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This is the first record for the subfamily Psychodinae from Ecuador and a new species belonging to genus Arisemus, A. triconnectus, is described.  相似文献   

Specimens of moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) were sampled in southwest Anatolia and the European part of Turkey between 2003 and 2009. Samples contained nine species new to science: Ulomyia asiaminorica sp. n., Pneumia pellucida sp. n., Berdeniella turcica sp. n., B. aktashi sp. n., Clytocerus thracicus sp. n., Jungiella afyonica sp. n., J. geniculatoides sp. n., J. barlasi sp. n., and Telmatoscopus remotus sp.n. The new species are described and illustrated. Distributional data for a total of 45 species are provided. 63 species of Psychodinae are now known to occur in Turkey.  相似文献   

All published records for the 49 species of moth flies known from North Africa are reviewed and discussed: Morocco (27 species), Algeria (33 species), Tunisia (18 species) and Egypt (five species). In addition, records of seven species of Psychodinae new to the fauna of Morocco are added, of which three are new mentions for North Africa (Table (Table1)1) and one is a new record for Egypt. Telmatoscopus squamifer Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the genus Iranotelmatoscopus Ježek, 1987, comb. n. Satchelliella reghayana Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1987 is transferred to the genus Pneumia Enderlein, 1935, comb. n. Pneumia aberrans Tonnoir, 1922 is transferred to the subgenus Logima.

Table 1.

Species (in alphabetical order) of Psychodinae known from the North African countries. Libya has been omitted because no information exists in the literature from Libya.
Bazarella atra (Vaillant, 1955)X*X
Berdeniella lucasii (Satchell, 1955)X
Clogmia albipunctata (Williston, 1893)X**XX
Clytocerus kabylicus Wagner, 1987X
Iranotelmatoscopus numidicus (Satchell, 1955)X
Iranotelmatoscopus squamifer (Tonnoir, 1922)X
Lepiseodina tristis (Meigen, 1830)X
Mormia tenebricosa (Vaillant, 1954)X*XX
Mormia riparia (Satchell, 1955)X
Mormia similis Wagner, 1987X
Panimerus goetghebueri (Tonnoir, 1919)XX
Panimerus thienemanni (Vaillant, 1954)XXX
Paramormia ustulata (Walker, 1856)X*XX
Pericoma barbarica Vaillant, 1955X*XX
Pericoma blandula Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma diversa Tonnoir, 1920X*
Pericoma exquisita Eaton, 1893XXX
Pericoma granadica Vaillant, 1978X*
Pericoma latina Sarà, 1954X*X
Pericoma maroccana Vaillant, 1955X*
Pericoma modesta Tonnoir, 1922XX
Pericoma pseudexquisita Tonnoir, 1940X***
Philosepedon beaucournui Vaillant, 1974XX
Philosepedon humerale (Meigen, 1818)X**X
Pneumia nubila (Meigen, 1818)X***
Pneumia pilularia (Tonnoir, 1940)XX
Pneumia propinqua (Satchell, 1955)X**X
Pneumia reghayana (Boumezzough & Vaillant, 1986)X
Pneumia toubkalensis (Omelková & Ježek 2012)X*
Psychoda aberrans Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Falsologima) savaiiensis Edwards, 1928X
Psychoda (Logima) albipennis Zetterstedt, 1850XX
Psychoda (Logima) erminea Eaton, 1893X
Psychoda (Psycha) grisescens Tonnoir, 1922XXX
Psychoda (Psychoda) phalaenoides (Linnaeus, 1758)X
Psychoda (Psychoda) uniformata Haseman, 1907X
Psychoda (Psychodocha) cinerea Banks, 1894X**XX
Psychoda (Psychodocha) gemina (Eaton, 1904)X***
Psychoda (Psychomora) trinodulosa Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) alternata Say, 1824X*XXX**
Psychoda (Tinearia) efflatouni Tonnoir, 1922X
Psychoda (Tinearia) lativentris Berden, 1952X
Telmatoscopus advena (Eaton, 1893)X
Thornburghiella quezeli (Vaillant, 1955)XX
Tonnoiriella atlantica (Satchell, 1953)XX
Tonnoiriella paveli Ježek, 1999X
Tonnoiriella pulchra (Eaton, 1893)XX
Vaillantodes fraudulentus (Eaton, 1896)XX
Vaillantodes malickyi (Wagner, 1987)X
Open in a separate windowX***: new species for North Africa; X**: new species for Morocco or Egypt; X*: new species for the Rif Mountains.  相似文献   

The genus Perithreticus is recorded for the first time from Central America and the Caribbean. Two new species are described and figured: P. arboscandens Kvifte & Andersen, n. sp. from Zurquí, San José Province, Costa Rica and P. guantanamera Kvifte & Andersen, n. sp. from Alexander von Humboldt National Park, Guantánamo Province, Cuba. The generic diagnosis is emended to accommodate the newly described species, and a key to the males of the Perithreticus species of the world is presented.  相似文献   

《Systematic Entomology》2018,43(3):596-605
Classification of Psychodinae has been a hotly contested topic in the taxonomic literature, with multiple mutually incompatible classifications proposed. Three main points of contention can be identified: (i) the validity of Maruinini Enderlein as a tribe‐level taxon and whether it forms a monophyletic group; (ii) the placement of subtribe Trichopsychodina Ježek – specifically whether it belongs with Psychoda Latreille in Psychodini or with Paramormia Enderlein and Telmatoscopus Eaton in Paramormiini Enderlein or Mormiini Enderlein; and (iii) whether Mormia Enderlein is more closely related to Brunettia Annandale or Paramormia Enderlein and Telmatoscopus Eaton. In the present paper, these questions are investigated using a molecular phylogeny of sequences compiled from all previous molecular phylogenies relevant to Psychodinae, as well as some hitherto unpublished sequences. The resulting matrix comprised 5406 base pairs from six markers for 32 taxa, and when analysed using Bayesian inference it yielded a well‐resolved tree which was unambiguous for all previously contentious points: Maruinini sensu lato (including Setomimini) was resolved as a valid taxon, Trichopsychodina is rendered paraphyletic by Psychodini, and Mormia is not closely related to Brunettia , but instead closer to Telmatoscopus and Paramormia . A revised tribal classification of Psychodinae is proposed, recognizing the tribes Psychodini, Brunettiini, Maruinini and Pericomaini as well as 17 unplaced genera.  相似文献   

The nonbiting midge subfamily Tanypodinae represents one of the most diverse lineages of Chironomidae. Despite the wide distribution and high diversity of tanypodine chironomids, the evolutionary history of the subfamily remains poorly understood. Here, we present the first phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Tanypodinae based on morphological data. Cladistic analyses were conducted using 86 morphological characters from 115 species belonging to 54 tanypodine genera, including the eight currently recognised tribes: Anatopyniini, Clinotanypodini, Coelopyniini, Macropelopiini, Natarsiini, Pentaneurini, Procladiini and Tanypodini. We use characters from fourth‐instar larvae, pupae and adults of both sexes. We examine the effects of implied weighting by reanalysing the data with varying values of concavity constant (k). Our analysis supports the monophyly of Tanypodinae with Podonominae as its sister group. All previously proposed tribes are recovered as monophyletic assemblages under a wide range of weighting factors. Under these conditions, the genus Fittkauimyia is the sister group of the remaining Macropelopiini and is erected as a new monobasic tribe, Fittkauimyiini trib.n . The tribe Pentaneurini is recovered as monophyletic with some internal relationships resolved. The genus Paramerina, recovered as sister of Reomyia + Zavrelimyia, is formally synonymised with Zavrelimyia syn.n. , based on morphological similarity in all three life stages and treated as a subgenus of the latter. Finally, the recently suggested synonymies of Gressittius and Guassutanypus with Alotanypus and the establishment of the subgenera Conchapelopia (Helopelopia), Macropelopia (Bethbilbeckia), Monopelopia (Cantopelopia), Thienemannimyia (Hayesomyia) and Zavrelimyia (Reomyia and Schineriella) are investigated. Our results support all proposed changes, except for the subgenus‐level status of Helopelopia and Cantopelopia. We suggest re‐establishment of Helopelopia as a genus, but refrain from promoting genus‐level status of Cantopelopia at present because the apparent sister‐relationship between Monopelopia + Nilotanypus likely is due to wing vein reduction caused by miniaturisation. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DF012C17‐AFB3‐4904‐83DC‐30DD94D0B376 .  相似文献   

In an effort to improve our knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships among species and genera of the subfamily Sarcophaginae, we analysed data from three mitochondrial gene fragments. Sequence data for portions of the genes cytochrome oxidase I (COI), cytochrome oxidase II (COII) and dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4) were obtained from 43 species of Sarcophagidae representing 15 genera. We used a Bayesian approach to simultaneously choose how best to partition the data and which substitution model to apply to each partition. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred using Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood methods. Our results are consistent with monophyly of the subfamily Sarcophaginae (posterior probability 1; bootstrap support 93%), as well as with monophyly of several genera within the Sarcophaginae (including Sarcophaga s.l.; posterior probability 1; bootstrap support 97%). We found support for a sister‐group relationship between Ravinia Robineau‐Desvoidy and Oxysarcodexia Townsend, which has been hypothesised by past authors on the basis of morphological similarities, although this was supported only in the Bayesian analyses (posterior probability 0. 81–0. 98), and for some novel supra‐generic clades. Contrary to a recent morphological hypothesis, we do not find Helicobia Coquillett to be nested within Sarcophaga Meigen; our data suggest, but do not strongly support, a hypothesis that Peckia Robineau‐Desvoidy is the sister group to Sarcophaga.  相似文献   

The pollination of the genus Arum (Araceae) is mainly achieved by deception, the floral odour mimicking the pollinator ovipositing site. In order to discover the sensory organs involved in this attraction, we have studied the antennae of five species of psychodine moth-flies (former Psychoda sensu lato=Psychodini), pollinators of Arum spp. The antennae of the five Psychodini reveal seven types of sensilla: multiporous tribranched sensilla basiconica (sensilla ascoidea), multiporous sensilla basiconica, multiporous sensilla coeloconica, multiporous sensilla auricillica, uniporous sensilla basiconica, aporous sensilla chaetica, aporous Böhm’s sensilla. Each species possesses three, five or six of these sensillum types. All the multiporous sensilla are probably olfactory receptors while the uniporous sensilla basiconica must possess a contact chemoreceptive function. The multiporous tribranched sensilla basiconica (s. ascoidea), present in all the species, are the best candidates for the reception of the odours given off by the ovipositing sites and the inflorescences of Arum. The multiporous sensilla basiconica and the multiporous sensilla coeloconica may be involved respectively as CO2 receptors or thermoreceptors. Psychoda phalaenoides, which is the main pollinator of A. maculatum, is the species which possesses the largest number of antennal sensilla. The sexual dimorphism, studied only in Psycha grisescens, as concerns the number of sensilla and the absence of a sensillum type which differ according to sex, is difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

Cladistic analysis is used to isolate the monophyletic group of genera that comprise the Australian Lomatiinae and to investigate the relationships between the Australian genera. Cladograms of genera in the Australian Tomophthalmae and Lomatiinae are presented. Myonema Roberts and Neosardus Roberts are placed in the Cylleniinae, Antonia Loew remains in the Antoniinae and Petrorossia Bezzi is placed in the Anthracinae. The relationship of the Australian lomatiines to the world fauna is discussed, as are the relationships between the Australian genera. Docidomyia White is included in the Lomatiinae and is the sister group of all other genera of the subfamily: Comptosia Macquart sens.lat.; Doddosia Edwards, Oncodosia Edwards and Paramonovomyia Evenhuis. The current diagnosis of the Lomatiinae is changed to reflect the inclusion of Docidomyia. The two subgenera of Comptosia sensu Edwards, Aleucosia Edwards and Comptosia , were not each others' closest relatives in the strict consensus tree. Thus Comptosia as currently recognized is paraphyletic and the two subgenera are treated as genera, Aleucosia stat.nov. and Comptosia stat.nov.  相似文献   

The life cycle of Ascogregarina chagasi in larvae and in adult female Lutzomyia longipalpis was studied by light and electron microscopy. Sporozoites and young gamonts were attached to the epithelial lining of the larval midgut via an osmiophilic contact zone. The mucron of young gamonts was bordered by an invaginated pellicular fold, and an electron-opaque vesicular structure was observed adjacent to it. Sporozoites possessed an apical complex and were bound by a double membrane with underlying subpellicular microtubules. The gamont pellicle was uniformly corrugated and consisted of two cortical membranes and a plasma membrane. Mature gamonts and gametocysts were found in the posterior ectoperitrophic space of third and fourth instar larval midguts and in the haemocoel of adult flies. Gametocysts in adult females adhered to the genital accessory glands, where they were encased in electron-dense capsules secreted by the fly through haemocyte-mediated humoral immune reactions. Oocytes were spindle-shaped and bound by a double-layered wall with a discernible polar plug at each end. Sporulation was endogenous, occurring within gametocysts in the midguts of larvae or the accessory glands of adult females. FITC-phalloidine staining of all stages of A. chagasi except mature gametocysts produced bright fluorescence, indicating the presence of a diffuse, actin-like protein in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The xanthid subfamily Chlorodiellinae is one of the most ubiquitous coral reef crab taxa in the Indo‐West Pacific region. Many species are common in coral rubble and rocky shores from Hawaii to eastern Africa, often dominating reef cryptofauna in terms of biomass. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (COX1, 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA) and nuclear (histone H3) gene sequences of 202 specimens indicate that the Chlorodiellinae is polyphyletic as presently defined. Three genera, Pilodius, Cyclodius and Chlorodiella, and two previously undescribed lineages were recovered as a well‐supported clade. In combination with morphological data, the subfamily is redefined and restricted to this clade. Two new genera, Soliella gen. n., and Luniella gen. n., are described based on features of the carapace, male thoracic sternum and male gonopods. The remaining chlorodielline genera and members of the Etisinae, a subfamily with supposedly close morphological affinities to the Chlorodiellinae, were recovered at various positions throughout the xanthid phylogeny, although with relatively low support values. These results reiterate the unresolved status of xanthid subfamilial relationships, but nevertheless provide progress for xanthid systematics.  相似文献   

We examined final‐stage larvae of all currently recognized lower cyclorrhaphan (= Aschiza) families, except Ironomyiidae and Sciadoceridae, and those of the higher cyclorrhaphan (= Schizophora) families Calliphoridae, Conopidae, Lonchaeidae, Muscidae, and Ulidiidae, and compared them with larvae of two out‐group families, Rhagionidae and Dolichopodidae, paying particular attention to structures of the head. A set of 86 morphological characters were analysed phylogenetically. The results show that the lower Cyclorrhapha is paraphyletic in relation to the higher Cyclorrhapha. The monophyly of the Cyclorrhapha is strongly supported. The lower Cyclorrhapha is resolved into two clades, based on the Lonchopteridae. Within the Syrphidae the traditional three‐subfamily system is supported, based on the Microdontinae. Within the lower Cyclorrhapha, the larval head is variable in form and arrangement of components. In Lonchopteridae, the mouth lies at the back of an open trough or furrow, comprising ventrally an elongate labium and laterally the maxilla. This arrangement of components appears to facilitate scooping food in water films. In Platypezoidea there is no furrow, and the dorsolateral lobes bearing the antennae are connected by a dorsal extension of the pseudocephalon. The main food‐gathering structure is the hooked apex of the labium, but in Phoridae the mandibles may also be important. In Eumuscomorpha the mandibles are at the apex of the head skeleton. The pseudocephalon is extended and infolded dorsally to form an oral pocket over the mouth. In the Pipunculidae, and the Microdontinae and Syrphinae of the Syrphidae, ventrally it forms a V‐shaped groove or guide along which the mandibles project. The labium is sclerotized apically, and forms a plate or tapered projection. This arrangement of components facilitates holding, piercing and extracting prey tissues. In Eristalinae the pseudocephalon is attached to the mandibles and is formed into a pair of cirri bearing mandibular lobes that lie either side of the mouth. Furthermore, the epipharynx is produced anteriorly in relation to the hypopharynx, and the labium is attached to the anterior part of the epipharynx to form a cavity or atrium. This arrangement is suited to fragmenting and imbibing solid food in Eristalinae with hooked mandibles, and when the mandibles are reduced and the mandibular lobes are inverted and sclerotized, these structures form a filter for separating fluid‐suspended particulate food. In higher Cyclorrhapha an atrium is present as in Eristalinae, but a connection between the pseudocephalon and the mandibles is absent. Instead, the pseudocephalon is bifurcate dorsally and forms a pair of cephalic lobes that ventrally ensheath each mandible. The surface of the sheath may be coated in cirri and other food‐gathering structures. The cephalic lobes, mandibular sheaths and the head skeleton are maneuverable and retractile to a higher degree than in lower Cyclorrhapha. This arrangement of components facilitates feeding on both solid food, in which the mouthooks may extend from the sheath to break the food up, and particulate and suspended food, in which the food‐gathering structures of the sheath scoop up the food. In many higher Cyclorrhapha, maneuverability is enhanced by a break between the labium and the basal sclerite, to which it is fused in all lower Cyclorrhapha. Intermediate characters and states for the structures of the higher cyclorrhaphan larval head are present in out‐groups, and lower Cyclorrhapha and homologies are discussed. Liquidity of the food is an important factor explaining the structure of the larval head in Cyclorrhapha. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 287–323.  相似文献   

The carabid subfamily Harpalinae contains most of the species of carabid beetles. This subfamily, with over 19,000 species, radiated in the Cretaceous to yield a large clade that is diverse in morphological form and ecological habit. While there are several morphological, cytological, and chemical characters that unite most harpalines, the placement of some tribes within the subfamily remains controversial, as does the sister group relationships to this large group. In this study, DNA sequences from the 28S rDNA gene and the wingless nuclear protein-coding gene were collected from 52 carabid genera representing 31 harpaline tribes in addition to more than 21 carabid outgroup taxa to reconstruct the phylogeny of this group. Molecular sequence data from these genes, along with additional data from the 18S rDNA gene, were analyzed with a variety of phylogenetic analysis methods, separately for each gene and in a combined data approach. Results indicated that the subfamily Harpalinae is monophyletic with the enigmatic tribes of Morionini, Peleciini, and Pseudomorphini included within it. Brachinine bombardier beetles are closely related to Harpalinae as they form the sister group to harpalines or, in some analyses, are included within it or with austral psydrines. The austral psydrines are the sister group to Harpalinae+Brachinini clade in most analyses and austral psydrines+Brachinini+Harpalinae clade is strongly supported.  相似文献   

The outer chorionic sculpturing of the eggs of thirteen species of neotropical sandflies was examined by scanning electron microscope. Sculpture patterns are species specific and include polygons, parallel ridges and mountain or volcano-like structures. Two closely related and undescribed species of the intermedia group were distinguished by this means. The role of sculpturing in plastron respiration is discussed.  相似文献   

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