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The nucleolus of Chinese hamster tissue culture cells (strain Dede) was studied in each stage of mitosis with the electron microscope. Mitotic cells were selectively removed from the cultures with 0.2 per cent trypsin and fixed in either osmium tetroxide or glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide. The cells were embedded in both prepolymerized methacrylate and Epon 812. Thin sections of interphase nucleoli revealed two consistent components; dense 150-A granules and fine fibrils which measured 50 A or less in diameter. During prophase, distinct zones which were observed in some interphase nucleoli (i.e. nucleolonema and pars amorpha) were lost and the nucleoli were observed to disperse into smaller masses. By late prophase or prometaphase, the nucleoli appeared as loosely wound, predominantly fibrous structures with widely dispersed granules. Such structures persisted throughout mitosis either free in the cytoplasm or associated with the chromosomes. At telophase, those nucleolar bodies associated with the chromosomes became included in the daughter nuclei, resumed their compact granular appearance, and reorganized into an interphase-type structure.  相似文献   

The structure of nuclei and nucleoli of hepatic cells after short-term ethionine administration was investigated with the electron microscope. By 1½ hr after the injection, a distinct alteration occurred in the nucleoli which was characterized by the appearance of electron-opaque masses in the nucleolonema. After 6–8 hr, the nucleoli showed partial fragmentation into small, dense masses. Large aggregates of interchromatinic granules appeared in the nucleoplasm. Condensation of chromatin became prominent in the nucleoplasm particularly along the nuclear membrane. By 12 hr almost complete fragmentation of nucleoli had occurred. The administration of adenine or methionine at 4 hr prevented the development of nucleolar changes. Also, adenine administration at 8 hr after ethionine completely reversed the nucleolar lesion by 12 hr. After methionine administration at 8 hr, many nucleoli showed incomplete reconstruction with many twisted ropelike structures when viewed 4 hr later. Identical structures were found when adenine was given at 8 hr, and animals were sacrificed 2 hr later. On the basis of this observation, the simplified structures of nucleoli found 2 hr after adenine or 4 hr after methionine appeared to be precursors of the nucleolonema. It is suggested that nucleoli show at least two basic reaction patterns to inhibitors of RNA synthesis, one typified by actinomycin D and one by ethionine.  相似文献   

The relationship of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis to nucleolar ultrastructure was studied in partial nucleolar mutants of Xenopus laevis. These mutations are the result of a partial deletion of rRNA genes and therefore alow studies on nucleolar structure and function without using drugs that inhibit rRNA synthesis. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated that normal embryos have reticulated nucleoli that are composed of a loose meshwork of granules and fibrils and a typical nucleolonema. In contrast, partial nucleolar mutants in which rRNA synthesis is reduced to less than 50% of the normal rate have compact nucleoli and nucleolus-like bodies. The compace nucleoli contain granules and fibrils, but they are segregated into distinct regions, and a nucleolonema is never seen. Since other species of RNA are synthesized normally by partial nucleolar mutants, these results demonstrate that nucleolar segragation is related specifically to a reduction in rRNA synthesis. The nucleolus-like bodies are composed mainly of fibrils,and the number of such bodies are composed mainly of fibrils, and the number of such bodies present in the different nucleolar mutants is inversely related to the relative rate of rRNA synthesis. Although the partial nucleolar organizers produce segregated nucleoli in these mutants, they organize morphologically normal, but smaller, nucleoli in heterozygous embryos. Alternative explanations to account for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the nuclear DNP and RNP components of human NB cells induced by synchronous infection with H-1 parvovirus were studied using Bernhard's EDTA method of staining. Early events (12 h after infection) occurred in the nucleolus. Chromatin within the nucleolar fibrous centers condensed thereby converting the centers to vacuoles. DNP associated with the granular nucleolonema also contracted markedly, causing a disruption of this skein-like structure; it then migrated peripherally forming a heterochromatic cortex surrounding the granular nucleolar vestige. Subsequently (24–36 h after inoculation), condensation of extranucleolar chromatin took place concurrently with the accumulation of extensive amounts of interchromatin granules in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Conglomerates of perichromatin fibrils and interchromatin granules were frequently juxtapposed to the condensing chromatin. Large clumps of interchromatin granules were also closely associated with fragmenting nucleoli, and the apparent transformation of nucleolar granules into interchromatin granules was observed. Accumulation of H-1 protein on chromatin evidently fostered its condensation resulting in the pathology described.  相似文献   

The nucleoli of normally functioning guinea-pig hepatocytes that have a nucleolonemal (strand-like) organization differ from identical nucleoli of other cells. Their nucleolonema consists as a rule of a fibrillar component with 45S RNA and is poor in granulas that contain pre-rNA molecules of an intermediate size and 28S rRNA, a dense fibrillar component with nascent rRNPs in its composition was not revealed. In hepatocytes stimulated by a 2/3 liver resection rearrangements in nucleoli were found. This brought to a conclusion that rRNA metabolism undergoes some changes. In 2.5 and 5 hours after the resection the hepatocytes' nucleoli were characteristic of a greater thickness of strands and a smaller size of vacuoles, appearance of distinct zones of the dense fibrillar component and an increased amount of RNP-granules. All these observations taken together point out at an increased synthesis and processing of rRNA at early stages of the prereplicative period. In 9 hours the character of changes in nucleoli was different: the vacuoles were considerably widened, whereas the thickness of strands that consisted of a well-expressed dense fibrillar, fibrillar and granular components was lesser. Such rearrangement points out at an increased transport of preribosomes from the nucleolus, a high level of synthesis and processing of nascent RNP-product being maintained. The changes of nucleolar RNP-component were followed by appearance of greater blocks of perinucleolar condensed chromatin, which may be connected with "cutting-off" some tissue-specific genes and initiation of functioning of the mitotic operon genes.  相似文献   

Whole ovaries of the sawfly, Acantholyda nemoralis Thoms., Tenthredinidae, Hymenoptera, were cultivated by the organ culture technique of Fell in the medium of Jones and Cunningham modified by doubling the contents of salts, sugars and lactalbumin hydrolysate and supplemented with an addition of folate. In the experimental conditions the sawfly ovary survived for several days showing mitoses in the follicular epithelium. In some of the nurse cell nuclei of the cultured ovaries nucleolus-like structures developed which showed a positive reaction to the Hamm test for viral polyhedra. Formation of these structures was stimulated by amethopterin. Electron microscopical examination revealed that these structures were not viral polyhedra but enlarged nucleoli whose modified ultrastructure differed considerably from that of the nucleoli of cells of trophic ovaries in normally developing insects. Amethopterin appears to induce enlargement of the granules of the granular component of nucleolonema, probably due to disturbance in RNA biosynthesis. The positive Hamm test obtained in the nucleoli shows that this test cannot be regarded as specific for nuclear polyhedra.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of the nucleoli of the microsporangiate strobili and the root tips of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) vary both during the course of the cellular cycle and, with regard to the pattern and stage of organ and tissue differentiation. Nucleologenesis takes place in interphase and the nucleoli last until prophase. Several types of nucleoli occur during the nucleolar cycle, the pattern and age of tissues determining which type or types dominate. In the strobilus primordia collected at the end of July and in August, the mitotic frequency is high. Nucleoli remain small throughout the nucleolar cycle, and at the electron microscopic level, they display intermingled fibrillar and fibrillogranular components. Strobilus primordia collected in September contain larger nucleoli in the sporogenous nuclei than in the nuclei of the tapetum or of the wall cells. Amongst the nucleoli with completely intermingled fibrous and granular material, nucleoli with nucleolonema or with vacuoles occur frequently. Small balls of fibrous material are seen on the nucleolar surface and in the nucleoplasm. In October, the mitotic frequency of strobilal cells is low. Nucleoli with completely intermingled fibrillar and granular components have vanished whereas a new, compact type of nucleolus with a dense fibrillogranular main portion and with nucleolonema, has developed. The nucleoli of the sporogenous cells have enlarged continuously whereas those of the wall cells are small. The nucleoli of the root tip cell resemble, to a certain extent, those of the strobilus primordia collected in September. In squashed preparations, the nucleoli of the strobilal cells bind the common nucleolar stains poorly whereas the nucleoli of the root cells can be stained with all the methods used. In certain cases, DNase treatment improves the stainability of the strobilal nucleoli. AgNO3-staining is successful after acetic acid: alcohol fixation but not after formalin: hydrochinone fixation.  相似文献   

Persistent nucleoli were studied in Chinese hamster and human long term cultures, human peripheral blood short term cultures, as well as direct bone marrow preparations. No colchicine or hypotonic treatments were applied and the cells were differentially stained with the Feulgen method and light green. Nucleoli were found to persist in the three systems studied, although to a much greater extent in the long term culture. The persistent nucleolar materials were usually in the form of individualized nucleoli mainly at chromosome ends. They also sometimes existed in a fluidlike or dropletlike condition around the chromosomes. Association of acrocentrics in humans and end-to-end associations in hamsters are likely to result from persistence of nucleoli and the possible effects of colchicine and hypotonic treatments that are usually applied. Other phenomena, such as stickiness at metaphase and separation difficulties and fragmentation at anaphase, may result from persistence of nucleoli. Nucleoli were often associated with large chromosomes and sometimes at sites exhibiting faint or clear constrictions. The possibilities of a partial correspondence between sites of persistence and sites of organization, as well as of the organization of nucleolar materials at sites other than the main organizers, are discussed. The persistent nucleoli were not included in daughter nuclei. They either degenerated in the cytoplasm or were eliminated from the cell. The three systems used may represent different intensities of metabolism reflected in the amounts of nucleolar materials built up and the amount that persists.  相似文献   

The main features of the reaction of nucleolar components to a simple hypotonic shock are described. In place of nucleoli, only fibrillar complexes remain. Such preservation provides another morphological proof of the hypothesis of fibrillar complexes as morphological-functional units in active nucleoli. Moreover, this method can become a good tool for further study of nucleolus-organizing regions.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix contains a group of residual non-histone proteins which remain structurally organized after extensive extraction of isolated nuclei with a high salt buffer, nucleases and a non-ionic detergent. Electron microscopic examination shows that the nuclear matrix is composed of a pore-complex lamina, an intranuclear network and residual nucleoli. In CHO cells biochemical analyses performed by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE show three major nuclear matrix polypeptides with molecular weights between 60 and 70 kDa. Polyclonal antibodies produced against these polypeptides were used to determine their nuclear distribution. Using immunoblotting, these proteins were found in whole nuclei, nuclear matrix, and in the intranuclear network but not in the pore-complex lamina. In order to determine the relationship between these structural proteins and the organization of the nucleus, the proteins were localized in situ. Ultrastructural detection was carried out by immunogold staining of thin sections of Lowicryl K4M-embedded cells. In interphase nuclei all condensed chromatin clumps were labelled. The nucleolus and the interchromatin granules were never immunogold-stained. During mitosis, the label was found to be associated with the chromosomes. This study shows that unlike the lamins, these 60-70 kDa nuclear matrix proteins are associated with the condensed chromatin throughout the cell cycle.  相似文献   

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