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The majority of the Arabidopsis fruit comprises an ovary with three primary tissue types: the valves, the replum and the valve margins. The valves, which are derived from the ovary walls, are separated along their entire length by the replum. The valve margin, which consists of a separation layer and a lignified layer, forms as a narrow stripe of cells at the valve-replum boundaries. The valve margin identity genes are expressed at the valve-replum boundary and are negatively regulated by FUL and RPL in the valves and replum, respectively. In ful rpl double mutants, the valve margin identity genes become ectopically expressed, and, as a result, the entire outer surface of the ovary takes on valve margin identity. We carried out a genetic screen in this sensitized genetic background and identified a suppressor mutation that restored replum development. Surprisingly, we found that the corresponding suppressor gene was AP2, a gene that is well known for its role in floral organ identity, but whose role in Arabidopsis fruit development had not been previously described. We found that AP2 acts to prevent replum overgrowth by negatively regulating BP and RPL, two genes that normally act to promote replum formation. We also determined that AP2 acts to prevent overgrowth of the valve margin by repressing valve margin identity gene expression. We have incorporated AP2 into the current genetic network controlling fruit development in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Members of the Brassicaceae family, including Arabidopsis thaliana and oilseed rape (Brassica napus), produce dry fruits that open upon maturity along a specialised tissue called the valve margin. Proper development of the valve margin in Arabidopsis is dependent on the INDEHISCENT (IND) gene, the role of which in genetic and hormonal regulation has been thoroughly characterised. Here we perform phylogenetic comparison of IND genes in Arabidopsis and Brassica to identify conserved regulatory sequences that are responsible for specific expression at the valve margin. In addition we have taken a comparative development approach to demonstrate that the BraA.IND.a and BolC.IND.a genes from B. rapa and B. oleracea share identical function with Arabidopsis IND since ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) mutant alleles and silenced transgenic lines have valve margin defects. Furthermore we show that the degree of these defects can be fine‐tuned for crop improvement. Wild‐type Arabidopsis produces an outer replum composed of about six cell files at the medial region of the fruits, whereas Brassica fruits lack this tissue. A strong loss‐of‐function braA.ind.a mutant gained outer replum tissue in addition to its defect in valve margin development. An enlargement of replum size was also observed in the Arabidopsis ind mutant suggesting a general role of Brassicaceae IND genes in preventing valve margin cells from adopting replum identity.  相似文献   

In flowering plants, fruit dehiscence enables seed dispersal. Here we report that ntt-3D, an activation tagged allele of NO TRANSMITTING TRACT (NTT), caused a failure of fruit dehiscence in Arabidopsis. We identified ntt-3D, in which the 35S enhancer was inserted adjacent to AT3G-57670, from our activation tagged mutant library. ntt-3D mutants showed serrated leaves, short siliques, and indehiscence phenotypes. NTT-overexpressing plants largely phenocopied the ntt-3D plants. As the proximate cause of the indehiscence, ntt-3D plants exhibited a near absence of valve margin and lignified endocarp b layer in the carpel. In addition, the replum was enlarged in ntt-3D mutants. NTT expression reached a peak in flowers at stage 11 and gradually decreased thereafter and pNTT::GUS expression was mainly observed in the replum, indicating a potential role in fruit patterning. NTT:GFP localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm. FRUITFULL (FUL) expression was downregulated in ntt-3D mutants and ntt-3D suppressed upregulation of FUL in replumless mutants. These results indicate that NTT suppresses FUL, indicating a potential role in patterning of the silique. In seed crops, a reduction in pod dehiscence can increase yield by decreasing seed dispersal; therefore, our results may prove useful as a basis to improve crop yield.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis fruit forms a seedpod that develops from the fertilized gynoecium. It is mainly comprised of an ovary in which three distinct tissues can be differentiated: the valves, the valve margins and the replum. Separation of cells at the valve margin allows for the valves to detach from the replum and thus dispersal of the seeds. Valves and valve margins are located in lateral positions whereas the replum is positioned medially and retains meristematic properties resembling the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Members of the WUSCHEL‐related homeobox family have been involved in stem cell maintenance in the SAM, and within this family, we found that WOX13 is expressed mainly in meristematic tissues including the replum. We also show that wox13 loss‐of‐function mutations reduce replum size and enhance the phenotypes of mutants affected in the replum identity gene RPL. Conversely, misexpression of WOX13 produces, independently from BP and RPL, an oversized replum and valve defects that closely resemble those of mutants in JAG/FIL activity genes. Our results suggest that WOX13 promotes replum development by likely preventing the activity of the JAG/FIL genes in medial tissues. This regulation seems to play a role in establishing the gradient of JAG/FIL activity along the medio‐lateral axis of the fruit critical for proper patterning. Our data have allowed us to incorporate the role of WOX13 into the regulatory network that orchestrates fruit patterning.  相似文献   

Carpels and leaves are evolutionarily related organs, as the former are thought to be modified leaves. Therefore, developmental pathways that play crucial roles in patterning both organs are presumably conserved. In leaf primordia of Arabidopsis thaliana, the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) gene interacts with AS2 to repress the class I KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) genes BREVIPEDICELLUS (BP), KNAT2 and KNAT6, restricting the expression of these genes to the meristem. In this report, we describe how AS1, presumably in collaboration with AS2, patterns the Arabidopsis gynoecium by repressing BP, which is expressed in the replum and valve margin, interacts in the replum with REPLUMLESS (RPL), an essential gene for replum development, and positively regulates the expression of this gene. Misexpression of BP in the gynoecium causes an increase in replum size, while the valve width is slightly reduced, and enhances the effect of mutations in FRUITFULL (FUL), a gene with an important function in valve development. Altogether, these findings strongly suggest that BP plays a crucial role in replum development. We propose a model for pattern formation along the mediolateral axis of the ovary, whereby three domains (replum, valve margin and valve) are specified by the opposing gradients of two antagonistic factors, valve factors and replum factors, the class I KNOX genes working as the latter.  相似文献   

Angiosperm embryogenesis generates the basic body organization of flowering plants. The underlying processes of pattern formation, which establishes the diversity of position-dependent cell fates, and morphogenesis, which brings about the shape of the embryo, may not only involve intercellular communication and controlled cell expansion but also non-random cell divisions. Genetic analysis ofArabidopsisembryogenesis which displays a large invariant pattern of cell divisions suggests that unequal cell divisions segregate cell fates and are thus involved in pattern formation whereas other oriented cell divisions and differential mitotic rates reflect patterning and rather play a role in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gynoecium is a complex organ that facilitates fertilization, later developing into a dehiscent silique that protects seeds until their dispersal. Identifying genes important for development is often hampered by functional redundancy. We report unequal redundancy between two closely related genes, SPATULA (SPT) and ALCATRAZ (ALC), revealing previously unknown developmental roles for each. SPT is known to support septum, style and stigma development in the flower, whereas ALC is involved in dehiscence zone development in the fruit. ALC diverged from a SPT-like ancestor following gene duplication coinciding with the At-β polyploidy event. Here we show that ALC is also involved in early gynoecium development, and SPT in later valve margin generation in the silique. Evidence includes the increased severity of early gynoecium disruption, and of later valve margin defects, in spt-alc double mutants. In addition, a repressive version of SPT (35S:SPT-SRDX) disrupts both structures. Consistent with redundancy, ALC and SPT expression patterns overlap in these tissues, and the ALC promoter carries two atypical E-box elements identical to one in SPT required for valve margin expression. Further, SPT can heterodimerize with ALC, and 35S:SPT can fully complement dehiscence defects in alc mutants, although 35S:ALC can only partly complement spt gynoecium disruptions, perhaps associated with its sequence simplification. Interactions with FRUITFULL and SHATTERPROOF genes differ somewhat between SPT and ALC, reflecting their different specializations. These two genes are apparently undergoing subfunctionalization, with SPT essential for earlier carpel margin tissues, and ALC specializing in later dehiscence zone development.  相似文献   

Embryogenesis in transgenic Arabidopsis plants with GFP:mTn, a chimeric fusion of soluble shifted green fluorescent protein and a mouse actin binding domain, was studied. Confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to determine patterns of formation and cellular responses during asymmetric cell division. Before such cells divide, the nucleus moves to the position where new cell walls are to be formed. The apicalbasal axis of the embryo develops mainly at the zygote to octant stage, and these events are associated with asymmetric divisions of the zygote and hypophyseal cells. Formation of the radial axis is established from the dermatogen to the globular-stage embryo via tangential cell division within the upper tiers. Bilateral symmetry of the embryo primarily happens at the triangular stage through zig-zag cell divisions of initials of the cotyledonary primordia. All stages of embryogenesis are described in detail here.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜对乌蕨的配子体发育及卵发生的过程进行了研究,以阐明蕨类植物颈卵器发育特征,为揭示蕨类植物有性生殖机制以及鳞始蕨科的演化提供依据。结果表明:(1)乌蕨孢子黄褐色,具单裂缝,表面平滑或呈疣状纹饰;孢子接种12d萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型,原叶体发育类型为铁线蕨型。(2)半薄切片观察表明,乌蕨颈卵器产生于原叶体生长点下方的表面细胞,即颈卵器原始细胞,该细胞经过两次分裂形成纵向3层细胞,最上层细胞发育为颈卵器的颈部壁细胞,中间层细胞即初生细胞再经过两次不等分裂产生颈沟细胞、腹沟细胞和卵细胞,此三细胞最初紧密贴合,随着颈卵器的发育,卵细胞与腹沟细胞间从两侧向中间产生分离腔,且腹沟细胞与颈沟细胞开始退化;分离腔逐渐向中间扩大,直至出现孔状结构,即受精孔;颈卵器发育后期,在卵细胞上表面形成染色较深的卵膜,颈沟细胞与腹沟细胞退化成絮状物。  相似文献   

Embryonic segmentation in clitellate annelids (oligochaetes and leeches) is a cell lineage-driven process. Embryos of these worms generate a posterior growth zone consisting of 5 bilateral pairs of identified segmentation stem cells (teloblasts), each of which produces a column of segmental founder cells (blast cells). Each blast cell generates a lineage-specific clone via a stereotyped sequence of cell divisions, which are typically unequal both in terms of the relative size of the sister cells and in the progeny to which they give rise. In two of the five teloblast lineages, including the ventralmost, primary neurogenic (N) lineage, the blast cells adopt two different fates, designated nf and ns, in exact alternation within the blast cell column; this is termed a grandparental stem cell lineage. To lay groundwork for investigating unequal divisions in the leech Helobdella, we have surveyed the Helobdella robusta genome for genes encoding orthologs of the Rho family GTPases, including the rho, rac and cdc42 sub-families, which are known to be involved in multiple processes involving cell polarization in other systems. We find that, in contrast to most other known systems the Helobdella genome contains two cdc42 orthologs, one of which is expressed at higher levels in the ns blast cells than in nf blast cells. We also demonstrate that the asymmetric divisions of the primary nf and ns blast cells are regulated by the polarized distribution of the activated form of the Cdc42 protein, rather than by the overall level of expression. Our results provide the first molecular insights into the mechanisms of the grandparental stem cell lineages, a novel, yet evolutionarily ancient stem cell division pattern. Our results also provide an example in which asymmetries in the distribution of Cdc42 activity, rather than in the overall levels of Cdc42 protein, are important regulating unequal divisions in animal cells.  相似文献   

Summary The development of spontaneous nodules, formed in the absence ofRhizobium and combined nitrogen, on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Vernal) was investigated at the light and electron microscopic level and compared to that ofRhizobium-induced normal nodules. Spontaneous nodules were initiated from cortical cell divisions in the inner cortex next to the endodermis, i.e., the site of normal nodule development. These nodules, on uninoculated roots, were white multilobed structures, histologically composed of nodule meristems, cortex, endodermis, central zone and vascular strands. Nodules were devoid of intercellular or intracellular bacteria confirming microbiological tests. Early development of spontaneous nodules was initiated by series of anticlinal followed by periclinal divisions of dedifferentiated cells in the inner cortex of the root. These cells formed the nodular meristem from which the nodule developed. The cells in the nodule meristems divided unequally and differentiated into two distinct cell types, one larger type being filled with numerous membrane-bound starch grains, and the other smaller type with very few starch grains. There were no infection threads or bacteria in the spontaneous nodules at any stage of development. This size differentiation is suggestive of the different cell sizes seen inRhizobium-induced nodules, where the larger cell type harbours the invading bacteria and the smaller type is essential in supportive metabolic roles. The ontogenic studies further support the claim that these structures are nodules rather than aberrant lateral roots, and that plant possess all the genetic information needed to develop a nodule with distinct cell types. Our results suggest that bacteria and therefore theirnod genes are not necessarily involved in the ontogeny and morphogenesis of spontaneous and normal nodules in alfalfa.Abbreviations EH smallest emergent root hair - EM electron microscope - enod2 early nodulin2 gene - RT root tip - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - YEMG yeast extract-mannitol-gluconate  相似文献   

Summary In onion adventitious roots cellular events have been identified that indicate that lateral root initiation occurs earlier and nearer the apex than previously documented. Lateral roots are not initiated when a pericycle cell divides periclinally but earlier, when a pair of neighbouring pericycle cells in the same column divide transversely and asymmetrically, with both mitoses close to the end towards the neighbouring pericycle cell. Each cell therefore produces two cells of unequal length. The shorter cells produced by the mother pericycle cells are adjacent, while the longer cells are located above and below the shorter cells. This objective morphological criterion allows clear identification of the site of lateral root initiation. Subsequent to these asymmetric divisions, both the longer pericycle cells again divide transversely and asymmetrically producing more short cells adjacent to the previous ones. The first periclinal division occurs in one of these short pericycle cells.  相似文献   

A variety of approaches has recently been employed to investigate how sister cells adopt distinct fates following asymmetric divisions during plant development. Surgical and drug studies have been used to analyze asymmetric divisions during both early embryogenesis in brown algae and pollen development in tobacco. Genetic screens have been used to identify genes in Arabidopsis thaliana that are required for specific asymmetric cell divisions during pollen and root development. These studies indicate that cell polarity and division orientation are closely tied to the process of cell fate specification, and suggest that differential inheritance of determinants and positional information may both be involved in the specification of cell fates following asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

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