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Mutations in OPA1 are the most frequent cause underlying autosomal dominant optic atrophy (adOA). Until now only few putative splicing mutations in the OPA1 gene have been investigated at the mRNA level and all these result in exon skipping. Here, we report the identification and cDNA analysis of four intronic and three exonic OPA1 gene mutations that cause a variety of splicing defects including activation of cryptic splice sites in either flanking exon or intron sequences, and a leaky splicing mutation. Our results show that cDNA analysis is of prime importance for the full evaluation of the effect of putative splicing mutations in the OPA1 gene.  相似文献   

Certain thalassemic human beta-globin pre-mRNAs carry mutations that generate aberrant splice sites and/or activate cryptic splice sites, providing a convenient and clinically relevant system to study splice site selection. Antisense 2'-O-methyl oligoribonucleotides were used to block a number of sequences in these pre-mRNAs and were tested for their ability to inhibit splicing in vitro or to affect the ratio between aberrantly and correctly spliced products. By this approach, it was found that (i) up to 19 nucleotides upstream from the branch point adenosine are involved in proper recognition and functioning of the branch point sequence; (ii) whereas at least 25 nucleotides of exon sequences at both 3' and 5' ends are required for splicing, this requirement does not extend past the 5' splice site sequence of the intron; and (iii) improving the 5' splice site of the internal exon to match the consensus sequence strongly decreases the accessibility of the upstream 3' splice site to antisense 2'-O-methyl oligoribonucleotides. This result most likely reflects changes in the strength of interactions near the 3' splice site in response to improvement of the 5' splice site and further supports the existence of communication between these sites across the exon.  相似文献   

Disease causing aberrations in both tuberous sclerosis predisposing genes, TSC1 and TSC2, comprise nearly every type of alteration with a predominance of small truncating mutations distributed over both genes. We performed an RNA based screening of the entire coding regions of both TSC genes applying the protein truncation test (PTT) and identified a high proportion of unusual splicing abnormalities affecting the TSC2 gene. Two cases exhibited different splice acceptor mutations in intron 9 (IVS9-15G-->A and IVS9-3C-->G) both accompanied by exon 10 skipping and simultaneous usage of a cryptic splice acceptor in exon 10. Another splice acceptor mutation (IVS38-18A-->G) destroyed the putative polypyrimidine structure in intron 38 and resulted in simultaneous intron retention and usage of a downstream cryptic splice acceptor in exon 39. Another patient bore a C-->T transition in intron 8 (IVS8+281C-->T) activating a splice donor site and resulting in the inclusion of a newly recognised exon in the mRNA followed by a premature stop. These splice variants deduced from experimental results are additionally supported by RNA secondary structure analysis based on free energy minimisation. Three of the reported splicing anomalies are due to sequence changes remote from exon/intron boundaries, described for the first time in TSC. These findings highlight the significance of investigating intronic changes and their consequences on the mRNA level as disease causing mutations in TSC.  相似文献   

Polycystin-L is a member of the expanding family of polycystins. Mutations in polycystin-1 or -2 cause human autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The mouse ortholog of PKDL, Pkdl, is deleted in a mouse line with renal and retinal defects. We recently have shown that polycystin-L has calcium channel properties. In the current study, we determined the exon/intron organization of the PKDL gene and its alternative splicing. We show that PKDL has 16 exons. All splice acceptor/donor sites for these exons conform to the GT-AG rule. The positions of introns and the sizes of exons in the PKDL gene are very similar to those of PKD2, except for the last two 3′ end exons. RT-PCR demonstrates the existence of at least three polycystin-L splice variants: PKDL(Δ5), PKDL(Δ456), and PKDL(Δ15) that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. In addition, we have localized polymorphic marker D10S603 to intron 4 and exon 5 of PKDL. Elucidation of the gene structure, exact location, and alternative splicing patterns of PKDL will facilitate its evaluation as a candidate gene in cystic or other genetic disorders. Received: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 16 September 1999  相似文献   

We report a PvuII polymorphism near exon 2 of the dystrophin gene with a heterozygosity frequency of 0.5.  相似文献   



The different isoforms of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) play diverse roles in vascular growth, structure and function. Alternative splicing of the VEGF gene results in the expression of three abundant isoforms: VEGF121, VEGF165 and VEGF189. The mRNA for VEGF189 contains the alternatively spliced exon 6A whereas the mRNA for VEGF165 lacks this exon. The objective of this study was to identify the cis elements that control utilization of exon 6A. A reporter minigene was constructed (pGFP-E6A) containing the coding sequence for GFP whose translation was dependent on faithful splicing for removal of the VEGF exon 6A. To identify cis-acting splicing elements, sequential deletions were made across exon 6A in the pGFP-E6A plasmid.  相似文献   

Auxiliary splicing signals play a major role in the regulation of constitutive and alternative pre-mRNA splicing, but their relative importance in selection of mutation-induced cryptic or de novo splice sites is poorly understood. Here, we show that exonic sequences between authentic and aberrant splice sites that were activated by splice-site mutations in human disease genes have lower frequencies of splicing enhancers and higher frequencies of splicing silencers than average exons. Conversely, sequences between authentic and intronic aberrant splice sites have more enhancers and less silencers than average introns. Exons that were skipped as a result of splice-site mutations were smaller, had lower SF2/ASF motif scores, a decreased availability of decoy splice sites and a higher density of silencers than exons in which splice-site mutation activated cryptic splice sites. These four variables were the strongest predictors of the two aberrant splicing events in a logistic regression model. Elimination or weakening of predicted silencers in two reporters consistently promoted use of intron-proximal splice sites if these elements were maintained at their original positions, with their modular combinations producing expected modification of splicing. Together, these results show the existence of a gradient in exon and intron definition at the level of pre-mRNA splicing and provide a basis for the development of computational tools that predict aberrant splicing outcomes.  相似文献   

Fox-1 is a regulator of tissue-specific splicing, via binding to the element (U)GCAUG in mRNA precursors, in muscles and neuronal cells. Fox-1 can regulate splicing positively or negatively, most likely depending on where it binds relative to the regulated exon. In cases where the (U)GCAUG element lies in an intron upstream of the alternative exon, Fox-1 protein functions as a splicing repressor to induce exon skipping. Here we report the mechanism of exon skipping regulated by Fox-1, using the hF1γ gene as a model system. We found that Fox-1 induces exon 9 skipping by repressing splicing of the downstream intron 9 via binding to the GCAUG repressor elements located in the upstream intron 8. In vitro splicing analyses showed that Fox-1 prevents formation of the pre-spliceosomal early (E) complex on intron 9. In addition, we located a region of the Fox-1 protein that is required for inducing exon skipping. Taken together, our data show a novel mechanism of how RNA-binding proteins regulate alternative splicing.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 2C (CYP2C) gene locus was found to includea novel exon 1 sequence with high similarity to the canonicalexon 1 of CYP2C18. Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) andPCR amplifications of human liver cDNA revealed the presenceof several intergenic species containing the CYP2C18 exon 1–likesequence spliced to different combinations of exonic and intronicsequences from the CYP2C9 gene. One splice variant was foundto have an open reading frame starting at the canonical translationinitiation codon of the CYP2C18 exon 1–like sequence.Another variant consisted of the nine typical CYP2C9 exons splicedafter the CYP2C18 exon 1–like sequence through a segmentof CYP2C9 5' flanking sequences. Moreover, analysis of bacterialartificial chromosome (BAC) clones revealed that the CYP2C18exon 1–like sequence was located in the intergenic regionbetween the CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genes. The finding that a solitaryexon is spliced with sequences from a neighboring gene may beinterpreted as representing a general evolutionary mechanismaimed at using the full expression potential of a cell's genomicinformational content.  相似文献   

A transcribed gene in an intron of the human factor VIII gene   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

EDA is a facultative type III homology of human fibronectin encoded by an alternative spliced exon. The EDA+ and EDA- mRNA forms show a cell type specific distribution with their relative proportion varying during development, aging and oncogenic transformation. We have previously demonstrated that an 81 bp nucleotide sequence within the exon itself is essential for differential RNA processing. Fine mapping of cis acting elements within this region has been carried out to identify possible target sites for the modulation of alternative splicing. There are at least two short nucleotide sequences involved. Element A (GAAGAAGA) is a positive modulator for the recognition of the exon, its deletion results in constitutive exclusion of the EDA exon. Element B (CAAGG) is a negative modulator for exon recognition, its deletion results in constitutive inclusion of the EDA exon. This bipartite structure of the splicing enhancer is a novel feature of the mammalian exons.  相似文献   

In the early period of cellular infection by adenovirus 2, the E2A region gives rise to 2 major mRNA species of 2.0 and 2.3 kilobases, formed by alternative excisions of intron 2 (Gattoni et al., 1986, J. Mol. Biol. 187, 379-307). We have analysed the excision pathways of this intron. Two major intron species of 626 and 337 nucleotides, generated by the use of 2 consensus 3' splicing sites and a minor intron species of 520 nucleotides, generated by the use of another weaker 3' splicing site, are identified, the 3 species sharing a common 5' splicing site. They are detected predominantly in the lariat form. For the 2 major species we analyzed, the branched nucleotides are localized at consensus branching sequences, 26 or 25 nucleotides upstream from the 3' terminal AG. Our results confirm that the first reactions of cleavage at the 5' end of introns and branching occur in vivo as described in in vitro systems. The second predominant form of intron 2 is the linear segment, whereas the nicked lariat form which is very minor, might not be a genuine product of in vivo splicing. All intron 2 molecules show practically intact 5' and 3' terminal sequences, indicating that they are well protected against nuclease attack throughout their life. Therefore, these results indicate that the primary reaction following the excision of the lariat intron is debranching. In addition, the existence of a potential 5' splicing site contiguous to the major internal 3' splicing site raised the possibility of an elimination of the major 626 nucleotide intron in 2 cycles of excision. However, we demonstrate that intron 2 is systematically excised by a one cycle process, which is likely to represent the general rule for the production of correctly spliced mRNA.  相似文献   

Heteroduplex analysis was used to search for small mutations in a sample of 40 Italian DMD/BMB patients in whom large rearrangements were not found. A novel nonsense mutation in exon 17 of the dystrophin gene, consisting of a C to T transition, is described.  相似文献   

Full genotypic characterization of subjects affected by cystic fibrosis (CF) is essential for the definition of the genotype-phenotype correlation as well as for the enhancement of the diagnostic and prognostic value of the genetic investigation. High-sensitivity diagnostic methods, capable of full scanning of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, are needed to enhance the significance of these genetic assays. A method for extensive sequencing of the CFTR gene was optimized. This method was applied to subjects clinically positive for CF and to controls from the general population of central Italy as well as to a single subject heterozygous for a mild mutation and with an uncertain diagnosis. Some points that are crucial for the optimization of the method emerged: a 96-well format, primer project and purification, and amplicon purification. The optimized method displayed a high degree of diagnostic sensitivity; we identified a subset of 13 CFTR mutations that greatly enhanced the diagnostic sensitivity of common methods of mutational analysis. A novel G1244R disease causing mutation, leading to a CF phenotype with pancreatic sufficiency but early onset of pulmonary involvement, was detected in the subject with an uncertain diagnosis. Some discrepancies between our results and previously published CFTR sequence were found.  相似文献   

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