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The pineal gland, through its nocturnal melatonin secretion, mediates the effects of inhibitory (long) and stimulatory (short) photoperiod on reproduction in female sheep. Earlier studies revealed that duration of the nighttime melatonin rise is important in determining the inhibitory effect of day length on reproduction in the ewe. The present study tested whether the duration is also important in mediating the inductive response to short days. Pinealectomized ewes, housed under long days, received a short-day melatonin infusion (16-h duration) for 90 days. Reproductive status was monitored from the response to estradiol negative feedback of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. This short-day melatonin pattern led to unambiguous reproductive induction, despite the exposure to inhibitory long days. The increase in serum LH was comparable, in terms of latency and magnitude, to that in pinealectomized controls receiving the same short-day melatonin pattern under short days, and in pineal-intact controls transferred from long to short days. Since the reproductive status conformed to the length of time that melatonin was elevated each day rather than to photoperiod, these results support the conclusion that duration of the nighttime melatonin rise mediates the reproductive response of the ewe to an inductive photoperiod. In all, the melatonin rhythm is considered an integral component of the physiologic mechanism measuring day length; through duration of its nocturnal secretion, melatonin encodes both inhibitory and stimulatory photoperiods.  相似文献   

Although many species display endogenous circannual rhythms of biological activity that are synchronized by day length, the specific photoperiodic requirements for synchronizing such rhythms are not established for any species. We tested the hypothesis that the circannual reproductive rhythm of sheep can be synchronized by exposure to just one or two discrete blocks of photoperiodic information each year. Ewes were pinealectomized to prevent their ability to transduce photoperiodic information into altered reproductive neuroendocrine activity. During the 53/4 yr following pinealectomy, specific photoperiodic signals were restored for discrete periods of time via replacement of 24-h patterns of melatonin, the pineal hormone that transmits photic information to the reproductive neuroendocrine axis. The ewes were kept in a 12-mo photoycycle that alternated between short (8L:16D) and long (16L:8D) days every 6 mo and that was 6 mo out of phase with the geophysical year. Pineal-intact control ewes exhibited synchronous annual reproductive cycles. Noninfused pinealectomized control ewes did not exhibit synchronous cycles. Pinealectomized ewes infused with alternating 70-day blocks of short- and long-day patterns of melatonin every 6 mo for the first 21/2 yr of the experiment exhibited synchronous annual reproductive cycles that were 6 mo out of phase with those of ewes maintained outdoors. This synchrony persisted when the frequency of the melatonin treatment was reduced to just one 70-day block of a long-day pattern of melatonin each 365 days. Cycle period was 368 +/- 3 days; standard deviation of the date of onset of reproductive induction averaged only 3 days. Our study provides the first direct evidence that a single block of photoperiodic information a year can synchronize a circannual rhythm.  相似文献   

This study examined whether or not the reproductive response of female sheep to photoperiod varies with seasonal reproductive state. The specific objective was to test the hypothesis that the reproductive response to a long-day pattern of melatonin varies with the reproductive state of the ewe. The response examined was the synchronization of reproductive neuroendocrine induction (rise in serum luteinizing hormone, or LH) following nocturnal infusion of melatonin into pinealectomized ewes for 35 consecutive nights. This infusion restored a pattern of circulating melatonin similar to that in pineal-intact ewes maintained in a long photoperiod (LD 16:8). The ewes had been pinealectomized and without melatonin replacement for 16-25 months prior to the study. They were in differing reproductive states at the start of the infusion, as their endogenous reproductive rhythm had become desynchronized among individuals and with respect to time of year. Noninfused pinealectomized ewes served as controls. Regardless of the reproductive state at the start of the 35-day infusion of the long-day pattern of melatonin, all treated ewes exhibited the same reproductive neuroendocrine response after the infusion was ended. This consisted of a synchronized rise in LH some 6-8 weeks after the infusion was terminated, the maintenance of a high level of serum LH for some 15 weeks, and a subsequent precipitous fall in LH to a very low level. These results provide evidence that a long-day pattern of melatonin can synchronize reproductive neuroendocrine induction in the ewe, regardless of reproductive condition, and thus do not support the hypothesis that this response differs with seasonal reproductive state.  相似文献   

The pineal controls the reproductive response of ewes to both stimulatory (short) and inhibitory (long) day lengths. Melatonin, a pineal hormone whose nocturnal secretion is entrained by photoperiod, mediates the effect of stimulatory photoperiod. We now report that melatonin also mediates the effect of inhibitory day length, monitored as response to estradiol negative feedback on luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. Ovariectomized, estradiol-implanted ewes were pinealectomized and intravenously infused with melatonin to restore the nightly melatonin rise. Following transfer from short to long days, and a concurrent switch from short- to long-day melatonin patterns, LH dropped precipitously in pinealectomized ewes, matching the photoinhibitory response of pineal intact controls. LH dropped similarly in pinealectomized ewes when long-day melatonin was infused under short days. Pinealectomized ewes transferred from long to short days displayed a marked LH rise, provided melatonin was also switched to the short-day pattern. LH remained suppressed if long-day melatonin was infused following transfer to short days. These data indicate the nighttime melatonin rise mediates reproductive responses to inhibitory, as well as stimulatory photoperiods; they further suggest the duration of this rise controls suppression of LH under long days. Rather than being strictly pro- or antigonadal, the pineal participates in measuring day length.  相似文献   

An endogenous circannual rhythm drives the seasonal reproductive cycle of a broad spectrum of species. This rhythm is synchronized to the seasons (i.e., entrained) by photoperiod, which acts by regulating the circadian pattern of melatonin secretion from the pineal gland. Prior work has revealed that melatonin patterns secreted in spring/summer entrain the circannual rhythm of reproductive neuroendocrine activity in sheep, whereas secretions in winter do not. The goal of this study was to determine if inability of the winter-melatonin pattern to entrain the rhythm is due to the specific melatonin pattern secreted in winter or to the stage of the circannual rhythm at that time of year. Either a summer- or a winter-melatonin pattern was infused for 70 days into pinealectomized ewes, centered around the summer solstice, when an effective stimulus readily entrains the rhythm. The ewes were ovariectomized and treated with constant-release estradiol implants, and circannual cycles of reproductive neuroendocrine activity were monitored by serum LH concentrations. Only the summer-melatonin pattern entrained the circannual reproductive rhythm. The inability of the winter pattern to do so indicates that the mere presence of a circadian melatonin pattern, in itself, is insufficient for entrainment. Rather, the characteristics of the melatonin pattern, in particular a pattern that mimics the photoperiodic signals of summer, determines entrainment of the circannual rhythm of reproductive neuroendocrine activity in the ewe.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine whether the refractoriness of the Suffolk ewe to the reproductive effects of day length is associated with a deficit in the generation of the circadian rhythm of melatonin secretion or in the postpineal processing of this photoperiodic message. Using serum luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations in ovariectomized ewes bearing constant-release estradiol implants as a marker of reproductive induction, ewes with intact pineal glands were found to become unresponsive to fixed artificial photoperiods that initially had been either inductive (short days) or inhibitory (long days). The loss of the photoperiodic response was not associated with notable changes in the 24-h secretory pattern of melatonin, which remained characteristically low throughout the day and rose at night. In pinealectomized ewes, nightly infusion of a stimulatory pattern of melatonin (simulating that seen on short days) initially provoked reproductive induction; this response then lessened over much the same time course that pineal intact ewes became refractory to short days. These results support the hypothesis that photorefractoriness reflects a deficit in the postpineal processing of the photoperiodic message. Further, in view of recent evidence that photorefractoriness normally leads to both onset and cessation of the breeding season in Suffolk ewes maintained outdoors, these findings suggest that the loss of response to the melatonin signal contributes to at least one of these reproductive transitions, the cessation of the breeding season, under natural environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The 24-h pattern of melatonin secretion was evaluated in Suffolk ewes during prolonged exposure to an inductive photoperiod to assess whether altered secretion of melatonin could account for the eventual loss of response to stimulatory photoperiod (photorefractoriness). Secretory patterns of melatonin were determined approximately every two weeks in samples obtained hourly for 24-48 h. Sampling was begun one week before the switch from inhibitory (long) to inductive (short) photoperiod and continued for 150 days, by which time all but one of the ewes were unresponsive to that stimulatory day length. Melatonin was measured in two different radioimmunoassay systems. Reproductive state was monitored by luteinizing hormone secretion in ovariectomized ewes bearing constant-release estradiol implants. No evidence for disruption of the melatonin pattern was observed on any occasion. The duration and the phase of the melatonin elevation relative to the light/dark cycle did not vary with time of exposure to short days. These findings indicate that refractoriness of the Suffolk ewe to an inductive photoperiod is not caused by an inappropriate secretory pattern of melatonin.  相似文献   

We exposed Dorper-cross ewes at approximately 120-135 days of gestation to a hot (40 degrees C, 60% relative humidity) and a cold (4 degrees C, 90% relative humidity) environment and to treadmill exercise (2.1 km/h, 5 degrees gradient) and measured fetal lamb and ewe body temperatures using previously implanted abdominal radiotelemeters. When ewes were exposed to 2 h of heat or 30 min of exercise, body temperature rose less in the fetus than in the mother, such that the difference between fetal and maternal body temperature, on average 0.6 degrees C before the thermal stress, fell significantly by 0.54 +/- 0.06 degrees C (SE, n = 8) during heat exposure and by 0.21 +/- 0.08 degrees C (n = 7) during exercise. During 6 h of maternal exposure to cold, temperature fell significantly less in the fetus than in the ewe, and the difference between fetal and maternal body temperature rose to 1.16 +/- 0.26 degrees C (n = 9). Thermoregulatory strategies used by the pregnant ewe for thermoregulation during heat or cold exposure appear to protect the fetus from changes in its thermal environment.  相似文献   

Early oestrous cycles were induced in adult, maiden, 18-month-old Suffolk-cross ewes, maintained from birth in natural photoperiod by the following treatments applied from mid-June: subcutaneous implantation of melatonin (1 g) in Silastic packets, daily, oral, melatonin administration (3 mg/ewe) at 15:30 h, an artificial photoperiod of 8L:16D (lights on 07:30 h). Ovarian cycles began 5-10 weeks before those of control ewes maintained in a natural photoperiod. In contrast, the onset of ovarian cycles in ewes given s.c. implants of melatonin (1 g) in April, and a further group in May, was highly variable, and not significantly different from that of the control ewes. Plasma melatonin profiles in sheep with implants showed a night-time rise super-imposed on a constant level, which was itself within the physiological night-time range. Implant-derived melatonin declined with time but remained at or above physiological night-time levels for at least 3 1/2 months. These results indicate that melatonin implants in June, but not in April or May, advance onset of oestrus in the non-lactating, adult ewe. The effects of melatonin implants in June on onset of ovarian cycles were indistinguishable from those of melatonin feeding or artificial short photoperiod initiated at this time of year.  相似文献   

Entrainment of circannual rhythms of body mass and reproduction was monitored for 3 years in female golden-mantled ground squirrels maintained in a simulated natural photoperiod. Both pinealectomized and pineal-intact squirrels generated circannual rhythms of body mass and estrus, but only the intact animals entrained these rhythms to a period of 365 days. In the second and third years after treatment, the period of the body mass rhythm was significantly shorter than 365 days for pinealectomized squirrels, and variance in tau among these animals was significantly greater than for intact squirrels. A similar pattern was evident in the rhythm of reproduction, which was phase-disrupted in pinealectomized squirrels but entrained in intacts. Seasonal changes in duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion by the pineal appear to be necessary to produce phase-delays required to entrain the circannual clock to a period of 12 months.  相似文献   

Fifteen pinealectomized and 15 unoperated ewes were exposed to constant light for 3 weeks before and 10 weeks after lambing. Fourteen pinealectomized and 15 unoperated ewes were allowed to lamb outdoors. Five ewe lambs born in constant light to the 2 groups of dams were pinealectomized at 10 weeks of age. Ewes and lambs were then returned to the field. Puberty (determined by weekly progesterone analysis) was significantly delayed (P less than 0.05) in the pinealectomized ewe lambs. Median pubertal age in pineal-intact ewe lambs was 37 weeks compared to 49 weeks in pinealectomized lambs. Constant light during the first 10 weeks of life had no effect upon puberty onset nor did the pineal status of the dam. Control lambs entered seasonal anoestrus at the time pinealectomized ewe lambs were entering puberty. Pinealectomized lambs entered anoestrus at the same time as control lambs were beginning their second breeding season. These results confirm a key role of pineal-mediated hormonal signals in the control of puberty in the sheep.  相似文献   

The reproductive neuroendocrine response of Suffolk ewes to the direction of daylength change was determined in animals which were ovariectomized and treated with constant release capsules of oestradiol. Two groups of animals were initially exposed to 16 or 10 h light/day for 74 days. On day zero of the study, when one group of ewes was reproductively stimulated (elevated LH concentrations) and the other reproductively inhibited (undetectable LH concentrations), half the animals from each group were transferred to an intermediate daylength of 13 h light/day. The remaining ewes were maintained on their respective solstice photoperiods to control for photorefractoriness. LH concentrations rose in animals experiencing a 3 h decrease in daylength from 16L:8D to 13L:11D while LH concentrations fell to undetectable values in those that experienced a 3 h increase in daylength from 10L:14D to 13L:11D. The photoperiodic response of the Suffolk ewe, therefore, depends on her daylength history. Such a result could be explained if the 24-h secretory pattern of melatonin secretion, known to transduce photoperiodic information to the reproductive axis, was influenced by the direction of change of daylength. Hourly samples for melatonin were collected for 24 h 17 days before and three times after transfer to 13L:11D. The melatonin secretory profile always conformed to daylength. Therefore, the mechanism by which the same photoperiod can produce opposite neuroendocrine responses must lie downstream from the pineal gland in the processing of the melatonin signal.  相似文献   

Hair sheep ewes were used to evaluate the influence of various levels of mating stimuli on the duration and timing of estrus and LH concentrations around estrus. Ewes were treated with PGF2alpha (15 mg, im) 10 d apart. At the time of the second PGF2alpha treatment (Day 0) ewes were placed in groups and exposed to different types of mating stimuli. One group of ewes (n = 16) was exposed to an epididymectomized ram (RAM), a second group of ewes (n = 16) was exposed to an epididymectomized ram wearing an apron to prevent intromission (APRON) and a third group of ewes (n = 17) was exposed to an androgenized ovariectomized ewe (T-EWE). Jugular blood samples were collected from ewes at 6-h intervals through Day 5. Plasma was harvested and LH concentration was determined by RIA. The ewes were observed at 6-h intervals to detect estrus. A ewe was considered to be out of estrus when she no longer stood to be mounted by the teaser animal. There was no difference (P > 0.10) in the proportion of ewes expressing estrus (79.6%) or having an LH surge (85.7%) among the treatments. Neither the time to estrus nor the duration of estrus were different (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM or T-EWE groups (41.6+/-3.8 vs 43.6+/-3.6 vs 46.1+/-3.6 h, respectively, and 26.5+/-2.2 vs 24.8+/-2.3 vs 30.5+/-2.2 h, respectively). The time to LH surge was similar (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM and T-EWE groups (51.2+/-4.5 vs 51.2+/-4.7 vs 52.7+/-4.5 h, respectively). The magnitude of the LH surge was similar (P > 0.10) in the T-EWE, APRON and RAM ewes (99.7+/-4.9 vs 87.2+/-4.9 vs 85.8+/-5.0 ng/mL, respectively). The time from estrus to the LH surge was not different (P > 0.10) among APRON, RAM or T-EWE ewes (10.1+/-2.2 vs 9.8+/-2.3 vs 11.6+/-2.3 h, respectively). These results show that the expression and duration of estrus are not influenced by different types of mating stimuli in hair sheep ewes. In addition, the timing and the magnitude of LH release does not appear to be influenced by mating stimuli around the time of estrus.  相似文献   

Female Sprague-Dawley rats, exposed to a long (18L:6D) or a short (6L:18D) photoperiod from 21 days of age, were mated when they reached 55 days of age. On Day 2 of gestation, dams were pinealectomized or sham-operated. Pre- and postnatal photoperiods were identical, and offspring were killed at 15 days of age. Maternal pinealectomy had no effect when rats were kept on 18L:6D. Rats born to sham-operated mothers and kept on 6L:18D had higher testicular testosterone and androstenedione content than offspring raised on the long photoperiod. This stimulatory effect of the short photoperiod was blocked by maternal pinealectomy and was not dependent on the offspring's own pineal since it was observed in both sham-operated and neonatally (on Day 5 after birth) pinealectomized rats. When sham-operated mothers housed on 18L:6D were treated daily during pregnancy and lactation by s.c. melatonin injection, there was an increase in the testicular testosterone content of offspring. It was concluded that when rats are maintained on a 6L:18D cycle the maternal pineal gland enhances the testicular testosterone and androstenedione content in 15-day-old offspring. This effect is probably mediated by maternally derived melatonin. At 15 days of age, the pineal of the offspring had no influence on testicular function.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the hormone melatonin in the circadian system of pigeons (Columba livia) was investigated. Using an automatic infusion system, melatoni at physiological levels was delivered for 10 h each day to cannulated, pinealectomized (P-X) pigeons in constant darkness. These cyclic infusions of melatonin entrained feeding rhythms in P-X pigeons while vehicle infusions were ineffective entraining agents. When the retinae of P-X pigeons were removed (E-X), feeding rhythms were abolished in constant darkness. When cyclic melatonin infusions were delivered to these birds (E-X and P-X), feeding rhythmicity was restored whereas vehicle infusions alone did not restore rhythmicity. When melatonin infusions were terminated in E-X/P-X pigeons, feeding rhythms persisted for several days but eventually decayed. Blood melatonin levels were measured in both P-X and E-X/P-X birds infused cyclically with exogenous melatonin and were found to be within the physiological range both in level and pattern. These results strongly suggest that endogenous melatonin, released by the pineal gland and the retinae, regulates the timing of feeding rhythms by entraining other oscillators in the circadian system of the pigeon.Abbreviations P-X pinealectomized - E-X bilaterally enucleated - T period of infusion cycle - LD light: dark cycle - DD constant darkness  相似文献   

The concentrations of neurokinin A (NKA) and substance P (SP), members of tachykinins family, have been studied in all seasons of the year in frontal cortex, striatum and testes of male offspring 21-, 31-, or 60 days old of mother Wistar rats: control, pinealectomized (PIN-X) and pinealectomized + melatonin during pregnancy (PIN- X + MEL) kept under 12h:12h L:D. Control-offspring: in spite of having been kept under constant environmental conditions throughout the year, had marked differences in tachykinin concentrations. The highest tachykinin concentrations in the frontal cortex were found in summer and fall and the lowest in winter and spring. Maternal PIN-X resulted in alterations of this developmental pattern, mainly in PIN-X- and PIN- X + MEL-offspring in which the highest tachykinin concentrations at 21 and 31 days of age were only observed during summer. The alterations were observed up to 60 days of age for both tachykinins, when at this age control-offspring showed similar NKA concentrations. Seasonal variations were still observed in PIN-X- and PIN- X + MEL-offspring. In striatum and testes no mayor modifications throughout the four seasons of the year were found, with very few exceptions. PIN-X did not alter tachykinin concentrations, neither treatment with melatonin did it. In conclusion, our data clearly indicate for the first time that NKA and SP do indeed have seasonal rhythms in frontal cortex and that the maternal pineal gland plays a role in their entrainment already during fetal life.  相似文献   

The effects of melatonin implants on out-of-season breeding in New Zealand Romney composite ewes, was determined by comparison of reproductive performance in ewes treated with progesterone+equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) (control; n=107), melatonin+progesterone+eCG (n=97) or melatonin+progesterone (n=96). Conception rates in melatonin+progesterone+eCG-treated ewes (67%) were higher than in the control ewes (P<0.01; 47%). Pregnancy rates were higher in melatonin+progesterone+eCG-treated ewes (55%; P<0.001) compared with the control ewes (40%). Fewer melatonin+progesterone-treated ewes displayed oestrus (14%; P<0.001) and subsequently became pregnant (6%). Oestrus rates in melatonin+progesterone-treated ewes (14%) were lower than both the melatonin+progesterone+eCG-treated (82%) and control ewes (86%; P<0.001), which were similar to each other. The number of foetuses per pregnant ewe was similar in all three treatment groups. Serum melatonin concentrations at Day -9 were higher in the ewes treated with melatonin and there was a large variation between individual ewes, but concentrations were similar for pregnant and nonpregnant ewes. The combination of higher conception rate and the trend for more lambs per pregnant ewes resulted in more lambs being born per ewe treated in melatonin+progesterone+eCG-treated ewes compared to the other two treatment groups. These results suggest that melatonin implants, in conjunction with administration of progesterone and eCG, may be suitable as a means of increasing the number of lambs born per ewe treated in an out-of-season breeding program in New Zealand sheep flocks while melatonin and progesterone is not.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of melatonin and level of nutrition on embryo yield during anestrous and breeding season. Adult Rasa Aragonesa ewes were assigned randomly to one of the four treatment groups in two experiments using a 2x2x2 factorial design. Individuals were treated (+MEL) or not treated (-MEL) with a subcutaneous implant of melatonin for 42d (Melovine, CEVA) and fed 1.5 (control, C) or 0.5 (low, L) times the daily maintenance requirements for 20d. Ewes were mated at oestrus (Day=0) and embryos were recovered on Day 5. Level of nutrition and melatonin supplements did not have a significant effect on ovulation rate or the number of recovered ova per ewe in the Reproductive Season (RS) and the Anestrous Season (AS). During the RS, undernutrition reduced the number of viable embryos per ewe (C: 1.1+/-0.2; L: 0.6+/-0.2; P<0.05); however, the number of viable embryos per ewe in the L+MEL group (0.2+/-0.15) was significantly lower than it was in the L, C+MEL and C groups (0.9+/-0.3, 1.2+/-0.3, 1.0+/-0.4, respectively; P<0.05). In the AS, nutrition did not have a significant effect on the number of viable embryos per ewe, although melatonin supplements might have improved rates slightly. Embryo viability rate (% viable embryos/embryos recovered) was unaffected by melatonin supplements or level of nutrition in the RS and the AS. Season had a strong effect on the number of viable embryos per functional corpus luteum among ewes in the L+MEL group, only (RS: 0.2+/-0.1; AS: 0.6+/-0.2; P<0.05). In conclusion, undernutrition impaired the viability of sheep embryos in the RS, particularly among ewes that were given melatonin supplements subcutaneously, but melatonin appeared to improve embryo quality in the AS, which suggests that the mechanisms involved in the interactive effects of melatonin and nutrition on embryo development are influenced by season.  相似文献   

The effect of short-term maternal ethanol administration on the ethanol-induced suppression of fetal breathing movements, electrocortical (ECoG) activity, and electroocular (EOG) activity was determined in the near-term fetal sheep. Twelve conscious instrumented pregnant ewes (between 125 and 139 days of gestation; term, 147 days) received 1-h intravenous infusion of 1 g ethanol/kg total body weight daily for six days (n = 6) or an equivalent volume of normal saline daily for six days (n = 6). On the seventh day, the ethanol- and saline-pretreated animals were administered 1 g ethanol/kg total body weight. A further six ewes received 1-h intravenous infusion of 1 g ethanol/kg total body weight (n = 3) or an equivalent volume of normal saline (n = 3) daily for thirteen days with both groups receiving 1 g ethanol/kg total body weight on day fourteen. Fetal ECoG and EOG activities, and fetal breathing movements were monitored continuously over the post- operative and experimental periods. Saline infusion had no significant effect on the parameters studied. Fetal breathing movements were suppressed for 8 h after the first ethanol dose, and were not significantly suppressed after fourteen days of once-daily, maternal ethanol administration. Low-voltage ECoG and EOG activities were suppressed for 3 h after the first ethanol dose, and were not significantly suppressed after seven days of repeated ethanol administration. Maternal and fetal blood gases and acid-base balance were not significantly affected by maternal ethanol administration. These data demonstrate that short-term maternal administration of ethanol results in the development of tolerance to ethanol in the mature fetus.  相似文献   

Premature induction of delivery in fetuses infused with graded doses of cortisol was brought about in 123.5 +/- 7.7 h (mean +/- SEM, n = 6) after the start of cortisol infusion. This treatment caused a rise in fetal plasma cortisol similar to that observed at normal delivery. Maternal and fetal progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone concentrations decreased to basal levels during infusion of cortisol to the fetus. Induction of premature delivery was delayed or prevented by concomitant treatment of the ewe with progestagen. Maternal intramuscular injection of 100 mg progesterone, 2 times daily, prevented delivery in four of four ewes treated during the time that cortisol was infused into the fetus (11-13 days). Maternal plasma progesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone concentrations were maintained during this period, but fetal plasma progesterone concentrations decreased to the same extent as in the fetuses infused with cortisol alone. A single intramuscular injection of 250 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate to ewes on the day before commencement of infusion of cortisol to the fetus prevented delivery in four of six ewes during the time that cortisol was infused for 9, 13, 14, and 15 days, respectively. One ewe delivered a live lamb at 133.5 h and another at 147.7 h after the start of infusion of cortisol to the fetus. Maternal and fetal plasma cortisol, progesterone, and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone concentrations were similar to those observed during infusion of cortisol alone to the fetus. Although fetal cortisol concentrations rose in a similar fashion, and to a similar extent, in all three groups during infusion of cortisol to the fetus, fetal 11-desoxycortisol concentrations only rose above basal levels close to the time of delivery in cortisol-infused fetuses or, in the progestagen-treated groups, when the fetus showed signs of being stressed.  相似文献   

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