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李刚 《生命的化学》2014,(1):126-127
"蛋白质"是一个常用词,但经常和另一个只有一字之差的称谓"蛋白"相混淆,使用极不规范。本文对此现象进行分析并提出意见,希望有助于科技名词使用的规范化。  相似文献   

“荼”与“茶”邢湘臣(上海市水产养殖总公司200080)中国是茶的故乡。中国人民最早发明饮茶、种茶和制茶。如今,茶已成为世界上最广泛的饮料之一。世界各国文字中的“茶”,均从我国古代对外贸易港口所在地的广东、福建等地的方言音译转变而来。从“茶”到“茶”...  相似文献   

临川县上顿渡公社种有甘蔗7500多亩,因蔗螟为害的枯心苗平均达5%,严重的达18%。据农民经验早期若不防治,将来可达50%—60%。现在社员采取下列措施及早防治。 捉 看到枯心苗或叶缘焦黄枯萎症状的茎部就找虫孔,在虫孔处把茎破开,宁愿牺牲一株被害蔗苗,捕杀一只虫,就等于将来杀死几百只虫。 扦 手执扦虫针(用一尺多长的小铁丝,一端磨尖,或锤尖磨光)先向被害茎的虫孔里横插几下,再从上而下直插人茎杆中心,上下循回扦插几次,虫就杀死在茎中。一般插至虫孔下1—2寸深处,虫就可以杀死的,有时也要深扦些。被扦插的甘蔗虽然残废(若不扦杀虫这株还会死的),但还能保持了生活力,可以从茎基部分蘖再长出新蔗来。  相似文献   

“Motif”可译为“模体符”崔肇春(大连医科大学生化教研室,大连116027)对于“motif”一词的译法,似乎还没有一个统一的中文词。在蛋白质的结构上经常遇到这个词。按,这个词的原意是刺绣花边上的重复出现的图案,现借到蛋白质结构上来用,也就是一个...  相似文献   

一九八○年十一月四日,成都动物园饲养了一年多的一对大熊猫“宝宝”和“天天”带着我国人民对西德人民的友谊,告别了蓉城到西德最大的城市西柏林去落户。由成都到西柏林,飞机要飞行二十二个小时,到法兰克福机场时是西德时间上午十点多,因为要转机,“天天”和“宝宝”在这里下了飞机。尽管那天法兰克福的天气很冷,寒风劲吹,雪花飞扬,一大批新闻记者冒着严寒在机场等候,“宝宝”、“天天”一出机舱,记者们的摄影机、电视录象机、电影拍摄机的镜头蜂拥而上,都以先拍为快。由法兰克福到西柏林是由一架美国军用飞机专程运送,当这架飞机到达西柏…  相似文献   

在普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《生理学》第六版第七章《能量代谢与体温》中,表7—1有“营养学热价”的概念,但没有做任何注释,文中也未给出任何解释。笔者对此概念及其出处不甚理解,找到第三版、第四版、第五版《生理学》教材和7年制规划教材《生理学》做比较如下:  相似文献   

Those standard historiographic themes of evolution and revolution need replacing. They perpetuate mid-Victorian scientists history of science. Historians history of science does well to take in the long run from the Greek and Hebrew heritages on, and to work at avoiding misleading anachronism and teleology. As an alternative to the usual evo-revo themes, a historiography of origins and species, of cosmologies (including microcosmogonies and macrocosmogonies) and ontologies, is developed here. The advantages of such a historiography are illustrated by looking briefly at a number of transitions the transition from Greek and Hebrew doctrines to their integrations by medieval authors; the transition from the Platonist, Aristotelian, Christian Aquinas to the Newtonian Buffon and to the no less Newtonian Lamarck; the departures the early Darwin made away from Lamarcks and from Lyells views. Issues concerning historical thinking about nature, concerning essentialism and concerning classification are addressed in an attempt to challenge customary stereotypes. Questions about originality and influence are raised, especially concerning Darwins tree of life scheme. The broader historiography of Darwinian science as a social ideology, and as a worldview, is examined and the scope for revisions emphasised. Throughout, graduate students are encouraged to see this topic area not as worked out, but as full of opportunities for fresh contributions.  相似文献   

最近有些书刊和博物馆的陈列在谈人类起源时,常常把“猿人”(例如“北京猿人”)叫做“直立人”,这是怎么回事呢?这里作一简单介绍:“猿人”的概念最早是谁提出的? 早在1873年,德国的进化论者海克尔在讨论灵长类的进化谱系时,认为在“本来意义上”的人出现之前的那一阶段,是“没有语言的原始人”。1889年他研究了25年前发现的尼安德特人(一种化石人类)后,进一步提出一条人类发展的进化线,认为现代人即“智人”,  相似文献   

初中《生理卫生》“内分泌系统”一章和高中《生物》“生命活动的调节”一章里都讲到生长素这一概念.根据上海辞书社出版的辞海《生物》分册里的解释是:“生长素是植物的一种激素,即β-吲哚乙酸.有调节茎的生长速率、抑制侧芽、促进生根等作用……”而内分泌系统一文里所讲的生长素是指脑垂体分泌的一种激素,即生长激素.根据辞海里的解释是:“生长激素是脑垂体前叶分泌的激素之一.是一种蛋白质.具有促进生长,保留体内蛋白质的储存,使骨骼迅速增长等功能.”从上述辞海里的解释来看,生长素与生长激素应是具有不同结构,由不同生物体产生的,对生物体有着  相似文献   

<正>一个人有心理问题,甚至严重的患上心理疾病,一般背后都与文化有着或多或少的关系.也可以说,大多数的心理疾病其实就是"文化病".我先来给大家讲一下我自己经历的一件事情.一个心理学行业的微信群里边,有400多人,都是一些心理学行业的精英或者是各个地  相似文献   

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) involves aberrant airway inflammatory responses to cigarette smoke (CS) associated with respiratory epithelial cell cilia shortening and impaired mucociliary clearance (MCC). The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms for CS-associated cilia shortening have remained incompletely understood. We have previously demonstrated increased autophagy in the lungs of COPD patients; however, whether or not this process is selective for specific autophagic targets in the lung was not elucidated. Based on observations that increased morphological and biochemical indicators of autophagy correlate with cilia shortening in our models, we posited that autophagy might regulate cilia length in response to CS in the lung. We demonstrate that CS-induced cilia shortening occurs through an autophagy-dependent mechanism mediated by the deacetylase HDAC6 (histone deacetylase 6). Autophagy-impaired (Becn1+/?, map1lc3b?/?, or Hdac6-/Y) mice resist CS-induced cilia shortening. Furthermore, cilia components are identified as autophagic substrates during CS exposure. Assessment of airway cilia function using a 3D MCC assay demonstrates that Becn1+/?, map1lc3b?/?, and Hdac6-/Y mice or mice injected with the HDAC6 inhibitor tubastatin A are protected from CS-associated mucociliary dysfunction. We concluded that an autophagy-dependent pathway regulates cilia length during CS exposure, which identifies new pathways and targets in COPD.  相似文献   

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