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Folding of the major population of Tetrahymena intron RNA into the catalytically active structure is trapped in a slow pathway. In this report, folding of Candida albicans intron was investigated using the trans-acting Ca.L-11 ribozyme as a model. We demonstrated that both the catalytic activity (kobs) and compact folding equilibrium of Ca.L-11 are strongly dependent on Mg2+ at physiological concentrations, with both showing an Mg2+ Hill coefficient of 3. Formation of the compact structure of Ca.L-11 is shown to occur very rapidly, on a subsecond time scale similar to that of RNase T1 cleavage. Most of the ribozyme RNA population folds into the catalytically active structure with a rate constant of 2 min–1 at 10 mM Mg2+; neither slower kinetics nor obvious Mg2+ inhibition is observed. These results suggest that folding of the Ca.L-11 ribozyme is initiated by a rapid magnesium-dependent RNA compaction, which is followed by a slower searching for the native contacts to form the catalytically active structure without interference from the long-lived trapped states. This model thus provides an ideal system to address a range of interesting aspects of RNA folding, such as conformational searching, ion binding and the role of productive intermediates.  相似文献   

We have previously proposed a hierarchical model for the folding mechanism of the Tetrahymena ribozyme that may illustrate general features of the folding pathways of large RNAs. While the role of elements in the conserved catalytic core of this ribozyme during the folding process is beginning to emerge, the participation of non-conserved peripheral extensions in the kinetic folding mechanism has not yet been addressed. We now show that the 3'-terminal P9.1-P9.2 extension of the Tetrahymena ribozyme plays an important role during the folding process and appears to guide formation of the catalytic core.  相似文献   

Folding of the Tetrahymena ribozyme under physiological conditions in vitro is limited by slow conversion of long-lived intermediates to the active structure. These intermediates arise because the most stable domain of the ribozyme folds 10-50 times more rapidly than the core region containing helix P3. Native gel electrophoresis and time-resolved X-ray-dependent hydroxyl radical cleavage revealed that mutations that weaken peripheral interactions between domains accelerated folding fivefold, while a point mutation that stabilizes P3 enabled 80 % of the mutant RNA to reach the native conformation within 30 seconds at 22 degrees C. The P3 mutation increased the folding rate of the catalytic core as much as 50-fold, so that both domains of the ribozyme were formed at approximately the same rate. The results show that the ribozyme folds rapidly without significantly populating metastable intermediates when native interactions in the ribozyme core are stabilized relative to peripheral structural elements.  相似文献   

A hairpin-type messenger RNA pseudoknot from pea enation mosaic virus RNA1 (PEMV-1) regulates the efficiency of programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting. The solution structure and 15N relaxation rates reveal that the PEMV-1 pseudoknot is a compact-folded structure composed almost entirely of RNA triple helix. A three nucleotide reverse turn in loop 1 positions a protonated cytidine, C(10), in the correct orientation to form an A((n-1)).C(+).G-C(n) major groove base quadruple, like that found in the beet western yellows virus pseudoknot and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme, despite distinct structural contexts. A novel loop 2-loop 1 A.U Hoogsteen base-pair stacks on the C(10)(+).G(28) base-pair of the A(12).C(10)(+).G(28)-C(13) quadruple and forms a wedge between the pseudoknot stems stabilizing a bent and over-rotated global conformation. Substitution of key nucleotides that stabilize the unique conformation of the PEMV-1 pseudoknot greatly reduces ribosomal frameshifting efficacy.  相似文献   

Uchida T  He Q  Ralston CY  Brenowitz M  Chance MR 《Biochemistry》2002,41(18):5799-5806
We have explored the linkage of monovalent and divalent ion binding in the folding of the P4-P6 domain of Tetrahymena thermophila ribozyme by examining the Mg2+-induced folding and the urea-induced denaturation of the folded state as a function of Na+ under equilibrium folding conditions using hydroxyl radical footprinting. These studies allowed a thermodynamic examination of eight discrete protection sites within P4-P6 that are involved in several tertiary structure contacts. Monovalent ions compete with Mg2+ ions in mediating P4-P6 folding. The urea denaturation isotherms demonstrated DeltaDeltaG values of >2 kcal x mol(-1) in experiments conducted in 10 versus 200 mM NaCl at a constant 10 mM MgCl2. However, the individual-site isotherms reported by footprinting revealed that larger than average changes in DeltaG values were localized to specific sites within the Mg2+-rich A-bulge. The competitive effects of monovalent ions were less when K+ rather than Na+ was the monovalent cation present. This result indicates the importance of the specific K+ binding sites that are associated with AA-platform structures to P4-P6 folding and stability. These site-specific footprinting data provide quantitative and site-specific measurements of the ion-linked stability for P4-P6 that are interpreted with respect to crystallographic data.  相似文献   

Folding mechanism of the Tetrahymena ribozyme P4-P6 domain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synchrotron X-ray-dependent hydroxyl radical footprinting was used to probe the folding kinetics of the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I ribozyme, which forms a stable, closely packed tertiary structure. The 160-nt domain folds independently at a similar rate (approximately 2 s(-1)) as it does in the ribozyme, when folding is measured in 10 mM sodium cacodylate and 10 mM MgCl(2). Surprisingly, tertiary interactions around a three-helix junction (P5abc) within the P4-P6 domain fold at least 25 times more rapidly (k >/= 50 s(-1)) in isolation, than when part of the wild-type P4-P6 RNA. This difference implies that long-range interactions in the P4-P6 domain can interfere with folding of P5abc. P4-P6 was observed to fold much faster at higher ionic strength than in 10 mM sodium cacodylate. Analytical centrifugation was used to measure the sedimentation and diffusion coefficients of the unfolded RNA. The hydrodynamic radius of the RNA decreased from 58 to 46 A over the range of 0-100 mM NaCl. We propose that at low ionic strength, the addition of Mg(2+) causes the domain to collapse to a compact intermediate where P5abc is trapped in a non-native structure. At high ionic strength, the RNA rapidly collapses to the native structure. Faster folding most likely results from a different average initial conformation of the RNA in higher salt conditions.  相似文献   

We recently described site-specific pyrene labeling of RNA to monitor Mg(2+)-dependent equilibrium formation of tertiary structure. Here we extend these studies to follow the folding kinetics of the 160-nucleotide P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA, using stopped-flow fluorescence with approximately 1 ms time resolution. Pyrene-labeled P4-P6 was prepared using a new phosphoramidite that allows high-yield automated synthesis of oligoribonucleotides with pyrene incorporated at a specific 2'-amino-2'-deoxyuridine residue. P4-P6 forms its higher-order tertiary structure rapidly, with k(obs) = 15-31 s(-1) (t(1/2) approximately 20-50 ms) at 35 degrees C and [Mg(2+)] approximately 10 mM in Tris-borate (TB) buffer. The folding rate increases strongly with temperature from 4 to 45 degrees C, demonstrating a large activation enthalpy DeltaH(double dagger) approximately 26 kcal/mol; the activation entropy DeltaS(double dagger) is large and positive. In low ionic strength 10 mM sodium cacodylate buffer at 35 degrees C, a slow (t(1/2) approximately 1 s) folding component is also observed. The folding kinetics are both ionic strength- and temperature-dependent; the slow phase vanishes upon increasing [Na(+)] in the cacodylate buffer, and the kinetics switch completely from fast at 30 degrees C to slow at 40 degrees C. Using synchrotron hydroxyl radical footprinting, we confirm that fluorescence monitors the same kinetic events as hydroxyl radical cleavage, and we show that the previously reported slow P4-P6 folding kinetics apply only to low ionic strength conditions. One model to explain the fast and slow folding kinetics postulates that some tertiary interactions are present even without Mg(2+) in the initial state. The fast kinetic phase reflects folding that is facilitated by these interactions, whereas the slow kinetics are observed when these interactions are disrupted at lower ionic strength and higher temperature.  相似文献   

We have recently cloned a full-length cDNA encoding the rat hepatic cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase cytochrome P450 (P450c7) (Li, Y. C., Wang, D. P., and Chiang, J. Y. L. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 12012-12019), which catalyzes the rate-limiting reaction of bile acid synthesis in the liver. By using the polymerase chain reaction, we have designed two P450c7 cDNAs. One has the second Met codon deleted and the third Thr codon replaced with an Ala. The other lacks codons for the NH2-terminal hydrophobic sequence of amino acids 2-24 (P450c7 delta 2-24). The cDNAs were separately cloned into the expression vector pKK233-2 and transformed into Escherichia coli. After induction with isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside, bacteria harboring recombinant plasmids expressed a polypeptide which reacted with the antibody against cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase in immunoblots. The slightly modified full-length enzyme was expressed to 0.2% of the total bacterial lysate and was located in the membrane fraction, whereas P450c7 delta 2-24 was expressed at a 10-fold higher level (2%), of which 85% was in the cytosol and the remaining associated with the membranes. We have purified P450c7 delta 2-24 which showed a typical reduced-CO difference spectrum of cytochrome P450 and reconstituted cholesterol 7 alpha-hydroxylase activity in the presence of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. P450c7 delta 2-24 has a similar Km for cholesterol (24.6 microM) but a lower Vmax (0.10 nmol/min) and a lower turnover number (1.93 min-1) as compared with the enzyme isolated from rat liver microsomes. The purified P450c7 delta 2-24 has an unique hydrophilic NH2 terminus and contains monomers and dimers in equal amounts. This is the first report demonstrating that a genetically engineered cytochrome P450 enzyme lacking a typical NH2-terminal hydrophobic sequence is mainly cytosolic and catalytically active.  相似文献   

Majhi PR  Shafer RH 《Biopolymers》2006,82(6):558-569
In the presence of certain metal ions, DNA and RNA can form guanine quadruplex structures, which have been proposed to play a functional role in a variety of biological processes. An 18-nucleotide DNA oligomer, PS2.M, d(GTG3TAG3CG3T2G2), was previously reported to bind hemin and the resulting complex exhibited peroxidase activity. It was proposed that PS2.M folds unimolecularly into an antiparallel quadruplex with unusual, single-base loops and terminal guanines positioned in adjacent quartets. Here we describe structural and stability properties of PS2.M alone in different buffers and metal ions, using gel electrophoresis, circular dichroism (CD), ultraviolet (UV)-visible spectroscopies, and one-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Native gel behavior of PS2.M in the presence of either Na+ or Pb2+ suggests the formation of unimolecular structures but, in the presence of K+, both unimolecular and multistranded structures are observed. In the presence of Pb2+ ions, PS2.M forms a unimolecular quadruplex containing three guanine quartets. CD titrations reveal that binding of Pb2+ ions to PS2.M is stoichiometric, and a single lead cation suffices to fully fold PS2.M. The PS2.M-Na+ system also forms a similar unimolecular quadruplex. In the presence of K+, the PS2.M-K+ system forms mixed species. With increasing time and PS2.M concentration, the contribution of unimolecular species decreases while that of multimolecular species increases, and this behavior is independent of buffer media. These results suggest that the catalytically active form, studied in the presence of K+, may be a parallel, multistranded quadruplex rather than an antiparallel, unimolecular quadruplex.  相似文献   

The hammerhead ribozyme undergoes an ion-dependent folding process into the active conformation. We find that the folding can be blocked at specific stages by changes of sequence or functionality within the core. In the the absence of added metal ions, the global structure of the hammerhead is extended, with a large angle subtended between stems I and II. No core sequence changes appear to alter this geometry, consistent with an unstructured core under these conditions. Upon addition of low concentrations of magnesium ions, the hammerhead folds by an association of stems II and III, to include a large angle between them. This stage is inhibited or altered by mutations within the oligopurine sequence lying between stems II and III, and folding is completely prevented by an A14G mutation. Further increase in magnesium ion concentration brings about a second stage of folding in the natural sequence hammerhead, involving a reorientation of stem I, which rotates around into the same direction of stem II. Because this transition occurs over the same range of magnesium ion concentration over which the hammerhead ribozyme becomes active, it is likely that the final conformation is most closely related to the active form of the structure. Magnesium ion-dependent folding into this conformation is prevented by changes at G5, notably removal of the 2'-hydroxyl group and replacement of the base by cytidine. The ability to dissect the folding process by means of sequence changes suggests that two separate ion-dependent stages are involved in the folding of the hammerhead ribozyme into the active conformation.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic and kinetic results for the helix formation of the oligonucleotides, GACCGUCA and UGUCGGUC, which correspond to the sequence of the P3 region in Tetrahymena ribozyme are reported. The kinetic result suggested that the melting mechanism of the duplex of the oligonucleotides consisted of at least two steps because of a UU mismatch.  相似文献   

The solution structure of an RNA-hairpin present in the pseudoknot, which is found at the 3'-terminus of turnip yellow mosaic virus genomic RNA, has been solved by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The loop, which contains the sequence 5'-GGGUCA-3', was found to be highly structured and, contrary to expectations, does not attain its stability through GA or GC base pair formation but by triple interactions between the tilted adenosine and the minor groove sides of the first two guanosines. Interestingly, a very similar conformation was found for the cognate pseudoknot, implying that the 3'-hairpin is preformed for folding into a pseudoknotted structure. These findings suggest a mechanism of 'predetermined-fit' as a principle in RNA folding.  相似文献   

To study the effect proteins have on the catalysis and evolution of RNA enzymes, we simulated evolution of RNase P catalytic M1 RNA in vitro, in the presence and absence of its C5 protein cofactor. In the presence of C5, functional M1 sequence variants (not catalytically active in the absence of C5) were selected in addition to those identical to M1. C5 maintains the catalytically active structure of the variants and allows for an enhanced spectrum of M1 molecules to function in the context of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. The generation of an RNP enzyme, requiring both RNA and protein components, from a catalytically active RNA molecule has implications for how modern RNP complexes evolved from ancestral RNAs.  相似文献   

Tertiary folding of the 160-nt P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA involves burying of substantial surface area, providing a model for the folding of other large RNA domains involved in catalysis. Stopped-flow fluorescence was used to monitor the Mg2+-induced tertiary folding of pyrene-labeled P4-P6. At 35 degrees C with [Mg2+] approximately 10 mM, P4-P6 folds on the tens of milliseconds timescale with k(obs) = 15-31 s(-1). From these values, an activation free energy deltaG(double dagger) of approximately 8-16 kcal/mol is calculated, where the large range for deltaG(double dagger) arises from uncertainty in the pre-exponential factor relating k(obs) and delta G(double dagger). The folding rates of six mutant P4-P6 RNAs were measured and found to be similar to that of the wild-type RNA, in spite of significant thermodynamic destabilization or stabilization. The ratios of the kinetic and thermodynamic free energy changes phi = delta deltaG(double dagger)/delta deltaG(o') are approximately 0, implying a folding transition state in which most of the native-state tertiary contacts are not yet formed (an early folding transition state). The k(obs) depends on the Mg2+ concentration, and the initial slope of k(obs) versus [Mg2+] suggests that only approximately 1 Mg2+ ion is bound in the rate-limiting folding step. This is consistent with an early folding transition state, because folded P4-P6 binds many Mg2+ ions. The observation of a substantial deltaG(double dagger) despite an early folding transition state suggests that a simple two-state folding diagram for Mg2+-induced P4-P6 folding is incomplete. Our kinetic data are some of the first to provide quantitative values for an activation barrier and location of a transition state for tertiary folding of an RNA domain.  相似文献   

Four small RNA self-cleaving domains, the hammerhead, hairpin, hepatitis delta virus and Neurospora VS ribozymes, have been identified previously in naturally occurring RNAs. The secondary structures of these ribozymes are reasonably well understood, but little is known about long-range interactions that form the catalytically active tertiary conformations. Our previous work, which identified several secondary structure elements of the VS ribozyme, also showed that many additional bases were protected by magnesium-dependent interactions, implying that several tertiary contacts remained to be identified. Here we have used site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification to characterize the first long-range interaction identified in VS RNA. This interaction contains a 3 bp pseudoknot helix that is required for tertiary folding and self-cleavage activity of the VS ribozyme.  相似文献   

In this paper we report newly selected artificial modules that enhance the kcat values comparable with or higher than those of the wild-type ribozyme with broad substrate specificity. The elements required for the catalysis of Group I intron ribozymes are concentrated in the P3-P7 domain of their core region, which consists of two conserved helical domains, P4-P6 and P3-P7. Previously, we reported the in vitro selection of artificial modules residing at the peripheral region of a mutant Group I ribozyme lacking P4-P6. We found that derivatives of the ribozyme containing the modules performed the reversal of the first step of the self-splicing reaction efficiently by using their affinity to the substrate RNA, although their kcat values and substrate specificity were uninfluenced and limited, respectively. The results show that it is possible to add a variety of new domains at the peripheral region that play a role comparable with that of the conserved P4-P6 domain.  相似文献   

RNA folding landscapes have been described alternately as simple and as complex. The limited diversity of RNA residues and the ability of RNA to form stable secondary structures prior to adoption of a tertiary structure would appear to simplify folding relative to proteins. Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence for long-lived misfolded RNA states, and these observations have suggested rugged energy landscapes. Recently, single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) studies have exposed heterogeneity in many RNAs, consistent with deeply furrowed rugged landscapes. We turned to an RNA of intermediate complexity, the P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena group I intron, to address basic questions in RNA folding. P4-P6 exhibited long-lived heterogeneity in smFRET experiments, but the inability to observe exchange in the behavior of individual molecules led us to probe whether there was a non-conformational origin to this heterogeneity. We determined that routine protocols in RNA preparation and purification, including UV shadowing and heat annealing, cause covalent modifications that alter folding behavior. By taking measures to avoid these treatments and by purifying away damaged P4-P6 molecules, we obtained a population of P4-P6 that gave near-uniform behavior in single molecule studies. Thus, the folding landscape of P4-P6 lacks multiple deep furrows that would trap different P4-P6 molecules in different conformations and contrasts with the molecular heterogeneity that has been seen in many smFRET studies of structured RNAs. The simplicity of P4-P6 allowed us to reliably determine the thermodynamic and kinetic effects of metal ions on folding and to now begin to build more detailed models for RNA folding behavior.  相似文献   

Despite a growing literature on the folding of RNA, our understanding of tertiary folding in large RNAs derives from studies on a small set of molecular examples, with primary focus on group I introns and RNase P RNA. To broaden the scope of RNA folding models and to better understand group II intron function, we have examined the tertiary folding of a ribozyme (D135) that is derived from the self-splicing ai5gamma intron from yeast mitochondria. The D135 ribozyme folds homogeneously and cooperatively into a compact, well-defined tertiary structure that includes all regions critical for active-site organization and substrate recognition. When D135 was treated with increasing concentrations of Mg(2+) and then subjected to hydroxyl radical footprinting, similar Mg(2+) dependencies were seen for internalization of all regions of the molecule, suggesting a highly cooperative folding behavior. In this work, we show that global folding and compaction of the molecule have the same magnesium dependence as the local folding previously observed. Furthermore, urea denaturation studies indicate highly cooperative unfolding of the ribozyme that is governed by thermodynamic parameters similar to those for forward folding. In fact, D135 folds homogeneously and cooperatively from the unfolded state to its native, active structure, thereby demonstrating functional reversibility in RNA folding. Taken together, the data are consistent with two-state folding of the D135 ribozyme, which is surprising given the size and multi-domain structure of the RNA. The findings establish that the accumulation of stable intermediates prior to formation of the native state is not a universal feature of RNA folding and that there is an alternative paradigm in which the folding landscape is relatively smooth, lacking rugged features that obstruct folding to the native state.  相似文献   

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