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FE65 binds to the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (APP), but the function of this interaction has not been identified. Here, we report that APP and FE65 are involved in regulation of cell movement. APP and FE65 colocalize with actin and Mena, an Abl-associated signaling protein thought to regulate actin dynamics, in lamellipodia. APP and FE65 specifically concentrate with beta 1-integrin in dynamic adhesion sites known as focal complexes, but not in more static adhesion sites known as focal adhesions. Overexpression of APP accelerates cell migration in an MDCK cell wound--healing assay. Coexpression of APP and FE65 dramatically enhances the effect of APP on cell movement, probably by regulating the amount of APP at the cell surface. These data are consistent with a role for FE65 and APP, possibly in a Mena-containing macromolecular complex, in regulation of actin-based motility.  相似文献   

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are critical for the maturation and plasticity of glutamatergic synapses. In the hippocampus, NMDARs mainly contain GluN2A and/or GluN2B regulatory subunits. The amyloid precursor protein (APP) has emerged as a putative regulator of NMDARs, but the impact of this interaction to their function is largely unknown. By combining patch-clamp electrophysiology and molecular approaches, we unravel a dual mechanism by which APP controls GluN2B-NMDARs, depending on the life stage. We show that APP is highly abundant specifically at the postnatal postsynapse. It interacts with GluN2B-NMDARs, controlling its synaptic content and mediated currents, both in infant mice and primary neuronal cultures. Upon aging, the APP amyloidogenic-derived C-terminal fragments, rather than APP full-length, contribute to aberrant GluN2B-NMDAR currents. Accordingly, we found that the APP processing is increased upon aging, both in mice and human brain. Interfering with stability or production of the APP intracellular domain normalized the GluN2B-NMDARs currents. While the first mechanism might be essential for synaptic maturation during development, the latter could contribute to age-related synaptic impairments.  相似文献   

FE65 is an adaptor protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic tail of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). In cultured non-neuronal cells, the formation of the FE65-APP complex is a key element for the modulation of APP processing, signalling and beta-amyloid (Abeta) production. The functions of FE65 in vivo, including its role in the metabolism of neuronal APP, remain to be investigated. In this study, transgenic mice expressing human FE65 were generated and crossbred with APP transgenic mice, known to develop Abeta deposits at 6 months of age. Compared with APP mice, APP/FE65 double transgenic mice exhibited a lower Abeta accumulation in the cerebral cortex as demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and immunoassay, and a lower level of APP-CTFs. The reduced accumulation of Abeta in APP/FE65 double transgenics, compared with APP mice, could be linked to the low Abeta42 level observed at 4 months of age and to the lower APP-CTFs levels. The present work provides evidence that FE65 plays a role in the regulation of APP processing in an in vivo model.  相似文献   

Amyloid‐β peptides generated by proteolysis of the β‐amyloid precursor protein (APP) play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. The present study aimed to determine whether cytosolic phospholipase A2α (cPLA2α) plays a role in elevated APP protein expression induced by aggregated amyloid‐β1‐42 (Aβ) in cortical neurons and to elucidate its specific role in signal events leading to APP induction. Elevated cPLA2α and its activity determined by phosphorylation on serine 505 as well as elevated APP protein expression, were detected in primary rat cortical neuronal cultures exposed to Aβ for 24 h and in cortical neuron of human amyloid‐β1‐42 brain infused mice. Prevention of cPLA2α up‐regulation and its activity by oligonucleotide antisense against cPLA2α (AS) prevented the elevation of APP protein in cortical neuronal cultures and in mouse neuronal cortex. To determine the role of cPLA2α in the signals leading to APP induction, increased cPLA2α expression and activity induced by Aβ was prevented by means of AS in neuronal cortical cultures. Under these conditions, the elevated cyclooxygenase‐2 and the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were prevented. Addition of PGE2 or cyclic AMP analogue (dbcAMP) to neuronal cultures significantly increased the expression of APP protein, while the presence protein kinase A inhibitor (H‐89) attenuated the elevation of APP induced by Aβ. Inhibition of elevated cPLA2α by AS prevented the activation of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) as detected by its phosphorylated form, its translocation to the nucleus and its DNA binding induced by Aβ which coincided with cPLA2α dependent activation of CREB in the cortex of Aβ brain infused mice. Our results show that accumulation of Aβ induced elevation of APP protein expression mediated by cPLA2α, PGE2 release, and CREB activation via protein kinase A pathway.


Neuropilin tolloid‐like 1 (Neto1), is a CUB domain‐containing transmembrane protein that was recently identified as a novel component of the NMDA receptor complex. Here, we have investigated the possible association of Neto1 with the amyloid precursor protein (APP)695/GluN1/GluN2A and APP695/GluN1/GluN2B NMDA receptor trafficking complexes that we have previously identified. Neto1HA was shown to co‐immunoprecipitate with assembled NMDA receptors via GluN2A or GluN2B subunits; Neto1HA did not co‐immunoprecipitate APP695FLAG. Co‐immunoprecipitations from mammalian cells co‐transfected with APP695FLAG, Neto1HA and GluN1/GluN2A or GluN1/GluN2B revealed that all four proteins co‐exist within one macromolecular complex. Immunoprecipitations from native brain tissue similarly revealed the existence of a GluN1/GluN2A or GluN2B/APP/Neto1 complex. Neto1HA caused a reduction in the surface expression of both NMDA receptor subtypes, but had no effect on APP695FLAG‐ or PSD‐95αc‐Myc enhanced surface receptor expression. The Neto1 binding domain of GluN2A was mapped using GluN1/GluN2A chimeras and GluN2A truncation constructs. The extracellular GluN2A domain does not contribute to association with Neto1HA but deletion of the intracellular tail resulted in a loss of Neto‐1HA co‐immunoprecipitation which was paralleled by a loss of association between GluN2A and SAP102. Thus, Neto1 is concluded to be a component of APP/NMDA receptor trafficking complexes.


Cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a crucial event in Alzheimer disease pathogenesis that creates the amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) and liberates the carboxy-terminal APP intracellular domain (AICD) into the cytosol. The interaction of the APP C terminus with the adaptor protein Fe65 mediates APP trafficking and signalling, and is thought to regulate APP processing and Abeta generation. We determined the crystal structure of the AICD in complex with the C-terminal phosphotyrosine-binding (PTB) domain of Fe65. The unique interface involves the NPxY PTB-binding motif and two alpha helices. The amino-terminal helix of the AICD is capped by threonine T(668), an Alzheimer disease-relevant phosphorylation site involved in Fe65-binding regulation. The structure together with mutational studies, isothermal titration calorimetry and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments sets the stage for understanding T(668) phosphorylation-dependent complex regulation at a molecular level. A molecular switch model is proposed.  相似文献   

The ternary complex consisting of AICD/FE65/TIP60 is thought to play a role in gene expression and was suggested to have a crucial impact in Alzheimer's disease. AICD is the intracellular subdomain of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and able to bind the adapter protein FE65 and the histone acetyltransferase TIP60 setting up a nuclear dot-like phenotype. Within this work we readdressed the generation of the complex as a function of its compartments. Subsequently, we studied the proteome of AFT expressing cells vs. controls and identified Stathmin1 significantly down-regulated in AFT cells. Stathmin1 functions as an important regulatory protein of microtubule dynamics and was found associated with neurofibrillary tangles in brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. We validated our results using an independent label-free mass spectrometry based method using the same cell culture model. In a reversal model with diminished APP expression, caused by simultaneous knock-down of all three members of the APP family, we further confirmed our results, as Stathmin1 was regulated in an opposite fashion. We hypothesize that AICD-dependent deregulation of Stathmin1 causes microtubule disorganization, which might play an important role for the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between PS1 and gamma-secretase processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) in primary cultures of neurons. Increasing the amount of APP at the cell surface or towards endosomes did not significantly affect PS1-dependent gamma-secretase cleavage, although little PS1 is present in those subcellular compartments. In contrast, almost no gamma-secretase processing was observed when holo-APP or APP-C99, a direct substrate for gamma-secretase, were specifically retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by a double lysine retention motif. Nevertheless, APP-C99-dilysine (KK) colocalized with PS1 in the ER. In contrast, APP-C99 did not colocalize with PS1, but was efficiently processed by PS1-dependent gamma-secretase. APP-C99 resides in a compartment that is negative for ER, intermediate compartment, and Golgi marker proteins. We conclude that gamma-secretase cleavage of APP-C99 occurs in a specialized subcellular compartment where little or no PS1 is detected. This suggests that at least one other factor than PS1, located downstream of the ER, is required for the gamma-cleavage of APP-C99. In agreement, we found that intracellular gamma-secretase processing of APP-C99-KK both at the gamma40 and the gamma42 site could be restored partially after brefeldin A treatment. Our data confirm the "spatial paradox" and raise several questions regarding the PS1 is gamma-secretase hypothesis.  相似文献   

The proteolytic processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) to produce Aβ peptides is thought to play an important role in the mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease. Here, we show that lysines 587 and 595 of APP, which are immediately adjacent to the site of β-secretase cleavage, are covalently modified by SUMO proteins in vivo. Sumoylation of these lysine residues is associated with decreased levels of Aβ aggregates. Further, overexpression of the SUMO E2 enzyme ubc9 along with SUMO-1 results in decreased levels of Aβ aggregates in cells transfected with the familial Alzheimer’s disease-associated V642F mutant APP, indicating the potential of up-regulating activity of the cellular sumoylation machinery as an approach against Alzheimer’s disease. The results also provide the first demonstration that the SUMO E2 enzyme (ubc9) is present within the endoplasmic reticulum, indicating how APP, and perhaps other proteins that enter this compartment, can be sumoylated.  相似文献   

Many preclinical and clinical studies have implied a role for cholesterol in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this review we will discuss the movement of intracellular cholesterol and how normal distribution, transport, and export of cholesterol are vital for regulation of the AD related protein, Aβ. We focus on cholesterol distribution in the plasma membrane, transport through the endosomal/lysosomal system, control of cholesterol intracellular signaling at the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, the HMG-CoA reductase pathway and finally export of cholesterol from the cell.  相似文献   

Processing of amyloid precursor protein (APP) occurs through sequential cleavages first by β-secretase and then by the γ-secretase complex. However, abnormal processing of APP leads to excessive production of β-amyloid (Aβ) in the central nervous system (CNS), an event which is regarded as a primary cause of Alzheimer's disease (AD). In particular, gene mutations of the γ-secretase complex—which contains presenilin 1 or 2 as the catalytic core—could trigger marked Aβ accumulation.Olfactory dysfunction usually occurs before the onset of typical AD-related symptoms (eg, memory loss or muscle retardation), suggesting that the olfactory system may be one of the most vulnerable regions to AD. To date however, little is known about why the olfactory system is affected so early by AD prior to other regions. Thus, we examined the distribution of secretases and levels of APP processing in the olfactory system under either healthy or pathological conditions.Here, we show that the olfactory system has distinct APP processing machineries. In particular, we identified higher expressions levels and activity of γ-secretase in the olfactory epithelium (OE) than other regions of the brain. Moreover, APP c-terminal fragments (CTF) are markedly detected. During AD progression, we note increased expression of presenilin2 of γ-secretases in the OE, not in the OB, and show that neurotoxic Aβ*56 accumulates more quickly in the OE.Taken together, these results suggest that the olfactory system has distinct APP processing machineries under healthy and pathological conditions. This finding may provide a crucial understanding of the unique APP-processing mechanisms in the olfactory system, and further highlights the correlation between olfactory deficits and AD symptoms.  相似文献   

Pharmacological modulation of the GABAA receptor has gained increasing attention as a potential treatment for central processes affected in Alzheimer disease (AD), including neuronal survival and cognition. The proteolytic cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) through the α-secretase pathway decreases in AD, concurrent with cognitive impairment. This APP cleavage occurs within the β-amyloid peptide (Aβ) sequence, precluding formation of amyloidogenic peptides and leading to the release of the soluble N-terminal APP fragment (sAPPα) which is neurotrophic and procognitive. In this study, we show that at nanomolar-low micromolar concentrations, etazolate, a selective GABAA receptor modulator, stimulates sAPPα production in rat cortical neurons and in guinea pig brains. Etazolate (20 nM–2 μM) dose-dependently protected rat cortical neurons against Aβ-induced toxicity. The neuroprotective effects of etazolate were fully blocked by GABAA receptor antagonists indicating that this neuroprotection was due to GABAA receptor signalling. Baclofen, a GABAB receptor agonist failed to inhibit the Aβ-induced neuronal death. Furthermore, both pharmacological α-secretase pathway inhibition and sAPPα immunoneutralization approaches prevented etazolate neuroprotection against Aβ, indicating that etazolate exerts its neuroprotective effect via sAPPα induction. Our findings therefore indicate a relationship between GABAA receptor signalling, the α-secretase pathway and neuroprotection, documenting a new therapeutic approach for AD treatment.  相似文献   

Regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) controls the communication between cells and the extracellular environment. RIP is essential in the nervous system, but also in other tissues. In the RIP process, a membrane protein typically undergoes two consecutive cleavages. The first one results in the shedding of its ectodomain. The second one occurs within its transmembrane domain, resulting in secretion of a small peptide and the release of the intracellular domain into the cytosol. The proteolytic cleavage fragments act as versatile signaling molecules or are further degraded. An increasing number of membrane proteins undergo RIP. These include growth factors, cytokines, cell adhesion proteins, receptors, viral proteins and signal peptides. A dysregulation of RIP is found in diseases, such as leukemia and Alzheimer's disease. One of the first RIP substrates discovered was the amyloid precursor protein (APP). RIP processing of APP controls the generation of the amyloid β-peptide, which is believed to cause Alzheimer's disease. Focusing on APP as the best-studied RIP substrate, this review describes the function and mechanism of the APP RIP proteases with the goal to elucidate cellular mechanisms and common principles of the RIP process in general.  相似文献   

Cerebral ischaemia is associated with brain damage and inhibition of neuronal protein synthesis. A deficit in neuronal metabolism and altered excitatory amino acid release may both contribute to those phenomena. In the present study, we demonstrate that both NMDA and metabolic impairment by 2-deoxyglucose or inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration inhibit protein synthesis in cortical neurons through the phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor (eEF-2), without any change in phosphorylation of initiation factor eIF-2alpha. eEF-2 kinase may be activated both by Ca(2+)-independent AMP kinase or by an increase in cytosolic Ca2+. Although NMDA decreases ATP levels in neurons, only the effects of 2-deoxyglucose on protein synthesis and phosphorylation of elongation factor eEF-2 were reversed by Na(+) pyruvate. Protein synthesis inhibition by 2-deoxyglucose was not as a result of a secondary release of glutamate from cortical neurons as it was not prevented by the NMDA receptor antagonist 5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo-(a,d)-cyclohepten-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK 801), nor to an increase in cytosolic-free Ca2+. Conversely, 2-deoxyglucose likely activates eEF-2 kinase through a process involving phosphorylation by AMP kinase. In conclusion, we provide evidence that protein synthesis can be inhibited by NMDA and metabolic deprivation by two distinct mechanisms involving, respectively, Ca(2+)-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent eEF-2 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Interactions between dopamine (DA) and glutamate systems in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) are important in addiction and other psychiatric disorders. Here, we examined DA receptor regulation of NMDA receptor surface expression in postnatal rat PFC neuronal cultures. Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that surface expression (synaptic and non-synaptic) of NR1 and NR2B on PFC pyramidal neurons was increased by the D1 receptor agonist SKF 81297 (1 microM, 5 min). Activation of protein kinase A (PKA) did not alter NR1 distribution, indicating that PKA does not mediate the effect of D1 receptor stimulation. However, the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (50 microM, 30 min) completely blocked the effect of SKF 81297 on NR1 and NR2B surface expression. Protein cross-linking studies confirmed that SKF 81297 (1 microM, 5 min) increased NR1 and NR2B surface expression, and further showed that NR2A surface expression was not affected. Genistein blocked the effect of SKF 81297 on NR1 and NR2B. Surface-expressed immunoreactivity detected with a phospho-specific antibody to tyrosine 1472 of NR2B also increased after D1 agonist treatment. Our results show that tyrosine phosphorylation plays an important role in the trafficking of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in PFC neurons and the regulation of their trafficking by DA receptors.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that hypercholesterolemia may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease-like dementia but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. In this study, we evaluated the cognitive performance in rodent models of hypercholesterolemia in relation to neuroinflammatory changes and amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing, the two key parameters of Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis. Groups of normal C57BL/6 and low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient mice were fed a high fat/cholesterol diet for an 8-week period and tested for memory in a radial arm maze. It was found that the C57BL/6 mice receiving a high fat diet were deficient in handling an increasing working memory load compared with counterparts receiving a control diet while the hypercholesterolemic LDLR−/− mice showed impaired working memory regardless of diet. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed the presence of activated microglia and astrocytes in the hippocampi from high fat-fed C57BL/6 mice and LDLR−/− mice. Consistent with a neuroinflammatory response, the hyperlipidemic mice showed increased expression of cytokines/mediators including tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β and -6, nitric oxide synthase 2, and cycloxygenase 2. There was also an induced expression of the key APP processing enzyme i.e. β-site APP cleaving enzyme 1 in both high fat/cholesterol-fed C57BL/6 and LDLR−/− mice accompanied by an increased generation of C-terminal fragments of APP. Although ELISA for beta-amyloid failed to record significant changes in the non-transgenic mice, a threefold increase in beta-amyloid 40 accumulation was apparent in a strain of transgenic mice expressing wild-type human APP on high fat/cholesterol diet. The findings link hypercholesterolemia with cognitive dysfunction potentially mediated by increased neuroinflammation and APP processing in a non-transgenic mouse model.  相似文献   

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