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Three geographically isolated populations of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag., were examined for responses to nitrate availability in batch culture experiments using juvenile sporophytes reared from spores in the laboratory. Although maximum rates of nitrate-saturated growth were similar among groups, there were significant quantitative differences in the response to nitrate limitation that can be related to natural patterns of nutrient availability at these sites. Plants from Santa Catalina Island (most oligotrophic) achieved maximum growth rates at ambient nitrate concentrations that were lower than those for plants from Monterey Bay, California (most eutrophic), or Refugio State Beach (near Santa Barbara, California). Tissue nitrogen and amino acid concentrations were highest in plants cultured from Santa Catalina Island populations at all external nitrate concentrations, suggesting that differences in nitrate requirements for growth may reflect the efficiency of nitrate uptake and assimilation at subsaturating nitrate concentrations. Given the different physical environments from which these plants came, the data suggest that geographically isolated populations of M. pyrifera have undergone genetic divergence that can be explained by ecotypic adaptation to unique habitat conditions at these sites.  相似文献   

During the ENSO event of 1997–1998, density and population structure were evaluated in a Macrocystis pyrifera forest located in Bahía Tortugas, Baja California, Mexico, near the southern limit of the species' distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. Observations in Bahía Tortugas were made quarterly from January 1997 to September 1998 using SCUBA diving surveys. No macroscopic plants were found in the Bahía Tortugas area from October 1997 to April 1998, a local absence of at least 7 months. Aerial surveys further suggest regional disappearance along most of the Baja California coast during the event. Unexpectedly, plants were found in Bahía Tortugas again in July 1998, in spite of the widespread disappearance of the species less than a year earlier. Long-distance spore dispersal was an unlikely cause of the recruitment because: 1) the nearest spore source was more than 100 km away; 2) recruitment appeared to be simultaneous at many sites and occurred rapidly after the cessation of the ENSO event; and 3) the recruits occurred in the same areas as before disappearance. We suggest that a microscopic stage that was not visible during dive surveys survived the stressful conditions of ENSO and caused the recruitment event, supporting the hypothesis that a bank of microscopic forms can survive conditions stressful to macroscopic algae.  相似文献   

The causes of spatial variation in the recruitment of benthic marine algae are frequently misunderstood because of difficulties in distinguishing among the many factors that influence the supply and establishment of microscopic propagules. We used the recently constructed San Clemente Artificial Reef (SCAR) experiment to examine the roles of dispersal distance, size of spore source, and habitat availability as sources of variation in the recruitment of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag., a species whose recruitment has often been considered to be dispersal limited. Sparse colonization on SCAR by adult Macrocystis occurred within 6 months after reef construction via drifters (i.e. individuals from neighboring kelp beds that became dislodged and set adrift). The abundance of drifters on SCAR declined exponentially with distance from the nearest source population (San Mateo), suggesting that San Mateo was the likely source of drifters. Dense recruitment of small Macrocystis sporophytes was observed within 8 months of reef construction. The density of recruits on SCAR showed an initial increase with distance from San Mateo before declining exponentially. Nonetheless, substantial recruitment was observed at the most distant locations on SCAR located 3.5 km from San Mateo. In contrast to drifters, the density of recruits was positively correlated to the bottom cover of artificial reef substrate. Importantly, no correlation was found between the local density or fecundity of drifters and the local density of kelp recruits suggesting that recruitment on SCAR resulted from widespread spore dispersal rather than from the local dispersal of spores from drifters.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field experiments were done hi Still-water Cove, Carmel Bay, California, and Monterey Harbor, California, to determine the effect of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) on the shallow (upper) limit of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh. At shallow depths, M. pyrifera did not recruit or grow to macroscopic size from gametophytes or embryonic sporophytes transplanted to vertical buoy lines; sharp decreases in PAR with depth coincided with observed recruitment and sporophyte distributions. Shade manipulations indicated that settlement of M. pyrifera zoospores was decreased, but not prohibited, by high PAR. Postsettlement stages (gametophytes and embryonic sporophytes), however, survived only under shade. These results suggest that high PAR can inhibit the recruitment of M. pyrifera to shallow water by killing its postsettlement stages; whether or not ultraviolet (UV) radiation also inhibits recruitment was not tested. In either case, however, it appears that high irradiance (PAR and/or UV) regulates the shallow limit of M. pyrifera prior to temperature and desiccation stresses inherent to intertidal regions. In an additional experiment, recruitment or growth of transplanted gametophytes or embryonic sporophytes of Macrocystis integrifolia Bory also did not occur at shallow depths, suggesting that this shallow water species accesses high irradiance regions via a method other than sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Delayed recruitment of microscopic stages in response to cyclical cues is critical to the population dynamics of many annual and seasonally reproducing perennial seaweeds. Microscopic stages may play a similar role in continuously reproducing perennials in which adult sporophytes are subject to episodic mortality, if they can respond directly to the unpredictable onset and relaxation of unfavorable conditions. We experimentally evaluated the potential for temporary reduction in limiting resources (light, nutrients) to directly delay recruitment of giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C.A. Agardh) gametophytes and embryonic sporophytes. Laboratory cultures were subjected to limiting conditions of light and nutrients for 1 month and then exposed to nonlimiting conditions for 10 days. Gametophytes in all treatments failed to recruit to sporophytes after 2 weeks, suggesting they are not a source of delayed recruitment in giant kelp. Sporophytes in light‐limited treatments, however, survived and grew significantly slower than non–light‐limited controls. When stimulated with light, light‐limited sporophytes grew from 2 to>10 times faster than unstimulated controls depending on nutrient availability. These results suggest that limiting resources can delay recruitment of embryonic giant kelp sporophytes for at least 1 month. Flexible timing of recruitment from embryonic sporophytes may enhance persistence of continuously reproducing perennial species when mac‐ roscopic adults are subject to episodic large‐scale removals.  相似文献   

Juvenile sporophytes of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. A. Agardh, were transplanted from local kelp beds to stations located various distances from the outfall from an electrical generating station that was known to cause an increase in the settlement of fouling organisms. Plants near the outfall became heavily fouled by the encrusting bryozoan, Membranipora membranacea (L.), and lost about one-third of their blades during the course of the experiment. Blade loss was significantly correlated with amount of fouling. To test the hypothesis that fouling causes blade loss, we paired fouled and unfouled plants of about the same age, overall length, and number of fronds and placed them at stations in nearby kelp beds and near the outfall. At the stations in the kelp beds, the fouled plants lost blades more rapidly than the unfouled controls. However, at the station near the outfall the “control” plants quickly became fouled so there was little difference in treatments and there was no significant difference in blade loss. Plants fouled by Membranipora suffered greater blade loss than clean plants probably because fouled blades are fragile and break off easily and because fish bite off chunks of blade while foraging on the attached bryozoans.  相似文献   

Rafts of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh can act as an important dispersal vehicle for a multitude of organisms, but this mechanism requires prolonged persistence of floating kelps at the sea surface. When detached, kelps become transferred into higher temperature and irradiance regimes at the sea surface, which may negatively affect kelp physiology and thus their ability to persist for long periods after detachment. To examine the effect of water temperature and herbivory on the photosynthetic performance, pigment composition, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, and the nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) content of floating M. pyrifera, experiments were conducted at three sites (20° S, 30° S, 40° S) along the Chilean Pacific coast. Sporophytes of M. pyrifera were maintained at three different temperatures (ambient, ambient ? 4°C, ambient + 4°C) and in presence or absence of the amphipod Peramphithoe femorata for 14 d. CA activity decreased at 20° S and 30° S, where water temperatures and irradiances were highest. At both sites, pigment contents were substantially lower in the experimental algae than in the initial algae, an effect that was enhanced by grazers. Floating kelps at 20° S could not withstand water temperatures >24°C and sank at day 5 of experimentation. Maximal quantum yield decreased at 20° S and 30° S but remained high at 40° S. It is concluded that environmental stress is low for kelps floating under moderate temperature and irradiance conditions (i.e., at 40° S), ensuring their physiological integrity at the sea surface and, consequently, a high dispersal potential for associated biota.  相似文献   

Neutral lipids, consisting primarily of triacylglycerols, were found to be a major form of carbon reserve in zoospores of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. The fluorescent stain Nile Red revealed large lipid droplets in the posterior end of the cell, which comprised 20–41% of cellular carbon in newly released spores. Flow cytometric analyses of newly released spores stained with Nile Red revealed considerable variation in the neutral lipid content among spores that was independent of spore size. Lipid droplets were consumed during germination in spores maintained either under constant light or in continual darkness. The availability of light appeared to delay, but did not preclude, lipid use. The rate of lipid use during germination varied considerably among germlings with some cells consuming all of their lipid reserves within 5 h after release. In addition to zoospores, lipid droplets were observed in both male and female gametes. Numerous droplets were observed in eggs, while single lipid droplets were observed in sperm. Neutral lipid droplets were not observed in gametophytes or sporophytes except in developing gametes and spores. Large lipid reserves thus seem to be confined to the microscopic life history stages that presumably have relatively high energy demands. By serving as a supplemental fuel reserve, neutral lipids may be important in extending the effective range of zoospore dispersal.  相似文献   

Intertidal Egregia menziesii (Turner) Aresch. populations were studied at three Southern California sites to determine temporal and spatial patterns of reproduction and morphology. The timing of sporophyll production and sporophyte recruitment was similar at all sites. Sporophyll production was much greater during winter periods of colder seawater temperatures and shorter day lengths. Sporophyte recruitment occurred from spring through midsummer, ~5 months following maximal sporophyll production. Lateral blade morphologies varied in a consistent manner, suggesting a developmental mechanism for form variation in Egregia thalli. Spatulate blades dominated shorter axes and the bases of longer axes, whereas filiform laterals became abundant toward the tips of longer axes. Filiform laterals (9.8 mg O2·g?1·h?1) had higher light‐saturated net photosynthetic rates than spatulate laterals (6.8 mg O2·g?1·h?1), resulting in a 12% increase in the productivity of Egregia per meter of filiform frond.  相似文献   

The nitrate uptake capacity of mature blade tissue of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag., was examined as a function of the availability of light and nitrate. Time course measurements indicated that nitrate uptake rate, as measured by the incorporation of 15N, was significantly increased by N starvation. The response was linear over the first hour of exposure regardless of the N status of the tissue indicating that surge uptake was not responsible for the increase. The Michaelis-Menten parameters Vmax and Ks, however, were not significantly changed by either growth nitrate concentration or growth irradiance as a result of high variability among blades. Similarly, the initial slope (α) of the nitrate uptake kinetics curves was unaffected. Concentration of photosynthetic pigments increased in response to increased nitrate availability but not to increased growth irradiance. Time course and pigment data demonstrated that mature blade tissue responds to increased N availability by decreasing its capacity to take up nitrate and by increasing its investment in photosynthetic pigments, perhaps for N storage or enhanced light-harvesting capabilities and the increase in reducing power available for N assimilation. This study provides evidence for a dynamic regulatory system that responds to changes in nitrate availability in an integrated manner.  相似文献   

Drifting Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh sporophytes have long been viewed as the primary long‐distance dispersal vector; yet, few data exist that support the ability of reproductive viable sporophytes to actually travel the presumed hundreds to thousands of kilometers. This study addressed the reproductive longevity of experimental and naturally occurring M. pyrifera drifters. Temporal variability in sporophyte size and reproduction was estimated for experimental drifting sporophytes that were tethered to surface buoys and compared with attached plants (controls). Reproductive viability was also studied for beach‐cast drifters (BCD), and naturally drifting sporophytes observed during field surveys in Monterey Bay. Detached drifting sporophytes were tracked with radio transmitters to follow drifter trajectories and to measure drifting speed. Experimental drifters (ED) experienced a 74% reduction in frond length after 35 days, a 76% reduction in average frond number after 70 days, and a reduction in average sorus area by 83% after 28 days. Although zoospore production was reduced following detachment, sporophytes remained fertile with high zoospore germination success as long as sori were present (125 days). Zoospore production and germination success for natural and BCD was similar to ED. The average displacement of radio‐tagged drifters was 7.12 km·day?1, suggesting that a sporophyte adrift for 125 days disperses viable propagules (zoospores) over 890 km (±363). Dispersal of propagules is important for population restoration, distribution, and genetic diversity. Such dispersal distances are long enough to connect potentially all Northern Hemisphere Macrocystis populations across a generational timescale and may facilitate inter‐hemispheric gene flow.  相似文献   

Gametophytes of Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. were cultured under a series of quantum irradiances in three photoperiod regimes. The quantum irradiances in each photoperiod were adjusted to provide equal daily irradiation dosages between photoperiods which allowed a critical examination of the interactions between quantum irradiance and quantum dose in determining gametophyte fertility. The lowest quantum irradiance which stimulated gametogenesis in more than 50% of the female gametophytes was 5 μE·m?2·s?1. The saturating irradiance was ca. 10 μE·m?2·s?1 at photoperiods of 12 h or greater. In terms of daily quantum dose, the lowest dose at which greater than 50% gametogenesis occurred was 0.2 E·m?2·d?1. However, this critical quantum dose was higher (0.4 E·m?2·d?1) when instantaneous irradiances were less than 5 μE·m?2·s?1. The saturation quantum dose was also affected by the rate at which the quantum dose was received and varied from 0.4 to 0.8 E·m?2·d?1. Gametophytes in all three photoperiods reached 100% fertility at quantum irradiances above 5 μE·m?2·s?1. Photoperiod effects were small and could be accounted for by quantum dosage effects.  相似文献   

Organisms occurring in environments subject to severe disturbance and/or periods of poor environmental quality that result in severe adult mortality can survive these periods by relying on alternate life stages that delay their development in a resistant state until conditions improve. In the northeast Pacific, the forest‐forming giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Agardh periodically experiences widespread adult mortality during extended periods of extremely low nutrients and high temperatures, such as those associated with El Niño. Recovery following these periods is hypothesized to occur from microscopic life stages that delay their development until the return of favorable conditions. In the laboratory, we experimentally examined the environmental conditions responsible for regulating delayed development of the microscopic stages of M. pyrifera from Southern California, USA. Nutrients controlled the delay and resumption of gametophyte growth and reproduction, perhaps linked to the large fluctuations in nutrients occurring seasonally and interannually in this region. Although growth of gametophytes proceeded in the virtual absence of nitrate, both nitrate and other trace nutrients were necessary for gametogenesis. Upon exposure to elevated nutrients, delayed gametophytes produced sporophytes more quickly (5–20 d) and at smaller sizes (10–200 μm) than gametophytes that had never been delayed (18–80 d, 80–400 μm, respectively), reducing negative density‐dependent effects. This finding demonstrates that delayed gametophytes of M. pyrifera rapidly utilize increased resources to consistently produce sporophytes. Further work is needed to assess their potential role in population recovery following periods of poor environmental quality.  相似文献   

The brown alga Agarum clathratum (Dumortier) is the only large, perennial, fleshy macrophyte commonly found on urchin‐dominated barrens in the northwestern North Atlantic. We examined the spatial and temporal stability of A. clathratum stands and their impact on algal recruitment in the Mingan Islands, northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. The stands were highly stable in space and time, with only small intersite variations. The percent cover of A. clathratum in 144‐m2 areas increased by 6.5%–11.4% over a 2‐year period, and most changes in abundance occurred at the edge of the stands. The surface area of small (<13 m2) single stands of A. clathratum increased by approximately 1.8%·month?1, although marked increases (>95%) occurred during winter, largely because adjacent stands merged into larger single stands. Mature stands of A. clathratum appear to enhance algal recruitment, as juvenile A. clathratum and the understory red alga Ptilota serrata (Kützing) were orders of magnitude more abundant inside than outside the stands. The experimental removal of the A. clathratum canopy (1‐m2 portions) had no long‐term effect on the abundance of A. clathratum, which within 14 months had recolonized most of the cleared areas. In contrast to juvenile A. clathratum, the abundance of P. serrata rapidly decreased after canopy removal. Our results demonstrate that A. clathratum stands are a stable component of urchin barrens in spite of the heavy grazing that typically occurs there. Maintenance and expansion of A. clathratum stands and associated flora appear to depend on positive interactions with self‐defended adult A. clathratum.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were used to examine how variation in the density of spore settlement influences gametophyte growth, reproduction, and subsequent sporophyte production in the kelps Pterygophora californica Ruprecht and Macrocystis pyrifera (L.) C. Ag. In still (non-aerated) cultures, egg maturation in both species was delayed when spores were seeded at densities 300 · mm?2. Although the density at which this inhibition was first observed was similar for both species, the age at which their eggs matured was not. P. californica females reached sexual maturity an average of 4 days (or ~ 30%) sooner than did M, pyrifera. As observed previously in field experiments, per capita sporophyte production was negatively density dependent for both species when seeded at spore densities of 10 · mm?2. Total sporophyte production (i.e. number · cm?2) for both species, however, was greatest at intermediate densities of spore settlement (~ 50 spores · mm?2). In contrast, total sporophyte production by P. californica steadily increased with increasing spore density in aerated cultures; highest sporophyte density was observed on slides seeded at a density of 1000 spores · mm?2. Preliminary experiments with P. californica involving manipulation of aeration and nutrients indicate that inhibition of gametophyte growth and reproduction at higher densities of spore settlement in non-aerated cultures was probably caused by nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions that are known to cause morphological variation in algae (e.g., wave exposure) often vary in both space and time and are superimposed onto the distinct seasonal growth cycles of most temperate macroalgae. We tested the hypothesis that the morphology of the small kelp Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh is the product of an interaction between site (five reefs of different wave exposure) and the time of year that sampling occurs (summer vs. winter 2004). We determined that wave exposure had a strong directional effect on kelp morphology, with “Reefs” accounting for up to 43.4% of variation in individual morphological characters. “Times” had a narrowly nonsignificant effect on overall morphology but accounted for up to 31% of variation in individual characters. Many characters were affected by wave exposure, whereas only a few were (strongly) affected by time (e.g., thallus biomass). Interactive effects between “Reefs” and “Times” were generally small, accounting for 15.8% of variation in lamina thickness, but much less for most other characters. We conclude that wave exposure exerts a strong control over the morphology of E. radiata, but that the nature of the effect depends on the magnitude of wave exposure. We also conclude that most of the effects of wave exposure are consistent through time and do not interact with cycles of growth and pruning in any major way.  相似文献   

We tested whether experimentally enhancing nutrients around the kelp Hedophyllum sessile would increase growth, tissue nitrogen, or allocation to phenolic compounds. Packets of time‐released fertilizer were anchored adjacent to fronds in the field, and algae were monitored for several months. Although fertilizer packets increased the concentration of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus adjacent to treatment algae by an order of magnitude, there was little evidence that this increased frond growth or size. Hedophyllum individuals showed no tendency to alter allocation patterns in response to nutrient addition. Tissue carbon and nitrogen was unchanged by the nutrient manipulation; most H. sessile had tissue nitrogen concentrations in excess of 2.0% of dry mass. Additionally, the concentration of phloroglucinol equivalents was also unaffected by the presence of increased water column nutrients. Although nutrient concentrations in the water column surrounding the study site show relatively high mean values for ammonium, nitrate, and phosphorus, they are characterized by high spatial and temporal variation. Nonetheless, these data suggest that this intertidal kelp is not limited by nitrogen or phosphorus in wave‐exposed areas in the northeast Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of growth, erosion, productivity, and morphology of the dominant habitat‐forming kelp Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh were studied bimonthly over 1.5 years in a southern New Zealand fjord characterized by strong gradients in light and wave exposure. Spatial differences in growth were observed with rates at two outer coast, high‐light, wave‐exposed sites reaching 0.42 and 0.45 cm · d?1, respectively, compared to 0.27 cm · d?1 at an inner, more homogeneous site. Sporophyte productivity was similar among sites, although population productivity was greater at the outer sites due to population density being 5‐fold greater than at the inner site. It was expected that the inner site would have no pronounced seasonal pattern in growth and productivity due to its homogeneity; however, all three sites displayed maximum rates in late winter/spring and minimal in autumn. Growth rates were 2‐fold greater during the first growth period than the following year. This discrepancy was not correlated to inorganic nitrogen (N) levels, which remained low year‐round (<4 μM), and is likely a result of an interaction between light and temperature, and the photosynthetic capability of E. radiata. Variable pigment content indicated photoacclimation at the inner site. Morphological differences were observed between sites, with E. radiata from the inner site having longer, wider, thinner blades and longer stipes. While E. radiata displayed spatial differences in growth, erosion, productivity, and morphology, populations displayed no temporal differences. These results highlight the need for greater understanding of the mechanisms influencing kelp growth and productivity in a unique marine environment.  相似文献   

Many macroalgae exhibit considerable intraspecific morphological variation, but whether such variation reflects phenotypic plasticity or underlying genetic differences is often poorly understood. We quantified both morphological and genetic variation of 96 plants from seven field sites across eastern South Island, New Zealand, to assess genetic differences between morphotypes of the southern bull kelp Durvillaea antarctica (Cham.) Har. Consistent DNA sequence differentiation across mitochondrial, plastid, and nuclear loci was correlated with two broadly sympatric morphotypes: “cape” and “thonged.” These ecologically, morphologically, and genetically distinct bull‐kelp lineages were previously considered to be environmentally determined phenotypes with no underlying genetic basis. Interestingly, the sheltered “cape” lineage appears essentially genetically uniform across its South Island range, whereas the exposed “thonged” lineage exhibits marked phylogeographic structure across its range. Results suggest that D. antarctica in New Zealand comprises two reproductively isolated species.  相似文献   

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