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The purpose of this study was to choose between two popular models of skeletal muscle: one with the parallel elastic component in parallel with both the contractile element and the series elastic component (model A), and the other in which it is in parallel with only the contractile element (model B). Passive and total forces were obtained at a variety of muscle lengths for the medial gastrocnemius muscle in anesthetized rats. Passive force was measured before the contraction (passive A) or was estimated for the fascicle length at which peak total force occurred (passive B). Fascicle length was measured with sonomicrometry. Active force was calculated by subtracting passive (A or B) force from peak total force at each fascicle or muscle length. Optimal length, that fascicle length at which active force is maximized, was 13.1 +/- 1.2 mm when passive A was subtracted and 14.0 +/- 1.1 mm with passive B (P < 0.01). Furthermore, the relationship between double-pulse contraction force and length was broader when calculated with passive B than with passive A. When the muscle was held at a long length, passive force decreased due to stress relaxation. This was accompanied by no change in fascicle length at the peak of the contraction and only a small corresponding decrease in peak total force. There is no explanation for the apparent increase in active force that would be obtained when subtracting passive A from the peak total force. Therefore, to calculate active force, it is appropriate to subtract passive force measured at the fascicle length corresponding to the length at which peak total force occurs, rather than passive force measured at the length at which the contraction begins.  相似文献   

Edman et al. (J. General Physiol. 80 (1982) 769) observed in single fibres of frog that the steady-state forces following active fibre stretch were greater than the purely isometric force obtained at the length from which the stretch was initiated. Operating on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, such a result can only be explained within the framework of the sarcomere length non-uniformity theory, if some fibre segments shortened during the fibre stretch. However, such a result was not found, leaving Edman's observation unexplained. Force enhancement above the initial isometric force has not been investigated systematically in whole muscle, and therefore it is not known whether this property is also part of whole muscle mechanics. The purpose of this study was to test if the steady-state forces following active stretch of cat semitendinosus were greater than the corresponding purely isometric forces at the muscle length from which the stretch was started. Cat semitendinosus was stretched by various amounts on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and the steady-state forces following these stretches were compared to the corresponding isometric forces at the initial and final muscle lengths. In 109 of 131 tests, the steady-state forces following stretching were greater than the isometric forces at the initial muscle lengths. Force enhancement increased with increasing amounts of stretching, and force enhancement above the initial isometric force was more likely to occur following stretches of great compared to small amplitude. Passive forces following active muscle stretching were often significantly greater than the passive forces at the same muscle length following an isometric contraction or a passive stretching of the muscle. This observation was made consistently at the longest muscle lengths tested. It appears, therefore, that there is a passive force that accounts for part of the force enhancement above the isometric force at the initial muscle length, and that provides increased passive force when a muscle is actively, rather than passively, stretched at long muscle lengths. We conclude that cat semitendinosus demonstrates steady-state force enhancement above the corresponding purely isometric force at the initial muscle length on the descending limb of the force-length relationship for many contractile conditions, and that a unique, and so far undetected, passive, parallel element contributes to this force enhancement, particularly at long muscle lengths where muscle is assumed to be most vulnerable to injuries associated with sarcomere length instability.  相似文献   

We recently found that force enhancement following active stretch in skeletal muscles is accompanied by an increase in passive force following deactivation (J. Exp. Biol. 205 (2002) 1275). However, it is not known if this increase in passive force contributes to the force enhancement observed in the active muscle, and if it is observed at all muscle lengths. The purposes of this study were to quantify the amount of passive force increase as a function of muscle lengths, and to determine if this passive force contributes to the force enhancement observed in the active muscle. Experiments were performed on cat soleus (n = 24) using techniques published previously (J. Biomech. 30(9) (1997) 865). Conceptually, tests involved comparisons of force enhancement and passive force increase for a variety of stretch tests in soleus. Furthermore, in one test, activation of the soleus was interrupted for 1s in the force-enhanced state, and soleus was then re-activated. We found that total force enhancement and passive force increase were positively correlated for all test conditions, that passive force increase following stretch of the active soleus only occurred at muscle lengths corresponding to the descending limb of the force-length relationship, that increases in passive force for a given stretch magnitude became greater at long muscle lengths, and that upon reactivation, there was a remnant passive force enhancement. We conclude from these results that the passive force enhancement following stretch of an active muscle contributes to the total force enhancement, that this passive contribution increases with increasing muscle length, and that there must be at least one other factor than passive force increase that contributes to the total force enhancement, as the passive force increase was always smaller than the total force enhancement. A by-product of this investigation was that we observed a shift in the passive force-length relationship that was dependent on muscle activation, stretch magnitude and muscle length. Therefore, the passive force-length relationship is not a constant property of skeletal muscle, but depends critically on the muscle's contractile history.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of stretching and shortening on the isometric forces at different lengths on the descending limb of the force-length relationship. Cat soleus (N = 10) was stretched and shortened by various amounts on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and the steady-state forces following these dynamic contractions were compared to the isometric forces at the corresponding muscle lengths. We found a shift of the force-length relationship to greater force values following muscle stretching, and to smaller force values following muscle shortening. Shifts in both directions critically depended on the magnitude of stretching/shortening and the final muscle length. We confirm recent findings that the steady-state isometric force following some stretch conditions clearly exceeded the maximal isometric forces at optimum muscle length, and that force enhancement was associated with an increase in the passive force, i.e., a passive force enhancement. When the passive force enhancement was subtracted from the total force enhancement, forces following stretch were always equal to or smaller than the isometric force at optimum muscle length. Together, these findings led to the conclusions: (a). that force enhancement is composed of an "active and a "passive" component; (b). that the "passive" component of force enhancement allows for forces greater than the maximal isometric forces at the muscle's optimum length; and (c). that force enhancement and force depression are critically affected by muscle length and stretch/shortening amplitude.  相似文献   

Stretch-induced force enhancement has been observed in a variety of muscle preparations and on structural levels ranging from single fibers to in vivo human muscles. It is a well-accepted property of skeletal muscle. However, the mechanism causing force enhancement has not been elucidated, although the sarcomere-length non-uniformity theory has received wide support. The purpose of this paper was to re-investigate stretch-induced force enhancement in frog single fibers by testing specific hypotheses arising from the sarcomere-length non-uniformity theory. Single fibers dissected from frog tibialis anterior (TA) and lumbricals (n=12 and 22, respectively) were mounted in an experimental chamber with physiological Ringer's solution (pH=7.5) between a force transducer and a servomotor length controller. The tetantic force-length relationship was determined. Isometric reference forces were determined at optimum length (corresponding to the maximal, active, isometric force), and at the initial and final lengths of the stretch experiments. Stretch experiments were performed on the descending limb of the force-length relationship after maximal tetanic force was reached. Stretches of 2.5-10% (TA) and 5-15% lumbricals of fiber length were performed at 0.1-1.5 fiber lengths/s. The stretch-induced, steady-state, active isometric force was always equal or greater than the purely isometric force at the muscle length from which the stretch was initiated. Moreover, for stretches of 5% fiber length or greater, and initiated near the optimum length of the fiber, the stretch-enhanced active force always exceeded the maximal active isometric force at optimum length. Finally, we observed a stretch-induced enhancement of passive force. We conclude from these results that the sarcomere length non-uniformity theory alone cannot explain the observed force enhancement, and that part of the force enhancement is associated with a passive force that is substantially greater after active compared to passive muscle stretch.  相似文献   

Residual force enhancement (FE) following stretch of an activated muscle is a well accepted property of skeletal muscle contraction. However, the mechanism underlying FE remains unknown. A crucial assumption on which some proposed mechanisms are based is the idea that forces in the enhanced state cannot exceed the steady-state isometric force at a sarcomere length associated with optimal myofilament overlap. Although there are a number of studies in which forces in the enhanced state were compared with the corresponding isometric forces on the plateau of the force-length relationship, these studies either did not show enhanced forces above the plateau or, if they did, they lacked measurements of sarcomere lengths confirming the plateau region. Here, we revisited this question by optimizing stretch conditions and measuring the average sarcomere lengths in isolated fibers, and we found that FE exceeded the maximal isometric reference force obtained at the plateau of the force-length relationship consistently (mean+/-SD: 4.8+/-2.1%) and by up to 10%. When subtracting the passive component of FE from the total FE, the enhanced forces remained greater than the isometric plateau force (mean+/-SD: 4.3+/-2.0%). Calcium-induced increases in passive forces, known to be present in single fibers and myofibrils, are too small to account for the FE observed here. We conclude that FE cannot be explained exclusively with a stretch-induced development of sarcomere length nonuniformities, that FE in single fibers may be associated with the recruitment of additional contractile force, and that isometric steady-state forces in the enhanced state are not uniquely determined by sarcomere lengths.  相似文献   

Muscle fascicle lengths of vastus lateralis (VL) muscle were measured in five healthy men during slow pedaling to investigate the interaction between muscle fibers and tendon. Subjects cycled at a pedaling rate of 40 rpm (98 W). During exercise, fascicle lengths changed from 91 +/- 7 (SE) to 127 +/- 5 mm. It was suggested that fascicles were on the descending limb of their force-length relationship. The average shortening velocity of fascicle was greater than that of muscle-tendon complex in the first half of the knee extension phase and was less in the second half. The maximum shortening velocity of fascicle in the knee extension phase was less than that of muscle-tendon complex by 22 +/- 9%. These discrepancies in velocities were mainly caused by the elongation of the tendinous tissue. It was suggested that the elasticity of VL tendinous tissue enabled VL fascicles to develop force at closer length to their optimal length and kept the maximum shortening velocity of VL fascicles low during slow pedaling.  相似文献   

When a skeletal muscle that is actively producing force is shortened or stretched, the resulting steady-state isometric force after the dynamic phase is smaller or greater, respectively, than the purely isometric force obtained at the corresponding final length. The cross-bridge model of muscle contraction does not readily explain this history dependence of force production. The most accepted proposal to explain both, force depression after shortening and force enhancement after stretch, is a nonuniform behavior of sarcomeres that develops during and after length changes. This hypothesis is based on the idea of instability of sarcomere lengths on the descending limb of the force-length relationship. However, recent evidence suggests that skeletal muscles may be stable over the entire range of active force production, including the descending limb of the force-length relationship. The purpose of this review was to critically evaluate hypotheses aimed at explaining the history dependence of force production and to provide some novel insight into the possible mechanisms underlying these phenomena. It is concluded that the sarcomere nonuniformity hypothesis cannot always explain the total force enhancement observed after stretch and likely does not cause all of the force depression after shortening. There is evidence that force depression after shortening is associated with a reduction in the proportion of attached cross bridges, which, in turn, might be related to a stress-induced inhibition of cross-bridge attachment in the myofilament overlap zone. Furthermore, we suggest that force enhancement is not associated with instability of sarcomeres on the descending limb of the force-length relationship and that force enhancement has an active and a passive component. Force depression after shortening and force enhancement after stretch are likely to have different origins.  相似文献   

This study estimated the passive ankle joint moment during standing and walking initiation and its contribution to total ankle joint moment during that time. The decrement of passive joint moment due to muscle fascicle shortening upon contraction was taken into account. Muscle fascicle length in the medial gastrocnemius, which was assumed to represent muscle fascicle length in plantarflexors, was measured using ultrasonography during standing, walking initiation, and cyclical slow passive ankle joint motion. Total ankle joint moment during standing and walking initiation was calculated from ground reaction forces and joint kinematics. Passive ankle joint moment during the cyclical ankle joint motion was measured via a dynamometer. Passive ankle joint moment during standing and at the time (Tp) when the MG muscle-tendon complex length was longest in the stance phase during walking initiation were 2.3 and 5.4 Nm, respectively. The muscle fascicle shortened by 2.9 mm during standing compared with the length at rest, which decreased the contribution of passive joint moment from 19.9% to 17.4%. The muscle fascicle shortened by 4.3 mm at Tp compared with the length at rest, which decreased the contribution of passive joint moment from 8.0% to 5.8%. These findings suggest that (a) passive ankle joint moment plays an important role during standing and walking initiation even in view of the decrement of passive joint moment due to muscle fascicle shortening upon muscle contraction, and (b) muscle fascicle shortening upon muscle contraction must be taken into account when estimating passive joint moment during movements.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of different shortening velocities preceding the stretch on moment generation of the triceps surae muscles and architecture of the m. gastrocnemius medialis after shortening-stretch cycles of equal magnitude in vivo. Eleven male subjects (31.6+/-5.8 years, 178.4+/-7.3cm, 80.6+/-9.6kg) performed a series of electro-stimulated (85Hz) shortening-stretch plantar flexion contractions. The shortening-stretch cycles were performed at three constant angular velocities (25, 50, 100 degrees /s) in the plantar flexion direction (shortening) and at 50 degrees /s in the dorsiflexion direction (stretching). The resultant ankle joint moments were calculated through inverse dynamics. Pennation angle and fascicle length of the m. gastrocnemius medialis at rest and during contractions were measured using ultrasonography. The corresponding ankle moments, kinematics and changes in muscle architecture were analysed at seven time intervals. An analysis of variance for repeated measurements and post hoc test with Bonferroni correction was used to check the velocity-related effects on moment enhancement (alpha=0.05). The results show an increase in pennation angles and a decrease in fascicle lengths after the shortening-stretch cycle. The ankle joint moment ratio (post to pre) was higher (p<0.01) than 1.0 indicating a moment enhancement after the shortening-stretch cycle. The found ankle joint moment enhancement was 2-5% after the shortening-stretch cycle and was independed of the shortening velocity. Furthermore, the decrease in fascicle length after the shortening-stretch cycle indicates that the moment enhancement found in the present study is underestimated at least by 1-3%. Considering that the experiments have been done at the ascending limb of the force-length curve and that force enhancement is higher at the descending and the plateau region of the force-length curve, we conclude that the moment enhancement after shortening-stretch cycle can have important physiological affects while locomotion.  相似文献   

The superficial (SDF) and deep digital flexor (DDF) muscles are critical for equine forelimb locomotion. Knowledge of their mechanical properties will enhance our understanding of limb biomechanics. Muscle contractile properties derived from architectural-based algorithms may overestimate real forces and underestimate shortening capacity because of simplistic assumptions regarding muscle architecture. Therefore, passive and active (=total - passive) force-length properties of the SDF and DDF muscles were measured directly in vivo. Muscles from the right forelimbs of four Thoroughbred horses were evaluated during general anesthesia. Limbs were fixed to an external frame with the muscle attached to a linear actuator and load cell. Each muscle was stretched from an unloaded state to a range of prefixed lengths, then stimulated while held at that length. The total force did not exceed 4000 N, the limit for the clamping device. The SDF and DDF muscles produced 716+/-192 and 1577+/-203 N maximum active isometric force (F(max)), had ascending force-length ranges (R(asc)) of 5.1+/-0.2 and 9.1+/-0.4 cm, and had passive stiffnesses of 1186+/-104 and 1132+/-51 N/cm, respectively. The values measured for F(max) were much smaller than predicted based on conservative estimates of muscle specific tension and muscle physiological cross-sectional area. R(asc) were much larger than predicted based on muscle fiber length estimates. These data suggest that accurate prediction of the active mechanical behavior of architecturally complex muscles such as the equine DDF and SDF requires more sophisticated algorithms.  相似文献   

Residual force enhancement in myofibrils and sarcomeres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Residual force enhancement has been observed following active stretch of skeletal muscles and single fibres. However, there has been intense debate whether force enhancement is a sarcomeric property, or is associated with sarcomere length instability and the associated development of non-uniformities. Here, we studied force enhancement for the first time in isolated myofibrils (n=18) that, owing to the strict in series arrangement, allowed for evaluation of this property in individual sarcomeres (n=79). We found consistent force enhancement following stretch in all myofibrils and each sarcomere, and forces in the enhanced state typically exceeded the isometric forces on the plateau of the force-length relationship. Measurements were made on the plateau and the descending limb of the force-length relationship and revealed gross sarcomere length non-uniformities prior to and following active myofibril stretching, but in contrast to previous accounts, revealed that sarcomere lengths were perfectly stable under these experimental conditions. We conclude that force enhancement is a sarcomeric property that does not depend on sarcomere length instability, that force enhancement varies greatly for different sarcomeres within the same myofibril and that sarcomeres with vastly different amounts of actin-myosin overlap produce the same isometric steady-state forces. This last finding was not explained by differences in the amount of contractile proteins within sarcomeres, vastly different passive properties of individual sarcomeres or (half-) sarcomere length instabilities, suggesting that the basic mechanical properties of muscles, such as force enhancement, force depression and creep, which have traditionally been associated with sarcomere instabilities and the corresponding dynamic redistribution of sarcomere lengths, are not caused by such instabilities, but rather seem to be inherent properties of the mechanisms of contraction.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of muscle temperature and fatigue during stretch (eccentric) and shortening (concentric) contractions of the maximally electrically activated human adductor pollicis muscle. After immersion of the lower arm in water baths of four different temperatures, the calculated muscle temperatures were 36.8, 31.6, 26.6, and 22.3 degrees C. Normalized (isometric force = 100%) eccentric force increased with stretch velocity to maximal values of 136.4 +/- 1.6 and 162.1 +/- 2.0% at 36.8 and 22.3 degrees C, respectively. After repetitive ischemic concentric contractions, fatigue was less at the lower temperatures, and at all temperatures the loss of eccentric force was smaller than the loss of isometric and concentric force. Consequently, normalized eccentric forces increased during fatigue to 159.7 +/- 4.6 and 185.7 +/- 7.3% at 36.8 and 22.3 degrees C, respectively. Maximal normalized eccentric force increased exponentially (r2 = 0.95) when Vmax was reduced by cooling and/or fatiguing contractions. This may indicate that a reduction in cross-bridge cycling rate could underlie the significant increases in normalized eccentric force found with cooling and fatigue.  相似文献   

Slow-twitch motor units in the medial gastrocnemius muscle of the anesthetized cat were found to have an average optimum length for active tension that was 0.8 +/- 0.5 (SE) mm longer than the whole muscle optimum. For fast-twitch units (time to peak < 50 ms), the average optimum was 1.3 +/- 0.3 mm shorter than the whole muscle optimum. After the muscle had been subjected to 10 stretches while maximally activated, beginning at the whole muscle optimum length, the optimum lengths of the 27 fast-twitch motor units shifted significantly further in the direction of longer muscle lengths (mean 4.3 +/- 0.3 mm) than for the eight slow-twitch units (2.1 +/- 0.4 mm). A shift in the muscle's length-tension relation was interpreted as being due to sarcomere disruption. Statistical analysis showed that a motor unit's optimum length for a contraction, relative to the whole muscle optimum, was a better indicator of the unit's susceptibility to damage from active lengthenings than was motor unit type.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the differences between the actual fascicle length during a voluntary contraction and the fascicle length at rest of the triceps surae muscle on the determination of the voluntary activation (VA) by using the interpolated twitch technique. Twelve participants performed isometric voluntary maximal (MVC) and submaximal (20%, 40%, 60% and 80% MVC) contractions at two different ankle angles (75 degrees and 90 degrees ) under application of the interpolated twitch technique. Two ultrasound probes were used to determine the fascicle length of soleus, gastrocnemius medialis and gastrocnemius lateralis muscles. Further, the MVCs and the twitches were repeated for six more ankle angles (85 degrees , 95 degrees , 100 degrees , 105 degrees , 110 degrees and 115 degrees ). The VA of the triceps surae muscle were calculated (a) using the rest twitch force (RTF) measured during the same trial as the interpolated twitch force (ITF; traditional method) and (b) using the RTF at an ankle angle where the fascicle length showed similar values between ITF and RTF (fascicle length consideration method). The continuous changes in fascicle length from rest to MVC affect the accuracy of the assessment of the VA. The traditional method overestimates the assessment of the VA on average 4% to 12%, especially at 90 degrees ankle angle (i.e. short muscle length). The reason for this influence is the unequal force-length potential of the muscle at twitch application by the measure of ITF and RTF. These findings provide evidence that the fascicle length consideration method permits a more precise prediction (an improvement of 4-12%) of the voluntary contraction compared to the traditional method.  相似文献   

Despite a wealth of information about the respiratory behavior of pharyngeal dilator muscles such as the genioglossus, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid muscles, little is known about their contractile and endurance properties. Strips of these muscles (as well as of the diaphragm) were surgically removed from anesthetized cats and studied in vitro at 37 degrees C. The isometric contraction times of the muscles were 38 +/- 1, 31 +/- 1, 28 +/- 2, and 35 +/- 1 ms for genioglossus, sternothyroid, sternohyoid, and diaphragm, respectively. Contraction times were significantly longer for the genioglossus than for the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles and significantly longer for the diaphragm than for the sternohyoid muscle. Twitch-to-tetanic ratios were largest for the diaphragm and lowest for the sternohyoid muscle, and the force-frequency relationship of the sternohyoid was most rightward positioned and that of the diaphragm was most leftward positioned. During repetitive stimulation, the decrement in force was greatest for the diaphragm and least for the genioglossus muscle, with the force loss of the two hyoid muscles being intermediate in magnitude. The Burke fatigue index was significantly greater for the genioglossus than for the diaphragm, despite similar tension-time indexes during repetitive stimulation. These data indicate heterogeneity among pharyngeal dilator muscles in their contractile and endurance properties, that certain pharyngeal dilator muscle properties differ from diaphragmatic properties, and that pharyngeal muscles have relatively fast contractile kinetics yet reasonable endurance characteristics.  相似文献   

The steady-state force following active muscle shortening or stretch differs from the maximum isometric force associated with the final length. This phenomenon proves that the isometric force production is not only dependent on current muscle length and length time derivative, but depends on the preceding contraction history. Isolated extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles from mice (NMRI strain) were used to investigate the force produced by a muscle, and some parameters hypothetically influencing this history-dependent force modification. The muscles were pre-stimulated at a fixed length, then different stretch/shortening episodes were introduced, whereafter changes of the active force were recorded while the muscles were held isometrically to approach a steady-state force before de-stimulation. The mechanical work during active stretch and shortening was evaluated by integrating the product of force and ramp velocity over the length-varying period. The results show a negative linear correlation between the force modification and the mechanical work produced on or by the muscle, continuous between shortening and stretch. A corresponding modification of the passive force component following each stimulation was also observed. The conclusion is that the isometric force attained after stretch or shortening is well described by an asymptotic force which is determined by the mechanical work.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that force enhancement in skeletal muscles increases with increasing stretch magnitudes. However, this property has not been tested across supra-physiological stretch magnitudes and different muscle lengths, thus it is not known whether this is a generic property of skeletal muscle, or merely a property that holds for small stretch magnitudes within the physiological range. Six cat soleus muscles were actively stretched with magnitudes varying from 3 to 24 mm at three different parts of the force–length relationship to test the hypothesis that force enhancement increases with increasing stretch magnitude, independent of muscle length. Residual force enhancement increased consistently with stretch amplitudes on the descending limb of the force–length relationship up to a threshold value, after which it reached a plateau. Force enhancement did not increase with stretch amplitude on the ascending limb of the force–length relationship. Passive force enhancement was observed for all test conditions, and paralleled the behavior of the residual force enhancement. Force enhancement increased with stretch magnitude when stretching occurred at lengths where there was natural passive force within the muscle. These results suggest that force enhancement does not increase unconditionally with increasing stretch magnitude, as is generally accepted, and that increasing force enhancement with stretch appears to be tightly linked to that part of the force–length relationship where there is naturally occurring passive force.  相似文献   

The sliding filament and cross-bridge theories of muscle contraction provide discrete predictions of the tetanic force-length relationship of skeletal muscle that have been tested experimentally. The active force generated by a maximally activated single fiber (with sarcomere length control) is maximal when the filament overlap is optimized and is proportionally decreased when overlap is diminished. The force-length relationship is a static property of skeletal muscle and, therefore, it does not predict the consequences of dynamic contractions. Changes in sarcomere length during muscle contraction result in modulation of the active force that is not necessarily predicted by the cross-bridge theory. The results of in vivo studies of the force-length relationship suggest that muscles that operate on the ascending limb of the force-length relationship typically function in stretch-shortening cycle contractions, and muscles that operate on the descending limb typically function in shorten-stretch cycle contractions. The joint moments produced by a muscle depend on the moment arm and the sarcomere length of the muscle. Moment arm magnitude also affects the excursion (length change) of a muscle for a given change in joint angle, and the number of sarcomeres arranged in series within a muscle fiber determines the sarcomere length change associated with a given excursion.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effects of activation and stretch on the passive force-sarcomere length relationship in skeletal muscle. Single fibres from the lumbrical muscle of frogs were placed at varying sarcomere lengths on the descending limb of the force-sarcomere length relationship, and tetanic contractions, active stretches and passive stretches (amplitudes of ca 10% of fibre length at a speed of 40% fibre length/s) were performed. The passive forces following stretch of an activated fibre were higher than the forces measured after isometric contractions or after stretches of a passive fibre at the corresponding sarcomere length. This effect was more pronounced at increased sarcomere lengths, and the passive force-sarcomere length relationship following active stretch was shifted upwards on the force axis compared with the corresponding relationship obtained following isometric contractions or passive stretches. These results provide strong evidence for an increase in passive force that is mediated by a length-dependent combination of stretch and activation, while activation or stretch alone does not produce this effect. Based on these results and recently published findings of the effects of Ca2+ on titin stiffness, we propose that the observed increase in passive force is caused by the molecular spring titin.  相似文献   

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