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Francisella tularensis causes the human disease tularemia. F. tularensis is able to survive and replicate within macrophages, a trait that has been correlated with its high virulence, but it is unclear the exact mechanism(s) this organism uses to escape killing within this hostile environment. F. tularensis virulence is dependent upon the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), a cluster of genes that we show here shares homology with type VI secretion gene clusters in Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We demonstrate that two FPI proteins, VgrG and IglI, are secreted into the cytosol of infected macrophages. VgrG and IglI are required for F. tularensis phagosomal escape, intramacrophage growth, inflammasome activation and virulence in mice. Interestingly, VgrG secretion does not require the other FPI genes. However, VgrG and other FPI genes, including PdpB (an IcmF homologue), are required for the secretion of IglI into the macrophage cytosol, suggesting that VgrG and other FPI factors are components of a secretion system. This is the first report of F. tularensis FPI virulence proteins required for intramacrophage growth that are translocated into the macrophage.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is an intracellular bacterial pathogen, and is a category A bioterrorism agent. Within quiescent human macrophages, the F. tularensis pathogenicity island (FPI) is essential for bacterial growth within quiescent macrophages. The F. tularensis-containing phagosome matures to a late endosome-like stage that does not fuse to lysosomes for 1-8 h, followed by gradual bacterial escape into the macrophage cytosol. Here we show that the FPI protein IglD is essential for intracellular replication in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages (hMDMs). While the parental strain replicates robustly in pulmonary, hepatic and splenic tissues of BALB/c mice associated with severe immunopathologies, the isogenic iglD mutant is severely defective. Within hMDMs, the iglD mutant-containing phagosomes mature to either a late endosome-like phagosome, similar to the parental strain, or to a phagolysosome, similar to phagosomes harbouring the iglC mutant control. Despite heterogeneity and alterations in phagosome biogenesis, the iglD mutant bacteria escape into the cytosol faster than the parental strain within hMDMs and pulmonary cells of BALB/c mice. Co-infections of hMDMs with the wild-type strain and the iglD mutant, or super-infection of iglD mutant-infected hMDMs with the wild-type strain show that the mutant strain replicates robustly within the cytosol of hMDMs coinhabited by the wild strain. However, when the wild-type strain-infected hMDMs are super-infected by the iglD mutant, the mutant fails to replicate in the cytosol of communal macrophages. This is the first demonstration of a F. tularensis novel protein essential for proliferation in the macrophage cytosol. Our data indicate that F. tularensis transduces signals to the macrophage cytosol to remodel it into a proliferative niche, and IglD is essential for transduction of these signals.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a highly infectious Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes the fulminating disease tularemia and is considered to be a potential bioweapon. F. tularensis pathogenicity island proteins play a key role in modulating phagosome biogenesis and subsequent bacterial escape into the cytoplasm of macrophages. The 23 kDa pathogenicity island protein IglC is essential for the survival and proliferation of F. tularensis in macrophages. Seeking to gain some insight into its function, we determined the crystal structure of IglC at 1.65 A resolution. IglC adopts a beta-sandwich conformation that exhibits no similarity with any known protein structure.  相似文献   

Upon entry of Francisella tularensis to macrophages, the Francisella‐containing phagosome (FCP) is trafficked into an acidified late endosome‐like phagosome with limited fusion to the lysosomes followed by rapid escape into the cytosol where the organism replicates. Although the Francisella Pathogenicity Island (FPI), which encodes a type VI‐like secretion apparatus, is required for modulation of phagosome biogenesis and escape into the cytosol, the mechanisms involved are not known. To decipher the molecular bases of modulation of biogenesis of the FCP and bacterial escape into the macrophage cytosol, we have screened a comprehensive mutant library of F. tularensis ssp. novicida for their defect in proliferation within human macrophages, followed by characterization of modulation of phagosome biogenesis and bacterial escape into the cytosol. Our data show that at least 202 genes are required for intracellular proliferation within macrophages. Among the 125 most defective mutants in intracellular proliferation, we show that the FCP of at least 91 mutants colocalize persistently with the late endosomal/lysosomal marker LAMP‐1 and fail to escape into the cytosol, as determined by fluorescence‐based phagosome integrity assays and transmission electron microscopy. At least 34 genes are required for proliferation within the cytosol but do not play a detectable role in modulation of phagosome biogenesis and bacterial escape into the cytosol. Our data indicate a tremendous adaptation and metabolic reprogramming by F. tularensis to adjust to the micro‐environmental and nutritional cues within the FCP, and these adjustments play essential roles in modulation of phagosome biogenesis and escape into the cytosol of macrophages as well as proliferation in the cytosol. The plethora of the networks of genes that orchestrate F. tularensis‐mediated modulation of phagosome biogenesis, phagosomal escape and bacterial proliferation within the cytosol is novel, complex and involves an unusually large portion of the genome of an intracellular pathogen.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a highly virulent facultative intracellular pathogen that has been categorized as a class A bioterrorism agent, and is classified into four subsp, tularensis, holarctica, mediasiatica and novicida. Although the ability of F. tularensis subsp. novicida to cause tularemia in mice is similar to the virulent subsp. tularensis and holarctica, it is attenuated in humans. It is not known whether attenuation of F. tularensis subsp. novicida in humans is resulting from a different route of trafficking within human macrophages, compared with the tularensis or holarctica subsp. Here we show that in quiescent human monocytes-derived macrophages (hMDMs), the F. tularensis subsp. novicida containing phagosome (FCP) matures into a late endosome-like stage that acquires the late endosomal marker LAMP-2 but does not fuse to lysosomes. This modulation of phagosome biogenesis by F. tularensis is followed by disruption of the phagosome at 4-12 h and subsequent bacterial escape into cytoplasm where the organism replicates. In IFN-gamma-activated hMDMs, intracellular replication of F. tularensis is completely inhibited, and is associated with failure of the organism to escape from the phagosome into the cytoplasm for up to 24 h after infection. In IFN-gamma-activated hMDMs, the FCPs acquire the lysosomal enzymes Cathepsin D, which is excluded in quiescent hMDMs. When the lysosomes of IFN-gamma-activated hMDMs are preload with Texas Red Ovalbumin or BSA-gold, the FCPs acquire both lysosomal tracers. In contrast, both lysosomal tracers are excluded from the FCPs within quiescent hMDMs. We conclude that although F. tularensis subsp. novicida is attenuated in humans, it modulates biogenesis of its phagosome into a late endosome-like compartment followed by bacterial escape into the cytoplasm within quiescent hMDMs, similar to the virulent subsp. tularensis. In IFN-gamma-activated hMDMs, the organism fails to escape into the cytoplasm and its phagosome fuses to lysosomes, similar to inert particles.  相似文献   

Francisella novicida is a facultative intracellular pathogen capable of growing in macrophages. A spontaneous mutant of F. novicida defective for growth in macrophages was isolated on LB media containing the chromogenic phosphatase substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate (X-p) and designated GB2. Using an in cis complementation strategy, four strains were isolated that are restored for growth in macrophages. A locus isolated from one of these strains complements GB2 for both the intracellular growth defect and the colony morphology on LB (X-p) media. The locus consists of an apparent operon of two genes, designated mglAB , for macrophage growth locus. Both mglA and mglB transposon insertion mutants are defective for intracellular growth and have a phenotype similar to GB2 on LB (X-p) media. Sequencing of mglA cloned from GB2 identified a missense mutation, providing evidence that both mglA and mglB are required for the intramacrophage growth of F. novicida. mglB expression in GB2 was confirmed using antiserum against recombinant MglB. Cell fractionation studies revealed several differences in the protein profiles of mgl mutants compared with wild-type F. novicida . The deduced amino acid sequences of mglA and mglB show similarity to the SspA and SspB proteins of Escherichia coli and Haemophilus spp. In E. coli , SspA and/or SspB influence the levels of multiple proteins under conditions of nutritional stress, and SspA can associate with the RNA polymerase holoenzyme. Taken together, these observations suggest that in Francisella MglA and MglB may affect the expression of genes whose products contribute to survival and growth within macrophages.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a highly infectious, facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen that is the causative agent of tularemia. Nearly a century ago, researchers observed that tularemia was often fatal in North America but almost never fatal in Europe and Asia. The chromosomes of F. tularensis strains carry two identical copies of the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), and the FPIs of North America-specific biotypes contain two genes, anmK and pdpD, that are not found in biotypes that are distributed over the entire Northern Hemisphere. In this work, we studied the contribution of anmK and pdpD to virulence by using F. novicida, which is very closely related to F. tularensis but which carries only one copy of the FPI. We showed that anmK and pdpD are necessary for full virulence but not for intracellular growth. This is in sharp contrast to most other FPI genes that have been studied to date, which are required for intracellular growth. We also showed that PdpD is localized to the outer membrane. Further, overexpression of PdpD affects the cellular distribution of FPI-encoded proteins IglA, IglB, and IglC. Finally, deletions of FPI genes encoding proteins that are homologues of known components of type VI secretion systems abolished the altered distribution of IglC and the outer membrane localization of PdpD.  相似文献   

The bacterium Myxococcus xanthus uses a G protein cycle to dynamically regulate the leading/lagging pole polarity axis. The G protein MglA is regulated by its GTPase-activating protein (GAP) MglB, thus resembling Ras family proteins. Here, we show structurally and biochemically that MglA undergoes a dramatic, GDP-GTP-dependent conformational change involving a screw-type forward movement of the central β2-strand, never observed in any other G protein. This movement and complex formation with MglB repositions the conserved residues Arg53 and Gln82 into the active site. Residues required for catalysis are thus not provided by the GAP MglB, but by MglA itself. MglB is a Roadblock/LC7 protein and functions as a dimer to stimulate GTP hydrolysis in a 2:1 complex with MglA. In vivo analyses demonstrate that hydrolysis mutants abrogate Myxococcus' ability to regulate its polarity axis changing the reversal behaviour from stochastic to oscillatory and that both MglA GTPase activity and MglB GAP catalysis are essential for maintaining a proper polarity axis.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative bacterium Francisella tularensis causes tularemia, a disease which requires bacterial escape from phagosomes of infected macrophages. Once in the cytosol, the bacterium rapidly multiplies, inhibits activation of the inflammasome and ultimately causes death of the host cell. Of importance for these processes is a 33-kb gene cluster, the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), which is believed to encode a type VI secretion system (T6SS). In this study, we analyzed the role of the FPI-encoded proteins VgrG and DotU, which are conserved components of type VI secretion (T6S) clusters. We demonstrate that in F. tularensis LVS, VgrG was shown to form multimers, consistent with its suggested role as a trimeric membrane puncturing device in T6SSs, while the inner membrane protein DotU was shown to stabilize PdpB/IcmF, another T6SS core component. Upon infection of J774 cells, both ΔvgrG and ΔdotU mutants did not escape from phagosomes, and subsequently, did not multiply or cause cytopathogenicity. They also showed impaired activation of the inflammasome and marked attenuation in the mouse model. Moreover, all of the DotU-dependent functions investigated here required the presence of three residues that are essentially conserved among all DotU homologues. Thus, in agreement with a core function in T6S clusters, VgrG and DotU play key roles for modulation of the intracellular host response as well as for the virulence of F. tularensis.  相似文献   

Vetiver is the only grass cultivated worldwide for the root essential oil, which is a mixture of sesquiterpene alcohols and hydrocarbons, used extensively in perfumery and cosmetics. Light and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of bacteria in the cortical parenchymatous essential oil-producing cells and in the lysigen lacunae in close association with the essential oil. This finding and the evidence that axenic Vetiver produces in vitro only trace amounts of oil with a strikingly different composition compared with the oils from in vivo Vetiver plants stimulated the hypothesis of an involvement of these bacteria in the oil metabolism. We used culture-based and culture-independent approaches to analyse the microbial community of the Vetiver root. Results demonstrate a broad phylogenetic spectrum of bacteria, including alpha-, beta- and gamma-Proteobacteria, high-G+C-content Gram-positive bacteria, and microbes belonging to the Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria group. We isolated root-associated bacteria and showed that most of them are able to grow by using oil sesquiterpenes as a carbon source and to metabolize them releasing into the medium a large number of compounds typically found in commercial Vetiver oils. Several bacteria were also able to induce gene expression of a Vetiver sesquiterpene synthase. These results support the intriguing hypothesis that bacteria may have a role in essential oil biosynthesis opening the possibility to use them to manoeuvre the Vetiver oil molecular structure.  相似文献   

Under stress conditions, the facultative intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes produces a ClpC ATPase, which is a general stress protein encoded by clpC and belonging to the HSP-100/Clp family. A ClpC-deficient mutant was obtained by gene disruption in strain LO28, which became highly susceptible to stress conditions in vitro . Intracellular growth of this mutant was restricted within macrophages, one of the major target cells of L . monocytogenes , during the infectious process. A quantitative electron microscope study showed that, contrary to wild-type bacteria that rapidly gain access to the cytoplasm of macrophages, mutant bacteria remained confined to membrane-bound phagosomes. Only a few mutant bacteria disrupted the phagosome membrane after 4 h of incubation, then polymerized actin filaments and multiplied within the cytoplasm. The ClpC ATPase, therefore, promotes early bacterial escape from the phagosome of macrophages, thus enhancing intracellular survival. The ClpC ATPase was produced in vivo during experimental infection by wild-type bacteria. The virulence of the ClpC-deficient mutant was severely attenuated in mice, with a three-log decrease in its 50% lethal dose compared with wild-type bacteria. Bacterial growth of mutant bacteria was strongly restricted in organs, presumably because of an impairment of intracellular survival in host tissues. Our results provide evidence that a general stress protein is required for the virulence of L . monocytogenes , which behaves as a virulence factor promoting intracellular survival of this pathogen.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis can be disseminated via aerosols, and once inhaled, only a few microorganisms may result in tularemia pneumonia. Effective responses to this threat depend on a thorough understanding of the disease development and pathogenesis. In this study, a class of time-dose-response models was expanded to describe quantitatively the relationship between the temporal probability distribution of the host response and the in vivo bacterial kinetics. An extensive literature search was conducted to locate both the dose-dependent survival data and the in vivo bacterial count data of monkeys exposed to aerosolized F. tularensis. One study reporting responses of monkeys to four different sizes of aerosol particles (2.1, 7.5, 12.5, and 24.0 μm) of the SCHU S4 strain and three studies involving five in vivo growth curves of various strains (SCHU S4, 425, and live vaccine strains) initially delivered to hosts in aerosol form (1 to 5 μm) were found. The candidate models exhibited statistically acceptable fits to the time- and dose-dependent host response and provided estimates for the bacterial growth distribution. The variation pattern of such estimates with aerosol size was found to be consistent with the reported pathophysiological and clinical observations. The predicted growth curve for 2.1-μm aerosolized bacteria was highly consistent with the available bacterial count data. This is the first instance in which the relationship between the in vivo growth of F. tularensis and the host response can be quantified by mechanistic mathematical models.  相似文献   

Intestinal epithelial cells are an important site of the host's interaction with enteroinvasive bacteria. Genes in the chromosomally encoded Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI 2) that encodes a type III secretion system and genes on the virulence plasmid pSDL2 of Salmonella enteritica serovar Dublin (spv genes) are thought to be important for Salmonella dublin survival in host cells. We hypothesized that genes in those loci may be important also for prolonged Salmonella growth and the induction of apoptosis induced by Salmonella in human intestinal epithelial cells. HT-29 human intestinal epithelial cells were infected with wild-type S. dublin or isogenic mutants deficient in the expression of spv genes or with SPI 2 locus mutations. Neither the spv nor the SPI 2 mutations affected bacterial entry into epithelial cells or intracellular proliferation of Salmonella during the initial 8 h after infection. However, at later periods, bacteria with mutations in the SPI 2 locus or in the spv locus compared to wild-type bacteria, manifested a marked decrease in intracellular proliferation and a different distribution pattern of bacteria within infected cells. Epithelial cell apoptosis was markedly increased in response to infection with wild-type, but not the mutant Salmonella. However, apoptosis of epithelial cells infected with wild-type S. dublin was delayed for approximately 28 h after bacterial entry. Apoptosis was preceded by caspase 3 activation, which was also delayed for approximately 24 h after infection. Despite its late onset, the cellular commitment to apoptosis was determined in the early period after infection as inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis during the first 6 h after epithelial cell infection with wild-type S. dublin, but not at later times, inhibited the induction of apoptosis. These studies indicate that genes in the SPI 2 and the spv loci are crucial for prolonged bacterial growth in intestinal epithelial cells. In addition to their influence on intracellular proliferation of Salmonella, genes in those loci determine the ultimate fate of infected epithelial cells with respect to caspase 3 activation and undergoing death by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Francisella tularensis is a facultative intracellular pathogen. Its capacity to induce disease depends on the ability to invade and multiply within a wide range of eukaryotic cells, such as professional phagocytes. The comparative disinterest in tularemia in the past relative to other human bacterial pathogens is reflected in the paucity of information concerning the mechanisms of pathogenesis. Only a few genes and gene products associated with Francisella virulence are known to date. The aim of this study was to find and identify proteins of F. tularensis live vaccine strain induced in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, and to investigate the role of the IglC protein in the regulation of genes expressed upon peroxide stress. The [(35)S]-radiolabelled protein patterns were examined for both the wild live vaccine strain and its DeltaiglC1+2 mutant defective in synthesis of the IglC protein that was found to be strongly up-regulated during intracellular growth in murine macrophages in vitro and upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide. Globally, we found 21 protein spots whose levels were significantly altered in the presence of hydrogen peroxide in both the wild-type and mutant strains.  相似文献   

It is shown that N-formylation of the tryptophan residues of gramicidin completely and reversibly blocks the hexagonal HII phase-inducing ability of the peptide in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine model membranes.  相似文献   

Yu TS  Li H 《Plant physiology》2001,127(1):90-96
Protein import into chloroplasts is mediated by a protein import apparatus located in the chloroplast envelope. Previous results indicate that there may be multiple import complexes in Arabidopsis. To gain further insight into the nature of this multiplicity, we analyzed the Arabidopsis ppi1 and ppi2 mutants, which are null mutants of the atToc33 and atToc159 translocon proteins, respectively. In the ppi2 mutant, in contrast to the extremely defective plastids in mesophyll cells, chloroplasts in guard cells still contained starch granules and thylakoid membranes. The morphology of root plastids in both mutants was similar to that in wild type. After prolonged light treatments, root plastids of both mutants and the wild type differentiated into chloroplasts. Enzymatic assays indicated that the activity of a plastid enzyme was reduced only in leaves but not in roots. These results indicated that both the ppi1 and ppi2 mutants had functional root and guard cell plastids. Therefore, we propose that import complexes are cell type specific rather than substrate or plastid specific.  相似文献   

We characterized two essential putative GTPases, Nog1p and Lsg1p, that are found associated with free 60S ribosomal subunits affinity purified with the nuclear export adapter Nmd3p. Nog1p and Lsg1p are nucleolar and cytoplasmic, respectively, and are not simultaneously on the same particle, reflecting the path of Nmd3p shuttling in and out of the nucleus. Conditional mutants of both NOG1 and LSG1 are defective in 60S subunit biogenesis and display diminished levels of 60S subunits at restrictive temperature. Mutants of both genes also accumulate the 60S ribosomal reporter Rpl25-eGFP in the nucleolus, suggesting that both proteins are needed for subunit export from the nucleolus. Since Lsg1p is cytoplasmic, its role in nuclear export is likely to be indirect. We suggest that Lsg1p is needed to recycle an export factor(s) that shuttles from the nucleus associated with the nascent 60S subunit.  相似文献   

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