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Summary With limited evidence linking Australia's Murray‐Darling Basin fish species and flooding, this study assessed annual variation in abundance and recruitment levels of a small‐bodied, threatened floodplain species, the Southern Pygmy Perch (Nannoperca australis), in floodplain habitats (creeks, lakes and wetlands) in the Barmah‐Millewa Forest, Murray River, Australia. Spring and summer sampling over a 5‐year period encompassed large hydrological variation, including 1 year of extended floodplain inundation which was largely driven by an environmental water release, and 2 years of severe regional drought. Recruitment and dispersal of Southern Pygmy Perch significantly increased during the floodplain inundation event compared with the other examined years. This study provides valuable support for an environmental water allocation benefiting a native species, and explores the link between flooding and its advantages to native fish. This suggests that the reduced flooding frequency and magnitude as a result of river regulation may well be a major contributing factor in the species’ decline in the Murray‐Darling Basin.  相似文献   

Mature bream (>30 cm LF) dominated the fish communities in floodplain lakes along the lower River Rhine in The Netherlands, in terms of biomass, in all lakes at all times. In some lakes bream made up 99% of the total fish biomass. While immature, medium–sized bream (10-30 cm) and white bream and roach were abundant in the main channel of the river, these species were almost absent from the floodplain lakes. Inundation of the floodplains did not lead to spatial homogenization of species and length distributions. Small bream (<10 cm) left the floodplains to become resident in the main channel until maturity. Once mature (c. 30 cm), they returned to the lakes during the next inundation and stayed there. Mature bream that moved into the lakes were significantly smaller and had a lower condition than the resident bream. Turbid clay-pits were probably important sources of bream for the lower Rhine and the recruitment of the 0+ year group of bream to the riverine population was influenced by their discharge pattern.  相似文献   

The relationships between habitat heterogeneity and the provision of multiple ecosystem services are not well understood. This study investigates the impacts of heterogeneity in surface floodwater inundation on the productive efficiency of ecosystem service provision, and the degree to which the relative provision of these ecosystem services is evenly balanced. We analyse indicators of five services. Field data from 100 floodplain quadrats were first analysed to investigate relationships between ecosystem service indicators and floodplain hydrology. Floodplain mosaics of varying hydrological heterogeneity were then simulated using the empirical data. Simulated floodplains with higher hydrological heterogeneity were generally less efficient in providing the target indicators, because they were adapted to the particular hydrological ranges which best provided the target services. Simulated floodplains that were more heterogeneous generally provided more even levels of the target indicators by segregating provision into different habitat types. Heterogeneity in floodplain hydrology may help to balance provision of multiple ecosystem services. However, management of hydrological heterogeneity to achieve this requires a detailed understanding of the relationships between each service and habitat conditions.  相似文献   

1. Persistence of zebra mussel populations in river systems probably depends upon the presence of upriver sites capable of hosting self‐recruiting adult populations that act as sources of larvae. In this paper we examine the importance of Lake Pepin, a natural riverine lake in the Upper Mississippi River, as an upriver source of larvae to the downstream populations of zebra mussels. 2. Field studies and modelling suggest that Lake Pepin plays a major role in maintaining zebra mussel populations in the Upper Mississippi River. Long water residence times in Lake Pepin allow for self‐recruitment under the right hydraulic conditions. Larval abundance was low to absent upstream of the lake but increased dramatically downriver in all 3 years of the study. Travel time estimates in the Upper Mississippi River show that newly fertilised larvae drifting out of Lake Pepin can contribute substantially to the major downstream peak in larval abundance. In contrast, backwater and other off‐channel sites are unlikely to drive main‐channel abundance patterns. Larval abundances in off‐channel sites were less than or equal to those in the main channel. 3. A key factor in assessing the importance of Lake Pepin as a source population was the abundance of early stage, unshelled larvae. Studies that consider only abundances of older shelled stages (visible by cross polarised lighting) may yield misleading results. Results of this study suggest that efforts to control zebra mussels in the Upper Mississippi River should focus on controlling adult populations within Lake Pepin and reducing or eliminating larvae exiting the lake.  相似文献   

The ecological importance of the River Meuse phytoplankton with regard to carbon and nutrient transport has been examined in two reaches of the Belgian course of the river.Field measurements of total particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and particulate phosphorus (PP) show that the large autochtonous production of organic matter strongly affects the carbon and nutrient budget of the aquatic system. During the growing season, phytoplankton accounts for nearly 60% of the POC and dominates the PON. Calculations of the carbon and oxygen budget in the upper reach of the Belgian Meuse demonstrates that the ecosystem is autotrophic, i.e. that autochtonous FPOM (fine particulate organic matter) production is the major carbon input. This suggests that in large lowland rivers, primary production (P) may exceed community respiration (R), i.e. P:R>1, whereas they are assumed to be heterotrophic (P:R<1) in the River Continuum concept.The question of maintenance of phytoplankton in turbid mixed water columns is also addressed, and the case of the River Meuse is treated on the basis of studies of photosynthesis and respiration (ETS measurements). The results suggest that the potamoplankton may show some low-light acclimation, through an increase of chlorophyll a relative to biomass, when it comes to deep downstream reaches, and that algal respiration rate may be reduced. A simulation of the longitudinal development of the algal biomass shows the different phases of algal growth and decline along the river and brings support to the importation hypothesis for explaining maintenance of potamoplankton in the downstream reaches.  相似文献   

1. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) distribution across a 0.36 km2 restored floodplain (Cosumnes River, California) was analysed throughout the winter and spring flood season from January to June 2005. In addition, high temporal‐resolution Chl a measurements were made in situ with field fluorometers in the floodplain and adjacent channel. 2. The primary objectives were to characterise suspended algal biomass distribution across the floodplain at various degrees of connection with the channel and to correlate Chl a concentration and distribution with physical and chemical gradients across the floodplain. 3. Our analysis indicates that periodic connection and disconnection of the floodplain with the channel is vital to the functioning of the floodplain as a source of concentrated suspended algal biomass for downstream aquatic ecosystems. 4. Peak Chl a levels on the floodplain occurred during disconnection, reaching levels as high as 25 μg L?1. Chl a distribution across the floodplain was controlled by residence time and local physical/biological conditions, the latter of which were primarily a function of water depth. 5. During connection, the primary pond on the floodplain exhibited low Chl a (mean = 3.4 μg L?1) and the shallow littoral zones had elevated concentrations (mean = 4.6 μg L?1); during disconnection, shallow zone Chl a increased (mean = 12.4 μg L?1), but the pond experienced the greatest algal growth (mean = 14.7 μg L?1). 6. Storm‐induced floodwaters entering the floodplain not only displaced antecedent floodplain waters, but also redistributed floodplain resources, creating complex mixing dynamics between parcels of water with distinct chemistries. Incomplete replacement of antecedent floodplain waters led to localised hypoxia in non‐flushed areas. 7. The degree of complexity revealed in this analysis makes clear the need for high‐resolution spatial and temporal studies such as this to begin to understand the functioning of dynamic and heterogeneous floodplain ecosystems.  相似文献   

Water resource development has altered the hydrological regime on the Lower Balonne River in Queensland, Australia. Concerns have been raised about possible impacts to floodplain plant communities, which support a pastoral industry and a range of native fauna. Water and nutrients commonly limit plant growth in south central Queensland, where the climate is semi-arid and the soils are infertile. Floodplain plant productivity is boosted by inundation with water, but the role of flooding in nutrient provision is not known. Growth experiments and a pilot soil survey were conducted to help determine if soil nutrient deficiencies exist and if regular flooding is required to maintain floodplain soil fertility. Soils were sampled from areas representing three flood frequency classes: high, moderate, and low. Chemical extractions were performed as a surrogate for `bioavailable' nutrients. Soil nitrogen (N) but not phosphorus (P) limited the growth of seedlings of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Gardia) based on responses to nutrient additions: plants supplied with N had greater shoot length and total biomass than plants without N. Clear evidence of an effect of flood frequency on fertility was not revealed. Neither soil P, soil N, nor plant growth varied significantly with flood frequency. However, this analysis had low statistical power. There were trends for greater biomass of seedlings grown on moderately flooded soils and thinner roots for seedlings grown on frequently flooded soils, but neither of these growth responses was clearly linked to nutrient limitation. Nevertheless, the possibility that flooding provides a nutrient subsidy to plants cannot be ruled out because of a number of factors, including the statistical power of this analysis and the possibility that short-term nutrient subsidies occur with floods.  相似文献   

High species richness and evenness in structurally complex habitats has been hypothesized to be associated with niche partitioning. To test this idea, relationships between habitat structural complexity in river littoral-zone habitats and morphological diversity of tropical fishes were examined in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Six habitat attributes were quantified in 45 sites spanning a range of structural complexity. Fishes were collected during day and night to estimate species density and relative abundances at each site. Twenty-two morphological variables were measured for each species. Principal components analysis (PCA) of physical habitat data yielded two axes that modeled >80% of variation across sites. The first two axes from PCA of fish morphological variables modeled >70% of variation. Species density during both day and night was negatively associated with flow velocity and positively associated with habitat complexity. Similarity of day and night samples from the same site was significantly greater for sites with high habitat complexity and low flow. In general, mean local assemblage morphological PC scores were not significantly associated with habitat PC scores. Average, maximum, and standard deviation of morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages revealed positive associations with structural complexity and negative associations with flow. These relationships held even when the positive relationship of species density was statistically removed from assemblage morphological patterns. Findings suggest that both species niche compression and assemblage niche space increase when habitat complexity is greater and flow velocity is lower in this tropical lowland river.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Flow regimes structure biotic processes and communities of floodplain wetlands. Most current understanding of the influence of the flood pulse on vertebrates is based on knowledge of relationships between flow regimes and fish and bird populations. Its influence on amphibian populations is poorly known, and possibly difficult to disentangle due to the strong influence of weather on amphibian movement and breeding. We predicted that the behaviour of two functionally different amphibian species would vary due to different physiological constraints and life histories driving habitat use and activity periods. We radio‐tracked 52 frogs, 27 barking marsh frogs (Limnodynastes fletcheri, Limnodynastidae) and 25 green tree frogs (Litoria caerulea, Hylidae), to investigate the influence of weather and flooding on habitat use, size of activity area and nightly movement. Activity area sizes and nightly distances of the species were highly variable. Limnodynastes fletcheri had a greater area of activity during floods (mean area: 5237 ± 2556 (SE) m2 cf. 639 ± 247 m2 post flood) while the tree frog had a greater area after flooding (207 ± 68 m2 cf. 1946 ± 530 m2). Limnodynastes fletcheri movement was little influenced by weather or inundation, with distances slightly restricted by increasing wind speed. However, use of floodplain habitat and coincidental breeding behaviour indicated responsiveness by L. fletcheri to flooding. Litoria caerulea moved further with increasing rainfall and nightly temperatures, seldom used flooded areas and there was no evidence of breeding. Although the flood pulse is the dominant structuring force on the floodplain, its influence varies on amphibian species. Consequently for conservation, L. fletcheri populations may be negatively affected by river regulatory activities, but would respond to environmental flow management, whereas L. caerulea appears unlikely to be affected by river regulation, though the confounding effects of rain and preferred habitat inundation needs exploring.  相似文献   

The distributions of the fish species were examined in relation to environmental variables, to evaluate the effects of environmental degradation on the fish community of Batata Lake, a typical Amazonian clearwater lake. From 1979 to 1989, tailings composed of water and clay, extracted from bauxite by water jets, were discharged into Batata Lake. The tailings spread into about 30% of the lake’s area, where the level of the lake bottom rose and turbidity increased. In the present study, multivariate analyses were performed on data for environmental parameters and fish density and biomass. Fish were collected with gillnets during the annual hydrological cycle (filling, flood, drawdown and dry periods), in the silted area, the partly silted area (intermediate) and the natural area. Values of the Shannon index, density and biomass were compared among areas and periods to evaluate the effects of the tailings on community structure. Sediment resuspension, which reduces transparency, is accentuated in shallow water, and was the main factor regulating differences in the community structure between the natural and silted areas. The decrease in transparency occurs mainly during the filling period in the silted area and during the low-water period in the silted and intermediate areas, when sediment resuspension increases concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll-a. The strong influence of migratory and piscivore species in low-transparency waters is likely associated with the greater bacterioplankton productivity and turnover rate observed by other authors in the silted area, increasing the importance of the heterotrophic food chain in Batata Lake. Reduction of transparency in the silted area was a selective factor for fish species. The death of part of the flooded forest vegetation was decisive in lowering densities of the igapó-associated species in the silted area. The unconsolidated substrate, the death of part of the igapó forest and the negative effects of low transparency – inhibiting resident visually oriented species in the affected areas – are the main factors causing the low diversity in the silted area as a whole. The correlations between CPUEs, conductivity and nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentrations do not appear to reflect cause–effect relationships, indicating that these environmental parameters are poor predictors of fish density in Batata Lake.  相似文献   

Twenty eastern North American estuarine/saltmarsh locations, for which publishedinventories of inhabiting fishes wereavailable, were selected for study. Thegeographic range of systems extended from southTexas on the west; North River, FL. on thesouth; to Prince Edward Island, Canada on theeast; and James and Hudson Bays, Canada at thenorth. A total of 237(±) species offishes were associated with these systems. Lifehistory groupings included: permanent residents(9.3%); marine nursery species (17.7%);diadromous fishes (5.5%); marine transients(52.3%); and freshwater transients (15.2%).The most widely distributed species wereprimarily permanent residents and marinenursery species. The fraction of residentspecies did not vary significantly over thelatitudinal range, but the fraction of marinemigratory (MN + MT) species decreased withlatitude. An increasing fraction of diadromous(anadromous) species may compensate for thedecreasing fraction of marine migratoryspecies. Permanent residents, marine nurseryspecies, and marine transients all showedextended periods of spawning. Permanentresident species showed the widest ranges ofambient salinity tolerances or of ambientsalinity ranges of occupied habitats, withmarine nursery species second. Patterns withrespect to ambient temperature tolerances wereassociated with geographic ranges rather thanlife history groups. A general profile wasproduced of characteristics of species thatlive as permanent residents in salt marshestuaries of eastern North America.Species and family relationships of fishes froma group of 17 and another of 25 estuarieslocated along the west coast of Europe werecompared with the eastern North American group.European estuaries showed higher speciesrichness per system than did those of easternNorth America. Family representations ofeastern North American and western Europeanestuaries were compared with a series ofestuaries located in southwestern Australia andSouth Africa. This showed significant overlapin family representation, with two speciesbeing common among the four continents.  相似文献   

Water voles have suffered large population declines in the United Kingdom due to habitat degradation and predation by invasive American mink. Habitat restoration of floodplain wetlands could help to reverse this decline, but the detailed habitat preferences of water voles in these environments have not been well studied, and the impacts of restoration practices on water vole populations are not known. This study investigated the habitat preferences of water voles in a reconnected lowland river floodplain. The results show that water voles preferred wider water bodies, and taller and more diverse vegetation. The impact of flooding on water voles was also investigated by comparing their occurrence between two survey periods which were separated by large flood events, and by comparing distribution patterns before and after restoration. Contrary to previous reports, there was no observed negative impact of flood events on water vole distribution, which has slightly expanded since the floodplain was reconnected to the river in 2009. Overall this study demonstrates that restored wetlands can provide suitable habitat for water voles, and provides guidance on some of the factors which should be considered when designing floodplains for water vole conservation.  相似文献   

Daily variation in water potential was measured inCynodon dactylon in seasonally flooded areas of the Pongolo river floodplain. Soil moisture declined during the dry winter season when the plants were exposed, causing them to experience increasing water stress. Fog and mist appeared to relieve stress but it is concluded that water stress is sufficient to reduce production during exposure. The results are discussed in relation to the timing of flood releases from the upstream Pongolapoort dam and it is concluded that the period of exposure is of less significance than the duration and frequency of inundation in the formulation of guidelines for flood releases from the dam.  相似文献   

1. Our objective was to measure the influence of hydrological connection with anabranch channels on the availability of major carbon sources in a lowland, anabranching floodplain river landscape. 2. Results show that anabranch channels are sinks for large quantities of sediment‐associated carbon, facilitated by high rates of sediment deposition, and are sources for dissolved organic carbon (DOC), partly via inundation‐stimulated release from surface sediments and leaf litter. This dual role influences ecological pattern and process at multiple spatial and temporal scales, including within‐flow pulse phase differences in carbon availability and anticlockwise hysteresis in the DOC–discharge relationship. 3. Hydrological connection with anabranch channels in riverine landscapes appears to increase the retention, concentration and diversity of carbon sources over both space and time, changing the timing of carbon transport downstream and shortening the carbon spiral at a landscape scale. 4. In contrast to floodplains, anabranches exchange carbon sources with the river ecosystem during flow pulses below bankfull. They are relatively easy to target for management because they have definable commence‐to‐flow levels and require relatively small amounts of water for connection. However, the type and amount of carbon exchanged between the anabranches and the river channel will vary depending on the frequency, magnitude and duration of flow pulses. 5. Managed, periodic connection of anabranch channels via environmental flows should be considered as an option between large flood events.  相似文献   

A recent re-analysis of the data of Salisbury (1974) claims his data do not support the hypothesis that seeds of species from shaded habitats are heavier than those from unshaded habitats, partly because the original analysis was inappropriate and partly because of bias in the dataset. We show first that the re-analysis itself contains errors, and second that the charge of bias is based largely on a misunderstanding. We also show that analysis of a larger dataset, drawn from Salisbury (1942) and from Salisbury (1974), provides convincing support for the hypothesis and suggests that the relationship is independent of life history.  相似文献   

The predicted effects of global climate change include altered patterns of precipitation and more extreme weather events, leading to an increase in the severity and frequency of episodic disturbances such as floods. These changes may affect lotic prey communities, which could indirectly affect aquatic and riparian predators through trophic linkages. We assessed whether extreme flooding affected the apparent survival of Brown Dippers Cinclus pallasii in Taiwan using mark–resighting data and climate data. The probability of survival was negatively correlated with the degree of flooding, and survival of first‐year birds was lower than that of adults. Previous analyses of this system suggest that the main, indirect mechanism driving such patterns is the impact of flood disturbance on the aquatic invertebrate prey of Brown Dippers. Our results show that changes in prey communities induced by flooding have the potential to affect predators in aquatic and adjacent riparian habitats. This highlights the importance of considering cross‐ecosystem linkages when identifying conservation and management goals in the face of future climate uncertainty.  相似文献   

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