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Although 90 % of all bird species are monogamous, many species practice alternative reproductive strategies as extra-pair copulations, intra-specific brood parasitism, and quasi-parasitism. In territorial monogamous species, both partners hold and defend the territory from intruders. Often, the intruders are males and usually the local male banishes the intruders. Indeed, many studies focused on the response of the local male toward intruder males. However, the benefits and costs associated with the responses of the local male toward intruder females have been largely overlooked. Focusing mainly on alternative reproductive strategies, we developed a model to predict the aggression a monogamous male may demonstrate toward an intruder female during the pre-egg laying stage of his local female partner. This model demonstrates that the intensity of aggression that the local male shows toward an intruder female depends on the extra-pair copulations that his local female partner may perform. Further, the aggression also depends upon intra-specific brood parasitism and quasi-parasitism that might be carried out by the intruder female. Our approach suggests that when considering mating strategies, there is a need to assess how these three alternative reproductive strategies may affect the local male's aggression toward intruder females.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have shown that extra-pair paternity is widespread among socially monogamous bird species. Yet, the role of males and females and their behavior leading to this mixed reproductive strategy is poorly understood. Here, we analyze paternity in relation to male age and mating behavior in the socially monogamous reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus). We report a positive relation between male extraterritorial forays and success in obtaining extra-pair fertilizations. Extraterritorial forays tended to increase in frequency with male age and older males sired a larger number of extra-pair offspring than young males. Identified extra-pair sires were old in nine out of ten cases. The likelihood of being cuckolded was not affected by male age. Although based on correlative data, our results highlight age-dependent explorative male behavior as a key determinant for the understanding of extra-pair mating in the reed bunting. We do, however, emphasize the need for further studies to reveal the role of females in extra-pair copulations and fertilizations.  相似文献   

Generally in birds, the classic sex roles of male competition and female choice result in females providing most offspring care while males face uncertain parentage. In less than 5% of species, however, reversed courtship sex roles lead to predominantly male care and low extra-pair paternity. These role-reversed species usually have reversed sexual size dimorphism and polyandry, confirming that sexual selection acts most strongly on the sex with the smaller parental investment and accordingly higher potential reproductive rate. We used parentage analyses and observations from three field seasons to establish the social and genetic mating system of pheasant coucals, Centropus phasianinus, a tropical nesting cuckoo, where males are much smaller than females and provide most parental care. Pheasant coucals are socially monogamous and in this study males produced about 80% of calls in the dawn chorus, implying greater male sexual competition. Despite the substantial male investments, extra-pair paternity was unusually high for a socially monogamous, duetting species. Using two or more mismatches to determine extra-pair parentage, we found that 11 of 59 young (18.6%) in 10 of 21 broods (47.6%) were not sired by their putative father. Male incubation, starting early in the laying sequence, may give the female opportunity and reason to seek these extra-pair copulations. Monogamy, rather than the polyandry and sex-role reversal typical of its congener, C. grillii, may be the result of the large territory size, which could prevent females from monopolising multiple males. The pheasant coucal’s exceptional combination of classic sex-roles and male-biased care for extra-pair young is hard to reconcile with current sexual selection theory, but may represent an intermediate stage in the evolution of polyandry or an evolutionary remnant of polyandry.  相似文献   

Among birds, waders (suborder Charadrii) show a remarkable variation in social mating systems. Their genetic mating systems are, however, less well known, especially in socially monogamous species. Here, we use DNA fingerprinting and behavioral studies to examine genetic parentage and male mate guarding in the ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula , a monogamous wader with biparental care. None of the putative parents was excluded as a genetic parent of the chicks attended (57 young from 21 families). Statistical resampling supported that extra-pair parentage occurs only rarely, if ever, in the ringed plover. We found no evidence for male mate guarding by close following as a paternity assurance strategy. Lack of extra-pair paternity in the ringed plover is therefore probably not a consequence of male mate guarding, but of high costs and/or low benefits from extra-pair copulations for females.  相似文献   

Females of many socially monogamous species accept or even actively seek copulations outside the social pair bond. As females cannot increase the number of offspring with promiscuous behaviour, the question arises why they engage in extra-pair mating. We used microsatellite data to determine paternity, heterozygosity and genetic relatedness in the reed bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus), a species with high levels of extra-pair paternity (EPP). We found that extra-pair young (EPY) were more heterozygous than within-pair young (WPY). The high heterozygosity of the EPY resulted from a low genetic similarity between females and their extra-pair mates. EPY were heavier and larger when compared with their maternal half-siblings shortly before they left the nest. Recapture data indicated a higher fledgling survival of EPY compared with WPY. Our data suggest that reed bunting females increase the viability of their offspring and thus fitness through extra-pair mating with genetically dissimilar males.  相似文献   

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs) (copulations outside the pair bond) resulting in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) are widespread in birds. To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek EPCs, but also prevent their females from having EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when these females are most receptive (fertile period). The Seychelles warbler is the first species to offer explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding functions as paternity guarding: in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female''s fertile period, the rates of intrusions by other males and successful EPCs (male mounting female) were significantly higher than those observed in the control group and in the absence of mate guarding the frequency of successful EPCs increased significantly with local male density. Male warblers do not assure their paternity through frequent copulations to devalue any sperm from other males: males do not copulate with their partners immediately following a successful EPC obtained by their partners, the frequency of successful within-pair copulations does not increase with the frequency of successful EPCs and females initiate all successful copulations and are capable of resisting copulation attempts.  相似文献   

Most socially monogamous bird species engage in extra-pair mating,and consequently males may adopt various behavioral strategiesto guard paternity. However, the relationship between mate guardingand extra-pair paternity is unclear: low levels of extra-pairpaternity can be associated either with no mate guarding orwith intense mate guarding. We investigate paternity guardsin the purple-crowned fairy-wren (Malurus coronatus), a duettingspecies where extra-pair paternity is rare. This species isunusual in a genus known for extremely high levels of extra-pairmating. We examine the behavioral interactions between the sexesunderlying these low rates of extra-pair paternity and showthat male purple-crowned fairy-wrens do not use frequent copulationor courtship feeding to assure paternity or guard females acousticallyby duetting. Males maintain close proximity to females bothwhen they are fertile and when they are not breeding and donot invest in courtship displays to extra-pair females. Consistentwith predictions of theoretical models, low extra-pair paternityin this species may be related to female fidelity rather thanmale paternity assurance strategies, but short-term removalof males would be necessary to test this experimentally.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1997,54(2):297-304
In 1994–1995 artificial nests with attached model eggs were put into territories that were known to have been occupied by male great reed warblers,Acrocephalus arundinaceusin previous years. Because the eggs were made of soft plasticine, predators left peckmarks in them and this enabled us to identify predators by comparing peckmarks with reference marks made by various species. Previous field data had suggested that infanticidal behaviour existed in our study population, as nests of primary females suffered a three times higher rate of nest loss during the egg-laying period than nests of secondary and monogamous females. The presence of infanticide was supported by the experiment. Small peckmarks resembling those of a great reed warbler occurred almost exclusively in territories occupied by great reed warblers, in particular when a new female settled in the territory. The newly settled females built nests closer to depredated than non-depredated nests. That small peckmarks occurred when new females settled strongly suggests that it is secondary female great reed warblers that commit infanticide on eggs of primary females. Females of low harem rank are expected to gain from infanticidal behaviour because a low ranked female gets a higher proportion of male parental investment when the nest of the primary female fails.  相似文献   

Extra-pair mating has been proposed as a source of sexual selection responsible for secondary sexual traits that are common among socially monogamous birds, although supporting evidence is scant. In the socially monogamous yellow warbler, males are larger than females, and unlike females, have extensive reddish streaking on their breasts. Using DNA fingerprinting we show that within-pair parentage was positively related to male size, and that extra-pair mating success was positively related to the amount of streaking on the breast. To our knowledge, this is the first intraspecific evidence of an association between a male plumage ornament and gains of extra-pair paternity that is apparently independent of age. This study confirms that extra-pair mating can be an important mechanism of sexual selection even when the most successful sires are commonly cuckolded, and refutes a previous hypothesis that the variation in plumage and behaviour among male yellow warblers is an example of alternative, equally successful, evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS). More generally, the demonstrated independence of within-pair and extra-pair success and their associated traits indicates that where animals have multiple secondary sexual traits, different traits may be selected by different mechanisms that contribute to total reproductive success.  相似文献   

Why do females of socially monogamous species engage in extra-pair copulations? This long-standing question remains a puzzle, because the benefits of female promiscuous behavior often do not seem to outweigh the costs. Genetic constraint models offer an answer by proposing that female promiscuity emerges through selection favoring alleles that are either beneficial for male reproductive success (intersexual pleiotropy hypothesis) or beneficial for female fecundity (intrasexual pleiotropy hypothesis). A previous quantitative genetic study on captive zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata, reported support for the first, but not for the second hypothesis. Here, we re-examine both hypotheses based on data from lines selected for high and low male courtship rate. In contrast to previous conclusions, our new analyses clearly reject the hypothesis that male and female promiscuity are genetically homologous traits. We find some support for a positive genetic correlation between female promiscuity and fecundity. This study also shows that the behavioral outcome of extra-pair courtships primarily depends on individual-specific female preferences and not on the “attractiveness” of the social mate. In contrast, patterns of paternity are strongly influenced by the social partner and the pair bond, presumably reflecting variation in copulation behavior, fertility, or sperm competitiveness.  相似文献   

In the majority of socially monogamous bird species, females have offspring sired by males other than their social mate as the result of extra-pair copulations. While it is widely recognised that there is considerable variation in the frequency of extra-pair paternity between species, between populations of a species and between individuals of a population, determinants of this variation are surprisingly difficult to establish. With respect to individual variation within a population, it is an important step to test for male and female correlates of cuckoldry to better understand the patterns as well as the adaptive significance of extra-pair mating behaviour. Here, we analysed patterns of extra-pair paternity in relation to male age, female age and their interaction in the great tit Parus major, a socially monogamous passerine with a moderate frequency of extra-pair paternity. Based on a large sample of 316 genotyped first broods from five successive years, we failed to demonstrate interaction effects of male and female age on both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood that at least one extra-pair offspring is present within a brood. However, both the proportion of extra-pair offspring and the likelihood of paternity loss were higher for yearling as compared to older males, while this was not the case for yearling vs. older females. Furthermore, the proportion of extra-pair offspring within a brood decreased with increasing age of the attending male in within-individual analyses. We found a comparable effect also for attending females in within-individual analyses, but only when excluding two individuals with 100% extra-pair paternity. A female (extra-pair) mating preference for older males and/or a limited ability of yearling males to prevent cuckoldry in their broods could explain these age-related patterns of paternity loss. Effect sizes, however, were not particularly large and substantial residual variation within age categories suggests the importance of further yet unidentified determinants of variation in paternity loss in the study population.  相似文献   

Extra-pair paternity is an important aspect of reproductive strategies in many species of birds. Given that in most species females control whether fertilization occurs, they are expected to benefit in some way from the extra-pair matings. In this study we use patterns of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in broods of individual reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus), both within and between seasons, to test four hypothesized female benefits: (1) assessing potential future partners and seeking (2) genetic diversity (3) good genes, or (4) compatible genes. Reed buntings are socially monogamous, multibrooded passerines with extremely high levels of extra-pair paternity. We studied a population of reed buntings in the Netherlands in 2002 and 2003; 51% of offspring in 74% of nests were extra-pair. We showed that patterns of EPP did not support the first and second hypotheses, since females did not form a pair with previous extra-pair partners, EPP was not evenly distributed among broods and more broods than expected were sired by a single male. Furthermore, there was no relation between a male's within- and extra-pair fertilization success, no consistency in EPP between breeding attempts, no effect of parental relatedness on EPP and several cases of reciprocal paternity. These patterns do not support the good genes hypothesis and are most consistent with the genetic compatibility hypothesis. However, our previous finding that older males are more successful in gaining EPP, suggests some effect of good genes. These hypotheses need not be mutually exclusive, as females may select compatible males above a certain quality threshold (e.g. old males).  相似文献   

Active pursuit of extra-pair mating has been reported for Indri indri, the socially monogamous largest living lemur. This study, conducted in a mountain rainforest in eastern Madagascar, presents the first evidence for extra-pair mating of indri and discusses the alternative mating strategy and alteration of the social, territorial, spatial, and vocal behavior of the adult female of a group of wild indris. Further studies may investigate whether extra-pair copulation is an attempt to breed with a partner of superior quality and thus lead to extra-pair paternity. If so, it could potentially play a role in maintaining genetic variability within a population.  相似文献   

Socially monogamous male birds are predicted to maximise their reproductive success by pursuing extra-pair copulations (EPCs) while engaging in anti-cuckoldry behaviour such as mate guarding. In the stitchbird, Notiomystis cincta, high levels of forced EPCs and a high proportion of nestlings resulting from extra- pair fertilisations lead to the prediction that males of this species should exhibit intense paternity guarding behaviours. While studying an isolated stitchbird population on Tiritiri Matangi Island New Zealand (3636'S, 17453'E), I collected daily behavioural data throughout the breeding season from 15 males in 2000/01 and 27 males in 2001/02. In this study, male stitchbirds demonstrated clear paternity guarding by exhibiting: (1) an increased likelihood of being close to their mate during her fertile period, (2) an increased initiation of mate contact during her fertile period, (3) switching from site-specific territorial defence during the pre-fertile period to defending an area centring on the their female partners location during her fertile period, and (4) an increased following of the female to communal feeding sites outside the territory during her fertile period. For polygynous males, mate guarding and territorial defence were conditional on which of their females was fertile. Additional evidence supporting the hypothesis that mate guarding in this species is a form of paternity assurance, rather than protection from harassment, is that males protected their partner from harassment by other stitchbird males but did not intervene when females were harassed by male bellbirds, Anthornis melanura. While mate-guarding intensity in many species is conditional on the stage of female fertility, male stitchbirds also modified their behaviour depending on the location of the female and the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males. Resident males adopted a best-of-a-bad-job tactic when they were unable to locate their female by defending an area around her last known location. Furthermore, when the rate of intrusions by extra-pair males increased they traded-off the area they could defend within their territory against their ability to guard the female. Territory takeovers were uncommon, but when they did occur older males displaced younger males and healthy birds displaced sick ones. Contrary to the prevailing view that mate guarding is a male response to female infidelity, male stitchbirds appear to use mate guarding primarily to prevent paternity losses from forced EPCs. Future assessments of mate guarding function should consider the possibility that mate guarding involves a combination of conflict and co-operation between the sexes.  相似文献   

Parentage analyses of broods of nestling red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) revealed that extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs) accounted for 24% of the offspring. 8% of attempted copulations and 13% of male courtship displays during observations of focal females were by extra-pair males. In addition, mates and non-mates often chased and occasionally made physical contact with females; 34% of those chases in which contact was made were extra-pair chases. Females behaved variably during both within-pair and extra-pair events; females crouched less and resisted more frequently during extra-pair courtship than during within-pair courtship. All extra-pair events, whether natural or induced by male removal, were either resisted or accepted by the female. In 318 focal female-hours of observation during the fertilizable period, no female was ever seen in another male's territory soliciting a copulation. In addition, removal of females' mates resulted in frequent extra-pair courtship and copulation; all of these occurred on the removed male's territory. Some females left their mates' territories on occasion — these forays were nearly always off the study area, no female was ever seen copulating with an extra-pair male while on these forays, and neither the frequency nor the duration of female forays correlated with the frequency of extra-pair fertilizations within broods. There were no associations between extra-pair fertilizations and female age, settlement order, nest order, or clutch size. The number of fledglings produced from a nest was significantly positively associated with the number of sires of the brood. Fewer offspring apparently starved in broods that were multiply sired, yet males did not provide courtship feedings during either within-pair or extra-pair copulations, nor was any paternal care provided to young sired through extra-pair matings. The frequency of infertile eggs was low (< 1%); in those instances of infertile eggs the territory owner sired some young in the same nest or another nest on his territory. Fewer broods were a mixture of within-pair and extra-pair paternity than expected by chance. Clear evidence implicating a mixed strategy on the part of females could not be gathered. Because females behaved variably and because not all costs and benefits to females of extra-pair copulations could be measured, it remains possible that female behavior patterns are either (1) part of a mixed strategy, or (2) part of a strategy minimizing the costs of copulation.  相似文献   

Recent behavioural and molecular studies have shown that in most monogamous bird species extra-pair copulations and fertilizations outside the pair bond occur routinely. The consequences of female extra-pair behaviour might comprise effects on important life-history traits, such as the extent of male parental care. In this study we test the assumption that, within a species, females'' options for extra-pair mating depend on female quality and the environments that females occupy. This ''constrained female hypothesis'' predicts that females in good environments or high-quality females are able to resist males'' control efforts better than females in poor environments or low-quality females. We test the idea in the socially monogamous serin. We found that the likelihood of extra-pair paternity is significantly higher in territories with high availability of food. There was a negative relationship between environmental quality (food availability) and paternity both in natural and in experimentally manipulated habitats. Male feeding rates were negatively related to food availability and positively related to paternity. These data and the additional result that in better environments all of a females'' offspring were sired by one extra-pair male provide support for Gowaty''s ''constrained female hypothesis''.  相似文献   

Social monogamy has traditionally been suggested to be maintained because of weak sexual selection on male partner acquisition. However, the ubiquitous incidence of extra-pair paternity suggests that sexual selection can be strong in monogamous systems, although studies partitioning variance in male reproductive success have come to mixed conclusions. Here, we use detailed field data to examine variance in male reproductive success and its implications for the maintenance of sociality in a population of the socially monogamous lizard Egernia whitii. We show that both within-pair and, to a lesser extent, extra-pair partner acquisition contribute to the variance in male reproductive success, resulting in considerable opportunity for sexual selection. Despite this, levels of multiple mating are lower in Egernia compared to other reptiles, suggesting that male partner acquisition is constrained. We suggest that this constraint may be a result of strong territoriality combined with sexual conflict over multiple mating generated by costs of extra-pair paternity to females as a result of facultative male care. This has the potential to limit sexual selection by reducing variance in male reproductive success and therefore contribute to the maintenance of complex social organization.  相似文献   

J. Graves    R. T. Hay    M. Scallan    S. Rowe 《Journal of Zoology》1992,226(3):399-408
The frequency of chicks resulting from extra-pair copulation in the shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis , was measured by DNA fingerprinting. DNA fingerprints were taken from both sexes of 15 pairs and their chicks (28) in a subcolony on the Isle of May, UK. It was found that 18% of the chicks had extra-pair paternity, and one chick (3.5%) was not the offspring of either member of the pair, implying either a polygynous male whose second female was fertilized by another male or adoption. Although no observations of courtship and copulation were made in the same season, observations in a previous year on the same colony of shags showed that 14.1% of the copulations by males were not with the female with whom that male reared young. The similarities and differences are discussed between these results on the level of extra-pair copulations and of extra-pair paternity and those of other studies where both observations of extra-pair copulations and various measures of the degree of extra-pair paternity have been made.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mating behaviour of monogamous mammals. Here, we present behavioural and genetic evidence of fidelity in a socially monogamous dwarf antelope, Kirk''s dik-dik. DNA microsatellite analysis revealed no evidence of extra-pair paternity (EPP) in dik-diks: mothers'' partners matched the paternal genotype in all 12 juveniles tested. One likely reason for the absence of EPP is that males guard their mates closely during oestrus and over-mark all female scent, thereby reducing the likelihood of other males attempting to mate. In addition, males may be limited in their ability to search for extra-pair populations (EPCs) by activities associated with pair-bond maintenance. Year-round, males maintained proximity within pairs, followed their females'' activity patterns, and spent approximately 64% of their time with their partners. However, males did attempt to obtain EPCs when the opportunity arose, and genetic monogamy in dik-diks is probably best explained by the behaviour of females: in contrast to many monogamous female birds, female dik-diks do not appear to seek EPC partners. We propose that females avoid extra-pair males because they are unable to mate with them without instigating a potentially dangerous conflict.  相似文献   

It is widely hypothesized that the evolution of female extra-pair reproduction in socially monogamous species reflects indirect genetic benefits to females. However, a critical prediction of this hypothesis, that extra-pair young (EPY) are fitter than within-pair young (WPY), has rarely been rigorously tested. We used 18 years of data from free-living song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, to test whether survival through major life-history stages differed between EPY and WPY maternal half-siblings. On average, survival of hatched chicks to independence from parental care and recruitment, and their total lifespan, did not differ significantly between EPY and WPY. However, EPY consistently tended to be less likely to survive, and recruited EPY survived for significantly fewer years than recruited WPY. Furthermore, the survival difference between EPY and WPY was sex-specific; female EPY were less likely to survive to independence and recruitment and lived fewer years than female WPY, whereas male EPY were similarly or slightly more likely to survive and to live more years than male WPY. These data indicate that extra-pair paternity may impose an indirect cost on females via their female offspring and that sex-specific genetic, environmental or maternal effects may shape extra-pair reproduction.  相似文献   

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