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The surface area of myotendinous junctions (MTJs), expressed relative to the cross-sectional area of myofibrils attached to them, was determined using established morphometric techniques in which the digitlike processes of the cell at MTJs are modeled as circular paraboloids. The relative area, called the folding factor, was measured for six rats after a 4-day spaceflight and six control rats maintained in a vivarium under otherwise identical conditions. Spaceflight resulted in a significant reduction in relative MTJ surface area, from 19.7 +/- 2.3 (SD) in control animals to 13.3 +/- 2.5 for animals after spaceflight. Furthermore, space animals displayed increased numbers of fibroblasts enriched in rough endoplasmic reticulum near the MTJ, a greater number of ribosomes and mitochondria within muscle at the MTJ, and increased occurrence of lesions in the connective tissue near the MTJ. The results indicate that spaceflight, possibly through the removal of gravity-associated loading from muscle, causes a modification in MTJ structure and may result in injuries at MTJs after return to normal loading.  相似文献   

Summary Most cardiac myocytes transmit force across fasciae adherentes, specialized sites of cell-cell adhesion. However, some cardiac myocytes in papillary muscle terminate on collagenous connective tissue in the chordae tendineae. These papillary myotendinous junctions (MTJs) are specialized for force transmission from myocytes to extracellular matrix. In the present study, we compared structural molecules at papillary MTJs to those at fasciae adherentes and skeletal MTJs. By using indirect immunofluorescence, we found that papillary MTJs more closely resemble skeletal MTJs in their molecular composition in that they are enriched in talin, vinculin, integrin, and fibronectin. Zeugmatin and -actinin, both components of fasciae adherentes, are absent from papillary MTJs. Although papillary MTJs and skeletal MTJs display strong similarities in structural protein composition, ultrastructural organization of the two junctions is different. Papillary MTJs display little folding of the junctional membrane and, according to morphological criteria, more closely resemble sites of thin filament-membrane association in smooth muscle than skeletal MTJs. Thus, papillary MTJs display a combination of structural characteristics described previously in skeletal and smooth muscles but exhibit few structural features observed previously in cardiac fasciae adherentes.  相似文献   

The development and function of skeletal muscle depend on molecules that connect the muscle fiber cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix (ECM). beta1 integrins are ECM receptors in skeletal muscle, and mutations that affect the alpha7beta1 integrin cause myopathy in humans. In mice, beta1 integrins control myoblast fusion, the assembly of the muscle fiber cytoskeleton, and the maintenance of myotendinous junctions (MTJs). The effector molecules that mediate beta1 integrin functions in muscle are not known. Previous studies have shown that talin 1 controls the force-dependent assembly of integrin adhesion complexes and regulates the affinity of integrins for ligands. Here we show that talin 1 is essential in skeletal muscle for the maintenance of integrin attachment sites at MTJs. Mice with a skeletal muscle-specific ablation of the talin 1 gene suffer from a progressive myopathy. Surprisingly, myoblast fusion and the assembly of integrin-containing adhesion complexes at costameres and MTJs advance normally in the mutants. However, with progressive ageing, the muscle fiber cytoskeleton detaches from MTJs. Mechanical measurements on isolated muscles show defects in the ability of talin 1-deficient muscle to generate force. Collectively, our findings show that talin 1 is essential for providing mechanical stability to integrin-dependent adhesion complexes at MTJs, which is crucial for optimal force generation by skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

alpha-Dystrobrevin (DB), a cytoplasmic component of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, is found throughout the sarcolemma of muscle cells. Mice lacking alphaDB exhibit muscular dystrophy, defects in maturation of neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and, as shown here, abnormal myotendinous junctions (MTJs). In normal muscle, alternative splicing produces two main alphaDB isoforms, alphaDB1 and alphaDB2, with common NH2-terminal but distinct COOH-terminal domains. alphaDB1, whose COOH-terminal extension can be tyrosine phosphorylated, is concentrated at the NMJs and MTJs. alphaDB2, which is not tyrosine phosphorylated, is the predominant isoform in extrajunctional regions, and is also present at NMJs and MTJs. Transgenic expression of either isoform in alphaDB-/- mice prevented muscle fiber degeneration; however, only alphaDB1 completely corrected defects at the NMJs (abnormal acetylcholine receptor patterning, rapid turnover, and low density) and MTJs (shortened junctional folds). Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the effectiveness of alphaDB1 in stabilizing the NMJ depends in part on its ability to serve as a tyrosine kinase substrate. Thus, alphaDB1 phosphorylation may be a key regulatory point for synaptic remodeling. More generally, alphaDB may play multiple roles in muscle by means of differential distribution of isoforms with distinct signaling or structural properties.  相似文献   

Denervation of skeletal muscle results in striking connective tissue remodelling in junctional areas of muscle. Since extracellular matrix molecules mediate axonal growth and synaptic differentiation, it is likely that the interstitial cells and matrix molecules that accumulate near synaptic sites after denervation influence the regrowth and regeneration of synaptic connections. The experiments presented here addressed the question of whether the junctional connective tissue in developing bullfrog skeletal muscle was also specialized in its cellular and molecular composition. Denervation responses of muscle, such as extrajunctional sensitivity to acetylcholine, often reproduce the characteristics of developing muscle during synaptogenesis. In developing muscle, the distribution of interstitial cells was nonuniform during the period of muscle fibre birth and synaptogenesis. Interstitial cells were concentrated near synaptic sites as in denervated adult muscle. Unlike denervated adult muscle, there were no junctional accumulations of fibronectin or tenascin, matrix molecules produced by interstitial cells, in developing muscles. These results demonstrate that the junctional connective tissue in developing muscle is identified by a high density of interstitial cells that may play a role in the identification and formation of synaptic sites. Further, the junctional matrix environment of developing muscle is distinct from the matrix remodelling that occurs in response to denervation, suggesting that the matrix production by interstitial cells during development is regulated differently from that after denervation of the neuromuscular junction.  相似文献   

Little is known about the lipid environment of lens fiber junctions, the plasma membrane structure proposed to be responsible for passage of low molecular weight metabolites between adjacent lens fiber cells. Plasma membranes of the ocular lens are especially rich in fiber junctions. The resistance of junctional domains to disruption by detergent or alkali treatment provides the opportunity to isolate a lens plasma membrane fraction enriched in fiber junctions. When examined by electron microscopy, the fiber junction fraction prepared from bovine lenses was enriched with junctional structures by about twofold when compared to total plasma membrane. We compared the protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol concentration of total plasma membrane with fiber junctional membrane from rat and cow lens and from aged normal cataractous human lenses. The principal finding was that junctional membrane contained 20-40% more total lipid than that of the total plasma membrane. This was due to a proportionate increase in the relative content (mg/mg protein) of both phospholipid and cholesterol. Exclusive of one exception (nucleus of bovine lens), the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratios of the two fractions were similar. In the bovine nucleus, the cholesterol/phospholipid molar ratio was substantially higher in the fiber junctional-enriched membrane fraction than in the total plasma membrane, suggesting a special association of cholesterol with bovine nuclear fiber junctions. The relative lipid compositions of the plasma membrane and fiber junction-enriched fractions from human normal and cataractous lenses were similar, suggesting that human senile cataractogenesis involves changes in the lens plasma membrane more subtle than would be reflected by gross changes in the membrane lipid composition.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of microgravity on muscle fibers of the predominantly fast-twitch muscles in the rat. Cross sectional area and myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition were assessed in order to establish the acute effects of microgravity associated with spaceflight. The extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and gastrocnemius muscles were removed from 12 male Fisher 344 rats which had undergone 10 days of spaceflight aboard the space shuttle Endeavor and from 12 age- and weight-matched control animals. Both groups of animals received similar amounts of food and water and were synchronized for photoperiods, environmental temperature, and humidity. Significant (P < 0.05) reductions in muscle fiber size were observed in the gastrocnemius (fiber types I, IIA, IIDB, and IIB) and EDL (fiber type IIB) muscles after spaceflight. Significant MHC isoform transformations also resulted during this brief period of microgravity exposure with a significant decrease in MHC IId isoform in the EDL muscle. A significant decrease was also observed in the MHC IId isoform in the superficial (white) component of the gastrocnemius muscle after spaceflight, although no alterations in MHC profile were demonstrated in the deep (red) component of this muscle. These findings highlight the rapid plasticity of skeletal muscle during short-term spaceflight. If such pronounced adaptations to spaceflight also occur in humans, then astronauts are likely to suffer severe decrements in skeletal muscle performance with long-term space flight and upon return to earth after both short- and long-term missions. Thus, countermeasures aimed at slowing or even preventing muscle fiber atrophy are warranted.  相似文献   

Considerable data has been collected on the response of hindlimb muscles to unloading due to both spaceflight and hindlimb suspension. One generalized response to a reduction in load is muscle fiber atrophy, although not all muscles respond the same. For example, predominantly slow extensor muscles like the Sol exhibit a large reduction in fiber size to unloading, while fast extensors like the plantaris and fast flexors like the tibialis anterior show little, if any, atrophy. Our understanding of how muscles respond to microgravity, however, has come primarily from the examination of hindlimb muscles in the unrestrained rat in space. The non-human primate spaceflight paradigm differs considerably from the rodent paradigm in that the monkeys are restrained, usually in a sitting position, while in space. Recently, we examined the effects of microgravity on muscles of the Rhesus monkey by taking biopsies of selected hindlimb muscles prior to and following spaceflights of 14 and 12 day durations (Cosmos 2044 and 2229). Our results revealed that the monkey's response to microgravity differs from that of the rat. The apparent differences in the atrophic response of the hindlimb muscles of the monkey and rat to spaceflight may be attributed to 1) a species difference, 2) a difference in the manner in which the animals were maintained during the flight (i.e., chair restraint or "free-floating"), and/or 3) an ability of the monkeys to counteract the effects of spaceflight with resistive exercise.  相似文献   

Modifications in the interactions of the muscle cytoskeleton with the cell membrane occur during cell growth and adaptation, although the mechanisms regulating these interactions are unknown. We have observed that myotendinous junctions (MTJs), which are the primary sites of turnover of the thin filament-membrane associations in skeletal muscle, are greatly enriched in receptors for PDGF. The high concentration of PDGF receptors at MTJs suggested to us that receptor binding may initiate cytoskeletal remodeling in skeletal muscle. We tested this possibility by examining the organization and phosphorylation of cytoskeletal components of L6 myocytes after PDGF stimulation. We have found that 10 min after PDGF stimulation, L6 myoblasts exhibit no stress fibers discernible by phalloidin binding, and that vinculin relocates from focal contacts into a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution. After 60 min of incubation, these changes are largely reversed. Indirect immunofluorescence shows that at 10-min PDGF stimulation, there are no changes in the distribution of talin, the beta 1 subunit of integrin, pp125FAK or desmin. Phosphotyrosine distribution changes upon stimulation from focal contacts to being located both in focal contacts and granules concentrated in perinuclear regions. These granules also immunolabel with anti-PDGF receptor Immunoprecipitations with anti-phosphotyrosine show that polypeptides at 180 and 230 kD show the greatest increase in tyrosine phosphorylation after PDGF stimulation. Immunoblots of anti-phosphotyrosine precipitates show that these polypeptides are the PDGF receptor and talin. We also examined the possibility that the cytoskeletal reorganization observed may result from calpain activation caused by elevated intracellular calcium induced by PDGF stimulation. However, immunoblots of control and stimulated cells show no decrease in the inactive calpain proenzyme or increase in the proteolytic, autolyzed forms of calpain pursuant to stimulation. Furthermore, stimulation produces no increase in the proportion of the 190-kD talin fragment characteristic of calpain- mediated cleavage. The retention of talin and integrin at focal contacts after talin phosphorylation, while vinculin is redistributed, indicate that phosphorylation of talin in PDGF-stimulated cells leads to separation of talin-vinculin associations but not talin-integrin associations. We propose that PDGF binding to PDGF receptors at MTJs may provide one means of regulating myofibril associations with the muscle cell membrane.  相似文献   

The force produced within skeletal muscle fibers is transmitted to the bone via a myotendinous junction. This junctional region was examined by light and electron microscopy in the sartorius muscles of three Rana temporaria. The muscle fibers tapered and inserted at an angle of about 25 degrees with the connective tissue fascia near the bone. The composition of the structures within the last 100 microns of the fiber was analyzed morphometrically. The T-system, terminal cisternae, and caveolae were the same as in the central region of the muscle fiber. However, the mitochondrial content was higher and the volume of longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum was lower than elsewhere in the fiber. The membrane at the end of the fiber had extensive villiform processes interdigitating with the tendon. The surface area of the membrane around the villiform processes was estimated with point-counting techniques and calculated from the stereological equations appropriate for partially anisotropic structures. The extra membrane involved in the myotendinous junction was about 32 times that of the cross-sectional area of the fiber. Part of this additional membrane contained specialized adherens junctions through which the contractile proteins of the muscle are anchored to collagen. The increased area at the myotendinous junction presumably provides greater mechanical strength than a flat termination. The high values of membrane capacitance and specific resistance measured electrophysiologically at the end of the fiber also can be attributed to the characteristics of the terminal membrane structure.  相似文献   

Comparisons of soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles from male Sprague-Dawley rats (350-400 g) after 7 days of weightlessness, 7 and 14 days of whole body suspension (WBS), and 7 days of recovery from WBS and from vivarium controls were made. Muscle mass loss of approximately 30% was observed in soleus after 7 and 14 days of WBS. Measurement of slow- and fast-twitch fibers showed significant alterations. Reductions in cross-sectional areas and increases in fiber densities in soleus after spaceflight and WBS were related to previous findings of muscle atrophy during unloading. Capillary density also showed a marked increase with unloading. Seven days of weightlessness were sufficient to effect a 20 and 15% loss in absolute muscle mass in soleus and EDL, respectively. However, the antigravity soleus was more responsive in terms of cross-sectional area reductions. After 7 days of recovery from WBS, with normal ambulatory loading, the parameters studied showed a reversal to control levels. Muscle plasticity, in terms of fiber and capillary responses, indicated differences in responses in the two types of muscles and further amplified that antigravity posture muscles are highly susceptible to unloading. Studies of recovery from spaceflight for both muscle metabolism and microvascular modifications are further justified.  相似文献   

F Zorzato  A Chu    P Volpe 《The Biochemical journal》1989,261(3):863-870
The junctional face membrane plays a key role in excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle. A protein of 350 kDa, tentatively identified as a component of the junctional feet, connects transverse tubules to terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum [Kawamoto, Brunschwig, Kim & Caswell (1986) J. Cell Biol. 103, 1405-1414]. The membrane topology and protein composition of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-release channels of rabbit skeletal muscle were investigated using an immunological approach, with anti-(junctional face membrane) and anti-(350 kDa protein) polyclonal antibodies. Upon preincubation of the terminal cisternae with anti-(junctional face membrane) antibodies, Ca2+-ATPase and Ca2+-loading activities were not affected, whereas anti-(350 kDa protein) antibodies stimulated Ca2+-ATPase activity by 25% and inhibited Ca2+-loading activity by 50% (at an antibody/terminal cisternae protein ratio of 1:1). Specific photolabelling of terminal cisternae proteins with [14C]doxorubicin was prevented by both anti-(junctional face membrane) and anti-(350 kDa protein) antibodies. Stimulation of Ca2+ release by doxorubicin was prevented by both anti-(junctional face membrane) and anti-(350 kDa protein) antibodies. Half-maximal inhibition was obtained at an antibody/terminal cisternae protein ratio of 1:1. Kinetic measurements of Ca2+ release indicated that anti-(350 kDa protein) antibodies prevented Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, whereas the ATP-stimulation and the inhibition by Mg2+ were not affected. These results suggest that: (i) Ca2+- and doxorubicin-induced Ca2+ release is mediated by Ca2+ channels which are selectively localized in the junctional face membrane; (ii) the 350 kDa protein is a component of the Ca2+-release channel in native terminal cisternae vesicles; and (iii) the Ca2+-activating site of the channel is separate from other allosteric sites.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms to peripheral inhibition has been analyzed in the abdominal slow flexor muscles of crayfish and lobsters. The conductance of the muscle fiber membrane may be increased to five or more times its resting value by repetitive stimulation of the peripheral inhibitory axon, and this effect accounts for all of the attenuation exerted by the inhibitor against excitatory junctional potentials. No "critical interval" has been found at which an inhibitory nerve impulse produces anomalously large reduction of a following depolarizing junctional potential; electrotonic depolarizations and junctional potentials are identically affected under all phase conditions. The presynaptic inhibitory mechanism is, therefore, absent in this system. In the dactyl opener muscle, on the contrary, most of the attenuation of excitatory junctional potentials is achieved presynaptically, though equally large postjunctional conductance changes are also seen (Dudel and Kuffler, 1961). The difference is correlated with a difference in the reflex operation of the two muscles. Reflex inhibition in the abdominal slow flexors is primarily central, whereas in the dactyl opener, inhibition is brought about by an increase in inhibitory nerve discharge frequency without central suppression of the single excitatory axon. The function of peripheral inhibition in the abdominal flexors is presumably to terminate residual depolarization by reducing the long time-constant of the muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Myofibrils are linked to the cell membrane at myotendinous junctions located at the ends of muscle fibers, and at costameres, sites positioned periodically along lateral surfaces of muscle cells. Both of these sites are enriched in proteins that link active components of myofibrils to the cell membrane. Costameres are also enriched in desmin intermediate filaments that link passive components of myofibrils to the lateral surfaces of muscle cells. In this study, the possibility that desmin is also found between the terminal Z-disk of myofibrils and the myotendinous junction membrane is examined by immunocytochemistry and by KI-extraction procedures. Data presented show that desmin is located in the filamentous core of cellular processes at myotendinous junctions at sites 30 nm or more from the membrane. This core lies deep to subsarcolemmal material previously shown to contain talin, vinculin, and dystrophin. The distance from desmin to the membrane suggests desmin does not interact directly with membrane proteins at the junction. Immunoblots and indirect immunofluorescence of junctional regions of muscle compared to nonjunctional regions show no apparent enrichment of desmin at junctional sites, although vinculin, another costameric and junctional component, is significantly enriched at junctional regions. These findings show that passive elements of myofibrils may be continuous from myotendinous junctions of muscle origin to insertion via desmin filaments located between terminal Z-disks and the junctional membrane. This can provide a system in parallel to that involving thin filaments, vinculin, and talin for linking myofibrils to the cell membrane at myotendinous junctions.  相似文献   

Ryanodine at concentrations of 0.01-10 microM increased, while greater concentrations of 10-300 microM decreased the calcium permeability of both rabbit fast twitch skeletal muscle junctional and canine cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes. Ryanodine did not alter calcium binding by either sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes or the calcium binding protein, calsequestrin. Therefore, the effects by this agent appear to involve only changes in membrane permeability, and the characteristics of the calcium permeability pathway affected by ryanodine were those of the calcium release channel. Consistent with this, the actions by ryanodine were localized to junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes and were not observed with either longitudinal sarcoplasmic reticulum or transverse tubular membranes. In addition, passage of the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes through a French press did not diminish the effects of ryanodine indicating that intact triads were not required. Under the conditions used for the permeability studies, the binding of [3H]ryanodine to skeletal junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes was specific and saturable, and Scatchard analyses indicated the presence of a single binding site with a Kd of 150-200 nM and a maximum capacity of 10.1-18.9 pmol/mg protein. [3H]ryanodine binding to this site and the increase in membrane calcium permeability caused by low concentrations of ryanodine had similar characteristics suggesting that actions at this site produce this effect. Depending on the assay conditions used, ryanodine (100-300 microM) could either increase or decrease ATP-dependent calcium accumulation by skeletal muscle junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes indicating that the alterations of sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane calcium permeability caused by this agent can be determined in part by the experimental environment.  相似文献   

When rat soleus muscles fibers regenerated after notexin-induced damage, AChRs were present at high density on the surface of the new muscle fibers at the sites of the original NMJs, even if the intact motor axons were not present during regeneration. Some AChR molecules which were labelled with R-BgTx before notexin-induced damage persisted for some days at junctional sites after new muscle fibres had regenerated. During muscle fiber degeneration, components of the muscle fiber plasma membrane appeared to remain longer in the junctional region than elsewhere. When muscles on which new "ectopic" NMJs had been forming for at least 2 weeks were damaged, AChR clusters together with sites of high AChE activity were present 2 weeks later on the regenerated muscles in the region of new NMJ formation, even if the "foreign" nerve was not intact during the period of regeneration. If ectopic NMJs had been forming for only 4 days at the time of muscle and nerve damage, neither AChR clusters nor AChE activity were detected on the regenerated muscle fibers.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of four variables on the histological properties of three body wall muscles-rectus abdominis (RA), transversus abdominis (TA), and external oblique (EO)-from pregnant rats. The variables examined were (1) gestation period; (2) cage design; (3) the effect of a midline laparotomy, performed to determine fetus numbers; and (4) exposure to a nine-day spaceflight. We measured fiber cross-sectional area (CSA), metabolic enzyme levels (succinate dehydrogenase, glycerophosphate dehydrogenase), and myosin heavy chain (MHC) immunoreactivity in samples from each muscle. A major effect of spaceflight was an increase of 42-171% in fibers double-labeled for MHC in all three muscles. Based on fiber CSA, the TA and RA muscles showed signs of stretching with increased gestation; i.e., the CSA decreased 11-12% over a nine-day period. The EO, a torso rotator, hypertrophied by 9% in rats group-housed in cages with a complex 3-D structure, compared to controls housed singly in standard flat-bottom cages. The TA and EO, whose contractions would pull on the suture line, showed signs of atrophy in laparotomized animals, exhibiting a 12% decrease in muscle fiber CSA. Exposure to weightlessness is known to induce atrophy in most skeletal muscles. Surprisingly, the EO actually hypertrophied 11% in our flight animals; however, this can be explained by the fact that those rats actively rotated their torsos seven times more often than ground controls. The flight rats also had twice as many contractions as controls. However, they were still able to give birth on time postflight.  相似文献   

Yunaev  M.A.  Barden  J.A.  Bennett  M.R. 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(2):99-108
Clusters of purinergic receptor subunits, about 1 μm diameter, are found on the smooth muscle cell membrane beneath junctional varicosities in the detrusor muscle of the rat urinary bladder. We have examined the extent of redistribution of the six different subunit clusters, P2X1 to P2X6, with respect to junctional varicosities during pregnancy, as it is known that the detrusor muscle undergoes changes in purinergic innervation during this period. Before pregnancy, clusters at junctional varicosities are principally composed of the subtypes P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 and P2X5. However this subtype distribution changes dramatically during pregnancy, such that by day 14 of pregnancy, the extent of P2X1, P2X2, P2X3 and P2X5 junctional clusters has decreased by more than 80% whereas the extent of P2X4 and P2X6 junctional clusters has increased by more than 80%. These changes were confirmed with Western blots for different subtypes. It is suggested that the changes in the purinergic innervation of the detrusor muscle during pregnancy reflect changes in the P2X subtypes found on the smooth muscle membrane beneath junctional varicosities.  相似文献   

Twitch and slow muscle fibers, identified morphologically in the garter snake, have been examined in the electron microscope. The transverse tubular system and the sarcoplasmic reticulum are separate entities distinct from each other. In twitch fibers, the tubular system and the dilated sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum form triads at the level of junction of A and I bands. In the slow fibers, the sarcoplasmic reticulum is severely depleted in amount and the transverse tubular system is completely absent. The junctional folds of the postsynaptic membrane of the muscle fiber under an "en grappe" ending of a slow fiber are not so frequent or regular in occurrence or so wide or so long as under the "en plaque" ending of a twitch fiber. Some physiological implications of these differences in fine structure of twitch and slow fibers are discussed. The absence of the transverse tubular system and reduction in amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum, along with the consequent disposition of the fibrils, the occurrence of multiple nerve terminals, and the degree of complexity of the post junctional folds of the sarcolemma appear to be the morphological basis for the physiological reaction of slow muscle fibers.  相似文献   

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