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The crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) is a well-known model for investigating neuropeptidergic control of rhythmic behavior. Among the peptides known to modulate the STNS are the C-type allatostatins (AST-Cs). In the lobster, Homarus americanus, three AST-Cs are known. Two of these, pQIRYHQCYFNPISCF (AST-C I) and GNGDGRLYWRCYFNAVSCF (AST-C III), have non-amidated C-termini, while the third, SYWKQCAFNAVSCFamide (AST-C II), is C-terminally amidated. Here, antibodies were generated against one of the non-amidated peptides (AST-C I) and against the amidated isoform (AST-C II). Specificity tests show that the AST-C I antibody cross-reacts with both AST-C I and AST-C III, but not AST-C II; the AST-C II antibody does not cross-react with either non-amidated peptide. Wholemount immunohistochemistry shows that both subclasses (non-amidated and amidated) of AST-C are distributed throughout the lobster STNS. Specifically, the antibody that cross-reacts with the two non-amidated peptides labels neuropil in the CoGs and the stomatogastric ganglion (STG), axons in the superior esophageal (son) and stomatogastric (stn) nerves, and ~ 14 somata in each commissural ganglion (CoG). The AST-C II-specific antibody labels neuropil in the CoGs, STG and at the junction of the sons and stn, axons in the sons and stn, ~ 42 somata in each CoG, and two somata in the STG. Double immunolabeling shows that, except for one soma in each CoG, the non-amidated and amidated peptides are present in distinct sets of neuronal profiles. The differential distributions of the two AST-C subclasses suggest that the two peptide groups are likely to serve different modulatory roles in the lobster STNS.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits underlying rhythmic behaviors (central pattern generators: CPGs) can generate rhythmic motor output without sensory input. However, sensory input is pivotal for generating behaviorally relevant CPG output. Here we discuss recent work in the decapod crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) identifying cellular and synaptic mechanisms whereby sensory inputs select particular motor outputs from CPG circuits. This includes several examples in which sensory neurons regulate the impact of descending projection neurons on CPG circuits. This level of analysis is possible in the STNS due to the relatively unique access to identified circuit, projection, and sensory neurons. These studies are also revealing additional degrees of freedom in sensorimotor integration that underlie the extensive flexibility intrinsic to rhythmic motor systems.  相似文献   

In insects, thoracic pattern generators are modulated by the two head ganglia, the supraesophageal ganglion (brain) and the subesophageal ganglion, which act as higher-order neuronal centers. To explore the contribution of each head ganglion to the initiation and maintenance of specific motor behaviors in cockroaches (Periplaneta americana), we performed specific lesions to remove descending inputs from either the brain or the subesophageal ganglion or both, and quantified the behavioral outcome with a battery of motor tasks. We show that ‘emergency’ behaviors, such as escape, flight, swimming or righting, are initiated at the thoracic level independently of descending inputs from the head ganglia. Yet, the head ganglia play a major role in maintaining these reflexively initiated behaviors. By separately removing each of the two head ganglia, we show that the brain excites flight behavior and inhibits walking-related behaviors, whereas the subesophageal ganglion exerts the opposite effects. Thus, control over specific motor behaviors in cockroaches is anatomically and functionally compartmentalized. We propose a comprehensive model in which the relative permissive versus inhibitory inputs descending from the two head ganglia, combined with thoracic afferent sensory inputs, select a specific thoracic motor pattern while preventing the others.  相似文献   

Neuromodulatory inputs are known to play a major role in the adaptive plasticity of rhythmic neural networks in adult animals. Using the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system, we have investigated the role of modulatory inputs in the development of rhythmic neural networks. We found that the same neuronal population is organised into a single network in the embryo, as opposed to the two networks present in the adult. However, these adult networks pre-exist in the embryo and can be unmasked by specific alterations of the neuromodulatory environment. Similarly, adult networks may switch back to the embryonic phenotype by manipulating neuromodulatory inputs. During development, we found that the early established neuromodulatory population display alteration in expressed neurotransmitter phenotypes, and that although the population of modulatory neurones is established early, with morphology and projection pattern similar to adult ones, their neurotransmitter phenotype may appear gradually. Therefore the abrupt switch from embryonic to adult network expression occurring at metamorphosis may be due to network reconfiguration in response to changes in modulatory input, as found in adult adaptive plasticity. Strikingly, related crustacean species express different motor outputs using the same basic network circuitry, due to species-specific alteration in neuromodulatory substances within homologous projecting neurones. Therefore we propose that alterations within neuromodulatory systems to a given rhythmic neural network displaying the same basic circuitry may account for the generation of different motor outputs throughout development (ontogenetic plasticity), adulthood (adaptive plasticity) and evolution (phylogenetic plasticity).Abbreviations CoG Commissural ganglion - OG Oesophageal ganglion - STG Stomatogastric ganglion - STNS Stomatogastric nervous system  相似文献   

Cellular properties and modulation of the identified neurons of the posterior cardiac plate-pyloric system in the stomatogastric ganglion of a stomatopod, Squilla oratoria, were studied electrophysiologically. Each class of neurons involved in the cyclic bursting activity was able to trigger an endogenous, slow depolarizing potential (termed a driver potential) which sustained bursting. Endogenous oscillatory properties were demonstrated by the phase reset behavior in response to brief stimuli during ongoing rhythm. The driver potential was produced by membrane voltage-dependent activation and terminated by an active repolarization. Striking enhancement of bursting properties of all the cell types was induced by synaptic activation via extrinsic nerves, seen as increases in amplitude or duration of driver potentials, spiking rate during a burst, and bursting rate. The motor pattern produced under the influence of extrinsic modulatory inputs continued for a long time, relative to that in the absence of activation of modulatory inputs. Voltage-dependent conductance mechanisms underlying postinhibitory rebound and driver potential responses were modified by inputs. It is concluded that endogenous cellular properties, as well as synaptic circuitry and extrinsic inputs, contribute to generation of the rhythmic motor pattern, and that a motor system and its component neurons have been highly conserved during evolution between stomatopods and decapods.Abbreviations AB anterior burster neuron - CoG commissural ganglion - CPG central pattern generator - lvn lateral ventricular nerve - OG oesophageal ganglion - pcp posterior cardiac plate - PCP pcp constrictor neuron - PD pyloric dilator neuron - PY pyloric constrictor neuron - son superior oesophageal nerve - STG stomatogastric ganglion - stn stomatogastric nerve  相似文献   

With the goal of understanding how nervous systems produce activity and respond to the environment, neuroscientists turn to model systems that exhibit the activity of interest and are accessible and amenable to experimental methods. The stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) of the American lobster (Homarus americanus; also know was the Atlantic or Maine lobster) has been established as a model system for studying rhythm generating networks and neuromodulation of networks. The STNS consists of 3 anterior ganglia (2 commissural ganglia and an oesophageal ganglion), containing modulatory neurons that project centrally to the stomatogastric ganglion (STG). The STG contains approximately 30 neurons that comprise two central pattern generating networks, the pyloric and gastric networks that underlie feeding behaviors in crustaceans1,2. While it is possible to study this system in vivo3, the STNS continues to produce its rhythmic activity when isolated in vitro. Physical isolation of the STNS in a dish allows for easy access to the somata in the ganglia for intracellular electrophysiological recordings and to the nerves of the STNS for extracellular recordings. Isolating the STNS is a two-part process. The first part, dissecting the stomach from the animal, is described in an accompanying video article4. In this video article, fine dissection techniques are used to isolate the STNS from the stomach. This procedure results in a nervous system preparation that is available for electrophysiological recordings.  相似文献   

Sensory neurons provide important feedback to pattern-generating motor systems. In the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS), feedback from the anterior gastric receptor (AGR), a muscle receptor neuron, shapes the activity of motor circuits in the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) via polysynaptic pathways involving anterior ganglia. The AGR soma is located in the dorsal ventricular nerve posterior to the STG and it has been thought that its axon passes through the STG without making contacts. Using high-resolution confocal microscopy with dye-filled neurons, we show here that AGR from the crab Cancer borealis also has local projections within the STG and that these projections form candidate contact sites with STG motor neurons or with descending input fibers from other ganglia. We develop and exploit a new masking method that allows us to potentially separate presynaptic and postsynaptic staining of synaptic markers. The AGR processes in the STG show diversity in shape, number of branches and branching structure. The number of AGR projections in the STG ranges from one to three simple to multiply branched processes. The projections come in close contact with gastric motor neurons and descending neurons and may also be electrically coupled to other neurons of the STNS. Thus, in addition to well described long-loop pathways, it is possible that AGR is involved in integration and pattern regulation directly in the STG.  相似文献   

The number and location of neurons, in the central nervous system, that project into the frontal connective was studied in the locust by using retrograde neurobiotin staining. Staining one frontal connective revealed some 70 neurons in the brain. Most of these were located within both tritocerebral lobes. Additional groups of neurons were located within the deutocerebrum and protocerebrum. Some 60 neurons were labelled in the suboesophageal ganglion. These formed nine discernable populations. In addition, two neurons were located in the prothoracic ganglion and two neurons in the first abdominal neuromere of the metathoracic ganglion. Thus, some 250 neurons located within the head ganglia, and even neurons in thoracic ganglia, project into the ganglia of the enteric nervous system. This indicates that the coordination between the central and enteric ganglia is much more complex than previously thought. With the exception of some previously described dorsal unpaired median neurons and a few motor neurons in the head ganglia, the identity and function of most of these neurons is as yet unknown. Possible functions of the neurons in the thoracic ganglia are discussed.  相似文献   

In decapod crustaceans, the inferior ventricular nerve connects the cerebral ganglia (brain) with the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS). In the ivn of the crayfish, eight axons with diameters between 3.5 microm and 10 microm were found in close proximity to the oesophageal ganglion. Two of these axons terminate with their cell body within the ivn. The projections of the other six axons spread inside many neuropiles of the brain, mainly within the protocerebrum and the neuropils of the first and second antennae. Several fibers also send neurites via the circumoesophageal connectives toward the paired commissural ganglia and further down to the ventral nerve cord. The activity of motoneurons within the STNS and of axons in the ivn was recorded with implanted electrodes before, during and after times of feeding. At the beginning of feeding all tonically active ivn neurons accelerated their discharge rate and initially silent neurons also started to fire. Spike frequency was correlated with the quantity of food consumed. The ivn response was accompanied by a corresponding increase in pyloric frequency and an initiation of a gastric rhythm. The two motor rhythms showed a strong phasic interaction, but there was no phase coupling to the ivn activity.  相似文献   

Vago-vagal reflex circuits modulate digestive functions from the oral cavity to the transverse colon. Previous articles in this series have described events at the level of the sensory receptors encoding the peripheral stimuli, the transmission of information in the afferent vagus, and the conversion of this data within the dorsal vagal complex (DVC) to impulses in the preganglionic efferents. The control by vagal efferents of the postganglionic neurons impinging on the glands and smooth muscles of the target organs has also been illustrated. Here we focus on some of the mechanisms by which these apparently static reflex circuits can be made quite plastic as a consequence of the action of modulatory inputs from other central nervous system sources. A large body of evidence has shown that the neuronal elements that constitute these brain stem circuits have nonuniform properties and function differently according to status of their target organs and the level of activity in critical modulatory inputs. We propose that DVC circuits undergo a certain amount of short-term plasticity that allows the brain stem neuronal elements to act in harmony with neural systems that control behavioral and physiological homeostasis.  相似文献   

Neuromodulators orchestrate complex behavioral routines by their multiple and combined effects on the nervous system. In the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, frontal ganglion neurons innervate foregut dilator muscles and play a key role in the control of foregut motor patterns. To further investigate the role of the frontal ganglion in locust behavior, we currently focus on the frontal ganglion central pattern generator as a target for neuromodulation. Application of octopamine, a well-studied insect neuromodulator, generated reversible disruption of frontal ganglion rhythmic activity. The threshold for the modulatory effects of octopamine was 10–6 mol l–1, and 10–4 mol l–1 always abolished the ongoing rhythm. In contrast to this straightforward modulation, allatostatin, previously reported to be a myoinhibitor of insect gut muscles, showed complex, tri-modal, dose-dependent effects on frontal ganglion rhythmic pattern. Using a novel cross-correlation analysis technique, we show that different allatostatin concentrations have very different effects not only on cycle period but also on temporal characteristics of the rhythmic bursts of action potentials. Allatostatin also altered the frontal ganglion rhythm in vivo. The analysis technique we introduce may be instrumental in the study of not fully characterized neural circuits and their modulation. The physiological significance of our results and the role of the modulators in locust behavior are discussed.Abbreviation CPG central pattern generator - FG frontal ganglion - JH juvenile hormone - STNS stomatogastric nervous system  相似文献   

The stomatogastric ganglion (STG) and the cardiac ganglion (CG) of decapod crustaceans are modulated by neuroactive substances released locally and by circulating hormones released from neuroendocrine structures including the pericardial organs (POs). Using nanoscale liquid chromatography electrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry and direct tissue matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry we have identified and sequenced a novel neuropeptide, GAHKNYLRFamide (previously misassigned as KHKNYLRFamide in a study that did not employ peptide derivatization), from the POs and/or the stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) of the crabs, Cancer borealis, Cancer productus and Cancer magister. In C. borealis, exogenous application of GAHKNYLRFamide increased the burst frequency and number of spikes per burst of the isolated CG and re-initiated bursting activity in non-bursting ganglia, effects also elicited by the FMRFamide-like peptides (FLPs) SDRNFLRFamide and TNRNFLRFamide. In the intact STNS (which contains the STG), exogenous application of GAHKNYLRFamide increased the frequency of the pyloric rhythm and activated the gastric mill rhythm, effects also similar to those elicited by SDRNFLRFamide and TNRNFLRFamide. FLP-like immunoreactivity in the POs and the STNS was abolished by pre-adsorption with the synthetic GAHKNYLRFamide. Different members of the FLP family exhibited differential degradation in the presence of extracellular peptidases. Taken collectively, the amino acid sequence of GAHKNYLRFamide, the blocking of FLP-like immunostaining, and its physiological effects on the CG and STNS suggest that this peptide is a novel member of the FLP superfamily.  相似文献   

Few studies in arthropods have documented to what extent local control centers in the thorax can support locomotion in absence of inputs from head ganglia. Posture, walking, and leg motor activity was examined in cockroaches with lesions of neck or circumoesophageal connectives. Early in recovery, cockroaches with neck lesions had hyper-extended postures and did not walk. After recovery, posture was less hyper-extended and animals initiated slow leg movements for multiple cycles. Neck lesioned individuals showed an increase in walking after injection of either octopamine or pilocarpine. The phase of leg movement between segments was reduced in neck lesioned cockroaches from that seen in intact animals, while phases in the same segment remained constant. Neither octopamine nor pilocarpine initiated changes in coordination between segments in neck lesioned individuals. Animals with lesions of the circumoesophageal connectives had postures similar to intact individuals but walked in a tripod gait for extended periods of time. Changes in activity of slow tibial extensor and coxal depressor motor neurons and concomitant changes in leg joint angles were present after the lesions. This suggests that thoracic circuits are sufficient to produce leg movements but coordinated walking with normal motor patterns requires descending input from head ganglia.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Summary The distributions of small cardioactive peptide (SCP)- and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivities in the central nervous system of the medicinal leech Hirudo medicinalis were studied. A subset of neurons in the segmental ganglia and brains was immunoreactive to an antibody directed against SCPB. Immunoreactive cell bodies were regionally distributed throughout the nerve cord, and occurred both as bilaterally paired and unpaired neurons. The majority of the unpaired cells displayed a tendency to alternate from side to side in adjacent ganglia. A small number of neurons were immunoreactive only in a minority of nerve cords investigated. Intracellular injections of Lucifer yellow dye and subsequent processing for immunocytochemistry revealed SCP-like immunoreactivity in heart modulatory neurons but not in heart motor neurons. FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was also detected in cell bodies throughout the central nervous system. A subset of neurons contained both SCP- and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivities; others stained for only one or the other antigen. These data suggest that an antigen distinct from FMRFamide is responsible for at least part of the SCP-like immunoreactivity. This antigen likely bears some homology to the carboxyl terminal of SCPA and SCPB.  相似文献   

The lateral protocerebrum of the fly's brain is composed of a system of optic glomeruli, the organization of which compares to that of antennal lobe glomeruli. Each optic glomerulus receives converging axon terminals from a unique ensemble of optic lobe output neurons. Glomeruli are interconnected by systems of spiking and nonspiking local interneurons that are morphologically similar to diffuse and polarized local interneurons in the antennal lobes. GABA-like immunoreactive processes richly supply optic glomeruli, which are also invaded by processes originating from the midbrain and subesophageal ganglia. These arrangements support the suggestion that circuits amongst optic glomeruli refine and elaborate visual information carried by optic lobe outputs, relaying data to long-axoned neurons that extend to other parts of the central nervous system including thoracic ganglia. The representation in optic glomeruli of other modalities suggests that gating of visual information by other sensory inputs, a phenomenon documented from the recordings of descending neurons, could occur before the descending neuron dendrites. The present results demonstrate that future studies must consider the roles of other senses in visual processing.  相似文献   

The motor patterns produced by the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) are strongly influenced by descending modulatory inputs from anterior ganglia. With these inputs intact, in control saline, the motor patterns produced by the stomatogastric nervous system of embryonic and larval lobsters are slower and less regular than those of adult lobsters. We studied the effects of the hormonal modulator, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) on the discharge patterns of STG motor patterns in embryos, larvae, and adult Maine lobsters, Homarus americanus, with the anterior inputs present and absent. In adults, CCAP initiated robust pyloric rhythms from STGs isolated from their descending control and modulatory inputs. Likewise, CCAP initiated robust activity in isolated embryonic and larval STGs. Nonetheless, quantitative analyses revealed that the frequency and regularity of the STG motor neuron discharge seen in the presence of CCAP in isolated STGs from embryos were significantly lower than those seen late in larval life and in adults under the same conditions. In contrast, when the descending control and modulatory pathways to the STG were left intact, the embryonic and larval burst frequency seen in the presence of CCAP was increased by CCAP, whereas the burst frequency in adults was decreased by CCAP, so that in CCAP the frequencies at all stages were statistically indistinguishable. These data argue that immature embryonic motor patterns seen in the absence of CCAP are a function of immaturity in both the STG and in the descending and modulatory pathways.  相似文献   

The pleural interneuron PlB is a white neuron in the pleural ganglion of the snail Lymnaea. We test the hypothesis that it inhibits neurons at all levels of the feeding system, using a combination of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology. There is just one PlB in each pleural ganglion. Its axon traverses the pedal and cerebral ganglia, running into the buccal ganglia. It has neuropilar branches in the regions of the cerebral and buccal ganglia where neurons that are active during feeding also branch. Activation of the PlB blocks fictive feeding, whether the feeding rhythm occurs spontaneously or is driven by a modulatory interneuron. The PlB inhibits all the neurons in the feeding network, including protraction and retraction motoneurons, central pattern generator interneurons, buccal modulatory interneurons (SO, OC), and cerebral modulatory interneurons (CV1, CGC). Only the CV1 interneuron shows discrete 1:1 IPSPs; all other effects are slow, smooth hyperpolarizations. All connections persist in Ca2+/Mg2+-rich saline, which reduces polysynaptic effects. The inhibitory effects are mimicked by 0.5 to 100 mol l–1 FMRFamide, which the PlB soma contains. We conclude that the PlB inhibits neurons in the feeding system at all levels, probably acting though the peptide transmitter FMRFamide.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00359-004-0503-x  相似文献   

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a powerful technique that combines the chemical and spatial analysis of surface materials. It allows spatial localization of peptides, proteins or lipids that are recorded in parallel without the need of a label. It is currently one of the most rapidly developing techniques in the proteomics toolbox. In the present study, accurate mass matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALD IMS) was used for direct molecular mapping of nervous tissue at micrometer spatial resolution. Cryosections of the whole brain of the terrestrial snail, Helix pomatia, were placed on indium-tin-oxide (ITO)-coated conductive glass slides and covered with a thin layer of α-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (CHCA) matrix by electro spray deposition. High-resolution molecular ion maps of well-known neuropeptides, such as FMRFamide were constructed. FMRFamide is known to exert powerful modulatory effect on synaptic transmission in molluscs. FMRFamide was predominantly localized in the cluster of neurons in the pro-, meso- and postcerebral regions of cerebral ganglia, pedal ganglia and right parietal ganglia of the central nervous system. Our present study, using MALDI IMS confirmed the distribution of FMRFamide containing cells in the Helix central nervous system previously detected by antibody dependent immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide that has been indicated as a likely output signal from the circadian clock neurons in the brain of Drosophila. In addition to these brain neurons, there are PDF-immunoreactive (PDFI) neurons in the abdominal ganglia of Drosophila and other insects; the function of these neurons is not known. We have analyzed PDFI neurons in the abdominal ganglia of the locust Locusta migratoria. These PDFI neurons can first be detected at about 45% embryonic development and have an adult appearance at about 80%. In each of the abdominal ganglia (A3-A7) there is one pair of lateral PDFI neurons and in each of the A5-A7 ganglia there is additionally a pair of median neurons. The lateral neurons supply varicose branches to neurohemal areas of the lateral heart nerves and perisympathetic organs, whereas the median cells form processes in the terminal abdominal ganglion and supply terminals on the hindgut. Because PDF does not influence hindgut contractility, it is possible that also these median neurons release PDF into the circulation. Release from one or both the PDFI neuron types was confirmed by measurements of PDF-immunoreactivity in hemolymph by enzyme immunoassay. PDF applied to the terminal abdominal ganglion triggers firing of action potentials in motoneurons with axons in the genital nerves of males and the 8th ventral nerve of females. Because this action is blocked in calcium-free saline, it is likely that PDF acts via interneurons. Thus, PDF seems to have a modulatory role in central neuronal circuits of the terminal abdominal ganglion that control muscles of genital organs.  相似文献   

In rhythmic motor systems, descending projection neuron inputs elicit distinct outputs from their target central pattern generator (CPG) circuits. Projection neuron activity is regulated by sensory inputs and inputs from other regions of the nervous system, relaying information about the current status of an organism. To gain insight into the organization of multiple inputs targeting a projection neuron, we used the identified neuron MCN1 in the stomatogastric nervous system of the crab, Cancer borealis. MCN1 originates in the commissural ganglion and projects to the stomatogastric ganglion (STG). MCN1 activity is differentially regulated by multiple inputs including neuroendocrine (POC) and proprioceptive (GPR) neurons, to elicit distinct outputs from CPG circuits in the STG. We asked whether these defined inputs are compact and spatially segregated or dispersed and overlapping relative to their target projection neuron. Immunocytochemical labeling, intracellular dye injection and three-dimensional (3D) confocal microscopy revealed overlap of MCN1 neurites and POC and GPR terminals. The POC neuron terminals form a defined neuroendocrine organ (anterior commissural organ: ACO) that utilizes peptidergic paracrine signaling to act on MCN1. The MCN1 arborization consistently coincided with the ACO structure, despite morphological variation between preparations. Contrary to a previous 2D study, our 3D analysis revealed that GPR axons did not terminate in a compact bundle, but arborized more extensively near MCN1, arguing against sparse connectivity of GPR onto MCN1. Consistent innervation patterns suggest that integration of the sensory GPR and peptidergic POC inputs occur through more distributed and more tightly constrained anatomical interactions with their common modulatory projection neuron target than anticipated.  相似文献   

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