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本文以藓类植物的幼嫩孢蒴为材料,对秦岭地区14种藓类植物的染色体作了观察,并对其中的长尖提灯藓进行了核型分析。结果如下:细叶真藓Bryum capillare L.ex Hedw.n=10;长尖提灯藓Mnium lycopodioides Schwaegr.n=6,核型公式为n=6=3m+3sm(1SAT)侧枝匍灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.)T.Kop.n=6;梨蒴珠藓皱叶变种Bartramia pomiformis var.elongata Turn. n=10+2m;细枝羽藓Thuidium delicatulum (Hedw.) Mitt. n=11;尖叶羽藓Thuidium philibortii Limpr. n=10+1m;褐黄水灰藓Hygrohypnum ochraceum (Wils.) Loesk. n=10;钩枝镰刀藓Drepanocladus uncinatus (Hedw.) Warnst. n=7+3m; 黄叶细湿藓Campylium chrysophyllum (Brid.) J. Lange. n=10;林地青藓Brachythecium starkei (Brid.) B. S. G. n=16;多褶青藓 Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) Jaeg. n=6;扁枝小锦藓Brotherella yokohamae (Broth.) Broth. n=9+2m; 粗枝藓Gollania neckerella (C. Mull.) Broth. n=7; 暖地金发藓, Pogonatum fastigiatum Mitt. n=7;其中粗枝藓和扁枝小锦藓的染色体数尚未见报道;林地青藓和多褶青藓的染色体数与所见报道的结果不同:其余10种与前人报道的结果一致。  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome numbers of 37 forms (representing 22 species) of apples in China were counted using wall-degradation and hypotonic method. Among the species investigated 3 categories of chromosome numbers, i.e. 2n=34, 51 and 68 are confirmed. The chromosome numbers of the following species are here first reported: Malus ombrophila 2n= 34, M. prattii 2n=34, M. melliana 2n=34, Zhaojiaohonghua (M. sp.) 2n=34, and M. asiatica var. 2n=68. Polyploids (including infraspecific polyploids) account for 41% of the total number of the species investigated. 51 is a predominant number. It is suggested that ploidy variation is an important pathway in apple evolution in China, and triploid may be considered as a suitable evolution grade. There are rich apple germplasm resources in China. The systematic studies of this genus are obviously essential.  相似文献   

In this paper the chromosome countings of 4 moss species are reported for the first time in China. The materials used for investigation were taken from immature capsules. Meiosis in spore mother cells and also mitosis in the case of Plagiomnium cuspidatum were observed, with the result: Didymodon constrictus, n=14, Entodon schensianus, n=10+lm; Plagiomnium cuspidatum, n=6, Cratoncuron jilicinum, n=10. The chromosome numbers ofthe former two species are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

报道了3种国产防己科植物的染色体数目。金线吊乌龟Stephania cepharantha Hayata为二倍体2n=22,部分居群的一些个体存在B染色体;轮环藤Cyclea racemosa Oliv.为二倍体2n=24;木防己CDcculus orbiculatus(L)DC为四倍体2n=4x=52.3个种的染色体基数分别为x=11,12,13。观察了木防己的小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程,其减数分裂过程正常,且花粉粒具较高活性。  相似文献   

中国东北产6种藓类植物的染色体观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苔藓植物细胞学研究始于 2 0世纪 [1 ] 。我国有关这方面的研究自 1 988年开始 ,据 1 998年周云龙统计 ,国内学者共报道了 94种苔藓植物的染色体数目 ,其中苔类有 1 6科、1 9属、2 3种 ,5种为首次报道 ;藓类有 2 1科、37属、71种 ,2 7种为首次报道[2 ] 。这些研究为苔藓植物的系统学、生态学、遗传学等提供了直接或间接的资料和证据。1  材料和方法将采集的苔藓植物培养在室内北窗台上。取生长旺盛的茎尖用对二氯苯饱和水溶液预处理 5~ 7h,卡诺固定液 (纯酒精∶冰醋酸 =3∶ 1 )固定 ,95%酒精∶盐酸 ( 1∶ 1 )离析1 0~ 2 0 min后剥离茎尖…  相似文献   

四川当归属六种植物的核型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从居群水平对四川当归属(AngelicaL.)6种植物的核型进行了研究,其中管鞘当归核型为首次报道。6个种的染色体均为2n=2x=22,多为中部和近中部着丝粒染色体,核型多为2A型,仅疏叶当归石灰窑居群为1A型;峨眉当归核型为2n=22=10m 2sm 10st,茂汶当归核型为2n=22=16m 4sm 2sm(SAT),当归核型为2n=22=14m 8sm,阿坝当归核型为2n=22=14m 8sm,管鞘当归核型为2n=22=12m 8sm 2sm(SAT),而疏叶当归不同居群的核型或多或少发生了不同程度的变异。参照Stebbins的观点,峨眉当归以核型不对称系数最高而在6个种中显示一定的核型进化性,疏叶当归不对称系数较低,且出现1A型核型因而体现出一定的原始性。但是,综合形态解剖、花粉性状以及核型特征可以看出,四川当归属植物各性状间具有进化的不同步性,这也表明,作为当归属分布频度中心之一的四川地区,同时也是当归属的分化中心之一。  相似文献   

Meiosis and/or mitosis of six species of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) from Baoxing County, Sichuan, China, were investigated. The voucher specimens are conserved in PE. Eight pairs (n=8) and 10 chiasmata in meiosis of pollen mother cells have been observed in Medicago lupulina L. (Pl. 1, A-C). Meiotic observation on pollen mother cells in Lotus tenuis W. et K. shows 6 bivalents (n=6) in MI and 9 chiasmata in diakinesis (Pl. 1, D-E). In this species 12 somatic chromosomes (2n=12) in anther wall cells have also been observed. The chromosomal formula may be expressed as 2n=12=8m+2sm+2smSAT (Pl. 1, F-G). In pollen mother cells of Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb., 7 bivalents in MI and 7 chromosomes in A II have been observed (Pl. 2, A-B). From A II (Pl. 2, B, the inset on the right) the chromosomal formula, n=7= 2m+2sm+lstSAT+2t, may be constructed. Only three chromosomes in this karyotype may be found to have counterparts in the one reported by Srivastava (1963), which shows striking differences between these two karyotypes. Meiotic MI shows 7 pairs (n=7) in Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. Vicia sativa L. is very variable in its chromosomes. Our observation shows 6 pairs (n=6) in MI and in diakinesis in pollen mother cells. In Vicia villosa Roth, all the previous chromosome reports are 2n=14 or n=7, but the result of our work shows that somatic chromosomes are 2n=12 in anther wall cells (Pl. 3, D, E). The karyotype in our material (Pl. 3, E) is that the longest pair of chromosomes are metacentric, the pairs 2-4 are terminal, 5 are metacentric and last pair are submetacentric, differing vastly from the idiogram (Pl. 3, F) presented by Yamamoto (1973). Therefore both the chromosome number and structure in our material are greatly different from those in all the previous reports. The evolutionary trends of chromosomes in the genus Vicia is discussed in the work. Srivastava (1963) holds that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 6 and thus both 5 and 7 are derived. The present author would propose another possibility that 7 is the original basic number and the other numbers are derived ones. First, as shown in Table 1, x=7 occurs in 47 per cent of species in the genus, but 6 only in 28 per cent. Secondly, x=7 is predominant in the perennial and primitive section Cracca. Thirdly, in genera related to the genus under consideration, such as Lens, Pisum and Lathyrus, x=7 is also the predominant basic number. Fourthly, according to Raven (1975) 7 is the primitive basic number in the angiosperms and x= 7, 8 and 9 are the predominant in the angiosperms.  相似文献   

中国芋属植物染色体数目及5个种的核型报道   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对中国 8种 (包括 1变种 )芋属 (ColocasiaSchott)植物的体细胞染色体数目和其中 5个种的核型进行了报道。结果分别为 :异色芋C heterochromaH .LietZ .X .Wei,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m 1 0sm ;龚氏芋C gongiiC .L .LongetH .Li,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m (4SAT ) 1 0sm(4SAT) ;贡山芋C gaoligongensisH .LietC .L .Long ,2n =2x =2 8=2 4m 4sm ;李氏香芋C lihengiaeC .L .LongetK .M .Liu ,2n =2x =2 8=1 8m (1SAT ) 6sm 4st;花叶芋C bicolorC .L .LongetL .M .Cao 2n =2 8;紫杆芋C lihengiaeC .L .LongetK .M .Liuvar.nigraC .L .Long 2n =3x =4 2 ;大野芋C gigantea (Bmume)Hookf.,2n =2x =2 8=2 2m 4sm 2st;山芋C konishiiHayata 2n =2 8。除李氏香芋、龚氏芋、大野芋和山芋外 ,其余染色体数目均为首次报道。在核型方面 ,异色芋、龚氏芋、李氏香芋、贡山芋的核型均为首次报道  相似文献   

四川七种蝙蝠的核型   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本报道了四川地区7种蝙蝠的核型。菊头蝠科2种,即角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus comutus)的核型为2n=62,FN=60;栗黄菊头蝠(R.ssinicus)的核型为2n=36,FN=60。蹄蝠科1种,即大蹄蝠(H.armiger)的核型为2n=32,FN=60。蝙蝠科3种,即伏翼(Pipistrellus abramns)的核型为2n=26,FN=44;南蝠(Iaio)的核型为2n=50,FN=48;山蝠(Nyctalus velutinus)的核型为2n=36,FN=50。犬吻蝠科的皱唇蝠(Tadarida teniotis)的核型为2n=48,FN=62。南蝠的核型为首次报道,但栗黄菊头蝠的核型2n=36与安徽张维道报道相同,而与印度和斯里兰卡同种R.rouxii的核型2n=56迥异。分布在中国的栗黄菊头蝠R.sinicus应为独立种而不是R.rouxii的中国亚种。另5种蝙蝠的核型与前人研究结论基本一致。  相似文献   

利用整体压片法 ,对分别隶属于球角科和长角科的两种跳虫似微小球角 (Hypogastruraadex ilis (Stach ,196 4 ) )和曲毛裸长 (SinellacurvisetaBrook 1889)的染色体进行了首次观察。发现似微小球角单倍染色体数目n =7,雄性有 13条染色体 ,雌性有 14条 ,为XO型性别决定 ;曲毛裸长n =6 ,雄性 2n =11,雌性 2n =12 ,同样为XO型性别决定。还记述了雄性似微小球角的减数分裂过程 :在分裂前期 ,同源染色体进行配对 ;部分同源染色体发生交叉 ,部分仅末端相连 ;早后期Ⅰ ,当常染色体向两极移动时 ,性染色体仍滞后于赤道板中央。  相似文献   

两种国产苏铁属植物的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了苏铁属(Cycas L.)2种植物的染色体数目及其核型.它们的体细胞染色体数目均为2n=2x=22,核型均属3B型.核型公式分别是:海南苏铁C.hainanensis K(2n)=2x=22=4m+2sm+4st+12T,仙湖苏铁C.szechuanensis subsp.fairylakea K(2n)=2x=22=2m+4sm+4st+12T.两种苏铁的核型均为首次报道.支持基于染色体资料把苏铁属分为两个类群的观点.  相似文献   

Cytological observations on five Dryopteris species and four Polystichum species from China are reported. Most of the materials examined were field-fixed in Emei Shan, Sichuan province, and one of them was in Dali Xian, Yunnan province. Only the count of Dryopteris goeringiana was made from the plant brought from Wuling Shan, Beijing and grown in the garden of our Institute. All the materials were fixed in 1:3 acitic acidalcohol, and stained with acetocamine. All the counts were made at diakinesis or metaphase I of meiosis in SMCs .The results of the observation on them are summarized in table 1. Of these, the chromosome numbers for six species are first report. Five species are sexual: diploid: D. goeringiana, D. porosa, D. subinaequalis, D. yui and P. stenoghyllum. Three spe cies are sexual tetraploid: P. acutidens, P. erosum and P. moupingense. Only D. juxtaposita is an apomictic triploid. The vouchers are preserved in the Herbarium of our Institute (PE). We are indebted to Prof. R. C. Ching and C. R. Fraser-Jenkins for identification of the materials.  相似文献   

兰科11属14种植物核型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用染色体压片技术对兰科(Orchidaceae)11属14种植物进行染色体数目和核型研究。结果如下:短序脆兰(Acampe papillosa)2n=2x=36m+2sm;多花脆兰(Acampe rigida)2n=2x=32m+6sm;窄唇蜘蛛兰(Arachnis labrosa)2n=2x=34m+4sm;广东隔距兰(Cleisostoma simondii vat.guangdongense)2n=2x=32m+6sm;五唇兰(Doritis pulctwrima)2n=2x=30m+8sm;镰叶盆距兰(Gastrochilus acinacifolius)2n=2x=38m;盆距兰(Gastrochilus calceolaris)2n:2x=38m;无茎盆距兰(Gastrochilus obliquus)2n=2x=38m;白唇槽舌兰(Holcoglossum sbulifolium)2n=2x=38m;大尖囊兰(Kingidium deliciosum)2n=2x=30m+8sm;钗子股(Luisia morsei)2n=2x=24m+12sm+2st;鹿角兰(Pomatocalpa spicatum)2n=2x=36m+2sm;海南钻喙兰(Rhynchostylis gigantea)2n=2x=36m+2sm;大叶寄树兰(Robiquetia spathulata)2n=2x=36m+2sm。根据研究结果,对芝科植物的系统与进化进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

对6种棘豆属植物(Oxytropis)的13个居群样进行细胞学研究,其中黄花棘豆(O.ochrocephala)、绢毛棘豆(O.tatarica)、甘肃棘豆(O.kansuensis)和铺地棘豆(0.humifusa)为首次报道染色体数目(2n=16)和核型;在胀果棘豆(O.stracheyana)中(2n=48)首次发现B染色体。现有的细胞学资料表明:棘豆属植物中多倍体占总报道数的58%,这说明多倍化在本属植物的进化过程中起着非常重要的作用,但青藏高原仅有一种植物发现多倍体,多倍化并不占主导地位,而主要表现为二倍体水平上的结构变异,即核型不对称性的变化。  相似文献   

首次报道了5种国产橐吾属植物的核型,结果如下:东俄洛橐吾(Ligularia tongolensis)核型为2n=58=32m 14sm 12st;侧茎橐吾(L.pleurocaulis)四川稻城居群核型为2n=58=24m 32sm 2st 3~5B,云南中甸居群核型为2n=58=36m 22sm;云南橐吾(L.yunnanensis)核型为2n=58=28m 30sm;叶状鞘橐吾(L.phyllocolea)核型为2n=58=30m 24sm 4st 1B;浅苞橐吾(L.cynthceps)核型为2n=58=24m 34sm。5种橐吾染色体数目都为58。在叶状鞘橐吾和四川稻城产侧茎橐吾中发现有B染色体存在,这在以前对橐吾属及近缘属植物的核型研究中未见报道。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 5 species in Ranunculus from Jiangxi. The result is shown in Table 1-2. The chromosome numbers of R. ternatus Thunb. (2n=4x=32; 2n=2x=16=8m+2sm+6st) , R. polii Franch. (2n = 2x = 16 = 8m+2sm+6st) and R. sieboldii Miq. (2n = 8x-1 = 63 = 15m+18sm+22st+8t) are first reported. The essential points are as follows: (1) The karyotypes of R. ternatus Thunb. and R. polii Franch. are rather similar, which shows a close relationship between the two species. (2) Polyploid complexes are common in Ranunculus. (3) According to the taxonomical system of Wang Wen-cai, the karyotypes of the two species investigated in Sect. Auricomus belong to “2A” of Stebbins; that of the only species in Sect. Hecatonia belong to “2B'; the karyotypes of the two species investigated in Sect. Ranunculus belong to “3A” or “3B”. The relationships among the three sections from thekaryotype are basically consistent with those based on morphology.  相似文献   

对中国云南毛茛属(Ranunculus)5种植物核型进行研究,结果表明,毛茛组茴茴蒜(Ranunculus chinensis Bunge)和禺毛茛(R.cantoniensis DC.)核型公式为2n=2x=16=6m+4sm+6st和2n=4x=32:14m+6sm+12st;该组茴茴蒜、禺毛茛和扬子毛茛(R.sieboldii Miq.)的不同居群核型存在自西向东不对称系数渐增大现象。在美丽毛茛组中,深齿毛茛(R.pulchellusvar.stracheyanus Hand.-Mazz.)的中甸居群核型(2n=4x=32=12m+12sin+8st)与青海居群核型(2n:4x:32:24m+8sm)明显不同;毛果高原毛茛(R.tangusticusvar.dasycarpus(Maxim.)L.Liou)染色体数目(2n=40),核型公式(2n=5x=40=30m+10sm)和纳帕海毛茛(R.napahaiensis W.T.Wang&L.Liao)染色体数目(2n=40),核型公式(2n=5x=40=20m+16sin+4st)为首次报道。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 13 populations of six Oxytropis species (Fabaceae) from the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, China, were presented. The chromosome numbers and karyotypes in O.ochrocephala, O.tatarica, O.kansuensis and O.humifusa (2n=16) were reported for the first time. B chromosomes were found from O.stracheyana (2n=48). The basic chromosome number of x=8 is confirmed for the genus. The available chromosomal data indicate that polyploidy may have played an important role in the evolution of the genus, with the incidence of polyploidy in the genus reaching 58%. However, our results indicated that among the populations here examined only one was a hexaploid with 2n=48. Such a chromosomal pattern indicates that the karyotypic repatterning at the diploid level seems to be the predominant feature of chromosomal evolution in the Oxytropis species from the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, and that sympatric speciation via hybridization and polyploidization has played a minor role in the species diversification of the genus from this area.  相似文献   

本文采用根尖压片法对豆科(Leguminosae)木蓝属(IndigoferaL.)植物的7个种:多花木蓝(Indigofera amblyantha Craib)、河北木蓝(I.bungeana Walp.)、滇木蓝(I.delavayi Franch.)、腺毛木蓝(I.scabrida Dunn)、四川木蓝(I.szechuensis Craib)、刺序木蓝(I.silvestrii Pamp.)、尖叶木蓝(I.zollingeriana Miq.)的染色体数目和核型进行了研究。结果表明:除了尖叶木蓝染色体数目为2n=4x=32(四倍体)外,其余6种木蓝的染色体数目均为2n=2x=16(二倍体)。尖叶木蓝和刺序木蓝核型分类为2A型,其余5种木蓝的核型均为1A型。种间核型差异很小。供试种主要包含中部着丝点区染色体。滇木蓝、腺毛木蓝、刺序木蓝、四川木蓝和尖叶木蓝的核型分析为首次报道。  相似文献   

报道了我国3种榉属(Zelkova)植物核型。结果如下:大叶榉(Z.schneideriana Hand.-Mazz.)2n=2x=28=14m 14sm;光叶榉(Z.serrata(Thunb.)Makino)的核型公式为2n=2x=28=26m 2sm,1、2、3对染色体的短臂上有次缢痕存在;大果榉(Z.sinica Schneid)的核型公式为2n=2x=28=20m 8sm。  相似文献   

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