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Correlation studies suggest that fecal mutagenicity is increased in groups eating high-fat diets, the same groups who are often found to have high colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. The fecapentaenes are the best characterized class of fecal mutagens, but the relationship of dietary fat intake to the excretion of these potent genotoxins is unknown. We studied the effect of changes in amount and type of dietary fat on fecapentaene levels in 31 premenopausal women 20-40 years of age who participated in a controlled feeding study. After a pre-diet free-living period lasting 1 menstrual cycle, women were placed on a high-fat (40% energy from fat) diet for 4 menstrual cycles and then switched to a low-fat (20% energy from fat) diet for an additional 4 menstrual cycles. One-half the subjects were maintained throughout the study at a ratio of polyunsaturated-to-saturated fatty acids (P/S ratio) of 1.0, the other half at 0.3; body weight was constant. All meals during the controlled diet periods were prepared at the Human Study Facility of the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center. Fecapentaene and fecapentaene precursor levels were measured in acetone extracts from 3-day pooled stool samples collected during the study. No differences in fecapentaene or precursor levels were observed between the high- and low-fat diets at either P/S ratio. Fecapentaene and precursor levels were higher while on controlled diets than during the pre-diet free-living period, and levels declined again in the post-diet free-living period. We conclude that dietary fat has no significant effect on fecapentaene or precursor levels in acetone extracts of stool in premenopausal women. The effect of other dietary or non-dietary factors on fecapentaenes remains unknown.  相似文献   

High dietary fat exacerbates arsenic-induced liver fibrosis in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many factors could potentially affect the process of arsenic-induced liver fibrosis. The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of high fat diet on arsenic-induced liver fibrosis and preneoplastic changes. Mice were given sodium arsenite (As3+, 200 ppm) or sodium arsenate (As5+, 200 ppm) in the drinking water for 10 months, and provided a normal diet or a diet containing 20% added fat. Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), indicative of liver injury, was elevated in both arsenite and arsenate groups, and a high fat diet further increased these levels. Histopathology (H&E and Masson stain) showed that liver inflammation, steatosis (fatty liver), hepatocyte degeneration, and fibrosis occurred with arsenic alone, but their severity was markedly increased with the high fat diet. Total liver RNA was isolated for real-time RT-PCR analysis. Arsenic exposure increased the expression of inflammation genes, such as TNF-alpha, IL-6, iNOS, chemokines, and macrophage inflammatory protein-2. The expression of the stress-related gene heme oxygenase-1 was increased, while metallothionein-1 and GSH S-transferase-pi were decreased when arsenic was combined with the high fat diet. Expression of genes related to liver fibrosis, such as procollagen-1 and -3, SM-actin and TGF-beta, were synergistically increased in the arsenic plus high fat diet group. The expression of genes encoding matrix metalloproteinases (MMP2, MMP9) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP1, TIMP2) was also enhanced, suggestive of early oncogenic events. In general, arsenite produced more pronounced effects than arsenate. In summary, chronic inorganic arsenic exposure in mice produces liver injury, and a high fat diet markedly increases arsenic-induced hepatofibrogenesis.  相似文献   

The interaction of sesamin, one of the most abundant lignans in sesame seed, and types of dietary fats affecting hepatic fatty acid oxidation was examined in rats. Rats were fed purified experimental diets supplemented with 0% or 0.2% sesamin (1:1 mixture of sesamin and episesamin), and containing 8% of either palm, safflower or fish oil for 15 days. Among the groups fed sesamin-free diets, the activity of various fatty acid oxidation enzymes was higher in rats fed fish oil than in those fed palm and safflower oils. Dietary sesamin increased enzyme activities in all groups of rats given different fats. The extent of the increase depended on dietary fat type, and a diet containing sesamin and fish oil in combination appeared to increase many of these parameters synergistically. In particular, the peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA oxidation rate and acyl-CoA oxidase activity levels were much higher in rats fed sesamin and fish oil in combination than in animals fed sesamin and palm or safflower oil in combination. Analyses of mRNA levels revealed that a diet containing sesamin and fish oil increased the gene expression of various peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation enzymes and PEX11alpha, a peroxisomal membrane protein, in a synergistic manner while it increased the gene expression of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation enzymes and microsomal cytochrome P-450 IV A1 in an additive manner. It was concluded that a diet containing sesamin and fish oil in combination synergistically increased hepatic fatty acid oxidation primarily through up-regulation of the gene expression of peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation enzymes.  相似文献   

Gold Thioglucose injections in mice are followed by a rapid accumulation of fat in the carcasses. The incorporation of an oral dose of [3H] glyceroyl tripalmitate in body fat stores showed after GTG-treatment a transient but significant increase and a return to normal values within 6 weeks. The rate of incorporation of dietary fat into the body was estimated from these values as well as from food intake and fat content of the diet (2.5 per cent). The resulting curve showed great similarity with the first differential of the curve of total body fat accumulated during that period. The rate of incorporation of dietary fat into body stores is apparently modified in GTG obesity in mice.  相似文献   

Several data suggest that fermentable dietary fiber could play a role in the control of obesity and associated metabolic disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the putative role of short chain fructo-oligosaccharide (OFS) - a non-digestible oligosaccharide - in mice fed a standard diet and in mice fed two distinct high fat diets inducing metabolic disorders associated to obesity. We confirmed, in mice, several effects previously shown in rats fed a standard diet enriched with OFS, namely an increase in total and empty caecum weight, a significant decrease in epididymal fat mass, and an increase in colonic and portal plasma glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a phenomenon positively correlated with a higher colonic proglucagon mRNA level. Curiously, 4-week treatment with OFS added at the same dose induced different effects when added in the two different high fat diets. OFS decreased energy intake, body weight gain, glycemia, and epididymal fat mass only when added together with the high fat-carbohydrate free diet, in which OFS promoted colonic proglucagon expression and insulin secretion. Our results support an association between the increase in proglucagon expression in the proximal colon and OFS effects on glycemia, fat mass development, and/or body weight gain. In conclusion, dietary oligosaccharides would constitute an interesting class of dietary fibers promoting, in certain conditions, endogenous GLP-1 production, with beneficial physiological consequences. This remains to be proven in human studies.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry showed expression of aquaporin-1 (AQP1) water channels at sites involved in dietary fat processing, including intrahepatic cholangiocytes, gallbladder, pancreatic microvascular endothelium, and intestinal lacteals. To determine whether AQP1 has a role in dietary fat digestion and/or absorption, mice were placed on a diet that contained 50% fat. Whereas wild-type mice (3-3.5 wk of age, 10-12 g) gained 49 +/- 5% (SE, n = 50) body weight in 8 days, and heterozygous mice gained 46 +/- 4%, AQP1 null mice gained only 4 +/- 3%; weights became similar after return to a 6% fat diet after 6 days. The null mice on a high-fat diet acquired an oily appearance, developed steatorrhea with increased stool triglyceride content, and manifested serum hypotriglyceridemia. Supplementation of the high-fat diet with pancreatic enzymes partially corrected the decreased weight gain in null mice. Absorption of [(14)C]oleic acid from small intestine was not affected by AQP1 deletion, as determined by blood radioactivity after duodenal infusion. Lipase activity in feces and small intestine was remarkably greater in AQP1 null than wild-type mice on low- and high-fat diets. Fluid collections done in older mice (that are less sensitive to a high-fat diet) by ductal cannulation showed threefold increased pancreatic fluid flow in response to secretin/cholecystokinin, but volumes, pH, and amylase activities were affected little by AQP1 deletion, nor were bile flow rates and bile salt concentrations. Together, these results establish a dietary fat misprocessing defect in AQP1 null mice.  相似文献   

Earlier studies reported that mammary ducts grew faster if the 10% fat in the diet was composed of oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (corn oil: CO) compared to hydrogenated cottonseed oil (HCTO), which is devoid of such fatty acids. These experiments were primarily carried out in immature mice and left unanswered questions regarding the effects of dietary fats on more differentiated stages of mammary development. The use of transplanted ducts permitted the study of mammary growth rates in adult mice. If the diet was started when the animals were adults, there was no difference in the growth rate of those fed HCTO diet compared to those fed CO diet. However, when the diets were fed to immature mice, the mammary gland grew slower in mice fed the HCTO diet, confirming our earlier observations. The HCTO and CO diets caused no difference in the growth rate or morphology of fine ducts and alveoli that developed during pregnancy. Furthermore, no differences were seen in female mice following 6 weeks of progesterone administration begun at 3 weeks of age. Experiments that used male mice to examine the initial stages of mammary duct growth also showed that the effect of dietary fat was not observed when estrogen (E) or E and progesterone (P) were injected. In addition, there was no effect of dietary fat in ovariectomized 3-week-old females when any dose of E was administered from 0.01 to 1 microgram/day. Examination of the ovaries from mice fed either HCTO or CO diets from 3 to 9 weeks or 3 to 13 weeks of age showed that mice fed HCTO diet did not develop corpora lutea, while those fed CO diet had normal appearing ovaries. The HCTO diet inhibits normal maturation of the follicle and corpus luteum formation. We conclude that the effect of the dietary fat on the developing mouse is on the maturation of the ovary and subsequently on mammary growth.  相似文献   

This study generated pancreatic triglyceride lipase (PTL)-null mice to test the hypothesis that PTL-mediated hydrolysis of dietary triglyceride is necessary for efficient dietary cholesterol absorption. The PTL-/- mice grew normally and displayed similar body weight as their PTL+/+ littermates. Plasma lipid levels between animals of various PTL genotypes were similar when they were maintained on either a basal low fat diet or a western-type high fat/high cholesterol diet. Although the lack of a functional PTL delayed fat absorption during the initial hour of feeding a bolus load of olive oil containing [3H]triolein and [14C]cholesterol, the rate of [3H]triolein absorption was similar between PTL+/+ and PTL-/- mice after the initial 1-h period. Importantly, comparison of fecal fat content revealed similar overall fat absorption efficiency between PTL+/+ and PTL-/- mice. In contrast, the PTL-/- mice displayed significant decrease in both the rate and the amount of cholesterol absorbed after a single meal. The plasma appearance of [14C]cholesterol was found to be 75% lower (p < 0.0005) in PTL-/- mice compared with PTL+/+ mice after 4 h. The total amount of [14C]cholesterol excreted in the feces was 45% higher (p < 0.0004) in PTL-/- mice compared with PTL+/+ mice over a 24-h period. These results indicate that the delayed fat digestion due to PTL deficiency results in a significant reduction in cholesterol absorption, although other enzymes in the digestive tract may compensate for the lack of PTL in PTL-/- mice in fat digestion and absorption.  相似文献   

An overactive renin-angiotensin system is associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome. However, the mechanisms behind it are unclear. Cleaving angiotensinogen to angiotensin I by renin is a rate-limiting step of angiotensin II production, but renin is suggested to have angiotensin-independent effects. We generated mice lacking renin (Ren1c) using embryonic stem cells from C57BL/6 mice, a strain prone to diet-induced obesity. Ren1c−/− mice are lean, insulin sensitive, and resistant to diet-induced obesity without changes in food intake and physical activity. The lean phenotype is likely due to a higher metabolic rate and gastrointestinal loss of dietary fat. Most of the metabolic changes in Ren1c−/− mice were reversed by angiotensin II administration. These results support a role for angiotensin II in the pathogenesis of diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to the plasma membrane is known to be altered by modifying the membrane composition through dietary treatment. As insulin binding receptors are also present on nuclear membrane, this study was undertaken to investigate if specific binding of insulin to the liver nuclei is altered by diet. 8-wk-old female C57 B 6J lean and ob/ob mice were fed semipurified diets containing 20% (w/w) fat of either high or low polyunsaturated-to-saturated (P/S) fatty acid ratio for 4 wk. Liver nuclei were prepared, insulin binding was measured and nuclear phospholipids were isolated for lipid analysis. Insulin binding was highest in nuclei prepared from lean mice fed a high P/S diet. Specific binding of insulin to nuclei prepared from obese mice was also increased by the high P/S diet, but to a lesser extent compared to lean mice. Feeding a high P/S diet increased polyunsaturated fatty acid content of membrane phospholipids from both lean and ob/ob mice. Obese mice were characterized by higher levels of arachidonic acid and lower levels of linoleic acid in phosphatidylcholine. The present study establishes that insulin binding to liver nuclei is increased by feeding a high P/S diet, and that insulin binding to liver nuclei from obese mice is lower than from lean mice.  相似文献   

Leptin and its long form receptor, Ob-Rb, in hypothalamic nuclei play a key role in regulating energy balance. The mutation of Ob-Rb into one of its natural variants, Ob-Ra, results in severe obesity in rodents. We demonstrate here that diacylglycerol kinase zeta (DGKzeta) interacts, via its ankyrin repeats, with the cytoplasmic portion of Ob-Rb in yeast two-hybrid systems, in protein precipitation experiments in vitro and in vivo. It does not interact, however, with the short form, Ob-Ra, which mediates the entry of leptin into the brain. Furthermore, we show by in situ hybridization that DGKzeta is expressed in neurons of hypothalamic nuclei known to synthesize Ob-Rb and to participate in energy homeostasis. The mutant ob-/ob- and db-/db- mice exhibit increased hypothalamic DGKzeta mRNA level compared with their wild-type controls, suggesting a role for the leptin/OB-Rb system in regulating DGKzeta expression. Further experiments show that hypothalamic DGKzeta mRNA level is stimulated by the consumption of a high-fat diet. In addition, DGKzeta mRNA is statistically significantly lower in rats and inbred mice that become obese on a high-fat diet compared with their lean counterparts. In fact, it is strongly, negatively correlated with both body fat and circulating levels of leptin. Taken together, our evidence suggests that DGKzeta constitutes a downstream component of the leptin signaling pathway and that reduced hypothalamic DGKzeta mRNA, and possibly activity, is associated with obesity.  相似文献   



Protein leverage plays a role in driving increased energy intakes that may promote weight gain. The influence of the protein to carbohydrate ratio (P:C) in diets of C57BL/6J mice on total energy intake, fat storage, and thermogenesis was investigated.

Design and Methods:

Male mice (9 weeks old) were provided ad libitum access to one of five isocaloric diets that differed in P:C. Food intake was recorded for 12 weeks. After 16 weeks, white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) deposits were dissected, weighed, and the expression levels of key metabolic regulators were determined in BAT. In a separate cohort, body surface temperature was measured in response to 25 diets differing in protein, fat, and carbohydrate content.


Mice on low P:C diets (9:72 and 17:64) had greater total energy intake and increased WAT and BAT stores. Body surface temperature increased with total energy intake and with protein, fat, and carbohydrate, making similar contributions per kJ ingested. Expression of three key regulators of thermogenesis were downregulated in BAT in mice on the lowest P:C diet.


Low‐protein diets induced sustained hyperphagia and a generalized expansion of fat stores. Increased body surface temperature on low P:C diets was consistent with diet‐induced thermogenesis (DIT) as a means to dissipate excess ingested energy on such diets, although this was not sufficient to prevent development of increased adiposity. Whether BAT was involved in DIT is not clear. Increased BAT mass on low P:C diets might suggest so, but patterns of thermogenic gene expression do not support a role for BAT in DIT, although they might reflect failure of thermogenic function with prolonged exposure to a low P:C diet.  相似文献   

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