among category), but current use was low (8.1% for the same). The use of contraception is responsible for a reduction of 4.2% of the fertility per married woman. The duration of temporary separation between spouses, due to temporary or seasonal migration of husbands, and the pathological causes of high primary sterility, which contribute to the low fecundability, need further investigation.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the age-associated changes of resting ventilation of 115 high- and low-altitude Aymara subjects, of whom 61 were from the rural Aymara village of Ventilla situated at an average altitude of 4,200 m and 54 from the rural village of Caranavi situated at an average altitude of 900 m. Comparison of the age patterns of resting ventilation suggests the following conclusions: 1) the resting ventilation (ml/kg/min) of high-altitude natives is markedly higher than that of low-altitude natives; 2) the age decline of ventilation is similar in both lowlanders and highlanders, but the starting point and therefore the age decline are much higher at high altitude; 3) the resting ventilation that characterizes high-altitude Andean natives is developmentally expressed in the same manner as it is at low altitude; and 4) the resting ventilation (ml/kg/min) of Aymara high-altitude natives is between 40–80% lower than that of Tibetans. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:295–301, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In data from the Sri Lanka Fertility Survey, 1975, the cessation of childbearing is examined among women who have never used contraception. The sample consisted of 6810 currently or previously married women, 57% of whom reported that they had never used contraception. Cessation of childbearing is studied according to age and marriage duration. The variables analyzed are age at last birth, proportions infertile during the last 5 or 7 years, and the infertile open interval. The duration of breastfeeding is taken into account where necessary, and the contraceptive users and nonusers are compared where appropriate. Non-users tend to cease childbearing early, and therefore are infertile for longer periods during their marriages. It is probably age of the 1st child that influences decisions on future fertility. Among women aged 45-49 who married before age 20 and continued in their 1st marriage, mean age at last live birth in non-users, was 34.5 years, about 2 years earlier than in those who had used contraception. Non-users who married at any age below 30 years cease childbearing well below age 40. The proportion not currently pregnant and infertile over the past 5 years increases with marriage duration among the fertile non-users in each age group. When age at last birth and the duration of breastfeeding in the open interval are taken into account and the reference period is increased to 7 years, the period of infertility increases with marriage duration among nonpregnant non-users below age 45. The proportion of women who were currently not pregnant and had remained infertile over the past 7 years is higher among the older non-users whose 1st child was born more than 10 years ago.  相似文献   

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