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祁承经  肖育檀 《植物研究》1988,8(4):169-182
银杉林是当今举世瞩目的第三纪残遗植物群落。本文讨论了湖南八面山银杉林的群落外貌、群落结构、群落成员型和种间联结以及银杉林的三个群落类型和特征。其中银杉、南方铁杉混交林是我们最近发现的一个新的群落型。  相似文献   

广西亚热带中山针阔混交林   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
苏宗明   《广西植物》1983,(1):33-42
广西亚热带地区没有很高大的山体,植被的垂直分布不出现亚高山常绿针叶林带,但在比较高大的山体,海拔1300米以上的地带,有中山针阔混交林的分布。这种类型有自己固有的群落学特点,在高级分类单位上应作为一种类型并在垂直带谱中给予应有的位置。广西中山针阔混交林有冷杉(Abies)混交林,铁杉(Tsuga)混交林、罗汉松(Podocarpus)混交林、银杉(cathaya)混交林四个群系组和七个群系。  相似文献   

为了解中国特有孑遗植物银杉( Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang)的生存现状,对位于湖南八面山脚盆辽的银杉+南方铁杉﹝Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis ( Flous) Cheng et L. K. Fu﹞+甜槠﹝Castanopsis eyrei ( Champ.) Tutch.﹞-猴头杜鹃( Rhododendron simiarum Hance)群落进行调查,分析其群落特征及种群年龄结构,比较分布在不同区域的6个银杉群落中种子植物属的分布区类型及其相似性系数;在此基础上,讨论了银杉群落的残遗性特征。结果显示:脚盆辽银杉群落共有维管植物66种,包括蕨类植物4种和种子植物62种(裸子植物4种、被子植物58种);该群落乔木层的主要优势种为甜槠、猴头杜鹃、银杉和南方铁杉,重要值分别为13.12%、9.28%、8.86%和7.49%;该群落的Simpson和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.94和3.20, Pielou均匀度指数Jsw和Jsi分别为0.81和0.92,说明该群落物种多样性偏低但物种分布均匀,与中亚热带山地的暖性针阔叶混交林特征一致。从生活型谱看,该群落中各频度百分比由高至低依次为A级、B级、C级、D级、E级,与Raunkiaer标准频度图谱基本一致,表明该群落整体上处于较为稳定的亚顶极状态。从银杉种群年龄结构看,种群中幼龄个体占一定比例,但80~180 a的中龄个体比例偏低;从该群落优势种的径级结构看,甜槠、猴头杜鹃和鹿角杜鹃( Rhododendron latoucheae Franch.)种群为增长型种群,而银杉、南方铁杉和福建柏﹝Fokienia hodginsii ( Dunn) Henry et Thomas﹞种群为衰退型种群。从脚盆辽银杉群落种子植物属的分布区类型看,温带分布型属占51.06%,略高于热带分布型属(占48.94%),说明该区域属于热带亚热带过渡区;除纬度外,海拔也能够在一定程度上影响其分布区类型组成。在处于粤北、粤桂山地和贵州高原3个植物区系亚地区的6个银杉群落中,种子植物属分布区类型的相似性系数为0.35~0.67,群落建群种所在属如铁杉属﹝Tsuga ( Endlicher) Carrière﹞、润楠属( Machilus Nees)、水青冈属( Fagus Linn.)和福建柏属( Fokienia Henry et Thomas)等在各群落间有相似性和共通性,且多为古老成分和孑遗成分,表明现存的银杉群落具有相近的变迁历史,分布地域具有明显的亚热带山地避难所特征,体现出其演替过程的残遗性和保守性。研究结果表明:在银杉群落中适度疏通林窗,降低林下郁闭度,有利于银杉幼树的生长,使银杉种群得到可持续更新和演替。  相似文献   

通过对铁杉(Tusga chinensis Pritz)-云杉(Picea retroflexac Mast)、铁杉-华山松(Pinus armardi Franch)、云南铁杉(Tusga domosa Eichler)-槭树(Acer mono Maxim)-桦木(Betula platyphylla Suk)四川主要铁杉林类型中铁杉球蚜Adelges tsugae Annand林间定株、种群随机抽样、室内饲养研究表明,铁杉球蚜在四川1年发生2代(越冬代和第1代),世代重叠,成虫营孤雌生殖。越冬代从4月上旬至第2年的4月下旬,产卵盛期在5月下旬,平均产卵量为15.58粒,1龄若虫具有滞育越夏习性;第1代从12月下旬至8月中旬,产卵盛期在3月下旬,平均产卵量为67.37粒,并可产生有翅成虫,但无转主危害现象。种群的发育与温度有相关性,温度高林分种群发育进度快于温度低林分。该虫的危害与生境有一定相关性,铁杉针阔混交林危害重于铁杉针叶林;同一树冠不同层次之间、不同方位之间危害程度差异不显著;当年受害严重的树株第2年受害不严重。  相似文献   

本文研究了庆远林区三种人工林土壤微生物的分布、数量、组成和生化活性。研究结果表明,三种人工林土壤微生物细菌和放线菌数量以桉松混交林土壤最高,油茶林土壤次之,杉木林土壤较低。真菌数量以杉木林土壤较高,桉松混交林和油茶林土壤较低。种、群、属组成各不相同。土壤酶活性和土壤呼吸作用强度,以按松混交林和油茶林土壤较强,杉木林土壤较弱,显示按松混交林和油茶林土壤具有较高肥力和森林生产力。  相似文献   

中国银杉林的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对我国一个残遗植物群落——银杉混交林的立地条件、群落组成、地理分布及群落结构等作了初步分析,并依据植物群落种类成分的相似商、基岩以及群落各层优势植物种类上的差异情况将该群落划分为二个不同的银杉混交林。从群落区系成分的分析说明了这些混交林在种类组成上的特点及其古老性质,从而证实了银杉混交林的残遗性质。从生活型谱的分析表明,银杉混交林具有以高位芽植物为主的特点,反映了它与以地面芽植物为主的温带针叶林的差异情况。对群落内部的种类组成在一定时期内的变化情况也作了初步分析。  相似文献   

为了研究南亚热带人工林不同营造模式对土壤线虫群落的影响,于2013年7月在中国林业科学院热带林业实验中心林场分别选取针叶林(马尾松林、杉木林)、阔叶林(米老排、红椎林)及混交林(马尾松-红椎、马尾松-大叶栎),并对6种营造模式人工林的土壤线虫及土壤理化性质进行了调查。共鉴定线虫16853条,平均密度为1873条·100 g-1干土,隶属于2纲8目32科53属,其中基齿属、微咽属和金线属为优势属:PCA分析结果表明,杉木林与米老排林、马尾松-红椎混交林与红椎林的线虫群落结构相似性较高。线虫群落密度以马尾松-大叶栎混交林最大,红椎林和马尾松-红椎混交林较低,Shannon指数和均匀度指数均以马尾松林和米老排林较高,以马尾松-大叶栎混交林最低:成熟指数MI、PPI、PPI/MI指数和丰富度指数在不同经营模式间均无显著差异,而杂食-捕食性线虫、食细菌性线虫和植物寄生性线虫密度和WI指数差异显著。相关分析表明,土壤磷含量与植物寄生、食细菌、食真菌线虫显著相关,而土壤钾含量仅与杂食-捕食性线虫显著正相关。结果表明,6种经营模式对线虫组成和营养结构有明显影响,土壤磷和钾含量是影响线虫群落营养结构的主要因子。  相似文献   

濒危植物银杉的群落特征及其演替趋势   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
银杉(Cathayaargyrophyla)群落的外貌主要由具革质细型叶的常绿针叶中高位芽植物和具革质小、中型叶的常绿阔叶小、中高位芽植物所决定。其结构一般分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层,在有些群落内草本层不发育。组成银杉群落的高等植物有239种,半数以上的种类集中在杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)等9个科中。群落中热带型属的比重低于温带型属的比重,说明银杉群落虽然分布于亚热带,却具有较强的温带分布类型的性质。现有银杉群落处在演替系列的针叶混交林和针阔混交林两个阶段,过度干扰可能使针叶混交林逆向演替到灌丛阶段;处在针阔混交林阶段的银杉群落是相对稳定的亚顶极,将维持相当长的时期,但随着土壤条件的不断改善,有向阔叶群落演替的趋势。  相似文献   

沈琪  张骏  朱锦茹  江波  葛滢  刘其霞  常杰 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2131-2138
在浙江省生态公益林区域的现状植被中分析了6种主要群落类型的物种组成和多样性的变化格局,包括演替系列中的2种灌丛、松优势林、2种混交林和常绿阔叶林。结果表明含松较多的灌丛和松优势林常分布在环境退化较严重(土层瘠薄)的生境中,其中灌木层主要由阳性的映山红、木、白栎等组成,常绿阔叶林优势种木荷、青冈、苦槠、甜槠等在其中偶见,因此推断其自然恢复为常绿林的速度慢;含常绿阔叶树较多的灌丛及含松较少的混交林分布在土层较厚处,木荷、青冈、苦槠、甜槠等的频度和重要值都较大,较容易自然恢复为常绿阔叶林。各种群落中物种多样性指数——Gleason、Shannon-Wiener、Simpson指数基本上以常绿阔叶林为最高,其次是含松较少的混交林,含松较多的灌丛和松优势林各种多样性指数最低。本研究显示我国中亚热带东部森林植被恢复途径有3条:(1)灌草丛→针叶林(松)→针(松)阔混交林→常绿阔叶林;(2)灌草丛→针(松)阔混交林→常绿阔叶林;(3)灌草丛→常绿阔叶林。这意味着本区域的常绿阔叶林恢复可以不必经历松林阶段,在生境条件较好的地方通过人工干预、补种常绿阔叶树可以加速常绿阔叶林恢复。  相似文献   

对乳阳林区亚热带山地广东松(Pinus kwangtungensis)、长苞铁杉(Tsuga longibracteata)原生林及其与阔叶树的混交林结构特征和动态作了论述和分析,并从森林群落演替的观点出发提出了保护和利用的建议。  相似文献   

A prelimimary investigation on neutral triterpene components of Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang trunk is reported. Seven crystalline components had been isolated from trunk of C. argyrophylla, six of them had been identified as known serratene famlly components: Cathaya B (3α-methoxy-21-keto serratene). Cathaya C [serratenediol monoaeetate (3β-acetyl-21a-hydroxy-△14-serratene)], Cathaya D (serratenedio), Cathaya E (compound [D]), Cathaya F (3β-hydroxy-21-keto-△14-serratene) and cathaya G (serratenedione). Cathaya H seems to be a new serratene family component. Its structure will be studied further.  相似文献   

The famous “living fossil”—Cathaya argyrophylla was distributed at high norther nlatitudes during the Tertiary time, but now exists only loccally in a very restricted range in the south region of China. The Cathaya forest of Jinfushan is in fair preservation and has more abundance than others, where we made investigation in 1978. This paper deals with an approach to the environmental Condition, forestry nature, com- munity charactor and dynamics of Cathaya forest in Jinfushan. Being highly intolerant, Cathaya requires drier and exposed sites on the mountain ridge and rocky cliff, but is cannot compete successfully with broad leaved trees under moister sites. From sampling at a number of points within community, the relative frequency, relative density and relative dominance of each tree species were determined, the results show the importance values: Cathaya argyrophylla 120.55; Fagus lucida 80.54; Cyclobalanopsis glauca 37.74; Acanthopanax evodiaefolius 37.01; Ilex franchetiana 24.16. Base on the measurements of community similarity coefficient the Cathaya mixed forest is more similar to evergreen broad leaved forest in surrounding neighbors than Cathaya mixed forests in the other areas, through analysis of the population dynamics the regeneration of seedlings of Cathaya are very few at understory condition, in the cause of time, the Cathaya mixed forest will gradually change to forest dominated by some more tolerant broad leaved trees. Finally, some problems of relic character of Cathaya ar.e discussed as follow: 1. two refuges; 2. the relic nature of dominant species; 3. the similarity of each other in habitat; 4. the hereditary character less adapted with present environment; 5. the low breeding potential and endangered state. Because of south relic species will eventually perish through competition between species, therefore, it is necessary to do a better job in the protection. As same time, in order to change this weakened natural condition the positive action is needed to promote growth of regenerative seedlings as wall as strength management of young trees and scientific research of breeding.  相似文献   

An in vitro system was used for ectomycorrhizal synthesis of Cenococcum geophilum Fr. with Cathaya argyrophylla Chun et Kuang, an endangered species. Calli initiated from stem segments and adventitious roots differentiated from young seedlings were removed and cocultured with Cenococcum geophilum on a modified Murashige-Skoog medium. Fungal hyphae were visible within intercellular spaces of the callus 4 weeks after inoculation, but definite and well-developed Hartig net structures did not form in the calli 8 weeks after inoculation. The typical ectomycorrhizal structures (i.e. hyphal mantle and intracortical Hartig net) were observed in root segments 8 weeks after inoculation. This is the first report of aseptic ectomycorrhizal-like formation/infection between root organ/callus of Cathaya argyrophylla and the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum. This culture system is useful for further investigation of mycorrhizal synthesis in Cathaya trees.(Author for correspondence. Tel: +86 (0)451 8219 1783; Fax: +86 (0)451 8219 1795; E-mail: lumin-fu@163.com)  相似文献   

银杉单株生长规律与种群生物量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 通过对银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)生长规律的研究,发现银杉早期生长需要一定的荫蔽,但过分荫蔽导致植株生长缓慢而逐渐死亡。银杉的整个生长过程可分为4个时期,在30~40a内具有明显的胸径生长盛期。银杉单株地上部分生物量的60%分布在1/2树高以下,树干材重量占全部地上部分生物量的比重超过2/3。银杉种群地上部分生物量在不同群落类型间差别很大,介于33000~117000 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

广西大瑶山的银杉研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫新礼  钟业聪  李法炎  谭海明   《广西植物》1992,12(3):254-268
银杉自1955年首次在广西花坪林区发现之后,时隔30多年,而于1986年在大瑶山土县,即北纬24°9′—24°24′发现了银杉的新分布,从而把我国银杉的分布区向南推移了约1°30′,成为目前已知银杉地理分布的最南界。大瑶山的银杉不但植株高大,树干圆满通直,而且在水平、垂直分布、生境条件和所处林带等方面均与各地的分布点有明显的不同。 大瑶山银杉的上层林木以松科为主,中下层以壳斗科、樟科和山茶科占优势。按照Raunkia生活型分类系统的分类结果,常绿成分和革质叶占绝对优势(分别占98.1%和90.4%)。革质叶和细型叶常绿针叶大高位芽植物是群落的主要成分;单叶、革质、小型叶和中型叶的常绿阔叶中高位芽和小商位芽植物在中下层发育最好。根据样地内幼苗幼树少,和缺乏中下层林木的事实表明,它在群落中的稳定已受到严重的影响。在样地外和其他林地上,虽可见到少量中下层林木和幼苗幼树,但从群落的发展趋势来看,这里的银杉混交林最终要由常绿阔叶林所更替。 本文亦根据树干解析论述了银杉的生长情况。 1981—1982年大瑶山综考后,金秀瑶族自治县林业局和国营金秀林场,在进行杯区树种资源调查时,在县城东北方约15公里,地名为土县一带天然林中,首先发现了银杉(Cathaya argyro-phylla Chun et Kuang)。从1986年开始  相似文献   

本文通过对贵州道真县沙河林区的稀有珍贵树种——银杉的调查,研究了银杉的生境,群落组成及生物学特性,提出了适当控制林木密度,清除部分枯枝落叶等地被物可以加速它的天然更新及正常生长。  相似文献   

Abstract The genus Cathaya discovered in Kwangsi, Sichuan, Hunan and Guizhou is endemic in China. Only one species (C. argyrophylla Chun et Kuang) has so far been known in the genus. The question on it’s systematic position in the family Pinaceae has been much debated. However, according to some taxonomists and morphologists, this genus is related to genera Pinus, Picea and Pseudotsuga of the Pinaceae. No phytochemical data, especially of serratene components on Cathaya have been recorded. This paper deals with the systematic position of Cathaya in Pinaceae based on seven known components of serratene family which are isolated from the trunk of Cathaya argyrophyua growing in Sichuan. A comparative study on serratene components of Cathaya with other genera ofPinaceae showed that Cathaya is related to genera Pinus and Picea.  相似文献   

Details of the cuticular, epidermal and anatomical features of the leaves of Cathaya argyrophylla Chun & Kuang, are described and compared with those of three species of Keteleeria (K. davidiana (Bertrand) Beissner, K. fortunei (Murray) Carriere, and K. chien-peii Flous). The study supports the creation of Cathaya Chun & Kuang as a new genus of the Pinaceae.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite primers were developed for the endangered Cathaya argyrophylla (Pinaceae) to investigate its genetic diversity and population genetic structure, as well as its evolutionary history. ? Methods and Results: Fifty dinucleotide microsatellite loci were identified in two populations. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 6, with a mean of 2.84. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0 to 0.889 and from 0 to 0.779, respectively. ? Conclusions: These markers will facilitate further studies on the population genetics and evolutionary history of Cathaya argyrophylla.  相似文献   

Cathaya argyrophylla in China is generally referred as a “living fossil.” Cathaya was widely distributed in Eurasia during the Tertiary, but is now confined to central and east central China where it exhibits a scattered distribution. Field observations were made in Jinfushan (29˚ N; 107˚10′E), Sichuan Province, in 1978 and in the Huaping Forest District (25˚31′10″— 25˚39′36″N; 109 ˚48′54″—l09˚58′2″E), Guangxi Province, in 1979. In this paper the composition and structure of these interesting communities, their environment, as well as some changes within the communities are discussed. The Cathaya mixed communities contain 88 species of higher plants, 28 species of mosses, and two species of lichens. Among the higher plants 65 species (74%) are endemic to China, 23 species have a Sino-Japanese distributional pattern, and a few are Sino-Southeasr Asian dements. According to the coefficient of similarity of the components, differences in the bedrock underlying these forests, and dominant species, these communities can be divided into two different Cathaya mixed communities. Based on Raunkiar’s classification of life form, the phanerophytes rank first in both types of Cathaya communities (Figure 1) amounting to 89.9% and 81.3% in each com munity. These communities are different from temperate coniferous forests, which contain high percentages of hemicryptophytes. The dynamics of the communities are discussed.  相似文献   

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