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观赏兰科植物组培快繁及遗传转化的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
兰花作为一种高档花卉,近年来其组培快繁和基因工程研究取得了比较大的进展。综述的观赏兰科植物组织培养内容包括外植体、培养基及培养方式等,遗传转化内容包括靶材料、选择标记基因、报告基因、启动子和转化方法等并总结了兰科植物基因工程研究的成果、最新进展及存在的问题 。  相似文献   

石竹科植物组织培养与细胞工程   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,植物组织培养与细胞工程研究在石竹科植物上取得了一定进展。现从组织培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交、单倍体育种、试管开花、转基因等5个方面对其进行综述,并展望了石竹科植物在组织培养和细胞工程研究方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

对近年来生物技术在忍冬属植物快速繁殖、种质资源鉴定和药用活性有效成分生产方面的研究进展进行了综述,包括忍冬属植物的组织培养、染色体核型分析、生物化学和分子生物学的研究。  相似文献   

植物试管繁殖的成本与效益浅析   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
近30年来,植物细胞和组织培养技术有了飞跃的发展。1960年Morel用兰花茎尖离体培养获得脱病毒植株后,国内外相继建立了兰花工业。在兰花试管快繁高效益的刺激下,观赏植物、果树和园艺植物农林植物药用及工业原料植物的试管快繁和脱病毒技术的研究和应用取得很大的进展。国内外先后建立了试管苗产业,进行了规模化和商业化生产,这是植物组织培养应用最大、最有成效的一个方面[’,’‘,”,”,‘’+‘’]。现在世界上几乎所有地区均在开展植物组织培养的研究与应用,大部分是研究植株的再生及快速繁殖“”””,’‘’“,‘”据报…  相似文献   

光调控在植物组织培养中的应用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光调控是植物组织培养中一种有效的环境控制技术。该文对近年来国内外有关光调控在植物组织培养中的应用,即光照强度、光周期、光质对组培植物的生长发育、光合作用、愈伤组织诱导及其增殖与分化、器官和体细胞胚发生、生理特性及次生代谢物质等方面的影响研究进展进行了综述,为植物细胞工程提供参考。  相似文献   

综述近年来生物技术在凤梨科植物中的应用进展,重点介绍凤梨科植物组织培养研究及其常见问题,概述了凤梨科植物遗传转化的研究现状,并对一些问题提出解决对策.  相似文献   

兰科植物是开花植物中最大的家族之一,其花高度进化,具有花瓣状的萼片,特化的唇瓣和雌雄蕊合生的蕊柱,是单子叶植物花发育生物学研究的理想材料。近年来有关兰花花发育基因调控的研究已取得了一些进展,本文从兰花开花转换和兰花花器官的形成两方面综述了近年来国内外关于兰花花发育分子机理方面的研究进展,主要介绍了文心兰、蝴蝶兰和石斛兰的花发育相关基因,并推测了兰花花被的进化发育过程,认为兰花的DEFICIENS(DEF)类基因在早期经过两轮复制,形成了四类DEF基因,从而促进了花萼与花瓣的分离、侧瓣与唇瓣的分离。该文最后对今后兰花花发育研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

应用组织培养方法获得四种花木试管植物的初步试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物组织培养是近几十年发展起来的新技术、新方法,它不但是科学的实验手段,而且是促进生产的有效方法。“1960年法国Morel用兰花(Cymbidium)的组织培养分化成植株,开始了花卉组织培养工作,已导致今天兰花工业的工厂化和商品化的生产”。为了发展花卉生产,摸索花卉植物无性系快速繁殖的规律和试管苗在生产上应用的可能性,我们于1978年十月先后对麝香石竹(Dianthus,caryophyllus),萱草(Hemerocallis fulva L.)唐菖蒲(Glad—iolus sp.)四季桔(Citrus microcarpa)等  相似文献   

近年来,植物组织培养研究取得了很大的进展,技术手段日趋完善,快速繁殖名贵花卉园艺植物,已取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益。目前,用组培方法快速繁殖的植物有130多科、近1000种。其中,花卉园艺植物近80个科、450多种,在育种与生产上已经培育出兰花、非洲菊、唐菖蒲、鸢尾、百合、康乃馨、秋海棠、菊花、水仙、月季、郁金香等。目前国外各国正投以巨资开发新的花卉品种,并设法利用离体快  相似文献   

兰花病毒病严重影响兰花产业的发展,研究和探索防治兰花病毒病的新技术、新途径已成为众多研究者普遍关注的焦点。本文综述目前抗兰花病毒研究中应用的各种抗病毒基因工程策略,包括病毒来源基因中的外壳蛋白基因和运动蛋白基因介导的抗性策略,RNA介导的抗病毒策略,植物自身的抗病毒基因介导的抗性策略,利用多基因介导的抗性策略,以及抗体基因介导的抗性策略等。最后对兰花抗病毒基因工程的发展及应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

兰科植物是典型的菌根植物。兰菌根是兰科植物根与真菌形成的菌根共生体。兰菌根真菌的营养来源影响宿主植物的生活方式和营养水平。氮是植物生长的主要限制因子。兰科植物具有富集氮的特征, 其组织和器官的氮含量通常高于同生境中的其他植物。该文综述了兰菌根真菌类别、兰科植物氮营养特征和兰菌根的氮转移机制等的研究进展, 以期为兰科植物资源的保护、再生及可持续利用的相关研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   


The Ghost Orchid, Dendrophylax lindenii (Lindl.) Benth x. Rolfe, is a rare and endangered epiphytic orchid native to south Florida and Cuba. The orchid is considered difficult to propagate under greenhouse conditions, requiring high humidity and low air movement. In contrast, the orchid’s native habitat seasonally dries out with decreased precipitation and humidity. This suggests some level of desiccation tolerance. Ghost Orchid plants were assessed for potential desiccation tolerance and ability to recover from desiccation stress under in vitro conditions. In vitro-derived plants were placed into sterile baby food jars and transferred to chambers maintained at 10% relative humidity, which is extremely low compared to relative humidity levels (40–100%) recorded under natural field conditions. Plants were removed every week for 4 wk and recovered on P723 medium supplemented with banana powder for 4 wk. Data were collected at the initiation of the experiment, after the desiccation periods, and after 4 wk in vitro recovery. Ghost Orchid plants demonstrated extremely high desiccation tolerance. Even after 4 wk desiccation, plant survival was observed at 79.2% after recovery. Desiccated plants exhibited significant decreases in tissue water potential (− 18.44 MPa), fresh weight (65.5% loss), and water content (14.2%); however, high plant survival was still observed under these conditions similar to poikilohydric plants. Overall, the Ghost Orchid demonstrated high desiccation tolerance, which should be considered for future greenhouse culture and for its application in the direct field establishment of in vitro-derived plants without greenhouse acclimatization.


兰科菌根研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
兰科菌根是一种内生菌根,主要寄生于兰科(Orchidaceae)植物的种子及根系上。对兰科菌根真菌的分类及真菌资源多样性、兰科菌根的形态和菌根对兰科植物的效应等最新研究进展进行了综述。目前研究已知,感染兰科植物根部并能与之共生的真菌绝大多数属于担子菌门(Basidiomycota)和半知菌门(Deuteromycotha),也有部分属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota);兰科菌根的形成可分为两种情况:一是对兰科植物种子的侵染;二是对成长新根的侵染。菌根真菌对兰科植物的种子萌发及植株生长发育均有一定影响。  相似文献   

广西雅长林区野生兰科植物资源丰富,约有52属156种,其中雅长保护区几乎每座山头都有兰科植物的分布,但其种类与居群基株数量等分布不均匀,且不连续,呈现出破碎化现象,其中面积较大的局部密集分布区有16处.文中根据野生兰科植物的资源现状及生物生态学特性,针对目前兰科植物保育存在的问题,分析人畜干扰及自然条件变化等不利因素,从兰科植物维持机制角度出发,提出雅长野生兰科植物的保护应以就地保护为主、迁地保育为辅的保育措施与策略:保护区应加快建设的步伐,构建野生兰科植物种质资源基因库,同时对密集分布区在人畜干扰大的区域,优先拉设铁丝网围护,并派专人巡护,重点保护,确保野生兰科植物及基因库安全.  相似文献   

Whilst there is overwhelming scientific evidence that dramatic changes in regional climates are likely to occur throughout the 21st century, the scientific community remains uncertain how the effects of global heating will combine with other environmental factors to affect wild orchid populations. It is, however, likely that many populations will be affected adversely and that in situ conservation techniques by themselves will not be sufficient to prevent the extinction of many species. A range of complimentary ex situ strategies are discussed. Amongst these orchid seed banking has been shown to be an invaluable tool for conserving the maximum amount of genetic diversity in the minimum space and has the potential to enable the conservation of valuable material for possible re-introduction and habitat restoration programmes in the future. The Darwin Initiative project, ‘Orchid Seed Stores for Sustainable Use’ (OSSSU), is currently establishing a global network of orchid seed banks focussing initially on countries with high orchid biodiversity in Asia and Latin America. Particular reference is made to ex situ conservation in China, together with the urgent need to gather more data to determine which habitats and species are most at risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future.  相似文献   

Orchid classification has undergone a series of significant changes during the past decade as molecular phylogenetic studies have examined relationships at all taxonomic levels in the family. Today, the 750 genera and 25,000 species of Orchidaceae are organized into five subfamilies, the two largest of which (Epidendroideae and Orchidoideae) are further divided into 19 tribes and 43 subtribes. Whereas some of these groups are relatively small in terms of total species numbers, and may be of little horticultural or medicinal value, they are especially important for understanding orchid evolution and may deserve to be conserved for this reason alone. The question of which orchids to conserve is a complex one, but the science of systematics, including taxonomy and phylogenetics, has an undeniable role to play in answering that question. Among the many ways that phylogenetic trees can assist biologists in setting conservation priorities are by: 1) guiding taxonomists in naming species, which is essential for creating checklists within floras, monographs, and inventories; 2) discovering overlooked, rare or cryptic species that deserve recognition and protection; 3) determining whether or not a taxon is actually a species or simply a variant or hybrid; 4) predicting species that may be of value to humans for economic value; 5) identifying species that may have particularly important scientific value for better understanding the biology of plants. In the same way that we cannot protect all habitats, we may not be able to save every orchid species. Priorities must be established. The Yachang Orchid Reserve has been recognized as important not only because of the number of individual orchid plants that grow there, but also because of its great orchid diversity. Diversity is a product of evolution by natural selection, and the science of phylogenetics has a role to play in better understanding that process.  相似文献   

对濒危物种在大尺度上地理分布的研究,有助于制定合理的保护规划和保护策略.兰科植物作为一大类急需保护的濒危物种,研究其在中国境内的地理分布格局具有重要的理论和实践意义.通过文献查阅、自然保护区数据整理收集兰科植物在全国范围内的调查数据,利用ArcGIS10.0和SPASS18.0软件对其地理分布进行了分析,结果表明:中国西南地区是兰科植物的分布中心和分化中心;兰科植物丰富度表现出显著的经度和纬度相关性,与经度之间呈单峰关系,在100°E附近出现峰值,但随纬度升高丰富度不断下降.  相似文献   

广西雅长自然保护区兰科植物多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对广西雅长兰科植物自然保护区的兰科植物多样性进行调查研究。该保护区兰科植物多样性具有如下特点:(1)物种多样性丰富,居群数量大,共有兰科植物44属113种(含5变种);(2)分布广泛,生境复杂多样;(3)地理成分兼备热带和亚热带性质,生活类型齐全;(4)垂直分布格局呈现一定规律性。文章最后提出了该保护区兰科植物多样性保护及利用的初步建议。  相似文献   

Further advances in orchid mycorrhizal research   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Dearnaley JD 《Mycorrhiza》2007,17(6):475-486
Orchid mycorrhizas are mutualistic interactions between fungi and members of the Orchidaceae, the world’s largest plant family. The majority of the world’s orchids are photosynthetic, a small number of species are myco-heterotrophic throughout their lifetime, and recent research indicates a third mode (mixotrophy) whereby green orchids supplement their photosynthetically fixed carbon with carbon derived from their mycorrhizal fungus. Molecular identification studies of orchid-associated fungi indicate a wide range of fungi might be orchid mycobionts, show common fungal taxa across the globe and support the view that some orchids have specific fungal interactions. Confirmation of mycorrhizal status requires isolation of the fungi and restoration of functional mycorrhizas. New methods may now be used to store orchid-associated fungi and store and germinate seed, leading to more efficient culture of orchid species. However, many orchid mycorrhizas must be synthesised before conservation of these associations can be attempted in the field. Further gene expression studies of orchid mycorrhizas are needed to better understand the establishment and maintenance of the interaction. These data will add to efforts to conserve this diverse and valuable association.  相似文献   

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