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Large areas with hydrocarbon prospects offshore northwest Greenland necessitate seabird studies in this region. The little auk population breeding in Thule District is the largest seabird population in northwest Greenland, as well as the largest known population of this species. In 1994 and 1995 we mapped the distribution of little auk colonies in Thule District during aerial surveys. Most colonies are situated in sloping screes facing the sea, some as far as 11 km from the coast in valleys or facing glaciers. The total horizontal extent of the colonies is about 400 km. Our surveys generally confirm previous and local knowledge, although the information obtained is more detailed. Received: 11 November 1996 / Accepted: 21 September 1997  相似文献   

The ivory gull Pagophila eburnea is an Arctic seabird species whose distribution is tightly coupled to the availability of sea ice. During the last decades, strong declines have been reported for breeding colonies in Canada and Greenland, which are usually located on nunataks or remote coastal islands. Here, we report the observation of a colony of ivory gulls breeding on a gravel-covered iceberg 70 km off Northeast Greenland in August 2014. It concerned approximately 60 adults, including two ringed individuals, and many chicks. This represents an unusual breeding site for the species, to be compared with a few cases of colonies on gravel-covered sea ice. Breeding on an offshore iceberg may be advantageous since it provides ultimate protection from predators. Furthermore, the proximity to the productive North East Water polynya may have been attractive to these gulls. As a consequence of this and previous observations, colony surveys should not solely focus on inland and coastal breeding habitats, but should be extended towards the ocean.  相似文献   

Large population declines were reported for the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) in Greenland for the period 1930s–1980s, but no national status has been published for the past 20 years. Meanwhile, the murres have gained more protection and several human-induced mortality factors have been markedly reduced. Here, we give an updated status based on the past 30 years of murre count data. The total Greenland population in 2011 was estimated to 468,300 birds (95 % CI 430,700–505,900) or around 342,000 breeding pairs, distributed within 19 colonies. This represents an overall reduction of 13 % since the mid-/late 1980s. In the same period, five colonies went extinct. Large and apparently stable colonies in Qaanaaq (Northwest Greenland) account for more than half the population (68 %), but most other colonies declined heavily, with up to 6 % p.a. in the most critical areas. So far, nothing indicates that food is a limiting factor in Greenland during the breeding season, although rather few colonies have been studied in details. In contrast, illegal hunting and disturbances during the breeding season are still a problem in Greenland, despite more restrictive hunting regulations, and may explain much of the continued population decline. In addition, recent studies from Svalbard indicate that a large-scale deterioration of the marine environment in the North Atlantic, due to oceanographic changes, may impact recruitment to some of the Greenland colonies. Murre colonies in southern Upernavik, Disko Bay, South Greenland and East Greenland are in urgent need of additional conservation initiatives to avoid further declines and local extinctions.  相似文献   

In 1902, the first breeding colony of emperor penguins was discovered. Over the following decades, the number of known emperor penguin colonies increased steadily and new ones are still being discovered. However, rigorous census work has been carried out at only a few colonies and accurate information on trends in breeding populations is limited to a small number of locations. Thus, the total number of breeding pairs is still unknown as is the size of the global population (breeders, non-breeders, juveniles). The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species’ status as ‘least concern’ and states that although the population trend for emperor penguins has not been quantified, the global population appears to be stable. This review summarises the currently available information on the populations of emperor penguins at known colonies in terms of survey methods, count units used and survey frequency. It examines what is known about the state of various colonies and demonstrates that currently available data are inadequate for a trend assessment of the global population.  相似文献   

Cryptic species are common among protists and have long been known in ciliates. The ciliate genus Tetrahymena contains a large group of morphologically indistinguishable species referred to as the ‘T. pyriformis’ complex. These species include those reproductively isolated by mating type as well as asexual species characterized by the absence of the germinal micronucleus. This paper examines the molecular diversity of the species and describes the biogeography of ‘T. pyriformis’ species. Most species are globally distributed, though the best studied species, T. thermophila, is confined to North America and gives evidence of population structure in local populations. Selfers and asexual species are common and arise from sexual species, a possible exploitation of nuclear dimorphism. It is argued that the cryptic species likely have different ecological roles and that the biodiversity of Tetrahymena in particular, and ciliates in general, is underestimated. Special Issue: Protist diversity and geographic distribution. Guest editor: W. Foissner.  相似文献   

Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) populations are useful environmental indicators due to the bird’s extreme reliance on sea ice. We used remote sensing technology to estimate relative adult bird abundance at two inaccessible emperor penguin colonies in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. We performed supervised classification of 12 panchromatic satellite images of the seven known Ross Sea colonies. We used regression to predict adult bird counts at the inaccessible colonies by relating the number of pixels classified as “penguin” in the satellite images of the accessible colonies to corresponding known adult bird counts from aerial photographs or ground counts. While our analysis was hampered by excessive guano and shadows, we used satellite imagery to differentiate between relatively small (<3,000 adult birds) and larger colonies (>5,000 adult birds). Remote sensing technology is logistically less intense and less costly than aerial or ground censuses when the objective is to document penguin presence and/or large emperor penguin population changes (e.g., catastrophic changes). Improvements expected soon in the resolution of the satellite images should allow for more accurate abundance estimates.  相似文献   

Migratory aerial insectivores are among the fastest declining avian groups, but our understanding of these trends has been limited by poor knowledge of migratory connectivity and the identification of critical habitat across the vast distances they travel annually. Using new, archival GPS loggers, we tracked individual purple martins Progne subis from breeding colonies across North America to determine precise (< > 10 m) locations of migratory and overwintering roost locations in South America and to test hypotheses for fine‐scale migratory connectivity and habitat use. We discovered weak migratory connectivity at the roost scale, and extensive, fine‐scale mixing of birds in the Amazon from distant (> 2000 km) breeding sites, with some individuals sharing the same roosting trees. Despite vast tracts of contiguous forest in this region, birds occupied a much more limited habitat, with most (56%) roosts occurring on small habitat islands that were strongly associated with water. Only 17% of these roosts were in current protected areas. These data reflect a critical advance in our ability to remotely determine precise migratory connectivity and habitat selection across vast spatial scales, enhancing our understanding of population dynamics and enabling more effective conservation of species at risk.  相似文献   

Plum pox virus (sharka; PPV) can cause severe crop loss in economically important Prunus species such as peach, plum, apricot, and cherry. Of these species, certain apricot cultivars (‘Stark Early Orange’, ‘Goldrich’, ‘Harlayne’) display significant levels of resistance to the disease and are the genetic substrate for studies of several xlaboratories working cooperatively to genetically characterize and mark the resistance locus or loci for marker-assisted breeding. The goals of the work presented in this communication are the characterization of the genetics of PPV resistance in ‘Stark Early Orange’ and the development of co-dominant molecular markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in PPV resistance breeding. We present the first genetic linkage map for an apricot backcross population of ‘Stark Early Orange’ and the susceptible cultivar ‘Vestar’ that segregates for resistance to PPV. This map is comprised of 357 loci (330 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 26 simple sequence repeats (SSRs), and 1 morphological marker for PPV resistance) assigned to eight linkage groups. Twenty-two of the mapped SSRs are shared in common with genetic reference map for Prunus (T × E; Joobeur et al. 1998) and anchor our apricot map to the general Prunus map. A PPV resistance locus was mapped in linkage group 1 and four AFLP markers segregating with the PPV resistance trait, identified through bulk segregant analysis, facilitated the development of SSRs in this region. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Lalli, D.A. and Salava, J. contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The Southern river otter or huillín Lontra provocax has been classified as ‘endangered’, with the loss of riparian forest identified as the main threat to its survival. We used new information on distribution from Argentina to define their status. There are no data on the huillin’s population structure and dynamics, and no estimate of its abundance or population trends at a relevant scale. Our survey teams covered 435 locations in lakes, rivers and coastal sites using a standard and repeatable methodology of 600 m survey transects as adopted for otter surveys across Europe. We found that its present geographic range in Argentina is slightly larger than is characteristic of a species at risk of extinction at the national level, although its contemporary distribution is still radically contracted in comparison to its historical distribution.  相似文献   

We describe 30 new nesting sites of the Crab Plover Dromas ardeola , the main breeding grounds of which were largely unknown, and for which fewer than 30 colonies had been confirmed since 1970. Our survey included 90 islands, 53% of those existing, in the Dahlak and Howakil archipelagoes, and off the coast of central Eritrea. Colony size varied between 20 and 400 nests. We estimate the numbers of Crab Plovers breeding in central Eritrea at 5000–6000 pairs, i.e. about 50% of the known world breeding population. We describe two cases of probable replacement clutches, a feature unrecorded in this species. Black Rats Rattus rattus seem unable to open Crab Plover eggs, and do not seem to be a threat. Crab Plover colonies are traditionally exploited by local fishermen for collection of eggs, an activity that has increased recently. Our new records solve only partially the problem of the 'missing' colonies that are required to account for the world wintering population of 60 000–80 000 birds, and thus other breeding sites remain to be discovered, probably in southern Eritrea, Sudan and Somalia. We estimated that there are 4800–6500 Crab Plovers overwintering within central Eritrea, making it an important wintering ground for the species.  相似文献   

We examined the ecological factors influencing population declines in American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) as they were initially exposed to West Nile virus (WNV), a pathogen first detected in the US in 1999 that has since become one of North America’s most prevalent vector-borne pathogens. The strongest effects were initial crow population density (denser populations were more likely to suffer declines), avian species diversity (populations in areas with high diversity were less likely to suffer a decline), human population density (populations were more likely to decline in more urban areas), and time since the pathogen’s introduction to the US (populations exposed to the pathogen later in its North American sweep were less likely to suffer declines than those exposed earlier). Variables that played only a minor role included rainfall, mean maximum temperature, and total number of birds, used as a proxy for the overall reservoir competence of the community. These findings indicate that WNV declined in virulence during its rapid 5-year sweep and support the importance of the ‘dilution effect’ whereby a diverse host community dampens pathogen transmission and potentially slows its rate of spread. Results underscore the need for considering the entire community when trying to understand the factors shaping disease risk.  相似文献   

Wheat crops with greater early vigour shade the soil surface more rapidly and reduce water loss. Evaporative losses affect water-use efficiency particularly in drier regions where most of the rainfall occurs early in the growing season before canopy closure. Greater seedling leaf area and longer coleoptiles are major determinants of increased vigour and better crop establishment. A previously developed high vigour breeding line ‘Vigour 18’ was used to establish a large recombinant inbred family and framework map to identify a QTL on chromosome 6A that accounted for up to 8% of the variation for coleoptile length, 14% of seedling leaf width and was associated with increased plant height. The SSR marker NW3106, nearest to the 6A QTL, was also associated with greater leaf width in a breeding population that was also derived from a cross involving the high vigour donor line ‘Vigour18’. The association between the NW3106 marker and coleoptile length was validated in a second breeding population which was developed using an unrelated long coleoptile donor line. The ‘Vigour18’ allele of the QTL on chromosome 6A promoted coleoptile length and leaf width during early plant growth but was also associated with increased plant height at maturity. Markers linked to the QTL are being used to increase the frequency of increased vigour and long coleoptile alleles in early generations of breeding populations.  相似文献   

Griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) population surveys were conducted during 1996–2002 in the island of Crete (Greece) to document population status and structure. Fieldwork was carried out during the breeding period when birds could be monitored in their colonies. Total population size was estimated at 379 individuals (range = 341–417) with adult birds comprising 63%. The breeding population was estimated at 141 pairs, which were distributed on an average in 23 colonies per year (range = 16–30) while the mean number of breeding pairs that laid eggs was 98 (range= 64–126). Crete thus supports the largest insular population of the species in the world and hosts 70–80% of the breeding population of the species in Greece. Population density was estimated at 6.9 individuals/100 km2, 2.6 breeding pairs/100 km2 and 1.8 nesting pairs/100 km2. The average home range of an occupied colony (i.e., breeding group) was estimated at ca. 204 km2 producing a theoretical foraging range of 8 km radius around the breeding cliff. No trends in the total number of individuals and breeding pairs appeared to exist, although significant differences in population size of individual colonies occurred between the years. The majority of the population was concentrated in small-sized colonies, which showed a low occupancy rate. The number of abandoned sites and the colonization of new ones could represent a shift of breeding pairs to alternative colonies provoked by local food abundance and conspesific attraction.  相似文献   

The ‘benefits of philopatry’ hypothesis states that helpers in cooperatively breeding species derive higher benefits from remaining home, instead of dispersing and attempting to breed independently. We tested experimentally whether dispersal options influence dispersal propensity in the cooperatively breeding Lake Tanganyika cichlids Neolamprologus pulcher and N. savoryi. Cooperative groups of these fishes breed in densely packed colonies, surrounded by unoccupied, but apparently suitable breeding habitat. Breeding inside colonies and living in groups seems to benefit individuals, for example by early detection and deterrence of predators. We show that despite a slight preference of both species for habitat with a higher stone cover, 40% of the preferred habitat remained unoccupied. On average, the colonies contained a higher number of (1) predators of adults, juveniles and eggs, (2) shelter competitors, and (3) other species including potential food competitors, compared to the outside colony habitat. Apparently, habitat differences cannot explain why these cichlids breed in colonies. Accordingly, dispersal may not be limited by a lack of suitable breeding shelters, but by the relatively higher risk of establishing an outside- compared to a within-colony breeding territory. To test whether cichlids prefer within- to outside-colony breeding territories, we provided breeding shelters inside the colony and at the colony edge and studied helper dispersal. As expected, significantly more shelters were occupied within the colony compared to the edge. New breeding pairs with several helpers occupied these shelters. We conclude that although breeding habitat is plentiful outside the colonies, helpers delay dispersal to obtain a higher quality breeding position within the group or colony eventually, or they disperse in groups. Our results suggest that (1) group augmentation and Allee effects are generally important for dispersal decisions in cooperatively breeding cichlids, consistent with the ‘benefits of philopatry hypothesis’, and (2) habitat saturation cannot fully explain delayed dispersal in these species.  相似文献   

Most temperate-zone birds live in environments with a regular seasonality, and primarily use the long-term changes in photoperiod as a cue to initiate gonadal development in anticipation of the breeding season. Short-term cues such as food and temperature are later used to fine-tune the rate of gonadal development to local conditions. Many tropical habitats are seasonal, but the timing of the seasons (e.g., rainy season) can vary considerably between years. We hypothesize that to time breeding in environments with seasonal variability, tropical birds respond to both long-term and short-term environmental cues to initiate gonadal growth. We tested the effectiveness of photoperiod and food cues for the initiation of gonad growth in captive male spotted antbirds (Hylophylax n. naevioides) from Panama. A ‘control’ group was maintained on the short natural photoperiod of 12 h light and 12 h dark (LD 12:12) and adequate food. A ‘food-stimulated’ group was also held on LD 12:12 but received an increase in food quantity and quality. A ‘photo+food-stimulated’ group experienced an increase in daylength by 1 h (LD 13:11, the maximal photoperiod in Panama) and an increase in food quantity and quality. Within 3 weeks testis sizes of ‘food-stimulated’ birds increased significantly, suggesting that food cues alone can initiate gonad development. As expected from the previous experiment, testis sizes of ‘photo+food-stimulated’ birds, but not ‘control’ birds, also increased. We suggest that the capability to respond to both food and photoperiodic cues allows animal the flexibility to adjust reproductive activity to variable environmental conditions each year. Future work should elucidate whether food provides nutritional or non-nutritional cues, and the neurophysiological mechanisms by which food stimulates reproductive activity.  相似文献   

Migratory geese accumulate energy and nutrient stores in winter to fly to refuelling spring staging areas before onward migration to breeding areas. Mean ground temperatures at two important Greenland White-fronted Geese wintering sites rose in winter and spring by 1.0–1.3°C during 1973–2007. Greenland White-fronted Geese departed the Wexford winter quarters on 3rd April 2007 for Icelandic spring staging areas, the earliest on record, representing a mean advancement of 15 days since 1973, mirrored amongst mean dates of departure amongst Scottish wintering birds that have advanced by 12 days during 1973–2007. Icelandic temperatures at critical midway staging areas en route to Greenland showed no significant change since 1973, suggesting that it is warming on the winter quarters that enable geese to depart earlier, rather than elevated temperatures at ultimate spring staging areas. However, Wexford departure date did not correlate with spring temperature. Data presented here show that Greenland White-fronted Geese have accumulated threshold body stores progressively earlier in spring migration, especially during 1995–2007. Although this did not correlate with ambient temperature, the mean degree of accumulated fat stored by 1st April in each year was a statistically significant predictor of departure date for the wintering population at Wexford. These data support the hypothesis that it is intrinsic factors (i.e. improvements in internal body state resulting from better feeding conditions) that has permitted progressively earlier departure of these geese from Wexford on spring migration, rather than amelioration of spring conditions in Iceland or solely the result of warming of the winter quarters.  相似文献   

This paper presents a technique to estimate little auk population size from the area of the colonies measured by the use of video recordings and aerial photographs. To transform colony area into population size, breeding densities obtained from the literature were used. The study area, Northumberland Island, Thule District, Northwest Greenland, revealed between 6 and 12 million km2 inhabited colony area, which was classified into three categories for colony identification. The lower figure of this estimate is equivalent to a little auk population of 4.6 million pairs. An extrapolation to the rest of the Thule District should be treated with care but would amount to at least 33 million pairs. There is no doubt that the methods used would benefit from more fine-scale ground-truth surveys in the Thule District.  相似文献   

Development of 1,030 genomic SSR markers in switchgrass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L., a native to the tall grass prairies in North America, has been grown for soil conservation and herbage production in the USA and recently widely recognized as a promising dedicated cellulosic bioenergy crop. A large amount of codominant molecular markers including simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are required for the construction of linkage maps and implementation of molecular breeding strategies to develop superior switchgrass cultivars. The objectives of this study were (1) to identify SSR-containing clones and to design PCR primer pairs (PPs) in SSR-enriched genomic libraries, and (2) to validate and characterize the designed SSR PPs. Five genomic SSR enriched libraries were constructed using genomic DNA of ‘SL93 7 × 15’, a switchgrass genotype selected in an Oklahoma State University (OSU) southern lowland breeding population. A total of 3,046 clones from four libraries enriched in (CA/TG)n, (GA/TC)n, (CAG/CTG)n and (AAG/CTT)n SSR repeats were sequenced at the OSU Core Facility. From the sequences, we isolated 1,300 unique SSR-containing clones, from which we designed 1,398 PPs using SSR Locator V.1 software. Among the designed PPs, 1,030 (73.7%) amplified reproducible and strong bands with expected fragment size, and 802 detected polymorphic alleles, in SL93 7 × 15 and ‘NL94 16 × 13’, two parents of one mapping population. All of the four libraries contained a high rate of perfect SSR repeat types, ranging from 62.7 to 76.2%. Polymorphism of the effective SSR markers was also tested in two lowland and two upland switchgrass cultivars, encompassing ‘Alamo’ and ‘Kanlow’, and ‘Blackwell’ and ‘Dacotah’, respectively. The developed SSR markers should be useful in genetic and breeding research in switchgrass.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) and targeted simple sequence repeats (SSR) were employed to assess genetic similarity of North American apricots having natural resistance to plum pox virus (PPV) within diversified germplasm including six nondomesticated apricot species. On a dendrogram constructed from 231 AFLP loci, the position of the North American cultivars reflects relatedness to the European apricots and introgression of non-European germplasm as well. The occurrence of diagnostic AFLP markers supports an introgression of Chinese germplasm into the North American PPV resistant assortment and supports a different breeding history for ‘Stark Early Orange’ (SEO) and Goldrich-Harlayne lineages. Five SSR loci linked to the PPV resistance region on G1 provided evidence that the investigated lineages (SEO and ‘Harlayne’–‘Goldrich’) have the same or related source of resistance introduced presumably from Northern China. Possible introgression of genetic material from nondomesticated apricots P. mandshurica sp, P. sibirica var. davidiana and P. mume sp. was detected and discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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