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CM-S is an autonomous cell line of human hemopoietic precursor cells inducible to monocyte-macrophage differentiation in response to appropriate inducing agents. CM-S cells produce factors that stimulate their own growth and proliferation, and are also capable of stimulating clonal proliferation of human, but not mouse, monocytic and granulocytic bone marrow progenitor cells in viscous medium. Preliminary purification steps have demonstrated at least two species, one of which (MW 30,000–50,000) retains both these activities, while the other (MW ≤ 10,000) apparently retains only the autostimulatory activity. CM-S cells could thus be a useful source for the purification of human colony stimulating factors (CSFs). CM-S cells also respond to factors present in human placenta conditioned medium, known to contain human CSF. This suggests that CM-S cells could provide a homogeneous target cell population for testing CSFs from other human sources.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, we have known that the human brain harbors progenitor cells capable of becoming mature neurons in the adult human brain. Since the original landmark article by Eriksson et al. in 1998 (Nat Med 4:1313-1317), there have been many studies investigating the effect that depression, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease have on the germinal zones in the adult human brain. Of particular interest is the demonstration that there are far fewer progenitor cells in the hippocampal subgranular zone (SGZ) compared with the subventricular zone (SVZ) in the human brain. Furthermore, the quantity of progenitor cell proliferation in human neurodegenerative diseases differs from that of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases; there is minimal progenitor proliferation in the SGZ and extensive proliferation in the SVZ in the human. In this review, we will present the data from a range of human and rodent studies from which we can compare the amount of proliferation of cells in the SVZ and SGZ in different neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

A comparison of methods used for the separation of fish lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A comparison is made of methods currently used in separating mammalian lymphocytes from whole blood when adapted for use with fish blood. The methods give good results but do require minor modifications. The use of Ficoll-Paque, although requiring greater expertise, did result in obtaining good recovery rates of lymphocytes in a viable condition. The separation of cells without the addition of agents other than culture medium, while resulting in good yields of lymphocytes, was much more variable and did not result in the separation of such a pure cell line. The other methods compared were found to be unsuitable for fish blood.  相似文献   

Seven species of low molecular weight nuclear (LMN) RNA were identified in human peripheral lymphocytes. These were designated as A, B, C, D, D′, E and F. The same 7 species of LMN RNA were obtained from resting lymphocytes and from lymphocytes exposed to PHA for 16 and 60 h, respectively. Thus, no detectable qualitative changes were seen in the spectrum of LMN RNAs during PHA-induced lymphocyte transformation. However, the amount of species A, D-D′, E and F per nucleus in fully transformed cells was greater than in untreated lymphocytes. This increase had not yet occurred after 16 h treatment with PHA. 3H-Uridine was incorporated into all species of LMN RNA of resting and PHA-treated lymphocytes. Furthermore, all species of LMN RNA except C (5S RNA) were methylated in both resting and transformed cells. The 3H and 14C specific activities of LMN RNAs following an 8 h exposure to 3H-uridine and 14C-methyl methionine were higher in PHA-treated cells than in untreated lymphocytes. For several species of LMN RNA (A, D-D′, E, F) the highest 3H and 14C spec. act. were observed after 16 h exposure to PHA. The possibility that quantitative alterations in the synthesis and methylation of LMN RNAs may occur during lymphocyte transformation is discussed.  相似文献   

Immunodeficiency is a severe side effect of radiation therapy, notably at high radiation doses. It may also impact healthy individuals exposed to environmental ionizing radiation. Although it is believed to result from cytotoxicity of bone marrow cells and of immunocompetent cells in the peripheral blood, the response of distinct bone marrow and blood cell subpopulations following exposure to ionizing radiation is not yet fully explored. In this review, we aim to compile the knowledge on radiation sensitivity of immunocompetent cells and to summarize data from bone marrow and peripheral blood cells derived from mouse and human origin. In addition, we address the radiation response of blood stem and progenitor cells. The data indicate that stem cells, T helper cells, cytotoxic T cells, monocytes, neutrophils and, at a high degree, B cells display a radiation sensitive phenotype while regulatory T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and natural killer cells appear to be more radioresistant. No conclusive data are available for basophil and eosinophil granulocytes. Erythrocytes and thrombocytes, but not their precursors, seem to be highly radioresistant. Overall, the data indicate considerable differences in radiosensitivity of bone marrow and blood normal and malignant cell populations, which are discussed in the light of differential radiation responses resulting in hematotoxicity and related clinical implications.  相似文献   

Studies on the cyclic AMP response to prostaglandin in human lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is generally thought that cyclic AMP acts as the second messenger for prostaglandin E in human lymphocytes. We have recently found that the mitogen-induced proliferation of human lymphocytes is no longer inhibited by PGE2 if the lymphocytes are preincubated overnight prior to the addition of mitogens and PGE2. In this paper we report that lymphocytes also lose their cyclic AMP response to mitogens after preincubation. The loss of sensitivity to PGE with preincubation can be blocked by cyclohexamide (25 μg/ml). Indomethacin (1 μg/ml) partially blocked the loss of sensitivity, but removal of the glass-adherent cells did not. Since either manipulation effectively stops prostaglandin production in the preincubation cultures, it would appear that indomethacin prevented the loss of sensitivity to PGE2 by a mechanism other than inhibition of PG synthetase. The addition of phytohemagglutinin to the preincubation cultures also blocked the loss of sensitivity to PGE2.  相似文献   

Con A-induced suppression of the direct PFC response to polyclonal stimulation in human B cells has been described. Two types of experiments are presented. First, Con A was added directly to PWM-stimulated PB or tonsil cells resulting in a dose-dependent suppression of the PFC response, with maximal suppression occurring at a Con A concentration of 10 mug/ml. This suppression is completely removed by the simultaneous addition of alphaMM to the cultures. Secondly, Con A stimulation of tonsil or PB lymphocytes generated a population of cells which when added to autologous lymphocyte cultures induced a marked and reproducible suppression of the PFC response. The generation of suppressor cells is dependent on cell division and is blocked by alpha MM. Once generated the process of suppression is indpendent of the presence of Con A itself and is mediated by an activated lymphocyte population. These studies demonstrate a simple and reproducible model for the generation of a population of suppressor cells capable of inhibiting the direct PFC response to PWM-induced polyclonal activation of normal human B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from healthy donors and from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were stimulated to divide with sodium periodate. The time of maximal response of normal lymphocytes to sodium periodate (NaIO4) was earlier than that observed to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), but the magnitude was lower. In comparison, CLL lymphocytes responded to NaIO4 more extensively and earlier than to PHA.  相似文献   

In vitro-primed human lymphocytes proliferate in a secondary mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) under the control of MLR-S specificities. HL-A antigens are unable to induce a secondary Proliferation. In familial haploidentical combinations, the secondary proliferation is specific for the priming MLR-S specificity, i.e., as early as 24 to 48 hours after the re-stimulation, a clearcut response is observed toward the sensitizing MLR-S specificity. The secondary response is reflected in acceleration of the reaction rather than in the peak of (3H) TdR uptake. However, when either haploidentical familial primed responding cells or unrelated cells primed toward MLR-S homozygous cells were used, no early typing response was observed against unrelated cells. The level of (3H) TdR incorporation toward cells which possessed and those which did not possess the priming specificity was identical until day 3–4. Noneless, the peak response toward cells possessing the priming MLR-S specificity occurs regularly 24 to 48 hours prior to the peak response toward the cells negative for the priming specificity (day 3–4 as opposed to day 5). Technical improvements are therefore needed before such a technique will provide a clearcut MLR-S typing methodology.  相似文献   

The osmotic response of human erythrocytes and the membrane cytoskeleton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The volumes of human erythrocytes suspended in solutions of varying concentrations of sodium chloride and sucrose were measured by a Coulter Channelyzer Model H4 with appropriate corrections. The cells showed greatly restricted volume changes at osmolarities between 200-700 mOsm. At osmolarities outside this limit, on the other hand, the cells showed nonrestricted volume changes following essentially the predictions of an ideal osmometer. This unexpected volume response was not spuriously due to changes in shape or to a changing orientation of the cells as they traversed the aperture. The restricted volume change observed was abolished when the cells had previously been treated with diamide or had been heated for 60 minutes at 50 degrees C, conditions that are known to disturb the spectrin-actin network. The possibility must be considered that the osmotic behavior of human erythrocytes may be nonideal and that this nonideal behavior is primarily due to mechanical restriction provided by the spectrin-actin network of the membrane cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Upon exposure of human red blood cells to hypertonic sucrose, the fluorescence of the potentiometric indicator 3,3'- dipropylthiadicarbocyanine iodide, denoted diS-C3(5), displays a biphasic time course indicating the rapid development of an inside- positive transmembrane voltage, followed by a slow DIDS (4,4'- diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene)-sensitive decline of the voltage. In addition to monitoring membrane potential, proton (or hydroxide) fluxes were measured by a pH stat method, cell volume was monitored by light scattering, and cell electrolytes were measured directly when red cells were shrunken either with hypertonic NaCl or sucrose. Shrinkage by sucrose induced an initial proton efflux (or OH- influx) of 5.5 mu eq/g Hb.min and a Cl shift of 21-31 mu eq/g Hb in 15 min. Upon shrinkage with hypertonic NaCl, the cells are initially close to Donnan equilibrium and exhibit no detectable shift of Cl or protons. Experiments with the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor ethoxzolamide demonstrate that for red cell suspensions exposed to air and shrunken with sucrose, proton fluxes mediated by the Jacobs-Stewart cycle contribute to dissipation of the increased outward Cl concentration gradient. With maximally inhibitory concentrations of ethoxzolamide, a residual proton efflux of 2 mu eq/g Hb.min is insensitive to manipulation of the membrane potential with valinomycin, but is completely inhibited by DIDS. The ethoxzolamide-insensitive apparent proton efflux may be driven against the electrochemical gradient, and is thus consistent with HCl cotransport (or Cl/OH exchange). The data are consistent with predictions of equations describing nonideal osmotic and ionic equilibria of human red blood cells. Thus osmotic equilibration after shrinkage of human red blood cells by hypertonic sucrose occurs in two time-resolved steps: rapid equilibration of water followed by slower equilibration of chloride and protons (or hydroxide). Under our experimental conditions, about two-thirds of the osmotically induced apparent proton efflux is mediated by the Jacobs- Stewart cycle, with the remainder being consistent with mediation via DIDS-sensitive HCl cotransport (or Cl/OH exchange).  相似文献   

In a recent publication, Heubusch et al. (J Cell. Physiol, 122:266-272, 1985) reported changes of erythrocyte volume measured by the Coulter counter technique over a wide range of osmolalities (160 to 3000 m0sm). Their results showed a partially hindered, nonlinear response, in contrast to classical observations made over more restricted osmolality ranges, using other methods. The authors suggested the underlying cause of this behavior to be a mechanical resistance of the membrane cytoskeleton. In this paper, we wish to offer a different interpretation of their results on erythrocyte osmotic behavior, based on similar experiments carried out in our laboratory, and supported by previous analyses from the literature. In particular, it is shown that the shape-factor correction to the electronic sizing measurement can correctly account for the observed deviations from linearity in the hypotonic range. In contrast, increased chemical nonideality and eventual hemolysis are the likely factors responsible for the behavior in the hypertonic range.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis during stress responses, and mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to carcinogenesis, aging, and neurologic disease. We here investigated ionizing radiation (IR)-induced mitochondrial damage in human neural progenitor stem cells (NSCs), their differentiated counterparts and human normal fibroblasts. Long-term fractionated radiation (FR) with low doses of X-rays for 31 d enhanced mitochondrial activity as evident by elevated mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) and mitochondrial complex IV (cytochrome c oxidase) activity to fill the energy demands for the chronic DNA damage response in differentiated cells. Subsequent reduction of the antioxidant glutathione via continuous activation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation caused oxidative stress and genomic instability in differentiated cells exposed to long-term FR. In contrast, long-term FR had no effect on the mitochondrial activity in NSCs. This cell type showed efficient DNA repair, no mitochondrial damage, and resistance to long-term FR. After high doses of acute single radiation (SR) (> 5 Gy), cell cycle arrest at the G2 phase was observed in NSCs and human fibroblasts. Under this condition, increase in mitochondria mass, mitochondrial DNA, and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were observed in the absence of enhanced mitochondrial activity. Consequently, cellular senescence was induced by high doses of SR in differentiated cells.

In conclusion, we demonstrated that mitochondrial radiation responses differ according to the extent of DNA damage, duration of radiation exposure, and cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Primary keratinocytes derived from human epidermis are widely used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. An important aspect in clinical applications is the preservation of human skin keratinocyte stem cells. However, it is difficult to expand the number of human skin keratinocyte stem cells, which are undifferentiated and highly proliferative in culture by using standard cell culture methods. It is even more difficult to identify them, since universal specific markers for human skin keratinocyte stem cells have not been identified. In this paper, we show a method to produce a large number of primary progenitor human skin keratinocytes by using our novel culture techniques. Primary human skin keratinocyte monolayers are cultured using twice the volume of medium without serum and lacking essential fatty acids. Once the cells reach 70–80% confluence, they begin to float up into the overlying medium and are called “epithelial pop-up keratinocytes (ePUKs)” allowing the cells to be passaged without the use of trypsin. We analyzed the properties of ePUKs by cell size, cell viability, immunocytofluorescence biomarker staining, and cell cycle phase distribution by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Our results showed that these ePUKs appear to be progenitor epithelial cells, which are small in size, undifferentiated, and have a high proliferative capacity. We believe that ePUKs are suitable for use in medical applications requiring a large number of primary human progenitor skin keratinocytes.  相似文献   

The identification of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) has revolutionized approaches to cell-based therapy for injured and ischemic tissues. However, the mechanisms by which EPCs promote the formation of new vessels remain unclear. In this study, we obtained early EPCs from human peripheral blood and late EPCs from umbilical cord blood. Human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs) were also used. Cells were evaluated for their tube-forming potential using our novel in vitro assay system. Cells were seeded linearly along a 60 μm wide path generated by photolithographic methods. After cells had established a linear pattern on the substrate, they were transferred onto Matrigel. Late EPCs formed tubular structures similar to those of HUVECs, whereas early EPCs randomly migrated and failed to form tubular structures. Moreover, late EPCs participate in tubule formation with HUVECs. Interestingly, late EPCs in Matrigel migrated toward pre-existing tubular structures constructed by HUVECs, after which they were incorporated into the tubules. In contrast, early EPCs promote sprouting of HUVECs from tubular structures. The phenomena were also observed in the in vivo model. These observations suggest that early EPCs cause the disorganization of pre-existing vessels, whereas late EPCs constitute and orchestrate vascular tube formation.  相似文献   

Breast tumour stem cells have been reported to differentiate in the epithelial lineage but a cross-lineage potential has not been investigated. We aimed to evaluate whether breast tumour stem cells were able to differentiate also into the endothelial lineage. We isolated and cloned a population of breast tumour stem cells, cultured as mammospheres that expressed the stem markers nestin and Oct-4 and not epithelial and endothelial differentiation markers, and formed serially transplantable tumours in SCID mice. When cultured in the presence of serum, mammosphere-derived clones differentiated in the epithelial lineage. When cultured in the presence of VEGF, the same clones were also able to differentiate in the endothelial lineage acquiring endothelial markers and properties, such as the ability to organize in Matrigel into capillary-like structures. In the transplanted tumours, originated from mammospheres, we demonstrate that some of the intratumour vessels were of human origin, suggesting an in vivo endothelial differentiation of mammosphere-derived cells. Finally, endothelial cell clones originated from mammospheres were able, when implanted in Matrigel in SCID mice, to form after 7 days a human vessel network and, after 3–4 weeks, an epithelial tumour suggesting that in the endothelial-differentiated cells a tumourigenic stem cell population is maintained. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate that stem cells of breast cancer have the ability to differentiate not only in epithelial but also in endothelial lineage, further supporting the hypothesis that the tumour-initiating population possesses stem cell characteristics relevant for tumour growth and vascularization.  相似文献   

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