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Biotic indices based on benthic macroinvertebrates are increasingly being used to assess the ecological quality of running water worldwide. In Nepal in the central Himalaya, five biotic indices have been developed in succession over the last decade to assess the ecological status of rivers, namely: the NEPbios, BRSbios, GRSbios, HKHbios, and NEPbios-Extended. The implementation of control and protection policies should be based on indices with proven reliability. Such reliability refers to the ability of the index to detect the correct status about the health of the assessed environment. So in the present study, we compare the performance of these five indices to determine the most robust, reliable biotic index for Nepal. In total, 248 biological samples belonging to first- to sixth-order streams were analyzed. Each sampling site was preclassified in situ using a screening protocol and later validated with physicochemical parameters to reflect the actual field condition. Overall, the GRSbios proved to be the most reliable, followed by the NEPbios-Extended, HKHbios, NEPbios, and BRSbios. The results were further validated by the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve method. The study recommends applying the GRSbios to ecologically assess rivers in Nepal. In addition, we discuss modifying the GRSbios method to consider the future impacts of global change.  相似文献   

将3个底栖生物指数AZTI海洋生物指数(AMBI)、多毛类机会种和端足目动物指数(BOPA)、底栖动物多毛类和端足目指数(BPA)和Shannon多样性指数(H)应用于福建省近岸海域4个典型海湾和1个河口的生态质量评价,评估这4个指数在研究区的适用性.结果表明: 4个指数的评价结果差异较大,评价等级完全相同的站位仅有4个,占总评价站数的8.7%;AMBI将76.1%的站位评价为等级“良”,BOPA将89.1%的站位评价为等级“优”,BPA和H的评价结果等级梯度变化明显;对于海湾,BOPA、BPA和AMBI与营养盐因子活性磷酸盐(DIP)和无机氮(DIN)无显著相关性,不能响应研究区的富营养化压力;而H与DIN呈显著负相关.对于河口,BOPA、BPA和AMBI与DIP和DIN均呈显著正相关,且随着与入海口距离的减小,7个断面生态质量评价等级没有明显变化,不能识别河口高强度的富营养化压力,评价结果偏高;而H与DIN呈显著负相关,且随着与入海口距离的减小,7个断面生态质量评价等级呈现提高的趋势.总体上,BOPA、BPA和AMBI在福建近岸海域的适用性较低,而H更合适该研究区,能够响应研究区主要的环境压力.  相似文献   

Taxonomic diversity indices have a number of desirable properties as indicators in the assessment of environmental quality, and have become an important measure in biodiversity studies. Macrobenthic taxonomic variations were studied in Bohai Bay, northern China, an area under threat from rapid human development. Four seasonal cruise datasets were collected between 2006 and 2007. Environmental conditions exhibited large fluctuations due to human development; nitrogen and phosphorus were the main environmental stressors. A total of 97 macrofauna taxa were identified belonging to 88 genera, 72 families, 36 orders, 14 classes, and nine phyla. Analysis of similarity indicated that there were significant assemblage differences across sampling stations as well as seasons. Four taxonomic indices, taxonomic diversity (Δ), taxonomic distinctness (Δ*), average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+), and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) were calculated using abundance data. Among the stations and seasons, there were greater variations in both Δ and Λ+ than in Δ* and Δ+. The funnel plot of Δ+ could identify disturbed stations to some extent, but was not always a strong indicator of disturbance. The Δ+ performance was better in autumn than in spring, but could not identify a disturbed station in autumn due to a low number of species. The efficiency of taxonomic distinctness may depend on taxa or the pollution indicators. Taxonomic distinctness indices can be effective at assessing environmental degradation when correctly applied; however, they are unsuitable for directly assessing environmental quality in a new area prior to efficiency testing.  相似文献   

Synopsis The shapes of juveniles of nine species of the family Sparidae (Diplodus annularis, Diplodus puntazzo, Diplodus sargus, Diplodus vulgaris, Lithognathus mormyrus, Pagellus acarne, Sarpa salpa, Sparus aurata, Spondyliosoma cantharus), collected in the tide channel of the Caprolace Lagoon (Central Tyrrhenian Sea—Italy) were studied using geometric morphometry. These species have different ecologies. The trophic ecology of each species, reported as TROPH values, are related to shape. For the first time the relationship between shape and trophic ecology in sparids was studied in a quantitative way giving an ecomorphological meaning to the shape differences. Mean shapes of carnivorous, omnivorous and herbivorous fish were extracted, analyzed and found to be unique. Strict herbivores such as Sarpa salpa have a small mouth gap; omnivores such as the four species of the genus Diplodus have a higher body (discoidal) and a caudal peduncle shorter and higher; carnivorous species such as Lithognathus mormyrus, possess a relatively larger head region, a larger mouth gap, a longer body and a caudal peduncle longer and narrower.  相似文献   

The latest taxonomic account for the palms of the Amazon recognizes two common and widespread varieties of Geonoma macrostachys (Arecaceae) in western Amazonia: acaulis and macrostachys . These varieties are joined by intermediates, which obscure their taxonomic boundaries. An evaluation of the genetic distinctness between G. macrostachys varieties at a local and regional scale is presented. Thirty-one G. macrostachys individuals were randomly sampled from four Peruvian tropical moist forests. Twenty-seven intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers were used, and all clear and reproducible bands were scored and analysed. Of the 99 ISSR bands produced, 51.52% were polymorphic. Nei's gene diversity value ( H ) was 0.2274 and Shannon's information index ( I ) was 0.3237. Clustering, ordination, and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVAs) suggested a lack of genetic distinctness between varieties at the regional level. Individuals clustered by geographical provenance, and two main groups were identified. A significant genetic differentiation between sympatric varieties occurred only in the northern locality (ΦST = 0.359, P  = 0.000). A hierarchical AMOVA revealed that the genetic diversity in G. macrostachys mainly lies between localities (76.58%). Mantel's test revealed no significant correlation between the geographical and genetic distances between individuals. We do not support the recognition of the two taxonomic varieties studied.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 381–392.  相似文献   

Ecological indicators likely constitute the mainstream tools in assessing the quality of aquatic ecosystems as they condense composite biological information into single measures, easier to handle for environmental managers and more understandable for non-scientific users. However, sampling settings can influence the performance of most indices, and their use is often constrained to specific habitat types. Average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+) and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) may represent promising tools in overcoming sampling bias, and potentially applicable to a wide range of environmental contexts. In marine systems, such metrics showed higher sensitivity than classical indices in discriminating among perturbed and unperturbed conditions, though a number of studies found Δ+ and Λ+ also varying along natural gradients, suggesting a lower ability to discern human-driven variations from natural variability than what expected. Here, analyzing existing data sets from previous impact assessment studies, we test the response of Δ+ and Λ+ in detecting the effects of different sources of anthropogenic disturbance on marine mollusks and polychaetes from Mediterranean soft sediments and hard substrates. Our results showed that neither classical univariate analyses on Δ+ and Λ+ values nor their associated statistical framework were able to discern among perturbed and unperturbed sites, highlighting a low sensitiveness of such metrics in detecting assemblage variations related to anthropogenic disturbance. Δ+ and Λ+ are based on presence/absence data, and assume impacts being likely to induce variations in taxonomic structures of assemblages. As a consequence, they could experience reduced discrimination power when impacts mostly affect relative abundances of organisms rather than assemblage composition, or drive species replacement within higher taxa. Our results also showed that habitat type could strongly affect taxonomic relatedness of species within assemblages, and that this effect can vary among different organisms, suggesting that the departures from expectation of Δ+ and Λ+ values might not be always univocally attributable to human perturbations, since possibly depending on habitat effects. Taxonomic distinctness indices can provide useful additional information on taxonomic diversity of assemblages, crucial to better address the wide concept of biological diversity. However, the effectiveness of such measures in disclosing the effects of human disturbance is still unclear, requiring further investigations especially on their potential application in defining the ecological status of coastal rocky systems.  相似文献   

1. Many studies have shown traditional species diversity indices to perform poorly in discriminating anthropogenic influences on biodiversity. By contrast, in marine systems, taxonomic distinctness indices that take into account the taxonomic relatedness of species have been shown to discriminate anthropogenic effects. However, few studies have examined the performance of taxonomic distinctness indices in freshwater systems. 2. We studied the performance of four species diversity indices and four taxonomic distinctness indices for detecting anthropogenic effects on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Further, we examined the effects of catchment type and area, as well as two variables (pH and total phosphorus) potentially describing anthropogenic perturbation on biodiversity. 3. We found no indications of degraded biodiversity at the putatively disturbed sites. However, species density, rarefied species richness, Shannon's diversity and taxonomic diversity showed higher index values in streams draining mineral as opposed to peatland catchments. 4. Of the major environmental gradients analysed, biodiversity indices showed the strongest relationships with catchment area, lending further support to the importance of stream size for macroinvertebrate biodiversity. Some of the indices also showed weak linear and quadratic relationships to pH and total phosphorus, and residuals from the biodiversity index‐catchment area regressions (i.e. area effect standardized) were more weakly related to pH and total phosphorus than the original index values. 5. There are a number of reasons why the biodiversity indices did not respond to anthropogenic perturbation. First, some natural environmental gradients may mask the effects of perturbation on biodiversity. Secondly, perturbations of riverine ecosystems in our study area may not be strong enough to cause drastic changes in biodiversity. Thirdly, multiple anthropogenic stressors may either increase or decrease biodiversity, and thus the coarse division of sites into reference and altered streams may be an oversimplification. 6. Although neither species diversity nor taxonomic distinctness indices revealed anthropogenic degradation of macroinvertebrate assemblages in this study, the traditional species diversity and taxonomic distinctness indices were very weakly correlated. Therefore, we urge that biodiversity assessment and conservation planning should utilize a number of different indices, as they may provide complementary information about biotic assemblages.  相似文献   

Saline lakes are threatened all over the world and their conservation has been a key issue. Various diversity indices are available for ecological status assessments, however, with poorly explored relevance and applicability in saline, alkaline pans. Therefore, traditional diversity measures (species richness and Shannon diversity) and taxonomic distinctness indices (Average [AvTD] and Variance of Taxonomic Distinctness [VarTD]) were tested in more than 100 sampling sites of 39 soda pans in Central-Europe to find sufficient indicators of the ecological condition and simultaneously to facilitate their preservation according to the modern conservation practices. Results of the analyses showed that healthy soda pan ecosystems with high level of natural stress and reduced habitat heterogeneity are characterized by low diversity diatom assemblages. In soda pans where the stress can be extremely high from natural reasons, oligopoly of closely related species can develop: the average taxonomic distinctness appeared between genus and family level. The non-DNA-sequence based phylogenetic diversity measures (AvTD and VarTD), were generally sensitive to the trophic state of the lakes, in contrast to traditional diversity metrics, which were unequivocally indicative for the special physical and chemical parameters (e.g. conductivity, pH) of the soda pans. In some cases, when the response of the diversity measures for a given environmental variable (pH, temperature) overlapped, the AvTD was found to be a more precise indicator of the environmental changes (pH) than traditional ones. The decreasing tendency of the AvTD along the intensified natural impact may be explained by the long available time for the species to adapt to these special environments.  相似文献   

The presence of toxigenic cyanobacteria capable of biosynthesis of cylindrospermopsin (CYN) was measured in 24 water samples collected from the lakes Bytyńskie (BY) and Bnińskie (BN) in the Western Poland. The study also covered analysis of toxigenicity and production of CYN by the culture of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii isolated from BY. The cyrJ gene associated with CYN production was identified in 22 water samples collected in the summer seasons of 2006 and 2007. The presence of CYN was confirmed in 16 samples. The homology searches revealed that amplified sequences of four water samples, which were selected from among all the samples, displayed a strong 99% homology to cyrJ gene of Aphanizomenon sp. 10E6. The culture of C.?raciborskii did not contain the cyrJ gene nor the CYN. The specificity of C.?raciborskii was confirmed by application of a fragment of the rpoC1. These first genetic analyses have shown that Aphanizomenon seems to be the main cyanobacterial genus responsible for the production of CYN in the Polish lakes. The lack of toxigenicity of the isolated C.?raciborskii suggests that it is possible that this invasive species does not demonstrate toxigenic activity in Polish water bodies.  相似文献   

The dog family, Canidae, is a widely distributed group of species that have evolved and radiated relatively recently into 16 genera and 36 recognized species ( Nowak 1999 ). Specific taxonomic designations for some canid taxa can be unclear due to frequent interspecific hybridization among species in both historical and contemporary times, and our imperfect molecular genetic approaches for determining among a series of hypotheses regarding hybridization and evolution. In this issue of Molecular Ecology , Koblmüller et al . tackle the difficult topic of Great Lakes wolf taxonomy and present data that suggest this taxon is currently genetically distinct despite a long history of human persecution and hybridization with related taxa.  相似文献   

Information on water mite assemblages from high elevation lentic biotopes is scant. A survey of 14 small Alpine lakes located between1900 and 2400 m a.s.l. in Italy resulted in the discovery of 17 species of Hydrachnidia and a single species of freshwater Halacaridae. Arrenurus conicus and Lebertia tuberosa were the most widespread and abundant species; Lebertia sefvei, Lebertia rufipes, Oxus setosus, Panisus torrenticolus and Sperchon glandulosus were also widely distributed but relatively less abundant. Atractides fissus and Arrenurus conicus are recorded for the first time from Italy. In contrast to mid/low elevation lakes and ponds, water mite assemblages of alpine lakes are less diverse and are composed mainly of rheo- and crenobiontic taxa, most of which are cold-stenothermic. Typical standing water dwellers represented only a small fraction (23%) of the species sampled. A principal component analysis conducted on lake environmental variables resulted in a clear separation of the lakes mainly based on ionic contents, pH and temperature. Water mites seem to be less influenced by these factors than by temperature fluctuations and habitat stability and heterogeneity. We conclude with some considerations of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the altitudinal and latitudinal distribution pattern of water mites.  相似文献   

Information on water mite assemblages from high elevation lentic biotopes is scant. A survey of 14 small Alpine lakes located between 1900 and 2400 m a.s.l. in Italy resulted in the discovery of 17 species of Hydrachnidia and a single species of freshwater Halacaridae. Arrenurus conicus and Lebertia tuberosa were the most widespread and abundant species; Lebertia sefvei, Lebertia rufipes, Oxus setosus, Panisus torrenticolus and Sperchon glandulosus were also widely distributed but relatively less abundant. Atractides fissus and Arrenurus conicus are recorded for the first time from Italy. In contrast to mid/low elevation lakes and ponds, water mite assemblages of alpine lakes are less diverse and are composed mainly of rheo- and crenobiontic taxa, most of which are cold-stenothermic. Typical standing water dwellers represented only a small fraction (23%) of the species sampled. A principal component analysis conducted on lake environmental variables resulted in a clear separation of the lakes mainly based on ionic contents, pH and temperature. Water mites seem to be less influenced by these factors than by temperature fluctuations and habitat stability and heterogeneity. We conclude with some considerations of the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the altitudinal and latitudinal distribution pattern of water mites.  相似文献   

An analysis of Italian herbarium specimens belonging to the genus Azolla was carried out using optical microscope and SEM techniques. According to recent international reviews, three micro-morphological characters have been considered for the specimen analysis: (i) number of leaf trichome cells, (ii) septation of glochidia and (iii) features of the macrospore perine. The analysis of the patterns concerning both vegetative and reproductive characters was complicated by the relatively low number of sporulated specimens stored in the Italian Herbaria. The analysis of the selected specimens showed the presence of two well distinct systematic groups. One group was characterized by bicellular leaf trichomes, pluriseptate glochidia and not-warty perine, traits that permitted to taxonomically attribute it to A. cristata. The second group was characterized by monocellular leaf trichomes, non-septate or uniseptate glochidia and warty perine, so that it could be taxonomically attributed to A. filiculoides Lam. This study confirmed the large use in the past of the name ‘A. caroliniana’ to indicate the species actually named A. cristata. In Italy, this species was found to be collected only in the past, while A. filiculoides was found to be present with both ancient and recent herbarium specimens.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic classifications of plants often do not reflect their ecological functions. In fact, the functional mechanisms of biological communities may be better understood if species are pooled into groups having similar characteristics. The objective of this work is to evaluate, with the use of multivariate methods, classifications based on the morphological and functional characteristics (size and form, mobility, potential mixotrophy, nutrient requirements, presence of gelatinous envelopes) of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae to explain the seasonal dynamic of the phytoplankton community. The analyses involve data from two deep lakes: Lake Garda, southern Alps, z max = 350 m; biennium 2002–2003) and Lake Stechlin (north-east Germany, z max = 67 m; 1995, 1998 and 2001). In both lakes, the temporal evolution of the phytoplankton communities within individual years followed a regular annual cycle, with the exception of Lake Stechlin in 1998, when an irregular phytoplankton pattern was caused by a sudden mass appearance of Planktothrix rubescens in the spring and summer months, resulting in a collapse of the whole community in autumn. Overall, the temporal developments of the phytoplankton communities obtained on the basis of patterns of the morpho-functional groups appeared highly comparable with those obtained, in the single years, on the basis of the original phytoplankton species matrices. The comparison of the morpho-functional groups of the lakes Garda and Stechlin showed important differences in the abundance and seasonality of the dominant phytoplankton types. The results obtained in this study underline that the use of classifications based on the adaptive strategies of the single species may represent a useful tool to investigate the community evolution and to compare phytoplankton assemblages of different lakes, overcoming problems related to possible differences of taxonomic accuracy and identification.  相似文献   

This study aimed at comparing the results obtained by processing a series of data according to several diversity indices (Simpson, Berger-Parker, Margalef, Menhinick, McIntosh, Shannon) and one similarity index (Jaccard) with those obtained from two biotic indices (Trent River Biotic Index, Extended Biotic Index). In addition, Cody's index was adopted to measure the species turnover along the stream gradient. The source of the data was a study of the seasonal variations of macroinvertebrates from the Ravella stream (Como Province, Northern Italy). The conclusions are the following. There is clearly a certain connection between the organic debris in the habitat, the abundance of individuals and the decrease in the diversity value of the macroinvertebrate association. The species turnover along the stream gradient is rapid which is due, in addition to birth and death rates, to the fact that most of the insects emerge as terrestrial adults. The species abundance distribution is a very simple and powerful tool for describing and comparing the species diversity from different sampling stations. Any type of monitoring (e.g., biotic indices, diversity indices) is useful in comparing non-polluted and heavily polluted environments. Conversely, small differences between species associations are better highlighted if diversity indices with high discriminant ability (e.g., Simpson's index) or species abundance distribution are used rather than biotic indices.  相似文献   

Biotic communities are increasingly used to assess and monitor aquatic ecosystems with two fundamentally contrasting approaches: (i) responses sensitive to, and indicative of specific stressors; and (ii) general measures of community change. For assessment of lacustrine macrophyte communities, we compared three trophy-related and one water level fluctuation-related stressor-specific indices (SSIs) with three general measures of taxonomic composition (MTC), using data from 48 reference, 33 eutrophicated and 24 water level regulated boreal lakes. Our hypothesis was that MTCs would yield robust ecological quality estimates across these differing stress-gradients, while the SSIs would only react to the specific pressures they are calibrated against. Judged by the criteria of accuracy, precision and sensitivity, most trophy-specific SSIs performed well with respect to eutrophication and even showed some sensitivity to regulation, whereas the water-level fluctuation index reacted only to heavy regulation amplitude. Metric performance was not significantly affected by inclusion or exclusion of emergent taxa or by the use of abundance instead of occurrence alone. As expected, MTCs responded to both eutrophication and regulation and the best performing MTC – incorporating both taxa loss and gain – indicated impairment almost as often as any one (minimum) of the SSIs. We argue that non-stressor-specific MTCs – with the demonstrated unifying response of biotic community to different stressors – should primarily be used in the assessment of changes in the status of aquatic biota, whereas using SSIs a posteriori might help in identifying the likely causes of these changes.  相似文献   

The life history and production characteristics of Neomysis mercedis from two British Columbia lakes were examined for their potential influence on zooplankton and limnetic fish communities. During the day, mysids in shallow Muriel Lake (45 m) were on or near the bottom; in Kennedy Lake (> 100 m), mysids remained deeper than 50 m. In both lakes, mysids spent summer nights at 0–15 m depths despite > 20 °C temperatures. Mysid density was not strongly correlated with lake depth. Mysids generally displayed spring to early summer minima and late summer to fall maxima in numbers and biomass. Single peaks in gravid females and juvenile mysid abundance, and the absence of pronounced seasonal size changes of gravid females suggest that N. mercedis produced a single generation each year. Fecundities of study lake mysids are the lowest on record, and although size-dependent, exhibited unusually high variability. Annual productivity of mysids averaged 485 mg m–2 y–1 (range 205–690). Calculations indicate mysids consume several times more zooplankton per annum than limnetic fish do. N. mercedis is likely an important competitor of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) since: (i) sockeye exhibit food limited growth and survival patterns in coastal lakes, (ii) mysids and sockeye consume similar zooplankton prey and (iii) mysids do not contribute greatly to sockeye diet (i.e. < 26% of summer and fall diets by numbers or weight).  相似文献   

The phenology of many species, which grow intemperate climate, is principally regulated bythe temperature and the plants respond withvariations in the beginning, in the durationand in the intensity of the various phenophasestowards every climate change. We have analysedthe data of Pinus pollination in Perugia,Central Italy, during last 2 decades(1982–2001), in a period during which theannual mean temperature significantly increasedby about 0.8 °C.The pine pollination started, on average,between the end of March and mid-April andended in the last days of June, with a meanduration of 65 days. The start dates showed asignificant negative correlation with theaverage air temperature in March andsignificant trends towards an earlier beginningof pollination by 18 days (–0.9 day/year) and ashorter duration of the pollen season by 10days (–0.6 day/year) were found over thestudied period. Moreover, the trend of thedaily pollen counts showed, on average, analmost normal distribution, but the analysis ofeach yearly trend revealed significantdifferences correlated with the meantemperature during the pollen season. Theseobserved trends in pine pollination suggest theuse of aerobiological monitoring of thisairborne pollen as indicator of temperaturechange in Central Italy over a relatively longperiod.  相似文献   

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