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Protein kinase C was purified from bovine adrenal medulla using a rapid procedure which resulted in an approximate 1500-fold increase in specific activity. The characteristics of the enzyme are reported and for the first time it is possible to compare the effects of TPA on secretion from intact and permeabilized cells with the effect of TPA on protein kinase C purified from the same secretory tissue.  相似文献   

Summary Adrenal glands of human fetuses were investigated by means of an immunohistochemical method with the use of an anti-S-100 serum. S-100-immunoreactivity was recognized in sustentacular cells located among the chromaffin cells. A characteristic circular arrangement of the immunostained cells was found in the central region of the adrenal glands. It surrounded aggregations of non-argyrophilic, small, round cells, which were identified as the remaining sympathoblasts (primitive sympathetic cells).  相似文献   

Summary The effects of a single high dose (10mg/kg) of vinblastine (vb) sulfate (Velbe, Lilly) on the ultrastructure, catecholamine (CA) content and activity of CA-synthesizing enzymes of the rat adrenal medulla were studied for up to 120h after intravenous injection of the drug.By 1 h, microtubules were virtually absent from chromaffin cells and preganglionic cholinergic axons, and typical paracrystals had appeared inside the nerve fibers. By 16h microtubules were completely reconstituted and paracrystals had disappeared. From 16h onwards, there was an increasing depletion of storage granules from adrenaline (A) — producing cells, which coincided with biochemical determinations showing a reduction of adrenal A to about 40 % of control levels by 48 h, with noradrenaline (NA) remaining in the range of controls. Both A- and NA-storing cells showed an extensive proliferation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Vb caused a marked increase in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH; +113%) and dopamine -hydroxylase (DBH; +82%) activities after 48 h. Splanchnicotomy completely abolished the vb-mediated increase in TH and DBH activities. A smaller increase (+ 47 %) in enzyme activity was observed with phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). Vb (10–5M) had no apparent effect on granule content and the amount of rough ER in chromaffin cells, which were cultured for 48 h.The results demonstrate that a single high dose of vb has relatively little short-term effects on the rat adrenal medulla, but causes drastic long-term changes in CA-content and enzyme activities that are mediated by the preganglionic nerves. These changes could be interpreted as an effort to compensate for a loss of CA-stores in peripheral adrenergic nerves (cf. Cheney et al., 1973). The differential long-term effect of vb on adrenal NA and A might be due to the lower induction of PNMT as compared to TH and DBH activities and/or to a preferential release of A versus NA, which may occur at high frequencies of stimulation of the splanchnic nerves.Supported by grants from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Professor G. Petry in honor of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The development of neuron-like cholinergic immunophenotypes by adrenal chromaffin cells was studied in 10-week-old mouse adrenal medullary grafts. Fragments of chromaffin tissue were implanted into mouse hippocampus, and antibodies specific for neurofilaments (NF), neuron-specific enolase (NSE), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) were applied to the grafts. Adrenal medulla grafts survived well and most of the transplanted cells were either round or polygonal. A minority of chromaffin cells elaborated an intermediate or sympathetic neuron phenotype. Chromaffin cells showed pronounced immunoreactivity for NSE in their perikarya and axon-like processes: immunoreactivity for NF was only found in a few processes. In adjacent immunohistochemically stained sections, the transplanted cells stained for ChAT and AChE. At the electron-microscope level, the immunohistochemical reactions for the two acetylcholine-related enzymes were mainly located on the endoplasmic reticulum and in cell processes. Immunoreactivity for PNMT was found to decline in transplanted chromaffin cells below that of normal adrenal medulla. These observations suggest that, in adrenal medullary grafts implanted into the hippocampus, chromaffin cells are endowed with neuron-like cholinergic immunophenotypes.  相似文献   

Bovine adrenal medulla extract prepared by acid-acetone or acid methanol extraction showed two peaks of CRF-like immunoreactivity on Sephadex G-50 chromatography. One eluted near the void volume and another (low molecular weight CRF-like immunoreactivity) eluted slightly before arginine vasopressin (AVP), while most of the immunoreactivity in bovine hypothalamus coeluted with synthetic ovine CRF. When low molecular weight CRF fractions were chromatographed by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography, three CRF-like immunoreactive peaks appeared. The first peak appeared near TRH, the second one eluted near AVP and the last one eluted near somatostatin. These three peaks of immunoreactivity showed ACTH releasing bioactivity in rat pituitary cells cultures. Therefore, the adrenal medulla-CRF-like substances might be tissue-CRF which may play a role to stimulate ACTH release in the severe stress conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Sections of tissues from the adrenal medullae of young rats were subjected to radioautography after a single intravenous injection of L-leucine 4,5 3H to identify the sites of synthesis and follow the migration of newly-formed proteins in both adrenaline-storing (A) and noradrenaline-storing (N) cells. As early as 2 min after injection of leucine 3H, the label was highest in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) of A and N cells, suggesting that cisternal ribosomes are sites of protein synthesis. By 5 and 10 min, much of the label had migrated from the RER into the Golgi complex of both cell types. Some label was already present over the secretory granule matrix (chromogranins) by 2 min but the peak was reached at 1 h in both A and N cells. By 4 h, the label over the secretory granules had diminished, indicating a release of newly-synthetized chromogranins outside the cells. The label over the hyaloplasm was relatively high at 2 min but it decreased rapidly to low levels. In contrast, the label over the cell surface continually increased to reach the highest levels among all organelles at 4 h in both cell types. The pattern of increment of the label over the cell surface suggests that the newly-formed proteins of these sites are also synthetized in the RER, pass through the Golgi complex and are transported in the hyaloplasm, before reaching the surface of A and N cells.Supported in part by the Quebec Heart Foundation, the Medical Research Council of Canada (Grant MT-1973), the J.-L. Levesque Foundation, the Ministry of Education of Quebec (Formation de Chercheurs et Action Concertée) and the Fond de l'Université de Montréal (Cafir)  相似文献   

Summary Nerve growth factor (NGF) was localized in the mouse submandibular gland by means of indirect immunofluorescence applied to 0.5 mthick sections of freeze-dried, plastic-embedded tissue. The antibody to NGF (IgG-fraction) was raised in rabbits immunized with pure 2.5 S NGF from submandibular glands of adult male mice.In the male gland anti-NGF bound selectively to the secretory granules was present in the cells of the granular ducts. Immunoreactive granules extended from the perinuclear region toward the apical pole. In the female gland immunoreactive cells and granules were considerably less abundant than in males. Immunofluorescence was confined to individual secretory cells located in the wall of the granular striated duct.In the present study no support was found for the hypothesis suggesting that immunoreactive NGF is formed within the secretory granules during their transport from the perinuclear region to the apical pole.  相似文献   

Summary Expiants of adrenal medullary tissue taken from newborn guinea pigs were grown in culture for up to two weeks. The explants exhibited sparse outgrowth of neurite-like processes, in contrast to adrenal medullae taken from young postnatal rats or adult guinea pigs that were (i) grown under identical conditions (Unsicker and Chamley 1977) or (ii) transplanted to the anterior chamber of the eye (Unsicker et al. 1981), respectively. Nerve growth factor (10–100 ng/ml, 2.5S NGF) did not enhance formation of processes. However, electron-microscopic investigations revealed the presence of numerous processes within the explants, which extended from chromaffin cells and were characterized by longitudinally oriented cytoskeletal structures, various populations of clear and dense-cored vesicles, varicosities and growth cones. Chromaffin cell bodies largely resembled their in situ-counterparts, but had fewer and smaller storage vesicles than controls.The results are discussed in light of recent findings regarding the potency of NGF and NGF-like growth factors to induce neuronal transdifferentiation of adrenal chromaffin cells.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 103 and Un 34/6)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of diaphragmed fenestrae and the process of their de novo formation were examined in cultured endothelial cells cloned from fenestrated capillaries of bovine adrenal medulla. One clone frequently formed many diaphragmed fenestrae in highly attenuated regions of endothelium during 1–1.5 months of culture on reconstituted collagen gel. Stereo views of thick sections showed round or oval clusters of geometrically arranged fenestrae, each with a central knob. The number of diaphragmed fenestra per cluster was 50±13/m2. The inner diameter of the fenestrae was 50–60 nm. In the cells having small clusters of fenestrae, plasmalemmal vesicles, each having a thin diaphragm with a central knob, were accumulated (56±18/m2) and arranged geometrically, mostly on the basal plasmalemma. At the border between the cytoplasm and the eluster of fenestrae, plasmalemmal vesicles of the basal plasmalemma fused with the opposing apical plamalemma. A model for the process of fenestrae formation in vitro is proposed.  相似文献   

Adenosine was shown to inhibit norepinephrine (NE) release from sympathetic nerve endings. The purpose of this study was to examine whether endogenous adenosine restrains NE and epinephrine release from the adrenal medulla. The effects of an adenosine receptor antagonist, 1,3-dipropyl-8-(p-sulfophenyl) xanthine (DPSPX), on epinephrine and NE release induced by intravenous administration of insulin in conscious rats were examined. Plasma catecholamines were measured by HPLC with an electrochemical detector. DPSPX significantly increased plasma catecholamine in both control rats and rats treated with insulin. The effect of DPSPX on plasma catecholamine was significantly greater in rats treated with insulin. Additional experiments were performed in adrenalectomized rats to investigate the contribution of the adrenal medulla to the effect of DPSPX on plasma catecholamine. The effect of DPSPX and insulin on epinephrine in adrenalectomized rats was significantly reduced compared with that of the controls. Finally, we tested whether endogenous adenosine restrains catecholamine secretion partially through inhibiting the renin-angiotensin system. The effect of DPSPX on plasma catecholamine in rats pretreated with captopril (an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor) was reduced. These results demonstrate that under basal physiological conditions, endogenous adenosine tonically inhibits catecholamine secretion from the adrenal medulla, and this effect is augmented when the sympathetic system is stimulated. The effect of endogenous adenosine on catecholamine secretion from the adrenal medulla is achieved partially through the inhibitory effect of adenosine on the renin-angiotensin system.  相似文献   

Summary The synthetic pathways of proteins and catecholamines in the rat adrenal medullary cells were compared systematically at the ultrastructural level, within a 24 h period, with 2 tracers, L-tyrosine 3,5-3H and L-3,4-dihydroxy [ring 2,5,6-3H] phenylalanine (L-dopa3H). Young rats were injected with either of these tracers and sacrificed in pairs at close time intervals. With L-tyrosine 3H, the label was about equal over rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and secretory granules at 2 min after injection and remained almost constant in intensity over the secretory granules throughout the period of observation. A peak of radioactivity was also observed in the Golgi complex between 5 and 20 min after injection. This indicates that L-tyrosine 3H participates in the synthesis of both granule proteins and catecholamines as confirmed by the results obtained after injection of L-dopa 3H. With this tracer, radioactivity over RER, Golgi complex, cytosol and cell surface remained very low at all times and was undetectable at several time intervals. In contrast, radioactivity over secretory granules was very high at all time intervals. The present results thus confirm that in both adrenaline- and noradrenaline-storing cells, the protein moiety of chromaffin granules is synthetized in the RER, packaged in the Golgi complex and rapidly found in newly formed secretory granules. Following either L-tyrosine 3H or L-dopa 3H injection, catecholamine synthesis occurs only in or in close vicinity to chromaffin granules in both cell types at all time intervals. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada to the Multidisciplinary Research Group of Hypertension of the Clinical Research Institute of Montreal and by the Canadian Heart Foundation  相似文献   

Summary The development of the rat adrenal medulla was studied at the ultrastructural level with particular emphasis placed on early discrimination of different catecholamine-storing cells. The first granule-containing cells, phaeochromoblasts, were seen at day 15 of gestation migrating into the anlage of the cortex. These cells were characterized by a few small granules (80–120 nm in diameter) and a high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. Presumably due to differentiation into chromaffin cells, they were no longer present after the eighth postnatal day. Maturation of phaeochromoblasts was indicated by an increase in number and size of their storage granules and a decrease in the nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio. Noradrenaline and adrenaline cell types were first clearly discernible at day 21 of gestation. Another cell type, a giant cell, was also recognized at this stage. In the adult animal, noradrenaline, two morphologically different types of adrenaline, and small granule-containing cells were observed.By applying acetylcholinesterase histochemistry, it was found that at day 17 of gestation a small population of granule-storing cells showed strong positive staining in the endoplasmic reticulum. In the adult animal this cell type was further characterized by small-storage granules. Other chromaffin cells began to show weak staining within the endoplasmic reticulum at day 19 of gestation. This staining appeared more frequently within adrenaline than noradrenaline cells. However, even in the adult animal many cells of both types were completely negative.It is concluded that acetylcholinesterase histochemistry is a useful method for early discrimination of small granule-containing cells in the developing rat adrenal medulla.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

A protein preparation with cytochalasin-like activity has been obtained from bovine adrenal medulla. Analysis by electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels and chromatography in a Sephacryl S-200 column indicated that the inhibitor activity coincided with a 90 000 dalton polypeptide. The inhibitor decreased high-affinity binding of [3H]cytochalasin B to actin nuclei, apparently by competing with the drug for thesame binding site. At substoichometric levels, the inhibitor had a potent effect on actin filament elongation and on actin-dependent gelation of cell extracts in vitro. These results suggest that the inhibitor may be involved in the control of actin filament assembly and interaction in the adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Explants and enzyme-dispersed cells of adrenal medulla from 10-12 day old rats were studied in culture for up to 3 weeks. Adrenomedullary chromaffin cells, nerve cells and satellite cells were clearly discernible. The nerve cells were few in number and did not show catecholaminespecific fluorescence. Chromaffin cells stored catecholamines, as judged by the Falck and Hillarp method, in varying amounts decreasing with age of the cultures and the distance from the explants. Exocytosis profiles observed with the electron microscope suggested that cultured chromaffin cells also released catecholamines. Moreover, the cells formed processes and frequently migrated into the outgrowth. After 6 days in culture, the great majority of chromaffin cells stored noradrenaline as revealed by electron microscopy with few adrenaline-storing cells being visible. Granular vesicles (approximately 80-240 nm in diameter) with cores of different electron densities were occasionally present in the same cell suggesting the occurrence of mixtures of primary and secondary amines. Apart from "chromaffin" granules, small clear and dense-cored vesicles (approximately 40-60 nm) were found both in the somata and cell processes. Chromaffin cells and their processes were often closely apposed and occasionally formed specialized attachment zones. As a whole, chromaffin cells in culture resembled small granule-containing cells in sympathetic ganglia. 0.5 mM dbcAMP prevented dedifferentiation of chromaffin cells as judged by the lack of processes, the size and amount of "chromaffin" granules and the high number of adrenaline-storing cells present after 6 days in culture. NGF caused a striking increase in the number of axons growing out from explants.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of fasudil, a Rho kinase inhibitor, on hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats and on the catecholamine synthetic pathway. Ten-week-old male SHR and Wistar-Kyoto rats were administered fasudil (10 mg/kg/day s.c.) for 4 days. Systolic blood pressure was measured using the tail-cuff method. Catecholamine levels were measured with high-performance liquid chromatography-ECD methods. Tyrosine hydroxylase protein levels were measured in Western blot analysis. The tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA level was measured using real-time PCR methods. Fasudil significantly decreased systolic blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats, but not in Wistar-Kyoto rats. Fasudil also significantly decreased catecholamine, tyrosine hydroxylase protein, and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA levels in the adrenal medulla of spontaneously hypertensive rats. These results suggest that the depressor effects of fasudil on hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats may be related to inhibition of the catecholamine synthetic pathway.  相似文献   

The presence of an uptake system and a functional glycine receptor in adrenal medulla chromaffin cells was investigated using an autoradiographic technique in adrenal gland slices. Specific3[H]-glycine binding was observed in both adrenal cortex and medulla slices, while only specific binding of [3H]strychnine was seen only in chromaffin cells and was not associated with cortical cells. [3H]Glycine binding sites in the cortex are apparently different from those of [3H]strychnine binding sites in the medulla since excess strychnine does not displace [3H]glycine from adrenal cortex but does so from medulla. This difference supports biochemical evidence for glycine transport into medulla cells and glycine receptor sites on the chromaffin cell membrane.  相似文献   

Kim YH  Won JS  Won MH  Lee JK  Suh HW 《Life sciences》2002,70(24):2915-2929
We have studied the effect of repeated systemic administrations of nicotine (3 mg/kg) at 30 min intervals on proenkephalin (proENK) mRNA level in rat adrenal gland. Northern blot analysis has shown that proENK mRNA expression was enhanced by repeated nicotine administrations. Additionally, repeated administrations of nicotine transiently induced the c-fos and c-jun mRNA levels after the first-third nicotine administration, and the c-fos and c-jun mRNA levels were returned to the basal level after the seventh administration of nicotine. c-Fos, c-Jun and Fra-2 protein levels were persistently increased until the seventh administration. The repeated nicotine administrations also elevated phospho-CREB without altering total CREB level in all tested groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the increase of c-Fos and c-Jun proteins by repeated nicotine administrations is mostly medulla specific, while Fra-2 immuno reactivity was shown both in medulla and cortex. The repeated nicotine administrations enhanced the AP-1 and ENKCRE-2 DNA binding activities. Furthermore, the cross-competition studies revealed that the AP-1 proteins, rather than CREB, actively bind to ENKCRE-2 DNA domain. These results suggest that proENK mRNA expression induced by repeated nicotine administrations may be mediated by AP-1 proteins, such as c-Fos, c-Jun and Fra-2 rather than CREB via interacting to the ENKCRE-2 DNA binding domain in rat adrenal medulla.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical techniques were used to examine the presence and co-localisation of a range of putative neurotransmitters and other neuronal markers in the myenteric plexus of the small and large intestine of the mouse. Distinct sub-populations of myenteric neurons were identified, based on the combinations of substances they contained and the distribution of their fibres. In the small intestine, there were two major classes of circular muscle motor neurons; one class was characterised by the presence of nitric oxide synthase, vasoactive intestinal peptide plus neuropeptide Y (NOS/VIP/NPY), and the second class contained calretinin plus substance P (CalR/SP). There were seven classes of neurons that innervated myenteric ganglia; these contained NOS, VIP, NOS/VIP, NPY, CalR/calbindin (CalB), SP or 5-HT. In the large intestine, there were five major classes of motor neurons that contained NOS, NOS/VIP, GABA, SP, or CalR/SP, and seven major classes of neurons that innervated myenteric ganglia and contained NOS, VIP, CalR/CalB, CalR, SP, GABA or 5-HT. Although some aspects of the patterns of co-localisation are similar to those in other species, this study re-inforces recent analyses that indicate significant species differences in neurochemical patterns in the enteric neurons of different species. Received: 28 August 1995 / Accepted: 30 November 1995  相似文献   

Summary Measurable amounts of the nervous-system specific S-100 protein were detected by microcomplement fixation assay both in the superior cervical ganglion and in the adrenal medulla of adult rats, though at a significantly higher concentration in the ganglion. By the unlabeled antibody PAP method, the antigen was localized at: he ultrastructural level in the Schwann cells and in the satellite cells of the ganglion, but not in neurons. Similarly, the protein was found in the Schwann cells of the adrenal medulla, but not in the chromaffin cells. Moreover, the S-100 immunolabeling allowed detection of a class of satellite cells closely enveloping the chromaffin cells. In the labeled cells of both organs the reaction product was diffusely distributed in the cytoplasmic matrix as well as in the nucleoplasm.The presence of the S-100 antigen in the satellite cells of the sympathetic ganglion and in satellite cells of the adrenal medulla suggests a possible homology for the two cell types, and one could hypothesize the presence in peptide hormone-secreting endocrine organs of glia-like cells exhibiting functional relationships with the secretory cells comparable to those of the glial cells with the neurons.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins E1 and E2 are specifically bound by particulate fractions from bovine adrenal medulla. The subcellular localization of these binding sites has been investigated by comparing their distribution in subcellular fractions obtained by differential and gradient centrifugation to those of marker enzymes for various organelles. Prostaglandin E2 binding sites were purified about 16-fold with respect to the homogenate in a fraction which was highly enriched in plasma membranes on the basis of the activities of the marker enzymes acetylcholinesterase and calcium-dependent ATPase, which were both purified by about 12-fold in this fraction. The plasma membrane fraction contained relatively low activities of marker enzymes for mitochondria (monoamine oxidase), lysosomes (acid phosphatase), endoplasmic reticulum (glucose-6-phosphatase), Golgi (galactosyl transferase) and chromaffin granule membranes (dopamine β-hydroxylase). The only other fractions enriched in prostaglandin E2 binding sites were those for the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi, in which the binding sites were purified about 4-fold and 7-fold, respectively. This is probably due mainly to contamination with plasma membranes, since calcium-dependent ATPase and acetylcholinesterase were each purified to a similar extent in these two fractions. These data suggest that the high-affinity prostaglandin E2 binding sites of the adrenal medulla are localized primarily on the plasma membranes of the medullary cells.  相似文献   

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