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海洋中藻菌相互关系及其生态功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋中藻类与细菌密不可分,具有错综复杂的互作关系(如互利共生、敌对拮抗或竞争抑制等),共同构成了海洋生态系统结构与功能的重要调控者。在藻类细胞周围往往存在着特殊的藻际微环境,其中生存着独特的微生物群落,因此藻际环境成为藻菌相互作用的主战场。藻际环境中细菌群落的构建具有一定的规律。在自然生态系统中,藻菌互作影响赤潮生消动态过程,并在水质修复中具有重要作用潜力。同时,藻类和细菌作为驱动海洋固碳与储碳的主要生物因子,在海洋碳循环中具有尤为重要的作用。本文对海洋中藻菌互作关系的研究现状进行了综述,并在此基础上,对未来研究提出了几点展望。例如,目前对海洋中藻菌关系受病毒的调控作用了解甚少,值得未来深入研究。  相似文献   

地衣—大气污染的指示灯   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大气污染作为环境污染的主要因素已越来越引起人们的重视 ,而对它的监测除了采用物理、化学监测手段外 ,生物监测更以其简便、真实、灵敏等其它任何监测手段所无法比拟的优越性而倍受青睐。地衣就是其中的代表。1 地衣简介地衣是一种与藻类共生的专化性真菌 ,常以真菌来命名。真菌类常为盘菌纲和核菌纲 ,少数为伞菌目和非褶菌目。而构成地衣的藻类有绿藻和蓝藻共 2 0多属。地衣的藻菌关系有 :1)共生关系 即地衣中的菌丝缠绕藻细胞 ,并从外面包围藻类。藻类进行光合作用 ,制造有机物 ,供藻类与菌类共同需要 ;菌类则吸收水分、无机盐和 O2 …  相似文献   

【背景】藻类是生产生物柴油的主要原料,而一些真菌和细菌能够与藻类共生并提高生物柴油产量,因此藻-菌共生培养技术成为国内外研究的热点。【目的】研究共生真菌Simplicilliumlanosoniveum对衣藻Chlamydomonas reinhardtii细胞生长和脂类合成的影响。【方法】将分离的蓝藻共生真菌和衣藻混合(共生)培养。【结果】与衣藻单独培养相比,混合培养衣藻的比生长速率(0.20 d-1)、细胞产率[0.17 g/(L·d)]和生物量(2.85 g/L)分别提高了10.3%、51.3%和55.7%;脂类比合成速率[0.68 mg/(g·d)]、合成速率[1.95 mg/(L·d)]和含量(220.4 mg/g)分别提高了33.3%、107.5%和32.0%,并且脂类中的饱和脂肪酸以及单不饱和脂肪酸C18-1和C18-2的比例上升,有利于生物柴油的加工。【结论】真菌Simplicilliumlanosoniveum能够促进衣藻的生长和脂类合成,因此藻-菌混合培养可用于生物柴油原料的生产。  相似文献   

巧妙的结合自然界里有一类很独特的植物,就是由藻类和真菌结合成密切的统一体——藻菌共生的地衣。它们相互获利而依存,藻能进行光合作用,合成必要的有机物养料供给真菌,而真菌则以其生长的附着物和吸取空气中水分,以及溶于水中的无机盐,传导至藻体内。它们的体态在共生时与各自分离时是完全不同的,据说如果人为的将某种真菌和  相似文献   

基于共生概念的历史变化,目前人们普遍接受了广义共生概念。即共生是包含互利共生(mutualism)、偏利共生(commensalism)和拮抗/寄生(antagonism/parasitism)的共生连续体。本文简述了近20年间,全球9次国际共生学术大会取得的重要成果,对细胞内共生、时间、空间以及多种互作尺度共生关系的研究利用进展进行了评述。同时展望了一些活跃共生领域的研究概况,如共生失调 (dysbiosis)、植物-微生物-昆虫三角共生关系(plant-microbe-insect triangle)、细菌-真菌互作(bacterial- fungal interaction,BFI)、菌根菌-真菌内生细菌-植物多方共生联盟(multipartite symbiosis consortium)以及与共生相关微生物组的集合群落(metacommunity)研究及应用等。共生(symbiosis)正成为当代生物学的核心原则,正以一种与更宏大系统方法相一致的概念,从根本上改变了传统上的一些生物学概念,如孤立性的个体(individuality)概念。基因组测序和高通量RNA技术分析揭示,动、植物与共生微生物的重要互作,打破了迄今为止生物个体的特征边界,挑战了这些学科的定义;共生不仅是一对一的互利共生关系,共生实际是多种共生模式的连续共生体。此外,植物-昆虫-微生物互作的三角关系;菌根-真菌-真菌内生细菌-植物的多方联盟等新关系的发现,更把生命科学推向了快速发展的方向。这些科学进展不仅对生物科学的遗传学、免疫学、进化、发育、解剖学和生理学的研究至关重要,拓宽了新的视野,而且对农业中生物制剂研发,人类微生物组的管理及调控,以及对发酵食品及工业微生物生产的设计和管理将产生积极影响。  相似文献   

微藻-细菌共生体系在废水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在微藻-细菌协同共生的过程中,藻类光合作用释放的氧气被异养微生物利用来矿化水体中的污染物,细菌呼吸为藻类提供二氧化碳作为碳源。近年来,藻类-细菌协同共生体系在污水处理中的应用得到了广泛的研究。本文重点综述了菌藻协同共生体系中微藻与细菌之间的三种相互作用,以及菌藻协同共生体系在废水处理中的应用。菌藻协同共生体系中的微藻与细菌通过营养交换、信号转导及基因转移等相互作用实现共赢。该体系广泛用于处理富营养化、重金属、药物、多环芳烃(polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)、石油烃化合物等难降解的有机污染的水体。对于氮、磷等营养物质的去除,其主要机理涉及同化作用、厌氧氨氧化作用、硝化与反硝化作用、磷酸化作用等。对重金属、药物、石油烃化合物及其他有机化合物的去除机制主要是生物吸附、生物富集及细胞内外的生物降解。  相似文献   

兰科植物内生细菌物种多样性及其促生机理研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内生细菌影响兰科植物菌根形成和共生关系的稳定性,在兰科植物的生活史中起着重要作用。内生细菌通过分泌植物激素、采用光合作用、生物固氮或促进矿质营养的循环以及产生铁载体、合成其他活性物质等途径来促进兰科植物生长发育。综述了兰科植物内生细菌物种多样性的研究方法及其对兰科植物的促生机理,基于兰科植物与共生微生物的密切关系,认为内生细菌间、内生细菌与兰科植物菌根真菌间的互作是揭示兰科植物与内生细菌互作机理的重要方向。  相似文献   

赤潮过程中“藻-菌”关系研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
微生物对促进海洋物质循环,维持水生环境的生态平衡具有重要作用。在赤潮事件中,基于微生物(尤其是细菌)的多样性和重要性,它们与藻类之间的相互关系成为了研究的热点。过去20年里,人们从不同角度对"藻-菌"间的关系进行了探索,包括物理学过程、生物学过程、环境过程以及化学过程。就化学过程而言,它作为一种较早出现的技术,在以往的研究中带给人们许多认识藻菌关系的方法。随着学科的渗透,化学法有了拓展与延伸,为人们认识藻菌关系带来了新的契机。从化学生态学领域来梳理"藻-菌"关系中涉及的现象和行为,包括菌对藻的有益面、菌对藻的有害面、以及藻类应答细菌行为的化学途径;并从信号语言(群体感应、化感作用)的角度来阐释两者之间的互生或克生关系。通过文献综述的方式来解读藻菌关系的互作过程和机理,为认识赤潮的发生和防控方法提供借鉴。  相似文献   

【目的】研究人工构建藻菌共生体系在产油方面的特性。【方法】从BG11培养基中分离、筛选出无菌小球藻,通过人工共培养方法构建了藻菌共生体系,探讨了共生体系中小球藻的生长及产油特性。【结果】相比无菌小球藻,藻菌共生体系对于藻的生长、油脂积累以及产生生物柴油的脂肪酸组分方面都有明显的促进作用,其中细菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)和小球藻构建的共生体系效果最好,小球藻生物量提高了9%,油脂含量提高了36.3%,C18-1的含量提高了259.2%。【结论】进一步说明人工共培养方法构建藻菌共生体系能够提高微藻生物柴油的质量,具有很好的利用价值。  相似文献   

藻类对多环芳香烃(PAHs)的富集和代谢   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了藻类对PAHs的富集和代谢的研究进展。环境中多环芳香烃(PAHs)的污染能导致严重的健康问题,利用生物特别是微生物去除污染环境中的PAHs是一项新的技术。藻类对PAHs的富集与有机污染物的类型、藻类的种类及藻类的生物量有关,活细胞和死细胞对PAHs均有富集能力。还阐述了PAHs在真菌、细菌和藻类体内代谢的途径以及代谢过程中起关键作用的酶,PAHs在藻类中的代谢途径和细菌及真菌都不同,谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)在藻类代谢PAH过程中起重要作用,但细胞色素P450酶所起的作用则不详。  相似文献   

Commensalism based on organic carbon supplied by phytoplanktonand competition for mineral nutrients are important interactionsbetween bacteria and phytoplankton in oligotrophic clear-watersystems. Both interactions are influenced by zooplankton activity.To examine the relation ship between algae and bacteria in LakeLa Caldera, we studied: the correlations among phyto plankton,bacteria and phosphorus (P) dynamics; the ratio of organic carbonsupplied by algae to organic carbon demand by bacteria; andthe importance of P remineralized by metazooplankton for bothcommunities. Phytoplankton and bacteria had a similar seasonaldynamics, and there was a sig nificant and positive relationshipbetween bacterial abundance and algal biomass (P<0.01). However,the release of organic carbon from phytoplankton was usuallyhigher than the bacterioplankton carbon requirement. P availablevia zooplankton remineralization satisfied between 74 and 316%of the minimum P demands of algae and bacteria. To elucidatewhether zooplankton operate similarly on algae and bacterialgrowth or indirectly influence bacterial growth through phytoplanktonmetab olism, we performed zooplankton manipulation experiments.High zooplankton biomass in these experiments stimulated bothprimary and bacterial production, but release of organic carbonfrom phytoplankton declined. These results suggest a directstimulus of bacterial growth, so algae and bac teria can balancegrazing losses by compensatory growth. Further, the algal decreaseof the organic carbon supply for bacteria could, over time,lead to a change in the algae-bacteria interaction from competitionto commensalism. This reduction in organic carbon excretioncould affect the balance of the competitive interaction.  相似文献   

Increasing pressure is being exerted on the peri‐urban space that has elevated the demand for electricity, affects the global water resource, and impacts the potential to produce food, fiber, and commodity products. Algae‐based technologies and in particular algae‐based sewage treatment provides an opportunity for recovery of water for recycle and re‐use, sequestration of greenhouse gases, and generation of biomass. Successful coupling of municipal sewage treatment to an algae‐to‐energy facility depends largely on location, solar irradiance, and temperature to achieve meaningful value recovery. In this paper, an algae‐to‐energy sewage treatment system for implementation in southern Africa is elaborated. Using results from the continued operation of an integrated algal pond system (IAPS), it is shown that this 500‐person equivalent system generates 75 kL per day water for recycle and re‐use and, ~9 kg per day biomass that can be converted to methane with a net energy yield of ~150 MJ per day, and ~0.5 kL per day of high nitrogen‐containing liquid effluent (>1 g/L) with potential for use as organic fertilizer. It is this opportunity that IAPS‐based algae‐to‐energy sewage treatment provides for meaningful energy and co‐product recovery within the peri‐urban space and, which can alleviate pressure on an already strained water–energy–food nexus.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic microalgae can capture solar energy and convert it to bioenergy and biochemical products. In nature or industrial processes, microalgae live together with bacterial communities and may maintain symbiotic relationships. In general interactions, microalgae exude dissolved organic carbon that becomes available to bacteria. In return, the bacteria remineralize sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorous to support the further growth of microalgae. In specific interactions, heterotrophic bacteria supply B vitamins as organic cofactors or produce siderophores to bind iron, which could be utilized by microalgae, while the algae supply fixed carbon to the bacteria in return. In this review, we focus on mutualistic relationship between microalgae and bacteria, summarizing recent studies on the mechanisms involved in microalgae–bacteria symbiosis. Symbiotic bacteria on promoting microalgal growth are described and the relevance of microalgae–bacteria interactions for biofuel production processes is discussed. Symbiotic microalgae–bacteria consortia could be utilized to improve microalgal biomass production and to enrich the biomass with valuable chemical and energy compounds. The suitable control of such biological interactions between microalgae and bacteria will help to improve the microalgae-based biomass and biofuel production in the future.  相似文献   

Algae of various taxonomic groups are capable of assimilating dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from their environments (mixotrophy). Recently, we reported that, with increasing biomass of mixotrophs, heterotrophic bacteria did not increase. We hypothesized that algal uptake of external DOC may outweigh their release of DOC by exudation (H1). Here, we addressed an alternative hypothesis that algae did not assimilate external DOC but constrained the release of DOC (H2). In chemostat experiments, we cultured the mixotrophic Chlamydomonas acidophila Negoro together with heterotrophic bacteria. As external substrates, we used glucose, which was potentially available for both bacteria and algae, or fructose, which was available only for bacteria. We increased the biomass of algae by the stepwise addition of phosphorus. Bacterial biomass did not increase in experiments using glucose or when fructose was offered, suggesting that mechanisms other than algal mixotrophy (H1) kept concentrations of bacteria low. Measured exudation rates (percent extracellular release, PER) of mixotrophic algae (Cd. acidophila, Chlorella protothecoides W. Krüger) were very low and ranged between 1.0% and 3.5% at low and moderately high phosphorus concentrations. In contrast, an obligately phototrophic alga (Chlamydomonas segnis H. Ettl) showed higher exudation rates, particularly under phosphorus limitation (70%). The results support H2. If mixotrophy is considered as a mechanism to recycle organic exudates from near the cell surface, this would explain why algae retained mixotrophic capabilities although they cannot compete with bacteria for external organic carbon.  相似文献   

An influence of dual inoculation with the rhizosphere bacteriumAgrobacterium radiobacter, and the VAM fungi,Glomus mosseae andGlomus sp., on maize growth and mycorrhizal infection was observed. Separate inoculations of bacteria or fungi showed significant positive effects on the shoot biomass production of pot-cultured plants only at the last of three consecutive harvests. Plant biomass production was enhanced substantially after a dual inoculation with bacteria and fungi. Synergistic interaction of fungal and bacterial inoculation and growth stimulation was evident at all three harvests compared to uninoculated plants and also compared to plants inoculated with fungi or bacteria only. The dual inoculation increased the shoot biomass of plants by approximately 30% as compared with control. No significant differences were found in mycorrhizal infection between plants uninoculated and inoculated with bacteria.Agrobacterium radiobacter seems to be compatible with mycorrhizal symbiosis and can act a synergistic partner of some VAM fungi.  相似文献   

微生物在藻际环境中的物质循环作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周进  林光辉  蔡中华 《生态学杂志》2016,27(8):2708-2716
浮游植物作为海洋初级生产力的主要驱动者,其功能的发挥与共生微生物密不可分.藻类(甲藻、硅藻或蓝藻)的栖息环境中存在多样的共生细菌,各类细菌拥有不同的组成比例,但某些异养细菌在藻际环境中总是占据优势地位,如变形杆菌、黄杆菌及放线菌等.基于微生物在调节微食物网、促进物质循环和维持生态系统平衡中的重要意义,本文主要以赤潮事件的藻际环境为例,尝试梳理上述主导性“常驻微生物”在“藻-菌”共生体物质转化中的作用.特别是针对近些年来倍受关注的黄杆菌和玫瑰杆菌,着重例述了它们在物质代谢中的行为与生态策略,以更好地理解常驻物种在藻际生态位中的生态行为与协同进化.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) consist of a variety of compounds extensively used for the treatment of human and animal diseases and for health or cosmetic reasons. PPCPs are considered as emerging environmental contaminants due to their ubiquitous presence in the environment and high environmental risks. In wastewater treatment plants using conventional activated sludge processes, many PPCPs cannot be efficiently removed. Therefore, there is an increasing need for more effective and cost-efficiency ways of removing PPCPs while treating wastewater. Algae-based technologies have recently attracted growing attentions for their potential application in wastewater treatment and hazardous contaminant removal, which are advantages in reducing operation cost while generating valuable products and sequestrating greenhouse gases at the same time. This work reviews the up-to date researches to reveal potential toxic effects of PPCPs on algae and algae-bacteria consortia, identify mechanisms involved in PPCP removal, and assess the fate of PPCPs in algae-based treatment systems. Current researches suggest that algae and algae-bacteria consortia have great potentials in PPCP removal but more works are required before algae-based technologies can be implemented in large scales. Knowledge gaps are identified and further research focuses are proposed in this review.  相似文献   

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