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Cumulus cells (CCs) have an important role during oocyte growth, competence acquisition, maturation, ovulation and fertilization. In an attempt to isolate potential biomarkers for bovine in vitro fertilization, we identified genes differentially expressed in bovine CCs from oocytes with different competence statuses, through microarray analysis. The model of follicle size, in which competent cumulus–oocyte complexes (COCs) were recovered from bigger follicles (≥8.0 mm in diameter) and less competent ones from smaller follicles (1–3 mm), was used. We identified 4178 genes that were differentially expressed (< 0.05) in the two categories of CCs. The list was further enriched, through the use of a 2.5‐fold change in gene expression as a cutoff value, to include 143 up‐regulated and 80 down‐regulated genes in CCs of competent COCs compared to incompetent COCs. These genes were screened according to their cellular roles, most of which were related to cell cycle, DNA repair, energy metabolism, metabolism of amino acids, cell signaling, meiosis, ovulation and inflammation. Three candidate genes up‐regulated (FGF11, IGFBP4, SPRY1) and three down‐regulated (ARHGAP22, COL18A1 and GPC4) in CCs from COCs of big follicles (≥8.1 mm) were selected for qPCR analysis. The selected genes showed the same expression patterns by qPCR and microarray analysis. These genes may be potential genetic markers that predict oocyte competence in in vitro fertilization routines.  相似文献   

Steroid levels in follicular fluid (FF) obtained from stimulated ovaries in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) were measured by capillary gas chromatography. The correlation between these levels and the maturity of the oocyte, judged from the morphology of the oocyte corona cumulus complex (OCCC) and the fertilizability of the oocytes was analysed. Oocyte maturity was associated with higher FF levels of progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone. Follicular fluids containing oocytes that became fertilized had significantly higher levels of 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone and progesterone and lower levels of androstenedione. Of all the steroids determined, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone provides the most significant group differences. Enhanced 20 alpha-dihydrogenation in the presence of decreased 16 alpha- and 17-hydroxylation appears to be an important characteristic of the ultimate ripening stages and early luteinization, at least in stimulated cycles.  相似文献   

Leaf photosynthetic rates were measured on field-grown soybeans during the 1980 season. Comparisons were made between different cultivars and isolines representative of maturity groups I–IV. Mature, fully expanded leaves at different nodes on the plant were measured in high light to determine which had the highest potential photosynthetic rates at any one time. Successive leaves during the growing season had maximum rates which increased from about 22 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 on 25 June to a peak of 30–44 mol CO2 m-2 s-1 in early August.The persistency and eventual decline in the maximum rate was associated with the maturity group and related dates of flowering, pod fill and onset of senescence. Early maturing cultivars (groups I and II) had higher peak rates (38–44 mol CO2 m-2 s-1) than later maturing cultivars (30–35 mol CO2 m-2 s-1, groups III and IV). However, the photosynthetic rates of early maturing cultivars declined rapidly after attaining their peak, whereas the leaves of later maturing cultivars maintained their photosynthetic activity for much longer.  相似文献   

Oocytes collected from immature PMSG-treated rats on the morning of proestrus were allowed to mature in culture either surrounded by their cumulus cells or after denudation. It was found that the time course of oocyte nuclear maturation was similar whether the cumulus cells were present or not. The oxygen consumption of noncultured oocytes was 0.12 nl/hr/oocyte and increased by 40% after four to eight hours in culture with intact cumulus. Respiration of oocytes cultured without cumulus remained constant throughout the culture, except for a transient decrease after four hours. It is concluted that the cumulus cells do not affect the spontaneous nuclear maturation in vitro, but that the metabolism in oocytes cultured with intact cumulus is different from that of cultured denuded oocytes. Furthermore, it appears that the rise in oocyte oxygen consumption is not a prerequisite for nucler maturation.  相似文献   

Sperm chemotaxis in mammals have been identified towards several female sources as follicular fluid (FF), oviduct fluid, and conditioned medium from the cumulus oophorus (CU) and the oocyte (O). Though several substances were confirmed as sperm chemoattractant, Progesterone (P) seems to be the best chemoattractant candidate, because: 1) spermatozoa express a cell surface P receptor, 2) capacitated spermatozoa are chemotactically attracted in vitro by gradients of low quantities of P; 3) the CU cells produce and secrete P after ovulation; 4) a gradient of P may be kept stable along the CU; and 5) the most probable site for sperm chemotaxis in vivo could be near and/or inside the CU. The aim of this study was to verify whether P is the sperm chemoattractant secreted by the rabbit oocyte-cumulus complex (OCC) in the rabbit, as a mammalian animal model. By means of videomicroscopy and computer image analysis we observed that only the CU are a stable source of sperm attractants. The CU produce and secrete P since the hormone was localized inside these cells by immunocytochemistry and in the conditioned medium by enzyme immunoassay. In addition, rabbit spermatozoa express a cell surface P receptor detected by western blot and localized over the acrosomal region by immunocytochemistry. To confirm that P is the sperm chemoattractant secreted by the CU, the sperm chemotactic response towards the OCC conditioned medium was inhibited by three different approaches: P from the OCC conditioned medium was removed with an anti-P antibody, the attractant gradient of the OCC conditioned medium was disrupted by a P counter gradient, and the sperm P receptor was blocked with a specific antibody. We concluded that only the CU but not the oocyte secretes P, and the latter chemoattract spermatozoa by means of a cell surface receptor. Our findings may be of interest in assisted reproduction procedures in humans, animals of economic importance and endangered species.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether the follicular tissue influences cumulus-oocyte interaction and, consequently, the fertilizability of the egg, four experiments were carried out. In the first, cumulus-enclosed pig oocytes were cultured for 44 h in control medium (modified TCM-199) or in follicle-conditioned medium, and the intercellular coupling was studied by measuring 3H-uridine uptake. In control medium the intercellular cooperation started to decline immediately, and at 24–32 h the uncoupling was almost complete. By contrast, in follicle, conditioned medium, it remained at high levels until 24?32 h. In the second experiment protein synthesis patterns of oocytes were studied. Oocytes cultured in conditioned medium were characterized by a 45-kD protein band, while those maturing in control medium were identifiable by a marked 56-kD band. In the third experiment mature oocytes were fertilized in vitro. The percentage of penetrated egg was higher in oocytes matured in conditioned medium than in control medium. In addition, only oocytes matured in conditioned medium could consistently decondense spermatozoa and form male pronuclei. Metabolic cooperation, protein synthesis patterns, and fertilizability were also studied in oocytes matured in control medium supplemented with either 17β-estradiol or progesterone or testosterone or dihydrotestosterone or androstenedione or ether extract of conditioned medium. Only ether extract and progesterone stimulated cumulus oocyte interaction and sperm decondensation. In the last experiment oocytes denuded at different stage of their maturation in conditioned medium were fertilized in vitro. The longer the eggs were cultured with the cumulus, the higher was their penetrability. Moreover, only oocytes denuded after 40 h of culture could, once fertilized, promote the formation of male pronuclei. These data demonstrate that follicular secretions are fundamental for the maintenance in vitro of a functional intercellular coupling between cumulus and oocyte, which is necessary for the egg to become penetrable by spermatozoa and to acquire the conditions required for the formation of male pronuclei.  相似文献   

Sperm hyaluronidase is thought to assist in penetration of the extracellular matrix (ECM) between the cumulus and corona radiata cells surrounding mammalian oocytes. The question was asked: Can motile cells which lack hyaluronidase penetrate the hamster oocyte cumulus complex (OCC)? Sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) and frog (Rana catesbeiana) sperm and the unicellular, biflagellated, green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii were extracted and found to contain no hyaluronidase activity. Moreover, none of these cells was able to disperse the cumulus cells of hamster OCC, nor did they affect the ultrastructure of the ECM between cells. Fresh hamster OCC were challenged with suspensions of each cell type. Frog and sea urchin sperm penetrated to the zona pellucida surface in less than 5 min. A cell wall-less mutant of Chlamydomonas also penetrated to the zona surface but required longer than 5 min. Wild-type Chlamydomonas penetrated only halfway to the zona, perhaps because its cell wall adhered to the ECM between the cumulus cells and retarded its movement. The motility of the frog and sea urchin sperm was not affected by the ECM of the OCC. Frog sperm exhibited slow lethargic motility yet had no difficulty penetrating to the zona; this indicates that hyperactivated motility is not required for penetration of the ECM. None of the challenge cells penetrated the zona pellucida, although the frog sperm did compress the weave of the zona. These data show that motile cells which lack the enzyme hyaluronidase can readily penetrate the ECM of the hamster cumulus and corona radiata and suggest that the significance of hyaluronidase in fertilization should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins could be involved in various aspects of final differentiation of ovarian follicles. Prostaglandins are generated by the cyclooxygenase (cox) pathway. Until now, the expression pattern of isoforms cox-1 and cox-2 of cyclooxygenase in bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) was unknown. Using immunodetection procedure, we demonstrated in the present study that cox-2 was expressed by cumulus cells during in vivo and in vitro maturation. Time course induction of cox-2 expression was investigated during in vitro maturation using Western blot analysis. Specific signal of cox-2 was markedly evidenced from 6 hr of culture and increased to reach a maximal level at 24 hr of culture. In vitro, cox-2 expression in COCs was associated with increased concentrations of PGE(2) and PGF(2alpha) in the maturation medium. In addition, the effects of culture conditions on cox-2 expression was considered using RT-PCR and Western-blot analysis. We demonstrated that the addition of 10 ng/ml of EGF to TCM199 clearly increased the expression level of cox-2 mRNA and protein. Higher levels of in vitro cox-2 expression was associated with greater rates of cumulus expansion and oocytes at metaphase II at 24 hr of culture. In conclusion, our present results suggest that cox-2 expression in cumulus cells may be involved in differentiation of COCs that occurs during oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

It has been reported that human-oocyte complexes (COC) retrieved at a stimulated cycle manifest an asynchrony between oocyte meiotic maturation and cumulus mucification. However, when mature COC were subdivided into subtypes marked by the culture morphology of their cumulus cells following 3 days' culture, successful fertilization and cleavage were approximately 1.5-fold lower in mature COC yielding cumulus cells aggregated into clumps (type A and B COC) than in mature COC yielding homogeneously spread cells (type C-D COC). To determine whether the existing relationship between cumulus culture morphology and oocyte functionality in the various COC types (A-D) could be extended to another follicular compartment--the granulosa-lutein (G-L) cells--basal steroid secretion by the corresponding G-L cells was evaluated within 5 days of culture. Over the first 3 days of culture, secretion of progesterone was 3-fold lower and secretion of testosterone (T) was 2.5-fold higher in cultures of G-L cells from follicles yielding type A COC than in type C-D COC. During days 4 and 5 of culture, G-L cells were incubated with or without 10(-7) M 3 beta-hydroxy-5-pregnen-20-one (pregnenolone), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), 4-androstene-3,17-dione (androstenedione), or T. The pattern of progesterone level noted over the first 3 days of culture was not altered in the presence of pregnanolone. DHA, androstenedione, or T. Addition of pregnenolone, DHA, androstenedione, or T increased T level 2.5-, 5.6-, 7.3-, and 17.7-fold, respectively, in cultures of G-L cells from follicles yielding type A COC, but did not significantly alter T level in cultures of G-L cells from follicles yielding type C-D COC. In cultures of G-L cells from follicles yielding type A COC, addition of androgens unsaturated at position 4 preferentially increased oestradiol-17 beta (E2) level, whereas in cultures of G-L cells of type C-D COC, DHA and androstenedione preferentially increased E2 level. Taken together, the asynchrony between oocyte and cumulus activity could be diminished when the activity of various follicular cell compartments is evaluated according to cumulus culture morphology rather than cumulus expansion and mucification. The present study suggests that follicles yielding mature COC represent a non-homogenous population in which G-L cells from follicles yielding type A-B COC manifest a less luteinized state than those from follicles yielding type C-D COC.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare the in vitro production of estradiol-17Beta (E(2)) by cumulus cells in the presence or absence of ovine oocyte. Moreover, the relationship between the concentration of produced estradiol-17Beta and oocyte nuclear maturation was assessed. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in saline at 30-35 degrees C within 1-3 h after collection. The oocytes of follicles, 2-6 mm in diameter, were recovered by aspiration. The oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm and which were surrounded with at least three layers of cumulus cells were selected and subjected to culture in pre-incubated oocyte culture medium (OCM). Before culturing, the selected oocytes were randomly divided into five treatment groups: Group 1, cumulus enclosed oocytes cultured in OCM (Group COCs); Group 2, denuded oocytes cultured in OCM (Group D); Group 3, denuded oocytes co-cultured with a cumulus cell-monolayer in OCM (Group D+M); Group 4, denuded oocytes co-cultured with previously cultured (for 26 h) cumulus cell-monolayer (10(5) cells/ml) in refreshed OCM (Group D+M(26)); Group 5, cumulus cell-monolayer (10(5) cells/ml) cultured in OCM (Group M). After an incubation period (26 h at 38.6 degrees C, 5% CO(2) and 100% humidity), the media were collected and kept at -20 degrees C until hormonal assay. The concentration of E(2) was determined by RIA method. For assessment of nuclear status, the completely denuded oocytes were subjected to DAPI staining. The highest percentage of metaphase II (MII) stage oocytes was observed in Group N (91%) and the lowest percentage was observed in Group D (6%) and Group D+M(26) (6%). The mean production of E(2) was highest and lowest in Group D+M (378.69+/-54.34 pg/ml) and Group D+M(26) (109.15+/-8.24 pg/ml), respectively. The production of E(2) was significantly (P<0.01) higher in Group D+/-M when compared with Groups M and D+/-M(26). Regarding the nuclear maturation, the percentage of MII stage oocytes was significantly (P<0.001) higher in Group COCs compared to the other groups. The results suggest that steroidogenic activity of cumulus cells in in vitro condition can be influenced by the pattern of connection between cumulus cells and the oocyte. Moreover, the nuclear maturation of oocytes is not influenced by the different production levels of E(2).  相似文献   



In vitro maturation of mammalian oocytes is an area of great interest due to its potential application in the treatment of infertility. The morphological and physiological changes that occur during oocyte development are poorly understood, and further studies are needed investigating the physiological changes associated with oocyte maturation. In this study we evaluated the membrane potential and the sodium/potassium permeability ratio of oocytes acutely isolated, and cumulus-oocyte complexes in metaphase II and preantral follicle stages.  相似文献   

Mammalian oocytes are arrested at the G(2)/M transition in the meiotic cell cycle. It is well known that a decrease in intraoocyte cAMP concentrations accompanies resumption of meiosis, but the precise trigger of this decrease remains a mystery. Follicular somatic cells are intimately coupled to the oocyte and are thought to transmit maturation signals to the oocyte in response to hormonal stimulation. Here, we investigate the nature of the follicular somatic cell response to hormonal stimulation by identifying and characterizing the adenylate cyclase isoforms present in bovine cumulus cells. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed the presence of multiple adenylyl cyclase isoforms in bovine granulosa and cumulus cells. Pharmacological manipulation of the AC isoforms showed that multiple isoforms were indeed active. Our data indicate that the PKC inhibited adenylate cyclases IV and VI and the calcium-stimulated isoform I predominate in bovine cumulus cells.  相似文献   

Cloned calves produced by nuclear transfer from cultured cumulus cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Short-term cultured cumulus cell lines (1-5BCC) derived from 5 individual cows were used in nuclear transfer (NT) and 1188 enucleated bovine oocytes matured in vitro were used as nuclear recipients. A total of 931 (78.4%) cloned embryos were reconstructed, of which 763 (82%) cleaved, 627 (67.3%) developed to 8-cell stage, and 275 (29.5%) reached blastocyst stage. The average cell number of blastocysts was 124±24.5 (n=20). In this study, the effects of donor cell sources, serum starvation of donor cells, time interval from fusion to activation (IFA) were also tested on cloning efficiency. These results showed that blastocyst rates of embryos reconstructed from 5 different individuals cells were significantly different among them (14.1%, 45.2%, 27.3%, 34.3%, vs 1.5%, P<0.05); that serum starvation of donor cells had no effect on blastocyst development rate of NT embryos (47.1% vs 44.4%, P>0.05); and that blastocyst rate (20.3%) of the group with fusion/activation interval of 2-3 h, was significantly lower  相似文献   

Short-term cultured cumulus cell lines (1-5BCC) derived from 5 individual cows were used in nuclear transfer (NT) and 1188 enucleated bovine oocytes matured in vitro were used as nuclear recipients. A total of 931 (78.4%) cloned embryos were reconstructed, of which 763 (82%) cleaved, 627 (67.3%) developed to 8-cell stage, and 275 (29.5%) reached blastocyst stage. The average cell number of blastocysts was 124±24.5 (n=20). In this study, the effects of donor cell sources, serum starvation of donor cells, time interval from fusion to activation (IFA) were also tested on cloning efficiency. These results showed that blastocyst rates of embryos reconstructed from 5 different individuals cells were significantly different among them (14.1%, 45.2%, 27.3%, 34.3%, vs 1.5%, P<0.05); that serum starvation of donor cells had no effect on blastocyst development rate of NT embryos (47.1% vs 44.4%, P>0.05); and that blastocyst rate (20.3%) of the group with fusion/activation interval of 2–3 h, was significantly lower than that of the 3–6 h groups (31.0%), while not significantly different among 3–4 h (P < 0.05), 4–5 h, and 5–6 h groups (P≥0.05). Sixty-three thawed NT blastocysts were transferred to 31 recipient cows, of which 4 pregnancies were established and two cloned calves were given birth. These results indicate that serum starvation of cumulus cells is not a key factor for successful bovine cloning, while IFA treatment and sources of donor cells have effects on cloning efficiency.  相似文献   

Bovine oocyte diameter in relation to developmental competence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was conducted to determine the diameter of bovine oocytes that were able to attain their full developmental competence to blastocysts. Oocytes were recovered by aspiration of surface-visible follicles (1 to 7 mm in diameter) from slaughterhouse ovaries. Only healthy-looking cumulus-oocyte complexes were used for in vitro maturation, and they were divided into six groups based on diameter: < 110 microm, 110 to < 115 microm, 115 to < 120 microm, 120 to < 125 microm, 125 to < 130 microm and >/= 130 microm. Oocytes were processed through standard procedures for in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture. Following in vitro maturation or fertilization, some oocytes were stained to assess nuclear maturation and penetration rates. The numbers of embryos that cleaved at 42 h post insemination and developed to blastocysts and hatched blastocysts after 8 days of culture were recorded. The mean oocyte diameters were 114.0 +/- 4.8 microm. The oocytes displayed size-related ability to undergo meiotic maturation. The rates of nuclear maturation of oocytes in the greater than 115-microm size range were significantly higher than those of oocytes with diameters < 115 microm. In the < 120 microm diameter groups, the polyspermic fertilization rates of oocytes < 115 microm were significantly higher than those of oocytes 115 to < 120 microm in diameter. The rates of cleavage and development to blastocysts and hatched blastocysts rose as oocyte diameter increased. Among oocytes with a diameter >110 microm, oocytes < 120 microm were found to have significantly lower developmental competence than oocytes 120 to < 130 microm in diameter. These results suggest that bovine oocytes have acquired full meiotic competence at a diameter of 115 microm but not yet attained full developmental competence to blastocysts, and that oocytes have acquired full developmental competence at a diameter of 120 microm.  相似文献   

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