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Human body odour, symmetry and attractiveness.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Several studies have found body and facial symmetry as well as attractiveness to be human mate choice criteria. These characteristics are presumed to signal developmental stability. Human body odour has been shown to influence female mate choice depending on the immune system, but the question of whether smell could signal general mate quality, as do other cues, was not addressed in previous studies. We compared ratings of body odour, attractiveness, and measurements of facial and body asymmetry of 16 male and 19 female subjects. Subjects wore a T-shirt for three consecutive nights under controlled conditions. Opposite-sex raters judged the odour of the T-shirts and another group evaluated portraits of the subjects for attractiveness. We measured seven bilateral traits of the subject's body to assess body asymmetry. Facial asymmetry was examined by distance measurements of portrait photographs. The results showed a significant positive correlation between facial attractiveness and sexiness of body odour for female subjects. We found positive relationships between body odour and attractiveness and negative ones between smell and body asymmetry for males only if female odour raters were in the most fertile phase of their menstrual cycle. The outcomes are discussed in the light of different male and female reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is an immunologically important group of genes that appears to be under natural as well as sexual selection. Several hypotheses suggest that certain MHC-allele combinations (usually heterozygous ones) are superior under selective pressure by pathogens. This could influence mate choice in a way that preferences function to create MHC-heterozygous offspring, or that they function to create specific allele combinations that are beneficial under the current environmental conditions through their complementary or epistatic effects. To test these hypotheses, we asked 121 men and women to score the odours of six T-shirts, worn by two women and four men. Their scorings of pleasantness correlated negatively with the degree of MHC similarity between smeller and T-shirt-wearer in men and women who were not using the contraceptive pill (but not in Pill-users). Depending on the T-shirt-wearer, the amount of variance in the scorings of odour pleasantness that was explained by the degree of MHC similarity (r2) varied between nearly 0 and 23%. There was no apparent effect of gender in this correlation: the highest r2 was actually reached with one of the male odours sniffed by male smellers. Men and women who were reminded of their own mate/ex-mate when sniffing a T-shirt had significantly fewer MHC-alleles in common with this T-shirt-wearer than expected by chance. This suggests that the MHC or linked genes influence human mate choice. We found no significant effect when we tested for an influence of the MHC on odour preferences after the degree of similarity between T-shirt-wearer and smeller was statistically controlled for. This suggests that in our study populations the MHC influences body odour preferences mainly, if not exclusively, by the degree of similarity or dissimilarity. The observed preferences would increase heterozygosity in the progeny. They do not seem to aim for more specific MHC combinations.  相似文献   

Females of a number of primate species display their fertile period by behavioural and/or morphological changes. Traditionally, the fertile period in human females has been considered to be concealed. However, this presumption has rarely been tested. One of the possible mechanisms for assessing menstrual cycle phase is through the sense of smell. In this study possible changes in odour across the menstrual cycle were investigated. Samples of body odour were acquired from 12 women (aged 19–27 yr), none of whom were using hormonal contraceptives. Samples were collected using cotton pads worn in the armpit for 24 h, from the menstrual, follicular and luteal cycle phases. Our experimental sample of 42 males (age 19–34 yr) repeatedly rated these odour samples for their intensity, pleasantness, attractiveness and femininity. Raw subjective smell ratings from each man were transformed to z‐scores. Subsequently, these z‐scores were tested by the general linear mixed‐model analysis (PROC MIXED, SAS) with the female's ID nested within the subject's ID as a random factor to account for the repeated measures of the subjects. Significant changes across the cycle were found for ratings of pleasantness [F(2,689) = 702; p = 0.001], attractiveness [F(2,546) = 6.35; p = 0.002] and intensity [F(2,530) = 3.57; p = 0.028]. Odour from women in the follicular (i.e. fertile) phase was rated as the least intense and the most attractive. Subsequent post hoc analysis revealed significant differences in intensity, pleasantness and attractiveness between the menstrual phase and the follicular phase, and in pleasantness and attractiveness between the menstrual and luteal phases. Significant difference between the follicular and the luteal phase was found only for attractiveness. Our results suggest that men can potentially use smell as a mechanism for monitoring menstrual cycle phase in current or prospective sexual partners. Therefore, the fertile period in humans should be considered non‐advertized, rather than concealed.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are thought to affect the severity of various infectious and autoimmune diseases. The incidence of autoimmune disease is higher in fertile women than in men. Thus, we investigated whether Treg numbers were modulated during the menstrual cycle by sex hormones. In fertile nonpregnant women, we detected an expansion of CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) Tregs in the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. This increase was tightly correlated with serum levels of estradiol and was followed by a dramatic decrease in Treg numbers at the luteal phase. Women who have had recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) showed similarly low numbers of Tregs at both the follicular and luteal phases, comparable to numbers we observed in postmenopausal women. In addition to decreased numbers, Tregs from women with RSA were also functionally deficient, as higher numbers were required to exert a similar magnitude of suppression to CD4(+)CD25(+)FOXP3(+) cells from fertile women. Consequently, reproductive failure might result from the inability of Tregs in women with RSA to expand during the preimplantatory phase combined with their lower functional capacity. Additionally, the modulation of Treg numbers we observed in fertile women suggests that the stage of the menstrual cycle should be taken into account when Treg numbers are investigated clinically.  相似文献   

Circulating levels of the neuro-hypophysial nonapeptide oxytocin increase during sexual arousal and orgasm in both men and women. A few studies have evaluated the effect of the menstrual cycle on plasma oxytocin in normally cycling, sexually active, healthy fertile women using or not using contraceptive pills. In 20 ovulating women and 10 women taking an oral contraceptive (group 1 and group 2, respectively), sexual function, hormonal profile, and plasma oxytocin (OT) were evaluated throughout the menstrual cycle. In group 1, plasma OT was significantly lower during the luteal phase in comparison with both the follicular and ovulatory phases. Plasma oxytocin was significantly correlated with the lubrication domain of the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) during the luteal phase and showed a trend towards statistical significance during the follicular phase. In group 2, plasma OT did not show any significant fluctuation throughout the menstrual cycle, even though a significant correlation was evident with both the arousal and the lubrication domain of the FSFI during the assumption of the contraceptive pill. These findings suggest that plasma OT fluctuates throughout the menstrual cycle in normally cycling healthy fertile women with adequate sexual activity but not taking any oral contraceptive pill. Moreover, plasma OT levels significantly relates to the genital lubrication in both women taking and not taking oral contraceptive pill apparently confirming its role in peripheral activation of sexual function.  相似文献   

Body temperature and sleep change in association with increased progesterone in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in young women. The mechanism by which progesterone raises body temperature is not known but may involve prostaglandins, inducing a thermoregulatory adjustment similar to that of fever. Prostaglandins also are involved in sleep regulation and potentially could mediate changes in sleep during the menstrual cycle. We investigated the possible role of central prostaglandins in mediating menstrual-associated 24-h temperature and sleep changes by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis with a therapeutic dose of the centrally acting cyclooxygenase inhibitor acetaminophen in the luteal and follicular phases of the menstrual cycle in young women. Body temperature was raised, and nocturnal amplitude was blunted, in the luteal phase compared with the follicular phase. Acetaminophen had no effect on the body temperature profile in either menstrual cycle phase. Prostaglandins, therefore, are unlikely to mediate the upward shift of body temperature in the luteal phase. Sleep changed during the menstrual cycle: on the placebo night in the luteal phase the women had less rapid eye movement sleep and more slow-wave sleep than in the follicular phase. Acetaminophen did not alter sleep architecture or subjective sleep quality. Prostaglandin inhibition with acetaminophen, therefore, had no effect on the increase in body temperature or on sleep in the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle in young women, making it unlikely that central prostaglandin synthesis underlies these luteal events.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of rectal temperature was continuously recorded over several consecutive days in young men and women on regular nocturnal sleep schedules. There were 50 men, 21 women with natural menstrual cycles [i.e., not taking oral contraceptives (OCs) (10 in the follicular phase and 11 in the luteal phase)], and 14 women using OCs (6 in the pseudofollicular phase and 8 in the pseudoluteal phase). Circadian phase and amplitude were estimated using a curve-fitting procedure, and temperature levels were determined from the raw data. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data from the four groups of women, with factors menstrual cycle phase (follicular, luteal) and OC use (yes, no), showed that temperature during sleep was lower during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase. Since waking temperatures were similar in the two phases, the circadian amplitude was also larger during the follicular phase. The lower follicular phase sleep temperature also resulted in a lower 24-h temperature during the follicular phase. The two-way ANOVA showed that temperature during sleep and 24-h temperature were lower in naturally cycling women than in women taking OCs. A one-way ANOVA on the temperature rhythm parameters from the five groups of subjects showed that the temperature rhythms of the men and of the naturally cycling women in the follicular phase were not significantly different. Both of these groups had lower temperatures during sleep, lower 24-h temperatures, and larger circadian amplitudes than the other groups. There were no significant differences in circadian phase among the five groups studied. In conclusion, menstrual cycle phase, OC use, and sex affect the amplitude and level, but not the phase, of the overt circadian temperature rhythm.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of rectal temperature was continuously recorded over several consecutive days in young men and women on regular nocturnal sleep schedules. There were 50 men, 21 women with natural menstrual cycles [i.e., not taking oral contraceptives (OCs) (10 in the follicular phase and 11 in the luteal phase)], and 14 women using OCs (6 in the pseudofollicular phase and 8 in the pseudoluteal phase). Circadian phase and amplitude were estimated using a curve-fitting procedure, and temperature levels were determined from the raw data. A two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the data from the four groups of women, with factors menstrual cycle phase (follicular, luteal) and OC use (yes, no), showed that temperature during sleep was lower during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase. Since waking temperatures were similar in the two phases, the circadian amplitude was also larger during the follicular phase. The lower follicular phase sleep temperature also resulted in a lower 24-h temperature during the follicular phase. The two-way ANOVA showed that temperature during sleep and 24-h temperature were lower in naturally cycling women than in women taking OCs. A one-way ANOVA on the temperature rhythm parameters from the five groups of subjects showed that the temperature rhythms of the men and of the naturally cycling women in the follicular phase were not significantly different. Both of these groups had lower temperatures during sleep, lower 24-h temperatures, and larger circadian amplitudes than the other groups. There were no significant differences in circadian phase among the five groups studied. In conclusion, menstrual cycle phase, OC use, and sex affect the amplitude and level, but not the phase, of the overt circadian temperature rhythm.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of menstrual cycle on the ventilatory sensitivity to rising body temperature, ten healthy women exercised for ~60 min on a cycle ergometer at 50% of peak oxygen uptake during the follicular and luteal phases of their cycle. Esophageal temperature, mean skin temperature, mean body temperature, minute ventilation, and tidal volume were all significantly higher at baseline and during exercise in the luteal phase than the follicular phase. On the other hand, end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide was significantly lower during exercise in the luteal phase than the follicular phase. Plotting ventilatory parameters against esophageal temperature revealed there to be no significant menstrual cycle-related differences in the slopes or intercepts of the regression lines, although minute ventilation and tidal volume did significantly differ during exercise with mild hyperthermia. To evaluate the cutaneous vasodilatory response, relative laser-Doppler flowmetry values were plotted against mean body temperature, which revealed that the mean body temperature threshold for cutaneous vasodilation was significantly higher in the luteal phase than the follicular phase, but there were no significant differences in the sensitivity or peak values. These results suggest that the menstrual cycle phase influences the cutaneous vasodilatory response during exercise and the ventilatory response at rest and during exercise with mild hyperthermia, but it does not influence ventilatory responses during exercise with moderate hyperthermia.  相似文献   

Women's sexual interest changes with hormonal fluctuations across the menstrual cycle. It is unclear how hormones modify women's sexual behavior and desire, but one possibility is that they alter women's positive appraisals of stimuli and thus their sexual interest. Using 3 T fMRI, we measured neural activation in women at two time points in their menstrual cycle (late follicular, luteal) while they evaluated photos of men presented as potential sexual partners. Participants were ten heterosexual women aged 23-28 none of who was using hormonal contraceptives or in a committed relationship. In an event-related design, the women were presented with as series of photos of male faces and asked questions to assess their degree of sexual interest in the men depicted. Results demonstrate an overall effect of menstrual cycle phase on neural activation. During their follicular versus luteal phase, women demonstrated increased activation in the right medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), suggesting increased positive appraisal. Activation in the OFC was positively correlated with women's estradiol to progesterone ratios. There were no areas that demonstrated increased activation during the luteal versus follicular phase. The observed increase in activation in the OFC during the follicular phase may reflect a hormonally mediated increase in appetitive motivation and may prime women towards increased sexual interest and behavior around ovulation.  相似文献   

A growing literature shows that the features women find particularly attractive in men vary across the ovulatory cycle. Women furthermore appear to more frequently report attraction to men other than primary partners when they are fertile in their cycle than in the infertile luteal phase. Previous studies have shown that men are more vigilant of or attentive to their primary partners during the fertile phase compared to the luteal phase. This study had several aims: First, to replicate and extend previous findings concerning men's vigilance of partners using male as well as female reports of men's behavior; second, to examine changes in women's behavior toward partners across the cycle; third, to examine ways in which women resist men's attempts to mate-guard across the cycle. Results indicate that (a) men are particularly self-assertive toward partners when their partners are fertile; (b) similarly, women are especially self-assertive toward partners when they are fertile; (c) women report engaging in more behaviors that resist male vigilance and mate guarding when they are fertile, especially in ways that are unobservable to male partners; and (d) these effects are especially strong when women themselves report greater attraction to men other than partners when they are fertile, compared to the luteal phase.  相似文献   

Hormonal changes associated with the human menstrual cycle have been previously found to affect female mate preference, whereby women in the late follicular phase of their cycle (i.e., at higher risk of conception) prefer males displaying putative signals of underlying genetic fitness. Past research also suggests that romantic kissing is utilized in human mating contexts to assess potential mating partners. The current study examined whether women in their late follicular cycle phase place greater value on kissing at times when it might help serve mate assessment functions. Using an international online questionnaire, results showed that women in the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle felt that kissing was more important at initial stages of a relationship than women in the luteal phase of their cycle. Furthermore, it was found that estimated progesterone levels were a significant negative predictor for these ratings.  相似文献   

Recently, women have been found to prefer the scent of symmetrical men and relatively masculine male faces more during the fertile (late follicular and ovulatory) phases of their menstrual cycles than during their infertile (e.g., luteal) phases. These findings make most theoretical sense if men's symmetry is associated with the masculinity of their faces and, therefore, men's symmetry and facial masculinity tap a shared underlying quality. This study examined associations between masculine facial features and nonfacial body symmetry as well as facial symmetry in samples of 141 men and 154 women. As predicted, a component of facial features that discriminates the sexes and reflects masculinization of the face significantly covaried with symmetry in men. No significant correlation was observed for women. These findings suggest that men's facial masculinity partly advertises underlying developmental stability.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that female sexual preferences change across the menstrual cycle. Women''s extra-pair copulations tend to occur in their most fertile period, whereas their intra-pair copulations tend to be more evenly spread out across the cycle. This pattern is consistent with women preferentially seeking men who evidence phenotypic markers of genetic benefits just before and during ovulation. This study examined whether women''s olfactory preferences for men''s scent would tend to favour the scent of more symmetrical men, most notably during the women''s fertile period. College women sniffed and rated the attractiveness of the scent of 41 T-shirts worn over a period of two nights by different men. Results indicated that normally cycling (non-pill using) women near the peak fertility of their cycle tended to prefer the scent of shirts worn by symmetrical men. Normally ovulating women at low fertility within their cycle, and women using a contraceptive pill, showed no significant preference for either symmetrical or asymmetrical men''s scent. A separate analysis revealed that, within the set of normally cycling women, individual women''s preference for symmetry correlated with their probability of conception, given the actuarial value associated with the day of the cycle they reported at the time they smelled the shirts. Potential sexual selection processes and proximate mechanisms accounting for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Men with low testosterone (feminine men) invest in relationships and offspring more than men with high testosterone (masculine men). Women's attraction to testosterone dependent traits (e.g. masculine face shape) is enhanced during the late-follicular, fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Attractive, feminine women have stronger preferences for masculine men as possible long-term partners than less attractive, masculine women. We manipulated 2 testosterone related vocal traits (voice pitch and apparent vocal-tract length) in voices to test if women prefer masculinized men's voices to feminized men's voices; masculinity preferences are enhanced at the fertile (late-follicular) menstrual cycle phase; the amount that masculinity preferences shift cyclically relates to average estrone-3-glucuronide concentration (the primary urinary metabolite of estrone, E3G). We found women displayed general masculinity preferences for men's voices; masculinity preferences were greater in the fertile (late-follicular) phase of the cycle than the non-fertile (early-follicular and luteal) phase; and this effect was most pronounced for women with low average E3G concentration. As feminine women (i.e. those with high average E3G levels) are most able to obtain investment even from masculine men, these women may not need to change their mating preference or strategy during the menstrual cycle as much as masculine women.  相似文献   

The responses of plasma aldosterone (A) and plasma renin activity (PRA) to orthostatism have been evaluated in 47 women during the follicular and/or luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Three postmenopausal women and 51 men were also studied for control. Fourteen cycling women and 11 men were studied on a low sodium diet (20 mEq/day) while the rest of the subjects were on normal sodium intake. In addition, 18 women (including those postmenopausal) and 17 men were studied after intravenous administration of 20 mg frusemide. The response of A to orthostatism in women during luteal phase on normal sodium diet with or without frusemide was much greater than in men or women during follicular phase (p less than 0.01) or menopuase (p less than 0.05). However, no differences between groups could be observed in A response while on a low sodium diet. PRA response was similar during follicular of luteal phase fo the cycle as well as in men either on low or normal sodium intake with or without frusemide.  相似文献   

Reproductive-aged women show increased interest in sexual activity during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle that can motivate sexual behavior and thereby increase the likelihood of conception. We examined whether women demonstrated greater sexual responses (subjective and genital sexual arousal) to penetrative versus oral sexual activities during the fertile versus non-fertile phases of their cycles, and whether women's arousal responses were influenced by the phase during which they were first exposed to these sexual stimuli (e.g., Slob et al., 1991; Wallen and Rupp, 2010). Twenty-two androphilic women completed two identical sexual arousal assessments in which genital responses were measured with a vaginal photoplethysmograph and their feelings of sexual arousal were recorded. Women viewed an array of 90 s films varying by couple type (female–female, male–male, female–male) and sexual activity type (oral or penetrative), during the fertile (follicular) and non-fertile (luteal) phases of their menstrual cycle, with the order of cycle phase at the first testing session counter-balanced. Women tested first in the fertile phase showed significantly greater genital arousal to female–male penetrative versus oral sex in both testing sessions, whereas self-reports of sexual arousal were not affected by cycle phase or testing order. These results contribute to a growing body of research suggesting that fertility status at first exposure to sexual stimuli has a significant effect on subsequent sexual responses to sexual stimuli, and that this effect may differ for subjective versus genital sexual arousal.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that female behaviors toward men or sexual interest are different across the menstrual cycle. However, women's receptivity to an explicit courtship solicitation still remained in question. In a field experiment, 20-year-old women were approached by 20-year-old male confederates in nightclubs and solicited to dance during the period when slow songs were played. A survey was administered to the women in order to obtain information about the number of days since the onset of previous menses. It was found that women in their fertile phase agreed more favorably to the dance request than women in their luteal phase or in their menstrual phase.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been made on the role played by endogenous opioid peptides in the secretion of LH in humans. However no previous studies have compared the effects of the most potent pharmacological agonist and antagonist, morphine and naloxone, in the same subjects. The present study examined the acute effects of injections of morphine and naloxone on plasma LH levels in 30 healthy subjects (18 women and 12 men). Fertile women were subdivided into follicular (n = 6) and luteal (n = 6) phase groups; the remaining 6 were postmenopausal women. The 12 men were sub-divided in two groups of 6 subjects according to age (24-33 years, and over 60 years). There was a two day interval between injection studies in the same subjects. Morphine significantly decreased plasma LH levels in all groups examined (P less than 0.01). On the other hand, naloxone caused a significant increase in plasma LH levels in fertile women during the luteal phase of the cycle, but not during the follicular phase or in postmenopausal subjects, and in young but not in aged men (P less than 0.01). These results indicate that in humans there is a change in the activity of the opioids regulating LH secretion during the menstrual cycle, after menopause and in aged men and that these may be studied by the use of naloxone. The inability of naloxone under certain conditions to increase LH levels reflects the decreased activity of the endogenous system, while morphine, being active in all the subjects, seems to be less discriminative, at least in physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Oxidation and adipose tissue uptake of dietary fat can be measured by adding fatty acid tracers to meals. These studies were conducted to measure between-study variability of these types of experiments and assess whether dietary fatty acids are handled differently in the follicular vs. luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Healthy normal-weight men (n = 12) and women (n = 12) participated in these studies, which were block randomized to control for study order, isotope ([3H]triolein vs. [14C]triolein), and menstrual cycle. Energy expenditure (indirect calorimetry), meal fatty acid oxidation, and meal fatty acid uptake into upper body and lower body subcutaneous fat (biopsies) 24 h after the experimental meal were measured. A greater portion of meal fatty acids was stored in upper body subcutaneous adipose tissue (24 +/- 2 vs. 16 +/- 2%, P < 0.005) and lower body fat (12 +/- 1 vs. 7 +/- 1%, P < 0.005) in women than in men. Meal fatty acid oxidation (3H2O generation) was greater in men than in women (52 +/- 3 vs. 45 +/- 2%, P = 0.04). Leg adipose tissue uptake of meal fatty acids was 15 +/- 2% in the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle and 10 +/- 1% in the luteal phase (P = NS). Variance in meal fatty acid uptake was somewhat (P = NS) greater in women than in men, although menstrual cycle factors did not contribute significantly. We conclude that leg uptake of dietary fat is slightly more variable in women than in men, but that there are no major effects of menstrual cycle on meal fatty acid disposal.  相似文献   

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