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G Pelle  J Ohayon  C Oddou  P Brun 《Biorheology》1984,21(5):709-722
Different rheological concepts and theoretical studies have been recently presented using models of myocardial mechanics. Complex analysis of the mechanical behavior of the left ventricular wall have been developed in order to estimate the local stresses and deformations that occur during the heart cycle as well as the ventricular stroke volume and pressure. Theoretical models have taken into account non-linear and viscoelastic passive properties of the myocardium tissue, when subjected to large deformations, through given strain energy functions or stress-strain relations. Different prolate spheroid geometries have been considered for such thick shell cardiac structure. During the active state of the contraction, the rheological behavior of the fibers has been described using different muscle models and relationships between fiber tension and strain, and activation degree. A forthcoming approach for bridging the gap between the knowledge of the muscle fiber microrheological properties and the study of the mechanical behavior of the entire ventricle, consists in including anisotropic and inhomogeneous effects through fiber direction field.  相似文献   

The volume fractions and surface per unit cell volume of some subcellular components of the left ventricles of the finch and mouse were quantitated by stereologic techniques. These species were chosen for study because they have similar heart rates but differ morphologically in some respects: fiber diameter is larger in the mouse; the mouse has transverse tubules while the finch does not; and the finch has a form of junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (JSR), extended JSR (EJSR), located in the cell interior with no direct plasmalemmal contact, while the mouse interior JSR (IJSR) abuts on transverse tubules. Our data show that the volume fraction (Vv) and surface area per unit cell volume (Sv) of total SR, and free SR (FSR) are similar. The volume fractions of mitochondria, myofibrils, and total junctional SR were also similar. The Sv of the cell surface of the finch was similar to the Sv of the cell surface of the mouse (Sv-plasmalemma plus Sv of the transverse tubules). The principal difference was in the distribution of JSR; the mouse peripheral JSR (PJSR) represents only 9% of the total JSR, while the finch PJSR accounts for 24% of the bird's JSR. The similar volume fractions of total junctional SR (PJSR + EJSR in the finch; PJSR + IJSR in the mouse) suggest that the EJSR is not an embryologic remnant, and raises the possibility that some function of JSR is independent of plasmalemmal contact.  相似文献   

To reveal how the matching models of the left ventricle and its afterload affect the pressure and flow in the aortic root, the differences between the measured pressure and flow waveforms and those determined by three kinds of matching model were compared. The results showed that, compared with the results by both matching models 1 and 2, the pressure and flow waveforms determined by matching model 3 established in this work were in the closest agreement with the corresponding experimental waveforms, therefore indicating that matching model 3 was a matching model that closely and rationally characterized the match between the left ventricle and the systemic artery.  相似文献   

The unloaded heart is not stress-free. It is subjected to residual stress and strain. Their extent and influence on the global performance of the left ventricle and on local phenomena in the ventricular wall are studied by model simulation. The analysis focuses on the equatorial region of the ventricle, with an approximate thick-walled cylindrical geometry. The in vivo myocardium is considered to be incompressible, consisting of fibers embedded in a fluid matrix, with transmurally varying anisotropic microstructure in accordance with morphological characteristics.

The results show that residual strain is transmurally distributed with a pattern and magnitude which agree well with measurements. The calculated residual strains are within mean ± one standard deviation of the measured ones. Their magnitude was found to increase with increasing opening angle and with increasing wall thickness. The residual strain was found to have several effects on ventricular function: At volumes higher than the reference one it gives rise to more uniform transmural distributions of stress and intramyocardial pressure; it causes about 50% increase in the ventricular compliance at high volumes and doubles the suction of atrial blood at low volumes, thus facilitating the diastolic filling. In addition, residual strains cause bias of in vivo measured strains from their true values. This may significantly affect physiological interpretation of measured ventricular deformations.

In conclusion, the present structural analysis predicts that residual strain has favorable effect on left-ventricular diastolic performance, and gives rise to more uniform ventricular stress distribution.  相似文献   

We set a twofold investigation: we assess left ventricular (LV) rotation and twist in the human heart through 3D-echocardiographic speckle tracking, and use representative experimental data as benchmark with respect to numerical results obtained by solving our mechanical model of the LV. We aim at new insight into the relationships between myocardial contraction patterns and the overall behavior at the scale of the whole organ. It is concluded that torsional rotation is sensitive to transmural gradients of contractility which is assumed linearly related to action potential duration (APD). Pressure-volume loops and other basic strain measures are not affected by these gradients. Therefore, realistic torsional behavior of human LV may indeed correspond to the electrophysiological and functional differences between endocardial and epicardial cells recently observed in non-failing hearts. Future investigations need now to integrate the mechanical model proposed here with minimal models of human ventricular APD to drive excitation-contraction coupling transmurally.  相似文献   



Different from other indicators of cardiac function, such as ejection fraction and transmitral early diastolic velocity, myocardial strain is promising to capture subtle alterations that result from early diseases of the myocardium. In order to extract the left ventricle (LV) myocardial strain and strain rate from cardiac cine-MRI, a modified hierarchical transformation model was proposed.


A hierarchical transformation model including the global and local LV deformations was employed to analyze the strain and strain rate of the left ventricle by cine-MRI image registration. The endocardial and epicardial contour information was introduced to enhance the registration accuracy by combining the original hierarchical algorithm with an Iterative Closest Points using Invariant Features algorithm. The hierarchical model was validated by a normal volunteer first and then applied to two clinical cases (i.e., the normal volunteer and a diabetic patient) to evaluate their respective function.


Based on the two clinical cases, by comparing the displacement fields of two selected landmarks in the normal volunteer, the proposed method showed a better performance than the original or unmodified model. Meanwhile, the comparison of the radial strain between the volunteer and patient demonstrated their apparent functional difference.


The present method could be used to estimate the LV myocardial strain and strain rate during a cardiac cycle and thus to quantify the analysis of the LV motion function.

Altered pressure in the developing left ventricle (LV) results in altered morphology and tissue material properties. Mechanical stress and strain may play a role in the regulating process. This study showed that confocal microscopy, three-dimensional reconstruction, and finite element analysis can provide a detailed model of stress and strain in the trabeculated embryonic heart. The method was used to test the hypothesis that end-diastolic strains are normalized after altered loading of the LV during the stages of trabecular compaction and chamber formation. Stage-29 chick LVs subjected to pressure overload and underload at stage 21 were reconstructed with full trabecular morphology from confocal images and analyzed with finite element techniques. Measured material properties and intraventricular pressures were specified in the models. The results show volume-weighted end-diastolic von Mises stress and strain averaging 50–82 % higher in the trabecular tissue than in the compact wall. The volume-weighted-average stresses for the entire LV were 115, 64, and 147 Pa in control, underloaded, and overloaded models, while strains were 11, 7, and 4 %; thus, neither was normalized in a volume-weighted sense. Localized epicardial strains at mid-longitudinal level were similar among the three groups and to strains measured from high-resolution ultrasound images. Sensitivity analysis showed changes in material properties are more significant than changes in geometry in the overloaded strain adaptation, although resulting stress was similar in both types of adaptation. These results emphasize the importance of appropriate metrics and the role of trabecular tissue in evaluating the evolution of stress and strain in relation to pressure-induced adaptation.  相似文献   

Competition between species: theoretical models and experimental tests   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Experimental determinations of Drosophila population dynamics cannot be explained by the Lotka-Volterra model of interspecific competition. This paper presents other possible mathematical models of competition between species, and gives the results of experiments designed to test the validity of such models. Eight of the ten new models presented contain the Lotka-Volterra model as a special case. The experiments made to test the models are of two kinds. Type 1 experiments are continuous one- or two-species populations, which permit the estimation of the carrying capacity of each species and the numbers of the two species at the point of stable equilibrium. Type 2 experiments measure the change in numbers over a short time interval in populations started with many different initial densities of the two species. Type 2 experiments give information on the dynamics of the two-species system in the phase plane whose coordinates are the number of individuals of each species. The models accounting best for the results are models five and seven (Table II). Each of these two models contains one parameter more than the Lotka-Volterra model. Model five adds a nonlinear term of self-interaction (?βiN2i). Model seven has the form, dNi/dt = riN/Kθii(Kθii ? Nθii ? αijNj1?θii). The exponential parameter θ removes the restriction of the logistic theory of population growth, that each individual added to the population decrease the rate of growth of the population by a constant amount. With model seven the rate of growth of a population of a single species need not have its maximum at K2, that is when the number of individuals is half the carrying capacity of the environment.  相似文献   

Cancer is often associated with cachexia, cardiovascular symptoms and autonomic dysregulation. We tested whether extracardiac cancer directly affects the innervation of left ventricular myocardium. Mice injected with Lewis lung carcinoma cells (tumor group, TG) or PBS (control group, CG) were analyzed after 21 days. Cardiac function (echocardiography), serum levels of TNF-α and Il-6 (ELISA), structural alterations of cardiomyocytes and their innervation (design-based stereology) and levels of innervation-related mRNA (quantitative RT-PCR) were analysed. The groups did not differ in various functional parameters. Serum levels of TNF-α and Il-6 were elevated in TG. The total length of axons in the left ventricle was reduced. The number of dense core vesicles per axon profile was reduced. Decreased myofibrillar volume, increased sarcoplasmic volume and increased volume of lipid droplets were indicative of metabolic alterations of TG cardiomyocytes. In the heart, the mRNA level of nerve growth factor was reduced whereas that of β1-adrenergic receptor was unchanged in TG. In the stellate ganglion of TG, mRNA levels of nerve growth factor and neuropeptide Y were decreased and that of tyrosine hydroxylase was increased. In summary, cancer induces a systemic pro-inflammatory state, a significant reduction in myocardial innervation and a catabolic phenotype of cardiomyocytes in the mouse. Reduced expression of nerve growth factor may account for the reduced myocardial innervation.  相似文献   

Injection of biomaterials into diseased myocardium has been associated with decreased myofiber stress, restored left ventricular (LV) geometry and improved LV function. However, its exact mechanism(s) of action remained unclear. In this work, we present the first patient-specific computational model of biomaterial injection that accounts for the possibility of residual strain and stress introduced by this treatment. We show that the presence of residual stress can create more heterogeneous regional myofiber stress and strain fields. Our simulation results show that the treatment generates low stress and stretch areas between injection sites, and high stress and stretch areas between the injections and both the endocardium and epicardium. Globally, these local changes are translated into an increase in average myofiber stress and its standard deviation (from 6.9±4.6 to 11.2±48.8 kPa and 30±15 to 35.1±50.9 kPa at end-diastole and end-systole, respectively). We also show that the myofiber stress field is sensitive to the void-to-size ratio. For a constant void size, the myofiber stress field became less heterogeneous with decreasing injection volume. These results suggest that the residual stress and strain possibly generated by biomaterial injection treatment can have large effects on the regional myocardial stress and strain fields, which may be important in the remodeling process.  相似文献   

Fluid dynamics is used for diagnosis in cardiology only to a partial extent. Indeed several aspects of cardiac flows and their relation with pathophysiology are unknown. The flow that develops into the left ventricle is here studied by using a combination of numerical and experimental models. The former allows a detailed three-dimensional analysis, the latter can be used in conditions, like in presence of turbulence, that are out of reach of the current computational power. The three-dimensional flow dynamics is analyzed in terms of its vortical structure. The study, within its limitations, provides further physical understanding about the intraventricular flow structure. This could eventually support the development of cardiac diagnostic indicators based on fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

The heart is structurally and functionally a highly non-homogenous organ, yet its main function as a pump can only be achieved by the co-ordinated contraction of millions of ventricular cells. This apparent contradiction gives rise to the hypothesis that ‘well-organised’ inhomogeneity may be a pre-requisite for normal cardiac function. Here, we present a set of novel experimental and theoretical tools for the study of this concept. Heterogeneity, in its most condensed form, can be simulated using two individually controlled, mechanically interacting elements (duplex). We have developed and characterised three different types of duplexes: (i) biological duplex, consisting of two individually perfused biological samples (like thin papillary muscles or a trabeculae), (ii) virtual duplex, made-up of two interacting mathematical models of cardiac muscle, and (iii) hybrid duplex, containing a biological sample that interacts in real-time with a virtual muscle. In all three duplex types, in-series or in-parallel mechanical interaction of elements can be studied during externally isotonic, externally isometric, and auxotonic modes of contraction and relaxation. Duplex models, therefore, mimic (patho-)physiological mechano-electric interactions in heterogeneous myocardium at the multicellular level, and in an environment that allows one to control mechanical, electrical and pharmacological parameters. Results obtained using the duplex method show that: (i) contractile elements in heterogeneous myocardium are not ‘independent’ generators of tension/shortening, as their ino- and lusitropic characteristics change dynamically during mechanical interaction—potentially matching microscopic contractility to macroscopic demand, (ii) mechanical heterogeneity contributes differently to action potential duration (APD) changes, depending on whether mechanical coupling of elements is in-parallel or in-series, which may play a role in mechanical tuning of distant tissue regions, (iii) electro-mechanical activity of mechanically interacting contractile elements is affected by their activation sequence, which may optimise myocardial performance by smoothing intrinsic differences in APD. In conclusion, we present a novel set of tools for the experimental and theoretical investigation of cardiac mechano-electric interactions in healthy and/or diseased heterogeneous myocardium, which allows for the testing of previously inaccessible concepts.  相似文献   

The assessment of regional heart wall motion (local strain) can localize ischemic myocardial disease, evaluate myocardial viability, and identify impaired cardiac function due to hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathies. The objectives of this research were to develop and validate a technique known as hyperelastic warping for the measurement of local strains in the left ventricle from clinical cine-magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) image datasets. The technique uses differences in image intensities between template (reference) and target (loaded) image datasets to generate a body force that deforms a finite element (FE) representation of the template so that it registers with the target image. To validate the technique, MRI image datasets representing two deformation states of a left ventricle were created such that the deformation map between the states represented in the images was known. A beginning diastolic cine-MRI image dataset from a normal human subject was defined as the template. A second image dataset (target) was created by mapping the template image using the deformation results obtained from a forward FE model of diastolic filling. Fiber stretch and strain predictions from hyperelastic warping showed good agreement with those of the forward solution (R2=0.67 stretch, R2=0.76 circumferential strain, R2=0.75 radial strain, and R2=0.70 in-plane shear). The technique had low sensitivity to changes in material parameters (deltaR2= -0.023 fiber stretch, deltaR2=-0.020 circumferential strain, deltaR2=-0.005 radial strain, and deltaR2=0.0125 shear strain with little or no change in rms error), with the exception of changes in bulk modulus of the material. The use of an isotropic hyperelastic constitutive model in the warping analyses degraded the predictions of fiber stretch. Results were unaffected by simulated noise down to a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 4.0 (deltaR2= -0.032 fiber stretch, deltaR2=-0.023 circumferential strain, deltaR2=-0.04 radial strain, and deltaAR2=0.0211 shear strain with little or no increase in rms error). This study demonstrates that warping in conjunction with cine-MRI imaging can be used to determine local ventricular strains during diastole.  相似文献   

Patient-specific estimates of the stress distribution in the left ventricles (LV) may have important applications for therapy planning, but computing the stress generally requires knowledge of the material behaviour. The passive stress-strain relation of myocardial tissue has been characterized by a number of models, but material parameters (MPs) remain difficult to estimate. The aim of this study is to implement a zero-pressure algorithm to reconstruct numerically the stress distribution in the LV without precise knowledge of MPs. We investigate the sensitivity of the stress distribution to variations in the different sets of constitutive parameters. We show that the sensitivity of the LV stresses to MPs can be marginal for an isotropic constitutive model. However, when using a transversely isotropic exponential strain energy function, the LV stresses become sensitive to MPs, especially to the linear elastic coefficient before the exponential function. This indicates that in-vivo identification efforts should focus mostly on this MP for the development of patient-specific finite-element analysis.  相似文献   

Pressure-volume and volume-dimensions relationships, obtained from excised dog left ventricles were used for calculating the stresses acting along the longitudinal axis of the individual myocardial fibers. The calculations were based on a set of empirical and theoretical equations. The pressure-volume relationship as well as the volume-dimensions relationships for the excised left ventricle were expressed in the form of empirical equations; the fiber orientation was written as a function of the fiber location within the left ventricular wall; finally, the fiber stress was determined by means of theoretically derived formulas. Simultaneous solutions for the fibers of a meridian cut through the left ventricular myocardial shell were obtained by means of a digital computer and presented in the form of diagrams. The results showed that at low degrees of distension of the left ventricle there are two zones of higher stresses at the equatorial area, one near the epicardium and one near the endocardium. As the distension proceeds under the effect of progressively increasing intraventricular pressure, these two zones become less well defined, whereas a new zone of higher stresses appears near the apex. At high degrees of distension, the ventricle assumes a more spherical shape and the equatorial zones of higher stresses are replaced by zones of lower stresses. Increase in the myocardial mass results in appearance of the equatorial lower stress zones at lower degrees of distension.  相似文献   

Recent computational models of optimized left ventricular (LV) myofiber geometry that minimize the spatial variance in sarcomere length, stress, and ATP consumption have predicted that a midwall myofiber angle of 20 degrees and transmural myofiber angle gradient of 140 degrees from epicardium to endocardium is a functionally optimal LV myofiber geometry. In order to test the extent to which actual fiber angle distributions conform to this prediction, we measured local myofiber angles at an average of nine transmural depths in each of 32 sites (4 short-axis levels, 8 circumferentially distributed blocks in each level) in five normal ovine LVs. We found: (1) a mean midwall myofiber angle of -7 degrees (SD 9), but with spatial heterogeneity (averaging 0 degrees in the posterolateral and anterolateral wall near the papillary muscles, and -9 degrees in all other regions); and (2) an average transmural gradient of 93 degrees (SD 21), but with spatial heterogeneity (averaging a low of 51 degrees in the basal posterior sector and a high of 130 degrees in the mid-equatorial anterolateral sector). We conclude that midwall myofiber angles and transmural myofiber angle gradients in the ovine heart are regionally non-uniform and differ significantly from the predictions of present-day computationally optimized LV myofiber models. Myofiber geometry in the ovine heart may differ from other species, but model assumptions also underlie the discrepancy between experimental and computational results. To test the predictive capability of the current computational model would we propose using an ovine specific LV geometry and comparing the computed myofiber orientations to those we report herein.  相似文献   

A thick-wall incompressible, elastic sphere was used as a model for the diastolic rat left ventricle. A model for myocardial nonhomogeneity was derived assuming that fiber (circumferential) stress was independent of position in the ventricular wall. The theoretical implications of the resulting constitutive relations together with the spherical model were analyzed in the context of large deformation elasticity theory. It was found that muscle stiffness at a given level of uniaxial stress increased monotonically from the endocardium to the epicardium. In addition, fiber stress was found to be essentially a linear function of transmural pressure above a pressure of 6 g/cm2. It was also shown theoretically that neglecting the nonhomogeneity of the myocardium resulted in a state of stress which differed significantly from that predicted by the nonhomogeneous model. For example, at a transmural pressure of 14 g/cm2, fiber stress in the nonhomogenous model was equal to 17 g/cm2 while fiber stress in the homogeneous model varied between 100 g/cm2 at the endocardial surface and 2 g/cm2 at the epicardial surface. The change in muscle stiffness with position which characterized the nonhomogeneous model also tended to linearize the highly curvilinear radial stress distribution predicted by the homogeneous model at a given transmural pressure.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of bone depend largely on its degree and distribution of mineralization. The present study analyzes the effect of an inhomogeneous distribution of mineralization on the stress and strain distributions in the human mandibular condyle during static clenching. A condyle was scanned with a micro-CT scanner to create a finite element model. For every voxel the degree of mineralization (DMB) was determined from the micro-CT scan. The Young's moduli of the elements were calculated from the DMB using constant, linear, and cubic relations, respectively. Stresses, strains, and displacements in cortical and trabecular bone, as well as the condylar deformation (extension along the antero-posterion axis) and compliance were compared. Over 90% of the bone mineral was located in the cortical bone. The DMB showed large variations in both cortical bone (mean: 884, SD: 111 mg/cm(3)) and trabecular bone (mean: 738, SD: 101 mg/cm(3)). Variations of the stresses and the strains were small in cortical bone, but large in trabecular bone. In the cortical bone an inhomogeneous mineral distribution increased the stresses and the strains. In the trabecular bone, however, it decreased the stresses and increased the strains. Furthermore, the condylar compliance remained relatively constant, but the condylar deformation doubled. It was concluded that neglect of the inhomogeneity of the mineral distribution results in a large underestimation of the stresses and strains of possibly more than 50%. The stiffness of trabecular bone strongly influences the condylar deformation. Vice versa, the condylar deformation largely determines the magnitude of the strains in the trabecular bone.  相似文献   

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